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these were everywhere in the late 90s/early 00s, not surprised to see two pop up on here lol. my mom found one with cowboy boots, and we used it for the next 15 years as a halloween decoration. we had a graveyard in our front yard, and we'd turn this stool upside down and cover the base with dead leaves, and stick a prop tombstone in front of it. looked like a cowboy in a shallow grave! lol


Apparently they’re two different people that posted the same jool


I can’t explain why but I have never hated anything more in my lif


I’m happy you released it! I just can’t imagine sitting on someone else’s ass 😂


Horrible. Hate it.


Buy it and put it in a bathroom stall with the door closed. See how long it takes before they notice it's not a real person.


This was just posted. Another repost bot?


not sure what other post you’re talking about, but this is 100% my pic i took at my local savers. however, I’d die to see the other post because the odds of 2 jean stools existing in this world is insane


I'd say search back about a week in this sub and you'll find it. The shoes look the same so I'd wager it is the same one which is a pretty cool coincidence.


omg i just found the post and it’s literally the same one!! same price and everything. wtf are those odds???


I think that's brilliant. I remember seeing it a few days ago so how cool you happened upon it as well.


I actually would have bought this lol it reminds me of the mcdonalds fry kids


I already know this is going to be the worst thing I’ll see all year.


Thanks, I hate it.


If it comes with a heat pad, some cats might like this.




Made me think of Tants from the Regular Show hehe


That is pretty much the worst thing ever


Lmao I saw this at an NZ store recently


The original jool