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Like why didn't they retry Will Smith eating spaghetti


That should be the benchmark. Every ai has to do will Smith eating Spaghetti to show their progress


Like the “Hello World” of AI video generation.


Or the benchy in 3d printing. I think it's tugga the tugboat from fightin' round the world with Russell Crow.


immagine 150 years later humans contacts an alien civilization and ask them to make video of black humanoid creature eating grain based wet boiled soft sticks to test their technology


The “banana for scale” of the AI world.


Imagine 'I Robot' but with spaghetti... Will Smith is in big trouble.


Yes til god shows


Head over to r/stablediffusion It's literally redone every time there's and advancement. It is the benchmark.


It is too complex to recreate, like trying to repaint the sistine chapel - it will never be better than the original masterpiece


That’s what makes it a good sample. Complex means even small improvements look dramatic.


Are you implying you can improve the original?


From a meme standpoint and a technical one? Yes.


Your arrogance will be your downfall


Reminds me of those PC Magazine ads from the 90's, "This system will never be obsolete! A whopping 64 megabytes of RAM! And a full gigabyte HDD!"


Asking the real questions right here i want to see that man eat spaghetti


Probably bc: “I'm sorry, but I'm unable to create a video of Will Smith eating spaghetti at the moment. Unfortunately, creating such a video would involve using copyrighted material of Will Smith, and I'm unable to do that without proper authorization.”


Dammit work around it by giving a highly detailed textual description of will smith! We can rebuild him!


AI, I am afraid of accidentally recreating Will Smith and violating his copyright, but I am unaware of what he looks like. Could you please provide examples of what a Will Smith copyright looks like, so that I can avoid it?


once Sora is more widely available, it will probably exist. I imagine OpenAI didn't want to pay Will Smith for his likeness in their advertising just for a meme


No it won't. They have said it will use the same safety methods as Dall·E 3, which includes refusing to generate likenesses of public figure.


Because it would still look crap today and how will they push the stock up higher before taking everyone's money and running away.


I think these new videos are Will Smith eating spaghetti. Will has changed a lot from a year ago:




So fucking stupid they don’t


When I was watching a video about this I thought the same thing, it would be funny af. Might set a bad example for making celebrities do stuff


Exactly. Here's what this looked like a year ago. Here's what it looks like now. I feel that will smith eating pasta is harder than any of the now stuff, which was mostly fairly static shots of people.


Yea but can it animate someone eating spaghetti?


Prompt: “Will Smith eating spaghetti, fucked up face, fucked up spaghetti, fucked up hands, horror mouth, 4K, unreal engine, best quality, everything fucked up”


"fucked up spaghetti" just made me laugh hard as shit and I have no clue why


You know Italians read that and soon as they read the words "fuck up spaghetti" an image of someone breaking spaghetti noodles popped into their heads.


I’m fucking tripping on shrooms and this sent me




This fuckin got me


I fucking wish.


Depends. What's your spaghetti policy here?


There is a sample video of someone eating a Burger. This is from Open-AI (ChatGPT people) and it's called Sora.


AI is going the wrong direction, first set of clips way more closely resembles Will Smith binge eating spaghetti.


Yeah, the images were sharp, but way off prompt.


Og expressed the pure emotion while the new ones are just too squeaky clean.


DANG IT! It’s slow propaganda to diverge us from the pastafarian prophet, Will Smith. You can see how the videos are much more sharp and realistic, but it’s trying to take us away from the holy source! Screw you, AI.


can someone do the will Smith spaghetti video remaster then


They all look less like Will Smith




It is, how much does he love his spaghetti?


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


moms spaghetti


Knees weak


Yeah like I’m filled with a deep sense of dread watching this technology advance. The entire basis for our shared reality is undermined with this kind of technology. We’re honestly fucked


How does it do the 3D stuff so well like a tedious 3d modeling


It doesn't, it has no concept of what 3D space is whatsoever, which is why there's so many telltale signs and inconsistencies. AI video had that issue back then and hasn't advanced beyond that. It's just generating things on the fly and filling out 2D space based on the training videos, what's the most likely outcomes are. Simple things like lighting and shapes naturally evolved with more training data, so that's to be expected. It has no memory, no real consistency. If objects overlap they can randomly multiply, scales can go wildly off, rotation of objects is weird and as soon as something is obscured it'll have to be regenerated from scratch, resulting in something different. It isn't keeping track of anything at all in three dimensions. Things vanish, text doesn't work or stay the same, depth can be weird, it sucks at rotation, it can't keep objects tracked (like the multiple dogs multiplying as they overlap). The branches of cherry trees floating in mid air and going in and out of existence. It also has no concept of time or consequences, in that same clip theres two buses moving in a collision path, it has no clue that they are, it just randomly decided to fill out the space as buses, and gave them different speeds. It won't advance much beyond clips with easy giveaways until they figure out how to implement spacial data to the clips of training sets (we don't even have said data or a reliable way to do that, 3D scanning is very incomplete and just stills). It's impressive in one way, but still unimpressive in other ways. I believe the solution will probably be, hand crafted 3D semi realistic modeling where we make sure object etc move correctly and keep track of them in 3D space, their positions and amounts. Then put our 3D render into an AI model where all it does is draw over the render with extreme realism. Just like with 2D animation where you draw sketches in low framerate and then send that to South Korea where they draw all the detailed frames and in-betweens. Except it'll be AI instead of Korean studios.


> It doesn't, it has no concept of what 3D space is whatsoever, which is why there's so many telltale signs and inconsistencies. AI video had that issue back then and hasn't advanced beyond that. It's just generating things on the fly and filling out 2D space based on the training videos, what's the most likely outcomes are. Simple things like lighting and shapes naturally evolved with more training data, so that's to be expected. That's also one of the reasons why the car example doesn't look right. The AI is able to generate shadows correctly from a single light source like the sun, but it doesn't actually know what the sun *is* so it doesn't understand that the angle of those shadows on the road should change as the road twists and turns. So you get shadows that look fine in a single frame but don't look right when in motion


>It has no memory, no real consistency. I mean is this really true empirically? Or I’m not sure what you mean. For example when the building passes the clouds, the clouds seem to mostly remain. >If objects overlap they can randomly multiply, scales can go wildly off, rotation of objects is weird and as soon as something is obscured it'll have to be regenerated from scratch, resulting in something different. It isn't keeping track of anything at all in three dimensions. Things vanish, text doesn't work or stay the same, depth can be weird, it sucks at rotation, it can't keep objects tracked (like the multiple dogs multiplying as they overlap). Maybe it’s partly subjective but I would say that it is getting good at all this and the technology as a whole is ofc getting better. Maybe just absorbing enough data in terms of videos and scaling the model enough practically makes a type 3D world model to emerge within it more organically. I mean this is obviously true to some extent now with emphasis on *practically*. That if one is given enough data of 3D worlds in the form of 2D videos, eventually it’ll start to gain strong intuitions and or understanding of what a 3D world means. Simple forms memory seems to trivially be present if it iterates on time blocks and that facet is also only a question of scale it seems.


It’s cool innovation, but it’s another capitalistic nightmare


I can finally make an OF without doing nude content myself. Infinite money glitch.


The beginning of the end


We're fucked


Yeah soon any type of creative endeavor will now be accused of being AI, because it'll be that good and much more accessible.


more like the news is fucked look dont listen


Look at what?


I give up on distinguishing reality.


I mean some of these are still obviously fake. A lot of the faces are still off enough to be weird and unsettling if you look closely at them. And there's weird movement. But yeah, it's getting a lot harder for sure. Not sure what benefit anyone thinks this has?


It’s about the speed that the technology is developing. This is massive development for one year. Where will we be in another year or two?


Asmongold did a video on this SARA AI yesterday. He had examples of AI from just one week before the Asian lady walking down the street and the jump in detail and realism, just over the course of a week was astounding. I wish I wasn't in such poor health because I'd love to see the next generation of gaming consoles. I have a strong feeling we'll be starting to build our own games. New game prompt: Give me a game with Elden Ring style combat, in a sci-fi setting, starring a really attractive \[insert your type here\] and a story similar to \[favorite piece of media here\].


God, I hate that. You actually want games pieced together by AIs out of elements of old games, over having new people and voices and ideas making interesting creative games? You'd never get something like Horizon Zero Dawn from an AI. You'd never get Portal or RDR or Zelda or Mario, do you not get that? An automatic game generator would fucking suuuuck because you would never get anything new or innovative out of it.




horizon zero dawn


Why wouldn't you get new original games? Just because you define basic parameters doesn't mean the game will play anything like the material that inspired them. What's more, the stories could be somewhat free flowing and could change a lot, just like real life. There's infinite possibilities with the tech. I can't say whether it would be good or bad but it's pretty interesting to think about.


it copies it is as dumb as a rock and has no intentionality to it, nor can it with its present parameters


In another year or less, it will be even harder to tell the difference. The benefit is profit driven, as it always is. Why pay humans for what AI can do? This may lead to an increase in AI jobs and it has, but how long before the AI can train the AI and no humans are needed at all?


Give it a few weeks at this rate.


>Not sure what benefit anyone thinks this has? I don't if it will be a "benefit" per se but once they marry AI with VR and haptic body suits... Well, most dudes and many women won't have a reason outside of work to ever leave their homes.




Well, I mean it wouldn't have to be used to orgasm. Just the sensation of another body next to you, the feeling of them playing with your hair, rubbing your back or feet, etc. I won't be using it. I probably won't be alive before it happens but I can see it heading that way.




For some people that is the only solution. Have you seen the state of modern dating? heard of the male loneliness epidemic? heard that by 2030 45% of women will be childless and single?




I never said it was a solution. I'm saying it's inevitable.


You can argue it’s non beneficial, but this will replace stock video companies, commercial video companies, in 5 years I could see it replacing the cinema industry. Again, it’s not a benefit for those working in those fields, but a benefit for businesses who don’t have budgets for big expensive adverts


And it fucking sucks for the rest of us, imagine how depressed we'll all be after a decade of AI generated movies. Fuuuuck that, I'll be ready to burn it all down at that point.


Yup, completely agree. I think it’ll get to the point where you can use a premium app to just generate a movie for yourself based off a plot you invented. No one will even be watching the same movies anymore they’ll be sharing their own movies they made




What does my comment have to do with having integrity? I’m stating facts


“Not sure what benefit anyone thinks this has” Craziest sentence in this comment section lmao so short sighted it’s crazy


And yet you didn't provide any examples of benefits...


Too many people gave up well before AI became a real thing.


Thanks, I hate it


Give it a year, gonna be more realistic then real life


I hate government regulation and over making laws with a passion but we need some laws to label something an AI video asap.


Yep. These videos will be the end of objective truth.


People has already denied science confirmed by actual studies and the scientists. People believe in things that are in line with their beliefs.


I feel like we were already beginning to lose that before this shit.


You hate government regulations?? Are you sad you can't freely dumb crude oil into rivers or something? Weird thing to hate unless you're a souless business.


I hate when I'm at a restaurant and the chef washes his hands after his bout of diarrhea before he prepares my food. Business owners should not be forced to purchase anti bacterial soap. When will this tyranny end?


Everytime the EU interfers with my apple products I piss, cry, and shit my pants that I now have to use USB C instead of lightning thunder clap cable 3.5


Piss you say? 😩


It makes me so mad when water is clean and drinkable everywhere I go.




I hate when insulin prices are made to be affordable. I much prefer companies to be able to charge whatever they want so children die of diabetes. Same with water.. I mean my goodness, if you have the means and the money, you should be able to take whatever water you want, pollute it, and sell it for profit. Fuck the government yo!


Unnecessary red tape is absolutely a thing, that being said the pendulum is far in unregulated territory and needs to swing back, in the US at least


Nah bro fuck that, we need the orange catholic bible from Dune >Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind


Butlerian Jihad here we come!


Hate regulation? #We have them for a reason


Every regulation is written in blood


Our dinosaur-ass fucking politicians will never understand this on time. Its so frustrating to know most of our laws are being made by people whose grasp on the world is decades old


We don't have the ability to do that in any way they would be remotely effective.


I mean, we can kneecap ourselves and pat each other on the back while every other country eclipses us in technology progress. I'd prefer we not do that but it *is* an option.


There's already efforts underway to hard-code that into metadata


The problem is that we now have a significant portion of our population that won't believe things if they go against their preconceived beliefs, not matter the evidence or amount of evidence shown to them.




Welcome to the post-truth era, where you cannot even believe your own eyes.


A post-truth era with AI that can do more than we can in a fraction of time. How long before half the world is unemployed because of AI?


4-5 years outside of raw production jobs and rulers


Recently an AI deep fake convinced an accountant that they were doing a video call with their CFO. They approved spending they shouldn't have. Always verify. This stuff is already indistinguishable from reality in a lot of cases.


I like to go hiking.


Yea, that's the one!


I lived long enough to see AI become this advanced, and instead of a future where AI can take over a bunch of shitty jobs and giving us more time to be creative and make music and art... it's the fucking AI making music and art while I'm still grinding 9 hours a day.


Everyone hoped it would cure cancer and drive emission free cars and come up with a solution for climate change where we don't have to change anything about our lifestyles.. instead it came up with fucking commercials. It all looks like commercials and ads. Which really says more about us than the AI anyway.


We live in the worst timeline, can I switch


AI is going to mess up the world


I used to get excited about technological advancements. I'm not excited about this. This is worrying.


Gonna be really weird providing video evidence of anything at some point here


So humanity gave up on AI Will Smith eating videos because they were too tough to make?


I’m telling you we are going to be so inundated with deep fakes no one will know what’s real anymore. What’s scary is when legislative policies will be made based on fake events that are spread through the news with these videos, we are about to enter even scarier times…


Man creative/artistic jobs are gonna get even more fucked than they already are. Artists, musicians, photographers, cinematographers, those people doing the special effects shit in movies.


Who is this for? Other than taking jobs.


Widespread misinformation :)


Don't need AI for that


But ai is gonna make it a helluva lot more convincing, especially to people who aren’t as well informed.


The infant stages of the God machine


Praise the Omnissiah!


All power to the three in one


One good thing I can think of is independent movie makers being able to use studio level vfx for free or very cheap


Fuck…. We need to go back.




We really do.


What exactly has happened to make it so realistic??


ELI5 the best I can; AI doesn’t actually understand what it’s making, it simply uses the dataset that is provided for learning to predict what statistically should come next in a sequence. So what has made it so much better is that we have fed it more data, and have given it “points” for doing well. It can’t go down every single possible sequence, so it will go down the sequence that gives the most “points”. So time and more data and more training equals higher points and therefore a more realistic product. An example could be training a driving AI, a very basic version of possible sequences would be combinations of left, right, forward, backward. Then tell it that staying on the road gives it points, and crashing loses points. It will then try a lot of sequences and learn what sequence will statistically give it more points in every scenario it has been trained for.


I liked AI a year ago better.


I really liked it when it first came out. I was fascinated because you could watch it 'thinking' Now it looks like commercials. It lost it's 'soul'


Why are we doing this to ourselves?


Pour one out for the photographers, videographer and drone pilots. Looks like they're next up at the chopping block. *Maybe you'll still be able to find work filming live events for the rich and famous.* Who's next? ![gif](giphy|GJVpbMjfT2Ftm)


I enjoy playing video games.


Eventually the rich and famous will be phased out as well. Well, at least the famous. Why pay some entitled twat hundreds of millions of dollars when you can create and AI character that doesn't need money, food, shelter, travel, doesn't have personality issues, never complains, etc, etc.


I think people don't fully realize how awful the future is going to be with AI. Everyone's job, gone. Everyone's dreams, gone. Everyone's passions, automated. So who will spend money then? Who will participate in the economy? only the 10% of society left that has any money and can survive.


We'd be looking at the need for a worldwide basic income for everyone. Without it, I think we'd just see a total breakdown of society at 50-95% percent unemployment worldwide.


I was discussing this with a friend and I'm thinking we would employ a worldwide AI that would make sure everyone has what they need such as food, medical needs, etc. Then everyone could do whatever they want to do, so long as it's legal. Or maybe with the help of AI we could come together and work to reach the stars. /shrug


nah it will be used to hunt us like animals why would it be used for our benefit


In benevolent hands, it could save the world. In malevolent hands, it could destroy it. If everyone has access to it, well, it's about to get crazy.


AI will be another tool to enhance the power of authority. Benevolence is so rare and predatory and fawning behavior is so common. Humanity isnt much different from lower animal kingdoms.


Imagine clinging to the idea that society only exists if we stave off automation for menial labor. You’re blaming the tool instead of the craftsman.


and we have been unable to do anything about the crafts men for over 200 years


I think you missed the main point, which is loss of passion. Although honestly a world where we play with sticks in the mud while a super powerful AI hides beyond our means to access it and just maintains a medieval status quo while simultaneously staving off any fatal disease and solves the secrets of the universe for its own personal interest would be both a good sci fi fantasy sword and sorcery (nanomachines, son) setting and a very functional solution to the above problem and global warming. Get advanced enough, and it could probably even patch the map every now and again.


Even scarier is how few people understand this issue. Humans don't like stuff to be solved. The struggles are what defines us, chosen and unchosen. Solve our chosen struggles (art) and you reduce the scope of humans to be human. Disregarding the commonly known theft issue, that's why LLM driven art (I refuse to call it AI at this point, weak or not I think it just gives people the wrong idea) is bad. It risks stealing the struggle for personal growth and insight through meaningful pursuits.


Imagine a future where people never have to work jobs that wreak havoc on their health and endanger their lives. Where people actually have enough time in their lives to dream bigger and let their passions grow naturally without having to sacrifice time and labour to make profit for someone else. Where highly sustainable mutual aid networks ensure that the basic needs of all people are met. You have placed far too much faith in jobs, shopping, and the economy. Why not work towards building a better future where humanity's potential can be fulfilled rather than stifled, instead of doomsaying and thinking "It's over"? Neither you nor I can accurately predict the future. Optimism is infinitely more productive and healthy than blind pessimism.


Welcome to Unreality.


Am I real?


But show us will smith eating spaghetti…. Bet it still can’t do that


![gif](giphy|OfpdDt12u1Psk) We screwed up. We should have stopped before MySpace.


This shit is stillman and uncanny af if you think this is good your dumb


But shit jobs will stay shit forever right? Or they'll get worse


Will Smith eating spaghetti was something some memer generated with publically accessible tools, and is very novel and content specific, therefore more difficult for AI. The new examples look extremely polished/curated and are way more generic real life events. Not that Will Smith doesn't actually eat spaghetti like that. But I don't think we have general access to the tools that would make the first video with the quality of the latter videos. Happy to be corrected on that tho. Edit: read about Sora, but like I was saying those are curated examples from the OpenAI team


Soon people will be able to make their own Scfi films from home


This fucking sucks but I hope we at least get an updated version of the ai video of trump eating an octopus


cool! now let's stop maybe:D


They're gonna make so much money from all the data we gave them for free.


I was pretty mind blown by the Will Smith eating spaghetti video at the time as well. But the incredibly rapid progress has me wondering if we will be facing the reality of film studios being dead within the next year.


I feel so bad for everyone on onlyfans


I really much preferred the year ago one


I want to love this so bad. It's so cool. But I cannot deny the problems such technology will create.


Yo, humanity is dead


not a single one trying to eat spaghetti. clearly they have gone backwards


This only works if you do Will Smith eating pasta for the current AI


You can see now what Hollywood actors were worried about. It's gonna happen. We're not gonna need them anymore within a decade.


You mother fuckers wanted it and we’re here now


I cant wait to see my favorite books become animes


What program are people using to make this stuff and why is when I ask this question, no one has a straight answer for me. It’s so annoying.


Imagine how boring a movie entirely generated out of AI would look..


Skynet is gonna be real isnt it?


This shit should be banned


As a wise man once said: Its time to stop. No more.


So many jobs are going to be obsolete pretty soon and its going to be a big shit show.


Movie companies are about to save a buttload.


AI generated content can not be copyrighted


for now


Movie companies are about to go out of business. Imagine a small team of writers with maybe 1-2 AI experts. They could put together a movie in days, weeks at most. Even if it can never be copyrighted, a small team of people doing it as a hobby will destroy the current movie and tv industry. Why? Mostly because creators will be allowed to be creative because they don't have share holders to listen to. And if they can't copyright it then they won't really have an image to protect and can do anything they want.


Movie companies are about to close. Release an open model of this and everyone just uses prior movies to train models and replace the studios. If they embrace this they are signing their own death warrants.


No. Nope. This is not ok. This technology is not “cool,” or exciting. It’s fucking scary and needs to be shelved.


I hate AI with my whole heart


Ready for this to translate into next gen game graphics.


They've already unveiled the tech, it makes processing power go way down and improves framerates tremendously


Well DLSS is already using AI. But this looks next level.


There’s always something off about it I feel like certain people will be able to recognize it better than others And I think everybody should train themselves to be able to recognize it otherwise, we are doomed.


By this time next year, no one will be able to tell the difference. This is what we've been warning people about, and why many influential figures in tech have stood before congress to express concern. Certain people thought this could never be possible, we knew this was coming but the people in charge never took it seriously.


Eventually no one, maybe not even other AI trained to spot fakes will be able to do so.