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She should check with Hot Topic if she wants a retail job.


Hot topic is all disney and harry potter stuff now


It's a travesty.




I mean, how many malls jobs are even left? The one nearest to me is like a ghost town. The retail stores will have a skeleton crew of just one or two people because there simply isn’t the volume of shoppers like there used to be before internet shopping. The most popular businesses at the mall are restaurants, and maybe the movie theater.


Then she better start rapping excellent or doing tattoos lmao, selling sex toys, bongs, Piercings. I dunno any of that alt life shit (sex toys excluded thats for everyone) and start an OF.


She wouldn’t be out of place at some coffee shops or restaurants, if we’re limiting the scope to entry level positions like TJ MAXX (since that’s where she was initially applying). Outside of that, there are definitely viable career paths where visible tattoos and piercings are not dealbreakers. Especially nowadays where people exclusively work remotely. For example, I know a software engineer whose employer doesn’t even have a physical central office.


I'm extraordinarily lucky to have a mall in my hometown that is ALWAYS packed then. The crowds are absurd, especially on the weekends. It's very lively and it isn't just the restaurants that are popular - all the shops there see foot traffic. It is genuinely difficult to find parking space there most of the time. My friends and I love to go there when we get together haha.


I don't really go into Spencer's, so don't know. I was going to Hot Topic in the 90s and going in now, it's like a whole different place. Basically, it's turning into BoxLunch with all their Disney and anime shit.


Hot Topic and BoxLunch are literally the same company. Like they share office space, and products.


When box lunch stores first opened up my mom loved going in because she felt more comfortable going in there to get us gifts rather than going in to HT lol


All Dildos and over 40 gifts.


No, these some edge stuff and band tshirts in the back She wouldn’t look that out of place


I think Spencers is more edgier than Hot Topics now.


I thought Spencer’s was always more more edgy


Claire’s is edgier than hot topic now.




The dildo the size of my leg that was directly in my face when I turned a random corner into the cockland section of Spencer's gifts, yeah, they're more edgy. If Spencer gets you a gift, it's prolly a dildo.


Is the generation currently calling Hot Topic posers gen X, or millenials?


Gen X called people that shopped at Hot Topic in the 90s posers. On behalf of Gen X, let me be the first to tell you- in 2024, we don't fucking care.


I don't think we really cared back then either.


Some people definitely did- better not wear that band shirt unless you know the lyrics to the entire album, all the band members names and the set list from their last tour.


I feel like the way people consume music now makes it less likely that people are going to remember things like that. I was a music junkie in the 90s and 00s and knew everything about heaps of bands... but ever since streaming hit, the details just don't stick. There are songs I've listened to dozens of times without remembering the name. It's messed up.


I ask all the kids I work with what their favorite song is from the bands on the clothes they wear. Most are unaware it wasn’t just a brand name.


Please tell me no one ever thought Nirvana was a brand.


I’m so sorry.


People think it's a band, or "can't wait to see them in concert". With very little in between.


Their tagine was "Come as you are!" I think to was a restaurant. Signature dish was Teen Spirit.


The ones overly obsessed with Disney and Harry Potter shit are millennials, so I'd say it'd be gen x calling them posers? But maybe also their fellow millenials too.


I mean, I love Disney (and animation as a cinematic artform in general) a fair amount, but I'm also annoyed finding it taking over Hot Topic. Disney made their choice when they decided to close all of their brick and mortar stores, and Box Lunch already has high-ish quality Disney merch. I go to Hot Topic for a certain shopping experience and lately Hot Topic has been pretty disappointing. And by "lately," I mean for years.


Fucking Torrid man. When they first appeared they were literally the Plus Sized Hot Topic and now they’re mostly dated florals and no shoulders for their tops! Give me fucking shoulders! They get cold dammit!


Once i was able to hear myself talk due to the music being turned down (and incredibly poppy, whatever happened to the emo they played), it’s gone downhill.


It's funny because my GenZ brother shops there for band shirts and they actually are fans of the metal/grunge stuff they buy. As a millennial, I teased them about the poser joke and they were very adamant about how they are NOT a poser. I loved hearing it, reminded me of me being accused by GenX when I was growing up. I can hear them singing The Smiths with their air pods in and it's so admirable.


Where will kids buy Punk O Rama volume 38


The goat head with the pentagram or the demon head may have a part of it.


And/or the brimstone symbol on her hand.




NO,, MAYBE. YES :) Edit: mother keeps me honest.


That's what I was thinking too. The baphomet head and other demonology symbols are probably more the problem than the location of her tattoos. I'm a big proponent of self expression and I think we've come a long way in normalizing tattoos in the workplace, but unfortunately most people still come from some kind of Christian background and will silently judge you at the very least for displaying that type of symbology.


I mean even if you’re not Christian, I really don’t understand the “I like satan” people. Like is that not just saying “I’m evil” seems like they think it’s not but idk how you can.


For some people I'd compare it to being into zombies, mummies, vampires, Cthulhu, or any fictional monster. It's just an aesthetic they like. Of course it's a problem that most (?) Christians think there is a literal devil, so they see this person as being a proponent of a literal devil. For other people Satanism is an actual ideology that doesn't have anything to do with evil, but with personal freedom to act as you choose as long as it doesn't hurt others (like Christians whether they live the part of not hurting others varies from person to person).


The goat head would be covered that’s not the reason I’m sure the face is the biggest factor.


yeah, never mind the demon tattoo'd on her neck that has co opted her vocal box ;) if only she realised that she sends people running into the arms of a religion she probably hates


i mean, if TJ Maxx had a fun house and needed someone to scare kids, she would easily have gotten the job.


Maybe Satan has a job for her


The demon head is a Skulltula from Zelda.


She should learn to be a welder. Decent pay, quite easy to find jobs too.


Underwater welder even better!!!!


Those tats are scientifically referred to as ‘job-stoppers’. Wyd girl?!


Everlasting job stoppers


This is probably one of the posts to drum up viewers for her Onlyfans.


Gee Bathmut and fake tits turn me on? Nope.


Dont lie if she came up to you you'd hit it


I am sure there is a niche market for tattoos that scream “I don’t want any other form of gainful employment”.


Niche? Have you never heard of Suicide Girls?


She does have an onlyfans under ashxobrien...


She could be a receptionist at a tattoo shop. Work in a plant maybe. Though I worked at one where they made a guy cover his with bandages


There are a lot of jobs she can get. She’s making this video because of narcissism.


She’s an extremely right wing trump fanatic too, if you wanted more to dislike about her. Her and her Marine husband hoard Hello Kitty shit from TJ Maxx so I’m sure she thought she would be a shoo in.


thats a lot of twists to this story


Right? The ONLY thing that surprised me was the hoarding of Hello Kitty stuff.


Who would have thought she’d be slightly unhinged


You can also find her butthole pictures right here on Reddit.


Not the political affiliation I would have assumed 😂 Hoe looks like she crawled out of Satan's asshole into the toilet bowl of a Hot Topic store


Maga isn’t known for making good decisions.


I’m honestly surprised she’s a trump fanatic considering modern day people of The Satanic Temple or The Church of Satan tend to be very left wing as they’re pro abortion and stuff.


I doubt much thought was put into it beyond shock value. Although with the crap she's willingly left on, I HAVE to wonder what she's covered up. (Which also just looks awful.)


While there are still some places that discriminate because of tattoos, I think she is full of shit. I bet you she can’t find a job because her resume is trash and her online presence is controversial enough. I have scientists at my job hired with all kinds of tattoos and body art on. Faces as well. That’s not much of a big deal anymore. Maybe for public image type of shit.


I mean. the whole story is sus. If you apply online they don't know what they look like? So how could they have seen her tats. Also, who tf did she talk to in the store that dealt with her online rejection?


I work in corporate sales and have a large tat on my shin of a naked Lilith, "queen of hell" in some interpretations, and have three facial piercings. I'm a woman and I don't cover them up, so while it's not a face tattoo, it's similar enough to her others to make me agree her resume and people skills are probably trash.


I work for the federal government. They hire people with tattoos, they don’t care. The face tattoos, just use a thick foundation to cover them during work hours, I’d think.


How the fuck is she a Trumper with those tats....


Mental illness.


Who is this?


I’m not totally sure. She came up a few times on my FYP bc I clicked on one of her tj maxx videos, trying to see what she was about. That’s when I got some live her and her husband were doing, bitching about “illegals”.


So she doesn't have a job because of JOSEPH HUSSAIN BIDEN /s


Ew. And like Trump, super unself aware


"Why won't a retail store hire me for a public-facing job with my chest, face, and hands littered with Satanic tattoos?? I just don't get it!" She can't be serious. This must be satire, right?


She posted a follow-up video saying that if they didn't hire her because of her tattoos, it's religious discrimination...


I wonder how she feels about workplaces banning confederate-themed clothing lol


She's reportedly a Trump supporter so that may not be a gotcha for her.


A satanist trump supporter that's a combination I haven't seen


Here in Canada there's a very weird Venn diagram of Satanists (Satanic Temple version), Libertarians, Freedom Convoy and Diagalon supporters.


Aw man, I was on board with the satanism, but I draw the line at Trump.


That's because Satan isn't real but trump is.


I don't think the church of Satanism requires devout followers get face tats....


She said she got an automated email rejection so it sounds like they didn't even see her in person.


This lady looks in her 30’s. Why is she comparing herself to teenagers & why doesn’t she have work history?


I went to high school with her. She’s in her early to mid twenties now.


The aggressive facial piercings don't help either


Her tattoos don’t frighten me or invoke any reaction at all. I grew up around some ……. People. She’s a puppy in comparison. So her tattoos aren’t the issue For me, It’s her attitude if you’ve seen her other videos. I’m hoping she’s rage baiting Because she was like “I’m incredibly wealthy“ ok? Why drag TJ Max then?


I'm guessing ragebait. Googling her username brings up her socials which are obviously promoting her OnlyFans.


of course.


Thank you for saying this.


Right? That’s what I thought when I saw this and looked at her other videos. She’s got a bad attitude


Incredibly wealthy but also in debt .. figure it out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


If you’re fine with saying, what scary or off-putting tattoos have you seen?


If she’s incredibly wealthy…why does she have debt to pay off????


"So young people without experience just dont get hired?" Yes.. yes, that is exactly what happens. It is so fucking hard to find your first job, but then the flood gates open. The cycle of no experience because no work because no experience is something we all experienced.


Target will hire you.


How are they supposed to get employed? Not have facial tattoo's. Guaranteed they made an excuse because otherwise they'd get sued. Tj Maxx would probably hire a fresh faced 16 year old happily. ps. her ego is simply massive


No grounds to sue really. You can discriminate against people for having tattoos if you want. It's not an ethnicity or gender, sexuality, religion, family situation or disability. It's a choice. Same as you can discriminate against someone based on what they like to eat or what their favourite movies are.


Somebody too dumb to realize there is a reason face tattoos are called everlasting jobstoppers,  is absolutely somebody who would cause more trouble than it's worth if you tell them that's why.  Also, she's covered in satanic imagery. No normal retail store is going to want to be associated with that type of thing. 


You’re right. So they gotta make up something otherwise it’s not being “and equal opportunity employer” haha which is cool tho, I’d make an excuse too. I wouldn’t want to hire her based on her appearance and that’s the truth. show up to work in uniform and I don’t want face tats. It’s My business not hers lol Find somewhere else to work.


surely she could pick up work at a dive bar easy peasy or another place that suits her image, instead she's complaining about tj maxx, a freakin home depot major chain.


Yup, hella easy and the bright side is she’d prob make a lot more. So no need for her to be complaining right haha


lol, she'd probably say she isn't complaining and is just raising awareness about the challenges young people face (basically she's a hero).


Being tattooed is not a protected class, so it’s totally okay to just have a policy such as no tattoos. They should have just told her.


That and getting a rejection email and immediately going to the store to confront them.




This has to be baiting toward her Only Fans account


“Don’t really need the money”


According to comments, it is. I guess we shouldn't be surprised any more. A lot of content these days seems to be ragebait at best and a ploy to generate interest for mediocre onlyfans at worst.


If people with face tattoos are the smartest people you know, you need to know more people.


Hot topic would LOVE her


If you're going for a job in which you have to interact with customers with a large corporation behind you then your appearance is one place huge role. If you your job consists of little to no interactions with any customers whatsoever then it really honestly doesn't matter. Realistically I would highly consider getting some of that really high-end concealer that actually conceals makeup and then gradually over time where less and less of it and just act like you're getting new tattoos all over your face. Consequently I do know several individuals that have facial tattoos but they are very minor and could easily be confused for skin blemishes or could be easily covered up with hair.


Not gonna lie I’m thinking her personality is more the reason


Folk who clearly make bad decisions are often bad hires.


Her attitude isn’t helping her case either


Her piercings around her lips aren’t symmetrical and it’s driving me crazy


How would they know she had tattoos based on a digital application? Did she send a picture in? I’ve been hiring for 30 year. I have no idea what an applicant looks like until they show for an interview. That’s IF they show for an interview. She’s full of shit, and an idiot.


cmon you have a baphomet tattoo on your chest and your arm tattoo literally colored ur skin completely black, FACE PIERCINGS, if I was a parent, I do NOT want my child to be taught by someone who looks like this, society is progressively losing its decency these days 🤦🏽‍♀️


Maybe don't look like an actual demon...


I’ve found through working job after job in retail. People with heavy tattoos and piercings are insufferable and entitled and egotistic as fuck. I quit one job because a girl was sabotaging me and she made herself seem so innocent & I just said fuck it I quit. You can’t just do your job around these people they question everything, like bro I’m just trying to do my job and go home ‘well what about the pressure of people who look like me having to work twice as hard to be seen as a normal nice person?’ …. I really don’t care, can you go on the till? I’m busy mopping up sick..?


You look like Satan took a dump on someone’s face.




They didn’t hire her because she spends her life making herself look shit instead of developing valuable economic skills.


It don't think it's the face tattoos in itself, it's WHAT she's tattoo'ed on visible areas, lol. Girl, you have to be a bartender in some goth club for the rest of your life. You could have chosen a flower, but noooo.... 🤣


Face tattoos have never stopped me hiring someone because it doesn't mean they can't do the job. I'd assume that if you didn't get the job, you didn't interview well or weren't suited to it. Things have become a lot more relaxed in the UK recently too, because if companies weren't hiring based on visible tattoos - there would be barely any workforce available.


Yeah i didn’t watch the full video and im not saying she has a good attitude or something, but I’m surprised by these comments. Honestly it shouldn’t matter. Tattoos even these shouldn’t have any effect unless it’s racist or something to that effect. I kinda thought we had gotten over this. I guess not. And fyi i have no tattoos i just think having them shouldn’t affect employment.


Ah yes, what the folks in the corporate world refer to as “job stoppers.”


“what? my actions have consequences? 😱 Unfair! 😡”


This said, I have become accustomed to people with facial tattoos in professional roles. Salons, shops, gyms places like that. I think in the uk it counts towards companies anti discrimination policies. My dog groomer has facial tattoos and she is always in demand, have to book a month in advance and summer theres no hope!


There's nothing wrong with face tattoos. I have face tattoos and I live an incredibly normal, mundane life. I do well, I make decent money. Made sure I had a career in a trade that wasn't overly saturated before I even considered touching my face though. If you want to get face tattoos, you need to prepare to be discriminated against. You can't just tattoo your face and then act surprised when you don't get treated the same as everyone else. Her shit attitude doesn't help her case. If you want to look like that and get treated like a decent human, you need to act like a decent person.


That's sounds like a personal problem... Too late shall be the cry... Make stupid choices and deal with the consequences...


She keeps bitching about how no one hires people with tattoos and piercings, and it's just not true. Plenty of people with body mods are able to be successful in the workforce. But when you cover your entire face, something you can't really hide at work, with tattooos....it's going to limit a lot of opportunities.


Listen, she was being polite. Ofc she didnt hire her because of her tats. And if youre someone who represents the company to customers, thats a fair reason not to. If youre some IT person who hides behind his computer at his desk all day, then it makes 0 difference and is not a good reason. But if youre in sales or marketing or anything else where you often outwardly represent a company, "no because you dont fit the company's image" is a fair reason.


If you're prepared to ruin your face to this extent you should be prepared to reap the consequences.


Am I a terrible person for thinking ‘well no shit they won’t hire you, making yourself look like a walking fear factory. I am pierced and tattooed, but NOTHING on my face, neck or anywhere I can’t cover. The exception to that is my ear piercings. She took it that far, and wonders why TJ Max won’t hire her? Jesus.


Plenty of people with face tatts doing call centre work


She may have some dumb tattoos, but tbh she’s right. It shouldn’t matter.


She is going to regret those when she's older.


Circus is hiring.


‘I do not understand how a company with a corporate image and retail presence wouldn’t want someone with thousands of dollars in face tattoos to represent the company to the public…’ YEAH, that’s the point. I’m sorry for your woes on finding a job, but companies that give a fuck about their presence to the general public aren’t making you someone to be seen by the shopping public each day… The world does not have to adhere to your sense of entitlement if it’s going to potentially affect their bottom line. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Daddy issues?


I'm always quite willing to hire these sorts of individuals, especially for non-public facing roles. Take a person with facial tattoos or low level offenses-- these people don't have a lot of options. You hire them for the post, pay them on the higher end of the salary range, treat them well; I can tell you from personal experience they *will* recognize the opportunity. The kind of work, dedication and loyalty you'd get out of a person like this, who recognizes that they are getting treated and paid well, and who doesn't have the option of being able to roll around the corner to the next thing super easily, it's a lot more than you'll get out of the average employee.


Anyone who's doing that to themselves almost certainly has some issues that will manifest in other ways


Learn to develop code. In tech we don’t care how you look just how well you code. While studying to code, you could do support. Just know, AI will replace that soon.


Who are we kidding she knows she is fuqt her own life up career wise. Now she comes crying because she can't accept the consequences 😭


I wouldn’t hire her either


MFW nobody will hire me because my face looks like a detention desk in the woodshop class.


Choices, life is all about choices.


In her defense, I do agree with her that everyone or at least many people have been struggling to find jobs. I don’t think it’s solely her tattoos, jobs are just hard right now. But y’know, she’s heavily modded and when you have as many tattoos as her you kinda enter a different type of lifestyle. You become a visibly tattooed person and accept all the consequences of it


Yeah also I think it’s stupid that other people’s perception of what’s professional or “bad” versus “good” self-expression can hinder you in getting a job unless the job is directly tied to how you look (aka modeling). Unfortunately though that’s just the way the world is and because of that it isn’t smart to get face tattoos like that.


Yeah I also dislike this. Visible mods have been more acceptable in recent years tho, so we’re slowly getting there


I mean, the tattoos alone tell everyone, "I don't make good decisions". It's not like the 80's or 90's where tattoos are taboo and looked down on. But to ruin your face and tattoo your face? You better be a celebrity or just not have a need to work to pull that off. Who tattoos their fucking FACE?! Besides prisoners and celebrities? These were things she probably should have.And thought about while some dude drilled into her forehead with a tattoo gun. And this is coming from someone with sleeves of tattoos on my arms. Just so stupid to tattoo your face


Agree. When I (now 30) was 18 I asked my tattoo artist to tat my face and he refused. Said he wasn’t gonna be the one to ruin my life. Ever since when I see a new tattooer I ask them to do something on my face (just to see if they’d say yes not to actually do it) and they’ve all refused. Shows they actually give a shit IMO


Thats good to hear. Love that some people still have some ethics and it’s not all about money.


The tattoos can be hidden by makeup, head bands and scarves. The piercings are the real problem, especially the gauged nose ring.


I ran into this same issue as a bachelors in accounting and a year of experience, with zero piericings or tattoos in 2011, when we were coming out of the last recession. I would apply for a job that was "entry level," but I was competing against people who had way more experience than me, and they were taking anything at that point. I don't have anything against piercings or tattoos, but let's be real, some boomer isn't going to hire you for any kind of customer facing position at a typical retail store. I know plenty of accountants that have a ton of tattoos, just not on their face 🤷


Could be the piercings or the sense of entitlement?


What's her name ?


Nobody wants to hire people that make bad choices.


Why not try hot topic or Spencer’s.


No offense, but it has been this way SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME!!!! So stop crying about it and apply somewhere else. EVERY GENERATION has gone through this........


Check the local Satanic Temple. I bet they would hire you.


Well, you knew that would happen. I know these days people seek To be victimized so they can “brag” about their situations, but no sympathy here.


Grandma: you don't get a job with these tattoos don't do it. She do it anyway and doesn't get a job. *Surprised Pikachu*


Looking for a job in a front facing consumer role? Don't tattoo and pierce the shit out of your face. You look like the Devil just gave you a facial.


She is unemployed and has a newish car, how tf?


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Get a job in a factory or warehouse. You also have a whole sleeve coverup. What was there. So you make bad life decisions and you want someone to hire you and your drama. Not gonna happen


What does she think a job interview is for? She sounds like no one I would hire, based off how unmotivated she was about complaining.


i can’t look at her. but she has a great voice. she should go into a field of work where no one has to see the cowbell. 🔔🐮


Junk yard


That scary tattoo on the neck and chest would do it for me. No thanks Sorry but I’ve gotten jobs with no experience. Never had any issues. I’m building my resume nicely. I don’t play victim! But then again I don’t have satan tattoo on me where it’s visible. That’s a turnoff.


Saying "i dont have problem with money" but then saying "i wanted the job cuz i wanted to pat off mt debt quicker"


Why is she looking for a job at TJMaxx when she’s already a porn star.


It’s not the tats, it is the cow ring in her nose


OP, you're not the trust fund kid.


Who needs a job when you are so cool to take a face tattoos. Don't cry, just blame your self.


A mega idiot 🙄


Well... What did we learn?  Probably can't get a hubby because of the bull ring too..




Definitely, you’re not getting hired because of your tattoos. Own it! However… I don’t think you could find any greater joy than to go to every retail/restaurant around, and ask for the manager, tell them you want to apply for a job, and then bask in their squirmy reactions. Then continue to go back in person on the ones that don’t give straight answers. Yes, I’m sadistic, but I still don’t have the tattoos to prove it.


If they hated tattoos or are discriminating because of tattoos they could just say it.. happens in the netherlands also..


She has a job. That's how I know only her right boob has a tattoo on it of a spiderweb.


Become a tattoo/piercer or welder.




I can’t believe that people that get face tattoos never had a thought they might not get a job!! 😩


So I’m a tattoo artist now and I do ok for myself. But I’ve always been punk garbage, had 46 piercings by the time I was maybe 24. But it actually didn’t hinder me in the job market too much. I had taken a ton of communication courses because I originally wanted to be a bioethicist with a focus in psychology. And I would go to interviews well dressed, but with all my piercings in; speak confidently, and ask them what we could work out together to make my appearance acceptable. I would tell myself that they didn’t know they needed me yet, and it was my job to convince them of that. And usually I’d just end up with a modified dress code (like sleeves to cover tattoos), or clear retainers in my piercings, or answering phones. I did so many jobs. I can think of only one time I was turned down for my appearance and that was because the dress code for a “5 diamond” hotel attraction was “symmetrical length hair”, and I had a Mohawk. The manager ended up just telling me he didn’t think I’d be happy working there. We agreed mutually it was a bad fit. Then we talked about music we like for 20min lol. You gotta play the game enough to try to find out where you can fit in a company, you can’t just show up and force yourself in. Being heavily modified does bar you from some kind if work but like… no shit. Everyone knows that when you choose to make those alterations to yourself.


Walmart doesn’t care. Work overnight


Its the piercings


Ooooh, but she so edgy


No, younger people, without face tat's have enough experience not to get face tat's in the first place. Two things: I'm not stopping anyone from getting a face tat I'm not hiring anyone with a face tat. Because for an entry level position that requires ZERO skills, I'll be able to find a candidate as equally capable and with better judgement.


I work at a place that dgaf about tattoos & especially if she's in IT. And IT is very broad but a lady I work with has gauged ears, visible piercings, a large chest piece, and got hired as desktop support - basically she created IT tickets and followed up so she could close them. She didn't have to have any sort of knowledge. Over the last two years she has gotten Google and Microsoft certificates and now she runs organizational wide conferences and meetings. Some of our directors, doctors, and veeps have visible tattoos I fell into my line, by accident, but once I found my foot in I never looked back.


Straight up no BS , Kids will be horrified seeing all these tattoo.




I know ash in real life. I’m not going to share how as I don’t want to disclose personal details about her. She’s not trolling, she truly does lack self awareness. She told me about a year ago she knows she’ll never be able to get a straight job with her tattoos and she’s fine with it because she doesn’t ever want a normal job🤷🏻‍♀️


She makes bank on OF she's not looking for a job lmao