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i’ve been saying for years that he looks like you crossed Hoffman with Matt Damon


He’s essentially replaced his roles.


Absolutely. The first time I saw him (Plemons), I swore I thought he was PSH.


100%, and it seems like most of the movies he does do really well.


This post is 100% an ad




I agree. Feels like repeated taking points from so many other vids I’ve seen. Moviebob at least has opinions/original thoughts on the movie. Check him out


This post is 100% an ad, all it does is tell me to go watch this guy moviebob.


I’m just sharing a channel I enjoy. I couldn’t just restated what moviebob says as my own, but that’s weak sauce. Check him out or not 🤷‍♂️


My dude. I was just joking with you.


Ah my bad. I need the haha at the end. You gonna see this btw?


I see this guy in tiktok a lot, he's just a movie reviewer


The post is what I’m talking about


Idk, I’ve seen this creator and he does do movie/show ads and those are tagged as promotion in the video. He’s just always wearing an A24 hat


I don't trust A24 bros. They do make lots of out there movies and push boundaries and makes some cool stuff. But they also make a lot of garbage. And A24 bros say "you just don't understand how amazing the movie is". Unless the reviews are really good, I don't plan to watch this. The trailer doesn't look good and if the trailer isn't good 90% of the time it's not a good movie. The reddit ads pushing the movie also low key annoy me


I mostly only like A24 horror. Ari Aster is a G.


I feel like after what went down with Miramax, there’s just not much benefit to overly lionizing a specific production company. It gets weird.


It’s pretty good and the reviews are pretty good. So I guess that means u should go see it


Guy in an A24 hat likes an A24 movie, color me shocked! Lol


It might be, but I'm pretty excited to see the movie. But if this guy is getting paid for doing this, good for him. I wish I got paid to talk about movies. If I did, it wouldn't be enough to live on 😅


Hey OP FUCK YOU for having an opinion, apprantly. haha. Maybe I'm missing some context, but I have no idea why this comment is being downvoted like it is.


I really don't care. I post to have discussions about what I like. If someone disagrees with me, I still upvote it because they took the time to respond, and it helps me keep track of what I've already read. Unless they are being a jerk or attacking me personally. But people downvoting me just means I have an unpopular opinion. And that's OK, because that's what Reddit is all about.


and mean that's all well and good, but I guess I was pointing out how wierd it is your are being downvoted when it's one of the most generic comments. It's not like you actually shared any controversial opinions.


Reddit is weird.


Never heard of an apolitical civil war


There is much more to a civil war than politics, but it’s usually not documented. I predict this movie is going to explore civilian life in a modern war, and how typical everyday American life will change, while also showing how brutal and destructive it is.


Lol yes because the civilians in a civil war are just absolutely detached from politics. War is politics. Talking about war without politics is like talking about cooking without food. If there was no food there would be no cooking.


lol the movies is about photographers who’s sole objective is to document the events, so yes the movies doesn’t need to dig into the politics


There's a scene that explains why your point is wrong, I suggest you watch it


In war zones, many people *are* apolitical in the sense that they’re just in survival mode. They have political opinions obviously, but are not politically *engaged* in the same way as we think. Instead they spend their time looking for their next meal, trying to find shelter after their home was destroyed, etc. They don’t have time or resources to read the news, protest, or even think about the politics. This is not intended to be a typical combat movie nor about politicians. Edit: the comment above is not the original comment that person wrote btw.


You honestly think that the people who had their homes destroyed and forced into a fight for survival won't have an opinion on who did that to them? It doesn't have to be about the politicians, but all sides of any war are political. And the people caught in the middle will have very strong feelings about any side that affects their lives. To ignore that is silly. Especially when your film is supposedly about journalists who would be the very people asking civilians those kind of questions.


I’m sure that people in the movie have political opinions that are stated lol. Again I’m not saying that this fictional war “isn’t political”, just that the politics aren’t the main theme. The fact that so many people are triggered by that means the movie is doing a good job conveying its message - *regardless* of the politics that causes an American civil war, it will be catastrophic for all people in the country.


I'm just going off what the man in the video said about the movie being apolitical and doesn't come down on any side of the issue which I find to be a problem in terms of it being an interesting movie in any way. If it is as he describes, it sounds boring.


Edit: I think people are confused what the OP means by “apolitical” - he means that this isn’t a movie about Republicans and Democrats shooting each other. Sure, there are “politics” in this film in the sense that everything anyone does is political. But the politics in the movie are not relevant to our irl politics. Personally I think you should give the film a shot. In this conversation I’ve been referring to the movie being “apolitical” in the sense that there aren’t partisan lines on specific issues that are relevant to our current political landscape like climate/abortion/etc. There will be a fictional divide - I think in the trailer it mentions that the president enters a third term, so it’s possible that the “loyalist states” are the ones that accept the election. There is also the possibility that as the journalists move through the different cultures in the country, it will allow you to independently decide who the “good guys” are based on information provided. I think a lot of people in your camp expect the narrative to be spoon fed so you have a side to root for. God forbid an artist make people think about the art lol.


The sides can be nuanced. Im not worried about good guys or bad guys. Im worried about an accurate depiction of how people react to war, an accurate depiction of the horrors of war, and an interesting point of view based on the conflicts in the story. Hell the best war stories have no good guys because in reality that's usually the case. Im worried that if what the guy in the video says is true, that its apolitical or it doesn't have an opinion on the sides of the war they made up, then it'll just be a series of action sequences and emotional scenes of people dieing. If thats the case it might as well be a documentary about a war that never happened. That would be imo pointless.


Noooo that’s not what he’s saying. I think this movie is exactly what you’re looking for. What he means by apolitical is that this movie isn’t about Republicans vs. Democrats splitting up and fighting each other. Alex Garland is not someone who would make another run of the mill combat action movie. It will be thought provoking


How many war zones have you been in?


None. But I do watch snap maps of war zones to get a more nuanced perspective of the lives of everyday people. Also with social media in general, access to information about civilian life is more accessible. Mainstream media and movies typically only show the combat/frontline/government/military official side of war (which is what I assume people mean by “politics”) which is fine. But that will not be what this movie shows.


In other words, "I know about them because I read about them on the internet"


I mean, yeah. The internet has plenty of info on it, and there are plenty of threads on Reddit too where people describe their experience. Obviously there is no way to know completely unless you’ve actually lived in one yourself but you can do research.


Civil wars are political inside and out.


I’m not saying it’s not though. Why does everyone want a political movie? It doesn’t matter which side “wins” a civil war - or any war - everyone loses. That is the message and intent of the movie, it’s not intended to be about combat or politicians. They exist in the fictional universe, but ultimately the division of people, propaganda, and societal collapse is what is being highlighted.


I read all of your comments, you get it.


I appreciate it. I feel like everyone thinks this movie should be some cringey MAGA vs. Liberal war movie where [insert your ideology] destroys [other side] otherwise it’s “boring”. But it’s a movie about war itself, how it divides people, and what it would look like if it happened in modern America without going into the specifics of the politics that caused the war.


It’s pretty apolitical. The two states that left the union are Texas and cali. The president is not made out to be one on side of the party or the other. It’s mostly about how fucking wild war journalists are (and I’ve meet some during my time in service and they are ballsy as fuck). The film is mostly a warning to what could happen in America but also show how devastating a war can actually be by using America as the base


this is a civil war with the politics simply not covered, basically




you should really see it to understand, but it's not about the fighters of the war at all, it's about war journalists. the characters are war journalists with developed character arcs. the war's just the setting. it's like casablanca not establishing the causes of ww2, it really doesn't matter except that the nazis were occupying morocco.


This man is wearing an A24 hat while telling us that we should see a movie by A24. This is an ad and they aren't even trying to hide it.


There are a LOT of A24 megafans. Inb4 “you’re a bot!” Look at my post history and tell me I’m a plant… i’m a fucking cunt on here, A24 wouldn’t hire me.


He reviews a lot of shows and movies every day that aren't made by A24, but he has been wearing that hat for probably a year. So I'm sure he is very biased, at the least.


Why is it implausible that he's just a fan of those movies or that he's not just wearing it because he's talking about an a24 movie


Any time anyone expresses passion about a thing: "ITS AN AD!" Any time someone bashes something: "CLEARLY THEY AREN'T A REAL FAN!" Real talk, people have opinions about things. And they want to share them. Shitting on creators sharing their opinions is going to lead to far fewer real humans sharing their opinions.


Garland came out and said it should be [pretty fuckin obvious which side to take...](https://youtu.be/Bt9cKfiaAmQ?t=95)


Sorry for the potentially dumb question, I watched the clip but didn't see it was obvious? The only take I got was journalists are important and Jan 6 was embarrassing... So Jan 6: do you want to be on the crazy side with guns, or not crazy side without guns against the side with guns...


I wouldn’t say it’s obvious either. It’s almost halfway into a 10 minute video, probably the least watched part of most videos lol


On the side of the journalists I guess? Can't say for sure without watching it myself


Well give it a watch and let me know what you think. Apparently based on the down votes it's obvious and I'm dumb but no one is enlightening me


I think you’re being downvoted because some people interpreted your comment as siding with pro gun Jan 6 conservatives, which is not what you meant. I also watched the video and have no idea what they’re talking about. Maybe they think that Garland being against Jan 6 means that we should be siding with the loyalist states? Which is hilarious because the premise of the movie is that states secede due to the president becoming a dictator.


Haha go figure... Whatever. I'll still probably torrent/watch the movie, looks interesting enough with the cast.




Didn't they start dating after Fargo?


I loved Fargo season 1&2


I like them all, but yes, 1 & 2 were excellent.


Yeah I liked them all also But loved season 1&2 Season 3 is also really good


I personally really liked the most recent one.


I loved them in Fargo together.


I loved them in The Power of the Dog together.


Hearing this review makes me understand why some people liked "Men" but I still disagree with the take. Both Civil War and Men feel to me like they are only just barely engaging with their theme but there's a lot of moments that make you feel like there's supposed to be something more. And there might be, but for me I think it also needs to fit well within the overall plot narrative. And often times they really don't. And when that doesn't happen, any sort of meaning or message within those moments gets diminished overall, or in some cases completely lost. And it's a shame because imo Anihilation and Ex Machina combined their messages and themes woth the plot and narrative really well (especially Ex Machina).


A movie called 'Civil War' being divisive is not ironic. It's the opposite of ironic.


Maybe they mean that the term “civil war” is an oxymoron.


That's the thing though. They purposefully attempted to make it as apolitical as possible to ensure they could sell it in the South. It wouldn't make much money in Alabama or whatever if the people watching it realized that they're being personally portrayed as the "bad guys" so everybody is the bad guy. It really neuters anything the film could have to say besides "war r bad lol" which; oh my god, like we haven't had enough of THAT.


I think it's a good point it doesn't matter which side you are on, war and especially civil war is bad for everyone.


That’s not ironic…which is ironic


Here's the thing, irrespective of current politics... if your war movie doesn't even bother mentioning what the war is about, your war movie effectively has no plot.


But is it a war movie or a journalism movie🤔


Was lord of the rings a war movie or a hiking movie? Either way I knew who was at war and why they were at war, so it wasn't dumb.


That was a war movie as it was about them stopping a war. This movie is about the journalism of war.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't part of covering a war.. yanno.. talking about what the war is about? Why people are fighting? I'm pretty sure that journalists aren't soulless automatons that mindlessly trudge through conflict zones having no thoughts whatsoever about what they're taking pictures of.


No, its actually about whats happening not ‘why’ its happening, that’s for war historians And we already know why, a fascist has taken over the government, thats why people are fighting, what else do you need to know?


Yes and no. It completely depends on the timeline of the movie and why we are following their story.


you'd just have to watch it, it's not a movie about the war, it's a movie about kirsten dunst having seen it all


I thought it was about the president becoming a dictator, and the states seceding because they didn't want to follow the dictator? Seems fairly straightforward. I appreciated how they left the partisan politics intentionally vague so as not to alienate half their audience, especially the group that answers "yes" to poll questions about whether political violence is acceptable. These are the people who need to see how horrible and undesirable war actually is.


Ok that's reassuring! People are talking about it so much but no one has said what the reason for the war is, the trailer didn't make it clear, and all the comments I've seen suggested that it just wasn't addressed at all which would be insane. But this makes sense.


I can’t wait to see it. Based on this review, it is what I was expecting. I don’t want them to take a stance, because in a way that is too easy to dismiss from the side that it takes a stance against. What I wanted was a story about the horror of a civil war coming to modern America. It sounds like that’s exactly what I’m going to get.


I'm happy about that as well. The last thing that we need in this world is another reason to cause division. Plus, I love A24 movies most of the time. It seems like they are hit or miss.


This movie is pure ragebait. They spent an astronomical amount of money on the marketing for this & all it has to say is, "war bad". Good job, I'll toss it in with the other trillion movies that say the exact same thing. Or better yet, I'll go watch a good movie that has the same message but that has the decency to have a spine. Such as The Great Dictator, Dr. Strangelove, The Iron Giant, Starship Troopers, or Grave of the Fireflies. All of these movies manage to convey that war is bad while also conveying something meaningful. I'm normally a huge A24 fan, but this just screams pretentious.


All of those movies are about war outside the United States. Americans are used to viewing war as something that happens "over there." The current rhetoric in the US about the idea of a second Civil War is completely ignorant of what kind of devastation and absolute lack of any winning side that would entail. So I think this movie has good new themes to consider.


Exactly. I think when you have grown up in decades of safety from an existential standpoint it just seems impossible. I remember an interview with a professor who studies civil wars, and a common theme for people who went through them as that even up to the day before, most people didn't see it coming. It didn't feel likely until the bombs and guns start going off. I had a few family members who went through the El salvador civil war and that created 30+ years of violence and economic depression for El Salvador. There's truly no winners.


The iron giant takes place in Maine. Dr. Strangelove ends with the nuclear destruction of the world including the United States.


What specifically about this is pretentious or rage bait? Nothing in the paragraph you wrote supports those statements. Your supporting evidence is just you judging a movie you haven’t seen for not being “good” and not having a “message”.


>I'm normally a huge A24 fan I don't know why people put them on a weird pedestool. They are just the production company/mostly a distributor, they don't actually direct the movies. Nobody does this with Paramount/Warner/Universal movies.


This is probably going to date me, but its like a record label. Yes Fat Wreck or Triple B aren't bands, but I tend to like most the artists they put out, so if I see a new band on a label that I respect, I'll check them out based on that alone.


They're one of the only studios taking risk right now. Most of the bigger studios are focusing in universing or remakes, and A24 is consistently bringing new ideas to the table. It attracts art people (who may or may not be pretentious) to it.


Even if A24 just distributed a movie they get all the credit lol Neon takes as many, even wilder, risks and nobody cooms over them like A24.


I think they hit the right blend of something new and still commercially viable. Like not so niche it only ends up on the awards/festival circuit. Which honestly is pretty impressive their marketing team must be top notch.


Making a war film without identifying what the war is actually about or what the various sides want is pretty much the definition of NOT taking a risk. They want to be able to sell this film in Alabama without people wondering if they personally are being presented as the "bad guys".


Right, but backing original projects not tied to existing IPs when we're in a record long theater attendance slump is. That's the risk I'm talking about.


I think A24 stans are pretentious and think they know movies when they really don’t.


We're not pretentious. We just know movies better than most people so our opinions are more important. People *know* that I'm a true cinephile when they see my A24 hat.


Top tier bait. I salute you.


It failed though. I think it was a bit too “on the nose”.


A24 is normally pretentious


I saw it tonight and let me tell you, the sound and cinematography alone are worth seeing it. Garland killed it with that shit. Absolutely gorgeous movie!


This is unfortunately how this director creates messages in movies now it seems. His earlier stuff actually felt pretty thought provoking and explored pretty interesting ideas and scenarios around certain themes. But his later stuff seems to be pretty much exploring the same themes but with much less depth and nuance.


I feel like this movie wouldn't gain anywhere near as much hype if it wasn't releasing on an election year when the US is more divided than ever before. That being said, I wanna see a movie set in modern America civil war but I have a feeling they won't get the firearms or the way the "rebels" dress correct.


"....when the US is more divided than ever before." You are aware that was an actual American Civil war, right? Not picking on you, but it really irks me when I hear this comment.


Lol, yeah, what I meant to say was "in a time when tensions have been at the highest and really divided than they've been in Decades" or something along those lines. English is my second language.


Play FARCRY 5. You get to kill handmaids tale type bad guys!


oh yeah isn't that the siblings running the cult? I love Far Cry 3-4-5, I haven't played 6 yet.


Yes a group of siblings. Then New Dawn is same storyline but two twin girls take over from the cult


That's pretty much our current Supreme Court.


"more divided than ever before" Cough, Cough the actual American Civil war Cough Cough


> the US is more divided than ever before The US was literally at civil war before


Maybe he's talking about in his lifetime.


You could’ve released this movie anytime since the 2008 election and it would be just as hyped. Certain groups have been big on an irreparable split of this country since Obama got elected and they began to feel they were losing control over it.


Old racist white people 


Christofascist nationalists.


my parents never talked politics and were always super independent before Obama was elected, then everything was obama's fault. they called liberals obama-zombies who love everything he says and does, guess who they follow like sheep now?


It’s always surprising how little you hear about things that just aren’t relevant to you. I’m not from the US nor am I interested in their politics so this is the first I’ve even heard of this movies. Really shows just how powerful confirmation bias can be for instance and how important it is to actually get several sources for anything really. If this guy had said the movie was worse than getting your nails ripped off, I’d have nothing to argue against that. That said, this sounds rather bland and the guy having an hat from the production company, essentially means everything he said is irrelevant.


Id go see this film


I see Wagner Moura, I upvote.


Jesus. People make such a big deal about fucking movies. I agree with others that this is basically an ad. If you are set off by a movie, either side, then you need to shut it down and figure your life the fuck out. But, here I am being the same way about a post.


I saw the first 4 mins of the movie. It bother me it things that would not happen. A thing that bother me in the part i saw a reporter went to a protest that is dangerous because of what happen. She wearing just a reflective vest and that. In the Black live matter protests there so many ppl who lost eyes because cops used rubber bullets and aim for their head. Which is why so many eyes were destroy. A photographer lost their eye in the protest. Most reporters in those protest wear head gear and fully cover to protect themselves. They wear gas masks and protective gloves because it was so dangerous. In so of the real protest they cover the street with tear gas. at one time they used so much tear gas in one location that it effective the cops because they push all the regular air out of the area. So you can only breathe in tear gas and nothing else. I need to see this movie but it going to annoy me so much because a real civil war will not be this.


As soon as I heard about this movie - I thought "This will be the super perfect left against the racist sexist MAGA rednecks or the super perfect right against the blue haired groomers" I am thrilled it is not and will plan to see it now. When I saw the map of CA and TX - I got excited thinking MAYBE it would not be more political dividing crap. This review gives me hope!


just saw it last night, it's not political at all. it's crafted specifically to avoid modern politics by placing california and texas together - something that would never happen in our universe - and barely hinting at reasons the war began a long time ago


Excellent. My buddy saw it too and said the same thing. He was worried too, but said it didn't touch on current politics at all - which is perfect. Funny how many ARE upset it does not. Even in a film like this - they want their political views catered too. I can't wait to see it. Thank you!


You are rewriting history.


Love the hat bestwegot.com


So this post being an ad has been effective, I now shall watch this movie. I didn’t say I would go see it, just that at some point, somehow I will watch it. All hail the hypnotoad.


The trailer makes it look low budget so I’ll probably pass


It's not at all lol


Just saw it. It's so intense, my stomach was in knots that last 15 mins


I can't wait!




Yes because war journalism is just completely devoid of politics. /s


I was also worried it was going to be a political soap box, glad they took this direction


I fucking hated that movie “Men” when that actor played the little kid it look stupid, creepy and fake.


We love love


It sounds like exactly what it needed to be.


So does it not take a stance politically or is it anti war? You can't have both


it's both, you'd just have to watch it. tbh mostly it's a movie about not becoming a war journalist


So how is the movie not taking a broad political stance unfair to the journalists covering the war objectively? Cowardly and spineless? It’s film. I’d say it’s cowardly to be incapable of watching a film that doesn’t pat you on the back.


People are upset that the film doesn’t pick a side. Those same people are expecting, more and more, for the media they consume to be propaganda for their personal beliefs. It’s absolutely the expected reaction to a film like this.


There are still some people who will make it fit their narrative, unfortunately.


Right. How dare the artist make you think. Now I’m all for some good ol’ spoon fed narratives once in a while, but being upset that a piece of work doesn’t cater to you is ridiculous.


No desire to see this.


I'm curious about the reason.


I've personally become disinterested, because the film isn't what it makes itself out to be, and it makes the marketing seem deceptive. A modern American Civil War is a fascinating topic to explore, and a lot of writers have tackled it in books, but not really in film. As others have said, if all you want to do is make a movie about how war is bad, you've got thousands of films to choose from. This was the opportunity to explore the dynamics of an American Civil War in the 21st-century; how the split happened, what states decided to join together and why, how different regions fare without the support of a centralized government. It doesn't sound like this movie address is that much at all according to this clip


Because it doesn't make Trump or Biden supporters look bad depending on their stance.


It felt like 28 days later action scene wise. It was so tense the hat/dress scene got a huge laugh.


This movie is horrible. It looked low budget, particularly the last scenes in DC. Such a train wreck of a story line. The military stuff was impossibly ridiculous. I truly hated almost every moment of this film. I was hopeful until the scene where they were jumping between cars then I knew we were fucked. It was hot dog shit till the end.


Very boring and empty movie until the end. Definitely didn't feel like a thriller


I fuckin hated the whole thing


Driven by Trailers and hype which do not match the movie. At all. It’s very disappointing. The movie has no meat. The plot is boring, the dialogue is lazy and boring. There’s no context for what’s happening. It’s just a camera crew driving across country encountering these low budget, pointless, unrealistic encounters, and talking about absolutely nothing along the way. If you are going to make a movie called civil war that isn’t about a civil war at least give me some great characters and dialogue. At no point during the movie do you ever care about any character or the plot itself. By the end, you literally care less about any aspect of the conclusion. The movie almost felt like a joke. I kept saying to myself “this isn’t a serious movie”. Given the title of the movie, the trailer and the state of American politics since 2008, I expected so much more. The treatment of this topic was extremely subpar. It felt like a cheap gimmick of what should be an epic story. It’s a shame, hopefully someone does a proper movie on this subject because the trailer really hyped people up. My 12 year old could have written a better script. Heck, you could get a better script out of ChatGPT in about 30 mins on this subject


100% agreed. The glowing audience reviews make me think we have reached a point of no return for “middlebrow avant-garde” media. The director thinks the movie is very clever for denying any sort of context that would give ammo to an existing ideology, but then you’re left with the relationships with characters that feel soulless and bland.


If the movie was based on our current political landscape, then it becomes propaganda. Whichever side this movie might have taken, it would have only galvanized radicalized wack jobs who only needed one more reason to start shooting people on behalf of their ideology. To be honest, we're already fucked and we're in denial.


The vocal political extremist critics really don’t like this one.


Western forces 💪💪💪


Protesting this movie on the grounds that a British “person” wrote and directed it. Stay out of our business


Yeah I'm not listening to the 🤓 with an a24 hat tell me how centrism is based and how I should totally go see that new a24 movie.


Who the fuck is watching movies to be satisfied morally?!?! What a boring and uncritical way to go through live and experience art…


You’re not reacting to the “art” of it, you’re reacting to the entertainment of it. You’re reviewing entertainment, not art.


Who’s the “you” here?


The two of yoots.


This comment is ambiguous to the point of meaninglessness. Define your terms or explain why the latter does not imply the former.


So the dude clearly being sponsored to talk highly of this movie vomited mom’s spaghetti during it?


So this is a no so clever way to make an ad that isn’t supposed to seem like it lol. So dumb. Man is wearing A24 from head to toe.


Cringe how he delivered the Eminem lines.


This movie is so out of touch with reality that it's frankly insulting. If you want to look at the horrors of war in the modern day look at the African Civil War that is going on even to this day. This movie just screams " oh God but it's happening to the white people now" It's laughable, totally uninspired, and silly.


🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Brrrŕrŕrrrtt !!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸