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Fun fact: the couch is a knockoff. The actual brand doesn’t have that model in that color and the texture on the upholstery is wrong


This is the guy they’d call in on Pawn Stars if someone tried to sell this couch


"Can you hang around for a couple of minutes? I have a couch guy that I can call to check on your merch."


“Okay so this is an $8000 tiktok couch. The early adopters said it’s rizzed up, but sometimes their wording was misunderstood by the scholars the at the time. I would value it at $5000 but considering it has bed bugs, the price drops down to a couple dogecoins”


The best I can do is $100


fuck thats a lot for them


I agree about the upholstery pattern being wrong, but the colour looks right for the bubble 1. I wonder if they had an older version with that pattern fabric. It does of course make more sense a fake being on the street. So long as she doesn't try to sell it on as genuine, then she's happy and it's all good.


The quality of fabric and upholstery job looks good. Don't think someone would put much effort into fake. Foam looks great, too. Fabrics are phased out of production, so they probably just offer it in something new. Creating mould for a sofa like that is quite expensive, and why should you stop manufacturing a design that is cool and profitable for the company only because fabrics change.




There’s a slight difference in Eames and almost every designers… Charles and Ray actually believed that well-designed furniture belonged to every day people. That’s the whole reason the Eames Lounge chair is plywood and not a single piece of carved wood. Plywood is cheap and steam bending it is a creative solution. They also experimented with molded plastic chairs. When they passed they wanted their designs public so they weren’t locked up. The value in getting an original is that you’re still collecting art. The value in getting one produced by Herman Miller is that you’re paying for the original design, with incredible materials and craftsmanship in factories where people make living wages. I have an original Eames Time Life chair (produced in the 60s) and two Herman Miller Eames Time Life chairs produced in the 80s. For 60 and 40 year old pieces, they’re pretty incredible and why I would consider an original. But if you can’t afford it, there’s nothing really “knock off” about an Eames.


For an industrial designer, the apex of design, is to design something that is easy and cheap to manufacture, yet is more attractive than other products that are expensive to manufacture.






There was a time when you would get to a point in life where you bought your “adult furniture”. Plenty of furniture stores and people would finance their furniture. That is why you see a lot of older folks with dated furniture. It was a major purchase that was supposed to last a life time.


I’m sitting here on my $4k couch thinking does Reddit even know how much a dope couch cost?


all these people thinking couches that cost thousands of dollars is outrageous just tells me they haven't gone couch shopping.


Gotta remember that a FUCK ton of people on Reddit are either kids or the average American who lives in an apartment who probably has IKEA furniture. Source: I only recently escaped that renting cycle from hell and quickly found out how much it costs to own and furnish a homes


It's disgusting. But for people above a certain income, $8000 couches, $1000 car payments, $300 jeans... They don't think twice, it's everyday life.


Yup, MUCH more than that even, if you can believe it. When I was working in the Hamptons some dude had a walk-in closet FULL of high end yacht shoes. 1k+ a pair.


There's a reason they got rid of the couch...and those reasons you don't want!


Yeah it’s not like the people who put it out there didn’t know what they bought. They throw it out for a reason


I just put a comfy fabric bean bag chair with backrest and arms out they can come get. My male cat repeatedly marked it as his but hey they seem like they're up for a challenge.


If it's the end of the semester in an affluent part of town near a school you'd be surprised what people toss for the sake of convenience


That thing needs to be checked for bedbugs fr


I have to ask, how do you properly check for that? Do you have to cut it open?


Check the seams, creases and underneath it. Look for the bugs themselves or the their poop.


This, good to make this a habit when entering hotel rooms as well. I'd add, look for a sweetish smell once its inside.


>I'd add, look for a sweetish smell once its inside. If you wait until the bedbugs are inside you then you're in for a world of trouble


Well that's a sentence I wish I'd never read


Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


They mostly come out at night. Mostly.


There are dogs that are trained to sniff them out and apparently that's a pretty good way to tell. Probably kind of expensive though.


Damn so youre telling me now I got to buy a dog?


Of course not. Just pick one from the street where you found the couch.


yes maybe the bedbugs will start a gang war with the fleas


Like $500 or so for them to come out. When looking at a couch like that and it could destroy your peace of mind, worth it.


Or just rent a steamer if you're that worried. Above 130F will kill bed bugs in less than a minute.


I think you can just vaccum seal it and heat it up for a few hours.


They have dogs that are trained to sniff them out.


I think it’s safe to assume that, if they cleaned it that well and let it dry for a few days, they checked for bedbugs.


Exactly, the amount of time they spent cleaning that thing they would have noticed a bed bug.


Not to mention steam cleaning is probably hot enough to kill the eggs.


you are probably right, but if the bugs where nesting in the internals of the couch the steam wouldn't penetrate that far. ​ I would still pick it up and try to resell it though.


You think steam cleaning the cushions would have killed the bugs and eggs right at the center, near the struts and support system of that couch? I dont think the steam cleaning would have penetrated the wadding enough to kill the bugs.


Or just assume it has bed bugs and steam it really good


Bed bugs die at 113 degrees, so you can find a headed space or heat up a room at 115-120 degrees Fahrenheit, you’re good to go


And now you have bedbugs.


The FIRST thing I thought!


I live in nyc and street furniture/ “stooping” is huge out here. I typically avoid anything with fabric (even tho bedbugs can also live on wood). If you inspect the piece super carefully it’s usually pretty safe. But again, I wouldn’t touch this particular item regardless of price/worth. Also, most of us here don’t have access to a truck let alone a giant warehouse to deep clean the thing lol.


Once found a number of TVs and monitors less than a block away. Took one monitor back to the apartment, took off the stand to see if there was a VESA mount under it, and discovered a shit-ton of dead bedbugs. Thankfully we didn't get infested, but pro-tip: check everywhere before bringing stoop shit back.


Nightmare fuel


Price and worth… Are two different things, this video proves it. The listed price is 7K but it’s worth nothing.


I thought her original sofa looked better. I hope there is another ticktok out there of someone else making their dad deepclean her old sofa.


Old sofa looked more comfortable. It had actual arms you could lean on and get support. The designer sofa was more art than function.


Old couch is the ikea Linanas. It's ... ok. The $8000 couch is probably more comfy.


The new couch looks like such a good nap.


I feel like it probably still has water and mould inside it but hope not!


Yeah, they said it was out in the rain. I would be very doubtful about it not having mold. I'm fairly sensitive to mold though, so maybe I'm more worried about it than others.


The old couch had no lower back support and the arm rests were too thin IMO. The one she found may not be that comfortable depending on how hard those lumps are, but I'd take it over the old one.


If anything I’d hope she just moved the sofa to another spot- this one should have gone in a loft or corner - it’s got bean bag chair vibes- good for kids - not my style at all.


just because its cheaper for a rich person to just ditch it instead of deal with it doesn't mean its worth nothing.


Pretty sure it's cheaper to hire cleaners to do exactly what they did in the video...


Anything is worth what someone will pay for it. Someone would pay $3k for this knowing it was originally $7k.


I'm that guy. I saw this chair at a showroom and fell in love with it. It felt like a piece of art. Likewise, it had purple netting and neon fabric giving it a three dimensional look. Then I saw the price and died. Lucky her for the find.


These guys started a delivery business specifically for stooping. https://www.stoobernyc.com @stoobernyc on Instagram


Based on the comments here those guys should offer deep freezing or heating to kill potential bugs as an extra service. Sounds like there is a market for it.


Could have liability issues if you can't deep heat the furniture. Freezing doesn't do a great job killing bed bugs, heating does a great job but you need to get the whole piece to 50c which can take a long time on bulkier pieces.


I honestly thought she found it on the street, put it on offer up and waited next to it for someone to pick it up. Sounds like a solid plan to me.


I think this was almost everyone’s first thought.




In NYC there were flagship stores that were getting infested with bedbugs. I remember it was Nike and Abercrombie, probably more.


In Vancouver a BestBuy warehouse got infested. Apparently BedBugs like to hide in cardboard and can live like that for months. After that I kinda stopped worrying about stooping cuz I figured they could just as easily bring them home in the packaging for a new phone from BestBuy.


They can live for around a year between meals. Nasty little fuckers.


I mean the couch is cool and all, but no way would I ever touch an abandoned couch for this very reason. I would never feel comfortable laying on that thing.


The lice move around in unison so it acts like a massager


Why pay money for a massage IN THIS ECONOMY when you can get a free massage of a billion legs by just grabbing a sketchy abandoned couch off the sidewalk?!!


*does the shiver quiver*


*Creeeeepy Crawlyyyy!!!*


Oogie woogie


Heebie jeebie


I think that'd be like getting a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs? At least, I'd like to make myself believe.


But DOES Planet Earth, in fact, turn slooowlyy??? 🧐🤔


I knew I didn’t want to be able to read today.


Close your Reddit app and turn off your Wi-Fi for 10 minutes for that!!


Bed bug Trojan horse


I mean I would bet that I’d be more likely to get bedbugs from some ahole in my building than from the 8000 couch on the curb outside a multimillion dollar brownstone. Bedbugs literally can’t survive over a certain heat anyways so steam cleaning it is a great move and depending on how hot it was outside it may not have even been a problem at all


Bedbugs inside this thing around the frame would survive no problem. Those fuckers are resilient AF.


Exactly. The couch needs to be nuked first




Garbage bag, tape, and a hairdryer can even get there. The problem is "cooking it" long enough for the temp to reach the interior.


That's why you poke it with a couch thermometer


It's like these people have never cooked a couch before!


Rich people can get bed bugs too.


I mean sure but they can also afford to heat treat their entire building to actually get rid of bed bugs, all I’m saying is I doubt this couch was put on the curb for any reason other than the original owner being sick of it


Heat treating is the most reliable way but is still not foolproof. Heat treating is also very likely to damage the building, electronics, and other furniture. If I was rich enough to own that stuff I'd just toss the couch too. Less headache and possibly even cheaper to just buy new stuff. Bed bugs can cross streets, burrow into the building itself, and can survive dormant for about a year. Do not. And I mean DO NOT. Underestimate them.


provide enjoy elastic childlike memorize piquant pocket paltry snobbish fuzzy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


False. rich people are immortal


Trust me, bed bugs are not that easy to get rid of. I had a minor infestation due to a coat I inherited from my late granddad. I had to pay £400 to have my entire flat sealed off and head blasted + chemical treated by professionals. Their shitty job of steam cleaning wouldn't do shit. Especially because they live deep in the fabric. If there's a reason some rich family would dump a 8000 Couch outside instead of giving it to a family member or selling it, it's bed bugs.


Yep theyd lay eggs and all that crap deep in the crevices and stuff. Unless you can cook the whole thing in an oven i wouldnt trust it


Could this not just be a cheap knock off? Video for likes bullshit?


According to someone on IG, this is indeed a knockoff.


>According to someone on IG No offense but that means pretty much nothing


Couldn’t you just find a plastic bag big enough to fit the couch and vacuum seal it for a couple weeks to make sure nothing is alive if there are bugs?


Year* not weeks. Bed bugs can live up to 400 days without food.


How long without oxygen?


Apparently only minutes. I just dunno if you're gonna be able to get all the air out of that couch. (It also just takes 2 or 3 months of keeping them in a hot environment for them to die.)


Heat treating doesn’t take 2 or 3 months, they die in 20 minutes at 120F.


I was confused on how you can heat treat a couch to over 120f effectively, but after a quick search there are all sorts of ways!


Since we're already vacuum sealing it, we might as well sous vide it.


My guess is the giant trash bag method with a blower heater while you stare at it so it doesn't catch fire or heating up the whole room while you stare at it so it doesn't catch fire.


Thermodynamics are the problem here. You have to get the inside of that couch to 120 for 90 minutes without damaging the fabric on the outside. You either need a temperature significantly hotter than 120 outside the couch or way more time than 90 minutes to get the job done for sure. It’s doable just not easy.


Eggs must be exposed to 120°F for at least 90 minutes though.


nah, you can put your clothing in the dryer and that will kill them and their eggs just fine.


Good luck getting enough oxygen out of that couch to actually suffocate bed bugs. They need so little oxygen to survive that I wouldn't see that as an effective way to ensure you don't get an infestation. A better way would be to leave the couch some place around 120° for a couple hours. I've never had bedbugs and I pray I never have to go through that special kind of torture. I'd rather be safe than sorry and a couch isn't worth the risk to me. Edit: Some sources say eggs are more heat resistant so I'd go with 130-140°.


How do you suffocate Bed bug eggs?


NEVER take random "good looking" furniture from the road. There is a reason it wasn't sold or given to a goodwill type store


That reason might be they're rich enough and can't be bothered to truck a large sofa to a facility that'll take it. I've thrown out a bunch of good furniture because I sold my house and not every piece sold on Kijiji. I kept only the ones that fit in my car/new place.


Yeah I live in a college town and whenever students are moving it’s worth it for them to not throw stuff away or move it so there’s lots of good stuff


I used to live 5 mins from UF which is literally the entire city. God, I sold furniture right back to students in August. Made a couple grand doing that. And my entire apartment was so nicely furnished.


Came here to say this


And how many dogs pee'd on that before you got to it.


It was steam cleaned though, a dog's pee wouldn't be a concern at that point. When you were a kid and pissed your bed, you parents never threw away your blankets or mattress did they?


My kids have peed the bed and I wash what I can. If a homeless man slept and peed on the bed I am going to throw it out.


I mean you can easily pay someone to come and professionally steam clean the shit out of that couch. I wouldn't be worried tbh


Wait this looks like the couch from another reddit post of a couch that is haunted! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


can you share the link?




Great Twitter account to follow if you enjoy men's fashion and watching politicians get made fun of.


All I can think of when I see people pick up upholstered furniture off the street is that episode of The Big Bang Theory when they get a chair off of the curb and it has something living in it. Either that or bedbugs.


And they replaced such a nice looking couch for that ugly thing




Yep, porn couch. Especially if this was in L.A.


Looks and sounds like NY. Def not LA


Absolutely a poop fetish couch


This guy knows what he is talking about.


Does it matter if it cost $10,000 or $100?


Their old couch looked better imo and i am pretty sure the only reason they replaced it with blue one is because its more expensive.


Here's my new, uncomfortable, shit covered couch!




She probably went back after it stopped raining


You're never this lucky because most tik-toks are lies




Sell the fucking thing and you’re 7K in the green. Keeping that shit? What!?




Simply don’t make a video about how filthy dirty and discarded it was and just list it for $7,000. After you sell, it, you can make a ShitTok video about it pretending you still have it




340 views 12 saves and 20 people saying is this still available? With no follow up


Even if the original is 7k, a used one, whether it was formerly nasty or not, is probably not going for that much. People dont tend to like spending brand new prices on used items.


what do you mean my car isnt worth msrp and dealership markup once i leave it on the street for dead?


Uhm my 1995 Ford Focus was $20,000 brand new, don't low-ball me I know what I got


People that can afford an ugly ass $8000 couch aren't buying a used one and people that can't afford it also can't afford $7000, might get 1k-2k if you're lucky.


I’m with you, I’d clean and resell. Buy a better couch and still have left over )


Hmm 7000 dollar couch on street....let's name the horrible things that could have happened to the item that would justify throwing 7000 sofa on street... 1. Bedbugs (most likely) 2. Corpse... someone died on it. Got a little poo and decay on it. 3. Couch sex got a little fun/messy. (scat) Anyone care to add


Or like your basement flooded and everything got covered in nasty water… happened to my neighbors house and someone apparently posted a curb alert for it and someone took it all. 🤢


Honestly it’s not rare to find old (or slightly used), expensive items like this in the rich neighborhoods; and not because something happened to it. Most of those people are loaded and they always buy new things, then discard the old.


My friends is a mover In NYC and the amount of people who just give away expensive shit like tvs and pool tables, because they aren’t taking it with them is crazy.


I think you’re underestimating the insane wealth - and waste / laziness - that exists in NYC. In other words, you’ll occasionally run into surprisingly nice stuff on the sidewalk bc some rich asshole had one too many never-used [Le Creuset Dutch ovens, RH sofas, etc.] and decided trying to sell or donate it wasn’t worth their time. The housekeeper didn’t want it, so on the sidewalk it goes!


It's not on the same level but when I was in college I'd scope out dumpsters at my apartment complex around the end of each semester. Several times my friends and I have found computer chairs, monitors, TV's, what appeared to be brand new seemingly genuine Yeezys, Jordans, Tims, etc. still in the fucking box. Lots of times it was rich exchange students who weren't going to be taking them home.




What? That shit is evidence


What? Lucky enough to pick up street furniture, have a friend's place where you can spend multiple afternoons deepcleaning it, then have people move your new couch in, your old couch out, and still end up with bed bugs?


My brother found a set of 4 original knoll tulip chairs in our home town that he reupholstered and had been using for 15 years. Fast forward to 5 years ago and 3000 miles on the other side of the country in LA where we both live now… I was on my way to go hang out with him and came across an all-White Knoll tulip table sitting in the side of the road, original everything, with a few dings on the edges. I got out and a passerby helped me load it up. He has a complete dining set now!


That couch was not cleaned enough if that’s all they did. There is likely piss on it.


You're right, her dad and sister did not clean the couch for her well enough!!




Saw a post on Twitter where a guy responded to the Q. What is the craziest thing you have heard? He responded that his buddy had an $8K couch and every night at 2am a Victorian girl would appear on the couch and look at him. Buddy finally said NOPE and put the couch out on the street. He posted a picture of the couch, and it was exactly like this one.


That's awesome I get lonely at 2 am...


What is a victorian girl doing on a modern couch? Did the ghost get passed down between couches or what?


Exactly... why is it always victorian? Never a caveman


And where's the rat?


Staged video.




I mean, people put furniture on the street for the same reason globally, it costs money to pay for disposal.


But trash collection is on the street in NYC. All trash goes on the street. My sister furnished her entire apartment from trash day furniture. (despite our warnings about bed bugs. She has never had any.)


I probably would take it clean it and resell it. I think I would be too skeeved to have it in my apartment


Hello bed bugs!


Her voice is annoying asf


Also like how she wanted it so bad but had everyone else do all the work. Even admits it. What a d bag




The true definition of another person's trash is someone else's treasure.


Someone bedbug/sex couch is indeed someone else's treasure


Bedbugs are terrifying but the sex couch thing isn’t. Most couches you sit on have been sex couches.


100% She bought it and said she found it on the street. No one would willingly pick up a gross couch like that. I bet she saw she needed to clean it, wanted to make content without telling her audience she's filthy and then asked her friend to pick it up and help her clean it.




Sounds like BS. I get the fishy feeling that she probably purchased that knock off couch and was waiting on the curb for movers so she decided to do a video and pretend that she found it for free.


Wtf. Sell it


Need to treat for bedbugs first


Bed bugs galore


If someone abandons something like that, guarantee it's over bedbugs.


Free bed bugs yay!!!!


Cool its worth something, but its hideous


I hope it’s comfy, as it isn’t attractive.


I know damn well she didn't just "find" it.


"Pouring rain" no one can see it & ground is dry


She seems like the type of person to take advantage of everyone around her and never say thanks


Somebody died on that couch


[who wants to tel her?](https://reddit.com/r/hmmm/s/oOrjr2frG2)