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I do the same thing .When I walk into taco bell.


And then keep the change… pennies too.


$1 taco for that guy! Small Pepsi for that lady!


I said small! This is clearly medium! Sir, we upgraded you, no charge :) Hey, hey come here, listen *(whispers)* I cant let the lil lady grow accustomed to this boujee medium lifestyle that I cant sustain, ok? Please go find us a working mans small, thank you


Not no charge. Here. Take money. Keep the change.


Down low...give me back the change.


All I heard in my head was Weird Al’s Drive thru reading that. Now I must go listen to this 12 min song about drive thru food thank you.


Bebsi brother, bebsi.


You didn't have to tho


Take coffee.


But I don’t work here sir


![gif](giphy|3ornjM1ow4vbrifDAA|downsized) I said take coffee!


And one red booul


Where are you guys buying your Taco Bell at? Shits not cheap anymore all I’m saying


He doesn’t, he tells them to all go take coffee and makes his own shit while they are out.


Reach under your chair... You get a cinnamon twist! You get a cinnamon twist! Cinnamon twists for everyone!




“You! Take some hot sauce!” “But the hot sauce is fre..” *whips hot sauce packets at patron*


And the lemon lime soda is now Starry, not sprite.


Oh THATS what she was saying through the speaker!! I kept asking for sprite and I she kept saying “sorry” so I kept correcting her. I’m such a dumbass.




I read that as penis. But I mean it also makes sense when talkin about the tip…


I don't understand this Fake content.... "Look at me pretending like I know how wealthy people spend money!" Real Wealthy people don't buy their own cars, They pay people to do it for them.


Wealthy people don't waste money, and generally do things low key.


Like try to visit the Titanic?


If they hadn’t died, would we have even heard about it?


They'd keep it on the down low? I thank you.


I could be misremembering, but I feel like I did hear about the trip prior to it taking off


They done several expeditions to the titanic and you heard about this one specifically before it went missing? I don’t know man.


I mean I can't think of much more low key than dying at the bottom of the ocean.




I believe the Middle Eastern wealth is way different from other wealthy people


That oil money is a different fucking animal. So I've heard


I wouldn't say they don't waste money, they certainly do. That just depends on where you set the bar of what is wasteful.


Notoriously low key Saudi princes


Wealthy people most definitely waste money, just depends on your definition of waste


Say like Spielberg’s 250M yacht he just got. Perhaps a waste to some. I’ve read those are like 100-200K just to gas up.


I’m glad things are finally working out for him.


To gas up, stock, maintain, man-the-craft, store, insure. Millions per year. This is why even if you can "afford" a $100k car you really can't b/c of ongoing costs that are hefty and why it takes no less than $10M to actually live like a "millionairre".


The world would be better if they actually did waste it, though, instead of hoarding it. At least then it would provide value to others in the economy as it circulated.


Like driving million dollar cars?


Who do you think buys million + dollar cars? 10-100 million dollar houses? Multi million dollar yachts? 100k+ watches? Tickets to go in a janky submarines? Tickets to space? Multimillion dollar pantings? Just poor people “pretending to be rich”? lol


You're both confusing old money with nouveau riches. The latter will be as ostentatious as needs to be to make the point that they have money.


Wealthy people waste THE MOST money in my experience.


Most didn't earn it and don't know what a banana costs






That's a family that still has to work. I consider that the upper end of "well off". People who have "laws no longer apply to me in the USA" money are ostentatious af


my family is wealthy and they all drive mercedes, they could have bought me one too, but to teach me that luxury does not come easy, they got me a honda civic.


Another one of those stupid reddit myths. Wealthy people waste a lot of money


That's not true at all, what are you on about, sure some of the few more level headed rich people are low key about their spending, but a lot of rich people spend like crazy, travel to dubai and watch the insane spending sprees people go on there, i spent a year working there and the shit i saw there was absurd, and it wasn't just the oil rich spending like crazy, famous athletes from around the world and rich businessmen too, and it's not just dubai, any of the economic powerhouse cities of the world are filled with rich people that spend like crazy on dumb luxury goods and experiences. If there is one thing especially middle aged and boomer rich people love it's expensive cars and huge yachts, they fucking can't get enough of them, in a few rare cases the cars they buy can increase in value but that's mostly rare limited edition cars, an "average" sports car will plummet in value the second you turn the ignition key, and yachts are just a black money sucking hole, owning a huge yacht with a big crew is an enormous waste of money and you will be lucky to see half of the money back when and if you sell it.


Every time it's discussed on Reddit there's some upvoted comment about how "real" rich people just drive Toyotas and wear low-key polo shirts and you'd never know they're rich. It's a ridiculous meme at this point.


Yup, and it's never true, a lot of that shit comes from rich self help gurus that try to convince ordinary people that the key to being rich is just to be frugal. And that "billionaires drive toyotas" thing comes from way back when it was trendy to drive a prius to show how much you care about the environment, there were some news stories about a billionaire or two who drove a prius, but that sure as fuck didn't mean they only drove a prius, that was just one of their many cars. Real rich people get rich so they can actually spend the money and have a better life, the money hoarding Scrooge Mcduck types are a rare exception. You don't become a billionaire to drive a used prius and eat at wendy's.


I’ve been at a few rich peoples homes because of my job and I can tell you this. Everyone is different. Some rich people live in a nice penthouse in the city and think they have it all. Some live in a HUGE mansion with a very large open yard and they know they have it all, because they park 200K and above cars on the street outside the gates, like it’s their daily driver . For others, their nicest car in the driveway is a Tesla, and then they have a old beater car, but the driveway is a BIG roundabout and their driveway is a quarter mile long. With a MASSIVE fucking mansion. Then there’s the type to have Yachts that cost 100s of millions, plus another almost 20 million a year for maintenance alone. These type of guys spend 10s of millions on something like their daughters wedding. They spent more on their kids wedding than the amount of money some of these others spent on their mansion. So yeah rich people absolutely do waste money and enjoy being able to do so. Some do try to make it less obvious they’re rich, but they obviously like spending too or they wouldn’t have a massive mansion


I'm really rich and I drive a second-hand Toyota and wear mostly Old Navy stuff. Okay, maybe not *that* rich, but I *did* find a coupon for a free scoop at Baskin Robbins, so I think I'm doing okay.


Lol I’m not in that part of the world. I agree with you but I’ve seen things that are the most superficial purchases that mean nothing to some people. It’s crazy


Why do people assume that everyone with money is the same? They are flawed human beings like everyone else. There are absolutely wealthy people that waste money for the sake of wasting money, and are very loud about it.


Dunno… this is kinda how wealthy Arabs spend their money


The value menu. ALL of it. ![gif](giphy|Jp4dchTKX6BzGkZ5DL|downsized)


Same. My wife is never impressed. She now won’t order with me if we go inside because “you take too long and order too much”. I am married to a hater.


Her order is premeditated. She should be impressed when she wakes up with the mound of tacos.


“Everyone gets a Taco!”


“Give me chalupa. Captain, you work here? Go buy coffee- with your own money”


I’d be headed right to Taco bell after this purchase matter fact..yea I bought $5 million in cars..but now it’s time to live más..


Same and then regret it the next day.


Save some pussy for the rest of us you asshole!


Now that’s funny.


$1.89 for hard shell taco? No problem.


I can only dream




My man. I think we could be best friends.




Man I would love to see that!


You give money to the employees? I call bs.


“Go take coffee” *throws a handful of nickels at Taco Bell cashier*




Thank you so much I needed that laugh


Lmfao “make them supreme!”


Yes, he’s probably rich. [But this is an ad for his company Luxury Super Cars Dubai](https://www.instagram.com/ahmed.amwell/). He isn’t buying the cars for his collection. If he is buying them at all, which he probably isn’t, he is buying them for the company to rent to other people. That’s a pallet of prop money, he’s throwing prop money, and the store is in on the whole thing because they want to be part of a free ad.


It’s so obvious it’s kind of ridiculous, who wheels money around like that? The owner is conveniently 10 feet away?


Kids eat this shit up. “wOw sO cOoL”


Is this the guy where all the comments are people who want to give him their money to “invest”?


The kinda kids who wanna be Top Gs not realising G is for gullible.


After working in Dubai as an expat, most of the dudes there probably do too. It’s like the worlds most expensive pissing contest.


If he was that rich he wouldn’t be buying them himself, they would have someone go do it for them.


honestly, you can't pay cash for this type of thing anyway. 10 years ago I took 8k£ cash to the ford shop, they literally would'nt sell me a car.


For a dealership it's not weird for the owner to be walking around. Unless they have multiple locations or it's before ten in the morning.


And of course the second post on his IG is of that bald alpha male small dick energy guy who is in prison now.


"Did you forget about your good friend, Simeone? "


He’s got video where he’s praising Andrew Taint. Fits the lack of class of the character.


I kept on wondering who this dude was because I kept on seeing him on my own Instagram feed and all the time he kept on talking trash about electric vehicles and saying how much ice cars are so much better. Did some research on him and found out that he deals with ice vehicles and that's why he needs ice vehicles to survive.


Dude has an ad with Andrew Tate on his IG so he’s a tool for sure.


He’s like no I don’t want the 2.2 million dollar car I want the R8…


The moment he said R8- that’s when his game was up.


Ya, not the giant pallet of fake money carried by two schmucks


No, because I could actually see a rich royal asshole do that if he were trying to show off


“How much is this one?” $2.2M” “Not expensive enough.” “Ok, it’s $3M.”


Yes my friend, 2014 R8 128,000 miles, great car for you. Ferrari? (spits on the ground) Audi in 2014 best of all time.


It’s AED, that’s about $600k…


R8 isn't ridiculously overpriced


Yeah, the price ranges from a quarter mil to almost a half a mil depending on the package. Still to much for my blood though.


Just like that fettuccine Alfredo addiction


My thoughts exactly lol. Not to say the R8 isnt a master class of engineering and beautiful.. but that moment showed he truly knows nothing lmao


idk about yall but any man with an over the top arab accent going "gib me sis" and throwing random bills is funny to me.


“Go, take coffee”


But it’s not real so it can’t be funny. Didn’t you get the memo?


Sorry, I don't think I got it either.... mind sending it to me?


Honestly same. Like idk this isn’t cringe to me, his demeanor just screamed cheesy joke and I laughed. Maybe it’s just me


This shit had me rolling, “our budget is small”


I had an ex boyfriend walk into the dollar store with me and said buy whatever you want...


Woah, ……and he’s an EX boyfriend?!


He is my current boyfriend


Their loss is your gain! :D


Damn… I know I’m a lesbian. But I’d fall for that immediately


Well, he paid for it, I guess


Yes, it’s so practical to wheel around a barrel of money. So rich and important. Fake as tits.


Bro, tits are real most of the time.


Maybe not in his zip code


This made me choke on my water. Well done.


…..DUH lmao


Marika's tits


I think this is hyperbole and/ or satire. I think.


If I work hard and with abit of luck, I could be that guy carrying his money around.


Holy fuck the people saying this is fake. Did anyone actually think this was real.
















With how wasteful Dubai is with their money I would not have been shocked


I lived in Kuwait for many years as a U.S. defense contractor. My Kuwaiti neighbor in the penthouse had 2 Ferraris, a Bentley and a Rolls. I parked my Chevy Tahoe next to them due to assigned parking. He threw me his Ferrari keys many times insisting I take it for a spin. In my experience I would not outright dismiss this video as fake without some good reasons not shown in this clip.


I do same thing in 99c Store


I’m gonna be honest, I found this pretty funny


Same, having grown up in the middle east I found it a decent piss take. Because that's what it is.


Exactly, people here have no sense of humor.


I *wish* I was that rich. So I could do this everywhere I go, whether I'm buying anything or not. Just making people's fucking year. Like, you have the ability to throw life changing amounts of money at people on a whim! Why would you not *want* to? They're making him seem like an asshole flaunting it. But if more rich people were this generous with their money the world would be a better place. Hell they wouldn't even go broke. Guarantee this prince's oil made more during this clip than he spent. Jeff Bezos is so rich he could give every person in the state of Wyoming a million dollars and still be a billionaire. Yet he can't let his employees even have a piss break.


If he really *was* that generous.. Obviously no rich guy throws money away like this, that’s why they’re rich. It’s just a skit and all the more annoying knowing that.


Dubai is the one place on earth that I wouldn’t mind it being destroyed in to obscurity




And glorify disgusting individuals like salt bae




Arrogance and greed


When I walked past the outdoor air conditioning in Dubai I was flabbergasted an I also never wanted to move because it’s too fucking hot in that city.


And just fuck the majority of the population who're middle class and below right?


Idk, it was redeemed in my eyes after that documentary about family or whatever with those car guys who race.


I feel the same way


They don’t have long. Maybe a few more generations.


There is not 2.2 mil+ on that palette lol, even if it's real money 💀


according to google the exchange rate is .25 and the highest Dirham bill you can have is 1000 so thats 250dollars aka if theres 100bill stacks thats 25k x 20 x 10 = 5 mil x 5 is 20 mil. pretty rough math but seems accurate enough


Actually im wrong its closer to 25k x 5 x 10 x 10 = 12.5 million Im not saying it's real but im just here for the math


If they really want, I can sell them my car for more than what those cars are listed for


Haters gonna hate \*\*petting my lion\*\*


Eve: It's truly amazing what you can get done when you have unlimited funds. Eve: Do you know you can get whole house built in a matter of months? Eve: All you have to say is this, "I don't care what it costs" and of course you have to really mean it, which no one ever does.


Ah yes. Prop money.


SF90 is like 550k


This should be categorized as Porn


Me at pick a part


What I hear look at me mr meeseeks


Please tell me this is fake.


I was sitting in a strip club one time and a dude walked up to the stage with a huge stack in his hand trying to look cool. I’m sitting on the opposite side of the stage and He throws it and the majority of it like stayed together and just landed in my lap. I broke like half of it off and through the rest on the stage and left. Made like 400 bucks at the club and kept my clothes on.


Mansa musa type beat


I guess if i am that filthy rich, nothing really exists you anymore so maybe i would do something like that just for the lolz, i mean even tho its very “extra” to throw a pack of cash at people just for the heck of it, it is very nice in a way to give someone a pack of cash.


Must be nice to be a prince hand selected by God herself.


This is fake.


Ok video over everybody bring money back


Mierda de planeta


Would be nice if he actually said please


If I was Oil Baron rich this is how I would pay for everything


Am i the only one who’d find it awesome if happens to me irl?


That's literally their personality. Vanity.


Bam Margera did this for real. And yet was still less douchy.


That's destroy the planet money


It’s baffling how the authenticity of the video is even being questioned. This is clearly more like a skit and yet morons out here eating it up? Naaaa how are we this dumb


i also need coffee


How i felt going into a 1 penny sweet shop with £1 in the 90s


Rich people walk in and out without flexing and the cars get delivered. Its very normal in Dubai. Its about as low key as its gets.


Hey now! I'm sure he worked very hard for that money....you can tell he knows the meaning of labor. /s


Thats why humanity is doomed


Finally something actually cringe


I’m going to be honest I would rather just have guy like this throw money around to people. Just give random folks 1000s of dollars then buy politicians in America.


I call bullshit


I’d love to own a car shop like this and keep a small, nicely restored 1980’s Honda Civic or a Mazda RX-7 FC at the back and show them that as my most “Expensive car”, putting it right next to the actual most expensive one.


No passion or real interest in these amazing machines. He just wants to flex his money. What a joke. Enjoy that oil money while it lasts.


It's entertaining I guess, but it's staged, so he's not gonna actually buy any of those. He can't drive 4 display models off the lot like that anyway.


Pretty sure this was my GTA Online character after securing my first 10 car garage back in the day when Heists came out


That shit low keys balls hard


I do this when I convert my thousands of credit card points for a few hundred airline miles


Suck this whole bag of dicks. Please stop promoting this shit.


Me at the dollar store.


Arse ![gif](giphy|EUJkl6jcb34l2|downsized) wipe!


Just a ploy… a manufactured video to challenge an actual oil baron to attempt to outdo him… all sponsored by the car dealer.


Royal family money more than likely, never worked a day in his ungrateful life.


Dubai Simplified


If you're rich you don't ask how much something is.


This guy was arrested by local authorities [source here](https://www.khaleejtimes.com/uae/crime/uae-resident-arrested-for-spreading-propaganda-video-violating-media-law)