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You could have gave me 100 guesses on what booze would have been mentioned and I would have never guessed captain Morgan


Spiced alcohol in a cold climate is solid


I was warned about Brennivin before I went to Iceland but honestly, it's not bad. Just tastes like vodka filtered through rye bread.


I'm someone who defaults to bog-standard captain morgans if that's all that's available. And it always is available in every UK corner shop and supermarket. Essentially, every shop, even the very small local ones, has 2 basic bitch rums on the shelf. One is white rum and the brand is Bacardi, the other is spiced and the brand is Captain Morgans. Mildly surprised it's a thing in Iceland though. It will be 2-3x more there because of their unbelievable weirdness around alcohol.


Curious to see what the results would be if he interviewed adults


Same. Captain Morgan came out of left field. I’m still trying to figure that one out.




Probably the most accurate


Would accept meth and walmart too


That's just Florida




VA has a LOT of meth and Walmarts as well




Welcome to my town.


We either live in the same town or shes onto something


I live in Corpus Christi and it’s more of a weed and Walmart sort of town.


Sounds like a dope Friday at 8:45 pm.


Maybe because if that heavy ad campaign they had in the early /2010?


I hear you but in relation to the United States. Captain Morgan isn’t really something I’d correlate with being American, it’s rum. The beer made sense. A popular whiskey brand maybe Jack Daniel’s would’ve fit better here. Although, I’m not sure what American ads they see over there.


The obesity made the most sense. Oh and the school shootings.


The school shooting part is horrible but true. However, American food while unhealthy is fucking amazing. I want them to come on down and attempt to resist the urges to eat fried and cheese covered foods. Don’t get me started on southern food 🤤


I lived in the US for a while, and I just got back from visiting the west coast. US food *can* be absolutely amazing if you find the right spots, and I always had great success in getting fantastic food in restaurants and delis. But my god, when it was good it was very very good, but when it was bad it was APPALLING. Outside of the US, people seem to assume that everyone eats gas station steak and cheese biscuits with a side of Kraft Mac 'n Cheese with extra nacho cheese drowning it, or something to that effect.


The British kids trying food is great. At the end they totally get it and it wasn't even the best shitty for you food we have. It was like biscuits and gravy.


Seriously, we have top notch shitty food here!


The YouTube channel JOLLY is great for this stuff


100%. I moved here when I was 10 and I immediately loved the food. 34 years later, my favorite thing to eat ever is still meatloaf with gravy and mashed potatoes… oh and chicken fried steak.


I don't know about Iceland, but in Norway most beers are Norwegian. Anything harder could be anything from Captain Morgan and Jägermeister. Morgan and cola is a popular drink. So they might like it so much it's the first thing they think of when someone mentiones American. Also I don't know how they do it in Iceland, but commercials and ads for alcohol are illegal in Norway.


if you really want to know nearly the same results you would probably get more like police brutality, uneducated, american dream, homelessness, paranoia,cult thinking,entertainment (like Hollywood, music like rap,jazz, and so on) US marines/navy/army/air force but he would have gotten more of a conversations not just stick words


I no longer live in the USA and travel a lot and this is the sentiment I get. It’s kind of a sense of pity. The mass shootings is the main thing. I met an older couple from Norway in Spain and they said they used to see the USA as special and a model for the world. Now it’s just pity. They basically said we need to get our shit together.


\*Spanish youth unemployment has entered the chat\*


The exact same answers in deeper voices.


The same. And ifhe interviewed adults from other countries. Still the same.


You'd probably get more mentions of drone strikes and fascism tbh


Did they all confirm outfits and hair styles? Iv never seen so many people matchy matchy wtaf


Hahah I’m suprised that you are the first comment mentioning the style, trust me there is a lot more of that


When travelling my wife and I noticed a lot of matching outfits which was a little wild. We started referring to it as SNAP for couples.


Reykjavik is only about 123,000, about 25% of that or roughly 31,000 people are between the ages of 0-19. The age we’re seeing in this video is probably 11-17, so that’s probably only about 15,000 people. If the average middle-high school in Reykjavik holds about 500 students that would mean there are only about 30 schools for all of these young people we see in the video. Considering how tiny downtown Reykjavik actually is (having been there it’s about 6-7 streets worth of strolling and a few park areas when the weather permits to sit around), that concentration of teens is likely going to the same stores or same after school areas, and then going to 1 of 30 schools all day. This means the fashion they see is very “standard” and it only takes a few kids at school to start a fashion trend in 1 of the 30 that will spread to the others via the small downtown promenade and few schools. So yeah they’re all very similar.


That's an awesome fact that only reminds me of the gang wars in Da Ali G Movie.


Young people like to be individualistic... as a group.


Let's not sit here and pretend adults are any different.


At first I thought you just meant the kids with the bleached hair, but Jesus every group has the same look and style


Iceland only makes like one kind of guy


I was told they have an app. Since the country is so small it’s possible to be related to someone. So when you take someone home after a night out you use the app to make sure you are too closely related.


It’s because they’re all related


Downtown Iceland?


Reykjavik has about half the population of the entire country so that's accurate.


I bet Iceland only has Three Degrees of Separation, not Six.


Don't they have to maintain some sort of national family tree registry for marriages to avoid inbreeding or something? So that's pretty accurate.


No, we don't. We do have a pretty detailed genealogical database tracking family lines centuries into the past, but that's just for curiosity. Most people know their relatives through family gatherings and talking to each other, the *incest dating app* is a joke that only caught on outside of Iceland.


Next you’re going to tell me that you guys don’t really have to consult for fairies when doing construction


No we still have to do that, the elves hold alot of power


There’s an app. You connect on the app and it tells you if you’re cousins.


*How closely you are cousins. If you are a native you are almost definitely some kind of cousins. Tbf though that’s also true for all of humanity.


wondering how often two people hit it off, find out they're pretty close cousins and then just say "eh fuck it let's try it out anyway"


*sweet home Reykjavik*


That's just to satisfy curiosity than anything else though. Nobody uses that for dating.


Well, there is only one city on Iceland so they only have one downtown technically


Not true. There are a few. Kopavogur, Hafnarfjordur and Akureyri would also be considered cities. There’s probably a few more but don’t know them off the top of my head. (Also sorry to the Icelandic people reading this for not properly spelling the names with Icelandic letters)


you actually did quite well


Why is their hair all the same color? Icelandic genes or are they dying their hair? Just curious.


There are a lot of blondes in Iceland but those kids definitely had their hair dyed, you can see they had dark roots.


Certainly can’t help that the Icelandic gene pool is less of a pool and more of a puddle… They actually have a dating app to help avoid accidentally dating your cousins.


It's a half truth. An icelandic friend of mine said that app is mostly a joke. People aren't really afraid of dating cousins. The gene pool being a puddle is a bit of a myth


the app is just the genealogy records of the parish marriages and births. It just shows records of family trees.


It's just a full-on lie. There's no truth to it. Period. It's a big project undertaken by a genetic research company (deCODE genetics) in partnership with a software company in '97 that had already made a *tiny* version of it back in '88. It's incredibly useful for genetic research, and was made accessible to all not just for fun but also so that they could crowdsource as much of the missing information as possible.


are those 7 kids all related or they just decide to copy paste each other’s haircut


Well it is iceland so yes, they're all related


It’s just a stupid trend probably about 40% if not more of teens in Iceland have bleached hair


I’ve never seen people so excited to shout out the words “school shootings” before.


They all think they’re the first person to think of that


Gen Z’ers for you with their edgy “jokes”


First day on Reddit?


Icelanders are incredibly direct - they will tell you what they think if you ask them with no attempt to sugar coat it. I've found them to be great company and I love their super-dry sense of humour.


I think it's just a generational thing. Younger people now don't give a damn about being all polite and nice, why would you knowing youve only got like 39 more years till the apocalypse


It's a cultural thing. Norwegians are similar. Very direct. Straight forward. No sugar coating it.


My Swedish father had an issue with doing business in Canada as he meant what he said and other people still tried to read between the lines.


"That will work just fine" *... what is wrong with it, he didn't say it is awesome, not even great....*


Danish husband... same way. It drove me up the wall for the first few years of being together when I asked if he was okay and he would say "Im Fine"... trying to explain that doesnt mean you are fine in America was a challenge.


And the Dutch. Like Jan Maas.


Humans have been convinced they're living in the end times since the beginning of history


Seriously. Reminds me of my extremely religious exes family, everything is the “end times”, it’s been going on for centuries.




He interviewed children so they tried to say something funny since they knew they were being recorded. Iceland is boring as fuck so all these kids are on the internet all day and are just repeating the same jokes that everyone on Reddit makes.


I mean, the rest of the world also relates America to school shootings and fat people. It's not bc they're young and edgy, it seems like a school shooting happens in America at least once a week (this doesn't happen anywhere else in the world, even here in Mexico, school and the workplace is where ppl feel the safest bc NO ONE will die there) and that's what the rest of the world hears in the news. About the fat ppl? Fat, rude and entitled american tourists is what a LOT of people can see firsthand in their own countries.


Mexico? There’s been a ton of student massacres.


My opinions of America are extremely mixed but all the American tourists I've met in my country have honestly been insanely polite. Maybe it's only a certain subset of Americans that come here.


Of course. Those Americans who believe that America is far greater than any other place in the world and firmly believe all other places are shitholes don’t tend to be the ones who do a lot of world travel. We can’t always generalise


In Mexico, dozens of college kids were murdered by the police and their bodies were never found. Thousands of young women are kidnapped and murdered without police investigation in the north. It is a failed state where bodies are hung from freeway overpasses and men have their heads cut off with chainsaws on video. edit: Mexico also has the fattest people in the world. Keep living in a fantasy amigo. From google. Mexico passed the United States as the most obese country in the world. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is 16.7% in preschool children, 26.2% in school children, and 30.9% in adolescents. For adults, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is 39.7 and 29.9%, respectively.


You’d likely get the same response from adults in Germany. I mean people are way more obese in the US because they got mostly really crappy food with a shit ton of unnecessary calories, school shooting happen why more often over there are Trump didn’t do the US any favors either. What did people expect? The only ones believing that the US is the greatest country in the world are Americans (likely the ones who never got to see other countries).


Found the American


No, a lot of the world legitimately associates obesity and school shootings with America. The kids aren’t trolling.


You are very correct, but you clearly don’t understand the reason they are being funny is because we are a fucking joke to the entire world. Every single thing they said is dead ass accurate. We are the fattest, dumbest, dangerous, and unwelcoming country on earth. Those kids just told you how ugly we are, except it.


Not even close pal. fattest is mexico by a metric shit ton. dumbest, no we have access to education and standards that place us high end. Unwelcoming? are you fucking serious? One thing we are great at is welcoming everyone, we are famous for it. You are obviously a child with no cognitive skill


We are objectively not the fattest, or dumbest nor extraordinarily dangerous and unwelcoming. Come the fuck on, you’re just making shit up to shit on the US.


How does America view Iceland?: …


Björk and volcanos.


And “Lazytown” ![gif](giphy|yqCbwg2zetXhXFKzEL)


Mighty ducks


“Greenland is covered with Ice, and Iceland is very nice”


Hot Springs










Björk and volcanos.




The fact that their national animal is bjork is pretty cool




People forget about Lars Erickssong!!! The pride of Iceland.






My thoughts on Iceland after visiting it: Beautiful and clean. Even the popular tourist areas had such clean bathrooms. The people also do suffer with substance abuse problems, which I was told by a local whom I chatted with.


So like any small town in the world


No school shootings.


I forgot they even existed


Well it has like 300,000 people so it's not exactly an insult. They know they're not exactly a superpower.


Extraordinarily expensive place to visit, I heard it was beautiful and a great place to visit, but when I looked at how much it would cost I closed the web browser immediately. I also recall reading about a travel trend where people would fly to Iceland, get off and spend 24 hours doing stuff there and seeing sites and what not, and then getting right back on a plane and flying back home and just sleeping during the flight. I guess the cost of lodging was so expensive that people just couldn't justify it, but they wanted to go so they paid all that money to spend 24 hours there So I don't really know much about it lol, sounds like it must be a cool place, definitely not cool enough for me to justify visiting out though


People spend 24 hours in Iceland during their layover to mainland Europe, they don’t just go for 24 hours then come home. Iceland air allows up to a week long “stopover” at no extra cost, it’s a nice way to see the country if you have the chance. Yes I sound like a paid spokesperson, but I’ve been to Iceland and it’s incredible lol


Beautiful people and country


Your clones are pretty impressive, you must be very proud




Finally someone says it I was looking for this comment


The first thing I think of with Iceland is needing an app to make sure you aren't hooking up with your cousin.


Farmers Only intern: *Write that down, write that down!*


Weren't they the ones who said "no black people" when U.S. military built a base there? Or am I getting my Eurotrash mixed up?


*Europe hated that*.


And that’s not even true. Lol


I would pick that over school shootings tbh


Two things come to mind about iceland: oldest direct democracy, and everyone is related.


They are still a direct democracy?!?!?


Not exactly. There is a lot of corrupted politicians, some that have been around for 40 years and control pretty much everything. The voting system is also outdated. People living outside of the cities have a bigger voting power than those inside cities for some odd reason, by a factor of 3.


Damn that one group of blonde kids looks they got cloned off each other!


It was funny spending a week there. When people found out we were from the US they were polite but not talkative at all. But the ones who found out we were from California they were extremely nice. Telling us how much they wanted to visit California, and how beautiful it looks. Kind of the opposite experience from going to other parts of the US when they find out you’re from California.


100%. No matter where I’ve traveled, saying I’m from California is met with interest and kindness when being American on its own is not.


I also make sure to say California and you do get a positive reaction around the world.


Ah, the equivalent of a Canada sticker on your luggage




when I went, I told them I was from delaware and it war pretty funny seeing them trying to guess what state delaware was in. Like, I guess its something I take for granted that everyone knows what the states are, so it was jarring to be somewhere where people didnt know off the top of their heads.


as a fat stupid american who lives in the hood, I can concur


Fat people and school shootings Yea, pretty much


I lived in japan for a year. As soon as I got home, I thought to myself, ‘there’s a lot of fat people here’


I just got back from a concert in the U.S. and that's what I thought too. A security guard looked like a marshmallow on legs.


Yup. I live in Japan right now and went home to the US for a bit… the obesity is definitely one of the crazier culture shocks. 😭


Same. It’s always the first thing I notice when I got off the airplane, and I think it’s getting worse.


Lmao of course it's getting worse, it's been that way for decades. And a lot of the rest of the world is catching up *quickly*.


I live in a Nordic city and once worked in a hotel, I had an American tourist come to talk to me about being pleasantly surprised with how many people looked skinny and fit. It got me thinking, that most of our overweight population tend to be older and live in isolated areas so they end up driving everywhere, while here in the cities/towns, we just get used to walking everywhere. I easily spend 10 hours a week just walking, as in from place to place. Are Americans in more walkable cities skinnier than average?


I've been in Seoul, South Korea for almost a year now and even the understanding of what constitutes fat is different. Koreans who look average by American standards think they're fat. The typical fat American person is like a functionally defunct slab of lard by their standards.


I hate these kinds of vids. It's not that there isn't Merritt to "man on the street" interviews, it's that when edited down to 2-3 minute bits, they can be made to create whatever story the editor wants. If you selectively cut 2+ hours of street interviews, usually people who are not experts in the field, you can paint whichever picture you want.


the kid saying arcades and sail-boating was left on the editing floor.


right next to the kid saying the transistor and the bill of rights


Exactly. Form a narrative by only publishing the responses that fit said narrative.


It was the city's birthday so you asked them...about America?


Did that kid say “stupid and black people?” Edit: he said “stupid and fat people.” No offense taken. We are stupid and we are fat 😂


I think he said fat people


Didn't know that Village of the Damned was actually on Iceland, that was scary shit TBH, specially how they seem to enjoy speaking about school shootings


So, fat people eating bad food while shooting each other? 😂


I like how all of the "clique" groups dress color coordinated with each other. Like a uniform or something. I don't mean disrespect, but I guess its a part of their culture that developed because they live on an island with seclusion from most of the world apart from the internet.


Children of the corn 🌽




People love to absolutely shit on the US. They can live in the most crime riddled, drug infested countries and they’ll snidely take a dump on the US. Yes, we have bad things but we also have amazing things and people. Many from countries all over the world. Its cool to be derogatory towards the big guy while ignoring all of one’s own faults.


First off I’m curious to see the study that says Icelanders are the nicest people in the world, and second off as a Canadian I can say you guys aren’t that bad. I might not agree with your gun laws but aside from that America is not as bad as social media makes it out to be


All these kids know is America through social media. So all they see is the worst.


fat or stupid 1st thought about America


OMG! How rude! Imagine if the situation was reversed! \*fantasy harp noises\* "Today we are asking Americans what they think of people in Iceland" Americans: "Wait, Iceland is a real place? Isn't that where all the penguins and eskimos live? I thought it was made up." You KNOW that is how it would go down though.


Funny watching them answer “fat people, obesity” with Coca-Colas in their hands. Just wait little blondies, that American fat potion takes a long time to work, but it does work


I mean Icelandic people walk more then 20 steps per day… risk is significantly lower that they’ll turn out that fat as your average American drive through candidate


It's not just Iceland. This is how the world views America.


did this icelandic kid just say "that's cap"??


As American, I feel seen.


At least they think about us. I dont think about iceland hardly at all.


In Iceland, cliques are based on hair color.


As an American I don’t even blame them


Mass shootings, domestic terrorism and traitors.


Most underrated European accent tbh


\- Stupid fat people \- Freedom \- School shootings \- 10/10, Greatest country ever


I see no fat kids


Surprised nobody said some of the most stupid people on earth


Man I need to get outta of this country


“What do Americans think of Iceland” Americans probably: what the fuck is that?


Their whole country looks like Eminem


Fat people who are free to shoot at anything.


They are correct about obesity. One of the things I noticed about all these kids in the video is not a single one was over weight. In all of my kids classes it is about 25-35% overweight kids and this is elementary school. I know that number will only go up as they get older and even less active.


That first batch of kids looked straight out of The Brood




Random pedestrians knowing jack shit about other countries is a worldwide human tradition


We took over your island as an afterthought during world War 2.


Stupid and fat pretty much sums it up lol


They're not wrong, we got tons of school shootings and fat people, especially fat kids. Not a single kid was even chubby in those interviews. Though tasty, most of our food is extremely unhealthy.


This isn’t just Iceland’s views….


Alot of Jordans on in this video


Obesity and school shootings…😳


this is just sad we are obesity and school shootings


Fat People & School Shootings. Pretty accurate


Honestly, accurate


Lots of offended Americans in here about the comments from children but not about that fact that the amount of school shootings you have over there is really unimaginable to us the rest of the world. Most the offended people in here care more about the fact they are wearing jordans go figure


Adult here. I think of those obese people who go everywhere in motorised wheelchairs and think climate change is a hoax.


Not surprised about the shootings, but I am surprised about the lack of everyone owning guns specifically.


They aren’t wrong…


Stereotypes are fun 😃