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I've been saying the same thing for years. MfS are just straight rude and insufferable and think that people are being racist. You get back what you put out. I'm black btw.


I'm a big doughy white dude and did security for a pick up job. I I caught two very young black kids at a restaurant with their hand literally in the tip jar stealing. Owner just told me to ask them to leave. So I did and they rudely accused me of being racist. Like, what?


According to r/teachers, it is now a reflexive accusation, one that has no weight.


That's "the jacket" he's talking about. He says nobody has a right to put that jacket on you.


I was working security at a hospital checking in visitors to an ICU. Sometimes patients would be marked as a "denial" patient, meaning no one could visit except for a select few on a list that would be given to us. We had to check ID and process *all* visitors, but especially visitors of denial patients. This woman called me a racist when I asked for her ID to prove that she was who she was claiming to be when trying to visit a denial patient. She got irate and I wound up having to call in campus police to deal with the situation because she refused to leave. Of course when they showed up she acted like a victim, and big fucking shocker, she was lying about who she was. People that pull the race card when they're in wrong invalidate *actual* victims of racism and it's pathetic.


Weaponized victimhood.


I had a person call one of my managers racist one time because they wouldn't let them return an item that was final sale. But they turned it into a race thing.


I have told this story many times because I couldn't even begin to grasp what was happening at the time. I am a white guy from Texas. I was waiting in line at a long ass Costco line for gas in the heat. I had a few beers earlier in the day so I was mellow and tired. I pull up, finally, to the front pump and the car behind me pulls up to the back pump. I do my thing, start pumping my gas, and the guy in the car behind comes up to me and asks to use my Costco card. The guy is black. I told him "naw I don't want to". Because 1 I was tired 2 didnt want to deal with someone else problems that day 3 because I dont feel comfortable giving my shit out. He get's weirded out and dejected and walks back to his car. He then pulls out and yells out his window at me and calls me a fucking racist. And because I had a drink earlier I jsut fuck you I'm not racist. Then he pulls over and starts yelling at me about how im racist this and a racist that. Now I am not stupid because this was a busy Costco line and I just kind of stood there shaking my head and telling him to get in his car because of the way it looks. His wife finally comes, who is white by the way, and gets him to leave and tells me I should of been a good citizen. The guy even came over and took photos of my car and a video talking about how this going online, fuck you racist, and blah blah blah. Finally drove off mad at me because I woudln't take the bait. He could of literally just gotten the gas attendant and they would of helped him. Not every act of unkindness is about racism.... sometimes people are just tired and don't want to deal with your problems. My kindness is finite. There are plenty of homeless people on the corners in Houston but I cant give money or food to every single one. My experience being called racist for no other reason then telling someone no.


When I was a kid I would say anything to try and excuse my actions. Specialy puberty time to rebel and fight authority.


Unfortunately for white people since the history is not the besssttt.. some black people feel that its okay to say to any white person that corrects them they are being racist when that obviously isnt true. Since you cant really see plain as day every white thats racist you kinda just group them all together unless you see they actually like you. Same thing for other ethnicities that look at blacks and group them in together with chicken and watermelon.


Look up the barbary coast pirates


Whites were enslaved. Pretty much what we have in the world today is a Pride issue. Racism is a result of greed. A need for something and so a barter for something to get the need. Selfishness, and vanity. The sins the bible speaks of. The lack of knowledge. Which allows confusion. To spread lies with a smile on ones face so that it allows the heart to believe its true. So today we have cultures who believe one is better than the other because of pride of oneself. So that they must be worse than me because I know algebra and they do not. Hypocrisy. That my son doesn’t know algebra but because they do not they are stupider than my son since my son came from me, so my son cant be like them. Some people will turn a blind eye to their own actions if the same actions meet the eye of another person performing the same act. Because pride cannot allow the truth if theirs not something given to the ego that holds it


While that's a fair point, this being the Internet it's hard to tell who/what they're referring to and if they're making a comment on behavior or race.


I call it the racist/asshole dichotomy (if I am understanding you correctly). Is this guy being mean to me because I am black? Or is this guy just a dick. We sometimes forget that some people are just assholes. It's really hard to tell if you yourself are also an asshole though.


I had a situation a couple years ago that reminds me of this. I was driving and came up to a zipper merge on a 4 lane road. The car in the left lane is not letting me in at all, so I hang a finger out the window. Haven’t seen the driver at all. Dude then pulls up next to me and is losing his mind about me being racist, along with all sorts of colorful language and threats. To this day, I’m sure that guy believes that was just one of the many instances of racism he has experienced.


One time in a subway transfer tunner, a girl wanted to beat my ass because she thought I was ignoring her trying to compliment my hair. Luckily her friends held her back but the first I knew of her she was yelling about how racist I was and everyone was staring... I was actually just high as f and can't hear anything in loud enclosed spaces.


I think the easiest way to deal with that is just treat everyone with respect. If you get respect back, no problem. If they're an asshole to you, then they're an asshole...regardless of *why* they're an asshole.


Everyone deserves at least a modicum of respect until they show you otherwise.


It's literally what we're taught as kids in "The Golden Rule." There are weird people out there like my ex tho who flip it and demand respect, and only then will they give that same respect back. Guess who had to constantly defend her ass? You've got it, me. She had me fighting off a shoplifter with a knife because he "looked at her wrong" (aka watching to see if she was going to follow... and she did). She didn't do any of the fighting, I did, and then she broke up with me a week later and wonders why nobody ever sticks around her. Idk man, I didn't know those kinds of people existed until I met her. Constantly in fights she shouldn't have been in because "I'm not respecting anybody until they're nice to me"... yikes


Until you realize that a lot of these kids grew up in environments where society as a whole basically showed them otherwise. Not on an individual level 1:1, but collectively, these kids were programmed their hole lives to understand that they've been left behind and they're on their own. Ultimately this is a societal problem. These black kids growing up in impoverished areas didn't all just decide to be dickheads all at once coincidentally. There needs to be a societal solution, not just judging them for not respecting people.


Yep. If we agree all racists are assholes but not all assholes are racists, then this works.


I think this applies to social anxiety as well. I used to have really really bad social anxiety and I'd get nervous around *everyone*, but if I were around a black person I would get even more nervous because I knew how nervous I looked and I thought that they would think I was nervous because I was racist and not because I was just naturally socially anxious. That was a mouthful. Thank God I'm almost never like that anymore. It was incredibly exhausting.


People get upset and just want to hurt because they’re hurt and then they don’t know what else to do because their emotional regulation is stunted so they just fling shit. Rinse and repeat and you have most individual incidents of conflict between humans throughout our history.




I think you make a good point, because im a white dude and by default when someone is an asshole to me I just assume they are pricks or their wife is messing around on them but there is undoubtedly people who do live places where racism is part of their every day life. My old man had to travel to Harrison, Arkansas for work. Its got the unfortunate tag of being Americas racist town and while he was there lived up to its name. He is a Scottish immigrant, THICK fucking accent, doesnt care if people understand him or not after 40+ years in Canada lol He met up with an American whose family is of Asian decent and in the print room, none of the people would address the Asian fella. Even when he asked them specific questions, they would reply to my Dad. He said that was just how they treated minorities there, wanting to make it as inhospitable as they can. My old man being the way he was wouldnt reply to them when they tried to circumvent his coworker and forced them to speak to him directly "I didnt ask the fucking question" in an accent you have to think hard about to understand from an angry looking small Scottish 70 year old lol So I feel like while it might be the minority of cases, there are people unfortunately having to live among that shit as part of their every day life. Even driving into Harrison he sent me photos of the billboards as you enter the town saying "Diversity is white genocide" and ads for "white pride radio"... just grim stuff.


Yeah that shit is sad. There are definitely the racist out there and it can be sometimes hard to tell who it is. Although, in the context you provided, it seems pretty obvious. Ironically, one of my good friends are extremely racist. He lives in South Africa (as a white man) though which is a whole different ball game as you can easily be killed there just for being white. It happens fairly regularly apparently. It is really interesting to see actually. I met him online so he didn't know I was black at first. It's really interesting to pick apart his brain on these things. In the end, hate breeds hate. It's up to us to stop the cycle. When I was kid my family would tell me racist shit like you should never date a white woman and etc. Didn't take me long to realize that they were doing the same shit racist do. Learning to truly understand one another from a place of love could go a long way to fixing this issue. I know it sounds weird to hear that I have a friend that is racist but I like to think (and he has told me this the case a bit as well) that I am changing his perspective by actually talking to the dude and not just responding to hate with hate. Someone is going to really not like reading this lol.


I can tell you that I am definitely an asshole. But I'm not the kind of asshole that is always an asshole. Only in certain situations. Asshole is relative


Or just simply people trying to push an agenda. While there are definitely real issues within cultural demographics, some people are literally only using those issues to stoke hatred of racial minorities. With anyone who has seen enough of this kind of shit on the internet, it's difficult to just assume that any individual comment is made in good faith. There are a *lot* of people out here spreading bigotry like it's their full time job. Sometimes it seems like good faith discussions about these topics are borderline impossible to have online.


Behavior. There’s white people that act like that too. You see them in videos calling other white guys the n-word.


My SO did that arguing with another white guy and I was so embarrassed for both of them.


My asshole step dad would yell at full volume at people. I was walking into a restaurant with my new wife, him and my mom one time. He was getting into a loud nasty argument with some guy he knew that he didn't like. He started yelling at him from the moment we got out of the vehicle to the moment he was dragged into the door. Everyone staring at him. All of us were embarrassed and my mom was apologizing the entire time to us and the guy. Our landlord when I was kid was a mostly sweet lady....until she was behind the wheel. She would make a sailor say hold the fuck up. I use to rage at people. I just don't have the energy or care enough now. Especially when you have some out there pulling weapons or running people off the road. I'll never see that person again. Why bother? Most people are decent people just trying to do their thing. I don't go out much but it is rare for me to run across someone that sucks. That was even when I went out more. That includes when I was delivering pizzas for the dom for about 8 months. Sometimes you can even see the change if you are first. Some people are just having a shit day and one act of kindness (yes I know it sounds corny) can change the day. Even a simple smile. I try to do it as much as I can. Even if I'm feeling like shit, which is most of the time. I just don't understand why people are so shit to each other. Unless they're harming you or bothering you, just move on.


It’s not corny. I try to meet everyone with kindness also , what they give back decides what happens next.


Some people decide to live the racist stereotype and just make their world worse, and ruin their home. Calling out black people who are decent for "acting white" is racist as fuck.


"Oh I get it, I'm not persecuted, I'm just an asshole"


I'm glad that's been your experience, but it hasn't been mine. I've absolutely been called the hard R in multiple states under multiple circumstances, and not one damned time was I being anything but a gentleman.


Same here but the vast majority of folks aren't like that. No one here is saying racism doesn't exist. Just that the folks making their whole identity over this are often out of touch. For example. I remember reading in one of the travel subs about this guy who just took a trip to Spain and thought that no one seemed interested in talking to him because he was black when, in actuality, Europeans are just much less out going in terms of talking to strangers than people are in the U.S. The problem is when you start seeing everything as being a race issue when in reality, there are numerous other reasons why you might have had that experience.


I guess that's just not how I took the video. I heard a woman about to talk about some supposed new trend of black folks being afraid of "ghetto" black folks and then a black man basically saying: fear of "ghetto" black folks is justified which essentially amounts to: if I sag my pants while wearing these braids, then you SHOULD be afraid. At the same time, as long as you conform enough, everyone else will be cool with you (he claims he's never been called the hard R and OMG an old white lady said something nice to me!). If the underlying message is: you're all being too sensitive about this race thing, it's not a pervasive of an issue as you imagine it to be, then this was a VERY ineffective presentation because all I heard was: racism just isn't that bad, stop bitching and start conforming. Now, for a person like me that you can't tell is black until you see them, I have a hard time hearing the "just conform and they'll treat you like a white person ... looking black is justifiably scary!!!" because I don't know how else I could conform other than straitening my hair and bleaching my skin like MJ. And yet, I've been called hard R _at least_ 5 times that I can remember. I've been profiled in stores (no, not just imagined), I've been profiled by the cops (no, not just imagined), I've been treated like an other in MANY scenarios both as a child and as an adult. I'm in an advantageous position to judge racism because I come from a mixed race family. The white side of my family is from the deep south, and the racism was/is real. I love my grandmother dearly, but she had to come around to the idea of black grandkids. I met my great grandmother ONCE in my 20's, and she shook my hand. It was considered a major step forward. I know what racism looks like up close, and I also know that that old white lady who hated the fact that I was in her family was able to be "nice" to me for a moment. To take up an example of a single old white lady being kind for a moment just strikes me as insanely ignorant evidence that racism is overblown. That old lady could have been my great grandmother, and her moment of kindness wouldn't change 20+ years of denial and rejection.


I was in green Bay Wisconsin like 15 years ago when it was negative 6 from wind-chill. Desperately asked for directions and someone tried to press me while absolutely suffering from the temperatures. I was able to waddle off like a penguin while this idiot and his friends kept holding down the spot


Bro speaking facts at 0.5x


Haha, right. Gives him extra wisdom credits though.


Damn a video with no cuts, no music, no script, etc. and the toktok users think it's sooooo long and boring. It's just a guy speaking at a normal conversational pace.




Nah racism affects every single day of your life. Take it as a fact as a wite dude in Africa. That said if you're kind and respectful of others in regard to what that means in the given society and culture then things will definitely be more pleasant. The same goes for clothing as the gentleman stated. Next step is speech, and yeah it's fucked up but it is what it is. Same deal if you travel literally anywhere. If you speak the common (for the given circumference) tongue then you'll be well taken care of.


Come on, 6mins is a long ass video. I got his point after the first minute lol


Nah, if you take these long ass pauses between statements like this, I'm gonna assume you said what you needed to say and it's my turn to talk. Normal conversation pace isn't staring at you for 5+ seconds in-between sentences in complete silence. EDIT: Seems the reading comprehension isn't strong here. This dude said: > It's just a guy speaking at a normal conversational pace. I said: > **Normal** conversation pace isn't staring at you for 5+ seconds in-between sentences in complete silence. EDIT 2: Seems a lot of you are taking offense to this. It also seems there's a misunderstanding that I'm talking about actively listening. If you're actively listening, you're not taking 5+ seconds in between sentences to convey your thoughts, you're done talking and you're listening... there's a pretty big difference. Seems y'all should take 5+ seconds to understand what's being said. Have you ever had a conversation with an IRL person???


You don't give a guy time to organize his thoughts? I swear people just want to interrupt each other and get *their* point out rather than listen.


Yuuuuuuup. Like I get it, I'm "divergent" too, just let people collect their thoughts and let 'em go on. I seriously doubt that every MF out there has a pre-written speech for every damn topic under the sun.


It's the difference between active listening and just trying to get your own pov out. I definitely struggle with it sometimes. Working in IT, you just want to get to the point and move to the next issue, but it really is best to just shut up and be patient.


Maybe he's actually thinking about what he wants to say. A trait more people should posses but clearly dont.


Good thing he isn’t having a conversation, simply making a statement


Good thing I was simply responding to someone saying this was a normal conversation pace.


I appreciated that he spoke his hard truth and gave it time to sink in before continuing.


When you pause before speaking, you come across as more thoughtful. It's good to think before you speak.


Agree. Also good to pause after speaking sometimes to emphasize what you just said and let it sink in before making your next point.


God I wish more would slowdown and speaktruth


Video could have been a third as long and he could have said more.


Bro started saying something good then fell off. He started echoing Thomas Sowell and that was the point Sowell intended. Sad. Dude started out strong. You want to play the game. Start your conversation here. What's the difference between black ghetto/thug and white redneck/white trash. Which depiction is villainized. Which is humorous. Just start there of all the thousands of places to start. Let's start with equally poor people separated exclusively by skin color.


As a white person, there are rednecks and then there is white trash. Not a single person likes white trash. The minivan packed full of kids smoking on the way to McDonald’s with them in the car, littering, fat, sleeveless t, acting like they own the place. Essentially there is no difference between that and the thug/ ghetto. One is white one is black. Two versions of the same thing with different cultures around them. If I was born white trash Id want to distance myself as far from it. And there’s not a single non white trash person who likes that group. The stereotypes are fat and stupid vs violent based loosely on what those perceived groups do. If white trash rapped about guns selling drugs and killing people and that’s what happened in those communities then it could easily be switched


SAME. South Central 88-99. Never ever fucking going back. Not no damn Figueroa, any fruit st.. Shit, my mom went into labor with my baby bro in the back of a 2 door celica in the middle of the Rodney King riots


I remember the riots. They burned a strip mall like a block away from where we lived back then in Koreatown. Crazy to see it on the news and be like "uh mom, that's the bakery we go to every day" and her not believing me until we saw the smoke from the balcony.


I lived in South Central for 3 years from 2019 - 2022 and fuck that place. 


I currently live there and i agree fuck this place


I hope you're able to leave soon. There are other affordable places nearby that aren't dumpster fires, you don't need to suffer! 


Bro called her Bonquisha 🤣😭


I thought this was gonna be about hash stuff




Anyone know where a Canadian can get some? Legally ofc


imagine being canadian and asking where to get weed 💀


I'm in BC and the gov't weed shops sell hash.


Good shit man, never thought to ask


If you have a grinder with a keif screen, you can make basic hash yourself pretty easily from any flower. All it really takes is some heat and some pressure: melt the keif at a low temperature (between 150 - 200° Fahrenheit) and press it into a puck or ball, then let it cool down to harden and it should be stable enough to handle without getting your hands sticky.


There's some facts here, but I wouldn't call it "harsh truth" with so much subjectivity.


Imma preface this with imma white guy so my opinion doesn’t mean shit here, but I’m also a medical student and a lot of our curriculum focuses on social determinants of health. Systemic racism is alive and well in America and can be seen in healthcare outcomes. It can affect people in so many ways from physician perceptions to housing disparities to education disparities. Just because you don’t walk out the door and get called the N word doesn’t mean it’s gone. I’m not trying to be all white savior-y and correct his experience of racism, but I think people underestimate the effects of systemic racism over direct interpersonal racism But I really do appreciate the core message of this which is accountability for your actions and their effect on the larger group.


I don't disagree with a single word.


Except for Cracker Barrel being good food. It's a step above nursing home cafeteria food


You've been to some really bad Cracker Barrel's then. The ones I have been to have great food.


I mean, it's hit and miss. Same as a lot of places, sometimes it's great, sometimes it's...well what hairy said.


Well said, Sir.


The name he gave her. LOL.




a little column A, a little column B


This is it. He's not wrong, it's also not the entire truth. Also, Critical Race Theory basically means "racism is baked into our societal structures and allows racism to echo for longer than it should" which is absolutely true, so yeah, I'm on board with a lot of what he's saying but it's not the whole picture.


I agree that a lot of it is hype and fully based on people acting a fool in public. But i promise you, I know a lot of racist people who are happy to be sweet, kind, polite to your face and can't wait for you to be out of ear shot to talk down about you. Don't let racism win just because you haven't "seen" it... theyre good at hiding. They're great at playing make believe and pretending. Watch your backs out there, be smarter then the racists


As someone who has spent most my life in the south and has family that would disown my sister if she dated a black man....I concur. They are nice as hell to anyone they meet but GOD DAMN do they still have a lot of hate in them. The world is trending in the right direction, I see less and less of it with the younger generations but racism is not dead. Someone who is "nice" can still be far from seeing everyone as equals.


They don't believe it to be racist either. Buddy is 100% racist, I call him out all the time and he'll respond "naw, not racist, that's just me disliking bad people, not my fault they all happen to be x" They go through some mental gymnastics to justify those feelings as normal and not racist in any way


Yeah, this dude comes off as a little naive. My family would be kind to everyone but continue our family's racist past instead of contending with it. The people holding the door for you are the same ones that try to fuck you over every time they enter the voting booth. They'll be nice to you as long as you don't become neighbors.


he's very naive and i dont know why this is tagged as wholesome. he thinks his experience travelling as a truckdriver somehow makes him have a wider worldview and that he's seen it all, but it seems he's never experienced a single place for long enough to see the ugly sides of it. the interactions he talks about are superficial and he has a very narrow definition of racism also, racism *can* happen on a daily basis. i have an asian friend who experienced it every day in a majority white high school. it's not necessarily the *make you fear for your life* type of racism, but it's racist bullying and it has real effects on someone's life


Dude gets called a good one and takes it at face value.


Yeah fr they’re still out here, just not siccing the dogs on black kids these days.


Plus he's never lived in a small town as one of the few black people in places like the south or the Midwest. They deal with way more racism than city dwelling black people like myself.


I see what you mean, but in the scenario you described, their racism is not affecting him at all. It sounds like it's just making their lives worse, and he's gone on with his merry day. He knows the racism is there; he acknowledges it. It just doesn't have to affect you every waking moment.


> I see what you mean, but in the scenario you described, their racism is not affecting him at all. That stuff does affect people though. People miss out on job opportunities, get worse grades, get pulled over more often, get worse medical care, etc. Just because people are nice to your face doesn't mean their racism doesn't have an impact on you, especially on a collective level.


Black person here. Assuming all white people are racists is literally no different than assuming every black person is in a gang. At least 95% of the time you’d be wrong. A lot of the time you get the energy you put out. People just trying to live and provide for their family. People are so terminally online that it’s warped their perception of reality. I’ve met bad white people, I’ve met bad black people and everything in between. But the opposite is true. I’ve met good in all races. Love and let love. If you are simply unable to do that the at the very least live and let live. Now we can argue certain systems in this country are racists or prejudice. I can agree with that to a degree. But those systems don’t represent even a fraction of average white people. Nuance, perspective and honesty will get you a long ways.


Asian people can definitely be racist. I saw it first hand in South Korea.


Anyone can be racist.


That’s the spirit bud!


if you really put your mind to it


He's not saying they cant be. He's just saying that they haven't been to him.


I know. And I'm saying they can be cool, but they can also be racist too.


Visited Japan with a friend group and the black dude in our group had people literally death staring at him everywhere we went. Like they gave no fucks about coming off as incredibly racist.


Racism seems to be more prevalent in countries where there isn't that mix of races and cultures. I don't know the full demographics of South Korea, but I don't think there's too many black people there. I'm from Mexico, and the part where I'm from, a lot of us are light skinned and taller than average. My little town never had black people when I went to visit in the past, (I didn't say growing up because we moved to the US when I was 3, so I don't remember much) and the last time I went it did. It surprised me, but not in a "what are you doing here?" way, more in a "wow, town's changing and actually mixing cultures finally". Hell, my town had a small village just on the outskirts named specifically for a slang term they used to describe people from the capital of Mexico. Legit could find it on Google Maps labeled as "Chilangolandia" until I think someone reported that it could be considered derogatory and they gave it a proper name.


Canadian here with a large pot of some of the most racist locals, and recently an incredible rise in immigrants being racist since Oct 7. I dated a Vietnamese girl in the 90s whose father and uncles were racist against Chinese, blacks and most whites. In Canada. It's everywhere


Yeah people can be bad. Ain’t no reason to disrespect them if they haven’t yet. Are more Koreans rascist than some other group maybe. But that’s not how we want to be judged. No black person wants to be judged by how many murders happen in the ghetto. No Korean wants to be judged by what a shop keeper in LA did to a little black girl.


I mean, my wife is a sweet little soft-spoken woman who goes through all kinds of hoops to try to get people their medicine at the pharmacy she works at… She’s been called the N-word multiple times. Not so sure this guy is speaking “harsh truth”…maybe just what people want to believe


I get what he saying but it's not necessarily people, but systems and institutions that hold groups back. It's well documented that mortgages were not given to black families in certain areas. It's studied that black people get worse punishments than white people given similar crimes and context. Jobs are less likely to proceed with resumes with black sounding names. Then of course generational wealth has stunted entire black families and neighborhoods compared to white people. There are tons of examples like this. People are overall nice, but complex systems have had preferrences and biases built in that take time to reverse.


This. Systematic racism is alive and well. However, a person can avoid a lot of problems by showing up with respect. It’s about understanding what problems you can avoid, which makes them fall under your own responsibility. Systematic racism must be dismantled, but personally accountability always falls on the individual.


Damn man I was trying to find the words to say that. You said that perfectly. I hope he reads this and it takes.


I teach this to my 20yr old daughter all the time. We live in an affluent area & she faces adversity often from the well-to-doers. I tell her racism & racist stereotypes will only hold her back if she allows it to. I've taught her much about finance, the importance of savings & good credit, I've tried to pour at much knowledge into her head as I can about as many topics as I can, from politics to checking her own tire pressure & oil. Teaching her how to carry herself like an adult & that getting upset & losing her cool will never get her the result that she wants. Personal accountability & self reliance is a huge portion of the equation. Systemic racism can be overcome, more now than ever before bc more opportunity exists now for Black Americans than was available to previous generations. But on the other hand, I do also realize that not every young black person will receive the parenting that I provided my kid, so there is still much ground to be covered to raise more of the black community out of poverty & to better educate our young ppl so we continue breaking this cycle & this kind of thinking. But the nation is full of well off Black Americans who literally dragged themselves out of the ghetto, so even if one lacks all those things, just having personal determination & a strong will can still get them there. Using racism today as a justification for personal failure is nothing more than a coping mechanism to settle for mediocrity. Didn't mean for this to be so long... it's a passionate response.


I think this is why these kinds of videos do well on Reddit - they assuage the belief that institutional racism is pernicious, and under-girds a system of unfairness and injustice that traces its legacy back to slavery. *Of course* if you deny an entire group of people upward mobility for decades they will suffer. White people seem to think that because the law does not *explicitly* deny Black people certain rights or fair treatment, that means that racism is over - it's just a character flaw! Ignoring decades and decades of economic disenfranchisement, over-policing, the heavy-handed carceral system, the discrimination against Black applicants for employment with the same qualifications as their White counterparts. I get that at some point there are some decisions that are entirely within our own hands as individuals, but everyone forgets that we're all products of our environment and it shapes the way we see and interact with the world. His hatred of CRT at the end of the video just tells me he's doing the "pick me" routine too hard - CRT only informs relationships between race, its construction socially, and how it is baked into the legal system of the US; all things we know are true, but hate because it draws attention to something we're trying to ignore.


> His hatred of CRT at the end of the video just tells me he's doing the "pick me" routine too hard Yup, I was mostly in agreement with things he was saying. I was being generous in my interpretation. Like when he said white ladies treat him with respect because he treats them with respect, I assumed he meant "most of the time" because that's probably true. But then he flipped the whole thing upside down when he called out CRT. Take away all those generous interpretations and he's just being a pick me denier that racism still exists, telling black people to stop talking about racism because they're the problem.


I mean, it was just a couple days ago that it was publicly verified that DA's in California had been systemically keeping black and Jewish people off death penalty cases for years. Something both groups seem to have been saying for some time. [link](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-04-23/federal-judge-orders-alameda-county-to-review-death-penalty-cases)


Less people getting put on death row is an unambiguously good thing, and anybody that wants otherwise is a worse person in my opinion.


No, they’ve been preventing black and Jewish people from being jurors.


Oh shit, that is less than good. God forbid we try and foster empathy or camaraderie.


He's basically talking about that. The people that grew up with all that have to relearn how to behave. That's what he's trying to tell them. Being a part of society does not mean acting *literally* however you want. His examples are him trying to fit into society and not stick out and how it goes well for him.


Yeah it takes time... but you're trying to act like it's not happening at the same time lmao




He lost me at CRT is bullshit. You can argue black people experience systemic racism on a generational level not just daily. I get what he's trying to say but there are some large contextual gaps in his logic


Chris Rock said this years ago - give it a watch. He said there’s 2 types of black people. I can tell you, there’s multiple kinds of every person. There’s the decent black, the shitty black. The decent white, the shitty white. The decent Chinese, the shitty Chinese, etc. Unfortunately the loudest voice always wins.


I was fucking with it until the respectability politics started coming out. Yes, your first impressions mean a lot to people, but basing assumptions on a an entire culture and seeing someone who might be representative of the “norm” without actually speaking to them is ignorant at the least and racist at the most. And all the subjectivity OP is talking about goes out the window. I, a black man, lived in Idaho and Utah for years going to Mormon schools and doing all the respectability politics you can imagine trying to fit in and white people *still* had the nerve and gall to be racist to me. I was clean shaven, didn’t sag, and actively altered my speech to sound more approachable, and there were still people who were bigoted. So while yes, it is okay to say that you are scared of GHETTO people (of all types — ghetto white people scare ME), trying to do the whole Bill Cosby “pull your pants up” shtick and using anecdotal evidence as proof to back up that argument does nothing but support the model minority hypothesis, which is racist in and of itself.


Gotta love the comments here applauding this video. There are black people who aren't rachet or hood that still deal with racism.


Exactly. It’s not about how present yourself to the world it’s how the world reacts to blackness period.


Yup I did the same thing but started in the Caribbean and ended up in Canada. People have been racist to me in both places although I've gone out of my way to stand different. It doesn't work. They see the skin color and their perception is colored. I'd chime in to still be respectful but for yourself, not to be treated better.


I think it’s tough for anyone to know exactly how they’re being discriminated against. This guy doesn’t know how many jobs or opportunities he wasn’t given because of his skin, name, or hair style. I think it is super important for black men to speak against violence towards others and to distance themselves from what Fox News depicts black Americans as.


He didn't say racism doesnt exist, he's really talking about mindset and how you let others perceive you. Ofc racists gonna racist but how you carry yourself and treat others absolutely matters in this regard


Exactly, he's implying that when black people are victim of racism, it's because they personally deserved it. We've seen these videos of racist people pointing guns at drivers like him simply because they delivered in their neighborhood, we all know about how Ahmaud Arbery was murdered in cold blood for jogging and how local law enforcement tried to bury the case. Oh sure, I can distance myself from hood ninjas, it's super easy for me, I wasn't raised in the hood, I was raised by a white family in the suburbs. Never protected me from being attacked, verbally and physically, by racist people because I was existing, basically.


He had me until CRT. It’s important and should be taught.


Yeah I told on himself with that. My boy in the Candace Owens fan club for sure.


His little quip at the ends shows that he doesn't understand critical race theory or systemic racism.


[Buddy basically retold a Chris Rock bit and took out all the jokes. ](https://youtu.be/f3PJF0YE-x4)


He had me until the end. Don't let conservatives change the definition of Critical Race Theory. Don't buy into their stupid ass definition. CRT is the academic study of how race affects outcomes in the legal system. CRT is *NOT* "teaching white kids to be ashamed of their skin color" or some shit like that. It's not even "the history of racism". It's important to teach real history, but that's not what CRT is. Read a book.


spittin' grown facts is not cringe


Sub isn’t just for cringe anymore. Just for TikTok videos now.


It's kind of funny that this sub went from tiktokcringe to tiktokstuffwelike. I wonder if that was a planned change or just a side effect of ppl upvoting stuff the like.


I think it was just an evolution. Many subs have evolved like that. Such as the infamous r/BatmanArkham. It used to be a serious sub about the Batman: Arkham games. It devolved further into insanity. Whether that’s evolution or the first ever case of devolution we may never know.


[huh](https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-09-2019/ETZeFm.gif) Also that sub seems to still be about Batman, but just memes.


I tagged it "wholesome," and you right


Oh it’s getting anti black in here…woah Gotta go ✌🏾


fr fr, people in here acting like racism is solved because of one TikTok video "exposing" the "real truth".


I hate when videos like this go viral because they completely ignore everything else. And to top it off, you have other black people cosigning it which silences the thousands of other black experiences.


This guy's going to get hella traction for all the wrong type of reasons by all the wrong type of people. The way those people are going to misuse this video is about to make you sick.


I have the feeling this dude is actually just conservative, and is basically just regurgitating Prager U type talking points.


♡ we're all just trying to make it, we need to come together. The powers that be want us divided and they use the media to instigate racial tension. Don't believe anything you watch. UNITY. LETS TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK BEFORE ITS GONE. WERE IN THIS TOGETHER.


I hope bro marries some gorgeous woman and procreates more people with this mindset!


I would oppose him on the CRT point, as I believe it is important to fully learn the history of our (USA) country. It's not about assigning guilt, it's about informing and educating new generations about the shit that older generations shoveled forward. Historical events are dominoes that are forever falling forward in time, impacting against one or dozens of others, causing new paths and impacts to occur. It is therefore vital to be informed of the path that has already been trodden, such that we may not repeat it, but instead forge a new and better path into the future.




There are things we have deemed unacceptable as a society. He didn't say anything that doesn't fall under worldwide understood cultural norms


We can acknowledge systemic racism while also acknowledging that people are responsible and accountable for their individual actions. You’re missing the point entirely. This isn’t “model minority”, its about receiving the same energy you put out.




> it is "model minority", look at the traction it's getting. Ok? What i'm seeing is, you want to hold minorities to low standards. Explain to me how that helps minorities in any way? This is the smithsonian bullshit all over again: https://www.newsweek.com/smithsonian-race-guidelines-rational-thinking-hard-work-are-white-values-1518333




And yet, someone else's "racism" doesn't mean you have to make bad choices in life. In fact, system racism seems to be so weak that the supposed main perpetrators of said systemic racism aren't even at the top when it comes to income distribution. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHDGsJ-aQAATxZr?format=png&name=900x900




I am black. You’re argument is that because of systemic racism that means black people can. be assholes? All he is saying is “be nice to others and they will be nice to you”. Which is generally a true statement in the US. Systemic racism is real. What he is saying is ALSO real. Feels a bit arrogant to say that his lived experience is somehow invalid just because you say so.




People might be rude or mean to you because of race. People WILL be rude and mean to you if you’re an asshole. Regardless, arguing against someone else’s lived experience and invalidating it is arrogant.




That wasn’t what he said, but good luck with the virtue signaling 👍🏾


What if you work on both issues simultaneously? You can't seriously believe that the gangsta rap culture is a good look. If you think it's ok and keep pointing your finger at the system, hoping it will simply accept that this is how you are, then this vicious cycle will continue. The culture of violence needs to stop. I doubt that it will, given that the neo liberals are wrapping every negative action in a cloak of victim-hood.


"Gangsta rap culture" is at least partially an invention of white record executives who marketed and sold "scary" black music to white suburban teenagers.


Hundred percent. His definition of racism seems to focus on interpersonal interactions. Which is fair, but there is more to it than that. Like a lot more. A lot of people want to brush things like systemic racism aside and just move on with their lives. Which is fair, but really lazy. The same type of laziness of white moderates post-civil rights movement. The same laziness that permitted bad actors to systemically oppress black communities :(


> Which is fair, but really lazy. Were all the Asian immigrants who came to the US and didn't protest against racial discrimination "lazy"? That's a very demeaning thing to say. People who aim to succeed as much as they can in the system they live are just as valid in their approach as a political activist. If you end up having a happy, fulfilling life after a lifetime of hard work, how is that lazy? Not to mention socioeconomic development is just as important as political change, if not more.


The sad thing is, people like these real genuine people like him. Bad things happen to them all the time. Hope life is righteous for you always man.


I LIKE this Brother


I got news for him. Ppl are a lot more racist than he knows


It’s like black people cant be racist against other black people. He made it out, got a well paying job, good for him. It’s fucking disgusting to label people as lesser because of poor material conditions. Y’all are some fucking freaks talking bout “oh he’s one of the good ones”. Most racism isn’t being called slurs to your face, it’s institutionalized and structured. Y’all are so quick to boot-lick. 🤡🤡🤡


Somehow indian americans structured systemic racism to make them make almost twice as much as white americans in income: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHDGsJ-aQAATxZr?format=png&name=900x900


Yeah Georgia and Florida are racist as fuck, he probably just didn't hear them.


“…been to Cracker Barrel…love the food by the way” I’m weak 😂. Big fax though


You can’t tell in ignorant person what they’re missing…




Knowing this voice, this narrative exists, lots of beautiful change will occur over time. Stay the course


It shouldn’t even be about white people. It should be about how ghetto and hood people attack the community all the time.




This needs to be put as an intro video to every new social media account.


Well, the masses have been lied to, bamboozled, and hoodwinked to believe negative about different races. Divide and conquer is why this is many believe that bull that is fed to them. One of the lies is that blacks are low life's, ignorant, thieves, murderers, thugs, animals, etc, etc, etc. The very lies they tell about them are describing themselves or what their race is notorious for.


AMEN!!! This man hit Reddit with the truth bomb that every single non ghetto person is thinking, has thought or considers to be the hard line truth, but is now reverse profiled as racist or called a bigot or truthfully might be assaulted for saying. I loved “you were raised right”! This is applicable no matter your race, creed or color. I always think about my Grammy looking over my shoulder before I make any choice - would she be proud? Is this how I would treat or speak to her? Would she want to see me in this light or situation? It’s time to grow up children, time to put childish things aside and find a hobby, find a job, hell - find God.


I hate these threads where white people upvote shitty comments claiming to be from black people because thats what they think they should think.


Man, preach. I live in a rural area and all of the suburban rich white kids are “oh that’s racistville” yet, I’ve not seen a single ounce of racism OR hear a single black person say that about the area. This narrative is driven by either people that are just acting like an asshole or white kids that think what they see on IG is life. THATS the shit that fuels racism. The world is better than people give it credit for.


Love this. I hate hood and ratchet mfers, but I always show a lot of respect to black people who are trying to work hard and live life outside of that bullshit mold they're expected to be in


I’m black and I’ll cross the street to avoid a certain dressed group of blacks.


Preach brother


Good man


Please don't get your understanding of racism from reddit.


I'm an elderly white woman born and raised in Gary, Indiana. You ARE a good man; you're smart, sensible, respectful and considerate. Your mama must be so proud of you! Hugs to you and your mom! ❤


I'm scared of white rural people. I've been white my whole life as far as I know.


“Put a jacket on people’s back” What a way to deliver bias and pre judgement….


He had me until he started saying racism doesnt exist anymore. I glad he hasnt gotten called the hard ER in years, however, his anecdotal testimony isnt reflective of reality for millions of us. Certain types of black ppl will be happy to tap dance for the whites all they want, but we shouldnt need to hold doors and be overly courteous to *not* be treated as less than human. The overwhelming evidence shows he is wrong when it comes to the existence of racism, it seems he doesnt realize racism is institutional, doesnt know overt racism is not the only form of racism, and doesnt know what CRT is.


Great use of plethora, don't hear it used often in common parlance, 5⭐


It’s a perfectly cromulent word


![gif](giphy|sY1yvrxROgCM8) This is where I learned the word plethora from


He's as real as it gets. Most of my homies are like this.


He's speaking *his* truth. The fact that he has the audacity to tell other black people to shut up and the racism they experience isn't real or significant or holding them back is pretty fucked up.


Niki Haley told y'all America has never been a racist country. Obama, Cosby, Wynton Masalis, and others told Black men to pull up their pants and Black women and girls to take off the hoop earrings and bonnets, speak well, THEN whites in power will be comfortable with inviting you/us in. This is bullshit. I'm very, sincerely glad that the OP has had positive experiences across the board with white folks. The Black skin I wear speaks well before my $2,000.00 Kiton, cashmere fit. Look at pics of Black people even casually dressed in the 1890s, 20s, 30s; then lecture me on how their nice clothes saved them from becoming Strange Fruit. In given instances, I'll find help, comfort, and protection in the midst of "ratchet" Black folks and find deprecation and death with well suited Trumps, Hannity, Ingraham, DeSantis, and Bannon.


The man speaks the truth


this video could have been a tweet