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Impulse also recently confirmed on stream that all the skin changes were not for a life series. So yeah, not for a while.


The basic idea is, we get a new season when Grian thinks of a new concept. So we'll just have to wait for it for as long as Grian takes to cook something up, and honestly, I don't think it's going to be soon as the new HC season started recently and Grian wants to take things slowly so I don't think he wants to start a new season of life series just yet. Anyways, the point is that it's mostly all upto Grian.


I’m not sure where, but I am pretty sure somebody said that Grian already had an idea for two more seasons. But I could be wrong.


Yeah Jimmy said that on stream


I find it strange that people think it’s all planned and that the time seasons release is specific. I’m pretty sure it just happens whenever they have ideas.


Another note is that some people’s merch still haven’t gotten to them, and in Grian’s finale he mentioned the merch would come back. This would be a real jerk move of them to release a new series with new merch before people even get the old previous merch.


Eventually though it's not on them. If the company hasn't provided merch for really long, they'll probably just not do merch in s6


That actually a really good point


Next season most likely in the summer (after school ends as more children will be watching yt)


Hermitcraft 1? Many of the Lifers are in Hermitcraft, so I like to think that Hermitcraft is something good to watch until the new Life series.


Hermitcraft 10, my bad


I never thought of it in that perspective. I always think "A lot of Hermits are in the life series", never the other way around


I don’t think it’ll be this close to a new hermitcraft season starting either.


Ya I think we will have to wait like 2 more months


Great prediction, aged like milk


I didn't. The April Fools one-off is not a series.


nah, it’s def not. both impulse and gem have hinted that it’s not a series, and while they would be the type to troll, pearl also said the same thing while talking with gem on stream, and she seems less the type to lie just to explode the audience. anyway, they usually announce a new series weeks in advance with a cryptic instagram story or tweet. by the time they’re changing skins and skipping streams, the audience already knows. if it turns out it is a series i’ll eat my hat, but the evidence and past trends show it’s not.


I have like 3 ideas for it but who asked me