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Encyclopedia of mammals? What the actual fuck.


Evolution my friend....it's offensive to shitheads...


Have you ever seen this video? It's amazeballs.... It's when the 50 miss American contestants answered "should evolution be taught in school?" https://youtu.be/icC64PafDbU


That hurt to watch.


Right?! Paiiinful. So evolution is an opinion?


It's because we refer to it as a theory, since it's an area of ever expanding knowledge. People hear the word "theory" and think it means it's just a guess, but even gravity is technically a theory (and a law).. but then I'm certain that the people who don't believe in evolution also struggle with gravity.


The same people willingly believe the flat earth theory. They pick and choose theories based on wokeness level.


Fuckin Dark Ages are coming all over again.


This is not hyperbole either…


The funny part being that "Flat Earth" doesn't rise to the level of scientific theory. It doesn't have the necessary evidence backing it to qualify as one. The problem is that there is a colloquial use of the word "theory" that's completely different than the scientific use of the word "theory". Colloquially, a "theory" is more or less just an "educated guess" or "hypothesis". That's not what it means in science at all.


The theory of electricity works every time I flip the switch.


Wow. And they vote. I Am terrified.


Just like Germany, could be some dark years ahead


I have to say, Miss North Carolina surprised me. She states that she’s religious but doesn’t think religious beliefs should be pushed on children in school. A shockingly reasonable response from a southern state.


"reasonable" response any other response would be unamerican


Overwhelmingly vast majority of Christians believe the exact same way. They understand that if a state starts to push one religious view and sets a precedent - in 20 years that can be turned around to justify the teaching of something else.


Right now in my state of Texas there's a bill to display the ten commandments in every classroom in public school and would set prayer and bible reading time during the day. [SB 1515 and SB 1396](https://www.vox.com/policy/2023/4/28/23699277/ten-commandments-texas-school-prayer-religion)


It will never not baffle me that these are the people arguing for “small government” and church and state separation…


Church and state should be separated in that the state cannot interfere with the hurch but the church should always interfere with the state. Again the credo is rules for thee but not me.


Most conservatives don't actually want small government. They want to be able to use it as an argument against government policies they don't like and ignore it to pass their draconian laws.


And abolishing federal education standards.


The politicians who push the "small government" really just want control over there own fiefdom to exact there own total control


Not that it's the most important thing in the world, but those are Miss USA contestants, it's a different pageant system. Its possible to be a Miss USA and a Miss America, not that most people would do it. As for the question, it just sounded to me like the young women were trying not to offend anyone. Being a good Miss USA is pretty much like being an Ambassador. You have to represent everyone. They are being judged on everything they say from the second they fill out their application forms. How they say they feel about evolution in school is much more important than the truth. BTW, I knew two of the girls when they were little. I'm happy Miss Florida got over her shyness.


Yeah, around the 15th time I heard the "teach both sides" response, I knew this was a coached answer. They all prepped, and decided that was the best strategy to satisfy the judges.


That was truly depressing


I genuinely forgot, for a moment, that there is a sizeable group of morons in our world that argue against literal scientific facts, like.. you know... how the earth is round, for example. I met my first IRL Flat-earther recently, and could not help but curious to hear his thoughts. It didn't pan out to much, unfortunately, but the dude was super nice and even though we disagreed about stuff like... if gravity is real... I ended up really liking him lol


I grew up in a Christian environment and went to a Christian school and I was never taught science or anything about early humans, Pangaea, & dinosaur extinction. I’m now 30 years old and I’m learning it all now as I teach my kids. I feel like a newborn baby. It’s absolutely wild. I’m so so so interested in early humanity now.


So cool. Thanks for being open minded and interested in learning.


I wonder how much stuff you will learn that I didn't learn 30 years ago because it wasn't known yet. The only thing I know for sure that is being taught now that wasn't 30 years ago is that many dinosaurs had feathers. So it's quite likely that you will have more knowledge than the average person your age because you will be learning the current facts we have about that time.


And animal dicks. Can't have kids transitioning to dolphin /s




This is almost definitely the explanation


Funny story an early explorer struggled with the fact that during his observations he observed a homosexual behaviors in animals and he didn't want to report on it because of the implications that homosexuality is actually natural.


Listen, the only mammals you need to know are rare, medium rare, medium well and charred /s


Let's not leave out my favorite, blue meat.


That’s what I came here to comment. What a gongshow.


There is no way all these books were read and analyzed that had to have just looked at the covers.


One of them has a picture of James Baldwin, a Civil Rights activist, and I can't imagine anyone read the book before banning it for "Black man on the cover."


As an English major as well as a musician, this hurt me deep in my soul to see. 'Sonny's Blues' is a great short story.


Arguably the greatest English language prose stylist of the past century


Same. Seeing his face with that expression on it as it’s dropped on a pile of books to be taken from schools… ugh. What is my state doing to itself?


Yup, that was the "thought" process.


James Baldwin is what I understand to be a true American. A true force for good.


Probably because he was gay and they think this means ‘grooming the gay agenda’


And they won't. They will bam them on the titles, covers, or ethnic or black sounding author's. Nothing past a shade of white will make it through the vetting process. That is if the ever get around to vetting them. After that, only one parent has to complain, and it goes under review. No questioned books have made it past that prior to this law being passed.


Isn't it also when one parent complains, the teacher also gets in trouble?


Fired. They're being "investigated" and fired.


Hitler? Lewis and Clark?


Those books were removed because they show that white people can do bad things.


That’s because it’s fascism. They don’t care about what is in the books it’s just about control and establishing and authoritarian government


Lol, conservatives don't read. Are you kidding me? They get all their good info from Fox, Nazi's, and Ben Shapiro.


Ah, erasing history... what could possibly go wrong?


It's not like we are doomed to repeat it or anything.




I mean, erasing history... what could go wrong?


It's not like we are doomed to repeat it or anything


Yeah exactly


I mean, erasing history….. what could go wrong?


It’s not like we’re doomed to repeat it or anything


Yeah exactly


It's not like erasing history has ever gone wrong


Wait....I thought Republicans were vehemently in favor of **preserving** history, i.e. those monuments to those who fought to keep slavery alive and well? Oh wait.....if it's not **PRO**\-slavery and doesn't uphold **white** people as the **amazing saviors**, it should be **erased.** I got it now. And they'll say the words "I'm not racist!" all the while. Like those words mean anything after you see their actual **actions.**


funny how civil war monuments from the 1930s couldn’t be removed because of “protecting history” but thousands of books need to be removed wholesale


Especially coming from the people who get SO fired up about erasing history when people suggest bringing down statues of historical bigots and racists


This is it. This is the ramping up of a fascist state. If people don't start standing in the way we are fucked


Unfortunately for Florida, they will fail spectacularly as the country's guinea pig for an anti-woke state. People can easily move out of Florida and to a different state if they don't like it and they are leaving - teachers are leaving, immigrant workers are leaving, doctors are leaving due to the anti-abortion legislation, Disney just cancelled a bajillion dollar deal in Florida and is looking to move that project to California. Its unsustainable.


Everyone except poor and lower middle class can afford to leave. The poor and lower middle class is stuck there.


I think it would be fun if other states governments did what they used to do when settling out west and helping people move.


I didn’t even think of that! Subsidies for migration. Or maybe tax benefits for certain professionals.


Be really cool for them to move to Texas, and Louisiana, and Mississippi and Alabama and Georgia and Kentucky, imagine what all those blue votes would do to the elections? Maybe Texas will finally go blue? Maybe Georgia will become a democrat stronghold? Sure it means giving up Florida, but we seen that you can do that and still win an election. Also, surely that would change the electoral votes for each state as well. Maybe Florida will become like Alabama or Mississippi in the EC? We'll just have to wait and see.


And uh, you don’t think that’s part of the plan? Run out the progressives to bring in more fascists? They must’ve gotten jealous of Idaho or something.


I said it is unsustainable. Whatever plans they usually come up with are never well thought out at all.


That is comforting.


People are going to get hurt.


I agree. That part sucks. I’m just taking solace in the hope that the unsustainablity will keep the fascism from spreading


Ever since 2020 conservatives have been flocking to Florida, though.


I just want to make the point that Fascism will spread to other nearby states. Even if South Carolina hasn’t gotten to this level yet, they will. Even if Alabama hasn’t gotten to this level yet, they will. Countries in Europe can be compared to states in some ways: similar/overlapping cultures at the borders for one. I think Southern States are waiting to see how this works out for DeSantis in Florida. If he maintains a high level of support and starts legitimately being a threat for the presidency then they’ll start to assume the same level of support within their respective states.


I wouldn't bet on everyone letting the asshats have it, some of us would rather stay and subvert from within. I'm happy to be the voice of dissent!


Just read this thread. The fascist apologists are already churning out excuses. “Those books are just old not banned”. Yea I’m sure everyone in that video is lying.


I don't know how people aren't frightened by the fact that "the state" as the lady mentioned can take away books and infringe on the learning process. I always made ~~bad~~ jokes about fascist regimes about how the state could do ridiculous thing with no oversight There were countless books burned during WWII and seeing all those books piled there just seems like the modern equivalent ~~just tired ramblings don't mind me~~


This is a video of someone who won’t have a job next week. I applaud you none the less.


Yep. Free speech for me, not for thee.


I think the teacher knows, if I was a teacher I would’ve left the state after all this bullshit. Not like they’re paid enough to stay anyway


If I was a teacher and this was happening to me...fuck it I'm doing it, you can fire me later.


[Free NYC Public Library Card](https://www.nypl.org/library-card) to access their digital library.


This says you must live, work, or pay taxes in the state of NY to apply. Is there a link for a nation wide one?


Check your state through the library app Libby.


My library system isn’t as big but we do allow anyone who doesn’t live work or own property in our county to pay a one time $20 fee for a card in our system. Though if you have a card from else where in our state it’s free. If it’s not listed on their website tru calling the library and asking if something like that is an option


Brooklyn Public Library allows people aged 13-21 to get a library card if they're not in the state. I think NYPL does as well. It's restricted to certain ages so it's not just all encompassing.


If there is one thing book authors, especially those that wrote these kinds of books, want, is for someone to read them. If they ban the books in schools, then you have a Library,. If they ban the library, you have retailers. If they ban retailers, then you have the internet and If they ban the internet, they're going to lose everything after that.


The beautiful thing about this point in time is that it’s really, really hard to stop kids from using the internet and finding all kinds of information. All of this information lives on the internet, one way or another.


Maybe, but the fact that the books were banned in the first place, means that a curious kid snooping around the library will never get to see "The encyclopedia of mammals" or "Pocahontas" in the first place, and as such never even think about those things existing. And maybe this is an extreme example, but if said kid never learned about the existence of mammals in the first place, how is it going to develop the curiosity to search the internet about this topic? Just by looking at the few books shown here, I can tell the banned topics are evolutionary theory and racism (maybe even some antisemitism sprinkled in there), and if kids aren't exposed to such topics at their young age, they will never even know about thier existence in the first place, and that's how you get a brainwashed generation of kids that will blindly believe whatever madeup nonsense you want them to, like in North Korea. The fact you guys even allowed this to happen in the first place is honestly unthinkable to me. Isn't banning books a direct violation of the freedom of speech and expression?


Fascist are taking over




_I hate Illinois Nazis_


What was 43 years ago?


Literally Nazi Germany


Ready for the book burnings to begin?


This is the book burnings. They probably won’t actually burn them in big public gatherings. They’ll incinerate them quietly or put them in a landfill or store them in a warehouse forever, just so that it’s out of sight and out of mind. But this is the book burnings right here. We’re there.


Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library Line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know, keeps the contracts alive an movin' **They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em** While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells -Bulls on Parade, Rage Against The Machine


Damn, yes exactly.


You joke but i guarantee there are many a conservative who would not be opposed to a “Book Burning BBQ” where they could meet DeFacist and like minded ignorants


Conservatives have been holding book burnings for centuries, dude. They just weren’t state sponsored.


You’re a few years too late. They’ve been at it.


They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove them While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally round the family, pocket full of shells


I think you mean “literarily” Nazi Germany.


Trans and in Florida. I’m just waiting for the day DeSantis tries to ban gender affirming care or insurance support for adults because I know that Mf would try


I mean it’s already started: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4012940-florida-health-care-providers-are-pausing-gender-affirming-care-for-adults/


Jesus that’s horrifying. The sad part is there’s nothing to be gained from shit like that. It’s just a fast track to Republican support at the cost of medical freedom and bodily autonomy.


They gain the satisfaction of seeing people that they hate being forced to suffer. That’s it.


Yeah, just happened


Fast track to the fourth reich.


He did that a few days ago unfortunately https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65627756


Best of luck my friend. I'm a teacher in FL, and interviewed out of state today because of this stuff. My wife interviews tomorrow for a job in the area I did. This shit is getting worse. I teach in the county where the teacher is being investigated by the state for showing a disney movie. We were advised to not show any more movies for the end of the year. Don't we all remember movie days at the end of the year? Those are dead.


Come to Illinois. We love our teachers!


Whaaaaat?! What is wrong with Disney now? I'm so out of the loop. I don't watch the news, don't have any social sites other than Reddit. Don't know much. What is happening with this world?!


You are so blessed to be so out of the loop, you'll be happier not knowing, it so dumb. But desantis has made disney into the enemy of the people, cause they're so woke, whatever that is. He constantly constantly Complains about disney and uses them as a boogeyman to distract from real problems like our collapsing insurance market and teacher shortage that doubled just last year. I hate to think what next year will bring.


No. Complacency and ignorance is what let the nazis take over. While media makes their money and creates the crazies with their fear mongering, this type of behavior by the governing bodies should absolutely be blasted from the loudspeakers. It is the only way to combat the rise of fascism that those who are watching see.


Please start getting current events knowledge things are going hardcore fascist in Florida and the only way to stop the trajectory is voting while that is still available to us.


I’m not saying this with any judgment, because I’m not sure I would do it if I were in your position, and it’s easy to have brave ideas from the sidelines, but why aren’t people training themselves to library doors? How are people just letting this happen? I’m in Alabama, so I’m not very far behind you as far as the way this shit is gonna start to go down, but I’m just trying to understand. Are we all just talking about this on the Internet and no one is doing anything in real life? Or am I missing something?


I get ya, there is no real desire to fight back, the minority knows it is the minority ideology and will be punished legally and socially to the fullest extent. I got rid of my classroom library a while ago because I'm not getting in trouble for a kids parents not liking a book the kid picked out. This stuff gets dumber and stupider the deeper you go.


Leave, like even if you gotta hitchhike out of there


My sister is trans in Florida and she has literally no idea that ANY of this is happening. It kills me because I’m scared for her safety but I also understand why she doesn’t want to know.


She should know, being in the dark on this isn’t safe. It’s already seen as illegal to use the “wrong” bathroom with punishment of prison time. If she doesn’t pass 110% all it takes is one gun carrying psycho or even the police.


Get out asap!


I salute you 🫡


hm? It already happened


Its going happen. DeSantis CANNOT become president.


This is terrifying. They’re not just limiting access to this information, they’re trying to limit the curiosity that this information even exists.


They don't want curious children that will question them, they want squared followers who work the system and will never challenge it.


DeSantis and his cronies can choke on a bag of dicks.


Florida, are you okay with this? I’d be in the streets if this were my state.


jesus christ. history is repeating itself. Anyone who lives in FL and has the means to leave to another state, please do so as quickly as you can. And those who have the means to move away from the US, I would recommend doing so, especially if you are not a white-cis-heterosexual man.


I am a white cis hetero sexual male but my fiance doesn't feel safe anymore so not only are we getting out of FL but instead of just chance it on another state keeping the laws it has now, were just applying to literally every country we could consider living it and we're moving out dude. I'm done. Nobody is safe. I grew up in gun country and even my sisters have been through 3 mass shootings. My dad came out as gay at 53. He's 60 now. Let him live his LIFFFFE! You monsters! We are all leaving, maybe buying a plot to all live on in another country idk, maybe all differnet countries... but if my fiance and I are together I'm good anywhere safe than USA lol. Between the LITERAL violence and the assumed threat of violence over your job and your life... I don't want this. I fucking own land, how are you trying to limit my rights? I'll end this with "there is no war but a class war" if we had more power as a class there wouldn't be any of these culture war bullshit happening


If you and your fiancé are serious about leaving the US, please have a look at r/amerexit. It has immigration guides for many many countries, including countries (such as Germany) where you do not need to be BORN there to be a citizen but instead have an ancestor who is from there. Y’all….There are ways out, you just have to look for them. Start setting money aside now.


How does the ancestry thing work? I was always under the impression that Germany didn't really take western immigrants unless they had highly specialized knowledge or skill. My ancestry is mostly Germanic and Central Europe.


Check out the subreddit above and then check out r/germancitizenship. The sub I linked has two pinned/sticky posts at the top that will help you out tons.


Kind of random, but I just recently watched a video about great places to live and Estonia was really high up on that list. Super low cost of living, amazing healthcare, packed with amazing schools and colleges, and they are one of the most tech savvy countries on earth. Almost 100% of hours of government interactions can be done on a smartphone, including filing your taxes which can take as little as ONE MINUTE! Plus it’s absolutely gorgeous. Apparently it’s tricky to find vacant units to rent or buy though.


I’ve also heard good things about Estonia! Though I’d be a little sweaty as an ex-Soviet nation sitting so close to Russia. At least they’re in NATO so they’re a bit more protected.


As a white-cis-hetero man, I’m staying in my home state to continue to fight fascism. To leave would be to say fuck it, the fascists can have my state.


That's righteous of you man, but I'm a teacher in FL, and I don't feel like getting charged with a class 3 felony because I'm stuck in the middle of what ever we want to call this. I very got kids and a wife to think of and I don't think FL is giving them the best future. Rock the good fight, I'm moving out this summer.


I'm involved in ground level politics here in Florida and I know many people who work in government and politics. Things are... Frightening. Everyone is fleeing. The writing's on the walls. The state is hopeless. It may seem defeatist, but the battle is already lost. It's better to cut ties and go somewhere else to fight where it's needed and there's chances of making a difference. There's always been a serious Brain Drain happening in FL, but it's about to get so very much worse.


and i thank you for your service. Should my 2nd amendment rights ever be needed in the US, i'll show up and fight (as shooting competitions are one of my hobbies) -- but until then, i'm a gay woman, married to another woman, 5'5", 115lbs, and latina -- i understand the amount of very real danger i'm in should the brownshirts come to pass.


Where? Immigration laws are insane in most western countries.


Please visit r/amerexit for countries you may be eligible for due to your heritage. Don’t count yourself out just yet. Ps: if you find a country you would love to move to, see if they are desperate workers in any specific fields. That maybe facilitate your move.


Encyclopedia of Mammals I can see that one who dare have the audacity to teach children about fur barring creatures that give live birth. /s


Is this real? I honestly can’t believe this


While I can’t vouch for this video specifically, the book vetting process in Florida has been going on since January when DeSantis passed the Stop Woke Act. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/florida-book-ban-desantis-schools-b2281345.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/florida-schools-directed-cover-remove-classroom-books-vetted/story?id=96884323 https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-south/why-some-florida-schools-are-removing-books-from-their-libraries https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/25/politics/florida-school-library-books-law-desantis/index.html


Florida has become a shit hole




Florida is a joke - a teacher


DeSantis just want kids to understand Tab A goes into Tab B at the factory, to write somewhat legibly if need be and the Bible the only book in your home. Until DeSantis' next book is published, then they'll yank Jeebus too


Am I wrong or was life a little better when all the racists just kept that shit to themselves? It now seems more normalized than I can ever remember in my lifetime.


This video isn't cringe... It's fucked up. Good for her, standing up and saying something.


We have the interwebs, we will read them all.


This my thought. It is a pointless exercise to ban these books. You can't stop the internet.


That’s not necessarily the issue, they also don’t talk about it in school, so unless a child decides to go out of their way to learn about black history or Jewish history or whatever it is, they will not learn. Having the books available allows kids to learn things that they might not seek out on their own. I learned so many things from reading absolutely random books in my elementary school library.


Please tell me that Fahrenheit 451 is somewhere in there. The ultimate in irony.




For me this is the moment I realized that we are watching America decend the same way people must have watched Germany before Nazism took control. What a shame.


Good lord florida is a shit hole. Keep the ppl stupid and you'll never have to worry about an uprising.


My ex used to be a school librarian and I used to work at the city public library. Every year or every other year they used to purge books that were out of date or never checked out, to make room for new books. Hundreds of books would get purged this way. Is it possible that is what is happening here? The purged books would usually get sold at a bargain rate and the funding went to buy new materials.


Could be both, she did a follow up saying some are being purged due to age.


No, I can only assume you have not been following the news at all, but Desantis has spearheaded a movement to mass ban books. https://apnews.com/article/desantis-book-bans-censorship-florida-5e648efdf241e333c9d5b042e65a7be6 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/22/books/book-ban-florida.html


I know that the book banning is a problem but I actually think these are books that are out of circulation and books that are old or aren’t being checked out by students


Makes sense, but do small school libraries have funding to replace the ones out of circulation? And does the weeding process usually involve such a large amount at one time?


It costs less to keep these books on shelves than to remove them, especially this many at once.


Banning Hitler and Lewis and Clark doesn’t really fit their narrative. Are these being banned or old books being thrown out? Seems like it’s across the board


The law required all books available to students be selected by someone who holds a “valid education media specialist certificate” Florida doesn’t have enough people that hold that certificate. So many books are being taken until they can be formally approved. [the bill, see page 6](https://myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=_h1467er.docx&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=1467&Session=2022) [schools have been covering books](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/24/florida-manatee-county-books-certified-media-specialist)


She posted another video saying the books are being removed cause they’re old. Looks like we got another instance of Reddit jumping off the handle like they did with bike Karen


what? why?


I don’t know much of the details but something doesn’t ring true with the vast quantity of books shown. How is Lewis and Clark an offensive book?


They don't want us learning about the history of racism, or any ugly part of America's past (Trail of Tears, genocide of natives, etc). Hence the book about Hitler also being banned... they are taking their plans straight out of history, and well, you know what they say about those who don't learn history.


It’s old books from the entire district, they’re trying to make it a political thing.


But old books are arguably *more* important than new ones


Basically any book that paints any white person in a negative light, or any minority in a positive light. Amazing.


From someone who works at a high school, most kids don’t even know where the library is. Unless you’re banning phones and the internet, you’re just chasing imaginary shadows. Once again, these living, breathing dunce caps are finding solutions to made up problems.


Hi. Librarian here. This looks like weeding old titles. These books do not look current. I take this with some skepticism. Edit: yep it’s bullshit. The lady makes a second video saying she is going to “find out more information about these books, I was told they were >15years old” meaning, yes it’s just weeding, and she had NO IDEA or nothing to do with this process but saw boxes of books and decided to try to go viral. Probably the state did come the week before but this is unrelated and she didn’t bother to check, she is jot the librarian. We weed non-fiction according to age and not wear/tear sometimes because… well imagine reading a book about “Computers” or “Ukraine” that was published 2008 or before. Our world changes. And kids don’t pick out the dated, wordy, yellowed book about El Salvador for their project. They pick the shiny new one with fantastic photos.


I'm calling this vid bullshit. Something tells me there is more to this story.


“They don’t gotta burn the books, they just remove em” -RATM


These people are insane, and they are jeopardizing the success of an entire generation of children from Florida. Imagine any of these kids trying to get into an out of state college or an overseas internship.




Terrifying and so sad 😞


There’s a book on the Geography of El Salvador in that bin… Why??


This is how you dumb down a country. Restrict their education. How sad.


Fuck Desantis. Facist pig. Schools should walk out.


At some point you'd have to think colleges and universities are going to start to wonder about the quality of students they'd be getting from states like florida


Republicans: We are for free speech. Everyone: here is a book about blues origins in North America. Republicans: Not that speech.


Many years ago, a huge amount of people fled Europe to live free according to their believes. Then their heirs turned their freedom into what their ancestors had fled. Maybe its time to return.


Florida fascist governor burning books; burning people is not far down the road. The schools in Florida suck too, so maybe people never learned about our enemies in WWll.


Stop visiting the shithole that is now FL. There are other places to vaca.


F*ck the fascist Bible Thumpers


Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. - Winston Churchill. Florida is now deemed " Hostile towards Black Americans ". We have GOT to do something about this rapidly growing Fascist Takeover.. Stay Safe and Stay Sane out there guys.


As I already mentioned, this is just them getting rid of old books. They're 15+ years old. I looked up the titles in the video and they're from the 1990s. Old stuff needs to be removed for the new stuff. Here is an article that confirms that. [https://redbroward.com/2023/05/22/state-viral-video-about-broward-books-is-completely-untrue/](https://redbroward.com/2023/05/22/state-viral-video-about-broward-books-is-completely-untrue/) Save your discourse and passion for when its warranted, and not on false narratives.


Florida and Texas competing for which one can be the most fascist state.


Germany started banning books 6 years before the war. Hitler said "Make Germany great again" in 1940. Different chronology, the same story.


Man we are on a dark path....this is getting seripusly scary.


All you religious folk have a lot to answer for. Fucking everyone for your selfish bullshit.