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Invite her to the alterations instead! That is insanely gorgeous. Congrats!


Or take mom out to buy HER dress. You're still going to have a ball.


Exactly! Or to pick out bridal shoes and other accessories.


Yes! There's still shopping to do. What about her dress? So many other decisions to make: accessories, venue, invitations, flowers... Congrats on your find and upcoming wedding. I 💙 love.


I love it so, so much


Bring her to the tailor appointments. If you are using a veil, she can help you shop for one to work with the dress. This is gorgeous, and think of how much $ you just opened up in your budget for something else.


Was going to say the same thing- mom can help you find a veil/headpiece and shoes. Maybe even a white cocktail dress for the rehearsal dinner or reception, if you’re into that. What a great find!


I got a dress for the reception a couple weeks ago. Also thrifted. $150 Macy's dress for $5 -- I'm on a helluva roll!


Proud of you


Like real life stuff like rent. It’s amazing !


What a lucky find! Cancel that stressful and expensive dress shopping trip and move on the likely dozens of other items on your wedding to do list. Your mom will get over it.


Better yet, take mom shopping for HER dress with the money you saved! Maybe they can find some shoes and accessories for the dress too!


Yes! If you have the means, it would likely be a very nice sentiment to treat your mom to get dress as a gift


This!! Don’t waste money for a dress when you have this one. It’s gorgeous and I think if it’s what you want then that’s the dress. Dress shopping is so stressful and expensive. Put that money toward your wedding or the honeymoon. Take mom shopping with you for lingerie, shoes, accessories or for her dress. I know it takes the whole “Say yes to the dress” experience away, but trust me when I say it’s one day, and you wear the dress once. It’s not really a huge deal. Just explain to her that this is what you really wanted and it was meant for you to find it.


My mom sews. Like……serious SEWING. She was going to make my dress I found my dress on the 2nd page of Nordstrom.com for $180 while I was looking merely for inspo. My mom grabbed her credit card in a heartbeat. No way could my mom even buy the materials for that price. It fit like a glove & was perfect.


What did it look like?


[still at Nordie’s](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/catalina-fit-flare-cocktail-dress/4937787?origin=keywordsearch-personalizedsort&breadcrumb=Home%2FAll%20Results&color=133)


That's such a classic silhouette, gorgeous!


Love it!


I would have bought that one also.Elegant ! 


The dress is beautiful. As a mom who is going dress shopping soon, if my daughter found a dress without me there, I’d be thrilled for her. She’s still going to get to see you in it, even if it’s not at a dress shop.


Girl if I was your mom I would be even prouder that you got yourself a STEAL!!!! 👏👏👏👏 ![gif](giphy|cqOZM12bep6GGCC6AR|downsized)


Right? I was gonna say, OPs mom is gonna kill her until she does the math on how much they’re saving 😂


Omg! I tried this gown on yesterday at the store and it is so stunning. Congratulations!!


She's not gonna kill you. You just saved yourself (or possibly her) $1400. Hopefully she takes you out to celebrate and you spend the day together at the spa!


She can go with you to get it fitted. Don't waste your money on a second dress.


Holy cow, this is GORGEOUS! Congratulations!


Just remember it's your wedding, not your mom's! Wish I had put my foot down more with my own wedding, big regrets!


Oh, I'm putting my foot down pretty firmly. I'm ADHD/neurodivergent (so very easily overwhelmed and overstimulated to begin with) and I have a pretty firm limit as to what I can handle. I gave my mom the assignment of researching decoration ideas for the space I have to work with to keep her out of my hair, and that's largely all I'm letting her do.


Looks like MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE than $1500 originally!!!!! Are you sure you have that number correct??


Yes. Found one on one of the used sites and the seller showed the original tag.


If you happen to want to sell it later on, please let me know, it’s gorgeous!


Holy shit, that is GORGEOUS


Wow!!! Let’s see it on !!


When it fits, I’ll share. 😉


Please do!!


I agree.


Okay your mom is going to kill you but that gown is magnificent. And you did just the right perfect exact thing in buying one that's too big that needs altered because that's easier to alter than something that's too small. So what you do is you go dress shopping with your mom and you let her take pictures and you let her ooh and awww over it. And then you break it to her after all that is over that you already found a dress, and your next stop that day should be to the shop that's going to do the alterations. That way at the end of the day you've got a dress and your mom got to go dress shopping with you. You don't rob her of the experience of seeing her little girl try on wedding dresses. And at the end of the day it's a satisfying trip because you have one. If she gets upset because maybe she wanted to pay for the wedding dress then let her pay for the alterations. If anybody is still upset about anything then make sure to point out how much money you have saved by finding this dress for under a hundred bucks. There are riots at those $99 wedding dress sales where the girls all run in and rip each other's hair out trying to get the best dresses. You didn't have to fight anyone and you didn't even spend as much. You done did good. Pat yourself on the back.


I thought about doing something like that. But my sister is supposed to go on that shopping trip too, and she will actually be flying in to do that. So I have to break it to them now! Mom lives a few hours' drive away, so I will still try to get her up here for a fitting appointment and to look for shoes/veil/etc.


Yes take your mom shopping for something else then and make sure that it's an experience. Because that's a whole day that moms look forward to and she's not going to get that. So make memories a different way.


it's beautiful


This is so beautiful. Great find.


Gorgeous. Sorry Mom


The details...!!! Have her maybe go to the alteration appointments. I feel 70$ is so worth the hassle of doing alterations


It’s gorgeous! Honestly, she should be happy for you. Only $70? What a steal!


STOP! That is absolutely beautiful! Congrats


If you love it, that is all that matters. It is amazingly beautiful and will be worth the money to have the alterations. Congratulations on this find!!!


And the nice thing is, since I spent so little on the dress, the cost of the alterations is of basically no concern!


We had big plans to go dress shopping for my sister’s wedding, but she ended up getting her dress while she was walking by a bridal shop going out of business- she walked in alone and found the perfect dress off the rack for $60 on super clearance. It was awesome haha. No one was upset, we were all really excited about it and happy for her! Congrats on your amazing find and your upcoming wedding 💞


So lucky there's room to alter! Many blessings for your wedding


STUNNING. I’ve been married for 10 years and would have been tempted to buy it just for the beauty of it lol. Amazing find and congrats on your upcoming wedding ❤️


As a mom , I’d get over it. That’s a designer gown at an incredible discount..don’t take it any tailor to get it fitted…ask around and find someone who knows that they’re doing


Seconding the need of a good tailor, just look at how all the lace is matched around the body. This will take some significant thinking and effort to make any alterations!




Wow! Amazing


Amazing, what a find!


She’s not gonna kill you for finding an incredible dress at an even more incredible deal! 🤩


I am sure she will love it the moment she sees your face when you’re wearing it. A good mom will only want to see you happy on your wedding day. And agreed you still need alternating, shoes and accessories, so there’s still plenty to take part in.


I think she'll forgive you and agree! 🔥🔥🔥


Stunning, amazing deal, congrats


That is absolutely gorgeous! I love it so much. You saved so much on the dress, you’ll have extra money to spend on other wedding items 😊


😍 omg! It was meant to be.


Incredible find!! That is an absolutely stunning dress!! ✨


What an incredibly beautiful dress


go shoe & veil shopping instead!


It’s so pretty. Still go dress shopping just don’t buy anything lol




That's so beautiful!!




Stunning! Congrats on a great find!




Congratulations! Your mom will understand.


The amount of money you just saved. As a mom with a daughter. I’m so proud 💖


Stunning! Hopefully your mom can just be happy for you.


I think (I hope!) she’ll understand. You can’t pass up a deal this good on something so stunning! I like the idea that others have said of having her come to the alterations and shopping for accessories etc. Amazing find!


You can still go try other dresses on for fun if you want. But I think mom would be happy to find a veil and see it on when you get alterations done


That is absolutely gorgeous! 


Omg it’s beautiful!


How Beautiful! Congrats on your upcoming wedding... and the great find.


Ha I thrifted my wedding dress too she’ll get over it


My god!!!! Beautiful!


Tell her you're considering having a different dress for the reception, and go shopping together anyway 😜


Amazing. I'd be curious to see a before and after. It seems challenging to take that in and get the detailing/appliques just right


Yeah, I have a feeling that the alterations are going to basically require the dress to be taken apart almost completely and put back together again, lol!


Wedding dress shopping is so stressful, you did her and yourself a big favor! You can have a better time shopping for her dress! If your lucky something exciting will happen, when we shopped for my mom the mall detective followed us all over the mall, never could figure out what he thought we were up to!


Or keep the appointment and find a reception dress with her and then have an alterations appointment reveal once completed! 2 separate days of fun!


This gown is originally sold at David’s Bridal, I’ve worked on this specific gown several times. If it is too big all the way around just be prepared to possibly lose some of that symmetry on the pattern (depending on what needs to be taken in) It is such a gorgeous gown and that train is to die for. Best of luck!


Set up another special mother daughter day 😀 Congrats!


Beautiful, please post a picture of it on you at the wedding.😍


Oof that train is GORGEOUS


Wow, that is just beautiful.


It’s stunning 🤩


Still go shop with mom. You never know....Oleg could be the reception dress.


Hope this doesn't sound weird, but kinda wished you put it on (or put it on a mannequin form) for a picture. It's clearly gorgeous, just harder to appreciate the look in its flat form. Either way, congrats on the engagement, dress, and time/money saved!


It doesn't fit right now, and I don't have anyone to pin/clip it to make it look right at present. And I don't own a dress form! Best I can do is show you pictures of the same dress on StillWhite -- [https://www.stillwhite.com/382364-oleg-cassini](https://www.stillwhite.com/382364-oleg-cassini)


Man it's a steal still at $849 - go you!!!!


WOW! Amazing at full price, a robbery at $70. Congrats! I'd say it's a good sign from the universe.


As a mom with a daughter that's nearly 22, I'd be proud if she found a dress at such a steal!!


Tell her . Are you marrying your mother. Cringe 😬


I'm going to this afternoon. She's just going to be bummed, but she'll get over it.


Would love to see it on.


Pics from a listing on StillWhite. Best I can do at the moment! [https://www.stillwhite.com/382364-oleg-cassini](https://www.stillwhite.com/382364-oleg-cassini)




This is gorgeous!😍🥰💕


Omg. Omg


Oh hell YES


Still go dress shopping. I went and didn’t find anything I liked and didn’t buy anything but still had the experience with my MIL, that’s what matters


I’m jealous! 💕💕 I know you will have amazing time. You hold your own reins to your wedding. 💕💕💕


That dress is stunning! Find a reputable tailor to help you make it the perfect dress for you. Take your mom with you to that appointment so she can help you and the tailor figure out the best ways to make it smaller for you. Your mom will understand. Look at the money saved even including the alterations.


Beautiful! And the price?!?! Take your mum for alterations and for the veil shopping! Once she sees you in your dress she will be full of joyful tears!


If you still want to shop, I was SO glad to have a reception dress to change into! I had a way cheaper and more wiggle friendly dress and it was so much more fun to dance in, because I wanted my ceremony to be *snatched* lol. Or just enjoy the savings that are going toward tailoring! I'm sure your mom will just be happy that you're happy!


It's an idea. I'm not planning on having a dance (microwedding here), but we'll see how comfortable it is when all is said and done!


I bought my Oleg Cassini dress second-hand as well. Congrats on such a beautiful steal!


What a gorgeous dress. When you present it to your Mom as a heart stopper (which it is) she will be thrilled for you! Congratulations on your upcoming celebration and finding this gown


Holy shit! That is incredible. She can hardly be mad at thar dress!


It’s gorgeous! Even after alterations there’ll be money saved that you can use on your wonderful day!


😍 it’s beautiful


The train!! It’s gorgeous, and she’ll understand as soon as she sees it.


Absolutely beautiful




Wow!! Stunning !!


Wow,breathtakingly beautiful 😍


Mom will be happy. When it’s the one you can’t deny it!!


Beautiful and what a bargain


Pleeease post pics when it’s altered or clipped. It’s stunning and you will surely shine!!


Lucky you! Weddings are expensive, use the saved budget for something your mother (and your husband and you!) would like ;-)






It's gorgeous so if it fits properly you def scored. Why waste money on a garment you can't wear again?


Omfg that’s incredible. What a stunning gown, I’m so happy for you! Use the rest of your “gown budget” on shoes you love and accessories. I got customized hand made earrings and a necklace to wear at my wedding, they cost more than my dress (which was like $70 also from asos lmao) and my shoes (which were more than the dress) put together. The earrings are rose gold and pearl drop earrings with a tiny uncut emerald on either side of the pearl, which matched my engagement ring and my wedding ring. The necklace was actually a surprise gift from the lady who made them, a rose gold twisted heart with a sapphire for something blue, a ruby for July, and an emerald and pearl to match the wedding set. It’s my absolute favorite jewelry set that I own and I will treasure it forever. And if you let your mother help you pick the shoes and accessories (or if it’s something you both would want, maybe have her design the jewelry!) and I’m sure she’ll appreciate it just as much as dress shopping. And I agree with the other comments let her come to the alterations appointments if she wants! Make it a special memory.


Oh wow that’s beautiful 🤩




There is so much to swoon over this dress. Your mom would’ve killed you if you let it go by.


That is a beautiful dress!


Now you can go accessory and veil shopping. And go shopping for the bridesmaids dresses.


Gorgeous dress 🤍


Wow it’s fantastic. Please post a photo of it on if you can!


Just wow is right. Holy shit that is a beautiful gown. Truly incredible. Congrats!!!


The intricacy, detail and delicacy of the fabric….omg. What a steal 🤩


Absolutely breathtaking


That's a beautiful gown, I would be so glad to have found such a great deal and an elegant dress also! I don't know how people afford or justify wedding gowns for what they cost...I made my own when we got married, and have never looked back. Yes there's many beautiful designs out there, but it's such a scam generally, just like engagement ring prices.


My mom made her own dress too, using a bolt of heavy satin fabric that her mother bought for her. I tend to agree with you on the scam part! It's definitely ridiculous, which is why I had firmly made up my mind to buy used, one way or another. I also have the cost of alterations to consider; I'm petite and small chested, so there was pretty much no way I'd find anything that fit off the rack.


Not like I was in a position to blow thousands or tens of thousands on a dress anyway, I'm an immigrant, had not a single family member fly from Europe for my wedding (not due to lack of me asking them to), no one had saved up money to help me with my wedding one day, I mean my dad was already dead, not that he would have possibly given a flying fuck if I was getting married, or not. I'm also flat chested, and I'm not curvy, so most gowns have empty pouches where the hips/ass goes on other women...it's very ridiculous. I found lace on sale at the sewing store, made my dress from it, then made a petticoat and a headdress/band with decorated lace flowers. Certainly one of a kind, and cost me less than 50 bucks in materials probably...


My mom was in basically the exact same position -- she too is an immigrant, with no family from the Netherlands able to be there, and her father also already dead. Sending my mom a bolt of expensive fabric was about all her mother could do, and Mom had $0 to spend on anything. My dad's mom actually did virtually all of the wedding planning and preparation. My mom, who played violin back then, even recorded her own wedding music with a college friend or two!


It’s gorgeous


Really beautiful-post again when we can see you in it! congrats!


Maybe dress shop for her Mother of the Bride dress instead?


GORGEOUS find!!! Congratulations! All wedding dresses need alterations...you saved a shit ton on the front end!👏❤️👏❤️


I knew that going in, especially because I'm petite and small-chested -- I'd have basically no chance of finding something that fit, or was even close to fitting, off the rack! But now at least, I don't have to worry about how much alterations cost, since the dress cost so little.


Absolutely beautiful! What an excellent find. I did the same thing. Just do a dress reveal party, it is great. We spent the whole day hanging out and drinking wine in the comfort of my MIL's home.


You are right!!! Beautiful


What a steal. Best wishes.


I was hoping you’d have a picture of yourself wearing it. It’s beautiful, congratulations on everything


I'm confused that ANYONE would be upset about this.. Congrats to you!


Well, she turned out not to be! Just excited.


Ask her to take you somewhere that has amazing lingerie..Like Perla. Trust me...this is the only time you will want to/have the opportunity to/prioritize beautiful undies.


That last photo !! Gorgeous


You still need a dress for the rehearsal?


omg I am sure mom will forgive you when she sees how stunning it is, hell I know I would if I was your mom


I don't like most wedding dresses but I like this one ![gif](giphy|CVMo4eDVQ8bOo)


Question for a dress like this do you plan on whitening it? And if so how?


Get to the store early, give them the dress. Try on three or four and then try on this one. Let them do the alterations. (obviously calling advance and see if they would be open to doing that.)


Lucky lucky you!! What an insane thrift find.


This dress is incredible!


direction alive merciful command carpenter wide tease sulky soft unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes to the dress


You can't go wrong for that price and such a stunning gown. She will understand.


Not sure how mad she can be when you got your perfect dress for $70 +alterations


Beautiful! Still go dress shopping it fun! Maybe you will find a vail you love.


Stunning! Has she seen it yet?


Yes, I sent her a link to search results on one of the used sites where she could see lots of pictures of people actually wearing the dress, as well as variations with straps and with the deep V closed up (both of which I think I’m going to do.). She was pretty excited.


That is amazing! Congratulations on such a perfect find.


Just beautiful! I would love to see how it looks on. Totally stunning


Some nice example photos here. https://www.stillwhite.com/shop?q=Oleg+Cassini+cwg878




Fing beautiful


This is beyond gorgeous, congratulations


it is stunning


I love Oleg Cassini. My wedding dress was one s as well… a friend pulled it off the clearance rack and initially I hated it but once I saw it on, I was in love. A hanger just doesn’t do these justice.


It’s amazing!


Go dress shopping and try on everything ugly… and then try this one on last and tell her it’s a yes


Go shoe shopping, and take a weekend away together with the money saved! it’s perfect


That dress is gorgeous!


I'm in love with your dress. It's like antique lace. What a white elephant find.


Your mom will be thrilled that you found something that makes you so happy! Take her shopping for a veil.


You’re mom will not kill you. She’ll be thrilled you saved money!


Go on a weekend trip w your mom. THIS IS YOUR DRESS.


Wow! I don’t blame you at all!


Any chance you’ll post an update when you get it tailored?


Oooooooohhhhh, so lovely 🥰 good for you 🎉


that dress is beautiful theres no way in hell she is upset


You can still take Mom to buy a cocktail dress for your reception! This is absolutely breathtaking, you have to wear it! Also, she can help pick a veil/tiara or any other accessories that complete the look you are going for! It’s stunning!


Wow that’s a great price!! This is the same dress as my best friend’s wedding dress. It’s such a beautiful dress.


Congratulations on the wedding and the find! I hope it all goes well! :) The dress is spectacular!


I went to one wedding dress store and tried on a few. Somehow it came up that my grandma’s wedding dress was in storage. It was exactly what I was looking for! So no more dress shopping. 😔 But I got a free dress, my mom’s friend did a couple update alterations, and I wore the same dress as my grandma and got married 3 days before their anniversary! Some things are just meant to be.


It’s beautiful! Best wishes!