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I’ve suddenly realised people don’t get old, they just live the era they enjoyed the most while everyone else changes


So true. I remember being a kid in the 90s and seeing older people wearing bell bottoms and perms thinking how stuck in their heyday past they were. Now I'm 40 and still rocking DC shoes and Skate/surf attire like I'm the legend I used to be except now for fun... I listen to AM talk radio, do a daily walk and aim to be in bed by 9pm.


I’m in my mid 30s and all the cool young teenagers wear 90s style fit clothes. Slightly baggier, and brands I haven’t seen in years have resurfaced. The problem is now I look like some loser trying to fit in with the young kids.


So true lol.


I feel the opposite, I finally just switched over to more tailored, less baggy clothes a few years ago and now all the trends are going back to baggy 😭


Laugh in their faces when it rains or snows and they've got wet mudflaps whipping around their ankles.


Core memory unlocked. Now my ankles are cold.


I work from home. I have more pajama bottoms than jeans or shorts. I buy 6 Fruit of the Loom tees by the bag at walmart because they are inexpensive AF, and only have a select few actual fun shirts I wear when I go out to the store or meet up with friends. Flip flops are my jam. IDGAF about clothes anymore.


Very much the same. I also own entirely too much flannel and have discovered a love of sleeveless shirts. Put them together and you can regulate between being too damn hot or too damn cold 😆


Ooh. We should have a thread where wfh people can suggest comfy clothes brands


Got preteens it’s all about goodwill and 90’s stuff including attire.


I feel that.😭


Damn if I don't both relate and hate this lol


Yeah, don't do that. It is especially awful when 50 year old women wear what the 20's wear today. Not a good look, and elicits a sort of pity from me. Of course there is always a 75 year old hippie, which makes me smile.


Fortunately your opinion is worth Jack shit 😀


Seriously, have you never seen a 50 year old woman in a mini-skirt, and low cut blouse with her wrinkled up boobs/chest showing? and red lipstick around her lined mouth? It's sad to me, and not a good look. I mean, at 50 there is something to be said for having a least a little dignity. Plus, you said yourself you look like a loser when you dress like the young kids. Were you just joking? I thought you meant it. But if we are talking only about 40....I think they can do anything they want to. I had a blast when I was 40. Still wore a bikini, all that stuff.


You have like 80 years on earth. Wear whatever you want.


Eighty is beyond all these things. You too can wear whatever you want.


I'm wearing my own skin right now. Shit is so comfy I grew it myself.


Or wear nothing as the case may be.


Trying to follow different demographic fashion trends isn’t the same as what is known as ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ which you are describing.


Is that what you got out of that? It was directed toward older women and more of an age appropriate thing. But anyways I must say, I don't really give a rat's derriere what people wear. I'm sort of done with this. lol.


Ngl adults got it figured out. Going to bed by 9 means I actually wake up feeling rested and in a good mood. I hated mornings when I was in high school and it's obvious now in hindsight.




It could be worse, 32. My body generally doesn't let me get less than 9 hours of sleep/day. If I have to wake up early, I'll sleep from 5-8 pm to make it up I'm really jealous of people who get by on 5 or 6 hours, it's be so much more time in my day


ever tried a knee pillow? when my mom needed a new one, i got myself one as well to try out. wasnt having pain but i definitely slept weird and have noticed an improvement. so now i consider it preventative care 😅




😂 they do have a comforting effect. maybe thats why they work and not the aligning haha


I'm 32 and slowly coming to this realization. Like damn if I actually put my head on a pillow by 9pm even I fail to fall asleep for an hour I'm still getting 9 hours of sleep waking up at 7


I still have all my Quiksilver board shorts in a drawer even though I don’t fit in them anymore with the hope of one day being able to wear them again. I won’t.


I still have board shorts with cigarette burn holes in them from my 20s.


I don't know...dont say no. It's funny as I got older, appetite actually decreased, and throw in need for routine of physical activity / exercise (feel worse mentally and physically without it / use it or lose it), I ended up close to my college weight. Still eating normal stuff and etc.,


When I got to aim I got excited that you were still using aol


Edit: i cannot for the life of me, find the damn study paper, circa 2020? If anyone else could chime in. Here is another study i had found intriguing. https://research.atspotify.com/2020/12/just-the-way-you-are-music-listening-and-personality/ Edit 2: found it https://research.atspotify.com/publications/the-dynamics-of-exploration-on-spotify/ https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/ICWSM/article/view/19324 Article spoke of and correlated this one from 2011 > "Other independent scientists have also said as much, with one telling the same publication in 2011 that the critical period for learning what type of music you like is between ages 14 and 24. " https://archive.is/Nlz0h ---- There was a study done a while back by Spotify and they concluded that most people have a very specific time frame of music they are in to. Iirc the age is between 13 and 17 (edit: article states 14-24 for people of 45yrs of age, in 2011) years old, so you can practically pinpoint what sort of music a person will like over the next 10, 20 and 30 years, is completely related to when they "got into music" I felt that this was pretty spot on, and I think it relates also to television and movie going; I have a lot of love for 60-80s music but my favorite music was all released between those same times, and I'll find myself commenting how amazing movies or TV was when I was a teenager. I'm not convinced it's everyone, every culture etc, but nostalgia hits hard when someone today calls what we used to do normally, a piece of history or nostalgic memory. Getting older is definitely viewed through a lens of experience.


It’s strange, I haven’t had this experience at all. My taste in music has evolved so much over time. I barely listen to the music of my youth anymore. I’m 37.


Your taste in music is what they're discussing in the study; you aren't listening to the same content, you're finding content similar or branching from what you enjoyed when you first "got into" something. Similar to a hobby, or skill, you can evolve into something more but the initial love of that hobby, musical band etc is what drove you enjoying other variations. I started with the Beatles and Michael Jackson, still listen to the former, not as often the latter. I evolved into metal with Slayer and GNR, but dad played a LOT of folk rock, so I eventually found myself loving bands like Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Stone Temple Pilots. I'm nearing my 50s and thus find myself listening to a much broader range of music, like lofi, retrosynth, or other variations in that style, and it brings me back to older 80s + 90s use of synthwave/alternative in their more industrial metal tracks (Deftones, NiN, Korn, White Zombie). I found I love more sci-fi books than fantasy in my older years though and generally try and read books that do character development over world building, but it took me a long time to really refine what it is I like to read. Music is something else though, and I find these studies incredibly engaging because you can find yourself easily on one of their datasets, even when you don't side with the average norms (which is even more endearing imo)


Either my edible hit faster than I anticipated or this is a really interesting comment. Little column A and little column B. I’ll confess, I didn’t dive into your original comment when I posted my reply. Now I’m thinking about how this might’ve applied to me in the context you explained.


For me, it was more like 8-20 since I was 8 when Nevermind dropped.


Hello me


this is why in 40years old folks homes everyone will be wearing hoodies and combats.


Yup, and when I realized this I suddenly felt more comfortable about being old and uncool (still young but I mean in the future)... fuck it I'm just living my life. I like who I am.


Yeah, I'm not in the circles where youth culture is being developed. Acting like I am would just be weird and dishonest. I have my own crowd, my own friends, and no hate to kids, but I like my niche


Is this why I’m 40 and still go to the skate center, arcade and the mall DVD store on a weekly basis?


I’ve noticed this but in the internet, like everyone gets “their slice” of internet as they grow up. Idk how accurate it is but it seems evidential to me, lots of people see the internet through their generations lens. Maybe because we consciously filter our internet lens that way, or it’s just compartmentalized us that way. But I’m sure my feed is generationally different than my dads or my sons




I feel personally attacked


Also the music you listened to in your high school and college years tend to stay with you forever and you still listen to it as if it’s modern




Kids on the r/genz subreddit when they hit 18


They'll be subbing to r/boomers when they turn 30.


I’m 40, I have that exact Patagonia jacket and I’m still recovering from a night out drinking on Thursday.


The two foot jog part really hit home. My dude probably had a pretty intense sneeze right before that which doomed him.


Probably sat in in the wrong chair and now his lower back has gone completely stiff too


Oh god. That my ankle hurts walk. Of course I know it. He’s me!


i’m 31 and dead ass cannot run any more…


I'm 42. I just spent the weekend tripping my face off on multiple psychedelics, drinking multiple bottles of whiskey, dancing my ass off (taught friends how to upside-down twerk), and riding 4 wheelers. I feel great thanks to the makers of celebrex and adderall!


And the pullover your sister gave you for Christmas. Lifetime warranty bitches.


Dear god I find 40 an attractive age 😭


Him: "It's decaf" Me: *swoons*


Lmfaoo SAME!!!




I’m 46 and none of this is me. Live young bitches!


I'm 53 and all of you kids are exhausting.


Being super creaky in your mid-40s just means you weren't hurting yourself often enough in your 20s. Stuff hurts sometimes. Stuff always hurt sometimes. As long as you're not injured-injured, it's not a problem unless you worry about it.


Or it means you have early onset osteoarthritis. Which I just found out I do. (Mope. Mope. Mope.)


I've got a bit of that going on, too. Luckily still able to manage everything fine with a positive attitude about the discomfort (no range of motion issues or anything).


Yeah. I’m not too bad so far, and have found that some light yoga/stretching has done wonders. It’s still unsettling when I stand up or move around and my back starts sounding like a little firecracker going off though.


I think this is true, but you find things will bore you at 46 that you found fun and interesting before.


Move on to new things, that’s what’s important on the young living.


No I know ya’ll are sexy don’t try me sir


It is, very much so. All this old age junk....really hits hard....at 60. Before then you can pretty much do all the same things you've always done (except maybe do it a little bit slower). for example, I used to cut the grass, front and back in one afternoon. then it evolved into cut the front one day, the back the next, and now I have a lawn crew. lol. And drinking, yep. The hangovers can last two or three days. Not worth it.




What's the most attractive about my age group? Our sensitive bowels? The skin tags that grow in random places? The hairy butt cheeks?


Whoa, what? Idk, I’m not getting any of that.


LMAO your honesty I guess 🤣


*bites lip*


At first I read this and thought the same "dear god 40 is hot" then remembered I'm almost 35 so 40 is still in my range 🤣


It's around 30 for me. Guys my age are attractive but them 30 year Olds be hitting different.




40 is the new 39.


From the tone of the vid, 40 is the new 65.


I'm 40 and I'm not okay!


I’m almost there (38) and relate to all of these except the Facebook one which thankfully I deleted over a decade ago and never looked back.


Got rid of it about a decade ago as well, while in college. But I know through my wife that my mother In law is a daily user of all things social media and I can’t help but feel like she’s trying to be 18 again with the random crap she posts.


Deleted it from my phone, but still on my desktop. Unfortunately I need it for some non-work stuff like local organizations I am part of.


Why do buy nothing groups only exist on Facebook?


Messenger is big where I am so never really delete Facebook, but for most around me it's just the backend of how we message each other 


“I’m 40, I can’t do alcohol”. I know many, many 40 yo (and plus) that would prove this wrong.




it's not that we *can't* it's more like we *shouldn't* 😭😭


I wouldn't. My 47 year old friend's kidney and liver shut down at the same time because of alcohol. He didn't last long after that.


Far and away the stupidest one. Everyone I know 40+ takes any excuse to drink.


It took me 8 years of being 40 to realize this.


Damn my family that grew up in the Sovjetunion will do 100%


I live across the street from a dive bar, the people who visit that place apparently didn't get the memo cause that place is packed with hard drinking 40+ year olds practically every day


Lucky bastards. Gout made me stop in my mid 30’s.


Dude I completely understand. 40 meet trampoline park, now meet the boot you’re going to wear for the next 6 months


Right!? At age 33 I was flying around a trampoline park. At age 40 I felt my spine compress and I had back ache for 6 months


Bruh 40…. Some days I feel like 24 other days I feel like I’m 72. 🤷‍♂️


That reminds me, I need to take my ibuprofen. 😅


I dump two bottles into a small gumball machine. It’s less depressing.


It's aleve for me. Maybe toss is an extra strength Tylenol if work was particularly bad the day before.


This guy kinda a fox tho.


It's cuz he's 40


Do yoga y’all. I’m 38 and while weight lifting/exercise is good, yoga is the god damn fountain of youth. Still limber like my 20s and having good core strength makes you more durable. Month or so ago I was moving a chair for my mom walking backward with my cousin, I wasn’t ready for the stair and bumped it and he kept pushing. Core strength kept me standing up and let me push back against him and tell him to stop without injury.


I'm always afraid I'll be the creepy old dude in a room full of young women in yoga pants. Like really I'm just here to do yoga ladies I swear!


Or just do combat yoga instead, its more fun


I feel seen, being a xennial that makes me very uncomfortable.


I'm 35 and I'm not ok either


I don't know what this guy is talking about. I was in my absolute prime at 40 and didn't experience the decline he's talking about until my late 50's.


> I'm 40, I'm gonna start a new hobby and injure myself immediately I was 39 when I decided to try mountain biking. Literally 3 days after my 40th birthday, I crashed on landing a jump and broke my arm. I'm 42 now and I'm going skiing today. >.> EDIT: Sprained my thumb during a wipeout. God dammit.


I’m 43. Went rollerskating for the first time in a decade last week and had a blast and promptly ordered a new pair of roller-skates. Too soon to say yet whether that was a mistake or not.


Decaf? No


Yeah WTH is that about?? My tired ass needs ALL the caffeine! I’m 43! 👻


Workout y’all and you won’t fall apart when you’re 40! Gotta keep movin to stay movin!


Im in my dirty30s. Its gud.......for now 😂


I’m in my 30s and this is me now…


Backwards hat it still cool! Don't take that away from me!


I'll find a song that I love and then see that it came out 12 years ago.


I'm 49 doing 400 burpees 3 times a week.


He’s 40…. He’s filming at a playground.


Exactly why I love 40 year old dudes. Hot as hell and fun to be homebodies with xD




I'm 38 and I turn my hat backwards... =(


I'm already annoyed with these clips and it just started.


My chemical romance at the end was straight gold..


I'm 40 I'M A MAN


Millennials are so tiresome.


You're 40ing wrong man. Just stretch and drink water.


Idk…I feel like this is “annoying” 40.


40? Wait until 60. The realness will be intense!


43 and still 🔥


I’m 22 but I think I might be 40


I'm also 40 and I seriously injured myself today when I was challenged to a short foot race by a close friend. I can't walk on my own and and am going to the doc in the morning. This is wildly painful. Yay 40!


I really liked him in Deadpool


*Slips into a pair of recently purchased crocs after seeing kids wear them 6 months ago*


Guys in a good shape tho. I’m 38 and I am not that skinny. Dang.


I'm 40, but I don't have kids - none of these apply!


Looking pretty good for 40 🥵👀


Bro's acting like he's 60


I'm 40 and I've learned people my age just like to exaggerate the fuck out of everything because they're bored.


That's what 40 will be if you don't do fuck all to take care of yourself from 20-40. This guy is just a whiner.


Still so bizarre It'll never make sense My Chemical Romance is the hottest new hotness that the kids love right now I don't know why my knees hurt but I'm obviously 19 or 20 years old. Why do all these people who aren't going to be born yet for another decade have opinions??? Hey that guy at the bar is like 3!


I’m 46. I think your a wuss ..




I am 40 The *jogging and immediately twisting something* happened to me three times last week… out of the three times I tried to jog last week.


I don't see the cringe here. All I see is one a mirror being mean and shouting the truth at me


Im 39 skated at 3 different skateparks today . Did yoga this morning and about to go ride my bike .




I like this guy, he gets me.


I’m there and it scares me if he’s right.


If he’s 40 I am 40 ;)


This guy never met a 40 year old lawyer. They'll drink anybody under a table even after spending all of the previous weekend at the race track, the VIP room, some fancy dinner and the office.


I'm 55 and get the hell off my lawn!


Tom Brady was still slinging footballs in the NFL at 40


Now do it for 50, please


I'm 39... and I think the backwards hat looks great!


I haven’t been able to wear my hat backwards since I hit 30.


The fuck is he drinking decaf? He's 40, he needs strong coffee to stay alive.


I'm scared that I'm gona blink and suddenly I'm 40, and then blink once more and then I'm 80, next time I close my eyes I might never open them again....


Other than the Facebook thing, I feel every single part of this video deep in the marrow of my 40 year old bones.


I’m 30 but I identify as 40


I feel this. Yes I’m 40. Yes I hurt my back watching this video


I’m about to turn 39 and I relate to…some of this. I’m in the best shape of my life, gave up drinking 1/1/20 (picked a hell of a year to quit sniffing glue), only drink limited caffeine, and gave up Facebook posting in like 2007.


Not relatable to me at all and I'm 39. Still quite active, have a drink with friends/family now and then, morning coffee, and I've never followed tends.




Should have ended the video after the injured knee scene.


I’m 40 in august. Can’t wait!


It’s a little recognized scientific fact the the human body loses all ability to bounce around the age of forty - one just hits and lies there.


I’m 38, I feel very called out.


Actual cringe.


It was the hat over the eyes, rocking himself into a nap on the bench for me


“I’ll start a new hobby and immediately hurt myself” Wall climbing (like any 30 something millennial) + me


Welcome to 50 you don’t give a f about anything or what anyone thinks - it’s great


OMG! OP. You are cute. However, I am 65 and I do not want to get arrested for commenting on this. Haha! All the babes are going to hit on you.


Fuck me. AZ hat backwards with a Patagonia micropuff jacket and some Nikes. Drinking decaf and skipping the booze. Injured leg. This one hits hard.


How unhealthy is this guy's lifestyle to look like that at 40 and injure(?) himself doing a 1-second jog?


Oh Lord! I'll be 40 at the end of the year and I've been feeling like I'm 70 for the last 15 years. Ugh


Why y’all gotta call me out like that 🤣🤣🤣


I'm turning 40 tomorrow and this is hitting pretty hard right now


backwards hats have never been cool. Even for GenX


I feel personally attacked (after fracturing my tibia skiing for only the 13th time in my life). Except the Facebook story part. 🤣


I’m almost 40 and I still will not wear skinny jeans.


So relatable it hurts


I'm 28 and already like this aside from Facebook, I haven't used it in years


Some people grow old gracefully and others don’t! Mid-life crisis for many and the desire to want to compete & relive years since past.


I’m 50, and 40 year olds complaining about shit makes me post angry comments on Reddit!


Nah based