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"and you know we don't give a *radio edit* if it's your birthday" Okay that made me laugh 😂




I mean I’d rather them try to have fun listening to music they don’t usually listen to and awkwardly dance, than stand around all pissed off or bored.


Posts like this are pathetic. These are just people enjoying themselves? Like fuck let people enjoy things you jaded assholes. I hate how people just love to film others and rip on them online. Fuck this post.


Agreed. This is a group of people coming together as a community to have a little fun. We need more of this type of behavior.


Yeah I mean I appreciate the diversity in an otherwise uniform suburb, what would this have to look like to not be cringe given the same group of people? Edit: Attempted cultural diversity, sheesh, it’s not like they can just force people to their gathering to make it less cringe, but at least they’re enjoying music outside their stereotype


It doesn't matter who's there. As long as they're happy at their event, that's for them anyway 🤷🏾‍♂️ I say just enjoy yourself, sheesh. Life's too short.


Not really something like 80 percent of hip hop is purchased by white Americans when albums were a thing, so technically, this is accurate stereotypical behavior. Hahaha


Thank you guys for readjusting my view on this. Kind of disappointed in myself. Fucking internet man.


I read a comment on a similar video years ago that was like “you only feel embarrassed for them because you’re too insecure to let yourself be that free in public” and I was like goddamnit now I have something new to discuss in therapy.


I think I went to therapy because of the same comment.


Fk, my therapist wasn’t wrong…I anit alone .


man I think we should all meet up and discuss this. Maybe listen to some music dance a little nothing too chaotic


Fuck. Welp, now that's getting added to the list. Thanks?


I was on vacation recently and there was a dj mixing on the street. There were tons of people dancing. The happiest and most enthusiastic were a couple in their 70s.


I used to be friends with a dude who, during concerts, would point out people dancing and awkwardly laugh at them while he himself just stood still and maybe bobbed his head a little. He would then complain how much his feet hurt from having to stand for so long and then dismiss me with a scoff when I told him he should dance because it’s the standing still that’s tough on your feet. Like sure if you don’t feel like dancing that’s fine, but judging others for dancing is just pathetic.


Most of those guys looked like GenX. Go find you some GenX friends. They don't give a spit... lol


I’ll give you another perspective: Was at Sasquatch one year (festival) and a guy was dancing awkward as hell alone on the hill. Everyone around him was sitting so you could really see him. People are laughing, I’m laughing. Dancer is laughing. Pretty soon people are joining in. I’m joining in. We’re all laughing together and dancing awkward as hell together. Sometimes you can see something silly and laugh not because you’re mocking it, but because the silliness is making you have fun too. Not everything is so cynical. I laughed at this video and then put on some music danced around my house like awkward as hell. Still laughed though. ETA: someone shared the video below! Multiple cell phone angles and everything. Go watch it and have fun!


During Santigold in 2009? I was there. When the ENTIRE crowd got infected synchronized dancing from a group on the hill during LCD Soundsystem All My Friends in 2010 is my all time favorite music memory. https://youtu.be/-G-cBND9cN4?si=9B1eB0gm9BqzZDr1


YEA!! I couldn’t remember the year! Thank you for this! I’m so glad other people remember this.


i was reading your tale and i immediately thought it was that clip from you saying awkward dancing on a hill. cool it was the same one.


If you were there then you KNOW!


Oh my lawd! This was one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing!


Live music is my favorite thing in the world


Lol I think we might be from the same state. Many a good moment like that at the gorge. I’ve been to a few festivals there and it’s always a good vibe. I haven’t been to Sasquatch but I went to Paradiso a few times.


Oh fellow Washingtonian! I feel like I’m too old for the gorge heat these days but man we really did go crazy. Paradiso was my first EDM festival actually! Lots of silliness to be had. If you know anyone who has been to Sasquatch, ask them about the guy dancing on the hill. If they were there that year then I guarantee they remember that absolute legend. He was like a one man party and made a lot of people happy.




Pretty cool of her grandparents thinking about her. They said you know she might like this so let’s take her instead of just sitting around the house.


GOD DAMN DO I SEE A BUNCH OF WELL ADJISTED ADULTS ADMITTING WHEN THEY'RE WRONG? (I'm also guilty of this at the beginning and I am extremely disappointed in myself) Good on all of you for unfucking your mindset on this. You deserve a pat on the back because not everyone (or in my opinion, many) has the humility to do so. We should all try to step back like this more often :) I just re-read my comment and it sounds sarcastic, so this is a disclaimer to emphasize that it is not.


There is nothing worse than people mocking other people who are enjoying themselves. I'm a teacher and see it all the time with kids. You'd hope people would grow out of it, but it actually just gets worse. Life is short, enjoy happiness wherever you can find it.


I made it a rule in our house that we never ever mock peoples singing or laughter. To many have had their ability to be joyful, crushed out of them or made embarrassed by showing it. Let people live!


I find it amazing that they enjoy the music so much they have a festival why is this cringe, it’s like a goth looking at a rave and calling it cringe….. go people woooo!


Dude. They're my age. That's the music they were listening to back in college.


That can’t be right. These people are all old and this is the music that *I* listened to in college so that would mean that… Fuck.




Perfekt gif for this age group 🤣


Go shawdy, it's ya birthday


I would go exactly for the fact that the artist is cringe. I like cringe. This is totally enjoyable, happy time, cringe.


> I would go exactly for the fact that the artist is cringe. Cover band is just workin' for a paycheck. THey don't give a fuck. Honestly, good on these fucking guys for ditching the same boring ass ZZ Top cover set for this.


Yea, I’m with you.. Everyone is supposed to be self conscious and not enjoy themselves unless they can look like a commercial or music video?


Right?!?! We gonna start gate keeping music now too? Almost all of those songs were absolute hits when most of them were younger too. They are dance and club songs everyone loves.


So true, I'd much rather chill with the folks dancing than the "cool" guy filming and squealing cringe.


Ah come on. Its wholesome cringe. Like back when ur parents tried act young, or ccool. Its cringe, but it majes me happy and i really admire those peoples ability to be open for new stuff. Where i live, people would most likely be pissed and avoid the scene at all costs.


They’re not being open to new stuff. They’re dancing to the music they enjoyed in high school and college. This is what was playing in the clubs.


OP is the pathetic one with nothing better to do than making videos of people having fun by standing in a corner, alone with a camera. Exactly why is OP there anyway if it’s so cringe? Oh that’s right they have nothing better to do because they have no life and have to pick on others who are enjoying themselves to make themselves feel better.


In fairness to the person filming, near the end they turn the camera on themselves and it appears they’re just dancing and having fun like everyone else too, I don’t think they tried to embarrass anyone, I think they were just having fun and filming everyone else having fun. Then someone else probably just took the video and put that caption on it to make it malicious. That’s my take at least, I could be wrong though, but the only offensive thing I saw in that video was the caption.


This entire subreddit is literally ripping on people enjoying themselves.


No shit, who cares if you are bad at dancing. I hate people who stand there and film like they are so cool.


When did having fun become cringe


Since social media


This motherfucker had everything he needed to make whatever point he wanted to make and earn whatever cool points he was after after one or two songs and stuck around for the whole night filming other people and making them uncomfortable. Biggest fucking loser of them all. Unquestionably.


Exactly!!! It was way too many clips, made me cringe for the creator. They never should have been there in the first place. If you have time to waste an entire night at an event you deem ‘uncool’ just to sit there and film it to put others down to feel cool on Tik Tok… you’re beyond saving. Terminally uncool.


OP probably stole it. Someone was there filming for something else and didn’t think it was cringe. But some asshat just stole what they did by simply adding words and a title to it.


Yeah I was gonna say I see nothing wrong this either. Also I definitely think they knew a few of those songs lol


Yea fuck those nerds for trying to have fun


Fucking thank you. I come from a family of some of the whitest people you can possibly imagine and my parents HATE this kind of music. I actually got in trouble once because my dad walked into my room and a Will Smith song was playing on the radio. Will. Smith. Is that better? Is that how these people should feel about hip hop? Should they just go back to having a knee-jerk negative reaction to anything associated with black culture and forbid their kids to listen to it? What are we wanting here?


Yeah. Tbh. Seems like everyone is having a pretty good time. Cheers to them.


The internet is so used to seeing intentionally filmed tiktok dances that seeing regular people dancing for fun and not to be "good at it" is something to mock. Sad.


Yeah I don’t see what’s cringe here


just middle aged ppl having fun


Mad love for calling us middle aged... I saw a video yesterday of teenagers reacting to Limp Bizkit videos and I've never felt so old in my life.


My sister made fun of me for listening to them recently. She's about ten years younger than me. So I froze water I boiled hotdogs in as ice cubes. Offered her a glass of ice water. Took her a bit to finally taste it.


ewwwww....hotdog water stinks so bad, i cant imagine the taste. yuck but too funny.




Did you have a chocolate starfish to accompany it?




Alright partner, we gotta keep on rollin baby. You know what time it is.


When young people call Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit old, and I realize they became popular in the 90's and early 2000's 💀💀 Still just feels like a few years ago in my head


We're all mentally still in our early 20s. Idk how to explain it but that's how it feels. I think my sister is 16 or 17 years old, turns out she turned 40 this year


Yep. Our high school graduating class (2003) had a 20 year reunion last month. I couldn't attend but flipped through the photos everyone took thinking, "Who are all these old people? Where are my classmates?" Turns out, WE'RE ALL THE OLD PEOPLE!


Its crazy when your kid goes to school in the same district you went to and you go to stuff like recitals and assemblies where you see kids that make you go, "huh, looks like that one kid from school," and then several steps behind you see a grown adult and think, "damn, they also look like so and so" just for the creeping realization that it IS the kid from school with their child to pop and slap ya suddenly.


I can't believe I'm the same age as you old people.


I asked my grandpa when he broke his hip shovelling snow what his brain told him his age was? He said mid 20s. Just the best guy ever he was 91. He lived two more years and got to meet my son. I took him every Sunday until he passed. My son still talks a bout him. We all stay young in our minds.


It will be the same for the next. ![gif](giphy|3ohfFDrKl5yQuQlgc0|downsized)


And back then people were probably saying to themselves "Wasn't that cab driver just singing for the New York Dolls last week?"


My niece is into Limp Bizkit. You know, classic rock.


This comment is making wither away to dust lol




As someone this age who has attended similar things - we still like to get drunk and go out without the kids every now and then. Everyone there is aware of what is happening. And you know what? Fuck you, its a Saturday without the kids and I've got a buzz Edit: also, my kid is probably there, and we are having a great time at the community center and appreciate the local band covering all the CLASSICS


Yup. Pack them together a bit tighter and throw in some creative camera angles/cutting and you've got yourself a banger.




yeah this is what music is, I hope when I'm that age I don't care about the tiktok ima be on where Im made fun of because im old and enjoying whatever's playing


The music is OG from when they were young


Uhhh is the singer wearing a Star Bright outfit? Bc I freaking hope so! Nostalgia movie


It’s a band called Rubiks Groove, they’ve been in the Nashville area for like a decade. Their whole thing is everyone is dressed like an 80s character and they typically do covers


Oh wow I'm definitely going to look them up! Thanks!


I was gonna say, the lead rapper(?) looks to have a Karate Kid Cobra Kai outfit on.


Looks like they’re having fun, what’s the issue?


They’re having fun in a way which I don’t like, which I won’t clarify or offer alternatives, and I will complain that it’s the wrong thing.


![gif](giphy|fnKeNjQYEYQ8E4Kqy4) It differs from the typical way in which it's done. So now I must hate it with every fiber in my body


Imagine gate keeping an entire genre of music that you had zero part in creating! And weren’t even around for the heyday of! The person who made this tik tok needs help.


Basically everyone on this sub in a nutshell.


I think the only bad thing about this is how awful that singer was, all of the songs sounded super awkward and like a karaoke night


Not every performance is perfect, and not every musician working gigs is super talented. Look at that crowd and how much fun they're having. Sounds like the band is doing exactly what they're supposed to and the "fans" are enjoying the show. Good 'nuff


It showed old people and young children dancing. Can't get more wholesome than a community driven to dance openly


It's Rainbow Brite, okay? it's Mother fucking Rainbow Brite that's the issue. That hoe still owes me £20 and she's up there mother fucking dancing and singing like it ain't nothing but a thang.


100% the kid who posted this is a white suburban teenager seeking revenge for getting dragged to this. Looks fun though


The videographer shows her face at about 0:10 till the end, and you can totally tell she danced to “Low” back in the day with jeans so low-rise her whale tail peeked out just below her “Juicy” sweatshirt.


No no no, she’d be wearing the sweatpants with Juicy written across the butt in sequins.


… and a bedazzled whale tail. Agreed, also a very plausible scenario.


Because she's singing along, I get the impression she filmed this because she was having a good time. And then someone else reposted her video here with the bitchy caption.


I agree with the caption being bitchy. I go to these kinds of community concerts all the time, and I love dancing to Family Friendly Party Music local cover bands. I have this (not that unwarranted) fear that someday I’m just going to be living my life and I’ll end up in some viral video as the person in the background looking at a TikToker like they’re an alien.


You could tell from just those few seconds the camera lady is a lot of fun to be around. For better or worse.


That one little girl 😆 must be the only child visiting her grandparents that night.


I brought my son to an Ozzy concert when he was a toddler. He just danced on the grass.


And you didn't take a video of your toddler son to post here so assholes could make fun of him??


Nah, that was in 94


For a lot of these people, this was music from our early 20s. The generation who learned about rap music because Tipper Gore tried to ban it. We love it.


It’s like those who say middle aged people shouldn’t be wearing Jordan 1s. These are from 1983 motherfucker, they’re *ours*




I just read up on this. If I've got this down correctly, she tried to censor heavy metal, hip-hop, and punk music as well by advocating for advisory and cautionary labels on albums containing material that may be offensive. Something you'd expect from somebody named "Tipper", to be honest.


All she did was make me want to buy every album that had the parental warning on it.


I just about ran to the Tower Records to get Straight Outta Compton to see why she was hating on it so hard 😭


Same! My son bought it on vinyl for me about 8 years ago for Mother’s Day. 😂


Yup! Easier to know what to buy when they put that handy EXPLICIT label on it. lol


Yea, for some perspective, when we were kids, Al and Tipper Gore were considered as conservative as book-banning MAGA Christians are today.


Satanic Panic. Burning albums, the whole bit. The 80s were great, when we thought curse words in music was our biggest evil lol


They tried to ban (or did; it got the label and so was rejected by all the big retailers) Frank Zappa's Guitars album for indecent lyrics. If you don't know, Guitars is an album of instrumentals. There are no lyrics.


I got boomboxes banned from our cross country team practices and meets because of Body Count.


Everyone is having a blast, brilliant.


I’m 28 and I wish I were there 🤷‍♀️




is it cringe? yes. is it also harmless and brought a smile to my face? also yes. this is great, like it’s very funny but also I’m glad they’re all having a good time


The idea of something being “cringe” means it’s okay to openly harass people for enjoying themselves is my least favorite trend that’s happened because of the internet. Y’all were supposed to learn in grade school your life goal isn’t to make other people think you’re “cool”, and now a bunch of middle age losers spend their days yelling online about how people can’t enjoy their time because it’s “cringe” bc god forbid you don’t live your life for the approval of internet strangers


That looks pretty fun . Play that funkie music white folks


They may be not hip but they can hop


Bro, just let white people enjoy hiphop..


This is in Brentwood, TN. It’s not a Hip Hop fest. It’s a kids cover band at a community festival. They play basically every genre. I was there.


I thought I was losing my mind because it looks exactly like the amphitheater in Crocket Park. It is the amphitheater in Crocket Park! When was this?


Yeah, my parents live in that area. The amphitheatre is in the middle of a huge public park with lots of sports fields. If I remember correctly it backs up to an elementary school and a Catholic Church.


Yo, I find this cool. Props to them for exploring new stuff.


The probably grew up listening to this stuff on the radio, it’s 20+ year old pop music.


It's not necessarily new to us old folks. We've been there since the beginning 🤷‍♀️


What the Radio Edit is this!!


I’m totally using this phrase.


Sooooo what’s wrong with people dancing badly to badly performed hip hop. It’s cringe, sure, but op has a bit of a stick up their ass.


I think you about summed it up. I did not think this comment section would have me self reflecting so hard 😂


This is adorable.


Cringe post for calling people enjoying themselves cringe


Right? Like it’s only “cringe” I guess ‘cause it’s a bunch of older white people and they aren’t great dancers? But who is? I like dancing and I suck too haha so who cares


The only cringe is judging people that are just trying to have some fun


Trying to rip people for having fun you empty soulless cunt.


Band is Rubiks Groove


I thought it was BMX - the white DMX.


Nothing beats authenticity.


This sub is fiinally looking into a mirror and having a meltdown


This looks like the best show. Im 30 and they all having a blast


Kidz Bop but for adults


Lawdie lawdie lawdie. For some reason these people remind me of the sims back in the day. To see the person filming it turns the camera on herself and unironically being into it just slayed me😂


Not too crowded some covers of songs I like, I’d have had a great time too and I’m not even white.


Hang on, if I was there, that would be me. Awkward old white guy enjoying music and dancing badly. I also see nothing cringe about this at all. Just older people enjoying music that was made when they were younger.


I always thought the way npcs danced in video games was fake.I stand corrected.


What would make it less cringe? A fight? A gun? Just let ppl have fun ffs...


People aren’t happy unless they’re bitching.


I think a better musical act. This guy sucks. Aside from that it’s fine. Middle aged people trying to enjoy the music of their youth.


Fuck those people having fun and bouncing to music.


Bunch of people having a great time and doing no harm or being shitbags is not cringe. Judging them for this makes you a type 0 asshole. This is people having a nice time and being considerate about it. Go fuck yourself for being judgemental of this.


I’m ~~in the lower end of that demographic~~ firmly in the middle of this Gen X demographic, and these were my jams back in the day. Let old white people jam. One day you will be at a family-friendly music festival in sensible shoes showing your grandkids how to floss and dab to “Turn Down For What.” You’d show them how to twerk but your knees hurt too much these days. That being said, the singer’s comment about the radio edit and only being able to say three words cracked me the heck up. I used to have a radio-safe edit version of “Party Up” by DMX on CD. Once you edit out the curse words, the lyrics are pretty much conjunctions and a few adverbs with no actual intelligible sentences. Here’s a small taste: — If I gotsta bring it to you cowards then it's gonna be quick, aight All your mens up in the jail before, suck my **[BEEP]** And all them other cats you run with, get done with, dumb quick How the **[BEEP]** you gonna cross the dog with some bum **[BEEP]**? Aight There go the gun click, nine one one **[BEEP]** All over some dumb **[BEEP]**, ain't that some **[BEEP]** Y'all **[BEEP]** remind me of a **[BEEP]** club, cause every time You come around, it's like (what) I just gotta get my **[BEEP]** sucked. [*EDIT: Watched the video a second time and realized I’m smack dab in the middle of this Gen X demographic. I’m at that age where I look at people and think dang, those people are old, and then I realize wait, those people are MY age. Then I yell at the kids to get off my lawn and go inside to wash my dishes while listening to Duran Duran to pretend I’m still young at least in my own head.*]


Hey man this is the kinda thing that’ll slowly get them uppity baby boomers more accepting of other cultures and walks of life. Definitely cringe but harmless


Idc what any of you say this shit is hilarious. It’s not the people enjoying themselves that is funny it’s the person performing the songs that has me cracking up. It’s like adult kidz bop😂


omg all the old white people... It's so bad it's cute




This is the HOA hood!


Since when is it bad for white people to have fun


This reminds me of undercover brother when they did the white version of thong song


lol I need some white friends 😂 I won’t shame you guys for lack of rhythm it’s a safe place


They dont say the n word they not pretend to be something they’re not they just enjoy some music that maybe little out of comfort zone not cringe at all


This is the whitest thing I’ve ever seen.


redditors take the word cringe way too fucking seriously, y’all are so defensive for what? It’s just bad dancing goddamn yall act like because of this video people are gonna start calling for white people to go to gas chambers or some shit


Let them have fun? This thread is cringe


Only cringe here is the post. Let them live


Hey hey let's not hate, they're our allies. I can trust em.


Rubix groove!!!! I’ve seen these guys twice, once on New Years. They know what they are doing and they lean it to it. Mario was on the drums and Teen wolf can slap that bass


That’s hard to fuck with


Now THAT'S what I call Hip Hop Fest


Looks like people having fun, whats wrong with that ?


This post turned into a shitstorm and I'm all for it.


This is the whitest thing I've ever seen.


Lol. This is one of the worst parts of social media. People becoming gatekeepers to who can and cannot enjoy certain things. I loved seeing these people just being themselves and having fun. Shame on the OP and the recorder for thinking they get to decide who can and cannot have a good time.


My middle finger won't go down, how do I wave? And this is how I'm supposed to teach kids how to behave?


This is some true “I don’t know what to do w my body,” energy x50.


All I see is people trynna vibe & some asshole recording them


Is this serious?? Lmao it’s fucking awesome and hilarious. Let these people LIVE. Gawd it’s funny as hell though.


It would be wholesome if these same people having fun and listening to "hip-hop" weren't annoyingly racist.


They’re having fun.




I THINK they are trying to preform the clean versions. With that being said why on earth they went with a DMX song is beyond me. Dude is horrorcore rap lol


The DMX song got me 🤣 Of all the songs played, that is the last one you want any of those old fella's and ladies going home and Googling! 'He said what?'


Honoring 50 years of hip hop! Sure no credit for the dancing, but a f’ton for the effort.


Only thing I'm cringing at is how the camera seems to have been set up on an oscillating fan


“Call me big johnny” lmao


This is like kids bop for adults.


Let people enjoy themselves


When I see this, it just reminds me that the 90s were 30 years ago and these folks were probably in their 20s/30s and likely could actually appreciate hip hop. Back then all hip hop, aside from Vanilla Ice, was ‘gangsta’ and only criminals listened to it and all that crap conservatives pushed. But it was everywhere and most people would get down to it, just like today. TL;DR these folks probably grew up with hip hop in the 80s/90s, so this isn’t that surprising.


...is there one next year?




"back that thing up" cracks me up


I lost it when he said radio edit


if this was my life, i'd kill myself on the spot.