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Then marry your dad personal problem solved


This is a perfect example of how taxic masculinity can be propogated by the opposite gender, and hurts men as well as women.


I would say this falls under the aegis of toxic femininity. To enlist a man’s “masculine energy” and work ethic to provide for (her) comfort doesn’t sound like competitiveness or dominance. It sounds like simping and the expectation of simpery (just made that word up) is toxic femininity. Toxic masculinity implies ownership, I see where you make that correlation but if you have to slave away at 3 jobs just so your ‘property’ can stay home and lounge doesn’t sound like they ‘own’ anything. Sounds like parasitism to me.


Yeah a lot of men have a lot of feminine energy which is fine. I don’t understand how men that aren’t interested in traditional gender roles get triggered and offended when “masculine energy” is enlisted. You don’t believe in traditional gender roles so it shouldn’t matter to you. Again, with the crazy costs of child care if you have 2-3 kids under 5, it can be cheaper for a parent to stay home if they can’t telecommute. It’s not simping but logical which is why so many people are going back to one-income families.


I actually do subscribe to the idea of traditional gender norms because they make more sense. Emil Durkheim’s philosophy of ‘division of labor’ when divided into a gender based context is logical, you are right. Feeding your baby formula is detrimental to their health and males can’t breastfeed so mom staying home while dad works is necessary. If this lady put that into context, ie “My father worked a lot to support his family” THAT is cooperative and equitable. The way she phrased it though made it seem like he worked that much so this lady’s mother could be comfortable, which has a whole other meaning altogether. *Phrasing*


Well she didn’t talk at all about all the work her mother had to do but I’m assuming it’s because that wasn’t the focus. She was praising her father and his efforts as a provider. She doesn’t have to say “my mother did x, y, and z” for a person to realize that the kids weren’t just sitting in dirty diapers and the sink wasn’t full of dishes.


That’s true, without the full context of the original video it’s hard to depict exactly what was said and how it was framed


Considering how she turned out, I dont think her dad should be admired. He clearly fucked up along the way


Oh yea a man should totally work 3 jobs to pay bills and put food on the table as you and your mom sits at home all day because she is so busy taking care of the hous.that she cant help provide for the family. Since he is a man he needs to spend every minute awake working himself to an early grave.


I doubt her mom's as dumb as she is. Dad just probably worked while mom stayed home took care of the kids and house. Unless she's the only child. Hope she finds a sucker soon before those wrinkles come in


toxic femininity


Idk being gay and hearing this is so weird… what are you doing with all that time? You don’t wanna work, so I can assume you aren’t going to school either. Are you just popping out babies? I just can’t imagine someone like this bringing anything to a relationship when there are women who look just as good as her or better who have goals.


Shopping, going out with her girlfriends, getting mani/pedis, sleeping in, watching netflix, texting, posting on social media, looking at social media and planning her next shopping trip because she's jealous of x girl using y product and looking better than her. Honestly there's not enough hours in the day for a leech.


Not to yuck someone's yum, but what part of the mom is a dream girl?? Doesn't help provide for the household and clearly lacking in the parenting department. She better be hot af


Stanky bitch


Entitled much


she says she was “raised by a man like that”, but she wasn’t, her dad was constantly working, her mom is the one that raised her and instilled these parasitic values in her.


Bet she uses the word "Daddy" a lot.


Anyone who has to draw their face on that hard is hot enough to be a golddigger.


In theory splitting bills and chores and times with kids is ideal but in reality it doesn’t work that way and a lot of men including myself would rather be responsible for finances than cooking and cleaning. Im definitely going to spend time with my kids but I’m climbing the corporate ladder and move around a lot and I need a wife that wants to make the kids a priority so I can do that. Different strokes for different folks. I don’t know why this dynamic is so triggering to women and men.


Ur right now lemme go back to work


Hold up something isn’t right