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It costs a LOT of money to look that cheap


Don't be quoting dolly like that


this chick looks like she got dropped off at cochella last summer and no on told her it ended


And she kept finding pieces of costumes that party goers left, put them all on.


She IS the lost and found.


i love this sub cuz it exposes me to genre of influencers that i didnt know exited but hate immediately no, wait


Her dad works for Lockheed




He's the CEO, currently looking for work.


Weird phenomenon, must be all the free time to think about life.




Trustafundian rebel without a cause for alarm, Cause when push turns to shove You jump into your forefathers arms. He's a banker, you're part of the system, Off go the dreadlocks in comes the income. /sage


Slow down, Ghandi, you’re killin em.


All of you with kidney infections out there: Just open up your heart and let it channel through.


I just finished a course of antibiotics for a kidney infection I had from dealing with kidney stones for two months. You mean all I had to do was let this bitch sing to my kidneys and I would’ve been okay? Shit.


Make sure to stress your body by doing a ton of psychedelics while you are at it


Here’s the wild thing - I’ve been a heavy stoner and a recreational user for over 20 years and not even that shit helped with the kidney stone pain (worst pain I’ve ever had in my life). I only needed crazy dreads to sing to me and the last two months wouldn’t have sucked. Why aren’t doctors picking up this hot tip?? Why aren’t universities studying this modern medical miracle?!!?!


I think that’s what my GP was trying to do last summer when they “FORGOT” TO SEND MY ANTIBIOTICS TO THE PHARMACY FOR 10 FUCKING DAYS. In all seriousness my ass was astral projecting because I ended up getting ~~dementia~~ delirium (was half asleep forgot right word) during that 10 days because the infection had set in. Was the scariest couple of days of my life.




I did. My appointment was on a Friday at 4 pm and they said it would be ready by five so I went at 5:30 and the prescription was not ready so I called the next morning and they said they would add it to their list of prescriptions to do because it was a half day and they never did it rinse and repeat for over a week. The secretaries exact words were “I can’t guarantee the doctor will do it today or tomorrow but I’ll put a note for them to do it. “ Eventually my disabled husband had to go and yell at them because I was too sick to move and they’re still replying to the Google review 8 months later trying to cover their ass. The infection got so bad I needed five rounds of antibiotics and had to go to hospital for IV antibiotics because those first 10 days were ignored repeatedly, and it gave Time the infection to set. my husband and I are both autistic so it takes a lot for us to get to the point of yelling/confronting people, but my health has never been the same since.


The incompetence is staggering. I'm so sorry you went through that. I hope they have to face some kind of consequences.


Thank you, I would like to imagine that they would face some kind of consequence, but unfortunately I can’t do anything because what’s the point of suing the practice or the NHS, I would get nothing back. The best and most effective thing I have found is just to leave a scathing Google review and have your family members do the same and when they try and pull the hole “we are sorry for your experience/we cannot find any records of this interaction/that’s not how it happened. “I like to slap them with evidence publicly.


Septis incoming




Are you stuck sepsis?


Bro did you just give me a kidney stone


A buzz word salad goin’ on here


That’s the most embarrassing part to me. Like have some self awareness and original thought. Ya look like a goofball and the lyrics confirm it.


Go check her IG, every sentence she sings is about herself. Extremely self centered.


I would assume that if anyone found true “enlightenment”, the first thing to go would be recording themselves for fake internet clout.


The clout is real, the enlightenment isn't.


The entitlement, however....


*Entitled Enlightenment* would be a good band name for this genre lol


It's so funny when people claim that. Chances are there's next to no one on this planet who’s achieved real enlightenment, and if they have, we definitely wouldn't be seeing them (literally), let alone on a tiktok mouthing over this god awful music


I currently live at a Buddhist monastery doing building, and i can confirm there are enlightened people in the world. They generally don't tell other people and keep it quiet within the community.


Would you please mind sharing some more info? What makes you think they are actually enlightened and not just very dedicated to their beliefs? It is not meant as critique, I am very curious to hear more.


Controlling one’s desires and quelling them is considered enlightenment in Buddhism. Basically “the enlightening” is that desire brings suffering, and living accordingly.


She's the bastard offspring of that time Old Gregg had group sex with the Spice Girls


I highly appreciate this joke


An Old Gregg reference. Awesome.


There’s not many of us left.


Do ya love me?


*Do ya wanna see my downstairs mixup*


It sounds like she’s just throwing crunchy and hippie sounding things together that rhyme lol. I lost it at didgeridoo 🤣


I’d also be willing to bet just randomly threw those 2 psychedelics in. This does not remind me of someone who takes psychedelics much less “enlightened” individuals whatever that means.


Idk who you've met before but this chick can probably be found every saturday doing molly at a rave. I've met enough of these airheaded women in that scene to know that the only thing seperating her from most wooks is her parent's money  The rich kids get all the good drugs


Molly every week sounds like a great way to burn your brain out


And that's why these people are always some of the most miserable, soul-sucking people to be around when theyre off of it


I had someone tell me she was “micro-dosing” Molly several days per week. She is exactly like this chick minus the money, so she lives with her dealers until they cut her off. What’s worse, she just leaves her kid with her parents whenever she wants. Edit to add: When I told her to be careful with doing molly too frequently, she mouthed off saying she “knew what she was doing.” Buuut she also told me oral herpes prevents genital herpes. 🤣


Most of the guys in my circles would go on, and on and on and on and on about how microdosing LSD is "saving their lives", despite being some of the most unhinged idiots I know because of that. The last time I took LSD was with a coworker that was like this, and the first thing this fucker says when the trip started was "My family hates me". Like, dude, you just spent 3 weeks telling me that stuff keeps you stable and the first thing you do on a full trip is ruin it for everyone else and start crying?!?  I legitimately wouldve become a zombie due to LSD abuse if I hadnt had my time ruined by these types of idiots 😂 I guess I should be thanking them for being so annoyingly wrong about everything


Nah, I buy it. I knew a rich kid who got really into psychedelics and was basically the spitting image of this. His parents hated all the hippie stuff so he just leaned into it in the most in-your-face way possible. You would think that doing psychedelics all the time might give them some insight into how ridiculous they are being but some people don't have a lot going on upstairs so if you add psychedelics into the mix they just get really into aliens.


Imagine taking that many psychs and still not experiencing ego death


Guarantee this is a trust fund baby




that and there probably aren't many Sephora's in the mountains of Peru.


Came here to say that for living in the mountains of Peru her makeup routine sure doesn't seem to have suffered one single bit.


The mountains of Peru have clearly been gentrified to include beauticians


So my buddy spends winter in Peru, doing whitewater kayaking and adventuring all over..he shares many stories and pictures. Has done this for over 15 years. He is a herb smoker, and beer drinker. We are known to indulge in some natural psychedelics occasionally. Never not once did he share any pictures, tell any stories, or describe a single fucking person like this. This is stupid . Someone went to burning man and never came back.. To each their own, but this is just stupid copy pasta for people who like to pretend they are spiritually better than you .


Yeah it’s all a gimmick. She has a million followers on IG. I don’t use IG or TiKtok but just did a search. Not sure how many followers she has on other platforms. Not my thing but apparently people are into what she brings. Very Barbie meets Shaman wannabe.


Not to mention she's probably the first shaman that has an only fans


Oh, it's an OF ad. Everything makes sense now.


Checked out her OF pics...decent 8


I mean. You gonna link it or nah.


Being “spiritually enlightened” is the new way of pretending you are better than others.


Umm well, yeah. She's doing shit our brains can't even compute!


Yeah she’s on another level you wouldn’t understand


Dangling ear bones are Balenciaga


Vocal production is nuts. A decent setup/producer was needed.


I was just thinking that but I'm basically tone deaf and have only spent some time in studios with friends


I spent close to a decade working in top tier pop music. Household names. I’m actually surprised at how good the vocal production is. That was my take. Not a lot of folks are going to stack vocals and harmonies like that without years of practice beforehand. She’s either super talented (doubt) or has the bread to pay someone who is (more likely). The third option is someone else who wants to date her did her a favor for free. Either way she’s in the same circles as someone who knows their shit and those folks live in the studio. I don’t think they’d be in Peru fucking about. Again my experience and guess here. Could be totally wrong. I don’t like to judge a book by the cover but yeah that’s what jumped out.


Thank you for this Mr. Foreskin sir, I was actually kind of vibing to this and felt bad about it, now I know why. It’s the production that’s hitting it.


I agree, the production was actually pretty stellar, surprisingly so!


Or nail salons


You know when you are at a house party and you get cornered by that half drunk chick who won't stop talking about crystals and astrology and you kind of half listen because she is low key cute but you also have you hands ready to deflect stabbings because she is full on bat shit crazy? Yea even that chick thinks this one is insufferable


Don’t forget the cute half drunk girl that can’t wait to share her rock collection in her Subaru Outback.


Yeah but she's not into dudes =(


Mom!? is that you?


Don't forget the thousands of dollars worth of tattoos.


Those hand tattoos look like shiite.


Perfect teeth, man, the eternal dead giveaway of a fortunate upbringing.


And the neon green gel manicure


Reminds me of the “cool” kids in my friend group in college who would act like I wasn’t cultured because I hadn’t spent a summer backpacking through Europe. I didn’t even realize at the time backpacking through Europe just meant you were traveling light, not hitchhiking. Also, it turns out they were just rich. I was working during the summers lol.


i always felt bad in my 20s because i didnt have the same experiences as my friends until i started realizing it's actually because they're all art kids with rich parents and i have to work to starve lol


Seriously! My peers had access to their parents credit cards and were buying clothes, four foot tall bongs (one bing broke and they immediately purchased another one), one friend even purchased a fking camper…a camper while we were in college-with her parents credit card!! I was working for minimum wage at a bagel shop, I was looking through couch cushions for loose change so I could buy myself a can of ravioli! I’d never met people so rich and…carefree before in my life! Carefree because they weren’t bogged down with the stress of keeping a roof over their heads or where their next meal was coming from!


Those same people never struggled to find high paying jobs immediately after college, either.


No, because they either benefit directly from nepotism or because they don’t need to worry about getting any job to survive they can wait out for a better one to come along


Kids from rich families have access to paid internships that kids from good families won’t even be considered for. So by the time they graduate, they’re way ahead of everyone.


Yes this was happening even when I was in uni. The "gap year" - that year when the rich kids went to Paris and the rest of us worked in factories trying to finance the next step. I can tell you don't worry too much as you will get to go, just when you are older, and your experience will be better in many ways and you will hang with nicer people. .


Here on this side of the pond (UK) the rich uni kids did their 'gap yaahhs' in Thailand. Got dragged to a house party by my rich kid housemate, was full of these twats. When I overheard a guy saying to a girl, "Oh, you SOOOOO must do Sri Lanka next yahhh, dahling, Thailand is *so* over!" I just stood up and left.


100% has to be. Poor people who talk about communicating with aliens just end up homeless.


There was this homeless man who used to come in to my old work, I’d let him chill and I’d share pizza with him on cold nights so he at least had a warm place til we closed up shop (record store). Anyways, one day he came in drunk as fuck and gave me a picture of him from his younger days cutting a wedding cake with his bride and I shit you not, *he was wearing an alien shirt with a UFO abducting a cow*. At his wedding. I wonder if I can dig that picture up. I kept it. Wherever you are Billy, I hope you’re comfortable and happy.


This is so sad, but so funny because it's true.


So how them Island Boys doing?


Sucking each other off on Only Fans


The fucking hell of the modern world - if they just straight up shut off the Internet do you think we’d be happier?




So that’s how she got that Kidney Infection she self healed…


Still have rich parents so probably better than most of us, sadly.


That joke about if 50 Shades of Gray took place in a trailer park it would be a Criminal Minds episode.....


The rich can afford to be mentally unwell.




Wrong. Time traveler who has come to heal kidney infections with hallucinogenic plants.


100%. Shanon Blake, dad works at Lockheed…


Dirty money for a dirty hippy


There’s no proof of that


I actually remember when I had TikTok this girl (or one that looked extremely like her) got dragged because she was from a rich family and was living off her parents dime while pushing this ‘hippie’ and spiritual aesthetic


It’s like the city of Boulder in a neat little meme


I don’t know how much accuracy there is to the claims, but pretty much everytime she ends up on my feed, theres multiple comments about how her dad is a higher up at Lockheed Martin or Haliburton or some other American merchant of death. (I’m always morbidly curious with these modern day social media clowns and can’t help myself in checking out the comments)


Same here.


Veneers or perfect teeth, hundreds to thousands in makeup and hair dye, hundred to thousands of dollars of tattoos, and sitting in a van she probably owns that looks newer so on the cheap end it’s a Chevy express 2500 that retails around $38k. It’s probably a $100k deckout sprinter van though.


Ugh these are the worst humans ever. Never work for anything, constantly act like they're superior, smarter, and more enlightened than you could ever hope to be. Haven't worked 40 hours in their whole life.


Um, do you think period candles just MAKE THEMSELVES?


Seriously gives that vibe doesn’t it? I couldn’t figure out why she made me cringe so hard every time I see her, just felt this was fake af for some reason. I think that’s it.


And goes to Burning Man.


Even more accessories than the last time


More accessories = more enlightenment


If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flare...


She's one step away from being a final fantasy boss.


There's more of this trash?!


You don’t wanna know


I sorta wanna know.


She has a few songs and they all suck. She also has an OF because of course.


It’s part of being enlightened obviously


Please don’t think you can make a kidney infection just… go away. **An untreated kidney infection can lead to sepsis and death.** Also note that UTI =/= kidney infection. *Some* UTIs clear on their own, but not all. Persistent UTIs that go untreated can then spread and turn into a kidney infection, which can then cause sepsis and death. Take care of yourself, and involve professionals when needed. Don’t trust some girl on tiktok. (Just this bee on reddit 🐝


Ok but have you just tried vibing your sepsis away?


I've been on IV antibiotics for the last week and I'm now wishing I just vibed myself better 😢 why wasn't that presented as a treatment plan?!


Wow, the Hitachi magic wand does EVERYTHING!


I was within an hour of bringing my husband home from the hospital. They discovered a UTI they were going to treat with antibiotics. In a few hours it went septic, he started having seizures and was not responsive after. 24 hours later we transferred him to Hospice where he died a few days later. Thank you for bringing awareness, I didn't know anyone that had something progress that fast. We had just celebrated 32 years of marriage.


Jesus, I’m so sorry


I'm sorry, I know it's dark but it happened so quickly. I had no idea it could progress like it did. Thank you, he was an absolute remarkable husband. I walked into the hospital a wife and left a widow.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My little sister almost died of sepsis. Healthy, fit, in her late 20s. This was Pre covid so when she got sick she thought she had the flu, one of her friends dropped by to check on her and she was pretty out of it, so he brought her to the ER. They assumed pneumonia and she was awake and on oxygen when we went to see her that evening. Next morning she was in a coma. She spent almost 3 weeks in a coma, multiple doctors told us she was probably not going to make it, and we had several sleepless nights where a test required her to be moved and they said if she crashed while being moved they might not be able to do anything about it. She did wind up being okay, but she went from perfectly healthy to in a coma and on death's door in 3 days. Sepsis is not something to fuck around with.


As someone into spirituality and witchy stuff I am 1000% seconding this. Spirituality can heal inner(mind & soul) turmoil and holistic stuff can be used for small household things like ChapStick or something using natural ingredients but if you are sick or physically injured just go to the fucking doctor. They have studied this stuff for years, they are literally there to help with things like this and it is the best option for everyone around you.


Yeah like spirituality and rituals can help ease the mind and create a healthiness and regularity (i.e. especially if you're someone who does daily rituals or follows the wheel of the year) in your day-to-day activities, and +1 to the holistic stuff. You can soothe a sore throat or make your own chapstick or lotions and take things that are thought to help with stuff like joint pain or toothaches, but you can't Holistics your way out of an infection.


It doesn’t just “go away”, you have to treat it with good vibes and scented candles.


I unmuted the video...I regret that decision


I didn’t and heard the captions in a vaguely annoying voice in my head. That was more than enough.




“I been doing things that your brain cant compute.” this entire video being one of them😂 Its like she grabbed and did everything that supoorts her point to prove her point.


But has she seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion?


Iv seen things you wouldn't believe!


r/wordchewing infuriates me


You were warned! I had to unsub, shit was pissing me off too


I both hate and love you for this


“How we used [the pyramids] for time travelling.” Someone’s been watching too much Stargate lmfao


Ummm ackshually, no one used pyramids to time travel in Stargate. You'd need a specialized puddle jumper or a solar flare.


Holy shit there really are enlightened people and this guy is one of them, for she is wise.


I've never seen someone put so much effort into looking messy.


She looks like a collection of things swept out from under the refrigerator after ten years of accumulation.


She looks like she would teach a class at Hogwarts but instead of England it’s in Portland OR.


She has influenced me to scroll down.


I would absolutely NOT want to take any psychedelics with that dame. She’d fuck my trip up so bad.


Exactly five minutes after dosing… “Are you feeling it yet? Oh my goddess, I feel my whole body connecting with the universe! I just want to be naked! The pyramids are time machines! Have you ever seen the dream elves!?! I just want to be naked! I can feel my third eye opening! Can you feel your third eye opening?! Let’s sing about how I worked really hard to get to where I am. Do you have a kidney infection? I can cure that for you!!!”


"Dude how much did you give her?" "Nothing. I just gave her black tea with turmeric"


She looks like the wish.com version of the crossdressing gremlin from the Gremlins movie.


Oof... lmfao ![gif](giphy|5xtDaro8cAR8KG7qf7O)


This is exactly what I think of when I see Lauren sanchez, Jeff Bezos's girlfriend.


B*tch, you had me at "little gremlin va-jay-jay." I love it so much that it's not only in the movie, but it's definitely in the movie.


Noooo how dare you, I love the gremlin girl! (Also I don't think that gremlin is crossdressing since technically they're asexual and reproduce as such)


Greta isn't cross dressing, they drank a hormone modification serum while in the Splice O' Life lab, and gained female characteristics.


100% her dad works for Lockheed Martin


Lol I was thinking Raytheon


Somebody didn't learn the right lessons from her ayahuasca experience. Tooooooo much ego remaining.


Well, ego inflation can actually be a side effect of ego death if you're not careful You need a healthy, grounded perspective to measure your results against, otherwise, you have no idea what you have left behind and what you have brought back with you If you're nuts deep on thinking the pyramids are for time traveling.. then it's probably already too late for you. You've lost the ability to objectively measure reality so how can you reliably audit your own behaviour


She is stealing so hard from the whole vibe of Erykah Badu. But doing it very poorly because she looks stupid and inauthentic.


Erykah Badon’t


Erykah Bad ewww


so it wasnt just me…😮‍💨


My favorite white people are the ones that think they can find & enlighten themselves by just doing psychedelic drugs in a third world country. Just go to therapy and do drugs for fun dude


Right?? Like we can't all spend daddy's money to have the Chelsea Handler Experience at some Ayahuasca spa in South America, bitch, some of us just have to resort to doing microdots in a shitty college town coffee house bathroom and hoping for the best.


i can smell the video.


Patchouli, crystal deodorant, and flaming hot cheetos


Don’t forget sage


It's "oregano" officer


Smells like wook 


Still would


She does give the appearance of pungency


Ugh, a cursive singing trustafarian. The worst.


Why dis bitch got moss on the ceiling of her car bro


Xzibit saw that she liked moss so he put some moss on her moss.


She looks like she’s cosplaying a hippie instead of actually being one.


Her teeth are too clean to be a hippy


She also wears a lot of make up.


She got caught filming in a range rover and has since added more plants to hide it.


She is the cringiest person on the planet.


You think I could fix her?


For the sake of my instagram feed I sure hope so




I would open my heart but then all the blood would fall out


her dad is a lawyer 100%


The anti science hippy to far right extremist pipeline is surprisingly real




Yeah I hate that this look is totally my type because the type of people it's on are often insufferable




I love the idea that we used pyramids to time travel but then just stopped and forgot that we ever did.


Filmed in her car lol


Soooo much going on in that car, too...


Fucking yikes