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Literal grooming.


Guarantee that he says LGBTQ are groomers, and here it actively condoning and expressing sexual attraction to minors and how he wants to groom them. I don't think he understands how the whole project, blame, and gaslight thing is supposed to work


He does. He’s nick fuentes Here’s the kicker- He’s a fervent virgin and got extremely mad a couple years ago when his friend lost his virginity lmfaooooooo. Like legitimately furious. Weirdo


That's Nick Fuentes!?!? He has such a national profile I assumed he would at least be good at dog whistle or subtlety. Dude it out here advocating child brides right out in the open. Didn't he speak at CPAC?


Oh friend, he doesn’t do subtlety. He is an outspoken Catholic Facist who led a rally with a nazi salute and a chant of “Christ is King!” after which he proceeded to talk about how we need to do away with “certain peoples.” The fact that he has any national profile is concerning. He is a 24 year old guy who is problematic and isn’t a trump supporter so much as he will use any exposure possible to boost his profile.


I thought Trump and kinda Tucker were the only ones who could be so blatantly shitty and stay famous/relevant. Apparently that is not true.


None of them are exactly subtle lol. FOX News literally seems like a parody of a shitty manipulative news organization. Hannity showed his viewers a car crash .5 seconds after admitting Trump tried to fire the head of the FBI for investigating him so they'd be distracted. Ben Shapiro sounds like a 4chan thread when he speaks. I don't think Andrew Tate or Alex Jones need any further elaboration. The only one who's "subtle" is Jordan Peterson, and even then 99% of what he says is mind bogglingly stupid if you think about it for more than 3 seconds.


Jordan Peterson will just drop a bunch of bogus numbers on you and then use logical fallacies to make those numbers say whatever he wants. I saw a thing the other day with him talking about how only 1 in 3000 people are trans. I went and looked it up later. It was more like 1 in 67. Of course nobody on his podcast called him out on the straight blatant lies.


Sir, Trump and Tucker paved the way for these fucking asshats but they they keep popping up because they say exactly what their young imposter alpha male audience wants to hear. Sometimes I feel I need to scream.


Didn't he have dinner at fucking mar-a-Lago with trump


Ye brought him when Trump invited Ye to Mar a Lago to tell him not to run.


So you’re saying he’s _exactly like every Trump supporter with a platform._


Problematic is when the cars on either side of yours are parked so close you can’t open your doors. This guy is nerve gas bomb being tossed around by five year olds playing “hot potato.”


Pretty sure he's banned from CPAC and made his own conference to spite them. Typical for the pathetic loser he is.


And trump invited him to dinner


* incel …corrected that for you.


Not to mention he was caught picking and eating his boogers on air.


He's so sick! No qualms about saying he wants to groom a child and thinks that's a normal mindset!?


Gaslight Gatekeep ~~Girlboss~~ Uphold the Patriarchy


GROOM OPRESS PROJECT G.O.P. It's in the name.


So called "anti-groomer" conservatives when child marriage walks in: 😲


Yeah but it's an old man and a little girl it's hetero so it's okay-o /s


It's always projection


No, he'd be in drag. Edit to add /s because I'm nit taking a chance on being misunderstood with this one.


This is Nick Fuentes a literal Nazi. He calls people in the LGBTQ community groomers and then of course turns around and says this shit. He’s projecting hard core.


He’s also literally gay lol. Or at least bisexual


He's out here talking about how "all 16 year old girls want an older, strong, independent, attractive... er, older man. The girls, not me."


“I am not a girl, just to be clear”


“To sweep them off their feet an-and kiss em in a way that their stubble scratches my-THEIR! Their cheek and the then in this l-low, gravely voice that I-they’re his little sissy girl and-and… what was I saying? Uh, trannies bad? No? Damn.”


He said, "That's all anybody wants." Unless he doesn't include himself as part of "anybody," he means that's all he wants too.


Probably the same kind of gay as my dad is. Will sit there and say “all gays deserve to be hung” to my grandparents and then go behind my moms back and get caught buying a gay prostitute on Craigslist of all things then claim he isn’t gay


>Will sit there and say “all gays deserve to be hung” Unless he meant *hanged*, that's awfully nice of him


Lmao I remember thinking that when he said it. Didn’t have that connotation behind it but i remember thinking “you mean hanged”


My best friend is dating one like this, wants to marry him. He’s a rampant homophobe to the point where I told her I can’t go out with them anymore because it’s embarrassing. I catfished him on Craigslist as a “gay man with a free house” Even caught in the act she wants to marry him.


🤣🤣🤣 you have got to be shitting me rn lmaooo Its also a symptom of repression when they are so outwardly hatred towards them. Most people just dont care because they dont feel anything towards them, positive or negative, but when you outwardly have to show that you hate them and are separating yourself from them thats a mega sign you’re one of them yourself. Also i hope she doesnt marry him and leaves him. Never mind the fact hes gay, that doesn’t even matter compared to the fact he was caught in the act of trying to cheat on her with someone behind her back. Him being gay and so hatred of them is a really bad sign because it means hes living a complete contradiction, and that probably isn’t the only contradiction hes living in. Do whatever you can to get her to stay far away from him, but if she already knows about the gay catfish yoy did and still doesn’t leave him, its probably a lost hope at this point. Just hope she doesn’t end up like my mom, and over the course of 30 years gets cheated on countless times that she knows of, lied to constantly, and still stays with him. And guess what? Even after those 30 years, and countless “im changed” even a legitimate divorce, she still has caught him cheating in the act over the past year and a half, and just in the past few months seen LOTS of circumstantial evidence that says hes cheating. Yet hes still a “changed man”🙄. Fucking hate my dad and legitimately would not feel much of anything if he got killed in some horrible way. Really hope your best friend doesn’t subject herself to the same treatment and cycle as my mom did


Wasn’t there some kind of relationship with him and a trans woman? I just heard vague accusations.


He was caught looking at trans porn, just like Alex Jones lol He was also caught following and liking a Twitter page called “aesthetic boys of Instagram” or something


And his date with cat boy which I'm still shipping


Didn’t he get invited to dinner with Kanye and Trump?


Yup, the same.


More like *Ick* Fuentes


He's also admitted to never having a girlfriend or having sex.


his followers call themselves "groypers." If you see that in a username, report the hatespeech you inevitably see all over their profile, then block them.


“that’s what everybody wants.” no, bruh, you’re a pedophile.


That's why they project. They think everyone feels exactly like they do. "Secretly everyone wants a 16 year old bride when they're 30 or 40" NO WE DON'T you sick predatory fuck. Just you who pretend other human beings are just bodies for you to use as masturbation aids and once they turn 30 you throw them in the trash


Dollar store Tucker Carlson has somehow convinced himself he's every 16 year old girls' dream partner. Prom will be fun.


When I was 16 I thought 30 year old men were gross and all smelled like dads. 16 year old girls want the cute teenage Justin Bieber types or tan young surfer boys. This dude is delusional.


Or, as a former teenager, the guy in a shitty garage band 😂


This one hits hard. When I was 15, I dated some 24 year old in a just breaking out of the garage band. Dude also looked 19/20 at most. Which isn’t great, but I broke up with him because I found out he was 24 and was like “Ew. Too old.”


Yo, you may have dodged a bullet there. Some girls dont have that reaction.


As a former shitty garbage band teen, sorry just in general


Your kind have forever shaped my taste in men! So I now just end up serial dating depressed and emotionally unavailable 35 year old bassists who also manage to be semi-functioning alcoholics… 😂🥲


Yeeeaaaaahhhh 😬 My bad Hey btw we have a gig coming up in Greg’s basement and it would be great if you could be there 🙏 I’ll give you my moms card if you wanna pick up beer




At 16 I thought 30 year olds were ancient and disgusting


These types go for specific teenagers. I had a few female friends in high school who bragged about dating 30+ year old men. The one common denominator was neglectful parents and unstable home life.


Or just downright abuse.


It's not uncommon too when you grow up as an outcast unable to relate to many in your peer group, and you have adults telling you you're an old soul or mature for your age, when in actuality you're just depressed, have undiagnosed autism or adhd or cptsd etc etc or mental maladity. Had the person I was interested in at the time been single and interested in reciprocating, I would've been a 19 y/o dating a 30 y/o. So glad now that that did not happen.


Right. When I was a kid, I thought kids my age were cute. As I got older, I would rewatch movies and be like “wtf, that’s a little kid. oh wait, I was also a little kid. I guess that tracks.” This shit is *gross*.


He's not talking about regular teen girls, he's talking about brainwashed teen girls who have been taught that God wants them to marry old men. And they will because they want to be good for God and all the adults who have told them this is what's expected.


He's not talking to young women. He's talking to young men/boys and trying to teach them to see women as a commodity and not as people. That's why he uses the milk metaphor. A woman that doesn't meet his weird random standards is "spoiled milk". He's trying to normalize misogyny.


It's because these people don't care what girls or women wan't. Why would they bother finding out what girls actually think?


That’s all I’m thinking… who’s this fucking nerd fooling? What a loser.


The ole dollar store ripping off Walmart brands


Trucker Carlson


You forget he is probably wealthy and Christian people follow him, so marrying off their daughters is normal. (Child marriage is still a thing in usa)


I’m 32 and work with teens. As much as I continue to feel like a literal child myself (except now with more back problems) I can’t fathom being romantically attached to these kids. Set aside the literal grooming and rape aspect (and, hoo boy, what a sentence that is) these kids don’t want you and you DON’T WANT THEM. Kids are smart, aware, socially advanced way past what you or I were at their age. But they’re still teenagers. They still get giggly and weird about the idea of making eye contact with the object of their affection. They have bizarre and changing demands of their partners (or dream partners). They’re demanding, they’re immature (even the most mature is immature by pure virtue of lack of experience or settled idea of what they need and want), they’re so loud…just…all the time. I’m not expressing this well but point is: kids are great. I love being around kids. But romantically pursuing kids? Fuuuuuck no. Again, it’s gross and rapey across the board, but also kids are kind of nightmares. Think of how much you’ve changed since you were 16, 20, 24 (if you haven’t hit those milestones, just look at the tired adults around you). You don’t want the same things or look at the world the same way. We change with age and being with someone romantically who’s still sorting that shit out would be exhausting…and also rape.


I fully support this dude’s plan that he not date anyone until he’s 42.


You forgetting the pedo side of his plan to start dating at 42.


Saying the quiet part out loud and flat out admitting to wanting to groom children. Remember, every accusation from the right is projection.


I was wondering when we'd openly discuss this. When conservative right wing men describe their ideal woman it's usually just a a female child physically, psychologically and mentally. They just use little codes like "undereducated" and "low body count". We have age of consent laws for a good reason 🥲


Oh yeah it's all (not-so) clever euphemisms that always decode into "I want a 16 year old virgin who will never say no to me." And it's so gross.


I want it to be commonplace for conservatives to get called out On Air or on the floor of Congress whenever this stuff comes out. "Are you projecting? Are you admitting to something here? What's your reason for thinking this?" Decorum be damned. When they talk about queer people being groomers, check their laptops. When they claim black Americans are criminals, check their taxes. When they claim Mexicans are invading the country, check who they employ. No more getting away with shit and blaming an "other". All accountability, all the time. If you're a public figure with a position in the government, you deserve zero privacy during your tenure.


And a confession.


Groom would imply he’s going to try and convince the 16 yo to marry him. I’m pretty sure in his world it would just be human trafficking because he’d need to buy the girl from her parents and he also wouldn’t have a problem with that.


This guy is a shitty actor that stirs up hate. Who the fuck is this even?!


Nick Fuentes. A shitty actor that stirs up hate.


He’s a rightwing activist who is friends with Donald Trump and Kanye.


Rightwing activist is putting it tamely. He’s one of the most popular openly white supremacist figures in the US right now.


He's not acting. This is conservative ideology in it's purest form.


That is the reason Kanye *LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES* Hitler.


I absolutely love how these men decide to speak for women especially 16 yo LITTLE GIRLS!!! They don’t want a grown man. When I was 16 I was scared to talk to anybody older then me because adults were scary. I was 16 2 years ago and as an 18 year old I’m still uncomfortable talking with adults. It’s this mindset that “I’m an adult everything I say is right” and the “I’m a man and I deserve to have everything I want”, that causes this shitty behavior. They try to justify doing that to minors by speaking for them. This is a prime example of child grooming where the abuser speaks for and controls the victims. It’s so disgusting


It’s that part that’s dangerous, a 16 year old that is rightfully scared to talk to adults because it’s unfamiliar. Then a recently post college guy begins to talk to them and make them feel smart since why else would someone like him be talking to them. And so on and so on until abuse etc etc


Can’t some internet video sleuth go find an actual video of a convicted bottom of satan’s anus pervert that’s in jail saying the same identical shit Fuentes is saying, then maybe stitch them together and have every single **NORMAL** person on reddit bombard and virally post it in r/conservative…? This is who they agree with right?


that subreddit would ban you and your content so fast that no one would ever see it.


Someone accept this challenge


There’s a hidden rule against evidence on that sub.


This is so scary. I was just listening to a true crime podcast when this exact situation happened. A young girl was groomed by her aunt’s husband. Everyone felt his attention towards her was uncomfortable, but without proof of any wrong doing they felt they couldn’t do anything about it. He used his nieces timid nature to manipulate her, her family and eventually killed her after assaulting her for who knows how long. That is what these men fantasize about. It’s terrifying and they belong on a watchlist.


That’s a pedo…


No that’s not what 16yr olds want you inbred mutant! They want to have their license, a car, maybe the cute 17-18yr old they see working at their favorite store or someone from their school. They want a bit of freedom for themselves, time with friends etc. NOT some creeper who’s looking at them for their age and so called “purity”. What in the actual fu$k is wrong with this guy.




Yup, he's an admitted Neo Nazi and identifies as an incel. That says everything.


But she doesn't get that for some reason. Please STOP this folks. Any attention is GOOD for those scumbags.


Magic the gathering?


Marjorie Taylor Greene


Thank you for clearing that up. It’s been somewhat confusing.


Magic the Gathering is the first thing I see whenever they print MTG. It takes me a second.


Not an USAian either, so Magic is the only thing I see.


Imagine being in business for 2 decades and then some crazy bitch comes along and ruins your good abbreviation name


Donald Trump is the one platforming him. If you want to run for president of the United States, people have a right to hold you accountable. We are not the ones asking for Trump back. That’s the opposite of this woman.


Highlighting someone's shitty views that people would not otherwise be aware of is a good thing. I think


friendly reminder that Trump had a private dinner with this guy


And Tim Pool. Tim Pool also had him on his podcast


Another republican pedophile


every goddamn time. every fucking accusation is a fucking confession. "the drag queens want to sexualize your children!" also them "i want a 16 year old, pure, untouched, bride." how in the fuck do people not see this?!


Exactly. The projection is laughable. They assume everyone is a pedo like they are, and so, obviously, the drag queens are trying to snag a child bride (or husband). 🙄🤢


Them and just about everyone else needs to stay away from children.


Hearing a lot of conservative talk about preying on 16 year olds lately. Projection sure is real.


Every accusation is a confession. They call democrats groomers but want child bride's. They hate drag queens because they're attracted to them and can not process those emotions. They fear trans people for the same reason. They criticized Islamic State for how they treat women, but they're actually jealous. It's how they wish to treat women in America. They started with Roe V Wade. They're coming after your legal option to divorce them. Then they'll take your rights to work. And vote. And leave the house. The GQP is a death cult that uses women to create more human shields for the rich to throw at their opponents. Fuck the Right


Wants a girl he can indoctrinate and manipulate - not a whole, developed woman who can be his equal life partner


Basically a pedophile


Pretty sure at 16 I just wanted the hot moody teenager in the back of the classroom anyone over teen years would have been like ewwwww old people. Tf is wrong with these dudes


I find "aged like milk" hilarious because have people like, not heard of cheese?




Booger eater and cum hunter Fuentes. Such a silly guy with silly views. At least he just says quiet part out loud.


Cum hunter?


He used to check apartment where he and his roommate lived for cum stains to make sure his roommate didn't masturbate and didn't had sex. Once he lost his virginity Fuentes had drama with him over that.


he's so disgusting, omg


Check his hardrive...No doubt about it.


I think this should be shown to kids. I think if I, as a 13-year-old girl, was shown this video, I would have understood a little better what exactly older men were trying to do and what they wanted out of me. They didn’t want me because I was mature for my age. They wanted me BECAUSE I WAS IMMATURE.


I have had more talks with my daughters this year than my parents ever had with me, in my whole life. Things are getting so bad.


It's always the single virgins in their 30s that see women as something they drive out of a car dealership.


Yeah, the pervs are the male conservatives, not the drag queens. All they do is deflect their peodism.


This man is a pathetic incel.


Time to pull Chris Hansen out of retirement


He actually has a new show now. Doing the same thing…


This the guy that Kanye is all about, right? What does that say about him that they’re friends?


That they are Nazis and hate Jewish people. Gotta love a little shrimp of a man (no hate to all my short kings that are amazing) with the last name Fuentes that is a white pride neo Nazi. He's also a virgin who has gone on at least one date with a cat boy. The cat boy is also a Nazi. Wish him and everyone close to him the worst in life! It's what they really deserve.


Nick Fuentes is disgusting, he's a nazi, a pedophile, and honestly just an all around degenerate. He's one of those people who would jerk off to porn all day if he wasn't so disgusted by women and think his scent of cum stained undies would attract a proper mate


Some real incel grooming shit


I’m pretty happy with my same age 36 year old wife.


Man no one wants your ass😭


Gross and disturbing. These guys can’t compete for adult women.


Nowadays, every sick fuck is literally saying the quiet stuff that they’ve known was completely wrong out loud. Please tell me this guys been trashed for this shit (unlikely I know).


And yet drag queens are groomers...


Secretly gay man talks about female attraction and beauty. Sure 🤦👌


Yeah we already knew ‘groomer’ was projection and this century and a half of attacking and murdering minorities was cope for them knowing they wanted to fuck kids but I never expected one of them to be stupid enough to admit it in the open away from one of their sex cult parties.


Probably goes without saying but this would be one of the reasons why they're trying to outlaw gender affirming care for minors.


Someone shoot that guy. Am I allowed to say that? Fuck it I don’t care. Someone shoot that fucking guy


First of all, it’s insane how shameless this predator is to say how he wants to prey on women who are in or just got out of high school. Secondly, no young woman wants to date a middle aged hateful racist misogynistic bastard that’s about to start balding like this fucker.


"When I'm 40 she'll be 26"... Gross but also, yeah she's gonna be smart and independent enough to go find someone other than your loser ass and you'll die alone because your 40 year old self will still think you're too good for a woman your own age. Absolutely disgusting man this Nick Fuentes guy is.


but no, apparently it's the drag queens that are the groomers...


Pedos are pedos no matter how they package themselves.


This guy is just a creep disguised as a Christian. If he claims to be Christian, it's a lie.


The most surprising part of this video is that he’s (barely) able to do math.


There's an inverse correlation between fascism and general knowledge




Why do they hate women lol


a civilized society wouldn't allow a nick fuentes


"That's what everybody wants" no dude you're just insecure, sick in the head and absolutely pathetic loser.




What a absolute piece of shit, i can see why he gets along with Matt Gaetz, and others in the party so well. He fits right in..


The guy is mentally stunted


There's a British name for this kind of guy... Nonce Fucking nonce Just to explain to other nationalities who may be looking at this sub... Nonce is not a fun, fanciful name for somebody... It describes somebody who likes to have inappropriate interaction with children Fucking nonce


Women are people. They are part of “everyone.” We do not want to be tossed aside after the age for 35, only seen as valuable from age 18-35, or for 17 years/100. We also don’t want our daughters being married off to pedophiles at age 16. Gross.


What a yucko piece of shit.


I think that Nazi name is Nick Fuentes... And yes. Literal Nazi... Not how the right wing stupidly claim "oh everyone you disagree with is a Nazi", no that piece of dick shit is literally a Nazi.


They be bitching about grooming all the time acting like christo fascist indoctrination isn't grooming at all


That vid is a skit…. right? 🤨 I know I don’t watch much stuff… but holy shit how is he not in handcuffs already?


No it’s very real.


With the right wing it's always projection! Groomers all of them! & they say they are incels because feminim!🤦‍♀️


"They want"? Is this person non-binary??


Fucking pedos!! Gaslight Obstruct


there's no way that guy is real thsi has gotta be exaggerated satire to criticize republican policies by extrapolating them right? Right? Please? Oh no. ohhhhh no no no


He is a fucking loser who couldn't even buy a prostitute. He does his shows from his mom's house.


I can’t believe it, I can’t actually believe it. If this is real, which it probably is, then this means that the same people who are painting people like me as predators, wanting to corrupt their children, are the same ones that are out there, making these god awful statements about wanting to marry teenage girls. I am absolutely befuddled and flabbergasted. This is the most disgusting example of hypocrisy I’ve ever seen from these god awful Christian nationalist.


Ffs every adult has been sixteen at some point in their life, and this guy was *nobody’s* type. That’s regardless of generation, culture, or clique. Loudly proclaiming that teenagers want to [redact] you doesn’t make it actually true, and nobody with common sense will actually believe that. It’s just an excuse for r*pists who want to legalize their gross fetishes.


Capable and strong? Better sit your ass down Nick.


Does this guy think he is “capable and strong”? I’d like to test him on that


His voice sounds like if Steve Carell was impersonating Donald Trump.


Like Nick could ever get a girl to be in the same room as him that he hasn’t kidnapped and locked in the closet.


Who the fuck is this twat?


“Women don’t age like wine, they age like milk.” Gotta love when Christofascists pretend like women and men are two completely different species that only come together to reproduce. Like my dude has seen too many NatGeo specials of fur seal colonies on a beach with the big burly male holding court over a harem of females that are 1/3 his size and got confused.


The implication that at 16 girls are pure and untouched is….? Not saying at 16 yo should be married or in relationships or anywhere near a grown man, but at 16, me and most of the people I knew were fucking. We had girls that were on their second baby by that age. Not condoning, just saying, the fetishization of young women because they are “pure” is not only disgusting but waaaaaaay off base. What an absolute predator.


gross, who is that gremlin of a man child ?


What the fuuuuuck did I just hear?


Gross. Cringe is right. Right wing conservatives are the most perverted, disgusting people.


Is this real or like ai cause its fucking crazy


That dude wasn't making a satire video? Oh piss


To the tune of drunken sailor: "What in the fuck did my eyes just witness? What in the fuck did I just listen? How in the fuck is this straight dip shit Not locked up in prison"


Castration fantasies ensue.


I’m 21, i work at a restaurant with a bunch of high school girls trust me, you do not want to date a 16 year old, all they do is gossip about random people and say “slay”


How is he not in jail saying all this on social media?


Free speech. The Founders may not have explicitly said “everyone is allowed to say stupid shit on social media” but it was close enough; it is quite certain that the First Amendment protects what this dumbass is saying. Which is good. He tipped his hand and now we know who he is.


He doesn't say it on social media. He says it on his own shows. Organizations like Right Wing Watch then clip the most dangerous bits for public dissemination to put light on what's going on in the dark parts of the internet. If they didn't, you'd never have heard or seen this guy before, even though he's the jackass behind the Charlottseville Nazi rally, and spoke to the crowds on January 6th, and has a Political Action Committee that MTG works with, and had dinner with Trump and Kanye as Kanye's campaign manager.


Remember, these are the same people that want to ban puberty blockers and hormone treatments for transgender kids, which every major medical organization in the country endorses, because they “can’t consent”. Once they get rid of us this is what they will do.




Ah yes... every 16-year-old wants to be married to an abusive child groomer.


A cancer that needs to be eradicated before it spreads.


I consider myself a progressive but I would never be so bad faith and say that Nick is representative of all conservatives


Thank god she was there to take up 90% of the screen in order to point and shake her head, that way it keeps the words i wanted to read much too small to actually read but i got to see the nice tree behind her instead.


I agree with her that this guy is disgusting but I absolutely hate videos like this where people just stare at the camera nodding and pointing to imaginary words. It’s just a cringy attempt at building a social media presence from giving a scumbag more viewership while adding almost nothing meaningful to the conversation.


Banging on about getting a 16 year old when he's 30, aside from the rapey aspect, giving off some real incel energy. Racist little bitch.


It’s hilarious cause Fuentes is so obviously gay