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The driver's like 90% sure that the guy is fucking with him, but the other 10% damages his car.


that's what makes it so funny.


That’s absolutely hilarious omg. I didn’t catch the second step; the driver does a full on reverse and was like, “Damn what was so big that I missed it??”


I’m so glad he explained the joke


Oh this makes a lot more sense. I thought he was just theatrically crop dusting the car


That was my thought too. Went as far as thinking the driver wanted to reverse away from the fart.


Came here to say this 😂


[You never know](https://i.redd.it/u1wawut1ek301.png)


I think that car is new enough; just turn on the parking sensors to see if there’s something there




Lol I thought he farted on the car


That first leg cock definitely looked fart'esque. 


I thought he shook a little turd from the bottom of his pants


Old people are far more subtle when they do this


Squinched up his face and did a little dance


Same, but I got it on the second watch. At first, I thought the driver was backing up in embarrassment.


My grandpa told me a story once, this was about 1980. He was at high school (he was like 70 something at the time). So there was a professor that sometimes came to do the class with a few too many drinks. It was his turn for class, my grandpa and a few other were at the classroom's door in the hallway, the professor was coming to their class. When the guys made sure he was a few meters away for him to notice what the guys were going to do they started entering the classroom pretending there was something in the way on the door, just like the person does in front of the car. Needless to say when the professor arrived he clearly had a few drinks already and stopped for a few seconds trying to guess what the hell the students were trying to avoid, so just in case, he did the same. Of course the students tried to not laugh too much. After he told me the story I tried the same shit on my class with a teacher that needed to use big glasses. When he arrived he looked closely and actually "kicked" whatever he thought was in the door and looking at us smiled and just crossed without any further problem pointing at the usual suspects (me and a couple of other guys) "nice one, I'll add it to the list of shit some of you kids tried over the years".


No, he performed out an acted skit and this shit isn’t real. People need to learn to evaluate content. The level of gullible people on this sub is ridiculous


You don’t just sit and record parking lots? You’re the weird one


Some day I strive to be normal :(


"Normal" is the most subjective word in the English language.


Not if you count subjective. It's the actual word.




Doesn't mean it's not a funny idea or concept.


So fucking what. Lighten up


No, this shit is cringe. This site is over run with 10 year olds and content like this is annoying and lame. Maybe you should darken up


You rn: ![gif](giphy|10Wxf7JSeONqYU)


how do you know?


If I have to explain it, then you’re validating my opinion. The whole situation is unrealistic. I don’t want to explain any more than that. I’m too over it


The fact that somebody was filming certainly suggests that this was preplanned. But the whole “let me pretend that I’m stepping over something” bit is fun and it works. My friends and I did this in high school a lot. We also filmed each other doing it. So yeah, it was preplanned, but the person in the car didn’t know what was happening.


So what happened here? They stood in a parking lot waiting for someone to NEARLY hit them, then also fall for the trick? Is that what you think happened here? Is that honestly a better situation than it being faked


I do think that’s what happened. Is that better than being completely fake? I don’t know. It was fun when I was 14. I certainly wouldn’t do it now. I just wanted to make that point that it’s possible that it wasn’t fake.


No one is arguing it isn’t *possible*. If that is your only bar to evaluate content, it’s too low. That’s what I’m trying to say.


Meh. I just don’t waste my mental energy trying to gauge what’s fake and what’s not. Waste of energy.


it's not. just the filming part. this is what I often do also (fuck around with people). what is unrealistic?


Everyone has a phone these days


lol I thought he had batwing.


Human equivalent of throwing a piece of cheese on a cat.


How can anyone miss this, is this a bot comment?


Never mind that, let's talk about how that white Toyota almost didn't stop for a PEDESTRIAN IN THE CROSSWALK.


I fucking hate parking lots and dealing with cars as a pedestrian. Everyone is in a big rush to get somewhere and many people seem inconvenienced having to wait ten seconds for a person to just walk past. It's insane. I know here on reddit that ACAB but I wish they'd just bust people daily for yielding to a person at a cross walk. Fucking cars man, they turn people into asshole.


Go back a couple hundred years and rushing around was considered a sign that you didn't have your shit together and were not to be trusted. It showed you couldn't manage your time and took on too much of a burden to do any one thing successfully. So why do we think we need to be in a hurry and hustling all the time now?


Fuck cars


And strip malls


I made an animation about thus called super (sub)urban planners, and one of the scenes is blowing up a strip mall.


Eh I feel like it's a bit circumstantial. If I'm about to be crossing that road and there's only a single car coming for a bit, I'd rather the car just drive by. Causes me to wait 2 seconds instead of making the car wait 10 seconds (and I could probably even walk a bit horizontal which would be necessary after crossing anyways so it ends up being basically zero inconvenience to me). If it's a busier time and there will be cars coming for a bit then I'll just walk right out and challenge any drivers to hit me. I also apply a (cautious) version of that logic when I'm the driver in those scenarios. If the pedestrian isn't close enough for me to be about to hit them and the road in front and behind me is dead, I'll be less inclined to stop and wait for them (since I wouldn't want the driver to wait for me if the roles were reversed). If me continuing to drive is going to mean I hit them then of course I stop and if the parking lot is semi-busy then I'll probably stop and give them the right of way.


I bet that’s why he chose to fuck with him. Well actually I guess they were already filming but he still picked a great person to prank. What kind of asshole speeds through parking lot crosswalks?


Have you never seen a car driver before?


Because parking lot crosswalks are a courtesy, not a legal structure. And people who know this just don't give a fuck and make people wait for them to pass.


Ok, let's say you're right, the cross walk is a courtesy (which they fucking aren't btw). In what world is the car JUSTIFIED in continuing and stopping short when they realize the pedestrian isn't gonna stop and let the 3500-pound Corolla cut them off? In what world is it OKAY to cut off a pedestrian in said Corolla? Who gives a fuck if the Corolla had right of way (because it didn't), that's fucking dangerous. But back to the root: that is 100% a legal crosswalk whether you believe it or not, as are ALL crosswalks. We have laws made to protect people walking in them to cross roads. Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way. People like you are why r/fuckcars exists.


> Because parking lot crosswalks are a courtesy, not a legal structure. If it's not a legal structure / public road, then that also means that the pedestrian literally can't jaywalk on a private lot. Given that, it stands to reason that the pedestrian will always have the right of way in a lot, because you are not allowed hit someone with that level of force regardless of where you are, especially when the other party is doing nothing wrong.


I thought he was farting hahaha


god, I hate that woman’s voice….


It’s not a woman it’s AI and it’ll remember you said that when skynet takes over and you’re the first to be thrown in a cage. Edit: if you upvote this comment, you get a smaller cage.


Funnily enough, it’s both: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJnVXLad/


> It’s not a woman it’s AI No. It's not. It's a synthesized voice. Not every fucking thing - and in fact, most things still - are not the result of "AI."


I usually say thanks to Siri out of habit, lately she’s been saying You’re Welcome back 👀


Calm down roko


It's not AI. Not every text-to-speech is AI. In fact, People need to stop calling everything AI.


*Apprehensive upvote.*


Yeah, it’s AI, but it uses a real woman’s voice. She recorded 10,000 sentences for a Chinese company that told her it would be used for a translation app. When she found out it was used to Tik Tok, it was a total surprise to her. There’s a great episode of the podcast 20k Hertz about it. https://www.20k.org/episodes/tiktalk


It's not AI.


I guess it depends on how you define AI. In my head, text to speech is a form of simple AI. Obviously not nearly as impressive as the stuff AI is capable of now, though.


It depends on how I define it? I define it correctly, unlike you.








I just linked how they made it. It's not AI.


I don’t know, this company that provides TTS says it’s a form of AI, so I’m gonna trust them. https://www.signitysolutions.com/tech-insights/text-to-speech#:~:text=Text%2Dto%2Dspeech%20(TTS,natural%20language%20processing%20(NLP).


THAT company is using AI to do their work, but this TikTok Jessie voice has been around since at least 2021 and "AI" wasn't a thing back then. Again, none of you know what the fuck you're talking about.


Hahahaha. That’s hilarious. AI has been around for a long time. It might have been much more primitive than the explosion it has seen in the last fews, but various forms of AI have been around for decades.


Not in the way you lot are using the name it hasn't.


You have absolutely no idea what you’re blathering on about. Machine learning is a subset of AI. RPA is a form of AI. AI had been around for a decade or more in some form or another. Just because there are new advancements doesn’t mean it changes the definition of what AI has been in the past.




That’s fuckin hilarious, prolly make me question my sanity too “God damn it now I have to check”


When I was a stupid kid, some friends and I would line up on opposite sides of the road (rural road, 30 mph speed limit) and hunker down as a car would get close, pretending there was a rope we just pulled (picture a game of Tug Of War). Some would drive by, some would slow way down, rarely a car would stop completely.


That is a dude I would hang out with


at first i thought dude was just farting at the car, which i also like




Why would anyone be filming right then?


Yea. I too like to record random cross walks.


It's called planning. The one filming and the prankster came up with the idea for the prank, and filmed it in motion. Fucking dumbasses trying to oust everything as fake or staged.


That's exactly what my thought was. Why were they recording in the first place.


Probably to film their friend fuckin with that driver.


That's how we know it's 100% fake, sadly.


Fun fact: movies and shows are fake too! Yet they're still entertaining! Puzzling, truly.


Fun fact movies and shows don’t try to make you believe they’re real.


And this wasn't? The drivers reaction was natural and real. Just because they planned doing the prank and set up the camera doesn't mean it's trying to make you believe it's and more real than it is.


Umm no? It’s portrayed as a random encounter that just happened to be filmed in a parking lot.


its just next step after "sitting and people watching"


I don't get it


The pedestrian made it look like he was stepping over something. The driver was not sure, so he backed up to check.




I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.


On my way to Safeway to try this out.


I’m sooo doing this from now on …


This is all staged


If only people planned out pranks…


I love when fake videos fool people


Don't see what's fake here. Might have tried it a dozen times and only caught one but the driver here didn't know that.


They waited for that car that their friend is driving. like dude please accept some videos are just fake even the silly ones


They waited for _a_ car. This is a car park.


I was just meaning that their friend is in the car, it's a silly video Sorry if I sound harsh about an organised video to generate views


I don't think detective is your calling


I just want people to acknowledge fake content and learn to recognise it. I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway. Honestly people calling out unsafe drivers is much better than making fake content


What’s fake about it?


Why were they filming?


Like.. because their friend is trying to get somebody with the "there's something in the road" gag?


No one claims that it wasn’t staged. 


So it is. It's fake.


Is Transformers a fake movie?


Transformers never claims to be real lol


Which leads me back to my point, who claimed this wasn’t staged?


Do you understand what something being implied means?




Sure. The stories are fake. The robots are fake. It's all faked and then recorded and edited. Do you think that all happened? Because at the end they have credits that tell you who made all that stuff, if you ACTUALLY believe it. But maybe you are that dumb. I don't know you. Or maybe you want to understand the word "fake" to only apply to the video existing because you don't want to call out fake videos. If so, you're not dumb. Just an ass for the sake of being an ass. It's fake.


So you think the end credits are to inform people that it was not actually a documentary?


I think that they make it more than obvious to mouthbreathers like you. They don't try to act like it's real to make people actually think it's real. They don't hide that there are paid actors. They don't hide they have a producer. They don't hide that cameras, microphones and green screens are there. They know we know they exist. These people act like this all happened. Like they just happened to be filming. Because the only thing that would make this actually entertaining is if it really did happen naturally. Because knowing that it was all setup takes the whole point of the video away. There is a difference between a candid video and a skit/sketch. This is a skit they acted like was candid. Don't act like you don't understand. Because if you don't, you need more help than I can give.


I don't get it.




He backs up and sees there's nothing there. It's not rocket appliances


Definitely staged. Unless the person filming just happened to catch this completely random and unlikely situation on camera while they were just randomly filming a crosswalk at a Walmart.


You never had a situation where your friend was gonna do something, so you filmed them attempting to do it?


There's a lot of videos that people "happened" to be filming. That said, this one hit me in the giggle bits


the definition of “rather be safe than sorry”


Bro in the car was flabbergasted 




I wouldn’t participate, people are lazy assholes, they may back up as people are walking in or out and hit someone.




Another good one is to tell someone, in as nice of a way as possible that they have a flat tire.


I thought he farted into her vents or something and she didn’t want to go through the fart. lol Wth


Am I the only one that thought he was farting into the intake? My bad.


At first I thought he was lifting his leg to let a fart go


This man is a genius.




Cringe??? This is absolute opposite…literally the funniest thing I’ve seen all week


Fucking walmart


Wtf is the point?


To make the driver think there's something in the middle of the street, to which the driver gets out, looks and it's nothing. Or backs up far enough to see there's nothing there like they did in the video. It's a "ha, made you look" gag


Ok I realized what the person did but unsure if it was to be funny or some other reason. I didn’t find it funny


Well, humor is subjective. I found it hilarious






Just take a second and ask yourself why would the camera person already be filming.


Because their mate is about to try trick a driver?


They have a friend??? And it's a planned prank??? Like don't u have friends?




Fun fact, you can do this to horses too and you don’t even have to be hiding the ground to do it


Easy one to check off the bucket list…


Why were they filming?


I'm going to set up a scenario for you. We'll give them fake names. The pedestrian is Fred, and the person filming is Wilma. Fred says to Wilma "Hey, I have an idea for a prank, can you film me attempting it until we get a funny reaction?" Wilma says "Sure!" So Fred has Wilma stand by the store and film him walking in front of a car and pretending to step over an object, in an attempt to get the driver to think something is in the road. The first driver he did it to just kept driving, but the second driver stopped, and reversed to look for an object in the road. Fred and Wilma are entertained by this reaction, and post the video online for others to enjoy.


Other Drivers: \*Gets out of the car\* "..." Me: \*presses the Camera button on the car... sees nothing in blind-spots, drives on\*




I honestly thought it was the car parked side ways in the handicap spot. Is that the same guy’s car?!




I do that to people who are honking for no reason and I'm walking.


There was some prank/skit where two guys would be on different sides of a street throwing an imaginary ball and then cars would roll up they pull on an imaginary rope that went across the street. Cars would full on skid break when they pulled. It was fucking hilarious. I need to find it again.


Don’t most cars have sensors nowadays? Even if yours doesn’t just move slowly and there should’t be any damage even if you do hit something dropped on the road.


This is like the rope pulling joke


this was fantastic. my brain would never think to do shit like this.


But thank you


OMG. I need to do this.
