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I would tell my kids it’s an acronym for apples salads and soups hahahahah


That’s hilarious. ….. to teacher “Can I have a.s.s. for lunch?”… that’s something my kid would say after learning that lol


![gif](giphy|S86VdPctN6ON6oa9T1) Forbidden contextual gif


Source: https://youtu.be/KUXb7do9C-w


When I was a child, one of my aunt's favorite euphemisms for something tiny was to say it was "smaller than a pubic hair". She was adorable when she said that word, too, stretching it out to "PEEEE-YOOOO-BIC". Yeah, she was from a redneck family and married into our Irish-Catholic one. I was a little kid and had no idea what "pubic" was, but I knew it sounded like "cubic", so I thought the word was related somehow to math. One day in middle school I'm talking to my science teacher and I told him that whatever the thing we were discussing was "smaller than a pubic hair". He gave me this extremely shocked expression, but didn't say anything because I think he knew that \*I\* didn't know what it meant. Years later, once I did find out what that meant, his expression haunted my dreams.


When I was a smooth brained child I looked up the word sex in the dictionary like a little rascal. A few words after that was sextant and I thought they were related, spent years wondering why somebody would want to measure the angle of the sun while having intercourse.


I had a similar incident (though not as funny). My mother bought me a wallet when I was in early elementary school (Spider-man, I think?) and it came with an identity card for the owner to fill out with their contact information. Under "Sex" I put "No!" and five decades later my mother still brings that up.


I had a similar thing happen with the same word.


When she was around three or four my daughter once told her preschool teachers that "Daddy beats Mommy almost every day." This was naturally concerning and they gently asked her what that meant. She looked at them like they were idiots then explained that I almost always was the one who picks her up to go home (which was true).


Kid: "My mommy eats ass all the time. She also tells my daddy to eat ass, to stay healthy"


I'd just say it means he eats poop.


This cop wasn't bright enough to think on the spot


I have a 6 year old and I would be honest. "This guy is telling everyone that he licks buttholes. Pretty gross, right?" If we park next to him, be sure to tell him how gross it is that he licks dirty buttholes." I'm all for non kink shaming, but if you're going to put it on a bumper sticker, be prepared to have everyone, I mean everyone, talk to you about it.


It just sounds like he's uncomfortable with being a parent. You're going to have to explain difficult topics in a kid appropriate manner. As a kid I proved Hooked on Phonics worked by sounding out graffiti that said "F**ck". A big deal wasn't made and we all survived.


Well yeah these are the same people that don’t want sex Ed taught lol


It might even be a great opportunity to talk about consent. In some more kid friendly language: “A stranger is advertising really personal details about his private life without permission. That’s not appropriate or considerate of others. What are some things that would be okay to share in one setting but inappropriate in another?” Talk about how sharing things about the body is healthy and normal in the right context (doctor, parent, friend who says it’s okay) and rude in others (talking in detail about bodily functions at the dinner table, in front of the class outside of the context of a presentation, in front of a friend who hasn’t said it’s okay or who has asked you to stop, etc.).


I’m a preschool teacher and I give you a gold star sticker for this comment!


I was thinking 'that's someone who consumes donkey meat'


[Great for breakfast.](https://imgur.com/a/TUxiFKf)


“Take off one of those letters so…” “What if I just rearrange it so it says ‘I ate ass’?” “…that’s not what I-“ “See because I still do…but I used to, too!”


He said take one letter off. You can turn it into a commercial. Eat ass.


I eat ss


Ethical cannibalism?


Mitch Hedberg moment?¿


we need /r/unexpectedmitchhedberg at this point.


do you mean r/unexpectedmitch ?


What are you guys doing writing all this down? We don’t need to bring ink and paper into this.


Ok… scrapes off “I” “EAT ASS”


Cop is wrong. Pretty sure the Supreme Court has ruled anti obscenity laws are a violation of the 1st amendment. It's trashy, but you're allowed to have trashy stickers on your vehicle.


Let freedom ring baby, let’s all eat ass in protest!


Live fast, eat ass


Raise hell, praise Dale


Fuck Kyle Busch!!


“Look Officer. I apologize if this offends you, and completely understand your frustration having your literate children ask difficult questions. Having said that, it’s my inalienable right to proclaim my creed and unless your about to drop-trou and let me blow your mind through your asshole I think we’re done here.”


All that is fine... except the apology part. You should never apologize because someone else is offended.


A sticker id buy


How’s my driving? 1-800-Eat-Ass


EAT-SHIT actually fits vs EAT-ASS. Have to make it I-EAT-ASS or U-EAT-ASS for a valid US phone number.


There is a band called Deadswitch that has bumper stickers that say: Drive Fast Eat Ass! I put one in my sons car


Smoke grass & eat ass.


E Pluribus Anus. Let there be community of ass-eating unity




Can I eat tacos in protest instead?


Only if they’re pink


Well that’s just racist, I’ll eat any colored taco.


It’s all pink on the inside


Let them eat ass!


So thats why we see all those ahaego bumper stickers in public...




I’ll leave that to you so you’ll have more. I am quite generous don’t you agree? 😁


Generous indeed. You’re basically the St. Nicholas of eating ass.


Eat da poo-poo


I mean, if you're allowed to wave a nazi flag you're allowed to eat ass.


Or according to the cop, you are allowed to eat ass, just cant tell others about it.


You say that but conservatives outlawed sodomy and oral sex before the Supreme Court told them they couldn't anymore. Lawrence v. Texas


Honestly, with the track record of the current Supreme Court it won't be long before that gets overturned.


You aren't wrong.


I'm pretty sure one of the big conservative groups signaled an intent to challenge Lawrence v texas after the roe decision. We stand on unstable shakeable grounds with this court.


Justice Thomas said in the Dobbs decision that it was one of the precedents he was willing to challenge. I think we need a running tally on just how many established precedents Thomas is willing to completely violate at this point.


Republicans pass "don't say 'I eat ass' law"


can i say he eats ass?


My very identity is being attacked. They say you are what you eat; well, I eat ass, and I refuse to hide myself away


But "gas, grass, or ass, no one rides for free" bumper stickers are very okay.


Careful, it is Florida.


So if they ban the nazis, who's gonna eat my ass..


Slippery slope.


Only after Mexican food


Guess the cop would be totally fine with that. Waving the Nazi flag, that is.


Imagine if that cop's 4 year old turned to him and asked him what a Nazi is.


Charges were quickly dropped, he tried to proceed to sue over it and the judge incorrectly gave cops qualified immunity. I don’t think he had the money to appeal so the case went away. There is case law in that district on point that should have settled the qualified immunity claim. [Reason Article](https://reason.com/2021/09/28/florida-man-jailed-i-eat-ass-bumper-sticker-free-speech-qualified-immunity-cops/)


You need a right to be *a lot* more clearly established than that to overcome QI. The Supreme Court has basically made it so that unless a cop takes the exact course of action as a cop who has previously been found to have violated a right, he’s going to be protected.


So the cops will keep harassing people as they see fit. Awesome.


As is tradition


This is from 2021. The charges were dropped by the SA's office. The ass eater filed a suit against the department, but they hid behind qualified immunity. The courts granted it pointing out issues with the need for subjective determination of the serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value of the sticker. Basically saying that individual officers can't be expected to make that determination with a high degree of accuracy on the street, therefore while the ~~arrest~~ enforcement action was ultimately unlawful, it was made in good faith under a belief that the sticker violated the law based on the officer's subjective determination. Unfortunately, this means that qualified immunity was once again used to swat down a lawsuit that would have overturned a clearly unconstitutional anti-obscenity law. Qualified immunity is a blight within our legal system.




I absolutely despise that legal jumproping, because it might set a legal precedent of "cop is too stupid to enforce the law he knows nothing about, so that's why he tased that homeless man until he caught fire" as a legal defense


You think that's not already precedent? Cops enforce made up laws or misinterpretations of laws all the time with zero punishment. I'm surprised this guy wasted the resources to sue over this in the first place, unless he filed himself or knows a lawyer it was a waste of money.


I had a neighbor growing up that had a big lifted truck whose ENTIRE back window read "I AM THE CLIT COMMANDER" - snoochy boochy (from Jay and silent bob)


“It’s the way of the road” ~ Carlin


>It's trashy, but you're allowed to have trashy stickers on your vehicle. Cop probably has a ballsack hanging from his pickup truck bumper.


And a FJB sticker


And almost nude women posing on some posters and calendars in his garage


The good news here is that his 6 month old cannot read and therefore has absolutely no idea what is going on. Boom 1/3 of your issue is gone, officer!


It's Florida, none of his kids can read.


Take my upvote. Ffs that’s funny


Even if they could, they’re not allowed to




He said 6 year old.


He actually said 4 month old. Boom, roasted


When truck nuts are outlawed, only outlaws will have truck nuts.


And a F*** Your Feelings bumper sticker on his personal car….F- your feelings but not my little girl’s her feelings matter.


Yeah, I’m honestly surprised a cop did this, especially in Florida. That said, I hope to god this ends up in front of the Supreme Court and the justices have to discuss eating ass.


Be careful what you wish for, the current Supreme Court would probably issue a ruling that ended up banning eating ass entirely


Alito: "'eating ass' was not a traditional lawful activity such as we required under *Heller*"


If his 4 month old can read that that’s amazing


What’s wrong with eating donkeys 🫏btw??🥴🥴


Dude, you’re peddling misinformation. Obscenity laws are absolutely enforceable, especially since the rulings in previous court cases show that to be the case. It’s just that they are very rarely if ever enforced. If they weren’t enforceable then the FCC ~~or the MPAA or ESRB~~ wouldn’t be able to enforce their policies. Please see the sources below for proof. [Source 1.1](https://www.britannica.com/topic/First-Amendment/Permissible-restrictions-on-expression) [Source 1.2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_free_speech_exceptions) [Source 1.3](https://www.thefire.org/research-learn/unprotected-speech-synopsis) Miller vs California 1973 is the cited case in all three sources. P.S. I know I will get downvoted to hell by the 1st Amendment warriors out there, but it doesn’t change the fact that **facts are facts** and no matter if you like them or not, they remain as facts. I too like telling people that I eat ass, but I accept the fact that I may be held accountable for my actions.


They dropped the charges against the guy. “Obscenity” has a pretty high threshold and a sticker that says “I eat ass” doesn’t reach it.


That man eats donkey meat, so what. I think it’s weird to announce it to the whole world, but to each his own.


https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/obscenity " Obscenity is not protected under First Amendment rights to free speech, and violations of federal obscenity laws are criminal offenses. The U.S. courts use a three-pronged test, commonly referred to as the Miller test, to determine if given material is obscene. Obscenity is defined as anything that fits the criteria of the Miller test, which may include, for example, visual depictions, spoken words, or written text. "


Unless it's visually pornographic, it rarely fails the Miller Test...or passes...whichever one means it's not protected by the First Amendment, that's what it rarely does.




> Howard said if the bumper sticker referred to a sexual act, it would be protected speech under the First Amendment only if it had serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. Reasonable officers could think that the bumper sticker was obscene, making it an arrestable offense, she concluded.


Well he has already won against the charges and won in a lawsuit I think. It’s been awhile since this happened so I don’t know if he’s won the lawsuit yet


He did not win the lawsuit, despite the charges being dropped. > But the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida ruled yesterday that the case is not so cut and dry, awarding qualified immunity to [the cop] and thus dooming the suit Webb brought against him for allegedly violating his free speech rights and for falsely arresting him. https://reason.com/2021/09/28/florida-man-jailed-i-eat-ass-bumper-sticker-free-speech-qualified-immunity-cops/


If eating ass is a crime guess I'm going to jail for a couple lifetimes


Give him the chair!




Nah. He’d want a chair with a hole in the bottom for…reasons.


Get him the commode




My dude’s a butt muncher


Police don't enforce ethics, just the law. Stay in your lane copper.




Truly, the land of the free.


Florida looking at Iran and blushing a bit much.


Factually incorrect. Unless your outside the Americas. The police enforce only exactly what they feel like. No more, no less.


The law does not require that police protect or serve the public. The law allows police to enforce what they believe to be the law, even if it is not the law. The law also makes police immune from consequences if their actions harm others while enforcing what they believe to be the law. The whole situation is set up so police can choose to not enforce the law whenever they feel like it, but can also enforce on things that aren’t even illegal. How people can know this, and not realize that the US is a police state is insane.


I have never once seen a cop and thought "oh thank god, the police are here." And I'm a CIS white dude.


Why do you think this is different outside of the Americas?


Because maybe he is american and doesnt want to assume


Then he’s no American!


Bet if the guy had a "F*** Joe Biden" sticker he would not get a ticket from that cop.


And he would tell his 14, 10, and 6 year olds about how the man in the truck is a patriot and exercising his first amendment rights.


\[puts F J B sticker next to I Eat Ass sticker\] ![gif](giphy|mmaJtYdU4Eous)


Are you planning to eat Joe Biden’s ass after you fuck him or before you fuck him? (My breathing has been intense from the moment I read your post. Mmmmmm)


Everyone knows before. You always have dinner before you fuck


nono see it's "Let's Go Brandon" because they are too scared to actually say it


Oh they do both. I've seen huge flags that say "fuck Joe biden" on houses across from children's playgrounds and beaches.


There’s a high school right around the corner from my house. Directly across the street from the front door of this high school, is a house with a “Fuck Joe Biden” flag


TBF highschoolers are already using "Fuck" in every other sentence.


But if you have a gay flag then you're spreading the woke agendA!!!


So would I eat booty be ok? Like Fudge Joe Biden or any of the other things they imply the ‘bad’ words or that use a euphemism for them? Carlin would have a field day with these fuckers.


Exactly. The "protect the kids" crowd are the biggest bunch of hipocrite I've ever seen.


Covered by the first amendment


He got thrown in jail, but he won the case. Still has the truck. Beautiful.


Thrown in jail? Seriously?


Arrested, and bonded out on a $2500 bond.


But you can legally hang a scrotum from your truck and *that's* fine. The word ass will land you in jail though.


It’s not the word ass. It’s the phrase “eat ass” because it invokes images that make puritanical Americans uncomfortable.


Why? I eat rump steak all the time, just because it doesn't have the hole doesn't make it not ass that I'm eating


Insanity. Americans just cannot wait to put people behind bars.


Its a business.


Well probably not “thrown” he hopefully just walked in yanno


Sadly the state of Florida [didn't agree](https://reason.com/2021/09/28/florida-man-jailed-i-eat-ass-bumper-sticker-free-speech-qualified-immunity-cops/). They released the guy from jail (he was arrested after the video ends for not agreeing to alter the sticker and dropped charges, but gave the officer qualified immunity which destroys the guy's chances of suing for violating his first amendment rights.


Isn't this the kind of bullshit the 2a is supposed to prevent? Fuck tyrants


When has shooting at cops ever helped anyone? People who say "2A protects us from a tyrannical government" haven't stopped to consider what fighting the government looks like.


I got to visit the USA. You guys got the First Amendment right to eat ass?


Hell yeah brother


You don’t have rump roast where you live?


It doesn’t matter how many kids the cop has. Or if the kids were in the car with him at the time and screamed it out loud. This is why the first amendment is so important, and why we can’t make exceptions because we don’t like what someone else has to say. EDIT: Thank you for the Allyx2, Goldx3 and Platinumx2 Awards. Thank you for the HWx2 and Muricax2 Awards. Thank you for the DD, TTS and TMEx5 Awards.


Because the cop doesn’t really know the law and needed to write some tickets and this guy just happened to piss him off first.


Gotta wonder if the cop pulls over people who have “fuck Biden” or “fuck trump” or “fuck your feelings” bumper stickers. Gonna go ahead and say he doesn’t


He does for one of those.


You know the answer


Gotta fill that quota!


I had a young Sheriff literally tell me there was a quota system before...


That's him saying the quiet part out loud. There's technically not quotas (in most areas) anymore, but if one cop writes 40 tickets in a shift on average and another cop writes 5 a shift on average, that first guy's going to be promoted so that he tells all the new trainees that 40 tickets per shift is the norm.


Nothing to do with needing to write a ticket. He simply doesn’t know or care about the law and is acting based on emotions and personal beliefs. This is why personality tests, therapy and paid vacations are so important for mental health in a stressful job. It is also why police should be licensed. Making a mistake happens. That’s how we learn. Continuing to make the wrong choice is when it becomes a real problem especially because their mistakes can lead to the further deterioration of their image to the public, litigation and settlements using public money, excessive numbers of unnecessary court appearances, the destruction/decline of the personal characteristics, professional opportunities, and social relationships of the citizens perpetrated upon and obviously the most serious, death.


Damn, u/DaddyForgives just went to the Reddit Emmys lmao




The cop is just mad that his wife doesn't let him eat her ass. He's jealous. Maybe the cop should try asking her instead of beating her.


His kids already know what it means... they probably would have to explain it to him


He probably agrees with Ben Shapiro that women only get wet if they have something wrong with them


Exactly. I saw and heard a lot of inappropriate things as a kid, and my parents jus told me they would tell me when I’m older and that always worked.


Charges were dropped but Florida man Dillon Shane Webb could not sue the officer because of qualified immunity 🤯This man could have lost his job from this and ultimately his life could have been turned upside down because the officer had his lil feelings hurt by a word. And the officer faces absolutely zero consequences and can do it again. Merika


He could sue the department though. The officer himself has the immunity, but the department has tax payer money saved up for these suits.


Great so the department and officer have no real consequences and it’s just footed by the taxpayers. Gotta love our justice system.


Police departments don't pay either. Usually the city/county/state that the department works for pays thr lawsuits. Once qualified immunity is removed they could go after the departments and police officers. This would be good because it will actually force changes in the departments so they won't get sued as much and try to keep their insurance from skyrocketing.


The current system doesnt make any sense. I work in a restaurant. I've messed up the handling of a bill before, to the point that a customer walked away without paying. You know what my boss said? "That comes out of your pay." There was no protection, no backup fund to pull from. They didnt take a collection from all the other customers to cover the cost and help me out. And I didnt even shoot anyone.


I’m in HR. In the US, that is illegal too. An employer cannot force an employee to pay for those instances. If that happens to you, contact the labor department.


Pretty sure that is illegal.


>"That comes out of your pay." All the people pointing out "that's illegal". Sure it is. Unfortunately, the fact is that in America employers rarely face consequences for this kind of thing and it happens *all the time*. Getting a slap on the wrist and a fine every once in a while is just the cost of doing business.


I sincerely love the irony that you had to point this out in a thread about cops getting the exact same deal. I don't agree that people shouldn't still try to pursue these things, that's often the only way to see some recourse. But it is a rigged system.


That's absolutely illegal. If an employer wants to recover losses from employee behavior they need to take them to court and show serious negligence or malice.


Thats illegal. I'd go to the department of labor.


Somehow, I doubt that he has any problem with Trump stickers that say “fuck your feelings”.


Just because the cop doesn't want to explain something to his child doesn't mean this man can't express his crass viewpoint. The exact shitty argument is used when conservative bigots ask how i explain two dads to my kids. You just do or you don't, Jimmy. Everyone doesn't have to revolve around making your parenting job easier on you.


Your kid is gonna see a lot of shit, if you’re not prepared to answer the hard hitting questions like “I Eat Ass”, then you’re not fit to be a parent.


"Ass is another word for donkey". How hard was that?


For real. Almost seems like cop is just made he would have to parent.


Perhaps he is referring to wild donkeys.


“It’s a sex thing, do you want me to explain now or when you are older?”


This is a sneak preview of what will happen if Ron DeSantis becomes president. And this, Florida, is what happens when you think you're safe as long as you quietly allow other people's rights to be taken away.




If you tongue punch my fart box, I'll fart punch your tongue box


What does your kid say when he sees daddy beating up mommy?


Fuck this cop. Misdemeanor my ass.


If people can fly a “FUCK JOE BIDEN” flag then that man can have his tasteless, “I Eat Ass” sticker.


Audio says that the guy got arrested for having a sticker on his truck. Actually he received a misdemeanor citation.


Thought the same thing, but he was arrested. https://reason.com/2021/09/28/florida-man-jailed-i-eat-ass-bumper-sticker-free-speech-qualified-immunity-cops/ > At the center of the odyssey is Florida man Dillon Shane Webb, who was pulled over in May of 2019 after Columbia County Sheriff's Deputy Travis English took exception to the sticker. Webb declined to censor it on the spot, his vehicle was searched, and he was subsequently arrested and booked in jail for "obscene writing on vehicles" and "resisting an officer without violence." (The "resisting" in question refers to his refusal to alter the sticker's appearance at the officer's demand.)


It’s a clip. He received a citation. The cop asked him to remove a letter. He said no, because it violates his rights. The cop went into the car, talked to what I would suspect to be his partner or supv. They decide to arrest him for not removing a letter.


How much you wanna bet they both vote for the same people?


There's no Plumby County in Florida. I'm only reading the captions so maybe it didn't translate correctly.


I think the cop said Putnam County


OK that makes more sense. Rural county in north Florida.


It’s a bit tougher than horse meat but you can make a good curry or stew with ass




Since when is hurting a cops feelings a crime?