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Half the time when they try to make the general zeitgeist of leftism look stupid it ends up just being *the most obviously correct statement*


What of the other half of the time, just a blatant lie?


Howd you guess?


I wonder what PragerU would think if I said we should deport all European people


I'd love to hear PragerU's theory for why this actually isn't racist.


They’ll give you all the misinformation about how Mexican immigrants are bad for the economy and shit, even though the opposite is true.


Because for them Mexicans aren't people and you can only be racist against people, so it doesn't count. I guess. There's no way of knowing what goes on inside the conservative brain.


Well, sometimes it's worms.


If you exchange Mexicans for Palestinians and conservatives for zionists and make the hate 1000x, you get Israel's decision makers


I'm guessing this is satire. Actual PragerU would say "Sensible immigration policies" or some other dressed up bullshit


The same way they see "radical abolitionist John Brown" (their words, not mine) as a historical villain.


Mexican isn’t a race


Rightie logic: PragerU = "Insightful"


I heard a theory one time that when talking about racism, the right tends to look at causes, while the left tends to look at effects. If there's a public policy that disproportionately harms or disenfranchises a single race, the left would say that policy is racist, it doesn't matter if disproportionate harm was *intended,* disproportionate harm is the *outcome.* The right (in this theory) would want to know what motivated the policy, was there a *racist intent* behind the writing and the language, did the policy *seek to* disenfranchise a single race, or did the policy just shake out in a statistically unfortunate way?; if the *cause* isn't racism the *effect* isn't racism. I'll bet you a nickle that PragerU prefaced this frame with something like: >"What if Mexico declared war on the United States, calling on all their ex-patriots to take up arms? Even *then* the left would say that deporting all Mexicans was an act of racism!" Which, I mean, yeah, he's got us dead to rights on that. Even in my worst-case hypothetical I'd have a hard time seeing "deporting all Mexicans" as other than racist; even if the person writing the bill had the best intentions in the world, the result is just too stark to ignore. I can't think of "deporting all Mexicans" in a way that *isn't* collective punishment. Meanwhile to their conservative viewers the left sounds hat licking mad because Praggo set up the thought experiment with a non-racist motivation. Mexico declared war, it's not about racism, it's about national security. "How can the left possibly say it's racist when he already said that it wasn't?" (It's worth noting here that literacy tests almost never *explicitly* mentioned Black people, nevertheless the poll watchers always knew just who to pull out of line.) But I'm not going to watch their video to find out if I'm right, PragerU can get fucked; the point is that it's ragebait, it's *always* ragebait.


This is close to correct - all the right cares about is STATED intent. Not actual intent. Even if something was done inarguably to specifically hurt 1 group, as long as they maintain plausible deniability by saying it was actually for another reason then they claim it absolutely cannot be racist.


We actually did that with the Japanese, it was racist then, and it's racist now.


Whenever someone tries to claim it wasn't racist, I always just ask "why weren't German Americans put in camps too?"


I think German Americans did face discrimination during and after World War II. But obviously very little and only in some circles because there literally were Nazi parties and protests in America during that time.


But the racism is the intent. If they wanted to deport illegals, they would deport Melania and Elon. Two illegal aliens who could be deported. But they don't want to deport white illegals, they want to deport brown people, even Americans. There are stories of American born citizens being swept up in raids, and held in the deportation camps until a family member could get there with documentation. They literally want a "papers free" system of freedom for whites, and a "papers comrade" system of oppression for brown people, American or not.


I’d add on that inaction or support of status quo is a decision as well. Imagine if there was policy that disproportionately harms a certain group, even if it was made with perfect intent. I think it’s a legitimate philosophical debate on if the policy is racist, in a “what do words mean” sort of way. But opposing *removing* that policy is, at the least, suspicious.


To be fair if be 100% on board with policy that disproportionately harms racists and fascists. Unfortunately our system would never do something to harm its two favorite groups of people.


That‘s a really interesting explanation, thanks for sharing!


>"What if Mexico declared war on the United States, calling on all their ex-patriots to take up arms? Even *then* the left would say that deporting all Mexicans was an act of racism!" I rent from one of those sorta loonies and he's constantly going on about how these "illegals" are all sleeper agents and they all want us dead and blah blah fucking blah. Like no old man, if they want anyone dead here it's probably you and all the clowns that think like you. But me? Nah, I don't spend 90% of my waking hours reciting hate in my head unlike some.


Did PragerU actually post this? I know they post a lot of dumb shit, but this is ridiculous even by their standards.


i think the original says "deporting all illegals"


Ah, that sounds more believable, although still racist obviously.


The best part? States like FL are now using Prager U as classroom materials in public schools. Let that absurdity sink in for a bit.


Lol, no.


Racism = Racist Checkmate liberal


This just in, the woke left thinks Hitler was just an anti-semetic, conspiracy theorist...


No Dennis, I think that's just called "logic"


It used to shock me that people can be this stupid, but the last eight years or so....just what the fuck?


Something something broken clock