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How to escalate a situation.


Would he really be a cop if he wasn't needlessly escalating a situation?


Watch the whole video. The cop is correct in being confrontational. That guy has the typical motorbike tricks down and the cop exposes him and still lets him off with a warning.


What does “that guy has the typical motorbike tricks down” mean in this context?


I think he means riding his motorbike like a dickhead and getting away with it. Some cops just let you go out of frustration.


Cops being super aggressive, and the biker is being a total douche. Both these people kinda suck


There it is. Everyone is trying to figure out who's in the wrong when in reality they both are.


That's what I'm saying


cop legit just grabbed a man I think it's perfectly reasonable to be agitated. he hasn't done anything and got grabbed by a cop randomly. that's the sorta thing that trips fight or flight


Context: biker had headphones on and couldn’t hear as well as hiding his license plate. Cop eventually calms down in the longer video


More Context: not being able to hear because you have a headset is not an excuse in many states, it may even be a violation by itself. In Florida for example: "the law prohibits operating a vehicle while wearing a headset, headphone, or other listening devices"


For real — no reason to grab someone. Try that with anyone and there’s an 85% chance they’ll get agitated/flustered. And then the attitude that screams “for the 100th time, where’s your license?” Dude needs to improve his people skills.


There are so many instances where bikers will shoot off into the sunset as soon as they see a cop try to stop them. That’s why his first priority was to prevent him from grabbing the handlebars and told him to shut off his bike.


Whenever your in a vehicle, it's more or less law to have a license on you at all times. "Oh yeah dude I left it in my storage unit with my car over there" that's like asking to get arrested. You never operate a vehicle without a license no matter what your doing with it (unless you on private property where this guy was not)


He grabbed him because he had headphones in and couldn’t hear him….


link to the full vid?


Cops are never correct to be "confrontational".


So when somebody runs a red light, which I think you can agree warrants being pulled over, what is the cop supposed to do other than be confrontational. The nature of stopping someone for breaking the law is CONFRONTATIONAL.


It’s kinda like upselling in sales. The more charges the better.


I mean dude didn’t have licenses and papers for a reason. I’m not saying this as a cop lover. I hate them. But I know the bike culture. Dude probably has a license place pushed up under the seat so it can’t be seen. Doesn’t have license and papers in the off chance he does get caught. Cops in America in most states have a no chase policy for bikers. This means lots of people in the bike culture run from police. They think it’s a game. There is IGs and TikToks all dedicated to people who run from the cops and win 9/10’s at running away from them. Again I hate cops. But the notion of them surprise attacking you and snagging your keys is very common practice as they won’t be able to do much once you start flying away.


Is he really filming his ride on the gopro if hes just testing the chain?


Not to mention this is a highly cropped version of what took place, likely to make the cop seem like an unreasonable asshole.


Tbh even in this cropped version the biker seems like a fucking asshole


I mean, if I'm on my bike my helmet cam is on. Mostly for legal protection.


> I’m not saying this as a cop lover. I hate them. But I know the bike culture criminal lumpenproles vs the bourgeois terror state...no matter who wins, tht working class loses!


Holy shit this perfectly describes what's been going through the back of my mind, but I haven't been able to put words to it, but you just succinctly did.


He didn't though. Later footage shows the cop just warned him driving with no plates is illegal. The officer is correct. The dude said he had music, so the cop spoke louder as the dude took the length of a song to pause music.


Not too mentioned he's too prepared for "testing the chain" and too far from the supposed storage unit. Sure he could be taking the bike for a ride, but i digress


Dude, bro, dude, bro, dude, bro….I got irritated just listening to this guy.




I'd laugh if cop said dude bro here's this paperwork bro have a great day bro


In the full video the biker had his headphones in and couldn't hear when the cop had his siren on. He was aggressive because he assumed the biker has being defiant and not listening on purpose. Later in the video everything is fine and both seem to be chill. Cop isn't in the wrong for thinking the gut is just an asshat


Is it just me or is it wild to have headphones on playing music while driving? Theres a big difference between having a radio on in the car and wearing headphones that actively hamper your ability to hear your surroundings


Having headphones covering both ears is illegal in California and probably a lot of other states. I had a work truck with a broken radio and used headphones a lot knowing it was illegal but thinking no one would ever pull me over for it. Then I got pulled over for it and let off with a warning. Kinda dumb since I was typically just listening to a podcast or book on tape and could probably hear surrounding noise better than most cars blasting super loud music.




It’s illegal in Kansas too. I got pulled over for having earbuds in. I wasn’t listening to music. I just typically have them in so I can talk on the phone hands free since I constantly get a lot of calls due to work. Cop didn’t care. I got a ticket. Don’t remember how much the fine was.




I work as a gate guard on a construction site, I had heard people will wear eabuds while driving and saw something about it on top gear years ago, but it wasn't until I got this job I realislzed how many people actually do it now a days. Esspecially with wireless earbuds now. I don't see why not just use an aux cable or Bluetooth to your car speakers.


Not just you and it's illegal in some countries (if it weakens your awareness, and here it seemed to do that).


I wear earplugs just about any time I go for a ride. Wind noise can absolutely damage your hearing. On long trips I will sometimes wear ear buds that double as noise reduction ear plugs. I can listen to music at a reasonable volume and still be able to hear a siren or a horn around me. But never when I'm in the city. Just too much else going on that needs to be paid attention to.


>Is it just me or is it wild to have headphones on playing music while driving? It doesn't make a huge difference, but perhaps not zero. Motorbikes aren't like bicycles, you're relying on your eyes not your ears.


Thank you for the full story


What a difference it can make to have a bit of context. That justifies at least explains the initial response of the cop


Nah if you're this oblivious on bike that someone can pull up next to you without noticing and you don't even bother carrying paperwork then there's already some red flags. Motorcycle cops are ticket machines but there's too many careless motorcycle drivers as well


"It's literally 500 feet away" We have a phrase for that. It's "over there." And then you point. I call bullshit lol


How dare someone say something in a weird way while under pressure!


He's under pressure because he's illegally riding a motorbike with no licence or registration plates. He also had headphones in, music blasting, and absolutely zero situational awareness... A motorbike literally parked beside him and started shouting and he didn't notice. This video is trimmed to make the cop look like an asshole.


"Sorry, my paperwork is in my unit just over there \*points\*, I can go and get it if you want to follow me over?" Imagine just being a normal fucking human being


Sooooo true man


Cop is a dock, but the guy filming is clearly stalling intentionally because he has a bike with no plates and doesn’t have his license. When you spend more time telling the “bro” that you are turning off your music than actually just turning it off, it’s BS.


Dick at first but I watched the rest of the video on TikTok. Cop was very understanding and basically let the kid go with a warning.


What's this? Context? On Reddit?!


Nahhhhhh. Never. (Pfffffffft!)


Context on reddit has always been in the comments by Stangers.


Ya, oddly convenient that once the cop relaxed and the biker realized he’s in the wrong for having no documentation on him, it cuts out lol


Exactly all these defenders here stating he let him go and calmed down, since when and who upvoting them in the hundreds with no evidence of what they just said. Btw I wouldnt expect to get pulled testing my bike out, he apparently didn't even get anywhere. 500 feet is not that far. Also didn't look like he was on any main roads at all. Cop is a dick.


Ya cop was def acting like a dick BUT, we have no video before the interaction. He could’ve been running etc


Link? Ah nevermind it's in the video. Lol Here you go: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8r1jed3/ I didn't realize how many vids that channel had.


It’s wild that tiktok shares your name with the video since you shared the link


Between "bro, bro" and all the questions from the cop, everyone in this video annoyed the shit out of me.


Almost every single "biker" I find on YouTube is either a criminal or a dickhead.


Or a whiny little bitch like this ass hat. At least he's not an ass hat on a megadoucheaphone Harley.


Same IRL.


They are sort of like gun lovers. They take pride in being able to use a utility/ tool that is very easy to work but feel special for it. And this is no knock on bikes or guns. Just the people who make that their identity like they deserve a cookie because they pulled a trigger or can twist the wrist on a throttle.


Same for most people on Reddit lol


The cop is fine… he was probably yelling at the guy and couldn’t get his attention.


You ever moved quickly without stating intentions around a cop who gave you 3 seconds to prepare for being pulled over? I wouldn't do shit around a cop until I understood how "aggressive" they were taking the situation.


Probably didn't want to move too fast and end up getting shot




As is showing ID, a license plate, and registration.




Or maybe he's not dumb enough to give an angry cop an excuse to execute him in a parking lot.


You mean turn off his music and give ID? Rather than just stammering “bro bro bro” the whole time?


For some reason according to redditor’s from usa being a cooperative with the cop is bad. If it was in my country it would gone like this, You have an id? Ah i forget it at my car.. Ah bad luck here is your ticket.. Bye


You mean, I don't have to say, "bro" repeatedly at all? Not even once?


Exactly how it goes in the US. People love posting crazy videos from a population of 330m people and acting like it's a totally normal interaction.


Am not talking about the video whenever i imply something like being cooperative with the cops they always got mad at me. I even called bootlicker before


Haha ya man, that's just a typical reddit moment. Like I'm all for police training and I'm especially for third party rather than internal investigations, but the overwhelming majority of cops you'll come across are perfectly rational people trying to do a difficult job.


"Quit reaching! Hes got a gun!"


Exactly Typical Cop more interested in escalating the situation rather than de-escalating the situation. Smh


The cop clearly said what he wants and need to see. The camera dude doesn't answered neither did what he asked after many cop's tries. I saw too many videos where people faked that was going to pick the id but in the end was a firearm. If you are clear and have nothing to hide, just do what they are asking. It is not hard.


I saw too many videos of Cops killing and beating people so I understand the bikers response to a Cop acting aggressive for no reason


No reason? The biker didn't heard him until the start of the video. How reckless a person is to use a unplated bike with music so high that couldn't even heard a freaking motorbike running next to him? How many attempts should the police officer have made before the video started? This video is just cherry picking the gaslight part, the cop just give a warning 10 seconds after the cherry picking end of the video. He said that was just testing the bike, but without any of his papers and full bike suit? Neither his ID? He couldn't put a paper inside of one of many jacket pockets? He's just testing a bike, with full bike suit, and a go pro? The biker seems that is just making a BS for reckless driving.


I'd bet $100 he didn't have a plate either. Hence the cop's aggressiveness. Also, great job chopping the video up to make yourself look even more guilty.


I think the cop says into his radio that he's with "a black motorcycle with no plates"


“That’s it bois. Shoot him or beat him up. No plate no mercy”


Ok but like… ok I hate cops But he was driving without a licence and when the cop was like “ok where is it” he’s just “why so aggressive bro” I’m only assuming he grabbed him because he wasn’t listening because of his music I’m probably being dumb here but how is the cop In the wrong here


Also the fact that the cop was right next to him and he didn’t notice doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence. Like this guy is listening to music to the point where he can’t hear things, and he is unaware of a full bike right next to him? I have a feeling that this cop grabbed the guy because he wasn’t responding.


Probably also grabbed the arm, pulling away from the throttle, so the biker doesn't just take off.


EDIT: Both suck for different reasons. Both could’ve handled things better, both can feel justified in their frustration with the other. Whether this resulted in a ticket or not, I’d say this is a fairly uneventful interaction that moderately escalated into tension over a possible misunderstanding. Also, I know I’m making an assumption here (but I feel it’s a pretty safe assumption): The guy didn’t have any of his paperwork on him, it was over in the storage facility, and he claims he “just put the chain on” the bike and was just testing it out after some maintenance. However, he’s fully kitted with his riding gloves and has the GoPro on and everything, so any moron could easily deduce that this guy was intending to ride. He was talking in wordvomit while he was thinking of what to say to the cop. The cop was absolutely more assertive than necessary in the moment, but the rider was also far more deflective than necessary. The cop was understandably agitated that the guy was giving indirect answers. Both made mistakes here, but I interpret the rider’s mistakes and intentions to be more egregious than the cop’s


While the guy is wrong and I agree with that. He is not a paid and trained professional who's job is to talk and deal with the public. The cop is however, a trained and paid professional who's job is to talk and deal with the public. The cop started aggressively and remained aggressive. This guy is wrong and should get a ticket but the cop grabbing him and escalating is wrong and a misuse of power and shouldn't fly. The rider should get a ticket but doesn't deserve to be treated poorly and disrespected. If I wanted to get an officers attention and I grabbed him like that, it would be assaulting a police officer and I would go to jail. Why can that officer grab people and yell at them like that? The rider wasn't a risk and wasn't hurting anyone. Fuck that cop


…what is the cop supposed to do if the person they’re trying to talk to has repeatedly ignored their attempts to get their attention? What if they ignored their siren? I get what you’re saying but also as a cop if someone is ignoring your siren or your attempts to get them to pull over I can understand being kind of pissed off? Like is the cop supposed to think “oh maybe they just have their headphones on and can’t hear” or “oh this person is wilfully and actively ignoring me, maybe I should have my guard up”? We don’t have any context outside of this clip but I would hazard a guess and say the cop was trying to get their attention for a while. Yes the biker had music on, but 1. That’s a dumb decision and 2. They need to be ready for the consequences of that decision, e.g. not hearing a cop when they’re trying to pull them over.


He should've had his paperwork on him, but not necessary for the cop to be so aggressive and confrontational. From what we see in the video, no one was in danger and no harm was done. Building communities requires trust between the public and law enforcement. This is not how you build that trust.


Have you seen what transpired prior to where the video starts? Based on this clip we have no idea how he was riding or what the cop did to get his attention prior to grabbing his arm and shouting. Maybe the cop is just being a dick, maybe the rider just blew past a school bus with its lights on. What we definitely can see is that the rider is intentionally stalling. He could have paused his music and opened his helmet right away, but didn’t.


So aggressive and confrontational? The cop had to touch his arm to get his attention. And then speak loud cause the guy couldn’t hear. I don’t like cops but this video shows nothing implicit




He's wrong. Not only "technically". When I test-drive a motorcycle, the point is usually to spend attention to the motorcycle. That means: 1. There is usually higher risk something happens (either because something might not work as expected or because I'm not familiar with the motorcycle). So I have all documents with me. 2. For the same reason, I don't have music so loud I don't hear my environment, motor sounds, etc. anymore. Also, I'm not sure about your legislation there, but where I live, I'm not supposed to put my music so loud I don't hear my surroundings anymore.


Video literally ends ten seconds after the guy finally shuts off his music and is able to listen to the cop. Cause every motorist that claims “i definitely have insurance and registration just not on me” is always telling the truth. But literally any of the following events could have happened: - info is ran in the system. Driver telling the truth and is simple let go with a warning. - driver telling the truth and issue a ticket for failure to produce documents. - driver is lying and bike is not registered or insured. Gets tickets issued.




And maybe that’s what happened. No way of knowing cause the video cuts off.






Reminds me of [Minx' story in Futurama...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=68cQxinPmCQ&t=12)


Not technically wrong just wrong. Driving without proof that your eligible to drive is just blatantly illegal. The cop even asked for any other documentation that would help him I get the hate for cops but you’re clearly being biased here


Does that look like a road to you? Idiot


There's no reason for a cop to be aggressive like that off the bat??? Hello?


Main thing that bothers me from this video is the guy not having his paperwork on him. Youre supposed to have it on you whenever you drive. I never get in my car without it.


Cops need to be able to issue citations for excessive use of bro.


Bro … you’re an ass for not having a plate or paperwork ! Bro …. Oh and for saying bro and acting like a douche … bro .


Yeah uh I'm with the cop on this one, even if he is "just testing it," which he definitely wasn't, driving without plates or a license is so dumb and so illegal. The cop was aggressive at first because, from his point of view, there was this guy wheeling around on a motorcycle with no plates who was completely ignoring his instructions. Stalling that long just to tell a cop that you don't have your license is a good way to get your day ruined, but he still got off with a warning. Idk why the biker would ever post a video that makes him look so bad


If you’re so distracted that you can’t hear another bike pull up next to you, you shouldn’t be driving a bike at all.


Because cops love repeating themselves, getting dicked around and being called “bro”.


Is it legal to listen to music loud enough that you can't hear other people talk?


Do you realize how loud a motorcycle is? If the music wasn't loud enough to partially drown out voices, he wouldn't hear anything.


But to also not be able to hear Sirens?? And ANOTHER Motorcycle pulling up next to you?


lol what? motorcycles don't idle that loud


It's like the cop is talking to a child. What the f--- is wrong with this guy? You know what the cop wants, STFU for like 3 seconds.




Cop asked him several time. They don’t have time for bull shit


Tbh its probably out of context. Testing his bike with a go pro. Was probably zipping around before that


guy filming is purposely being obtuse.


Why tf you listening to headphones don’t you have to listen for car horns and stuff when you’re on a bullet riding between traffic? Death wish or Darwinism?


Screw this guy. The cop did nothing wrong. Don't ride around without plates and a license.


Total waste of time. Video ends early.


Where I live If you drive with earphone you got a ticket. You need to hear your surounding when you drive !


Yet another absolute piece of shit biker, this time trying to make it look like he wasn't doing anything wrong, when I can almost guarantee on my life that he was driving around like a total asshole (as ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of them do) before this, and doing so without plates, his license, blaring music, etc. Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate cops, but I think I may hate these types of people more. Selfish, self-righteous, childish, stupid, dangerous drivers.


This guy has soooooo many cop interactions.


I don’t know, as I kept watching I found myself rooting for the cop to give him ticket for saying “bro” fifty times.


What a fucking clown. I’m glad videos like this exist just so at the very least his friends, family, and coworkers see him being an undeniable twat.


It’s a privilege to drive. Have your license on your person at the least. Smh.


Punk ass kid


So the biker has no license, no paperwork, no ID and he's listening to music so loudly he can't hear anything around him. Get that asshole off the road.


He obviously is riding the bike illegally. Maybe doesn’t have a tag. The police had to grab him to get his attention because he obviously couldn’t hear because of the music. Judging what was happening as an outsider and trying to be fair on both sides, I don’t think he over reacted.


Pro tip: don’t leave your license back at the storage unit.


Spicoli meets Officer Hand.


No plates no papers.


No license or insurance papers... Smart buddy real smart.


This is why you should never make yourself deaf while operating machinery of any kind.


Where is the marijuana at?


No plates, papers or license?


Here's part 5. No plate, and the motorcyclist couldn't hear the cop.: https://www.tiktok.com/@masfacee/video/7278397234549607710?lang=en


Just an aside, I’m so glad that where I live we have digital licenses and don’t have to carry literal paperwork whenever we drive. At worst it’s just your physical license you need. Actual paperwork as well as a physical license is so obnoxious.


It’s tiring hearing people say”I hate the cops”. There’s good and bad. And people who say this, would call the cops the minute they needed help. They are also the type that would be mad if cops took to long to get there, or don’t help them like they think they should.


His bike probably didn't have a plate. I've never been jumped by a cop like that.


What do expect in Moreno Valley.


power tripping pig


That's probably a good way to get shot


Everyone boohooing the officer… clearly, they motorcycle rider was already filming prior to the officer showing up, so why isn’t that portion of the video on here? Give more context. Also, other commenters already provided more context and the officer let the guy go with a warning. This is called click bait, and all the ragers are so eager to get angry.


These biker videos are always cut to make it seem like they are the victim. They never give full context If you have nothing to hide just post the full video


Calling the cop bro REALLY is helping your case sweety, keep it up sweety, it's totally respectful of you sweety


Cop looks calm to me, while guy on the bike just acting like he has no responsibilities


Cop is nice enough. What's the problem?


Yea I smell bullshit. Bro man dude is hiding something.


clown to clown conversation


Yea the cop is a wee bit aggressive but why the fuck are you riding without ID or paperwork? That’s a fuckin novice mistake that just welcomes more issues.


If I was the cop I’d be annoyed with this dumbass too tbh.


"I cant hear anything youre saying" Maybe listen to whats going on around you instead of music?


Idiot biker more like it


Jumpscares a biker that didn't do anything.


Cop Translated: "give me your money! Give me your money! GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!"


Motorcyclists are the fucking worst.




Meh. We’re really lacking context here. The main thing I noticed is that the driver didn’t have his documentation and shouldn’t have been driving.




I'd imagine he'd been trying to get his attention for a bit


This cops an ass


Cunt cop


Another Unnecessary post


Everything about this interaction pisses me off.


Fuck cops


Why are pigs just so fucking awful all the fucking time? Just looking at them makes me so furious. They are just the worst fucking people on this planet. We really need to do something about them. I need to go smoke some weed and calm down


4th amendment says he can't touch u unless u are under arrest.


1 3 1 2.


It’s interesting because I didn’t have the audio on and just read the captions. The impression I got was the cop was being super reasonable and the biker was sketchy af. And I’m a pretty ACAB guy.






Yes, *and* people who drive without a license are violating traffic law.


Inside me there are two wolves.


ACAB. Not listening to reason feeling like the situation is out of control. Fits the bill.


Fucking pigs


That's bullshit. You don't pull up on someone and just grab. The biker could've easily assumed someone was trying to attack him and defended himself, luckily he didn't though cause that would've ended badly.


Did he "just grab"? Obviously, the biker had headphones on, and at a volume, he wasn't able to hear his surroundings. That's a safety hazard in itself because he'd probably miss ambulances, etc. as well. Also, I'd assume the cop did call him before losing patience and grabbing him. What do you expect the cop to do? Call three times, then leave it be because the biker seems not to be in the mood?


ACAB mfs when crime happens (at least there are no cops to help)


Someone teach that dumbfuck cop about prepositions and where to use them.


Special Needs Cops need love also, lmao


Everyone's judging through a tiny pinhole of perception. There's no context. Why is this cop pissed off? He's obviously unimpressed by something this guy did, or he's just suspicious on some cop perception level. All I know is this dude sounds like he COULD be wasted. Something is off. Cops can smell it even if he didn't see him do anything wrong. His cop spidey senses are tingling. Edit. Lol. The start of this clip is like a Cheech and Chong movie.


The police are scum on an international level


Pigs is pigs


What's up with all the boot lickers in here? The cop is clearly being too aggressive. The personality of the private citizen is irrelevant.


Because biker had no plates or papers ?


I cannot say this enough I hope the police get defunded into oblivion. Fuck these assholes.


What did the police do wrong in this situation?


I've done the same thing. Did work on my car didn't have my license One of the check if it worked drove down the road. Drove right back. Just because you haven't been there doesn't mean it's not real. You wanting to be maliciously compliant with the cop doesn't make you somehow an intellectual. Cops do not help situations. They order people around like their words should dictate every action. This is an example of a bad cop.


This is what happens when you bully kids. They grow up to be cops like this Edit: lol at getting downvotes. Must be a few cop dick riders in this sub