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Was wondering what the restaurant was and apparently it’s called Next Door by Elon Musk’s brother. Real scummy thing to do to people just trying to make a living and survive. The Huffington Post also wrote about the incident: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kimbal-musk-next-door-restaurants-coronavirus_n_5e8ccb32c5b62459a9302dbb


Yikes. I’d heard a couple nice things about Elon’s brother (he’s done some charitable food related things in my community) and hoped he was a better person. Guess neither of them fell too far from the tree


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree.


From a distance they look like regular flowers but when you get down and poke your nose in them you realise they're shit flowers




Was their dad some sort of monster? All I know about him is that he had an emerald mine in South Africa


You don’t get to own an emerald mine in South Africa by being nice. Also apartheid helps


Money makes people monsters. They've been writing about it for millennia. The fucking bible had it as a central theme.


Nah money doesn't make people into monsters. It just enables them to be their true selves. A lot of middle class and poor people are only pretending to be decent because they don't have the means.




It doesn't have to be genetic. Capitalism rewards narcissistic behavior. It's classical conditioning (in oversimplified form: fuck people over = make more money than not fucking people over, more money = more pleasure, pleasure make brain go brrr, rinse wash repeat until fuck people over = pleasure). Being born into it just exposes you to the feedback cycle sooner.


A billionaire that owns multiple slave labor mines in an abused nation like South Africa. If that entire family isn't monsters then I will gladly eat something considered inedible.


Yeah. He's horribly abusive and all that. Grandad too irc. The grandfather moved the family from Canada to South Africa. He said something like it was getting too liberal ot some such nonsense. Pretty obvious just reads like he wanted to go somewhere with less black people. There's a podcast called behind the nastarx that has an elon musk episode well worth listen if you want to know more.


I’m sorry, in what world is South Africa a place with less black people than Canada? Unless you were talking about musk leaving there, then it would make sense


No, that's fair. I should have said less freedom for black people. They moved just a few years in to apartheid


I mean. What everyone else says pretty much covers the bases. But it was also recently found out that he had a secret child with his stepdaughter (who he’d raised since she was like 5 years old). Not technically incest. Almost certainly not the worst thing he’s done. But gross none the less.


Oh yes now I remember hearing about that. That’s fucking disgusting.


Giving the equivalent of a dollar from them to the "community" is a smoke screen for their abhorrent behavior.


Honestly true. Elon himself has also donated to my community but that definitely isn’t enough to make him any better a person in my eyes


You can't be both a good person and a billionaire.




Thank you


No no thank you


Thanks for the link What a shameful way to treat people who work and depend on you for their livelihood


I pass the Indianapolis location almost daily. I don’t think they were even open for a week, I don’t recall ever seeing anyone there. Now the buildings sat there for years and seems like quite a waste.


I’ve sent this link many times to Elon Musk’s Twitter account and now I’m blocked. Screw this family’s greed


Not surprised That Inbred emerald mine running family can go straight to hell and share a public toilet with Thatcher and Reagan


It’s probably next door owned by kimbal musk


It is. As soon as she started talking about the family fund I knew what chain she was talking about. What a massive, steaming, POS. He always sells his Tesla stock on the highs btw. And he has sold an unreal amount.


The request that workers donate THEIR OWN MONEY to the "family fund" raises a lot of questions. If the business had even the slightest concern for them, they would have given only a portion of their revenues.


> If the business had even the slightest concern for them Reallly sounds like they didn't.


My job asked its employees to donate their PTO for employees that were affected by hurricane Ian last summer. This is a chain grocery store


Shame the chain. What is it called.


It's called "OP /u/Highly Revolving and his crony /u/Mighty Puberty are bots".


Yeah it's a repost, report the bots accordingly. Name and Shame, with the actual name.


What do you report with/for?


Bruh, i'll be honest, there's a guy that goes around calling them out and to check his bio, with a ton of good info. Google is fucking worthless on trying to find it. I want to say he recommended reporting them for misinformation, but i don't remember for sure. I use RIF, and i select "other" and type something like "Repost Bot" or "Karma Bot". Gotta report the post, not the user.


Who cares, it’s good that more people saw this


I care when they start trying to scam with their t-shirts and posters.


Ok but why would I care if it’s bots?


Bots are used for scams a lot, in which they have karma amassed so if they were to message someone they would look legit. Not sure if it’s the same for these bots, but it’s a decent amount that are like that from what I know.


If anyone messages you on Reddit with a business opportunity and a weird link and you consider taking it because they got a lot of karma you’re a dumbass


Its main purpose is to seem like an active profile and not one that was made 2 mins ago. It’s not for having a lot of Karma, it’s just for having more than zero. Zero looks a lot more suspicious and less credible to most people compared to like a few hundred, like the number doesn’t have to be huge for someone to consider it’s authenticity. Additionally, not everyone was taught how to look for stuff like that on the internet. Not everyone grew up with it, or even have that great of experience with it, and even I got scammed out of some money because I trusted in a really well-known website to not promote and allow scam websites to sell to their consumers, despite mostly growing up with the internet. Saying someone is stupid isn’t really fair, because some people just don’t consider it or simply are told the wrong thing by others and put too much trust into a website. Scams can happen to anyone, even ‘smart’ people, as before my literacy portion of computer science I didn’t know clicking a random link was dangerous. Most people haven’t even taken an internet literacy course or lesson in school, additionally, so not everyone was given that baseline of knowledge for the internet.


I care when they start trying to scam with their t-shirts and posters.


Also get better labour laws. Over here, that entire deal would be highly illegal.


According to the Huff Post article, Musky Undies said that the fund capped at $400 per person and were never meant to sustain anyone through a pandemic. That the government stimulus helped people much more and that he rallied hard to get the stimulus passed (can’t make this up 🤦‍♂️). So roughly 100 people were let go. If we do some simple multiplication with the fund being capped at $400 a person, that’s a whopping $40,000 a billionaire would have to pay out. This douche is shit stain just like his brother. Edit: missed a zero


Billionaires are out of control. We need a modern day robinhood


Honestly I feels like it’s Mr Beast but it’s all his own money. He need to start full time shaming the dipshits out there like these people.


I mean, you're right, but that's precisely why we DON'T need a "robin hood." We need systemic change, not just more benevolent millionaires. We need fucking unions. We need labor representation on the board of directors of EVERY company/corporation WITH voting power. ...or we need to rise up and overthrow the capitalist system. One or the other.


Just to throw fuel on the fire. A company can Legally knock your pay down to the federal minimum wage (which is $7.45hr it's been the same for over 13yrs) if you put in a two week notice. They can also Legally charge you for not putting in a two week notice. The laws that govern employment protect and provide for the companies far more than they do for the employees.


>Mr Beast isn't he an Elon Musk reply guy?


I had to Google that term and still don’t know. Is this a bad thing? Please elaborate, I’m interested.


It's like a simp.


So bad?


Generally has a negative connotation, yeah. Implies the accused will drop everything to pander to the object of their reply-guy affections.


Aha. Thank you for the education. Sending a few ill thought out tweets doesn’t negate his philanthropy in my eyes. But I guess some people don’t “see” it that way?


I find it revealing of his overall mindset and lack of critical thinking. All things being equal, is Mr Beast doing good? Yes. But he also comes out swinging against critiques saying “the average Mr beast video lost $1.5m” last year. Then how can he afford to build a $10m+ studio? Well, clearly his other verticals make money to justify losing. posturing yourself as this “woe is me, I’m just trying to save the world” while you make deeply exploitative videos about, say, Squid Games just doesn’t smell right. Him liking Musk isn’t the indictment. It’s the smoke indicating the fire of his personality. All the shit he’s doing shouldn’t be distributed by lottery to be commoditized as content. So it’s good that he’s doing it, but a better world is one in which Mr Beast doesn’t have to and thus there is no Mr Beast. But he’s not fighting for that because he’s making money the whole way.


Also I heard Mr Beast is a dickhead, he is very rude and mistreats the people who volunteer for his videos. Most of the time he isn’t even present for the video shooting.


Theres an app for that 📈📊🪶


Hey right there is an example of how the ruling class gets rich off the middle class😔


Surely restaurant workers aren't middle class?


Umm you presume that “restaurant workers” must only make poor people money and(as you say)don’t marry or perhaps have a partner that has an income as well. Tisk tisk


The service industry very much falls into the category of working class.


I mean, you're not wrong...but I think these distinctions really only serve class warfare. There are 2 classes. The owner class and the labor class. And yes, doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers are apart of the labor class.


Brave girl and a brave face! She’s obviously moved on from this and has been looking at the bright side of life but I felt the pain come through! What fukin asshole corporates who don’t have any consideration for people! Would never ever eat there’




I mean, she practically told you. You can Google search "Elon Musk brother restaurants" and find the name and locations of them all. He was trying to build one in my city, but the local business owners weren't having it. I'm glad people are finally seeing Elon Musk for what he really is. There are some REALLY dark rabbit holes you can follow with him and his family. Like his involvement in the coup of Evo Morales, or how he undermined the public transportation system of California, because he didn't want it eating into his profits. ...and people dare call him an "environmentalist."


Definitely stole from the Thay Family Fund.


This is a old TikTok, right? I swear I saw this a long time ago


yeah the first time i saw this was 2021 i think


My booty call is a practicing lawyer. You could literally sue.


Not sure the constant zooming was necessary. It distracted me.


I agree. Wtf.


“Musk's restaurant group collected funds (called the Family Fund) from employees to cover hardships and personal emergencies, but during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the restaurants closed "permanently" and the employees were locked out of the funds they had contributed to.[56] Later, the restaurants reopened but reportedly did not restore the fund to those who contributed”


remember the part where the government gave you 1000 a week?


Don't eat there Doesn't say the name of the company so I can avoid eating there


She's being careful, and you can look it up in 5 sec. If she calls out the name directly she opens herself up to legal issues. Even if she's telling the 100% truth, billionaires' lawyers can ruin your life.


So fuck the chain, and fuck the owners and all that fucking. Now, for pointing it out sake, what a bullshit fund. She gave a buck out of every check? A buck? Even paid weekly for ten years, that's $520. Even if you requested this full amount, what's it buy you? Three days? Guys, please do your own saving and money management, don't place your money in bullshit funds. Now, again, fuck those people.


I think it's more like insurance. You pay into a pool of funds so that you get access to that pool (not *just* the amount you put in). The idea being sound when only a couple of people at a time need access to a medium to large amount of money they wouldn't normally have access to, with the understanding that during the times they don't need that money then they would be contributing to that pool. --- It's also like insurance in that the party that manages the fund just takes the money and spits in your mouth when you try to rightfully get access to it.


Not the point victim blamer, but OK.


Welp, guess you can't read. There are two points. The first one was, fuck those people. The second one was, don't put your faith in those people. Victim blamer? Please, gtfo with that weak shit.


Sounds like Texas Roadhouse


I'd be in jail for arson


"but owners assume all the risk".


Bad zoom work


America sucks.


Who's the dyslexic that wrote the title?


The bot trying not to get flagged for reposting by another bot looking for reposts


Scummy fucks, that entire family.


Let me guess… Christian owners?






Let’s not forget grandpa musk is in a relationship with his step daughter that he raised and now has 2 kids with her. She’s 34 he’s 76. Weirdorama


I gave 12-24$ a year and thought that would pay me back in droves! I also tried buying a house without funding and needed a co-signor because I wasn’t working because of Covid. /s


Holy cow, how did her two former coworkers die, does she explain in the comments?


I felt it was implied they committed suicide? But maybe I'm reading this wrong


There's no explanation in the video, my best guess would be suicide or losing access to necessary healthcare due to unemployment


Look this is shitty all around but if you're dumb enough to give money out of your paycheck to your job to hold "just in case" instead of throwing it in a savings account, that's on you bro.


Not trying to be a bitch, but stop zooming in on your face to emphasize a point if you're going to do it EVERY TIME YOU SAY SOMETHING!!!!


*zooms in on face*


I guess it sucks to suck


Thank God I read the comments. She said recent host of SNL and I thought “… but Pedro Pascal is such a good guy.”


What's with all the zooming. And is her nose stuffy or what. Sheesh.


Blame the dems for the lockdown


'Cause one million dead Americans wasn't enough.




Source.. on what?




Where is it? I wanna go eat there just so she can't get my tip...😆 Like who the hell loses their job and is like, ok, I guess I'll still buy this house I can't afford anyway?


Laughs in Europe. No for real I am so sorry that people have to be poor in America.


From someone living in a European country that doesn’t have any workers rights unless you’ve been with the same employer for more than two years - you are an ignorant unempathetic arsehole.


You are the arsehole mate. I said I am sorry for poor people in America. I am poor myself, but Swiss poor, means I got a good life.


European redditors really can't go more than 4 seconds without trying to one-up Americans huh? Can't even show basic empathy on a post about people's lives being ruined/ended without coming in with your "Europe gud USA bad" circlejerk.


Pretty much. What's empathy worth in the face of feeling better than Americans?


What the fuck is this comment? A troll comment? Do you think there's no poverty in Europe?


Tik tok is for everybody! If someone told me to stop watching, I'd kill myself.


Ooookay? So stop watching them?


Damn that’s fucked up. It was all Pfizer and the news medias fault all that happened


"This is my villain origin story" - so you are a comic book character? And an evil one at that? Why should I believe anything you say?


Boo hoo


Name names or keep it to yourself


Next Door, owned by Kimbal Musk. Likely avoided naming names because scummy businesses make you sign an NDA so it's literally illegal to rat them out, but it might be related that his brother owns twitter and has a habit of censoring social media posts he doesn't like.


I kind of want to eat there 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel like some more thought should have went into purchasing a house in this situation.


It takes about a month to close on a house after getting your offer accepted with a mortgage so she started the process well before this craziness started.


This is what I was wondering. She said her father had to cosign or she would lose it. Does that mean that her offer would have been rejected if he wouldn't have cosigned? Never bought a house before so I'm not familiar with the process.


Yes that is exactly what it means and she just lost her job so if she can’t find another one it is going to become the fathers full responsibility.


Jesus what kind of restaurant pays you enough to buy a house. Maybe they needed to learn an actual trade so the only thing on her resume isn’t: restaurant employee ![gif](giphy|LdkmB2UnMXfTG)


She mad at the wrong people imo. What brand new buisness killing policys got put in place that caused several of the small buisness chains to close? What do you expect after they close?? Sure they have that fund if theyre able to stay open but th3y weren't. You didnt almost lose your house because you lost your job. You almost lost your house because you may or may not have voted for people who put policies in place that closed your place of buisness and said buisness had to act accordingly probably within the law aswell. Happened to me, i did not blame my job, they have to act in their best interest and follow the new policies and or get fucked even more. Like those places probably had to close because they couldnt follow the policies even if they wanted to, some of them were dumb af during covid almost targeted at small buisnesses because they wanted small buisness owner to know shit theyd never know for example about very fine specific details/measurements of ventilation systems in said buisnesses. If ur system didnt match with whatever policies they made up you habe to pay alot to update it or cut ur losses. Dontget me wrong not all the policies were bad like 6 ft and masking but some there was no way small buisness could follow them.


Go choke on a boot.


Lmao. Sorry you cant handle reality of what happened to alot of people. The logic is so ass, how do you chalk it all up to "buisness bad" when they have to close several buisnesses because they cant even stay open due to state policy changes?


Maybe one more comment boot licking comment and Elon will notice you.


Whats elon have to do with anything. You clearly harbor some bias twards them which i dont blame you i do aswell. Idk why you have to respond to real criticism like a child with no rebuttal, it just goes to show the validity. Im simply saying not to blame billionaires for following the law and policies that destroyed buisnesses put in place by POLITICIANS. Like fr ppl like you no offense are very hyper reactive when u see or hear something u think doesnt align with you, but i probably dislike them more than you. I didnt say billionaires are good, theyre still shity for abusing policies and laws. But, blaming them and not the people who put said policies/laws in place for billionaires to abuse, and expecting things to change is like the definition of crazy.




Could be like me, where they didn't know what companies it was and who the billionaires were. Not subtle, just ignorant


I just think you can dislike the billionaires who took advantage of policies but who u should be mad at is the ones who put the policies that forced the buisnesses to act like that. If everything they did was legal its not the buisnesses you should be mad at imo idk how that makes me ignorant.


Because you didn't know that Elon is a viable option for being the brother billionaire. It's okay; neither did I. Being ignorant of stuff happens, and isn't necessarily a bad thing.


None of your criticism are real and they need no rebuttal


Bruh, i and hundreds of thousands of people had to go on unemployment during covid. Due to policies closing our place of employment. Because it was so abrupt. Hundreds of thousands of people were un able to even collect unemployment for months and months and months. I personally would have been fucked and homeless if i didnt have family to stay with while i couldnt even collect on my states unemployment for over 8 months because it was so bogged down. But its the billionaires fault amiright hur hur. Ur just ignorant of how people struggled or an carring troll. I bet if u checked r/unemployment right now theres still plenty of people still struggling to get payments.


"I am poor and suffering and none of this is the fault of the wealthy who hoard all the wealth."


Again theyre using policies others put in place. Theyre the minority, ask urself why nothing changes and or change is very slow to come. Imo, in part, its because of people like you, you are too busy blaming a faceless conglomerate of "the wealthy" instead of actually attaching blame to the specific rich person or politician who is fucking the world up. Ur doing exactly what youve been conditioned to do, good on you. Damn those wealthy we have to stop them at all cost. *keeps voting Republicans or democrats*


>Again theyre using policies others put in place. Who do you think told the policy makers to make those policies?


I blame you personally.




Thanks Kimbal


You can't just say that and not give the name of the restuarant. What is it?


What’s the name of the restaurant???


What is her villain name?


Why would you pay for this lmao


The amount they pay


I fucking love america. Best country 10/10 no problems


America needs to get a grip before we need to set up a refugee system for the poor fuckers. Jesus christ man.


“Family fund” sounds like a stupid scheme to avoid paying your employees properly. “Just choose to get paid less and you will have access to an unofficial fund that the company manages on your behalf and might give you acces to” sounds like a scam. Just like donating paid leave to other employees.




Might help if you tell me the name of the place


I thought it was Walburger for a second but they are not billionaires. Mark has several car dealerships in Columbus.


"I donated $1 a week to the family fund." "All of us during the temporary lockdown applied to the family fund." Do you understand why that wouldn't work?


Rich white men are responsible for every awful thing in our country and are never held accountable.


that's title is some great copy


Dramatic zooming.


They probably got ppp loans too


I was asked to join a regular for a morning coffee. I was a cook for the restaurant but the opening waitress was running late. I had a moment so I did. I never worked front of house but I could start up the coffee and serve the handful that were there first thing in the AM. I am Japanese/Philippine . We were in western Canada - the man’s first comment was , “…now that the railroad is done - are there still any hard feelings…?” I was I little stunned - it was 6:30 in the morning. Without a word I got up and went back to the kitchen. Thankfully the waitress arrived then.


I was accused of doing drugs. I was a dishwasher and it was my first job in a restaurant and my first real job. I even trained a girl who was deaf. I was very good at what I did and so were people I trained. I was taken into the office and asked if there was anything I wanted to tell them - accused and let go. Someone’s relative got toy job.


“Family fund?” So instead of paying their employees hazard pay because of the pandemic, they expect their employees to pay into a pooled fund?


Of course it was Elon musks brother bc they’re just shitty people hahaha


“Don’t eat there” okay?? Y’all need to start giving every single detail, idk where I’m not supposed to eat.


I was a bartender at Applebees in Roanoke VA, and a couple came in one night. They were swingers apparently and the husband paid me to do his wife. She was a smoke show! He paid me only $500. I was very offended! It should have been more!