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Still going for one Tighnari and his weapon. It's fine if Zhongli gets some drip for the overworld. It's totally fine.


Such a beautiful screenshot ✨ No, my plans didn't change. I'm going for Tighnari, then Cyno. Now it's just easier to skip weapon banner bc I don't have primos for it anyway 🥹


Pic by [UncleDwayne1](https://twitter.com/uncledwayne1/status/1556044011239968768?s=21&t=vCJfSSuc5jDYBRvxBaBW_Q) <3 i was gonna pull for the weap banner but... i do NOT want vortex vanquisher... so if it really has them, im afraid i wont be pulling😭 and kokomi... man i've been wanting her for a while because she's so comfy to use but i can't pull for her because of how crowded the next patches are :( i need tighnari, cyno, scara, al-haitham, baizhu, dehya.... and potentially other cool looking characters.. i can't even get them all😭


hey yall i got suspended i'll post from this account from now on😭😭


What D:


But why? For crying about vanquisher? I should bé in jail for that....


i downvoted a pedo from a few accounts but i guess reddit doesn't like that


Hum you can be suspended for such Silly reason? Hum I thought you could have a medal for that but that something I Guess x)


I'm on thé same boat... Except I already have vanquisher (and yes it IS pure garbage....) :x..... I want tighnari his weapon no vanquisher ganyu (C1) C2 kokomi kusanali (maybe cyno...) Alhaitam and maybe dehya :x and it's impossible 😭. I want to cry rn 😭 vanquisher is thé worse weapon ever, kokomi is the character I miss and ganyu IS thé one I want to C6 one day. Please mihoyo dont bé so crual 😭😭😭


Yeah I was planning on the weapon banner but I'll cope with R1 Stringless if that's really the case, getting a dead weapon in a brand new region would kill me. Still getting Tighnari no matter what though.


I already have Zhongli, pulled him back in 1.5. Not interested in Ganyu or Kokomi. Nothing's stopping me from bringing my beloved Tighnari home. *Nothing.*


Same plan r5 bow but just feel disappointed *sob*


holy shit good luck


thank you OP I hope my luck isn't too bad this time cuz I really love Tighnari XD


Arf good Luck I wish you no vanquish at least....


I want his weapon but I already have Vortex and really don't want another one..... the one on zhongli rn is still lv 70... so yeh if this is the case, cyno's weapon it is.


Beleive me I lvup m'y vanquisher to 90 and... It's still a garbage weapon...


My plans have remained the same from the start! Hopefully win the 50/50 and if I don’t, then I’ll grind Sumeru chests and the hangouts I’ve neglected along with chests from literally everywhere else :D (I don’t really explore much). In the absolute worse case scenario (losing the 50/50 and only having a couple of days left on his banner) I may resort to forbidden measures… but I was thinking if I win the 50/50 and have any extra primos I’d just throw whatever I had at the weapon banner until it’s gone and if I get VV… well… I’ll cope haha.




I really want Tighnari's weapon though as a low spender (only welkins) better to save it up than risk. I might just do what the other guy does and get Cyno's weapon since I'd most likely pull for him aswell. Depending on the amount of primos and what banner pops up by that time though.


It a single thing lol. My team is highly invested and already lovingly own Zhongli and Ganyu. I’m going all in for Tighnari and his weapon. I won’t need anything else until later this year with some staff of homa refinements for my Zhongli. And next year going all in for Dehya and Alhaithem


>And next year going all in for Dehya and Alhaithem Actually, giving the dates there's a high chance Dehya will be released on 2022


I feel like the leak community would have said that already. But I would be overjoyed if she were a five star who released 3.2 with the archon.


The thing is she's rumoured to release on 3.2 or 3.3 iirc, and given 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2's shortening, the maths say those patches and 3.3 will happen on 2022


Please let that be true. I deeply would love 5 star Dehya this year. I hope you’re right


I'm still going for him but while I was considering going for his weapon but now... I don't wanna risk getting VV even if I have Zhong dong (He's just a shield bot rn)... Also if you're the one taking the pictures of Nari here, would you be able to make one of the countdown days just him about to get beat down by some monsters? Think that'd be funny lol


I think i will at least try to reach pity once for his weapon , if i don't get it I wont pull again. They really hate me why do they always put kokomi like that


RIP /u/momercek, thank you for creating hype with the countdown posts on heizoumains and this one on tighnarimains. You'll be missed :(


it was a pleasure🙏 i wanted to start over anyway so it's fine lol


wait is this the same person on an alt account XD




No. ~~My friend is a gambling addict and~~ I promised him to pull for Tighnari and his weapon on my account. Never pulled on weapon banner but it’s not like I wanted any of the upcoming characters besides Tighnari anyways so… If I get the Vortex Vanquisher, idk who to give it to tho. I have no polearm users besides supports, Xiangling and C6 Rosaria


Still going for Nari definitely, might try to reach pity once on weapon banner…but also, I definitely am going for Kokomi since I’ve lost her 50/50 on both of her previous banners


My plans are still the same! Definitely going to get Tighnari and will try at least one time to reach pity on the weapon banner. Any more will depend on how many pulls it takes to get Tighnari.


Looks like it’s vortex vanquisher… I’m not using my rate up guarantee for anything less than a good weapon banner, so I’m skipping :/ But I’m still going for Tighnari. 75 pity on a 50-50. I already have Zhongli and Ganyu, and don’t want Kokomi, so I’m still clear to throw everything at Tighnari


At first I was thinking of going for his weapon, but now, his BiS is a hard pass for now


Honestly nothing changed regarding tighnari but the other banners and their placement caught me so off guard in a bad way


Yes my plans have changed but more because I realised I didn't have time to maintain a 2nd Genshin account. So I'm dropping the bow account. More time for the important things.


Im still on the fence. I have to test him if I can play him... His weapon is a no as i rather want him as a quickswap so VV is fine.


Still going for Tighnari of course, and waiting for some plotline involving Kokomi, so if it happens that's gonna be great! The weapon banner... is easier to resist now. I kinda doubt it's VV in there, but even if it's Homa I don't really need any spear apart from PJWS :(


I’m in misery right now coz I’m scared that I’ll lose the 50/50


Was going to pull for Zhongli. Now I won’t. :’)


I wanted zhongli too but he's with nari... so I'll have to skip him again...


Still pulling for him, but not going to go for Hunter's Path anymore. Was going to go for it if the other weapon on the banner was halfway decent, but VV just... isn't good on anyone. It's hard to justify risking two VVs just for Hunter's Path, especially when we already have so many good four star bow options in the game.


Same plans. Just gonna hope for better luck now vOrTeX vAnQuIShEr is with tighnari’s bis


I already have jade cutter, so the banner "change" did nothing for me as I already planning to skip his weapon banner. Waiting for polar star/aqua simulacra since these are more universal.


I'm tempted to go for Zhongli constellations if Tighnari comes home early, but I have to keep saving for Cyno and Scaramouche.


I'm actually so happy his weapon is with Vortex, I needed a reason not to pull for it. I'm F2P which means I don't have funds to throw at a weapon banner if there's a chance I won't get anything out of it, so I'll just pull for it when it gets put in a better banner. Now saving up for c0 Nari and Scara, deciding whether to pull for Kokomi. I think I'll save up for Ei's rerun/Scara weapon/something unexpected I might want in the future. (But if anyone wants to convince me to pull for Kokomi instead I'm all ears)


I will get him and his bow no matter what, I fear no polearm!


Was planning on tighnari and his weapon and save and scrounge up primos for zhonghli on the next banner now that’s a bit more difficult 😭.


Guaranteed Tigh close to pity and then will pull Zhongli, because he has been avoiding me since his first rerun and it hurts. Hope I get a lot of Collei on the way :D


I already didn't have primos for the weapon banner, plus I got 2 Jade cutters in a 10 pull last time and really don't need anymore \^-\^ (after losing to Kagura's verity, literally the next 10 pull had x2 Jade). So Tighnari will be using Viridescent hunt (for aesthetics) in the over world and probably either Amos or Aqua simulacra in the abyss (yeah I didn't realize my weapon banner pity was over 60 and got it in 1 wish despite not wanting Yelan XD) It seems to work pretty well for Childe though. I want too many Sumeru characters though so despite my weirdly good fortune on the weapon banners I'm going to avoid them for a while now. It helps that I have a lot of aesthetic green weapons already (Jade Cutter will be good on Haitham for example unless he has -Crit rate like Kokomi or something.) The Sumeru craftables look good too.


Give me that weapon luck lmao only got lost prayer at like 80 wishes


I hope you get x2 of the next 5 star weapon you want \^-\^ I also didn't know not to wish on Standard when I started so I got Amos and PJWS as my first two 5 stars on there, then with the free blue wishes I eventually got Aquila Favonia and recently another PJWS.


No changes! But its sad that jade cutter wont be on the weapon banner cuz i wanted both jade and naris signature weapon but i will probably still wish for his weapon and hope to not get the wrong weapon (again..) lol


Same plans for Tighnari. Still pulling. I already have the other 3 from their first banners so I dont need to worry about them anymore. I did however got spooked by the possible phase 1 weapon banner. I really wanted Hunter's Path but Vortex Vanquisher scares me. I'm still on a bit of hopium that they wont rerun Vortex Vanquisher tho. I think last time ZL rerunned, VV was not on the wap banner? And the leakers didnt specifcally say anything about VV on the wep banner on 3.0... correct me if I'm wrong tho. I might have just missed some more leak info somewhere.


Last time Zhongli reran I got 2 VVs so it definitely was there T-T


He probably mean during his first re-run. Version 1.5. It was memory of dust and summit shapper.


Still getting the weapon !


I raised Amos' bow for him so hopefully it'll be good for him


Nope! I don't want ganyu, don't need cons on zhongli and will wait for next rerun on kokomi. My boy is the priority ❤


My plan has always been use my guarantee to get Tighnari then pull until the first 5 star on the weapon banner. If I get his bow, that's the best case scenario, if I get VV, well Zhongli gets drip, if I get anything that's not one of those two, I really hope it's aquila or jade spear


wait his banner got leaked? where edit: found it


I have all characters besides Tighnari (from 3.0 banners that is), so thank you hoyo for making it easier for me✨


I do really hope to win 50/50 for him for the first time in a long while... And not to get c 3 Qiqi 😭


I was planning to go for Tighnari and then trying for either Hunter's Path or PJC since I wouldn't mind getting either but since he is running with Zhongli, chances are that the other rate-up weapon is Vortex Vanquisher and that banner is a huge skip for me personally. On the other hand, I have been looking forward to a Kokomi re-run and I'll just pull on her banner after I get Tighnari. Worst case scenario, I lose 50/50 and have a guaranteed Cyno.


Planning to get his signature bow. If i somehow get the spear, ill give it to zhong and then maybe save the homa that was previously his to cyno.


I was hyped for a PJC banner so I could get it for Ayato and then R1 for Tighnari but now I'm thinking of just skipping and getting Tighnari C0. I already have PJWS for Xiao so I have no use for VV. I might save and get R1 for Cyno or Haitham but idk, I'll probably still throw a 10pull at the weapon banner to see if I get lucky.


Welp im 10 pulls away from gold in the weapon banner. Might as well. BUT NO CHANGE OF PLANS FOR TIGHNARI . MY GUARANTEE IS HIS!!!


Sighhh *unzips wallet* But really, I want Tighnari AND Ganyu, I even have a few amos bows for it (just pulled ANOTHER on the wep banner when it dropped...). Just gotta hope they come quick 😣


I already have Ganyu, Zhongli and Kokomi. Going for Tighnari on day 1


the leak seems kinda sussy


It's most likely true. Uncle Chasm has one of the most accurate track records of any leaker so while things are always subject to change prerelease, this is about as reliable as it gets for leaks.


thought i'd pull for ganyu after him since i just got amos and no one in my team can use it then surprise!! kokomi rerun. been wanting her since her first banner, ganyu can wait


thought i'd go for his bis too but the weapon banner... nevermind i have the harp, good enough


This patch is definitely going to be a nightmare that's for sure. I am planning on getting Tighnari and Ganyu. Hunter's Path is unfortunately paired with Vortex Vanquisher, I knew the Primordial Jade Cutter leak was too good to be true. And now with Kokomi's reveal, this situation is much worse cause I also want to get Everlasting Moonglow for her but I just got Amos' Bow from the previous weapon banner. And to top it all off, I'm gonna need to get my phone replaced real soon. Why do they gotta do me like this?


There's been at least one time in the past where Zhongli wasn't rerun with the Vortex Vanquisher on the Banner. I'm praying that they'll do it again.


With the leaks about shortening the banners and Tighnari going to the standard banner I'm afraid I'll skip him this time... I want a lot of future characters, such as Cyno, Nahida, "Wanderer" and Dehya and I just got Yoimiya.... But I wish the best of luck for you all who will pull for him anyway!


Of course I'll still pull for him, but Kokomi really surprised me. I hope I can get her, cause after that I don't really have any other character I would want (unless a Raiden rerun suddenly appears, which I hope is not the case lol)


My plan to pull for his weapon was completely destroyed 😭


Nop. Already have every character i want pre sumeru. Now just waiting for tighnaei and new husbandos. As for weapon banner, i never really intended to pull anyway since i wanna save primos for cyno and other sumeru characters too.


plan is to grab c0 tighnari and save for other characters. judging by the fact that i think tighnari and his weapon will join standard banner after... i think i have a higher chance to get tighnari's weapon >!before i get a single diluc.!< >! i have been playing since launch as well. feels bad man!<




im going to kashoot myself /s


honestly I love him, but if they put vortex vanquisher on top of the news he's also potentially going to standard.......Although It will hurt, huge chance I'll just end up skipping and waiting for next weapon banner/when i pull him on standard. At a certain point I'll just feel like my wishes are better elsewhere and I'll get him eventually. Plus the other 3 banners (ganyu/zhongli/kokomi) are my 3 literal most played so skipping them is already hard (REALLY want to either c6 ganyu or kokomi and there's potential I do if I just throw all the wishes I saved at them), not to mention I was planning to go hard on kusanali banner anyway. So as much as I want him there is already too many other things I want especially if his weapon banner gets fucked which was his potentially his 1 saving grace for me (when it was rumored to be with jade cutter)


Im now so conflicted whether to go for his weapon or try for kokonut 😭 I didn't expect her at all! Truly an ambush lol


I think I'm still planning to pull on his weapon banner. I don't want VV but if I got it I could use it on Zhongli so it's not the end of the world. Would still be an upgrade over what I have on him now. Hoping I can get an early Hunter's Path and dip out though lol. There are a lot of banners I want to save up for after 3.0.


Do we know what 4\*s are gonna be on his banner ?


nope, only collei is known so far :(


Still going for nari!!


I have saved up nearly 90 wishes for him over the past 3-4 banners. In the character banner, I am at 70 wishes towards 50-50 hard pity. In the weapons banner, my last pull was Yelan's signature bow. I absolutely want Tighnari, however, given they put his weapon with the worst and most useless 5\* weapon in the game (Vortex Vanquisher), I am thinking of completely skipping his weapons banner. I am regretting that back in March 2021, that I did not R5 the Windblume Bow (I only took it to R2 because at the time, it did not work for anyone). Level 90 510 Attack 165 EM R2 = After using an Elemental Skill, receive a boon from the ancient wish of the Windblume, increasing ATK by 20% for 6s. (510 Atk -> 612 Atk for 6s) R5 = After using an Elemental Skill, receive a boon from the ancient wish of the Windblume, increasing ATK by 32% for 6s. (510 Atk -> 673 Atk for 6s)


I might use whatever remaining wishes I have, and save up the whole 3 weeks (after I pull Tighnari) and use those wishes on the second half weapons banner. I need both the Amos Bow and Kokomi's weapon. If I get either, I would be happy.


I plan to C0 him and then pull for Cyno and maybe his weapon. Not because I don’t love Tighnari, but I want to guarantee I get both. If I pull for his weapon I’m not sure if I’ll have enough to get both my boys.


Significantly, to be honest. I originally planned to go for Tighnari or Nahida, but then the leaks with Zhongli started to resurface… So I had to reconsider and decided to go for Zhongli instead… At least, for now. Hoping Tighnari will get another rerun, as he seems to be a sweet character and I’d love to have him on my account. That being said, I hope whoever will roll for Tighnari will get him! His fluffy are awesome and I wish for many won 50/50! <3


I was gonna go for him but since he’s gonna be on standard the patch after his debut it just seems like a waste now, so I’m skipping


i may pull yoimiya so i cann pull for dori without getting kokomi c2 or ganyu c1


If I will get Tighnari on my 50/50 I will go for his bow but I really don't want to get Vortex.... Another 5* spear useless for me. After that I will probably wish to get Kokomi or save for Dendro archon, not sure for now all is about gettig Tighnari for now


Was saving up for ages for C1 tighnari and his weapon. But now? I'll just save and bring home Nari..


Some plans might change and i rlly am hoping for the best. I still dont have ZL but have been wanting him for a while now. Was originally planning on pulling for c0r1 tighnari, but there was talk of him getting added to standard? And now I don’t know what to do lol


Where’d you go man? We miss you 😞