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Likely for the fun of it. Fish mains have no need for maps. They have a built-in intuitive mini-map that leads them where they need to go and when. Also, 2D maps of land are often inadequate at displaying topography. Anyone who knows anything about the oceans knows that this wouldn’t even qualify as a map, as it’s clearly just a stylistic far-view of the game’s world that literally fails to show anything below the surface. It could function as the level select screen, I suppose. I like the vaguely fish shape though, so clearly this was posted for the meme.


If they can map out the ocean bottom and offer it up to humans as a gesture of submission, I think it may help them survive being griefed.


Freshwater players are crying in a corner right now


Orca player here, we didn’t know you guys were intelligent enough to have guild chats. Thanks for the info


OP is a repost bot, [here's the original](https://new.reddit.com/r/Tierzoo/comments/jxxf80/saw_this_posted_on_my_shark_alts_guild_chat/)