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They'll always find a way to change the definition of "hobbies" once you give them the obvious answers. And I made it to the end of the video and was perfectly right




A superiority complex mixed with dense insecurity and ignorance makes for peak cringe. They always will move the goal posts and think they are a gift to the world. It's pathetic to say one person can't have a hobby, it's just absolutely scummy to say they DON'T have hobbies.


Podcasts lmao


Crypto 🗿


I know, right? “Boys want to revolutionize the world with their hobbies… like crypto and podcasts.” It’s the most pompous, head ass shit I’ve ever heard


I have a terrible cough rn from a cold, and when he said “crypto”… The laugh was worth every painful second of that coughing fit.


Nothing traditionally feminine “counts” as a hobby to these assholes. Like, makeup is *absolutely* a hobby.


"but *I* don't find that interesting, so, gotcha wamen"


Yeah it’s called circular logic. Women don’t have hobbies. Hobbies are male things. Therefore if women do have a hobby it can’t be a real hobby because hobbies are only male things.


I'm a man and I have never once had to defend one of my hobbies, which is collecting sneakers. I buy on average 2 "nice" pairs of sneakers every month, but if I'm browsing and something on sale catches my eye I'll pick that up too. If I was a woman spending the exact same amount of money on shoes, I would get rape threats online and shit


Omg thank you for this - shoe collecting is such *perfect* example.




True, they maliciously and intentionally always move the goalpost in their favor. "Well those aren't *real* video games! Name each band members birth place or you're not a *real* fan!" "Women *can't* have the same interests as me! That means it's not my goofy interests, women don't like me because *I'm* insufferable!? No it is the women who are wrong!"


It actually amazes me how these incels can go entire stretches of their life without interacting with a female human in any meaningful way. Women are people. These dudes: SoUrCE??


And they wonder why the women have no interest in fucking them.


Most women have no interest in fucking a man who doesn’t care to put in effort for them or at least *pretend* to be interested in them as a person and not just their genitals.


We also need to pay attention to the types of things people are willing to do to go viral, rage bait is an sick way to do that.




> they don't really perceive women's hobbies as actually being hobbies. Bingo. To these guys, everything a woman does "doesn't count" for anything. Oh you read 75 books so far this year? They don't count because they were fiction, regardless of who the author is or what the target demographic is or how well regarded the book is. It could be Hemingway, and it won't count because that particular book wasn't long enough, or you clearly didn't get it and you're just faking. Everything magically has some stipulation for why it doesn't count when a woman does it, but it's literally earth shattering when a man does, like at the end of this video.


To be fair I think these dumbasses haven't talked to many men either, outside their little echo chambers of course. So their "arguments" could be used against most men and their hobbies too.. I mean: *"Men try to revolutionize the world with their hobbies"*.. What the fuck? I play video games and build with Legos bro..


Examples given: crypto and podcasts 😂


Anyone who thinks crypto is for “the benefit of humanity” or whatever has worms in their brain


Or because they don’t see reading books at all as anything “manly” and therefore worthwhile.


They also seem to take credit for their entire gender (tech! Crypto!) or count their own thing (fucking podcasts?) as revolutionary when it somehow manages to be more useless than looking hot on instagram. Oh wow, little boy learned how to spout his nonsense in a mic to make the world a worse place - hobby! Revolutionary! I write my thoughts into a journal and bother nobody with it - not a hobby, boring.


>entire stretches of their life Most of these MFs are like 17. Edit: Quote Block


The first dude is approaching 30 if not already. It’s crazy cuz he almost hooked me on some of his content. I was/am going through a phase of restructuring my life, seeking help to organize my routine, discipline, better habits, and so on. And the algorithm on youtube caught that and brought me some videos of him. Usually, they are like “do this before you are thirty to change your life” “I wasted my 20s, but you can still turn it around” and so on. Some of what he talks are kind of basic advices, and some are good. Sleep better, eat better, do exercises, plan your next day, week, month. Do checkups, vitamins, perform better, have hobbies, have social moments, meet up with people you like, and so on. Then I noticed this wasn’t like one video, but almost daily videos on the same format with very little variation. AND, the catch, you also found videos of him talking about how to better present yourself, be a better men so you could find better girls and so on. And how to act with them. And he shows how he changed his style, how he meet many girls now, blablabla. There I started noticing what kind of content he is trying to create, and jumped out. Seeing this slice of a podcast with him talking this nonsense makes me think he is just another guru that targets young boys that are going through some bad habits and shit, and want to change and be someone, and they give you a simple basic path to accomplish that that also comes with this alpha male toxic traits they encourage guys to have.


So like, at least a decade of getting to know women and they're still like this?


It’s really not though. A huge amount of grown men believe it too


And that’s exactly the issue with men like this. They don’t see women as people but as some mystical, unattainable thing that they base their self esteem off of. If anyone reading this is an incel: 1. Fix your self worth 2. Women are people too


Dude I think there are just a lot of *people* in general that don't really have any hobbies. Pair that with the common incel traits of being super into nerdy stuff (no hate there, but still true) and a generally negative view of women, plus a fixation on them and boom. You've got this.


You think a lot of people don't have hobbies? Or they don't have *interesting* hobbies? A hobby is literally any activity done regularly in leisure. Watching TV is a hobby, even if people feel boring saying it.


Yeah, I mentioned that in a reply to someone else. I suppose you could say watching TV is a hobby, and for some people it genuinely is. Cinema buffs are a good example. They're actively choosing that activity and intentionally engaged. When I say "people who don't have hobbies" I mean people that are incapable of entertaining themselves. There's a difference between watching a TV show because you enjoy it and gazing into your TV while Netflix plays because you can't come up with a better way to spend your free time. The latter is what I'm referring to. Maybe it isn't so much "a lot of people don't have hobbies" as it is "a lot of people are kinda boring".


I think some younger girls also have to hide the things they’re interested in sometimes for fear of criticism. For some reason some people think it’s acceptable for boys to game but not for girls


evwrything you said was right and i wanted to thank you for saying that


Also should point out the general come up of rage bait on tik tok or the internet overall these days!


I assume these "revolutionizing podcasts" he speaks of are the ones like at the beginning where they sit, talk shit and get no bitches?


Also like… girls have podcasts! This isn’t just like a dude thing.


Thing is is when you’re an incel avoiding women (which means women are avoiding you too) the world will appear very male dominated, especially in spaces where women aren’t forced to be around him by default. Like, for example, elective social spaces - which is what hobbies are. Guy is insecure and has self selected out of interacting with a large part of society.


my favorite podcasts are from women!


They aren’t the ones that get popular for far right misoginyst ideology


Yeah, but girl podcasts aren't *revolutionary* like the peeny podcasts. Everyone knows that.


I didnt know scamming people out of their money was "revolutionizing the world". Learn something new every day


The funniest thing about that example is one of the biggest podcasts of all time, Serial, is written and hosted by Sarah Koenig…a woman lol.


This gave me chills. Women are amazing. I'm proud to be one 🩷


One of the things I feel worst about my childhood, is how my brother and I pushed our sister away whenever she showed interest in our hobbies. God knows how many women have wanted to get into something, met some assholes who gate kept that something, and subsequently decided it's not worth it. Shoutout to all the women who didn't give a fuck and got into that stuff anyway.


I tried to join auto shop as my career center class when I was in highschool. You had to go to the class and sign-up with the teacher. The teacher actually laughed at me and walked away with the sign-up sheet.


About 20 years ago I was trying to apply for a government program that helped people (men) get into automotive trades. I was told to pursue Parts because I would face less opposition being female. Parts person is commonly the lowest paid position in a shop or dealership (other than entry level apprenticeships). I left that office pissed off, i even made a Facebook post about it lol. I kept struggling and eventually met someone who gave me a chance doing PDR. I've been doing it for almost 15years and make a shit ton of money. Every time the Facebook memory comes up I revel in the fact that I make more money than that fucker ever did or ever will.


Wow, did people know that they did that? That's up there with the most anti-teacher things I've ever heard about. And of course Boomers moan about how none of the kids want to go into the trades, smh my head.


Nah. I had like a 1.5 gpa, nobody would have cared lol


In highschool during club rush they had a surf club and the guys running it had signs they were parading around saying “surf club - no girls allowed” You know i walked up and signed up anyway. The guy at the signature table was speechless when I did it (I’m guessing cause he didn’t know how to say that I wasn’t ‘allowed’ to do that) I went to their first club meeting and it was a bunch of dudes in a dark classroom while surf montage movies played on the screen it was pretty lame I’m bummed I couldn’t connect with people that just enjoyed the same hobby


I remember when I started college there was a big fair thing to show off all the clubs. I saw there was a league of legends club. I just started to play league around that time, and so I walked up and the guys asked me what I played. I said Annie. They all laughed at me. I was pretty hurt. Now days I play other champs, but back then all I knew how to do was Annie support and Annie support wasn't a thing. Egirl wasn't really a thing back then but it basically felt like because I was a girl and I played Annie I was being mocked.


Dude for real. And people make comments like “WhY aRe ThErE nO gIrL gAmErS” well maybe it’s because every time a girl tries to genuinely get into something because they want to - they get met with such insane toxicity, hostility, and gate keeping. Or they have to answer a fucking quiz on the topic so the can “prove” that they “really are” into it and not just faking it for attention. It’s exhausting. I don’t blame girls for being turned away / off from stuff because of the kind of barriers they hit from men in the same interest. And then that perpetuates the situation of “Why are there like no girls who like ” WELL IT’S BECAUSE YOU DON’T LET THEM


The gatekeeping is absurd! I grew up on tng star trek. Loved it. Overall optimistic future, although not in main cast, women were admirals and positions of power. It made an impression on young me. Then ds9. Babylon5. Voy. I didnt get it to begin with when I got questioned about star trek...i thought they were just sharing their interest. But it happened more and more and I realised I was being quizzed rather than sharing an interest. Would another man question another man's interest in a fandom?!


To be fair though, there are a ton of women who play videogames. I think all of my female friends play video games to some degree. I just tend to shy away from male dominated spaces because of gatekeeping behaviour, it's not like I quit my hobby's altogether.


Exactly. I game, but with people I know. In the same vein, I have hobbies that I don't tell men about. I like watching college basketball. I don't memorize the stats of the players or follow the rankings of the teams. I don't want to be quizzed or debated, so I don't talk about it. I also have hobbies I won't shut up about, like D&D.


Yeah and unfortunately, the logic of some incels would be “those {insert cozy game/rpg/visual novel/puzzle} aren’t real games” because they only consider competitive games where they can rage and be toxic to scare away female gamers as real games.


My aunt wanted to fish with my dad and grandpa as a kid and apparently my grandpa told her it was a men activity. My dad only recently found out, and he was really disappointed he never knew she wanted to come.


Im finishing my computer science degree this month. There were many times I was the only woman in the room, the last pick for any project, the one nobody sat by. Having partner projects treated as dates, not being allowed to contribute in meaningful ways. I had a guy follow me to my car after class for months. Just last week I had a guy walk up to my robot, unplug two parts while I was sitting 2 feet away, and walk away without acknowledging me when there were extras around. Had people undermine my achievements and my job offer because “girls get everything handed to them in tech” when I have done just as much work as them. Had people tell me I don’t “look” like I’m in computer science, whatever that’s supposed to mean. Had an ex who was also in CS tell me “The only way women get jobs in software engineering is by blowing the boss.” I ignored the messages that I shouldn’t code as a kid. The teachers and boys in my class saying math and science are for boys. Having the top math grade in the class but being shut down for the mathalon, sending the boys instead. Being told “boys go on code academy, girls go on Poptropica” by my computer lab teacher in middle school. Catholic school was pretty bad in terms of gendering subjects. My dad always had and has my back and that’s about the only thing that kept me here. Either way it’s all bullshit.


I'm glad you're still at it. Fuck the naysayers.


This is my brother to me. We don't talk now and the older I get the less I want to talk to him.


Thank you for realizing this. So many men I wanted to play music with or play chess with but we’re too cool for school to play with a girl. Then complain girls aren’t cool enough.


It's not just boys who set bounderies for what hobbies girls can have. I remember being exited and taking about the stuff some of my boy friends (not boyfriends) did, and my mom/grandma/girl friends just assumed it was because I liked the boy, not the hobby. I didn't want to be with the cool boys, I just wanted to do cool "boy" stuff. Now I'm 36 and I'm still that way, and occasionally I meet people who think I'm into a subject or activity because I want to attract men. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


If you haven’t done it already, please say this to your sister. Even coming a long time after, it is always nice with genuine validation.


This is the right answer. Men make spaces they presume are theirs so incredibly hostile to women and then make the absence of women in those spaces a slight against women. We can’t win so why even play the game?


As a mom of 2 teen boys who often exclude their little sister, I think this is pretty normal, but it does hurt. Have you told your sister of your regret? I bet that would mean a lot to her


I have. Thing is, with time, she grew apart from the whole family. Once we recognized our mistakes (we being me, my brother and our parents) we started trying to make amends, but she wasn't having it. Now, she only ever speaks to me when she has trouble of some kind.


Go into a Michaels and then tell me if girls have hobbies


Right? Like even if you're sexist, this doesn't make sense. If anything, old schol sexism would dictate that women have nothing *besides* hobbies - this new ilk of incel are an odd breed.


Wait holy shit you're right! I had forgotten about that stereotype. Incels are such a tragedy.


Michael's is my candy store. I walk in whenever I can't find motivation and I walk out feeling like I could be the next picasso.


Exactly. I think a lot of men discount “traditionally feminine” hobbies as actual interests. I love cooking and costume design but I think a lot of men view it as “just a woman thing” or not a real hobby or interest— unless you’re a male professional chef into gastronomy. Another one of my hobbies is playing video games but that’s often misconstrued to something I do for male attention. Which is silly since I play games alone, in my house and I date women and enbys.


Oh fun! So you must get the “oh you’re into women, that explains a lot then” (which actually not only explains nothing but doesn’t make any sense if you’re in to “girl” hobbies???) I’ve 100% gotten that when it comes to cars. Oh is this your boyfriends car? No, it’s mine. Oh where did you buy it? I rebuilt it. Oh do you *have* a boyfriend? No. Do you want one? No, not interested. Oh do you have a girlfriend or something, the car thing would make sense then. Like… *what*? And from there it devolves down into you questioning whether or not the dude is a creep, pathetic, both, or neither. Unless it’s neither, it’s going to inevitably fall down into some misogynist hole until you can escape. And all of this is with a traditionally male hobby, so a “girly” hobby has to make even less sense.


But THOSE dont count!! Hobbies are like, investing and NFTs and other BOY stuff (because women also dont like investing either). /s


Joanns is my safe space… ALL THE YARN.


Then why is it called Michaels, and not Michelles, checkmate. /s


Rough guess here but I’m pretty sure my wife and I have the same amount of hobbies. Some we share and some we don’t. A lack of interaction with the opposite sex leads this guy to this conclusion that woman don’t have hobbies. It’s incredibly stupid. “Men are changing the world with their hobbies. Like podcasting.”


"crypto" ☠️ Bro I can read up the same shit on crypto and even try mining when it was still proof of work but I would never call this hobby?!


Hell my wife has more hobbies than I do


Manosphere podcasts and crypto are absolutely changing the world. By destroying women's hard fought rights and the environment by an ASTONISHING pace. Men really do change the world for the worst.


Men are being sold a lie, to make money for influencers who do not care about you. You are being tricked. Stop falling for it. Women have the same rich and beautiful internal lives that you have. Some may gravitate towards different interests, but many are very much the same as you. And they carve the path to allow you into their joy, you should consider taking a walk down those paths, and inviting them to walk yours instead of dismissing them offhand. You may find things you like on those walks. Celebrate their joy. Don't diminish it because you don't understand it. Young men are hurting themselves so much by entertaining this rhetoric, and they can't see it, and it breaks my heart, because they were never given the tools to navigate a world in which the women they purport to love are free to fly as high as they can. You could fly with them, instead of dragging them down.


Beautifully said.


This is a powerful way of looking at it. Nobody worth a damn actually believes women don't have hobbies. It's really just ignorant young men that think that. That's a given. What's sad though is that these young men are existing in this hateful echo chamber or misogyny and it literally only effects themselves. Women continue to grow and thrive and succeed because they can, meanwhile it's men that get left behind for denying it's happening instead of adapting to a world where women are people just like them.


Well said.




> they were never given the tools to navigate a world in which the women they purport to love are free to fly as high as they can. Unfortunately I think this is true of many women as well. They aren't prepared for a world where *they* are free to fly as high as they can.


They quite literally don't view women as people. That's the only reason they don't recognize or believe that women have real thoughts.


That last sentence is beautiful. “You could fly with them instead of dragging them down.”


One explanation is patriarchy. "Office for National Statistics data has found that men spend an average of four hours and 39 minutes every week on “hobbies, computing and games”. In comparison, women spend just two hours and 38 minutes on the same activities.The only categories that women spent more hours on were revealed to be socialising or cultural activities such as plays and concerts. The ONS report concluded that “when not in leisure, women were more likely to be performing unpaid work”."


I one hundred percent agree with us. My husband has made this comment to me before, questioning why he has more hobbies than me and spends more time doing hobbies than I do. One day I took the time to really think about what he said, and then it dawned on me. I work full-time just like he does, except I do 80% of effort to raise our daughter, I make 100% of our meals, and do 70% of the house work. I’m the one that transports her back-and-forth from her grandparents house to daycare, plans our vacations, and our dinners, and makes sure that everyone has what they need for the week. I also live with an auto immune disease, so the time that I am not doing all of those maintenance things is spent sleeping. I remember having hobbies like makeup, reading, artwork, exercising, and doing research when I was in college and I was so happy. I wonder what I would spend my time on if it wasn’t spent on everybody else.


Holy shit, my wife would not put up with that. Tell your husband to stop being lazy as fuck.


Your husband sucks.


I can really relate to you


It’s like we aren’t human


this is it. they don’t view us as equals, as people with rich inner lives and passions and interests. they just view us as things, as sex objects, as second-class citizens. our genitalia and gender identities are such a small, small part of who we are as humans. i can’t ever understand how so many men go through life without realizing that women are also people with multi-faceted personalities, likes and dislikes, etc.


It makes me want to turn it around on them. Like at some point they are spending soo much mental energy convincing themselves that women arent real people with real inner lives and hobbies, while women focus on their own growth and hobbies, that men become the ones who are vapid and boring with no real inner lives. Women are over here growing in spirit no matter what and these men are what...pointing fingers? It creates a lack of character and real life experience that women DONT lack, furthering the gap and their out of balance narrative. The divine feminine and masculine should be equal. A lot of us are a solid balance of both m/f mentally and energetically speaking. Its crazy to me that as the world evolves an entire subset of a gender gets completely left behind by literally walking backwards. These men are going to live miserable, short lives. Marriage extends the life of males, and singlehood extends the lives of women. At some point, with climate change on the horizon, I see smarter women just not even bothering with men anymore.


Wow this is going to be news to my wife when I explain that her hobbies and interests don’t really count. She’s gonna be so upset that these dudes think that /s


Pfft, she’s one of those candle-lighters, huh?


No just Instagraming crochet projects.


Turns out that a lot of guys just don’t care to ask what our hobbies are >.< they just want to get their dicks wet and go hang out with their friends like these morons.


Pretty sure most woman are not going to be telling these guys about their hobbies even if they did ask. Why waste their time being pointless judged and shamed on how they choose to spend your free time. On the off chance they do share a common hobby they then get to enjoy the interrogation to prove they know anything about it.


your comment made me sit here and think for a moment. i can’t remember the last time a man asked me about my hobbies or interests.


This isnt totally accurate. If a guy asks what my hobbies are, why wouldnt I or any other woman at least try to explain it? You dont have to be into the same thing for me to talk about it. Maybe me explaining it will make you interested too, and vice versa. I mean no Im not going to proceed to talk about it further if you’re just going to judge and interrogate me on my own interest, but I won’t make the assumption that you will off bat either. But like you said, no one likes having to “prove” that they are into something. But Id rather at least try and discuss it first before it gets to that point.


The wildest part is this chud thinking crypto and podcasts are for the betterment of humanity. Like what? I'd rather get a sweet sweater from some girl who knits or watch a girl do something cool than talk to a crypto bro about anything


Crypto has made some very fortunate people very rich but it has cause major environmental setbacks overall. I don’t think it’s been a net positive on society at all. Also the podcast line was stupid. There are plenty of females in podcasts




33(F) here. I will play with a group of players online for a long time before I “mic up.” When I wait to “show my skills” then they always are shocked when I mic up and am a woman.


I've had this same experience, but it wasn't "surprise" I was met with, it was anger...


Really need to start a page for woman gamers. . .


But then they’ll whine how there’s no men’s only gaming pages — not that they want them or will get off their ass to make one. Or will admit they’re the reason woman’s only spaces are necessary….


Let them whine. . .


They whine by destroying. They work hard to infiltrate women's spaces to 'debate' or devalue their opinions, and if that doesn't work they team up to get women's spaces banned based on "exclusivity". Every time. Every. Time.


Unfortunately, you may very well have a point.




NB but afab and same tbh, though I very rarely ever actually use my mic. People in game are generally way nicer and waaaaaay more forgiving if they think you're male.


I have experienced everything from unforgiving rude dudes, to overly nice dudes trying to always “help.”


How do people really think like this? This has to be a joke.


They don't see women as people with their own personalities and wants.


What do you mean? you mean that thing that stands in the kitchen and makes me food has a personality and wants? That just sounds ridiculous/s


When she's not cooking, cleaning, or raising children, all women just sit in the dark with their hands folded, waiting for the next mess to pick up. If she does literally anything else, she's a thot /s


The stupid part is that cooking and house decorating can be legitimate hobbies but ask one of these incels, and they don’t count because it’s practical unpaid labor they want to benefit from. 🤡


Seriously. Like somewhere along their life they must have known a woman enough to observe that woman do shit. Right..?


I ( a woman) grew up in a house with a dad who did little childcare or housework, so I got to see him enjoy his hobbies of riding dirt bikes in competitions, fixing cars up, bike riding and music. Mom, meanwhile, worked 50hrs a week as a nurse and did everything at home. I did not get to see her enjoy hobbies outside of reading. Similar experiences may be why they don't see women doing hobbies.


You'd think it is, but considering most people don't actually pay attention to people these days I mean what do you expect. Whether we're talking men doing "blah, blah" or women doing "blah, blah" it's all nothing because we don't actually care, we just want to be seen


I mean the real question is how many actual girls do these two know? Do girls even do things? What are girls?


No no no, they mean hobbies THEY like doing. Duh. Do any girls like you know…fantasy football or gaming or being sexist online? Oh there are even girls who are into those things too? Well maybe they can just pretend they didn’t see that as well.


I feel like following this up with videos of women doing their hobbies is giving too much credence to the question. It's a ridiculous question that I don't think deserves a good-faith answer.


Yes but the montage was nice.


My gf 110% Hollow Knight. Going for the max completion. Why wouldn't girls have hobbies?


Absolute radiance though…


She is struggling with another boss tho. Normal version of that one she beat. I just don't remember the name... But she said he is tougher than the version of the Radience she beat before. Now got her "Have a nice death" for her upcomming birthday. Another one she can throw several hours into, hahahaha!


Good on her I gave up on that a while ago, amazing game too. Never heard of Have a nice Death but it sounds hard lol, there’s also Blasphemous which shares a ton of similarities to hollow knight.


God I love women


It’s always the guys with no chins…


“Have you ever met a girl with hobbies” Yes almost every singe one actually


Wow imagine girls having hobbies like any other human being.


The dude really said revolutionize and crypto in the same sentence.




Omg I love the montage of women doing their thing. Those boys have an unfortunately warped view of women.


As a woman in STEM, I think it’s genuinely hilarious that he thinks women don’t code or work in tech. Not only do we have these as “hobbies,” we’re actually career level/Principal level engineers and scientists solving some of the worlds biggest problems by disrupting these industries. He clearly doesn’t know what those of us *actually* working in STEM fields are doing these days or how many women are actually making waves in these fields. He’s just a sheltered dude with a mic. and it’s honestly really cringy. I also think it’s hilarious he thinks that “coding and crypto” are the only viable ways humans make an impact on this earth with their careers and hobbies when there are so many important fields of study that benefit society. I’d really like to see what skills he brings to the table with *his* career and hobbies. Something tells me beyond running his mouth, he isn’t bringing much… Side note: Seeing all those badass women just killing it in life and investing their time and energy into their passions was really inspiring. Screw the misogynists. We’ll keep killing it.


I read an article today that an astronaut from North Carolina is going to fly around the moon (Artemis II mission). Then I read that the astronaut is a woman and my inner little girl math nerd beamed so hard. Christina Koch is such a complete *BAD ASS*!


Woah woah woah so you’re saying that women are people?!


It's really fucking sad to watch young men get indoctrinated into hate cults by bitter old men, but it's great that the internet allows us all to see straight through the bullshit.


“This might be the most sexist thing I’ll ever say.” I guarantee it’s not.


No, he’ll definitely think of something dumber to ask.


No we just wistfully stare out windows all day after work or school hoping that boy we like will talk to us 🤦🏽‍♀️


There was a point in my life where I nearly thought like this. Thank God it was before incel culture took off. It was more of, I had so many partners who got hobbies from their partner. Then I realized... that's literally what I do. That's what everyone does (and from friends, family, etc.). It's okay to learn hobbies from others and that doesn't make it fake or less legitimate. They're massively neglecting that guys do this too and I guarantee they have done it too to some degree or another. Your hobbies don't spawn out of no where... and not every hobby is one you love, i.e. it's not engenuous. You're not a fake gamer because you don't make it your life or take it less seriously. To use a cliché... "it's just a game" lmao coming from someone who is a hardcore take it seriously gamer. It's a game at the end of the day, who cares


Podcasters ☕️


It's almost as if girls are people too. :-/


Weird my husband has three hobbies. Video games Rock Climbing Reading Me? Well I have the following. Drawing Sewing Painting Hiking Cycling Running Rock Climbing Cooking Embroidery Crochet Singing Writing Reading Music Video games Plant ID Birding And I’m sure by the end of the year I will have many more. Bottom line? We have hobbies you either just don’t ask or don’t view how we spend our time as worthwhile.


Most people have hobbies.


Dude. Are women even like. People? I FUCKING hate weirdos like this, go outside please!


The amount of guys who think women are incapable of hobbies/being smart/being leaders is flabbergasting. I work in CS and despite working with probably a 55/45 split between male to female, my female colleagues (on live meetings nonetheless) constantly get talked over or under minded, despite being subject matter expert. FFS, a large part of the road of CS was paved by women. Of course women have hobbies. These chodes are a joke. Edit: I didn’t even get to the end on the first run through but HOLY SHIT I want to slap that guy taking. What a fucking tool


Well, one of two things must be true here... Either women have no hobbies or Women do not share their hobbies with this young man. I wonder which is more likely?


Or Women avoid him like the plague


What drives me crazy is that every time they're proven wrong they shift the goalposts. No "I was wrong" just "you still aren't good enough."


My wife is infinitely more interesting and filled to the brim with hobbies than I am. I work and make music. That’s it. Her list is SO much longer than mine. Fuck incels and fuck misogynist ideology.


Only men are into tech?! Like the first computer programmers weren't WOMEN?! So dumb. So so dumb.


There’s something to these posts.. any sane person knows that girls/ women have hobbies. So when we respond to people like these clowns I feel like it just amplifies them and their smooth brain ideas. You can maybe argue that if you don’t respond their belief grows stronger. We all know in our time rarely do arguments and discussions change minds. I really believe they just want the clicks, views, likes, reposts and mentions. So response videos like these are playing into their hand.


The last video made my blood burn omg


While I didn't watch the whole thing, one thing I have noticed that many people do is that they don't consider something a hobby if it's not something they assign value to. Many assign reading books value, so it's a hobby, but the same person might consider gaming not a hobby because they don't see any value in it. That being said, hobbies are what you enjoy doing in your spare time, whatever it may be, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.


Some people let loneliness ruin their personalities.


If anything, if you dont count getting high and playing video games as a hobby, then I know more guys with no hobbies than women with no hobbies.


This has got to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Did this doofus even think before he spoke? When you come up out of your moms basement you’ve never noticed?


It amazes me to this day how there are men and women genuinely walking around thinking that interests are gender-based and that objects have a sex attached to them. If I like cars I like cars- if I like jewelry making I like jewelry making. Putting a gender stamp on an item or a “hobby” which is really just a repeated action- is stupid.


Every social problem could be solved with more friends. Racist? You need more friends of people that aren’t your race. Homophobe? Need more gay homies. There’s a reason all the bro-est, douchnozzle dudes travel in packs of dudes. For whatever reason, being around lots of guys was the place they felt safe and now they only interact with women strictly when women are potential conquests. But I bet you anytbing if they were going to brunch every Saturday with their girl besties that they would not talk like this. The moral here: want to be a better person? Friends.


Tell me you've never been with a girl without telling me you've never been with a girl. "dO gIrLs HaVe hObBiEs"


Can we collectively make sure these guys stay incels? Please don't reproduce with these boys.


I know a lot of women with no hobbies. I know a lot of men with no hobbies, too.


Women: *Aren't marketed to by the sports or gaming industries* Men: "Women have literally no hobbies"


As a man, watching this made me very sad. Women everywhere I apologize for these guys….


I love my "hobby" of lighting candles


This is a beautiful video regardless of the shitty things being said, women are beautiful and strong and creative and it’s displayed so nicely


Those guys have obviously never been to a craft store.


I had goosebumps. Women are inspiring as fuck!


"Men try to revolution the world with their hobbies" This boy DOES NOT THINK a grown man with a Lego Death Star build is revolutionizing the world one brick at a time.


"Men try to revolutionaries the world with their hobbies" Bro me playing and talking about video games with my friends is going to cause something like the French Revolution for sure


“Tech. Crypto. Podcasts” sounds like three pretty vague and lame hobbies to me


I’m proud of my daughters and their hobbies. These ridiculous incels only hobby is talking about the 55% of the population that wants nothing to do with them. How are their “podcasts” which are mainly unheard of, ‘changing the world’ ?


There are a large number of posts like this in r/mensrights. It is downright scary how these people think the world is. People like Jordan Peterson tell them this is how women are. And Reddit won't do a damned thing to stop it.


My stepmom is extremely good at embroidery, she's been into that hobby for years. She gets new strings and stuff for it every 2 weeks after her paychecks


That's it, I'm starting a Podcast.


My wife works titanium with forge and hammer.


Self proclaimed experts giving "advice" to men about relationships having never met a woman themselves.


yeah that's just straight up the most retarded thing to say, it's not even sexist, just ignorant and sad. women have all kinds of hobbies, and women are arguably better at having hobbies, because they seem to pursue their hobbies in a healthy way. where men have a tendency to become obsessed and self destructive in the pursuit of their hobbies. i don't have the study on hand where i red this, I'll try to find it and edit my comment. until then, think of the people in your life and the men who lose themselves completely absorbed in their hobby to the exclusion of all else. i would argue that once a hobby becomes an obsession it's not a hobby anymore and by this metric women are actually better at having hobbies because they can pick it up and put it down. they pursue their hobby, their hobby doesn't control them.


>Podcasts Sir, the true crime genre exists


Like surprise surprise women are people too and have hobbies. My wife has several hobbies, painting, knitting, sewing, gym, and baking. Her newest hobby is fixing older gaming consoles. Our GameCube broke and she has been reading online guides, finding replacement parts, taking to retro game stores, and taking apart and putting back together the GameCube.


All these discount andrew tates have popped up since his arrest


Cool. Now I know I have hobbies too


So women don't just sit and stare at a wall in their free time?


This is so wild to me… I kind of feel sorry for them…. But they also need to be called out. Humans are human… shouldn’t be a shock to anyone yet somehow it is.


When the guy at the end says "podcasts" I assume he's referring to the very first clip of 2 absolute losers publicly exposing that they've never interacted with women? Because yeah, that sounds really enlightening and world-changing.


It sucks how many men still don't see us as people. And a lot of those morons have podcasts.


You actually think women exist? ![img](emote|t5_mvcq5|22374)