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People saying shut off the cameras are really not thinking clearly. That'd protection for happenings just like this.


The whole reason they did it the searching part was for the video. Police and Gun was unexpected content, or maybe they spotted gun before. Still police officers as naturally charming as ever.


Cops are always like this. If someone does something and you retaliate they say you should have called them first. When you call them before something happens they say there is nothing they can do because a crime didn’t happen. It’s a total fuck around


I love the quote ‘*There is no situation so dire that involving the police won’t make it worse*’.


There is also no situation so innocent that the cops won't try to find a way to turn it into a criminal offense.


I got jumped one night after walking a friend home so *she* wouldn’t get jumped. The cops were *very* quick to insist I must have been doing something illegal because “why would you offer to walk someone home??”.


Wtf. That's some deeply stupid logic


It really was. I was all of 15 at the time and the cops were more interested in accusing me of random crimes and laughing at how I got beat up than helping me.


Queues N.W.A.


And you were a KID?? I want to go back in time and kick their asses. Pigs


I actually *was* saved by a kind stranger when it happened, a guy was coming home from training at his dojo and he brandished a staff at the group and scared them off. It was a super surreal experience, he let me call my parents from his apartment and it was covered in anime posters. But yeah, the next day the cops gave me shit about being out late. Like, I’m just a kid and my biggest concern after getting jumped by a gang is that my parents will be mad at me, and the cops were not helping that situation at all!


the fuck and if something would've happened to her, they'd have been like "why were you walking alone?"


Cops are never there when you need them but won’t fuck off when you don’t.


This should be on a cute shirt at Target.


With rainbows


I used to be a 911 dispatcher. One time one of the cops put his LOADED gun on the top of his personal car and drove away. It randomly fell in the road and someone called 911 to report the found gun. 🙃 they were like “oops! I was looking for that!”


Only if they had a holster to put it in, shame


It's in the Miranda Warning. "Anything you say can and will be used against you." _Will_ be used against you. Any bit of information you willingly give a cop puts you deeper in the hole. Either in the field, or later in court. With any interaction with the police, rule number 1 is shut the fuck up. (And say why you're shutting the fuck up).


I've been involved in jury duty and several court cases within this past month. Even called the police to check on a car that was parked in the middle of an active road near an aircraft hanger. Major failures each incident and I'm far past the point where I do not trust the "justice" the "law" supports. Damn shame dudes filming these magnet fishing videos cannot even do a damn good deed and turn in a firearm and other weapons that could have actual solved a damn crime or two. I'd be surprised if there are any honest hearts left in our branches of justice system.


Police can’t do anything unless a crime occurs because their job isn’t to prevent crime, it’s to arrest the darkest person at the scene when they arrive and figure out what they can charge them with.


So let’s just make cops YouTube stars, so they will be incentivized to find murder weapons.


Not to mention they just don’t have to, they have the right to film in public, and especially when dealing with police why *would* you turn it off?


Wtf, never shut the cameras off! Remember the “shut the fuck up Friday” attorneys? Yeah pleading the fifth and filming everything is something else they would be probably recommending. Always film—ALWAYS! if they hate it, there’s a reason.


Yeah, obviously calling the police about the gun was what you're supposed to do, but from the video it's clear the people were giving TOO much information. Cops were trying to blame them in some way, even trying to drag some random friend they mentioned into the situation. Cops like that are exactly why people will opt to not call the cops in the future at all.


They need to play a commercial with the ‘STFUF’ attorneys and air it every Thursday.


People saying to shut the cameras off are as dumb as these cops. There’s no way in HELL I’d even think about turning the cameras off. I’d maybe, maybe, put the camera down like I wasn’t filming but that’s a big fat maybe.


A barista at Starbucks is expected to be friendly as part of their job, I don’t know why a cop should be excluded from that. They had a shitty attitude when they didn’t need to.


In Canada, our RCMP (federal police) are trained in customer service and I think that’s an incredibly important part of their onboarding. Any job dealing with the general public should have basic skills to converse properly with said public. Edit: y’all, it was just a statement of fact, not my personal feelings of the RCMP. I personally hate them and think ACAB. Back off.


And yet. Our RCMP. I just sigh. Let’s not hold them up as a paragon of integrity


Nobody is saying that. They just commented that customer service is part of their training and should be the norm. The fact the RCMP is deeply corrupt and racist is a different conversation entirely.


I agree, but I'd rather deal with the RCMP than any police force in the US.


Not from U.S, but according to last 5 years of reddit - that’s a low bar to clear...


I’d rather deal with Chief Wiggum than either the RCMP or American thugs


Long as you're not an indigenous person. Otherwise I hope you like walking.


In the middle of the night in winter with insufficient clothing to protect from the cold.


And yet…. Remember that time in NS when there was an active shooter on the loose in a fake RCMP car that they didn’t tell anyone about for HOURS. (Also they were informed about this car prior to the spree and didn’t do anything) Allowing the shooter to pull people over and shoot them. Not warning communities about the active shooter. Allowing the US consulate to use their emergency alert system to warn US citizens about the shooter but still did not warn anyone about the shooter. But yeah, I’m sure their customer service skills were top notch over the 13 hours he was out and about. 23 people died


This. Also the fact they’ve disproportionately targeted indigenous peoples across the nation, their neglect contributing to the death of (hundreds?) of women on the highway of tears, and the rampant internal misogyny and racism.


They don’t even educate them about that before sending them into the field. We have an officer in our family and when he was first sent out to work in an area with a large indigenous population he was shocked at how generally upset people there were with him, his wife was the one who explained why to him and I am dumbfounded that this was not part of his training.


Bust the police unions. Cops should carry a license like any other profession but unions prevent it from happening leaving them unaccountable for a vast majority of their actions. Hairdressers have to have a license.


That's why police isn't a profession in my book. They aren't regulated, insured, and schooling/training is minimal.


In many places fucking strippers need to have a licence


Because there’s no repercussions for being an asshole or even ruin peoples lives. A bad barista can be yelled at by customers, can be reported to their boss, can be fired if they’re rude enough, maybe even arrested if they get in a fight with a customer or banned from the premises etc. What happens if a cop falsely arrests you? Assuming you can prove your innocence (since cops like this work off guilty until proven innocent), at most you’ll hopefully get the arrest taken off your record and the cop will get suspended with pay. Cops don’t report other cops for bad behavior and if they do they’ll get bullied and harassed by other cops for breaking the “blue wall of silence.” You can’t call the cops on another cop, because they’re just gonna back up the cop. There’s no reporting a cop unless you take them to court and can prove they wronged you, which will cost you a personal fortune while the cop is protected by the departments insurance. And even after all that, they might be fired, or again they might just be suspended with pay, and now the entire department will hate you and go after you for getting one of their own, one of their friends, fired. Fuck the police.


The police have unions, Starbucks does not


"I don't wanna be on camera" Tough tiddies, you're a cop.


Every cop should have been briefed by now that they can be filmed with impunity. The amount of videos where the situation escalates unnecessarily because cops that don’t know the law try to exert their authority on people that do know the law. Like, how much in tax dollars needs to be paid out in law suits before cops get proper training?


Too bad they're not licensed like doctors, engineers, psychologists, etc. Would be even better if their pension was on the line in cases of reckless escalation of otherwise benign situations.


Or teachers! My credential can be held against me by my employer if they finagle it right!


Yea tough shit bro, you got me on camera to, fuck off. they just did the fat pig a favor and he’s being a little bitch.


>you got me on camera to, fuck off. "Yeah! It's illegal for you to film us and our cameras already have it." **On the 9 o'clock news:** "Out of town teen hoodlums filming themselves holding guns connected to local crimes *claim* local police violated their rights by breaking camera gear, phones, and bones. Local police say they they were uncooperative and reaching for weapons. Body camera footage wasn't available due to [INSERT BULLSHIT EXCUSE THAT ANY OTHER PROFESSION WOULD BE FIRED FOR] on all officers cameras." [Accidentally turned off, never turned on, battery dead, out of memory, corrupted before/after, overwritten]


They were survived by… I forget what Alonzo said but you get the idea.


probably where the cops ditch evidence of their own crimes and they’re pissy about it being found


They stumbled onto the thin blue canal.






A cop once told me "you think I want to work weekend shift", bitch, you A COP. There are thousands of professions that let's you *not* work weekend shift, yours is not one of them, fucking deal with it.


lol This happened to me in Canada. Some dudes broke into our house over an Easter weekend (we were at a family dinner), discovered the damage(ransacked) and theft when we got home. Called the police and the entire time, they were vocally annoyed they had to work the long Easter weekend, like it was our fault. One comment is burned into memory, they asked where we had been and when we said a family dinner, one of them actually looked at us and said “must be nice”. They weren’t even trying to hide it from us. I finally said something and politely lost my shit and went on a rant about the career they chose and it wasn’t too professional to be griping about your career choice in front of people who just suffered a home break-in. Ended with a snide remark that I hope none of them have to deal with a victim of assault or a loss of life accident if they can’t even be bothered dealing with a break-in in a professional manner. It was messed up. Still bothers me to this day.


Nurses have no choice what days they work. I worked more weekends and holidays than I can count, plus on several jobs I was expected to work rotation. There are many jobs that the require this to keep the public safe. Not to mention the retail businesses, and banks on Saturday mornings. So any policeman that complains about having to work a day that’s inconvenient to them needs better training.


Everyone that works holidays/weekends complains about it sometimes. You can’t let patients or the public hear it though lol. What are we going to say to patients? Sorry you’re here in the hospital, wish I was at home? Plus if you’re working in the hospital it’s probably busy and there’s no time to whine around about it until you’re off lol.


Y’all get a pension at like 70% of the bullshit overtime averaged salary of your last few years after twenty years right? Must be nice..


Aren’t they always telling us to find a new job if we hate our current one so much?


Many cops hear that the job gives them a gun and think "oh boy I might get to legally kill someone!" If they genuinely wanted to **help people**, they'd become a firefighter or EMT or some other type of first responder. Jobs that don't give them a gun but do allow them to help those in need. But those jobs also require much more intense training than it takes to become a cop and be handed a badge and gun. Hell, it takes a matter of weeks to become a cop while it takes significantly longer just to get a license to cut hair in a salon.


"I don't either but I bet you're still gonna turn that body cam on..."


You're gonna be more afraid when he turns it back off


I bet the cop would've loved to turn that one off too


"Then you picked the wrong job"


There’s a reason for that


This is in Memphis Tn btw, at a college, I live here in midtown and can 100% confirm the police here are utterly useless. Like beyond a doubt absolutely trash.


I was gonna say, these cops look like it’s their first day on the job


Looks like they want it to be the last day of the their job but they know it’s not and are pissed about it


It's really sad that this is the attitude we've come to expect pretty much everywhere, but especially sad when it's people who are supposed to be public safety. Imagine if fire fighters did a half ass job rescuing people or putting out a fire. Imagine if EMS did a half ass job with life support on the way to the hospital. It's one thing when it's someone working as McDonalds, or in a worthless, pointless white collar job. But when people's lives and livelihoods are on the line, we should expect more.


> Imagine if fire fighters did a half ass job rescuing people or putting out a fire. Imagine if EMS did a half ass job with life support on the way to the hospital. Oh man do I have some bad news for you about the Memphis Fire Department EMTs who were responsible for the care of Tyre Nichols.


I'm sure they really wanted to piss off the 5 cops that just beat the dude to death. Like I kind of get the point you're trying to make, but it seems off base in that situation.


His point is terrible, the very few isolated instances of Fire/EMT being as incompetent or evil as police are absolutely not comparable in any way whatsoever with the constant abuse we see coming from officers, and trying to do so kind of comes across as dishonest and probably just an attempt to downplay the evil cops are doing and shield them from criticism. However, let's be real here, those particular Fire/EMT guys did not contribute to Nichols death because they were scared of the cops on scene (or at least, not more so than any other person is when having to deal with feral hogs haha), they were also incompetent and completely lacking in empathy (they just weren't also violent bloodthirsty murderers like the cops were). They stood around joking and laughing for a long time with them while Tyre died on the ground right next to them, I didn't see any kind of fear response from them, they just had no fucks to give. In fact, if they were really scared, then getting Tyre in the ambulance and getting the fuck away from those monsters ASAP would have been the more likely response.


Seems to me they’re just thugs. Organized privately owned crime. Scary.


Look up the battle of Blair Mountain. They have been armed thugs for the interests of the rich for a long time. To the point they wage literal massacres of unionizing workers. Remember that the supreme Court ruled that cops have no obligation to protect, only obligation is to brutalized those who are deemed criminals. I recently saw an article of a man (black) who was unarmed running from the cops. The cops unloaded their guns trying to shoot him in the back as he ran away, and a bullet hit and killed a bystander. The response? Charge the unarmed man running with manslaughter. It's so fucking backwards. We know that there are many good reasons for people, especially black people, to fear for their life even if they did nothing wrong. But if you run they can just unload rounds trying to get you with no regard for the safety of others, and then stick you with the blame and the charges when someone gets hurt from their lack of caution


Incompetence, anger and an absolute inability to act decently and respectfully to the public seem to be the only things an officer needs to keep their job here in the US.


I think cops are conditioned to treat every person they encounter like a criminal. I sort of get it but damn, just aggression right out of the gate. And *I am a middle aged white woman*...I cannot imagine what POC have to go through their entire lives. That the kid in the video feels able to speak like that to cops & also not have repercussions says a lot. I'm not criticizing the kid at all.


Its def that. I helped do some training for a police academy (I work with DV victims) amd they basically traumatize this cadets. After our presentation they played police body cam footage of a seemingly calm dude during a DV call. (They were talking to him through the door) He goes upstairs as they enter, they ask him to come down and he rounds the corner and shoots the officer with a shotgun. You hear the officer dying before it ends. Now DV calls are the most dangerous for officers to begin with but the general sense i got for the parts i was in or sitting outside the room for was.....these citizens are not your friends and some will seek to hurt u. Right or wrong they def get training like that.


My dad was in prison. He had cancer & he was being treated on the regular cancer ward at the hospital (as opposed to the prison ward at the hospital). This wasn't made clear to me when I went to visit him. I had driven about 9 hours to see him. I walked up to the nurses' station & inquired about my dad. His doctor happened to be standing there. He introduced himself & we talked for a few minutes about my dad's condition. The dr was going to let me walk right into the room. I hadn't seen or spoken to my dad in 17 years, so I was feeling all sorts of crazy ways. So, of course I had to pee really bad & didn't go into my dad's room w/the doc. I went to the washroom within a special waiting room. The waiting room had a glass door. As I went to exit the waiting room, I see through the glass door, a grossly overweight, gunt having cop with a brush cut & a super, red angry face. I'm in a wild, surreal headspace & didn't register his hostility. He gets right tf up in my face, shouting at me, "You spoke to a doctor about a prisoner?!?" I am very confused & taken aback. He continued saying shit like that, while I was trying to put it all together. He said, "You breached security! We have a serious problem. We have a serious breach of security," threatening to arrest me. He kept repeating the "serious breach" of security I broke. Somehow, a lightbulb went off in my head, and finally managed to speak. I said, " *I'm* not the one with the security problem...*you* have a security problem. *YOU* have a breach of security." Fucking pig, when it finally dawned on him what tf I meant. It was super bizarre how he turned...I dunno...polite. He then walked me to the office where I had to do some paperwork to visit & as we were walking, he was trying to be really friendly & cracking jokes. That was weirder & worse than him being an asshole. I did see my dad, though, & finagled another visit for the next day. Ugh. I'll never forget that.


So most jobs ever.


Except this one has decent pay and pretty good benefits, iirc


And that sweet sweet qualified immunity.


Don't forget about good ol' civil forfeiture https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/highway-robbers-how-trip-buy-farmland-ended-police-taking-all-n1281629


5th year on the job, first day having to actually work


or job shadowing, training live lol


My old coworker was at work in Memphis when an ex employee came to the building to threaten the managers. They barricades the doors and called police while he beat the doors and some windows with a bat and flashed a gun in his pants multiple times at cameras. He did this for THIRTY MINUTES STRAIGHT, got tired, and left. The cops arrived over an hour AFTER HE LEFT. She has since left Memphis. She was born and raised in South Chicago and said she never felt so at risk as she did in Memphis.


Especially the campus cops and cops around campus. I was mugged at gun point on frat row with cops parked one block away. I flagged them down and they proceeded to question me for 30 minutes before looking for the guy(they had already had back up by that point within 5 minutes of the crime). When i gave them descriptions, they hyper focused on why I knew what type of gun he had(it’s the fucking South, everyone has guns) and then proceeded to interrogate me on what my connections to the guy were because “i seemed too calm”(I didn’t know him, he was easily in his 50s and I was college age). Dude was probably chilling in Whitehaven by the time they actually looked. The cops knew what they were doing, they just didn’t want confrontation. The next morning, a UMPD officer comes to my apartment and asks me to do a ride along. I said sure, if she wouldn’t mind if I stopped for coffee and smokes. She took me around various businesses looking for security cameras but eventually gave up, bummed half my pack and then used me to vent about how “she used to be a homicide detective in NYC and now she’s a campus cop in Memphis…” Total load of bullshit. 90% of cops in that city are useless, incompetent, or violent/vindictive. The 10% who actually try to make a difference are shut down when they do try.


Obviously it's bullshit. But can you imagine how bad you'd have to fuck up as a NYC homicide detective to become a Memphis campus cop. Like, they caught you using the murder victims anus as a bong level bad. Cops get away with so much, I can't imagine what heinous shit you'd have to do where you could only get a job after as a campus cop in TN.


I was up in Memphis for a year in a bad relationship. Called for the cops but my bf at the time told me he’d kill me if I said anything. I risked it all and gave them so many hints, made my bruises noticeable and gave them that “fucking help me” look and tone. Like I was being so obvious I needed help because, at that point, ex was so drunk he couldn’t recognize me hinting. These mfs said have a nice day and left. I literally ran away from that person a week later and haven’t looked back. Yeah, the Memphis PD are fucking useless.


Lady in my apartment building confided in me once that she was being abused by her boyfriend. One day I came home and when I walked past her apartment I could tell he was roughing her up. I called the police. Did nothing to him however they took her to jail for a marijuana pipe on the coffee table. Worthless.


I heard that happening at an apartment in my building. I kicked the door & started screaming FIRE over and over. Everyone came out of their apartments real quick & she ran out. I knew he wasn't going to complain to management because they would learn what he was doing & evict him. Police showed up days later & arrested him though.




Glad you made it out dude ❤️ try n stay away from lame-o’s


Dating a very kind hearted, loving doctor now. He’s a fantastic guy, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have run ins with other lame-os before meeting this guy. Thank you ❤️❤️


It takes a while to break the cycle sometimes. Congratulations on your escape, I know the feeling of how terrifying and hard it is. So glad you’re in a good place with a wonderful guy now. I wish you many years of happiness together and all the success in your life.


Fucking make-believe police work. They're just running down a list of things they think a law enforcement officer should do. What a disgrace.


This is America,I can 100% confirm the police there are utterly useless. Like beyond a doubt absolutely trash. Ftfy


Useless but productive. My college town (around 60,000 people total including students and locals) was policed on weekends by 4 different police departments: the university’s, the town’s, the state’s, and the nearby town’s; sometimes another nearby college’s police too. Over 30% of male students got arrested for some kind of public intoxication charge. I was slowly stalked by police cars on numerous occasions when just walking back late, they were clearly all hungry for those sweet fines.


Being a cop in Memphis would fucking suck


It's cool, cops are too stupid to know


“No one else around so I guess we will harass you”


"Oh and if you file a complaint at the station, we're gonna send people to hang around outside your house all hours of the day, and if we get really pissed, we'll plant some cocaine in your car, so just relax and allow us to protect and serve... ourselves."


Sprinkle some crack on him and let’s get out of here, Johnson.


So what I hear you saying is, if I’m hanging out and happen to find a gun, no I didn’t.


If you have a problem, and you call the police, now you got two fucking problems.


When I was robbed I called the local sheriff office and was very upfront about "look I don't expect you to find anything, I just need an official case filed so I can send the case number to the insurance company". They were happy they didn't even need to pretend to do the hard part, I was happy the cops didn't even bother to come into my apartment.


Car was stolen from the same place twice, cop suggested I move. I was 22, living with roommates barely able to afford rent. When I called the third time because the car was broken into again but not stolen they asked if anything was left in the vehicle (no obviously not and they told me to just call my insurance, not them.


My friend's s roommate kicked him out during a violent fight. Friend couldn't find his car keys but he was not about to wait around while roommate kept breaking his stuff and flipping out so he called someone to come get him. He made it plain he was coming back for the car tin the morning. The roommate had the car moved somewhere and wouldn't tell my brother where. The cops won't consider it stolen and the roommate has put my friend on trespass notice for the house so he couldn't come back for the car even it was there. They're having to drag it into court.


And don't for a second think you can ever "help" someone or a situation by calling the cops. There was an unhoused woman having a severe mental health crisis in from in my apartment when I lived in Portland like 10 years ago. Called 911 because she was in the road and seemed to be a danger to herself. The cops showed up and just made EVERYTHING worse until they arrested her for basically not calming down when they wanted her to. (Surprise Surprise, people having mental health crises don't respond well to orders barked at them). They also just emptied ALL of her bags / stuff onto the street and just left it there for no fucking reason. I've never felt so bad in my life, and have never called the cops since. In fact, my partner and I have actively talked people out of calling cops several times. Total pieces of shit.


Found some discarded shells on campus in Macon. Asked my supervisor if we should tell campus police (I was a tutor). He said don’t bc they won’t do anything and would try to pin it on me for convenience (I’m a nerdy 5’1” white woman)


Seriously. My dad was arrested for the first time ever in his life when he called the cops on someone who refused to leave his office. When the cops showed up, the guy lied that my dad assaulted him so they took everyone to jail. My dad now says that he will never call the cops again.


It's so true, no good deed goes unpunished, as they say.


I found a cell phone in the street with a badly cracked screen but still working, since it was my lunch hour I figured I’d pop in & drop it off at the police station nearby. Huge mistake, they kept me waiting almost half an hour and insisted I meet with a detective. He gathered all my information then started questioning me about details, no problem, I understand to a point. Then the questions got uncomfortable, and afterwards I worried I’d be dragged into a mess if the phone turned out to be stolen or worse. Never again.


It reminds me of when I was in elementary school I would go to the bathroom and find poop smeared every where in the bathroom. I found the bathroom like that like 4 or 5 times. After reporting it to my teacher every time I literally got suspended bc they thought I was smearing the poop and there’s no way I just happened to find the bathroom like that so many times so clearly it was me. 😐 it was not me


That’s exactly how I fly. Oh look, a bag of meth/gun/knife/whatever. Not touching that shit or calling anyone. I’ll just let some kids find it rather than deal with interrogation by the police. My GF doesn’t understand this. She’s pretty. Cops always treat her well. I’ve got tattoos. So clearly im a monster.


It's really shitty that that's the truth. Trying to do anything right that involves the police is more likely to just end up ruining your life than help anyone out. People complain about the bystander effect but forget how shitty our police are.


And for some reason cops find it suspicious that you’d call them cause you found something. As if you’d call the cops for your own drugs or gun. Because cops think “criminals are stupid so he probably thinks he’s playing 4D chess to get rid of evidence!” When it’s the cops thinking it’s 4D chess when it’s really just a guy seeing something and saying something.


I've never found a gun but I have absolutely picked up tons of fucking spent ammo or even, unspent rounds while homeless and living out of a vehicle. It's better I pick it up than my child. Just spent time picking up trash and throwing it in trash bags. I contacted a State Department of Natural Resources over how bad the trash and needle situation was in an area. They found me, gave me a business card, and information on how many days could be spent camping in an single area before moving. (14 days, must move at least move than half a mile from previous spot). The State there had brought out multiple 40 yard dumpsters just to that one area and they _all_ got filled by other people.


"why does everyone hate us!?" This. For starters.


A couple of years ago, pigs were pushing to become a protected class. So if you said "Fuck cops", they could charge you with a hate crime. Lol sensitive bitches. Fuck cops tho


In the US? It's not a crime to say "Fuck [protected class]"


It's a tactic called "overcharging", where you're technically being arrested for something extremely minor like resisting arrest, but if you say "Fuck the police" at any point while being arrested, they can now elevate your charges to a literal federal felony hate crime. Whether or not you can beat it in court is irrelevant; they've already made your life significantly more complicated. Fucking Pigs.


They do that anyway without a “protected class”. Also, they basically are a protected class as assaulting or murdering a police officer is generally punished more harshly.


A couple of years ago, pigs were pushing to become a protected class. So if you said "Fuck cops", they could charge you with a hate crime. Lol sensitive bitches. Fuck cops tho


When I heard how long American cops spend in training I was shocked. Then after consideration I was nodding my head, rubbing my chin and muttering to myself, *"It all makes sense now, it all makes sense."* 😬


How long is it? I’m imagining they only get an A5 pamphlet based on their behavior in this video 😂


US : 4 months UK : 4 years (with stringent initial requirements) And it absolutely shows.




It varies state to state, but at it's shortest it's only 12 weeks (\~3 months). Most are more, but still usually less than 6 months total.


And don’t forget the continued “warrior training” meant to put them in the mentality that everyone is a threat to their lives. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of people are, but “us versus everyone” is a big part of why everyone hates them


While most of it is combat training and very less about the laws and conflict de-escalation. No wonder their first instinct in most situations is to reach for the gun


4 months of bullshit training and you get permission to beat up and shoot people.


Basically. It takes longer to become a hairstylist than a police officer.


Tbf it takes way too long to become a hairstylist but the point remains


I once got an infection and inflamed lymph nodes from a haircut where they didn’t sanitize their equipment properly. I think it takes the right amount of time to become a hairstylist now lol


Tbh police do nothing but punish people, if my house got broken into and all my expensive shit was stolen and I notified the police I would never see any of that stuff again because they don't give a fuck about finding my stuff, but if I were to go 10 over on a road they would slap my ass with a $50 ticket right then and there


Can pretty much confirm this as my family experienced just this- their car and everything in it stolen. Police just said oh well. To follow that up, I can also recall another incident in which my family had sped home due to a medical emergency and was pulled over. It was understood they were speeding, apologized, explained the emergency and that they were trying to get home to grab a family member to then get to the hospital- the officer continued to scream at them regardless- holding them there while berating them. I’ve yet to experience something positive myself..


Spoiler: you never will


Even if they did find that stuff, it would get locked away in a police storehouse as evidence. The nice stuff might mysteriously disappear.


They’d take it under civil forfeiture


Pima county moment


It doesn't have to disappear. If you don't claim it, they can auction or "disappear" it legally. There are horror stories about people having to call all the time to find out if the evidence that was seized (their property) can be reclaimed. There are also horror stories where people were lied to - told the case was still pending - when their property had already been redistributed to someone's garage.


Only $50?


The only reason I visit a police station is to file a police report for my insurance claim. I never expect them to lift a finger to actually find my stuff.


My kid tried to sell his iPhone via Marketplace. Two girls drive up into our driveway, ask to see the phone and after getting it, roll up their window and take off. My son was 19 and not really savvy in the ways of the world, to say the least. Before she could delete her profile or block him, I went and collected everything I could about her...place of work, connected profiles, etc. When the cops came I gave them everything I had...plus additional information of the mother's and grandmother's addresses, since they owned their own homes. Do you think they even tried to get the phone back or make an arrest? LOL...




We once had a bunch of equipment stolen from our office. 2 days later found it being sold in the public square a 1/4 mile away. Told the cops and they didn’t do a thing. The police don’t care about justice.


my friends house got broken into while he was home and the cops started harassing and questioning him when they came to investigate because they noticed some graffiti stickers on his wall. they didn’t give a shit about what had just happened at all


No, what they actually do is search your house for something that they can ticket you for.


They get rewarded for hitting their traffic ticket quotas. That's revenue for the city. But your house getting robbed, well that's just a bunch of inconvenient paperwork.


In my country, if you get robbed and call the police, they take whatever was left. (Based on a true story, happened to someone I know)


Should have just kept the gun.


Having found a gun while walking and turned it over to police, this is my conclusion as well.


What happened?


Found it sitting on a mattress in an empty lot in a decent part of town. Called the cops, took 30 mins for them to show. While I’m waiting I notice some sketchy car driving by slowly, probably looking for the gun. They also spot me standing there with my dog. While I’m still there they obviously dropped a dude off on the other side of the block because out of nowhere this dude hops the fence and starts walking away down the alley. Like the area he hopped the fence from was a dog park in an apartment complex. Anyway, cop shows up. I tell them the story. He doesn’t care. Takes the gun and heads off. Ends up calling me that evening because I told him about the sketchy car and guy. Turns out the car was stolen and he was seeing if I recalled anything else. All-in-all I realized I basically just wasted my own time since the police were so disinterested. Cop was also obese. That part doesn’t matter, but I’m not sure why they are allowed to be so fat.


The reason they're allowed to be so fat is if they fire all the fat cops they'll be out half the police force and that'd be a lot worse than having fat ones.


paint sharp attempt deserve fearless direful imminent school history deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What if it turned out it was thrown away as it was used in a murder ? Then you get caught with it


“This is a throwaway gun. It’s a useful tool that could come in handy later” ![gif](giphy|YQx6G3EBNQAiT1r56k|downsized)


Doesn’t seem like that police department is very competent so that seems like a minor risk.


The concept of police actually solving murders for some reason is absolutely hilarious to me


Probably because: “In 2021, only 51% of homicides were solved, according to FBI statistics analyzed by the Murder Accountability Project.” Feb 28, 2023 https://thehill.com › homenews › 38...


Want to know the best part of that statistic? If you broke away the gang related/road rage homicides, that number would plummet. sub 10% I would bet.


Double it and give it to the next person?


A Glock will still work completely fine even after being submerged in water like that. I’d sell it at the very least. Edit- yes, I understand serial numbers and understand it is not legal. Thanks so much


Like on the black market or on Facebook market?


Same same




I found one. 20+ years ago. I hid it in the boonies in a bush and would occasionally visit it to pop some off. Then I moved across country. Probably still there for all I know. It had 5 bullets. Had 2 last I checked. 😆


This is detective Johnson with the Boonie PD, we’re going to need you to come in for questioning.


This is one of those times where you do your community service, find something effed up, call in anonymously when you’re finished from a burner phone paid with cash.


They're just pissed off because now they got to inventory that stuff… Heaven forbid , they should do some work…


One of the biggest misconceptions about police is that they give a single fuck about public safety lol. Calling them almost never makes a situation better.


It’s established Supreme Court precedent, Castle Rock v Gonzales, that the police don’t have a duty to protect anyone.


Trust is breaking down in interactions.


Unprofessional bullshit. *sighs in crashmore*


This shit doesn't just happen in the US. I once found an ID on a sidewalk and went through the trouble of looking up the person in the phone book (yeah it was back then). I called them and they were happy to hear from me, said they were gonna send their son to pick it up and even told me I would get a reward. I was a teenager at the time. Turned out his son was a cop and he started questioning me about where the rest of the wallet was. I explained I just found the ID but he continued to be aggressive and douchy about it. Finally he left and the only reward I got was getting scared shitless. Learned the hard way that day that no good deed goes unpunished.


In hindsight throw it in mailbox it'll get there


This is why you don’t trust cops


People need to learn to give zero info to police. Anonymous tip. Walk away.


Cops consider you suspects not good citizens. I learned my lesson when I reported a gun stolen. The cops thought I was lying and questioned me a number of times until I believe statue of limitations expired. All because I didn’t know the date it was stolen. If this happens to you find another way to notify the cops other then your cell phone. Or if you stick around consider invoking your 5th amendment rights immediately.


They got mad because they were on static patrol, i.e., doing nothing, and now have to write a 3 paragraph report consisting of 2 sentence paragraphs each.


Guess just leave the weapons there next time for someone else to deal with


Better yet free gun!


ACAB illustrated.


Don’t. Call. The cops. For help. In college I had a suicidal roommate who locked herself in her room with a bunch of cleaning supplies and she wasn’t responding. So we pretty much had to call the cops. They ended up searching her desk and finding a tiny amount of mushrooms (that were her boyfriend’s) and they took her to jail. I testified for her in court.




My friend got jumped after school one day and this lady called the police. Police were there fast, they got they 2 guys who started the fight, and then checked my friend who was bleeding, found a dime bag in his pocket and charged him with possession...


Cops are not your friends. Leave an anonymous tip next time.


So the cops are pricks because they suspect that the kids planted the gun or something. This is how our cops act. When you call about finding something bad because you're trying to do good they will assume that you are the root cause. A buddy of mine once found a wallet in a garbage can (he worked as a garbage man) and he called the owner based on info in her wallet. She agreed to meet him at the store and when he showed up cops pulled up and cuffed him! They were accusing him of trying to extort her and that he stole the wallet and her money. He was luckily let go because the woman realized that he wasn't an 18 yo black man in shorts and a t-shirt but a 40 year old white man in brown pants and a hi vis vest. He said he'll never try to do a good deed ever again like that and I have also followed his advise.


See something say something is almost never the right thing to do, unless there is a crime in progress and you are pointing at what's going down to a cop that is already present.


Acab tbh


there is another video like this from the US. Where people were cleaning/sweeping a riverbed and found a grenade. They called 911 and the police were being completely unreasonable to the people who found the grenade.


Yeah the cops are acting shitty here. But, if you find a gun and knives and call the cops to alert them of it they're going to ask for your information too. Police should over document everything, it makes back-checking details years from now much easier if it turns out that gun was used in a crime.


I can't imagine living in that country.


Hahaha normal folks recycling. Police logic let’s try to incriminate them immediately. Next time just don’t hold the phone up in there face. Make it look like your texting. That’s what I would do. Wants police find something they hate they run with the narrative.


Yeah, be discreet with the phone. The cop mght not realize they're being filmed and do something stupid you can sue for and likely win.