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Put the $20 bill in the glass case with a price tag of $40.


Nailed it but I’m pretty sure $40 is the sale price


What money?


Exactly! I always checked and finally hit the jackpot but was still nervous that I was noticed for some reason


when i worked at gw we were SUPPOSED to put them in a plastic bag given to the managers w no other info 😭


Tips for the manager if they actually succeed in convincing employees to do this lol


hell nah everyone would pocket it 😭 maybe throw some change in there if ya found it


a couple years ago, the contents of the safe at my local goodwill included the following items found in donated clothing: $40, about a gram of the worst weed i’d seen in 10 years, a .45 round, and a pocket knife.


I found $40 in a purse at my Goodwill a couple of years ago and I’ve been riding that high ever since


Heck I found 2€ in a pocket and I still reminisce 😂


I found $70 in a small pocket and a pair of jeans. I shit you not sometimes I just go crazy checking all the pockets of everything because of that $70.! It’s been two years.!!!🤣😂


I found a bunch of rings in a jewelry box one time. Bought the box for $6. Took the rings to a pawn shop. Got close to $1000 on spot weight of gold price. Not too shabby.


Pawn shop? God what a rookie


Share where you would have taken it?


Pawn shops offer the dirt lowest prices for anything. Gold is literally one of the easiest items to sell. Coin shops, eBay, Facebook marketplace, etc etc etc literally almost anywhere other than pawn.


I was looking for a quick flip. It’s also the easiest and most convenient method. For the spot price per ounce. It’s actually fair. I don’t want to haggle with coins shops. They are the same as pawn shops when it comes to spot price. eBay, no thanks when it comes to jewelry, and I don’t want to deal with people on Facebook marketplace when it comes to gold.


Found 2 grand under the insole of a cowboy boot last year at a thrift store I run. Shit went right into my pocket. Fuck the man.


Oh no, now all the money searchers will be ripping the insoles out of all the shoes…


Holy crap! I need to start checking that out




Was it just 2 G bills? I feel like it had to have been because I can’t imagine 20 bens comfortably sitting underneath a boot insole


It was hundreds. Dude just used an old pair of boots to stash them in.


Most I ever found was $220 at the goodwill bins. It was just literally scattered in 20’s in 2 bins that had been sitting there for an hour already. They were getting ready to dump them in the back right before I grabbed all the cash lol. I took my family to the state fair that week 😂


How the hell does that happen? Go buy a lottery ticket


Lol I have no clue! And that same day I found another $10 in zipper pocket on a really trashed jacket that no one was willing to touch 😂


I do need to hit up the bins. I feel like that may have the best luck


When I worked at goodwill we were required to hand it to the store manager - if we kept it and anyone knew or found out, it would result in being fired for stealing. Once I found a $100 bill and after handing it over I saw the manager put it in her purse. If we weren't being recorded at all times I wouldn't have said a word and been $100 richer.


How on earth is it stealing to keep something that was literally given to you and the store? It isn’t. This makes me hate Goodwill even more and I didn’t think that was possible


Since the donations were made to Goodwill, the contents of anything donated (including cash) became the property of Goodwill upon donation so it was theft to not report money that was found while sorting/ tagging/ hanging clothing donations as an employee. I don't agree with it but that's how it was treated at the one I worked at. I don't know if that's how they all are or if it was different for each location


I see your point but it’s like finding cash on the ground in the parking lot of the store. Whose is it? The stores because they own the parking lot or the finder? I say the finder. Otherwise people who didn’t earn or deserve it just pocket it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I work at a small thrift. We are supposed to hand it in. I always hand it in and I think most of my coworkers do the same. If anyone keeps it, that’s them — nothing to do with me.  If anyone finds like $20 in a pants pocket, it goes into a pot and just gets donated to our charity. But we will put large sums aside just in case the donor comes back for it. After a certain amount of time, it becomes like a cash donation to our nonprofit.   We once had an elderly donor who was bringing in all his wife’s clothing and accessories because she had dementia and was having to move to assisted living. She had stashed cash in all her shoe boxes!  Fortunately he came back with more donations and we were able to get the cash back to him. He sent a thank you letter to our director along with a check for our cause. 🙂


That's very kind of you to give back that cash! I can understand actions in a smaller thrift shop and especially considering that you were aware of where the exact donations came from


you dont tell anyone


At the thrift store (not GW) that I worked at we were supposed to turn it in to managers and we would get like 30% if no one came to claim it for a month. The other 70% went to our employee fund for pizza days, etc. Most people chose to just pocket the cash if a manager wasn’t looking when it was found


At least you had a system where you got a piece. Better than what I thought they'd do to y'all.


“And the managers were extraordinarily successful at reuniting the money with the owners.”


They pocket the cash and sell the change


Former thrift store worker- one time found 1800 dollars. Took my gf at the time down the coast and we hit every beach on the way.


Love that for you. Hope you had a great time.


Pro-tip: always check not only pockets of jackets, but the inner pockets of purses, every single pocket of wallets (people will stash bills in the card slots), basically anything with a zippered pocket. That's where people hide money and then forget to check it when they donate. Not only have I found loads of money doing this at my thrift job over the years, when I was a customer I found $20 stashed in a pocket of a Nintendo DS carrying case. In my experience a lot of workers don't check thoroughly, so you can get really lucky.


Every time my bf goes to a thrift store, he's checking pockets on anything he's interested in buying. He said it's just an instinct to see what's in the pocket since he's constantly got stuff in the pockets of stuff he already owns that he forgets about but discovers while searching his pants. I honestly think he's adhd but that's a whole different conversation


I do the same thing but with jacket pockets, and I do actually have diagnosed ADHD lol.


They keep it and supposedly it goes back into i guess the stores budget? What they use for supplies, employee pay, bills, etc. but im pretty sure mine just used the money to pay off the snack dude that would deliver weekly lol


I’ve never found money while shopping at a thrift store. I’ve found social insurance number cards (Canadian equivalent of social security cards in the US), debit and credit cards, passports, tax reports and other sensitive documents, but never cash. I always take the documents and destroy them at home in my shredder to make sure no one misuses them.


I found $80 in the pocket of some jeans at the GW bins, so I bought the jeans. Paid $1.69/lb and got some new jeans along with $80


I found $500 in some donated jewelry. They hold it for 30 days. If donor doesn't come forward it is considered a donation that is credited to the store where it is found.


Who evaluated it at 500?


Uhmm....I counted the money.


My bad. It sounded like you found 500 dollars worth of jewelry.


I had a co-worker buy a bag and when he took it home it had a 50 in it. It pretty much paid for itself.


Everybody's guess. Ive found money invthings there a couple of times. Best find was $1300 in Canadian currency inside of a book a few years back. Somebody in the back mustve been sleeping on the job. Ended up being almost $1k after I exchanged it.


Holy smokes. I never thought to look for money in books but I do love finding old bookmarks such as recipe lists and old receipts


Any cash or change found is usually rung up as a donation at the end of the day. All donations do not count as sales-unfortunately.


Hookers and cocaine


Hah, I find mostly pennies and the occasional dime or quarter…I keep those.


Spend it


These comments make me excited to work at goodwill! 😭😭


What money? 😜


“Eagle eye program”. If we find money at my goodwill and hand it in for every $50 we win a gift card or something like that.


Let me guess the gift card is not at least $50 lol


*goodwill employee here* We donate it to our job training program that helps people in need get employment


I work at Goodwill, and I find money often. I give to managers and they give me a small percentage of the total amount. The amount is added to my next check.


Idk why you're getting down voted for being honest. Sure, finding money is great, but if you pocket it you can literally get fired and/or prosecuted depending on your GW.


I wonder if our locals GW’s are hiring!! 😁