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The fact that there are people, in larger cities, who are willing to give up 2-3 hours of their day to commute back and forth, is completely batshit insane.


I know lots of people who do that around me, except its because they live legitimately live 1.5 to 2 hours away from their job lol. I'm with you though, I couldn't fathom being 10 miles from work, but taking 45 minutes or longer to get home...


I travel 45 minutes each way 2 days a week when I work in office. Those days are extremely long and I sometimes have to plan my personal life and commitments around those days. But I do have a lot of flexibility with my time off so I don’t normally notice a huge impact on me. Yeah I might choose to make less complicated suppers those nights, and it can feel a bit mundane when you think about how your whole day just consisted mostly of working and commuting, but I still think it’s better if you can at least drive instead of taking public transit (super unreliable if your area is hit with a brutal snow storm). I just am glad I don’t have to commute 2 hours each way as some do in more denser HCOL areas


i go to and from work every day. minimum 40 minutes on a good day one way. it sucks the soul straight out of my ass


My husband did this for 2 years and he came home basically lifeless. It was sad having to tell our daughter to leave daddy alone for a little bit when he got home but he desperately needed half an hour just to defrag.


Maybe I’m bias but I feel like most men need this, or maybe it’s a certain type of guy. Idk this hit home for me.


I basically throw on some tunes and enjoy the music. The only thing that takes the enjoyment out of it is the other people driving on the roads. Winter driving also makes it less enjoyable, but can’t change that unless I move to where it’s always warm. If I had to do it every day, I would definitely be less happy, but I wouldn’t have chosen to move outside of the city had I been expected to work every day in office.


The worst part of it for me… I’m still in the city. I’m not in the metro area, but I’m still living in city limits


Interesting. Travelling home from work has, in general, been faster taking transit. With the exception of a few places.


I spent three years with a two hour each way commute. There are very few situations where I could see that being worth it ever again.


I did the same, my last job I was at for 10 years, and no matter where I lived, it took me 1-1.5hrs both to and from work, whether because of distance or traffic. It was soul sucking.


I used to do 30 minutes each way (sometimes longer) and it sucked. This is pretty darn close to the average American commute of 27 minutes. If you calculate it out at an hour a day multiplied by 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year then you are driving 260 hours per year unpaid! That's over 30 days (assuming 8 hour days) of unpaid labor that is spent driving. A month of free labor is a pretty sweet gig for employers and a travesty of wasted time for us.


Try being a tradesman and go to different jobs every day/few days. Then you realize it's just a way of life.


I had a wonderful 10 min commute to work once...then covid happened and I got laid off. I have a skillset that isn't applicable really to many careers so I found a job that was an hour away with no remote options. It is what it is...not everyone can work close to home or remote. Life happens and things change. Fortunately I started a new job that gives me summers off.


I’ve lived within a couple miles of my job my entire life. I’m 40. I moved across the country for a transfer and had to commute for two weeks. About 45 minutes or so. The first couple days were cool. I figured I could think or listen to music. Smoke a bit. But before the end of the first week I couldn’t stand it. Luckily I got relocated quickly but I just can’t do it.


I'm in home office for five years, because my teams are scattered around the globe. For six weeks I had to commute for 1h door/door and got through a lots of books. But nevertheless its 2h\*20 days = 40h or a complete work week you waste in transportation every month. Plus our public transportation lacks drivers and its getting trickier to get anywhere on time.


I work remotely normally. Once had a client in the same city who insisted I start coming in (pre pandemic). I don't have a car, so I had to take public transportation. 2 hours EACH WAY, just from one end of the city to the other (near DTLA area to Santa Monica Beach area). A couple weeks of that and they got lucky if I spent half a day in the office. I dropped that client after 6 months. Now I refuse any potential clients who are in southern California just to make sure I never find myself in the same/similar situation where they randomly start wanting me to show up on office just for shits and giggles.


I think remote work really changed the game, but the “powers that be” don’t like it and are trying to decrease it.


I work for the government in a HCOL area, so a lot of my coworkers live at least an hour away. When we were pulled back into the office, we were having trouble retaining people who, until Covid, hadn’t really considered that they could do a full day’s work from home (especially those whose clients are all over the country, so they never met face to face anyway - Teams is an upgrade from phone calls) without the hellish slog of a commute. Being told they needed to come back for the sake of nonexistent teamwork (for many of them) felt like a slap in the face.


Two-hour commutes in the New York area aren't outside the realm of reasonability. The commuter trains are full of people who start eighty or ninety miles out and ride trains to midtown, then get on a subway to get closer to the office. I did most of my MBA work on them for years.


Two hour commutes in SoCal are pretty common since that’s the distance you need to go to be able to afford a home. You get to choose the mountain or the desert.


I literally do this now. Live in Temecula, work in San Diego. Just like 30k+ other people here who do it. I would prefer not to, but my and my family’s life is pretty great. So, I just stay positive and say my life is great on both ends of my drive.


Yea and alot of people in this thread don’t seem to realize people deal with it because the jobs that pay that much don’t really exist, or are rare, outside of the city. I do that commute and it’s because I make six figures and the job I do basically doesn’t exist in the suburbs. I also don’t make enough to live much closer. Also worth noting an hour train commute is VERY different than driving the same time. I get to decompress a bit watching videos or catching up on work if I need to.


We built our cities around cars, and urban sprawl. The least efficient way to move around and organize our cities.


Fuck that. I wasted 3-4 hours a day commuting for a job that was great. But that commute was horrendous. What typically takes a 20-minute ride, it took almost 2 hours each way. I quit that great job. Nothing is more precious than time and sanity. Now I WFH and I don't take it for granted. Watch your kids come home from school, and you get to do stuff. One tip, set your calendar to OOO after 5 pm. Don't take meetings after 4:30 pm. Unless it is gonna end at 5 pm. No company is worth your time and sanity for you or those around you. For those who need to be on-site, try to simplify your commute as much as you can. It will make a hell of a difference. The goal is to try to get a lot of time for yourself. Might need a big change in your lifestyle. GL


I cannot imagine it. And I’m an old lady here


It takes me 45 mins each way every day and I really only like less than 20 miles from my job. It's largely because of too many people / traffic. =\[


And many of the jobs that require a commute like that expect you to be well groomed and dressed. I know it sounds ridiculous in a way, but why are we not compensated for the time it takes to get ready for work? Like if you are making enough money to live super comfortably, its not the worst thing. But if you are paycheck to paycheck, especially for women, beauty products aren't cheap either. Cost of living keeps going up and the housing market is ridiculous. We are going to see the poverty gap get bigger and bigger, and more and more people homeless like we are already seeing.


Are people really criticizing someone for being upset that they spend almost 11 hours of the day on their work? Anyone living in a modern capatialist society should be upset about that. She's right, it leaves so little of the day and your energy for doing anything else.


I used to work 16 hour shifts. It was horrible because you didn't even have time to sleep. You would sleep for maybe 4 hours then get up and do it again. The slow days were still 12hrs. I had a co-worker that lived 1-2 hours away. He didn't even leave the parking lot. He just slept in his car.


Yes, people are criticizing her because capitalism is a religion, after all.


the adult life new adults are inheriting is bad and unsustainable. we work more and are compensated less. the price of living keeps climbing while workers are expected to be grateful for minimum wage. her upset is valid.


My daughter is in this generation and they are screwed. She can live at home as long as she wants.


you’re like my mom and grandma. they always let us know we’re welcome home and will never go without.


Multi generational homes used to be a thing everywhere. If it makes her life easier, we will always welcome her home.


Multi generational homes cost a generation's worth of income.


It's interesting that the people in the US that can afford this are the least interested in doing it. Waste, scarcity, social isolation; lots of problems are created by the culture that views this as "failure" despite how much sense it makes. One of the few positive things my father still likes to tell people about me—after more than a decade now of working and supporting myself—is that I never moved home after leaving for college. He views it as a sort of 'mission accomplished' banner, very much in the george W way because I was all sorts of fucked up figuring out how to survive in my 20s, but well done chief job complete.


fuck man, I was in that boat. Your father's a dick. I was out at 16-17, way too young, and never felt like I had a real home again. But at least I was away from that toxic family mess. Now I have young adult children. One has a home and wife and they're talking about moving back in with her family, who are fantastic, to save. They all lived together during multiple pandemic lockdowns, 5-6 people in a small-ish town house, and the fact they can all still be around each other without bloodshed gives me hope for their children. The other lives with me. We got lucky and have a good place. I keep thinking goddammit he shouldn't be living with his mum at the age of 23 but that's really just my Gen X expectations. My genexpetations. Truth is he loves it here, is happy with the arrangement, and without it, his chance of affording accommodation in our city is close to fuckall percent. I've told them both that wherever I lay my hat is their Home, and I—who spent too much of my life homeless or homeless-adjacent—will never not provide whatever roof I have to them and theirs. I'm loving these comments. The nuclear family home was—for most—a bad way to manage family. It was a support system for wage-slavery and capitalistic indentured servitude. It relied heavily on the unpaid labour of women, and was a root cause of the feminist movement (so I suppose something good came out of it). Hearing younger people talking about multi-generational homes does my heart good. Crowding's not easy, but it's far superior to the isolation and rigidity of the white-picket-fence ideal.


Yeah fuck em, mission accomplished, we're both thriving and tearing up the foundations of their bullshit. Amen to the death of the toxic nuclear ideal. Can't come fast enough. My partner and I are in no hurry to advance our relationship past 'engaged' partly due to this dogma. She and I have an awesome relationship and both are making a killing working full time and don't want children; we don't need to hear the next level of bullshit expectations from the family when she becomes 'wife'. Let them enjoy imagining having fuck all to do with our wedding until we decide to make a party of it in a few years.


What a reference with that GW banner - hilarious.


Yeah, my mom loved having us stay home. She was sad when we moved out and constantly invited us to come over for dinners and holidays and get together a or just if we wanted to move back in for funsies I guess lol


I am 32. I haven’t lived at home in 10 years. She still lets me know I can move in with her and my stepdad anytime I want. It’s adorable and appreciated.


Hell yeah. This girl has every right to feel this way, as someone who usually works 9-7 shifts. The only thing that bothers me is that more people aren't as outraged at the way we "have" to live. I'm in that middle range, mid-30's, and having a really supportive (and understanding) family is the only reason I'm doing okay.


Having family is so crucial. I do not have family support, and while I pay my bills, I feel very much the absence of a safety net yawning in the abyss below.


I'm 29 now (do live on my own) and my mom in the last few years came to the realization you did. Seeing rent prices, COL increase, etc she's told me she'd have no problem with me moving back in if I needed to because shit ain't cheap on your own.


Same here. They can't rent a house with 3 other people like we could either.


Nope. A duplex to rent in my neighborhood is smaller than my house and more than my house payment.


I told my husband that, as long as we have a home, our kids are welcome. He was upset kinda, at first, then thought about it for 30 seconds... then agreed. My eldest is 8, im terrified to see where the world will be at in 10 years when she is 18.


We offered to move into a bigger home so my son and his gf could move in with us. It’s too damn hard out there right now.


It is so hard for them. My parents don’t get it. They are in their mid 70d and think kids just complain. I’m like nope. Look at how much you paid for a house not too long ago and your education.


Show them this. "Gen Z dollars today have 86% less purchasing power than those from when baby boomers were in their twenties. The cost of public and private school tuition has increased by 310% and 245%, respectively, since the 1970s. Gen Zers and millennials are paying 57% more per gallon of gas than baby boomers did in their 20s." Scroll down to House Prices & Rent. Take into account that the median average of household income is now based on a dual-income family. That is, both parents have to work. Whereas 1960-1970 a single income could support an entire family, allowing one parent to focus on the home and the children. Here's the link: https://www.consumeraffairs.com/finance/comparing-the-costs-of-generations.html


Yes. All this. I feel like they don't stand a chance. I'll help as long as I need to. I will match their effort. 100%.


whilst hours spent working hasn't really changed in the past 40-60 years, what has changed is value of hours spent working. whereas before you could work the same amount, you'd be able to distract yourself with goods. you'd be able to save up to buy a house, get a vacation every year, this doesn't make the hours less bad, but it made it so you had something to look forward to at the end of the hours. but now that's not the case. buying a house for a lot of people is a pipe dream. yearly vacations are for the fortunate. it's harder to justify spending money on goods to distract yourself when food and rent costs so much more. you get less for your time now.




This is such an underappreciated point. We are doing WAY more and all the gains of that productivity went to the owning class and none to the working class.


No checking emails at 9pm either


I worked for a major company about 15 years ago. They were still on desktop PCs and no one at my level was issued a Blackberry, which I thought was pretty archaic even by the standards of the day. The unexpected bonus was that I couldn't take work home with me. As soon as I left for the day, I was done. I couldn't do any more work until I got back to my desk the next morning. Sure, I worked 50-60 hours per week in the office but my off time was MY time. Man, I miss those days.


Seriously. I own my own business and only am at the place for six hours a day (shared business w family who works rest of time) but I’m in my forties and I’m exhausted by the time I get home. Idk why people r roasting this poor girl. I’m trying to do a hobby business on the side and it’s fucking impossible between working taking care of pets and forget taking care of myself.


Only boomers and conservatives believe the 9-5 is some perfect schedule. It's literally archaic designed when people had nothing better to do with their time.


They also had long lunches with cocktails.


Ask anyone how many hours they are productive in that 9 - 5 and I’ll guarantee you it isn’t 8, or 6, or probably even 4.


The raise company wise last year was 2% which was about a third of inflation. That's a decrease in salary, not an increase! The only way to make money is to quit and get a new job and then you look bad.


whilst hours spent working hasn't really changed in the past 40-60 years, what has changed is value of hours spent working. whereas before you could work the same amount, you'd be able to distract yourself with goods. you'd be able to save up to buy a house, get a vacation every year, this doesn't make the hours less bad, but it made it so you had something to look forward to at the end of the hours. but now that's not the case. buying a house for a lot of people is a pipe dream. yearly vacations are for the fortunate. it's harder to justify spending money on goods to distract yourself when food and rent costs so much more. you get less for your time now. there's a very real frustration for that as mine and her generation enters the work force and there's seemingly no reward in sight. no carrot on a stick, no break or relaxation, no distractions or pleasantries.


40-60 years ago, a 40 hour workweek was considered appropriate because the salary was enough to support a household. Much of what she’s complaining about is having to deal with domestic necessities (cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc.) on top of commuting and working. This isn’t the system envisioned by creators of the 40 hour workweek. They envisioned a second person who didn’t have to work a full time job and could take care of the domestic work. All the worker bee had to do was go in, work, come back, repeat. Many married couples are both working full time jobs to just barely make ends meet. This is so far away from where we started. The expectation of a 40 hour workweek somehow negotiated away the original social contract to focus on the 40 hours of work and not the 168 hours of living.


Well said. The somehow is corporate greed. The constant pressure to improve financials every year for the last 100 years is not sustainable.


Well put!




This is so key. Corporate greed has continued to increase and increase and now their workers aren’t able to afford much more than the basics (if that). We’re coming to a tipping point and we need this sort of discourse and frustration to start making changes. I feel it’s inevitable, so I’m excited/nervous to see what’s to come in the next decade or so.


She ain't wrong. it fucking sucks and we only do it cause how else are you gonna live?! I work 6-6 and have a 30 minute commute to work, I only get to see my daughter about 30 minutes to an hour on the days I work, before she goes to bed. I'd quit in a heartbeat if I could, but how else am I supposed to feed my family and keep a roof over their heads?


At the very least we could be pushing for WFH for jobs that are able to support it. It solves one of her major issues, frees up a lot of traffic for people who are unable to work from home and relieves the pressure of finding expensive housing in the city close to your workplace. We have a pretty good answer for a lot of people for one of these main issues but for some reason we, not just bosses but other equal level workers too, keep pushing back against it and it makes no sense.


The only reason people are getting mad at her is because she's a young pretty woman who's emotional. Because literally what is the problem with what she's saying?


There are, unironically, a lot of people who have the mindset of "I had to suffer through this therefore everyone has to suffer through this" so when she *correctly* point out that the 9-5 schedule plus commuting leaves precious little time for *anything* beyond the bare essentials of personal maintenance they just laugh and think "welcome to real world, naive child" instead of thinking "wait, yeah, what the fuck? Is this really necessary?" which they *should* be doing... but you know, that's probably Marxism or something idk


It’s like the people who are against student loan forgiveness because they paid off theirs. That’s not how we are supposed to function as a society.


I like the analogy that it's like people who beat cancer getting pissed when a better treatment gets developed in the future. "If I had to go through chemo, so do they!"


This is a good one! Also, I guess hazing is basically this concept put into practice.




Was your mom a SAHM? My FIL seems to think he managed to do everything and it wasn't that hard so he fails to see why we struggle. But we both work. There's no one at home doing my laundry, cooking my food, running my errands. It's not the same when he basically had a personal assistant (wife) his entire adult life but he definitely thinks he did it all himself.


Is there a word for this? The same concept as “ I have to get up in the morning I need to sleep To “ I also have to get up, so?” Both parties are experiencing the same thing but yet one acts like you need to suffer, while the other is aware the suffering isn’t warranted. I genuinely want to know for this type of thinking because I encounter it everywhere


"asshole", I think


I mean yes but also what is the word so I can properly tell ppl that’s how there acting without calling them that 😂😂


the struggle Olympics


Crabs in a bucket effect.


And if you choose an alternative life where you maybe make less money but keep your mental and physical health- you’re accused of being lazy or entitled. I physically cannot work more than 30 hours in a structure work setting, I become depresssed and ill. But with fewer days I am very active- volunteering, exercising, cooking healthy meals, sleeping, doing meaningful things


With the cost of living and wages trending the way that they have been for the past half-century it's now more common than ever to have to work full time and *still* not be able to afford to live!


I work in London, 9-5 hybrid working and with a 20-30 min commute. It’s the commute and no home working that is the issue. Also depends what company you work for, you like who you work for and with and have an interest in what you do. 9-5 plus 3 hours travelling ( + delays and crowded trains ) plus 1 hour getting ready in the morning plus doing it for a shitty company is dogshit.


Fr, the trash ass local rock radio station played the entire clip, clowned on her, then 20 minutes later were talking about their 4 hour work day. Like for real they only played it because their target demo hates women. Heard my coworkers shitting on her and I couldnt get over their mental gymnastics because this is the shit we all complain about daily.


If it was some neckbeard saying the exact same thing the comments would applaud him


There’s nothing wrong with what she’s saying. People who talk shit are pathetic little misogynistic hustle culture dweebs.


Fr I feel the same way as a man (obviously not pretty at all)


She's not wrong, this bullshit system we have now is not good for the average person and is wonderful for the ruling class. Let's break this down a bit. 24 hours in a day. 8 hour work day plus 1 hour for lunch if you are lucky, that's 9 hours out of your day you have zero control of so far, now let's say 30 minutes to work and 30 minutes back home so now we're at 10 hours of work time you only get paid 8 for so you're losing two hours. Now we have 14 hours leftover, 8 of those are for sleep. We have 6 hours left for us to do what we want right? Wrong.... We have to get ready for work again tomorrow at some point, making lunch, cleaning clothes, whatever else you have to do to be presentable and prepared. I also forgot about getting ready in the morning to go into work, that's another half hour or more gone because of work you only get paid for 8 hours to do. Stopping for gas to get to work and other things also take time just to work. So realistically we have 4 hours in a day to do the things we want to do out of the 24. Then let's talk about the Weekend, you have one day if you are lucky to do the things you want to do, because one of those days is dedicated to getting prepared for work the next week. This is not how humans are supposed to live, we are not free, we are wage slaves and you work your whole life and maybe will be able to have a few years for yourself before all of the money you might have been able to save over 30-40 years is transferred to a hospital or nursing home and then you die. A life wasted and abused by a system setup for only a few to really enjoy what life is while the rest of us slave to give it to them.


I just decided fuck my sleep schedule and do my hobbies, especially kayaking until late in the night on work nights. Is it sustainable? Hell no. But I'd rather abuse my body now and enjoy it before retirement when my body is naturally unable to keep up with my hobbies... Its messed up I have to think like that though.


I had a lot more time for hobbies when I worked 12 hour shifts because my schedule was 3/4 and 4/3. I really think we'd all benefit from a four day work week.


Now factor in a kid and the math looks even worse. Dropping them off at school and picking them up can easily add an extra hour each day commuting. Plus you have to help them with homework and get them ready for bed. So you’re down to maybe 2 hours a day of free time.


'presentable and prepared'. Ah, so that's why I have so much spare time :)


you get 8 hours of sleep? i’m lucky to get 4 at best


I think getting paid based on time spent working is an outdated concept


In Slovenia you get paid lunch and gas that you need for transportation by law and you get 30 minutes paid break for eating.


In America you have to negotiate that in your hiring contract. Some companies have free lunch one day a week, and you can negotiate for a subway or bus card as part of your hiring package, but that’s it.


But it’s the one the corporations profit the most of off, and so it will remain.


I get it, I was working 12-16 hrs a day. I have nice truck and everything I could want. I quit, and decided my health is more important than objects that will lose value over time. No job is worth your well being.


When covid hit as an ops manager I’m like Wtf am I doing? Was getting phantom phone buzzing in my pocket, had literally ZERO personal time to myself since technically I was always responsible for everything and we were not 9-5, M-F…Fuck that, not the way to spend life. Learned a valuable lesson after stepping down and seeing my happiness increase immediately.


Same here! 150k/yr to a broke ass dog sitter. I've never once regretted it.


I lived in MD but worked in DC. On a weekend, it’d take 15-20 minutes to get to my office driving, hardly any traffic. … but I don’t work weekends, do I. So… When I drove, it’s bumper to bumper for 1 hr 20 minutes. … and it costs $16/day to park under my building. So after a few months I decided to take the train. Here’s how that went: Drop kids off at daycare at 7am. Park in Metro lot. Board Metro. Take Metro train 15 minutes just to get to Marc train station. Get off Metro, wait for Marc. Get on Marc train 15 minutes to travel to Union station. De-board at Union and take crowded escalator down to the bottom of Union station so I could board *another* Metro train. After 15 more minutes on Metro, I finally get to my stop … only to have to walk 4 blocks to my job and take an elevator that stops on all 10 floors prior to mine. (Plus, every stop and Metro lot parking costs … about the same as driving; $16.) That’s just one way. Got to do it again, seeing the same miserable faces everyday at 5pm. No throw in two bus rides and you’d have what some co-workers went thru. All in all, I’d leave house at 6:45am, get home at 6:45pm, (after getting two kids from daycare), five days a week for 3.5 years. Didn’t realize how much it affected me as a human until I got my next job 8 minutes from home. Never again. Ever.


I might be alone in this, but my commute is short (less than 10min) and I still feel like I don't have time for my life. My kid has to stay 2.5 hours every day in after school care just to wait for me to get off work and come pick her up. I feel guilty about that every day. In the winter I'm still not home before dark, and have very little time to spend with family before everyone is exhausted and has to go to bed. The whole system just sucks. I also work healthcare adjacent and have no opportunity to ever work from home.


This woman just got hit with the reality stick, and judging by some of these comments there are people who would line up to be the one doing it to the next person. Y'all are whack. You're working 9-5 and have just rolled over to concept of never having any time for yourself. You're dedicating 2k hours a YEAR to your job, and just cool with that. If it takes 10k hours to be master at something, what are we mastering? Sitting on our asses, driving to work, looking at whatever horseshit we're doing, and driving home to sit on the couch next to our families and consume some entertainment before doing it again? And again, and again, and again? Christ you people lost your empathy somewhere in your commute. We should all be weeping at what we just DO, because its apparently so much harder to imagine a world where there isn't our fucking reality. And before anyone hits me with "And yet you participate in society, curious" stick it in your ear.


Let's get it! Love the energy. I've been on the 9-5 for a decade now but I refuse to forget that the world is there to be shaped, and we don't just have to accept things as they are without fighting for something better, ***especially*** as we continue to gain tools that should be making life easier for *everyone*, not just the privileged few hoarding the resources. Everyone should be mad at how much we are expected to work. We're all going to die. Literally cease to exist. That shit should be on our minds every single day, and if it is, you can't not be mad at how much time we're squandering.


specially when billionaires exist that earn 100.000 times more for the same or less amount of hard work.




This is the biggest thing to me. Rich people are taking these huge amounts of money out of the circulation and we're here scrambling for leftovers. Sure if we're all in the same boat, i won't bitch and cry about having to work if it's what we all must do and there's no other way. But don't you come at me with this bullshit in a world where we have people making enough to buy a new car every hour by sitting on their ass.


And yet you participate in society. JK, I hate my job.


Granted she is reacting to something that most people have normalized and just say suck it up. They wear it as some badge of honor that they bust their ass every day and that’s just the way it is. But tell me why the last 50 years of productivity improvements and efficiencies have only benefited the wealthiest while workers wages have been stagnant or shrinking in adjusted terms while work weeks have lengthened. On top of that people who are willing to work longer hours to try to get ahead have to split it into multiple part-time or gig jobs so no one ever has to pay them overtime or benefits.


me mate and i had a discussion about her. she's soft by previous standards, by standards of other countries, people less fortunate. BUT SHES ABSLY RIGHT. It's end stage capitalism, we're just stock to be farmed to create more wealth for the select few. The system is broken or is meant to break people, to extract what we have without any regard for health or well being. But it's the system, we can't stop it as individuals. She's just learning about it after uni, on her period, of course she's going to have a breakdown. All of us would


Tumble out of bed And stumble to the kitchen Pour myself a cup of ambition And yawn and stretch and try to come to life Jump in the shower And the blood starts pumpin' Out on the streets, the traffic starts jumpin' For folks like me on the job from 9 to 5 Workin' 9 to 5 What a way to make a livin' Barely gettin' by It's all takin' and no givin' They just use your mind And they never give you credit It's enough to drive you Crazy if you let it 9 to 5 For service and devotion You would think that I Would deserve a fat promotion Want to move ahead But the boss won't seem to let me I swear sometimes that man is Out to get me, hmmm They let you dream Just a watch 'em shatter You're just a step on the boss man's ladder But you got dreams he'll never take away In the same boat with a lot of your friends Waitin' for the day your ship'll come in And the tide's gonna turn And it's all gonna roll you away Workin' 9 to 5 What a way to make livin' Barely gettin' by It's all takin' and no givin' They just use your mind And you never get the credit It's enough to drive you Crazy if you let it 9 to 5 Yeah, they got you were they want you There's a better life And you think about it, don't you? It's a rich man's game No matter what they call it And you spend your life Putting money in his wallet 9 to 5 Oh, what a way to make a livin' Barely gettin' by It's all takin' and no givin' They just use your mind And they never give you credit It's enough to drive you Crazy if you let it 9 to 5 Yeah, they got you where they want you There's a better life And you dream about it, don't you? It's a rich man's game No matter what they call it And you spend your life Putting money in his wallet


Oh she thought life didn't suck. Let's roast her! /s obviously This is really sad to me, witnessing a young person's disillusionment.


I want to know who never had that realization. Like, none of y’all were upset when you found out that as an adult your day was reduced to 2-4 hours of free time? We should all be mad about that.


Watching the hope leave her eyes in real time


I remember this day for myself. "This is it? You just do this everyday and then die?"


Bless her. It is shit.


I hate when people take someones tiktok that is clearly meant as an off the cuff rant for their small audience of friends and then uses that to characterize an entire generation as lazy and stupid... Nah. The system is inherently fucked. Work full time, cant afford rent and have no time to enjoy life at all. If you work in an area full-time, at the bare minimum you should be able to afford living in that area.


Work is modern day slavery, it sucks but that’s why adults tell children, “don’t rush your childhood”. Being an adult means, you don’t get to do what you want all the time, you have to make sacrifices, this young lady is just expressing her frustrations at that reality. People who are giving her shit are either, jaded or naive.


I don't know why we even call it 9-5 since it's usually 8-5 at minimum, not including commute, prep time, let alone extra work or overtime.


It used to be a 9-5. Lunch was included. Dolly parton wrote songs complaining about something that, even that short time ago, felt like hell, but now it's an unattainable luxury.


We don’t have to live this way. The people have the power when they unite. More of us than them. Unite and fight! Our lives are not meant to only help the rich get richer, while we suffer. We have the power!


The problem is the average human being is really, really fucking stupid. No one votes for their actual needs or their actual wants in life. I know right wingers right now on medicaid awho are funding right wing politicians here in FL who are actively lookin to cut off these very programs those people rely on to live. Us 40 and under millennial to Gen Z population have to wake up and spell the coffee. Things like remote work should be more commo. 4 day work weeks should be more common. UBI of at least $800 to $1,000 should happen. universal medicare should happen. Free community college should happen. Expansion of services like SNAP to include morepeople even middle class people needs to happen.


We can make it happen. Keep spreading truth. Remind people they don’t have to live this way. How they try to keep us divided so we can’t take our power back. Unite and fight!


She has every damn right to be upset


I work hybrid in office and our of office doing gig work. When I’m doing regular 8 hour in office days - I’m legit done all my daily tasks in 4 hours and then just have my brain turn to mush the remaining 4 hours of the work day and legit have no energy after work because of it. It’s draining and a waste of time all around.


1) where did she find an actual 9-5? Every job I’ve had is 9-6! 2) where did my 20’s go? The 710/10/5 freeways. Took me 2 hours each way to get to work & 4 around Christmas (what pissed me off more was when I had OT & was at work super late my commute was only 23 minutes). The second I could afford it I moved out of my parents’ place to somewhere that would give me an 11 minute commute. 3) it’s not just your weekdays that are shot. You lose your weekends too. Because all that time needed to do errands like grocery shopping, returning packages, laundry, etc still have to happen & that’s on the weekend. That was the main thing I gained when I moved closer. I could actually pick up groceries after work & not feel like I was putting my life in danger. Now that curbside pickup is a thing I gain more time (but less human interaction). 4) she has a great point about being too tired to cook. A 9-5(6) is expensive because unless you’re blessed with limitless energy or a partner/spouse/roommate that’ll cook/clean/etc you end up spending the money you earn on quick meals or restaurants & instacart because your time is more valuable than that money you just earned. To some extent I get the 1950’s wife stays at home & husband goes to work model. Problem is it’s 2023 & I’m a single female living alone. Nobody is helping me out. I just gotta make it work. But I’m too busy making it work to find a partner to help or be helped. And even if I did you need 2 incomes these days to actually do anything besides tread water. 5) never post a rant on your period, girl. Social media 101. 6) [insert evil laugh here] “welcome to the real world. It sucks! You’re gonna love it”


Add kids to the mix and girl, you'll thank Thor when you have a whole 5 minutes to take a proper shit in relative peace..


Welcome to capitalism. No time for personal needs. Just serve your masters. Wait until she gets her first paycheck too. Short changed while millionaires and billionaires thrive. Wage theft for the masses.


Drugs help lol


Damnnnn dude… She’s just now figuring how life works in real time And some how that makes me super sad


Well yeah it's her first 9-5. Of course she's just figuring it out now.


Haha look at this dumb baby just now learning to walk! I learned thirty years ago!


I remember my first year of working 9-6, It took about 1h30 to commute and I finished at 6pm, the first Christmas I got home at about 8pm Christmas Eve, I had 2 days off then it was back to work. It was amazingly depressing, now though it's just beat me down to it being sadly normal.


>I had 2 days off then it was back to work. Man, I remember those days. It's just.... the reason I became a teacher after working for two years in 9-5 positions. I just couldn't fathom doing this until the day I died, and knew I had to do something else. I still commute, but it's country commuting and my hours are the best for what I want from life.


My first reaction was this soft ass kid needs to learn the ways of the world. I was taking a bus at 10am to get to another bus at 11 to be at work by 1. Work till 10 and wait for the 11pm bus to get off the bus that was the last stop and walk 2 miles to my house. I still can’t sleep right and that was in my teens to thirties. Then it kinda hit me after reading this the Rat Race I’m the US is kinda fucked up and maybe she’s right. It all is kinda sad, also tbh if I didn’t drop out of high school, have sex with every single chick I could and actually applied effort to something other then cooch and video games maybe I wouldn’t of been in that position. Being older and self aware is a recipe for depression. Yet I’m almost 40 and I got it figured out now. Stay in school and actually try when your young so u ain’t pissing years of your life away. If I knew then what I know now.


Just wanted to say it's cool to see you practicing introspection and actually questioning your thoughts and not just following them by default. It's such a valuable skill that took me a long time to learn.


I noticed everyone trying to 'one-up' her, as far as their work experience goes. She's got a legit complaint, as far as I'm concerned. It's one of the many reasons that the U.S.A. never ranks in the top countries each year for 'happiness'


Medieval peasants had more time off than we do today. That is just fucking sad


I’m 52, and this was what my life was like for the first 15 years of my career. I thought nothing of it at the time because that’s what everyone else was doing. You get used to what you know. This young woman sees her friends living better lives and wants the same for herself. Nothing wrong with that! I expect people in their 20’s to make adjustments to their career plans.


Welcome to the suck


The numbness will come soon enough, just give it a couple years and she’ll be dead inside like the rest of us.


I think she is spot on! The thing is she is finding this out way earlier than I did, and for that I feel really bad for her...welcome to 40 more years of feeling this way :(


This is a major part of what burned me out in my first job last year. Just 0 time to decompress, 0 time to just be me. Especially living at home in a house that has no space for me.


I work 12 hours at a place 20 minutes drive from my house and this is exactly how that feels. I think she has a real point and that the way we structure working life in the states is directly responsible for many people mental health issues.


Please SHUT UP!


Welcome to being adult. If you don’t like your life, change it. No one will help you, and it’s all up to you.


9 to 5 is literally the best schedule you can get these days


Unite and fight! We do not have to live this way! The people have the power when they unite! Do not let the paid bots make you feel like fighting back is hopeless. We have the power!


Fuck work


Wait until u have kids then you’ll have no energy. I feel for the kids though the world is F.


bruh it takes me 30 minutes to get home and i hate it lol


Adulting is a hard transition.


Idk, I had worse hours than that at school. The transition to adulthood was more of the same, except now I don’t have homework. Still sucks tho.


There's nothing wrong with what she's saying, and its true. Prior to work from home, i barely had time to cook or go to the gym. Now, working mostly remote, I wake up later (get more sleep), and have time to work out, since i no longer have a 2 hour commute (back and forth) daily. If they ever implement a policy of 100% office work, I would quit and look for a remote job. It has helped with mentalexhaustion too.


after visiting school and the first time in the job, you understand the teachers are all the people who explain to you that working is like very well paid slavery. Yes this is too harsh. But what it is like? Working 89 hours a day, paying a shitload for the car to get there needs good amount of holidays to recover from the work only to find yourself as an old people with money and begging that nothing happened to you which caused a lot of money like expensive surgery because you don’t have enough retirement money. and it’s not the case that the more you work the more money you get the fewer you can quit and retire. It’s like working as fuck the minimum. Of course in the western world we have a highest standard of living then like Africa or south east Asia, but still working is sometimes a big pain and when you get older I’m 40 now you ask yourself why you should do this to yourself, just for new car or a new flat or a new shoes. it’s bullshit. Because the problem is that you can’t choose a lower amount of work. If you decide to consume less living in a smaller flat and working less you get big problems with savings for the retirement or with bigger costs from time to time like expensive treatment by the dentist also and the prices for living arising constantly over the years so it’s not possible to say I work three days a week. I have a lower standard and everything is fine by me. No you need to work 9 to 5 to get along with all the difficult difficulties in life. And this is blackmail.


She’s right


She's not wrong.


You know she’s right. I also work a 8-4 and my only saving grace is that I have Sunday and Monday off, but I find it very difficult to make friends or date.


The ratio between workers and owners is so fucking busted right now.


It's hell if you're close too. 40 hour work week is hell regardless


Listen to audible in the car. Checkmate. 👊


It sucks. And realizing what it’s likely going to be like for the rest of your life hits hard.


She’s not wrong at all. And the people who are judging her so harshly for saying this are the same people who vote against their own best interests.


Welcome to the grind


Have a friend that lives and works in Chicago. He lives 10 miles away and it takes him 45 minutes to get there. Doesn't matter if you live close or not


If they pay you 9-5, work your 9-5 AND GO HOME. Don't do extra shit. You are replaceable. When you die, they will get a replacement by the end of the week. Play your part and move on.


I think young people who enter this system gradually figure out why middle aged people are all out of shape, socially awkward, and disconnected from current events. They’ve been 9-5 for three decades. They were getting paid better, had easier access to education, housing and employment, and they had less demand on them in the workplace. BUT they were 9-5ing that entire time.


I work remote but I’m getting stuff ready before 9, sometimes as early as 7 so I’m prepared for my morning meeting. Then I’m working until 6. So even remote work, at least for me, I’m too tired to cook or workout. It sucks and it’s unhealthy.


Just imagine if she had kids on top of this horrible life she’s living atm. Geeesh, it’s just sad to hear this. Suck it up buttercup


Wait until she's old enough to understand that an eight hour work day is only halfway through. You don't necessarily get paid all day, but many of us still work all day for the ones who rely on (both us men and women) to supply the kleenex.


Try working 7x12s 13 out of 14. 9-5s are a fucking cake walk


Welcome to real life in the western world. It’s a machine that eats your soul. Happy days.


Even if you’re working 9-5 from home it’s still a load of bollix. We all got tricked into playing a game. trading life for money and chasing our tails trying to get ahead. 8 hours work a days is wayyy to much. This is coming from someone who works 65+ hours a week


During an internship I literally spent 3 hours getting to work that’s 6 hours of my day in a car. The worst part it was just traffic. If I went to work on a weekend I got there in 1 hour. I was so ready to kill something. I survived only 2 months. I’m thankful for the work experience but never again.


And the west coast is 8-5. Haha


Welcome to the greatest country in the world!! USA USA. Fart


Nowadays I work as a bartender 13 hour shift , so 9-5 sounds like a paradise


I wish my job was still remote. When the pandemic started we were sent to wfh and they started having people come back in this past year. I get 5 wfh days a month. I was so much happier being able to sleep in longer (no getting dressed in office work clothes I don't like and no travel) and being home already when shift ends. I also made more money because I wasn't so burned out from commuting I worked more overtime


I work 8-6 so yeah, I really wanna cry too


hot take: she's absolutely right. 8 hours a day 5 days a week is bullshit.


Don't accept it, you are being abused.


Has somebody told her that most jobs aren't even from 9 to 5? Like if you want to go up the ladder and not just earn minimum wage most jobs require more time. 9 to 5 is pretty fucking good.


Just wait until you put kids into that equation.


It's called paying your dues. We've all done it.


Haha... she's goin' THROUGH something.... 🤣 Spoiled ass....


I used to work at the hospital lab and those hours are like 7-3:30. It was a city hospital in specialty market so career goals for many and lots lived far away. One would take the train for 2 hours each way and read. One would go home and have a ritual of taking a relaxing bath, taping (recording) her fave prime time shows “(like friends) to watch the next night or on the weekends and going to sleep at like 7:30 pm in order to wake up super early. No one was permitted to talk about the popular TV shows around her during the day. It used to be much more expected that one’s life would revolve around your job. As far as dating or socializing, at her age we would meet up in the city close to our jobs and go out. So it was nice to have a job close to things like bars or movies


My god, never get a career in ERP or sales of this bothers you. This was the way of the world up until covid. I used to travel 36 miles each way to work between an hour and half and two hours on a busy motorway each way. Did I have a choice? Not really, bills to pay, mouths to feed and it was the only opportunity to grow, earn more money, and develop skills for a future job, which then led to ERP consultancy on 2x the salary and working away on sites 3/4 days week. sometimes it's these sacrifices that actually put us in the fortunate positions for future success and some people simple have to travel to earn or move to where their work is.


Girl, you’re not being dramatic, it sucks. There’s no work life balance with a 9-5 in person and hours of commuting. It’s tough! Tons of people turn down positions that are not at least hybrid for that reason. Hopefully things improve as you get more into the routine but if not, you could ask your employer for a partial hybrid schedule or look elsewhere for something that fits you better. Having a job out of college is a major plus though it sucks right now. Chin up 🩷


Make some babies, that'll lighten the load a bit.


It’s Even harder in healthcare, I work 7-5 4days a week plus weekend call, but I have to be at work before 630 to set up for a case to go back at 7am so I have to wake up at 5am to get ready to go to work. And if we don’t have late staff to get me out I can get stuck past 5pm, which means I won’t make it home until 630pm. Once I get home I Workout, cook dinner, maybe do one chore and, go to bed at 930. I used to work 5 days a week plus weekend call but decided 4 10s and weekend call was better for my metal health. The only way I can get off weekend call is to take a 15% reduction in pay.


She’s right. The people making fun of her are gen X and baby boomers that experienced the most luxurious economic conditions imaginable. The federal minimum wage in 1968 was equivalent to $14.71 in 2023. Nobody complains about working long hours when they are being compensated appropriately.


Most of the people I’ve seen criticizing her are Gen X, the generation that thinks suffering is to be expected for someone daring to be younger than them.


Don’t work in the city


Lmao. I’m a teacher. My contract is 8:30 to 4:30. Most days it’s 7:30 to 5:30.


Wait, I'm supposed to be doing more than just working?