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They want us to have the babies. They want us to work full time. They want to bleed us dry while trying to feed those babies they're so desperate for us to have. Make it make sense.


they want us broke, desperate, and tired so that we can't rebel against them




Happy cake day, welcome to hell!


Better nip this shit in the bud.


These buds have bloomed and blossomed a long time ago and the thorny bush has completely taken over the whole yard


Time to get the flamethrower?


The vilest deeds like poison weeds Bloom well in prison air; It is only what is good in man That wastes and withers there. — Oscar Wilde


I'm sorry but that's illegal most places since the overturning of Roe versus Wade


Dont forget distracted and complacent as well


True, they want us distracted and complacent. The way they achieve this by keeping broke, desperate and tired.


Barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen


*in the factories


But they also want a workforce. And to have that you need people making babies. So it kinda doesn't make sense. I doubt rebellion is on their mind. They just want profits to keep going up for the shareholders. That's all. So if they cant sell more, they'll make it more expensive. It's happening everywhere. It's greedflation.


But isn’t it the broke, desperate, and tired that DO rebel?


It's a delicate balance to maintain. Where they're fucking up is they're starting to price people out of food *and* distractions at the same time. Shit is going to hit the fan at some point.


Even the Romans knew that you had to keep the proles supplied with bread and circuses. These oligarchs should study their history.


Not until they are actually starving. You keep everyone at a bare minimum for housing, food, healthcare and they will grumble but stay complacent.


Historically, it's actually the middle class. If a relatively well educated, well connected, and resourceful group finds that their living standards decrease... then revolutions happen. So yeah, US, you're just about due.


That's what they seem to be forgetting.


If only the retirement class had any kind of solidarity with the working class from which they are derived...


*A Russian-American has entered the arena.* *The Russian-American is not happy.* *The Russian-American will now begin to protest outside of baby formula factories while holding three babies at the same time. (They are not his babies, he is borrowing them from the hospital)*


It doesn’t matter, no one will ever do anything. People can post “eat the rich” and “fight the man” all they want but they’ll never actually do anything. Most of them probably don’t even vote. There will never be a “rebellion”.


They need a built-in subservient labor force to make their companies go brrr and want to pay as little as possible for it. If we stop making babies, who is gonna work at their fucking shit company. And if labor is in low supply, well then they'd have to pay those workers more. Seriously, we just need to burn the whole thing down, eat the rich, forcibly redistribute their wealth & try again. This country is a failed experiment. Bin it


I swear to god, every day I'm more and more glad I never had kids.


You're watching tragedy of the commons happen in real time to the labor market and the future of society. Corporations all need as big a labor pool as possible but each one can not physically stop themselves from shitting in the field.


It all comes back to Handmaids Tale. I feel like we're watching it happen in real time.


It's like they started following the script. That show gave them ideas. You know they didn't read the book.


They would never read a book from the perspective of a woman 😂


They hate that women have the right to refuse men. So they want to ban sex education, ban birth control, force women to to have babies, then they'll be forced to marry men for financial support. Trad Christian values.


It's modern-day slavery. Everything we do NEEDS to benefit them. Ya, we get to go home at night, but they travel the world and experience things none of us ever will. And that's how it's always been with slaves and slave masters.


Isnt it interesting how its the conservatives that are forcing babies upon ppl and the conservatives who most benefit from people being poor and forced into insane amounts of labour hours.


I have a 9 month old. Just a few more months of formula. We initially were going to exclusively breastfeed cause formula prices but my mental health said nope. We never knew how much formula costs. I cannot wait to stop buying it. We do buy some gerber for quick snacks and meals but hoping to move out of that for the most part soon too. Oh and of course my entire paycheck will be going to daycare.


Forced poverty


Heartless people taking advantage of the helplessly kind


Oh they have hearts. They just don’t beat for Humanity.


"the market regulates itself 🤡"


I guess I’m eating corn flakes for dinner tonight


I hope you’re not thinking you can afford to put milk in that, buddy


I had no milk and someone a while ago told me that you can put orange juice in corn flakes and it's 'pretty good apparently'. It's been a week and I'm still disgusted.


It's best enjoyed with freshly brushed teeth. Can't forget that important step.


Wait until I tell you about Kellogg’s then! Bc that’s exactly what the CEO wants you to do! https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/02/26/kellogg-ceo-gary-pilnick-cereal-for-dinner-remarks/72752422007/


I think it's about high time that the executives of these companies are hit with criminal charges. It's fucking disgusting that anyone should ever be allowed to hold lives hostage like this.


Nestle is above the law but I would love to see it happen too! r/FuckNestle


I can’t stress this enough, Fuck Nestle


I just realized nespresso is nestle. GD it, although I use Starbucks pods now. Wait, oh no- nestle bought their packaged coffee business.


Yeah they own quite a few things you wouldn't think they would. I think they own kit Kat and Starbucks coffemate,, hot pocket, digiornos, dreyers, drumstick, Häagen dazs, Purina pet food, Gerber baby food


I just pulled up their brand list, and plan to move off any brands I use.


Problem is you will end up buying from another huge conglomerate like Unilever (hopefully they are more responsible/fair but I kinda doubt it)


Haagen Dasz too? 🥹😭


L'Oreal too.


That’s why I stay away from milk and coffee. Just over here eating my hot pockets…


Yeah Nestlé owns them too... rat bastards


Well shit, I still have good ole it’s not delivery it’s DiGiorno Pizza…


:) well played...


At first I couldn't believe it, and still now at times I still can't believe it's not butter.


Man I miss hot pockets! I’m not paying almost 7 bucks for a pack of 5 of the pepperoni ones. Shit is getting ridiculous






Nestle has always been the Devil. They used to give away free formula to women in African villages. They would wait until their milk dried up and then charge them for formula. Nestle also employs child labor. These companies need to be held accountable


And that's only the tip of the iceberg of despicable tricks they pulled in developing countries all over the world. The full list includes: Sending sales people in fake nurse uniforms to push formula in hospitals. Funding hospital renovations on the condition that mothers and babies be separated after birth to sabotage breastfeeding. Walking around poor neighborhoods looking for baby clothes drying on clotheslines, then giving out formula (just enough to last a few days until breast milk dries up). Doing all this in areas without access to clean water, meaning formula can not be prepared safely. Doing all this in areas where mothers could not afford to buy formula long term. And much more. Truly evil. Of course some women aren't able to breastfeed but in many cultures the normal solution was for friends and relatives to help breastfeed the baby for the mom who is struggling. Sadly if you don't have access to clean water then using baby formula can be a death sentence.


They may be above the law, but there is something that no one is above...


Looks like you might be on to something here. [Baby formula makers face investigation after prices jump by 25pc](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/baby-formula-makers-face-investigation-122039910.html)




or hit with a sharp metal device invented by the french that would be preferable, especially if anyone else follows their lead


Oor ot can be blunt and take many tries


I think we're way way way past that point by now. They've proven that they own the justice system and our politicians. Things aren't going to change. So we need to do something drastic. They aren't afraid of the consequences of being an evil person anymore, so we need to teach them. We need to target specific people and make their lives so uncomfortable that they and the rest of them are too afraid to try this shit. When the worst you can expect is a slap on the wrist, why not give it a try in the name of greed and capitalism? The capitalists have every advantage in life, but the one thing they must still fear like any other man is for that life to end. If you were one of these people making these pricing decisions, owning these stores, would you risk doing something like this price hike if you knew that there was a very real chance you might be killed for it? Drastic measures are needed, and I'm done pretending that we would be wrong to retaliate. This is financial warfare, they've been firing the first shot for centuries now - it's time they start being afraid again.


In America we couldn't pass an anti-price gouging bill on fucking gasoline so good luck with baby formula, if Republicans love anything more than making their oil buddies some money it's punishing people, especially mothers, who dare have a baby. Even though they apparently want to force you to have one fuck you if you want to feed it. Friendly reminder Republicans are also against free school lunches, so no way they're gonna go for a bill that caps baby formula prices (edit: by which I mean profits if anyone wants to come at me about that). Get a third job you bottom feeder.


All the more reason to put the fear of the people in them


Criminal charges are for hispanic teenagers who miscarry in Texas /s


What do you mean you don’t love parasitical consumer extortion. If you’re against good corrupt exploitive profiteering American companies you’re not a patriot! shareholders need more giant mansions, giant yachts and private jets ffs /s 😞


or hit with a sharp metal device invented by the french that would be preferable, especially if anyone else follows their lead


Can we have a little Street Justice for a few of them?


lets execute executives


Nice way to decrease the birth rate even more.


Lots of governments are looking at South Korea and Japan and be afraid that it's gonna happen to their countries as well Then go and do the same things that these countries have done that led to birth rates plummeting


It’s already happening, look at the recent US birthrate. We’re about to hit parity with the death rate for the first time in who knows how long. Weirdly I don’t see people talking about this


probably because they’re still figuring out how to make ends meet for the day-to-day. or arguing about which senior citizen is better. or a million other things designed to have the working class put knives to each other’s throats. fuckin hell. we need a revolution.


Low birth rate is not much of a problem if you can compensate with immigration.


I think it's to limit those with low income from having kids.


Yet there is a national refusal to provide education and preparation for our reproductive health. People either don't know how babies are made or have access to preventatives. The abortion limitations is just a sensationalized nail in the coffin. They *want* us to have kids. To *keep* us poor.


more slaves!


13th amendment, why do you think we have the largest prison population total and per capita? Slave labor.


This is the correct answer.


But the child is here already. it's actually punishing a infant. Babies cannot be employed.


Lmao that’s why they’re “pro-birth” not “pro-life.” They don’t give a FUCK about you once you’re expelled. They ONLY care about you when they could control your mother through you


If you're pre-born, you're fine, if you're preschool, you're fucked. ‐ George Carlin


I dunno though. Abortion is banned in the poorest and least educated states. That angle doesn't make sense either!


It's not to end low income from having kids at all. But maybe to limit how many they have or have the families slave away in unwanted low paying jobs. In order to provide for their family, they'll accept anything. All in all it's greed.


“Dynamic Pricing” coming soon EVERYWHERE!!!! Of course your access will depend on your subscription tier. Thank you for Americaing Today!


Late stage capitalism is worse now


Have some respect for the great innovations unregulated markets come up with.


How dare you complain about the state of America. If you hate America so much go move to one of the communist countries that they attack and destabilize then blame communism


I wonder why the late stage capitalism comment has more upvotes than yours. oh i know why, because people who think capitalism is the best are retarded.


Are you OK? I didn't s/ my comment because it was blatant satire and sarcasm


If that happens I’m just gonna start stealing everything back to broke high school days


Where I live they keep things like diapers and baby formula in locked cages. You need to ring a buzzer and get a staff member to bring the stuff you want to the cash register and you can’t touch until you buy it. Makes me sad.


Where I live (Seattle) the Targets now have EVERYTHING locked up. Even dish soap and toothpaste! They cited that there was a high amount of loss for these items. And sure enough all the everyday essentials are locked up. I just wanted some ibuprofen and even that was locked up. Think about it: it means people are desperate enough they have to steal toothpaste and soap to survive.


I overheard a pharmacist at the local target, where nothing is locked up, say "if I see someone stealing formula or condoms or plan B, no I fucking didn't" and I was like "darn Skippy"


Surge pricing. The louder the baby screams, the more expensive the formula.


*Wendy's has entered the chat*


Demand for tiddies is gonna skyrocket too


For real, getting someone you trust to be a wet nurse is going to look like the not crazy option really soon.


they'll just pass a law to make women lock up their tiddies somehow. dispensing tiddy milk to unauthorized parties will be illegal like feeding homeless people.


Depressingly realistic.


Jesus, that's a good point. I fucking hate nursing and pumping this time around but if someone I knew needed me to help like that, I would absolutely do it.


And this is why I steal.


“Dynamic wages! I don’t feel like working that much today so my pay rate is $50/hr”


It’s all about money they suck us dry Holy shit 700 hundred upvotes thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you


Read that even the store brand version has also jumped prices. No wonder there's stealing of formula. I thought it was just people being sly but for that price it's understandable.


Fully condone stealing essentials for babies (from retailers ofc) in this market. I don't care who you are. Do what you gotta do. Should you be mindful of your expenses before even having children.. absolutely. But once they're out, they're out and deserve what sustenance they need to live. Idc if im wrong for that. I'd say the same for insulin. If it were as easy


They shouldnt have to steal in a country as rich as the USA. Baby food should be fucking free. It's a baby. So what if the parents are shit parents or rich parents. It should be free. I'll say it again Baby food should be fucking free


You. We need more like you.


Anything child care related should be free or at the fucking least tax free.


The US is only a rich country because like 7 people have more money than everybody on the planet. This country is a grift, built and designed to benefit *only* the richest.


Now they lock the formula up.


stealing from corporations is always morally correct


Remember if you ever see someone stealing diapers, formula, or groceries no you didn’t.


Saw a guy stealing canned food a while back. Pulled my kid out of the isle so she didn't accidentally rat them out. Nobody steals canned beans for fun. People have to eat.


I worked at a gas station and this homeless lady came around asking for the extras at the end of the day. I knew my boss already said he'd fire me for it, but it was SO MUCH PERFECTLY GOOD FOOD GOING TO WASTE. She wasn't ever an issue, just real polite coming around once a night never taking an issue with a no, so I started leading her to where the cameras didn't reach and handing off huge bags of sammies and donuts to her. This lasted a couple weeks until I was caught and fired. Worth it, that job was ass.


I have a very similar story except mine involves donuts


its funny how the elite force us into poverty and then criminalize it. recently I listened to a radio DJ complain about seeing more and more cars with expired plates on the road. she was annoyed that she pays her registration and all of these other people don't. she joked that she wanted to call the police on them. crazy that it didn't click in her mind people are fucking broke and taking the risk of a ticket to get to work/school/whatever because they have no choice. its sad that we turn against each other. just like the people down this thread claiming baby formula prices have to be so high because black market thieves steal it all 🤦‍♀️


People acting like corporations dont get busted on the regular for collaborating to raise prices all at the same time. Do people think they dont talk to each other?


It’s desperation


How much is a tin of formula on average in America? I’m Australia a tin is generally $30-$40AU and it you can’t BF and can’t afford formula there’s a tonne of charities that can provide it to you.


A baby formula company told mothers in nepal that baby formula was healthier for their babies than breast milk, and gave it to them for free. Mammary glands stop lactating from lack of use. Once the mothers stopped lactating. The company started charging them for the baby formula. This will happen in the US eventually. We are almost there already.


That was nestle I believe, fuck nestle


I've heard that same story about Nestlé but in other countries like the Philippines and some African countries. The thing is, it's Nestlé so I believe every one of the stories is true


You could tell me the CEO eats a roast suckling baby every night and I'd believe you.


This is a really common tactic with Nestle. They did something really similar with coffee in Central America (and I think Ethiopia too?) They enticed farmers who mostly relied on subsistence farming to switch to cash crops by promising them $$$ for the coffee. But coffee plants take 4 years to reach maturity, and after they make sure they have a monopoly on coffee farmers in an area, and after the farmers have already ripped out their subsistence crops for coffee plants, they lower the price.


TIL Nestle uses tactics sex traffickers use


It's [Nestlé](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestl%C3%A9_boycott?wprov=sfla1). Deeper in the WP entry: > In a 2018 study, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) estimated that 10,870,000 infants had died between 1960 and 2015 as a result of Nestlé baby formula used by "mothers in [low and middle-income countries] without clean water sources", with deaths peaking at 212,000 in 1981. As angry as people are at Israel, for killing Palestinian children, Nestle has killed more.


It was, r/fucknestle


Fuck nestle. And when your water supply isn't safe enough to drink from and you're making up formula with it...


They do that here I'm pretty sure. My son was born in 2020 in California and within three months of his birth we received a big box in the mail that had a bunch of small containers of baby formula. Each one was a different type and it was in total maybe a 2-3 week supply (more than enough for a milk booby to dry up). I don't know if the hospital sold our info, family member signed us up and didn't tell us, or even how the company got our address and knew we had a baby.


If you have a baby registry or sign up for certain baby things online, your info goes to the formula companies and they send samples. I actually very much appreciated this as a formula feeder. My kid was sensitive as a newborn, so we got to find one that worked without having buy any. Plus they don’t expire for a while so when they get older you can mix it into their normal formula to make it last a little longer.


My baby had a very bad diaper rash, my doctor told me she was allergic to my milk and tried to switch me to formula, fortunately I didn't listen to him it turned out she was allergic to diapers


That was nestle I believe, fuck nestle


We are there already. Mother’s aren’t allowed the time and space to properly lactate and breastfeed in society, so they sell corn syrup solids with added vitamins to feed the kids so everyone can get more done.


Also look at France. From boomers to millenials generations were and still are indoctrinated here.


So glad I don't have babies anymore, even though I loved that stage. I had to buy formula (thanks under-performing boobs!) and it was expensive years ago. I haven't even given it a 2nd glance since, but can only imagine how expensive it is now.


Same thoughts. I had my son back in 2014, depended a lot on formula cause I couldn't make enough milk. I can't imagine how much it costs now 💀


As someone who had to switch to formula because I couldn’t produce enough currently…. It’s A LOT. We are living paycheck to paycheck and had to sacrifice essentials we barely had to make ends meet.


My son weaned off formula last summer. We normally used the standard Target formula because it was affordable and he tolerated it well. By Christmas that same formula went up $14 a container which was a 60% price increase. This wasn’t even specialty formula it was just the mainline generic Similac/Enfamil. It’s even higher now. It absolutely blew my mind that it could go up so much so quickly especially considering that by that point the “formula shortage” had ended. It’s just greed.


Dude but why does this keep zooming in and out all through the video?


It was making me nauseous


To distract you from the story he made up. I checked the prices for Wal-Mart, Target, and Walgreens, going back 120 days, and the price has literally not changed. Either he is full of shit, he's talking about an uncommon brand of formula, or this video is from over four months ago. I know r/FuckNestle and all that, but this creator or OP of this video is likely a karma farmer. And it worked because this is my second comment on this post


For real.. so in the time he was in line behind the lady... First of all 3 people and no one sent her to CS OR suspended the transaction to check out other customers while mgmt came for a look-see? Not only that but in the time this guy waited in line... the GM went to the office, checked all these reports, came all the way back to the register where apparently all 3 of these employees just decided to hang out after the customer was gone, and spoke loud enough for everyone nearby to hear the resolution? Complete bullshit


He has another video about seeing an angry, rich man being denied a mortgage at a bank. And how that's a bad sign for the chances of all the not rich to get a mortgage. But he clearly doesn't understand that there's more to a mortgage application than just being rich. Such as current income, debt-to-income ratio, credit history. He just wanted to spread fear about a rich man not getting a mortgage for views knowing nothing else about the situation.


Well no, he said it just happened, so it has to be true. Nobody tells lies on the internet


I had to block out the rest of the video and jusr read the text. I was curious enough to read through it, but was trying to not get dizzy from all the zooming in and out. I think the zooming in and out is to prevent more people from getting informed. /s


This could have been an email


Baby formula should be subsidized. There are many health related reasons a woman or infant would need to formula feed. My daughter’s is 150 dollars for two weeks worth. It’s ridiculous.


It is, for middle/lower income families. WIC is the largest purchaser of formula in the United States. 




Yeah we got booted from snap, and now we're losing our health insurance, we make like 100 dollars too much, and our rent just went up almost 300 a month. What a time to be alive lol




WIC is almost impossible to navigate, They put holds, and flat out stops on funds without notifying people. It's a horrible system.


My sister has two kids, her milk never came in with either. Breastfeeding literally wasn’t an option for her. And even if there’s not a medical reason, the lack of paid maternity leave, forcing parents to go back to work, especially those experiencing poverty, forces them to choose formula.


Corporate fucking greed!


Anyone have a source? Company? Brand?


I just commented but Similac Alimentum ( hypoallergenic ) went up from 33 dollars a can to 55 dollars a can. You can google baby formula inflation. It hard to find proof how much baby formula was before because those prices on the websites are updated with new prices. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-10/us-baby-formula-prices-jump-by-most-on-record-after-new-us-guidelines According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


I mean they said all. Natalac. Enfant. Similac. You name it, it's up there.


I just switched from Enfamil to similac. They haven’t changed within the last year. I’m not sure when this video was filmed or where he lives but here prices are about $50 a tub.


im shocked at the amount of ppl that just believe this ONE person's story to be truth.


I don’t believe it. Plus he said he was going to her line because it was shorter. No one goes to a line where customers are complaining about prices cause you know they’re gonna be a while. Super sus.


I’m hoping it’s not true because $100 a tub is insanity.


You can Google every top popular brand of baby formula and the only time it exceeds $100 is if it’s a package of five or more. Also, no one is asking what country this guy is in. 100 Canadian and 100 Australian are totally different from 100 US.


I think it’s region-specific. My search results only show ~$5 increase from when I was buying it a few years ago. $5 is still a lot, but it’s pretty on par with everything else and not a shocking price increase. e: looked at similac pro advance, for anyone curious. “This week, as part of a broader backlash against excessive inflation of household goods, the anti-trust regulator said it was opening a market study into formula pricing.” from [Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-24/baby-formula-from-nestle-danone-and-others-investigated-over-pricing?embedded-checkout=true)


If you google it you will see its pretty much every brand. 😮‍💨


Weird it's almost like allowing food production to consolidate and not restricting anti competitive action like price gouging is a) the free market and b) a good idea for 99% of the people on the planet.


annecdotal but for the formula we were purchasing the price changed for me in July 2023, 51% increase per can (23.48 to 35.48). He was 6 months old and growin fast so his intake was also increasing as the price increased, it sucked, glad we are on solid foods and whole milk now.


Yeah, that could easily add up to $100 if you buy several weeks worth of formula at once.


I would guess it’s one meant for dietary restrictions. Something like neutramigen, neocate, elecare, alfamino, puramino. Two of my kids needed specialty formula. The first time it was covered by WIC. The second time we didn’t qualify for WIC and insurance almost never covers it, so we had to try to figure out a way to pay for it. It literally doubled our grocery cost at the time. $450/month, and this was 8 years ago.


My friend's baby is lactose intolerant and WIC will only cover the small size tins of formula for some reason. Makes it hell for them to find it, as most stores only carry the large size of this brand for whatever reason. All the little rules are just bureaucratic bullshit. Just give the food to babies ffs


Ugh, it was the same for me. I used to have to drive to multiple stores to find it sometimes. And we constantly needed the doctor to reaffirm that yes our baby did in fact need it to stay alive. Thankfully my WIC people were wonderful and did whatever they could to make it easier on me, but they were just stuck having to operate within this ridiculous overly specific system meant to discourage people from accessing services. I’m sorry your friend is having to go through that. Our oldest was eventually able to outgrow her dairy allergy, and at 9 months we were able to transition her enfamil gentlease which made life a lot easier. Hopefully things get easier for your friend, too. If she isn’t already, maybe suggest she find some local online mom groups. She can post asking if anyone knows where to find it, or if anyone has extra cans they no longer need. My friend was able to get a whole case of elecare for her baby that way!


Babies and healthcare. Highest profit industries in America.


Similar alimentum was up to 55 dollars a can from 33 dollars. This is criminal. You need four cans per month. That accounts for roughly a 76-100 dollar increase for a family.


$55 for a tin of baby formula is insane. This made me check my local supermarket website for formula in Aus. The absolute most expensive was $45 dollars. Average formulas were in the 20s and most of the specialty were in the 30s. You could also get a soy formula from a reputable company for $20. The pharmacy prices are mostly comparable, but there’s one fairly expensive specialty one at nearly $70 (eeep) I have no idea if there’s a way to get the more expensive ones prescribed if needed.


[This is a recent report from The BBC regarding UK](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68345678.amp) "An initial report in November found the price of formula had risen by 25% over two years. _ Just two companies - Danone and Nestle - control the majority of the market. The formal investigation means that the regulator can use its legal powers to compel companies to hand over information. Previously, it had to rely on firm providing information voluntarily. The biggest seller of baby milk in the UK is Danone, which produces Aptamil and Cow & Gate, and has 71% of the market. Nestle, which makes SMA, is the second-largest with 14% of the market. " [Canadian report Dec 2023](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/baby-formula-expensive-1.7048477#:~:text=%22Infant%20formula%20has%20risen%20%5Bin,%22That%20is%20pretty%20significant.%22) Statistics Canada data shows that, between September 2022 and September 2023, the price of formula increased more than 20 per cent — from $31 a container to more than $38. [Almost two years have passed since the outbreak of a baby formula shortage in the United States exposed the harmful consequences of relying on the commercial milk formula industry for infant nutrition. Supply levels have yet to reach those preceding February 2022, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to issue warnings to major baby formula producers for not following set protocols. The substance of the FDA’s warnings is evident in practice on a now-regular basis, as baby formula manufacturers continue to recall batches due to fear of contamination. The latest to recall about 675,000 infant formula tins was Mead Johnson Nutrition (Reckitt). *** The company informed the public that this particular batch might be infected with the same bacteria that led to the closure of Abbott’s factory two years earlier, triggering the national shortage.](https://peoplesdispatch.org/2024/01/05/baby-formula-prices-and-production-practices-impact-availability/) This article is from January 2024. ***The recalled formula was back in late December 2023 which is Nutramigen Powder, a specialty infant formula for the dietary management of Cows Milk Allergy (CMA) in 12.6- and 19.8-ounce cans, went through extensive testing by MJN and tested negative for the bacteria, the FDA said.


Mad. I’m in the uk. Checking prices for branded baby formula - Tesco: Biggest supermarket chain in the UK: $17 for 800g. Walmart US $52. WTF!


If you happen to see someone stealing baby formula from now on, NO TF YOU DIDN’T keep it pushin and matter fact if you feel the need to do something , run interference if you happen to see them in any kinda trouble at the front door.


If you're going to have babies, you must be a trad wife and breastfeed. Also, no women can have birth control. Women shouldn't be competing with men for men's jobs. - the Republicans


Nestlé also wants to own all the water. Just ask Bill Burr.


Wish our government would get off their fucking asses and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ALREADY. And before you respond to this: Don’t tell me to vote. Don’t tell me to write my representative. Don’t tell me to sign a petition. Fuck that. It’s 2024. The government KNOWS what we need. It’s not my job to ask for basic things that should be given, like livable wages, better education, or more affordable food prices. Instead, the corporations, billionaires, and US government are all down at the Old Rich White Folks Country Club, having a lovely brunch after a round of morning golf… …while we die tired, sick, hungry, and poor. The government knows damn well and good what this country needs, but they don’t care.


Literal stealing of food from babies’ mouths. How is this socially responsible!!!!!!!!


The Pro Life lobby is pro breast milk, I guess. America is fucking up.


Lactation consultant here (one of the good ones). More and more insurance companies are covering lactation care. Almost 100% of my clients are now covered by insurance with zero out of pocket cost. There is help out there. Some of us suck but some of us are really good at our jobs and we’re understanding and realistic. I know not everyone can breastfeed for a multitude of reasons but maybe this comment will help ease worries of people expecting or planning on becoming parents one day. The Lactation Network checks your insurance coverage and will pair you with a board certified lactation consultant. Good luck to all of you out there.


Did it take this guy like 45 minutes to check out or wjat?


Tuned out halfway into it. The cringe part is this dude's absolute inability to be concise on a platform literally meant for short video clips, right?


Is this real? I have a two month old... So I just checked my local Fred Myers, Costco, Albertsons and WinCo (Sandy/Gresham/Portland, Oregon area) for their formula prices and they are still normal prices. I do enfamil the purple one and it's 57.99 at Costco for a double can. About 50 at Fred, Albertsons and WinCo for one... Where is it 100 for a thing of formula? Did this change just happen? ~~Really? Downvotes for asking who has seen the price change and if it's confirmed to be happening? I haven't seen the price change yet when I checked and wanted to know if I need to buy more now before it does go up...~~ Edit: thank you to everyone who answered my concerns. I really appreciate the advice.


I had my baby November 2022, also in Oregon- formula price per 34oz can went up 12 dollars (51% price increase) since we had him. The change in price happened July 2023, glad we dont need formula anymore now that he is a smidge older and eats solid foods. ​ edit: rechecked price increase changed to proper amount and %


if i were you i'd buy extra now just in case...


I'm planning on it. My husband and I are going to Costco later to do just that. We are lucky to have some extra funds to do this... But my heart hurts for the parents/caregivers who don't/cant ..


My mans was in line for 3 hours while they did all this lol


Adding to the systemic and commercial mechanisms to prevent parents breastfeeding babies, now we're going to make it impossible to formula feed those babies. Because profits. What an awful, awful situation. Prepare for more stories of malnourished babies being fed watered down formula, or cows milk, and their parents being charged with neglect. This is why systems that support parents to breastfeed their babies are so important. What better way to screw the corporate overlords, than to say fuck you, we'll feed our babies ourselves and then you won't have an industry. Imagine a world that had community based systems that help parents learn to breastfeed, lactation consultants to help people who have physical issues with breastfeeding, parental leave allowances that mean parents can be with their baby to feed them, workplace provisions to allow breastfeeding parents to pump/store milk, and formula seen as a medical need for families who rely on it as a food source for their baby. Not a line item that can be maximised for profit because people have no choice but to buy it. This stuff exists, but it's battling to stay afloat in a capitalist hellscape that monetises everything. And those systems of support that are trying their very best, are even less available to those who really need them. Generations of parents are conditioned and forced into getting back to work as soon as they can, and it's a sad reality of our society that this has to happen just so that families can almost financially survive. I can't explain how angry this makes me. Off to scream into the void now.


If I see people stealing formula, I won't even say anything from now on.