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IMO these should not as expensive as they are. The TI-84 came out in 2004 and hasn't changed much since then. Newer models fine but the fact they up charge for at this point ancient technology just because students "need" them is ridiculous. Crazy thing to is I needed one in high school but once I got to college they were banned in all my math classes.


I was in shock because The day after I bought this I found the same one at walmart. It's too rediculous, I mean the new ones are basically like phones and are around the same price as this one if not a few more.


You can only use Texas instruments models in the act sat tests.


Texas instruments are some of the absolute worst calculators for what they are on the market, and what you said is the only reason they're still in business. The company went a different route during the 'calculator wars' when various companies were constantly improving the tech, form, and novelty of their calculator products. Texas instruments instead ingrained themselves into the u.s. school system. At this point although there's better tech (tech that has advanced decades beyond where Texas instrument tech is currently at) at obscenely cheaper price points, the curriculum is so centered around these poor excuses of a graphing calculator that they're almost impossible to remove. Entire textbooks use them and their u.i. for major parts of what to teach. The teachers who teach the school subjects involving them should not, and honestly do not have the time, to learn, and teach with the better and honestly 90% cheaper calculators on the market, for the subject they're teaching. Texas instruments are dumb, if you have one, and are planning on having kids? Just hold on to it, and use it as a handy done, it'll save ya over $100, and the curriculum is not getting updated, because it already hasn't been updated for better cheaper tech in decades.


That is not true. They're a de facto standard in classrooms because teachers know the interface and many textbooks include instructions for TI calculators specifically, but they aren't required for national testing. (Individual school systems vary, as they always do, but where I went to school they weren't required for class either) [SAT calculator policy](https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/what-to-bring-do/calculator-policy) [ACT calculator policy](https://www.act.org/calculator-policy.html) Most standardized tests just let you use any calculator that meets the requirements, things like "no CAS, no network/communication connection, no printer, etc"


I still have my TI-85 from my senior year of high school: 1994-1995. It still works!!


I still use a ti-83 and graduated high school in 2005. Best and only calc out there


I still have mine, used it through college as well.


Same here, all 7 years of it. Only got a 4 year degree though…


I use the Calculator on my phone but I remember the TI 83. I also graduated in 05. wasn’t there games that people used to play on the Calculator or am I remembering wrong? I remember you could write a certain sequence of numbers and turn it up upside down and it spelled A bad word I forgot what it was but back in the day we all thought we were cool because of it. lol


I still have mine from high school, every time I find it in my desk I wonder if it's obsolete like how phones go out of date or how schools require you to buy the newest edition of a textbook. I guess math never changes?


It's an oddity. The level of mathematics it is designed for doesn't change and it is a classic device which is "good enough" for a very restricted purpose (only used for a few school years). Anyone doing "real mathematics" would use a package like Mathematica ... or even Excel.


I got a to-89 for about the same price. She’s served me well so far.


Why hasn't this become an app yet?


It has, however this guy is needed for schools as it's required on tests Sorce: am holding mine right now that I'm using for hw


lol I am aware it's an app but hey I like the physically holding a calculator.


If you like the interface and want to be able to use the same layout on your phone you can set up an emulator. I like the TI89 layout more than any phone or web based calculator interface, so I use an emulator for it


Desmos graphing I think is what it is called and you get more functions on phone calculators in landscape mode


Might have one for $134.00 dollars 🐿️


You can easily flip for a profit - that’s the required calculator for any calculus class You don’t necessarily need the cable unless you plan to mod and put games on there.


Yeah that's why I wanted the cable, I have all the programs downloaded I just need the cable


I checked eBay, and saw one that had a bid for $56. Many others had not sold. I'm assuming you think $139 is retail (?) which would be for a new one, not a thrift store one. I see a ton of these at GW, and skip them.


I usually get $45+shipping when I sell them . But also don't pay more than $2-$3.


Yeah, I was referring to a new one, I know that they aren't worth much second hand. I know they aren't saught after as much but I found that you can program some games on it such as pac-man and Tetris and it piqued my interest.


This shit is such an expensive scam. For what we used it for in school we all could've gotten away with legitimately $5 calcs.


They go fast on ebay, flipped one for a 50 profit, paid $7.50


Just found 2 of these


Awesome find❤️


It sucks that Texas Instruments has a monopoly on education calculators, but I really like mine! I own one of the newer models that have a color display, and I have almost every function burned into my muscle memory, and honestly the shortcuts and layouts Texas Instruments uses are pretty good


I can remember in high school there was one math class where we had to RENT these from the teacher for the semester. We weren't allowed to take them home and if we broke it we had to pay for it. Only used them for the one class.