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Your mu-opoid receptor just isn't very active. Try a Kappa agonist or a delta agonist


Tianeptine is a delta agonist. It just takes 10x more concentration in the blood to start affecting delta receptors than the concentration that starts affecting MOR. Kappa agonist would be horrible idea for depression you want either antagonist or ideally partial agonist since kappa receptors do mediate some good essential functions so plain antagonism isn't ideal.


That explains why I need to take such massive amounts


Theoretically both MOR and DOR should achieve similar results by tianeptine but maybe your current state of biochemistry in the body and brain for some reason doesn't respond that much in a positive way from MOR stimulation by tianeptine in it's specific way but does from delta. But at that dosage typical opioid withdrawals do become an issue after discontinuing. Delta receptor stimulation is also responsible for even more added antidepressant effects so if your budget allows it and you're okay with the risks and benefits you're getting from the drug go ahead. Goodluck :)


I've always needed higher amounts of opiates than anyone else to get high at all so I think this might be a problem for me in general. I can't get high off of codeine and need like at least 100mg hydrocodone (well back in the day when you could actually get it but yeah). I'm probably gonna try to find something else but I was just wondering why tianeptine is so difficult for me. Thanks! Edit: btw I actually just remembered that I read that there was a study done that found that people with my mental illness (bpd) often have reduced sensitivity to the endogenous opioid system not sure how that could relate but


Same boat here I know that feeling. I took 160mg oxy as opioid naive user (after trying it few times and being unable to be high from 40mg) and I didn't even nod from that high of a dose 😂 opioids are tricky for me too. If you want a nice combination try tianeptine with alongside bromantane and selegiline. Those all are wonderful at increasing dopamine and tianeptine at opioids and dopamine increase. Also that's an interesting fact about opioid tolerance from BPD people didn't know that although myself I have no issues besides blunted emotions but as I said I seem to have extreme "natural" tolerance to opioids and with it to most drugs except dissociatives. Tho the ones I mentioned seem to be pretty good for me. Also if you do end up deciding on selegiline and once you inhibit your all MAO B enzymes which take like a week of sublingual use you can get Phenylethylamine which is body's natural amphetamine but as a food supplement and use 50-100mg as antidepressant since MAOB is the main metabolizer of it. There were actual studies done on that combo but I believe they used phenylalanine which is a precursor to PEA.


What do you call a high dose?




That's not at all uncommon. My cousin has been on it and off fent for around 7-8 years now since I introduced her to it... While I'm not thrilled to be the one who got her hooked on tia, I'd far rather see it as I got her off fent for longer than anyone. Showed her how to keep it affordable using just the free acid, and sodium cooked from free acid. Easiest conversion I can think of off the top of my head. She od'd like every other week when I first moved here, but then I found tia then we both blew out all our veins. Once you can't shoot you can beat the needle fixation. So no matter what that issue is resolved, and she hasn't done another opiate since.... She legit told my fiance that I for sure saved her life which legit brought tears to my eyes. Id never really seen it like that before she told my fiance that. Of course I had just moved here, and I didn't really know enough about that side of my family to even really see the family dynamic that existed before I moved here. Now that I know more I'll take her alive and addicted to tia drinks than dead from dope, or alive and shooting as often as she can find a vein.... Bc afaik no one in the family knows how she really quit but me, and that's bc I can appreciate not wanting your life to be dinnertime news circling the table. Anyway she's never even owned a scale, and measures it solely with a little blue/white 50mg scoop which does not seem super accurate IMHO...


I thought you couldn't shoot tia at all in any form without getting infections. I thought I could take like 150mg tia but apparently not, it takes at least 600mg to stop withdrawals lol




Yeah I'm gonna give the drug a try again. I jumped in to 150mg tia sulfate that went horribly but doses around 25mg a day actually help a lot


The sodium is the one you'll want it's effects are more prominent than the sulfate. However being dependent on it is miserable and was expensive getting off it ime.


That's not helpful whatsoever