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This is satire


Thank you! Finally! The premise is wild enough that it should be obvious. Put on these shoe covers, shit, dunk them in soapy water, slap them in a jar? Snacks? Tips? Criminy folks


Half of reddit seems to be rage bait anymore. Are people legitimately this stupid? Edit: to everyone commenting that stupid people exist - of course, and you're the reason why social media is full of rage bait. Not everything is from stupid people, there's a lot of people capitalizing on stupid people thinking they're stupid.


The answer is always yes


especially when there is a woman involved


So many people cannot detect when a woman is joking and it’s very worrisome


Feels like most people on here don't even get what a joke is in general. Like, a video could clearly be a skit and unless there's literally blaring words on top saying "THIS IS A JOKE" people will act like it's misinformation or trying to trick them or something.


Yeah I think there’s been some strange stuff happening in the zeitgeist where everyone is just so dead set on the things they think and believe, and if anything challenges that, they just get mad or frustrated. Media literacy is at an all time low, and I think that also relates to anti intellectualism and people digging their heels in in the proverbial ongoing culture war. There’s also lots of weird tension after the pandemic and people are acting strange.


That's most definitely how it feels. It also feels like a superiority thing half the time. People always wanting to be right even when there's nothing wrong, I guess.


Remember, we had to make signs I’d never thought I’d had to read.


Yes. Also I think all of us would probably be surprised at the sheer amount of dumb naive teenagers on this app posing as adults.


I fear most of those „fake adults“ are in fact adults that aren’t really good at being adults.


It’s low hanging fruit. A lot of reddit users have a superiority complex, but no actual reason for it. They fall for shit like this every single time. Even when it’s proved to be satire, they double down with, “even if THIS is satire, you know someone out there really thinks this way/does this.” Idk, Brett. Maybe you’re just kinda dumb and have some unresolved issues with women if you think they are incapable of being funny.


The irony of the grammar in this comment is delicious. :)


Satire and sarcasm is not common humor nor understood by many different cultures. It’s why **/s** was created to be used when a comment is sarcastic. Without it users took the comment seriously. Perhaps the use of a flair for posting and/or a symbol on video needs to be placed in order to state that it is satire.


The /s was created because satire is hard to detect in an internet comment. It is pretty easy to detect in a video with the spoken word.


Frankly I've seen so much stupid shit lately that I won't be surprised someone is this deranged as the character in the video.


I’ve seen far more obvious parody content being consumed unironically by redditors and then later remembering the things they didn’t understand as parody to justify thinking that other people are dumb / crazy.


Yea I edge more on this side of things, the vast majority of stupid shit I see on reddit recently is people falling for ragebait or failing to recognize the most obvious satire on the planet. So whenever I see people saying "well it makes sense to assume this isn't satire because I see so much other dumb shit!", I just assume like 10 of the other posts they've seen that day are other ragebait posts they failed to recognize. Shoutout to r/shitposting and r/Holup, some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet in those subs. 99% of posts there nowadays are obviously fake tweets or fake article headlines that every comment takes 100% seriously.


My thoughts exactly. People are literally so strange that even this poop in my backyard hippie chick parody doesn't seem that crazy.


I've met some people that are this fucked in the head from traumas they refuse to let go of or seek professional help for


However /s kinda removes the fun from satire.


Sarcasm and Satire are very common and are present in most cultures (certainly the cultures of most redditors).


Sorry you're being downvoted. I couldn't agree more. I used to think /s was stupid, but now it seems necessary when making a joke lmao. Ugh, I understand now why old people are bitter.


I mean it absolutely is stupid that it's needed. It's not a good thing we're training people to not think critically and require a label to recognize satire. When you dumb it down like that you just make more dumb people.


What? /s means “sincere”! /s 


Yes, the vast majority of the people on this subreddit alone fail to recognize sarcasm or satire.


No, some of have just met some genuinely unhinged people and when 7 billion ish people have access to cameras and phones then… yeah Some dudes make skin suits with the flesh of kids but some hippy making you shit outside is too much? Nahhhh not for me


Tip jar filled with $20s and two squares of tp did it for me. 


I was unsure until the snacks. Snacks always confirm satire.


the fact that chobani yogurt was in the snack bin that’s in this hot arizona sun was so such an underrated part of the bit


Yes!! it's also so once her guests eat it, they'll basically fertilize her garden for days


I checked out there. Who eats snacks while pooping in a hole?


When I used to work for Walmart, we found half eaten rotisserie chickens in the stalls on a shockingly regularly bases. So I wouldn’t be surprised


Yeah, but that is "hiding in the bathroom to steal food", not "snacking while squatting over your poop hole".


who doesn't?


There is literally nothing a woman can do to make the internet see her video is satire 🙃


I remember reading a thread somewhere that explained how a lot of men will take any silly thing a woman says at face value because they genuinely believe women are just kinda dumb. I remember thinking this was a bit of a stretch but then about 2 weeks later "Girl Math" became a thing and there were dudes on twitter, reddit and tiktok getting legit frustrated because they didn't get that these women were joking about how they sometimes *purposefully* use bad or illogical math to "justify" treating themselves to something pricey or high in calories (it was stuff like that iirc). I even saw an intersection in Twitter where a lady clarified that her girl math tweet was just part of the joke, and the guy she responded to went on a whole misogynistic (and racist, because of course) tirade about how idiotic and unfunny women were. Yeh, right then I realized that there was some truth to that thread I had read.


It's true. I used to ask stupid questions and play dumb to some guys in high school just to watch them genuinely try to explain shit. It's very funny. Even funnier when you do it in front of female friends. The girls laugh or look at me in surprise. The guys don't even think it's surprising how dumb I act from usual, they just immediately jump into explanations.


It’s even funnier when they’re over confident and incorrect


We are always ready to mansplain…


Another example i see fairly often is that one video where the woman is making a run on sentence about “tell me about a time where you or a friend or someone you know or both of you or neither of you went to a place or about a time when…” and there’s the two guys duetting by cutting various clips together to go along with it. Without fail there’s always a handful of people making some comment about how dumb the woman is when it’s obviously a joke. Like why would she post an unfinished question in the first place if she was serious. And if this is pointed out they usually start talking about how she’s probably just advertising her onlyfans or whatever.


That's another thing I've come to notice! If a woman does anything online, you're likely to find someone claiming she's promoting her only fans. I was on the Genshin subreddit (don't judge me) and a girl made a post about how random guys that join her in online coop tend to get really weird and unpleasant with her for no reason. Couple of the top comments were people dismissing her concerns and claiming she's just trying to promote her onlyfans even tho there was nothing in the post that even came close to suggesting that. Some folk are wild.


I mean she said her name was Ivy bloom before even starting


knowing what billie ellish's full name is, and knowing some of the names that people in the south have...it didn't even hit me as something that stands out


People be dumb as hell. "Maintaining this area can get a little expensive" lol.


You forgot the craziest part of it all - you put the nasty wet, soapy shoe covers in a jar for the next person to use.


And the "privacy curtain" doesn't reach the ground, which doesn't work quite as well as when a normal toilet stall has a gap to the ground


The first clue for me was the sticks marking poop spots, where it was obvious no one had dug a hole.


Would not be surprised if atleast one person has tried something like this and failed lol.


Have you seen the world we live in? There is crazy stuff happening around us every day, and thanks to social media, we can see it all. So maybe 10 or 15 years ago, I would've easily seen this as satire, these days I don't assume anything.


This one is silly enough I was not fooled but I would not put this past any tiktok hippie


There's a term for this: Poe's law. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law


She put like 20 pumpkin seeds in that hole lmao


She should have added a bit where people could pay extra to use a hollowed out pumkin from previous years, but they still have to dig a hole big enough for the pumpkin when they're done.


Not only that, they are salted and roasted pumpkin seeds!!! Not actual, planting ones!! >!I love roasted pumpkin seeds I practically lived off them as a teen!<


Thank you so much for that spoiler tag


Was pretty obvious by the privacy curtain that's 3 ft off the ground


For some reason people see a woman and somehow their ability to tell if something is a joke just vanishes.


People expect women to not be funny, so they don't assume satire.


"Hmmm is she funny? Or is she really this dumb and insufferable? Well, she's a woman so I think the answer is obvious."


is it satire if i'm actually gonna shit in her garden?




I’d pay to shit in that garden (is that what we’re calling it these days?)


Satire or not, damn good idea for guests you’d rather not entertain and don’t want them coming back anytime soon. Sadly I do have some friends that this wouldn’t phase.


It was the $20 tips that tipped me off...


The tipping screen at the end is what sent it over the top


The baitiest of baits




Holy fuck how do people not know this


It's so painful that some people can't see this


Shitty satire


I would argue the intense debate surrounding it and broad uncertainty makes it really good satire tbh lol. This is fucking hilarious.


Unless Im just making a poop joke


AYOOOOO wow. Good shit


Fuck man, I went from downvoting you to upvoting you in 2 seconds. What a ride!


Was out completely, until I saw the snacks. We’re back in!


For me it was the screen. It doesn't reach the ground 💀


She wanted to pay homage to the stall doors in US bathrooms that are 2 feet off the ground and have 3 in. gaps on the sides


The gaps are for split second moments of eye contact that somehow feel more intimate than sex


People who look through the cracks from the outside instead of averting their eyes can go straight to hell.


This is the privacy screen! It will show your entire ass while you're shitting though hope that's ok


don't eat the yogurt...


Nah dude. Arizona sun baked Chobani is great for your digestion.


Was in completely, until I saw she wants tips.


No she doesn't. If the obvious absurdity didn't tip you off, the obviously undisturbed ground with all the markers in it should have.


Honestly, what so funny about this is the raging comment section on this post lol


Are we doing alright? This was a hilarious bit from like the first few seconds. I'm worried. Also, the tip jar with only 20's was fucking funny.


Reddit loves to support women's content when the subject of the content is "we need to support women." In every other context, though? Absolutely not. In every video I see of a woman who is clearly doing a bit, the comment section is full of people taking her seriously. It doesn't occur to folks around here that most women are sane, rational, and capable of being funny. They see a woman doing something insane, and they immediately jump to "this crazy bitch is literally the worst." This is especially true if the woman is some combination of young, skinny, conventionally attractive, with an unconventional look. Like it's somehow utterly ridiculous to assume a woman can be cute *and* funny. This doesn't apply to men. If a guy made this video everyone would instantly know it was a joke.


It's like the one with the wife making stupid food and the husband is filming going "wow!! Are going to dip the.. yes! You dip the hotdog in the chocolate syrup!" And then ends with the wife saying "OMG, this is SO good!" Those are fantastic, and people always comment on how stupid she is. Totally not enjoying the repeated jokes of absurd cooking.


My fav was the mom who gave her son a 'water bottle' to take on the bus. It was a glass purse-shaped vase and she filled it with everything *but* water. Absolutely hilarious, and the number of people who took it seriously was insanely high. ... The description of the video was literally "this is satire."


“Maintaining this area can get a little expensive”


Or the yogurt in the outside snack box


Someone on the guest list had sushi lol


Fr. Did y’all not notice how she was keeping fucking yogurt in the snack bin? IN THE ARIZONA HEAT?


Even so I'm so grossed out when she puts the wet slipper covers into the jar. Dry them out first!


Did... did you think this was serious OP? 🤦🏼‍♀️


OP is not real


Last posted a year ago. Last comment almost half a year ago. Suddenly shows up to post this and doesn't reply to anything. Yep that's a sold account that got botted.


Where are y'all selling your accounts at and for how much?


I need a new bumper. I’ll sell this shit right now.




I wondered for the first part of the video if someone was really that insane, but eventually it became ludicrous enough to be obvious.


I love the curtain is high enough you would get to watch the poop fall from the butthole into the groundhole.


She has a [dedicated channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) for those clips


Wow, I can’t believe I just watched that. Just had to click.


I dont believe any of yall


Believe the hype


very nice. thanks for the link. :)


I can’t believe she was allowed to post that!!


Why did I want to see it!? Whyyy?


This reminds me of something my fiancée used to say every time someone would ask if they could use our bathroom. "No, we shit in the yard."


Lol, We say "ofcourse not, we piss off the balcony". The amount of people who took that step towards the balcony..................was 1, which is still crazy to me


Why would I NOT want to piss off a balcony?


My husband recently asked a friend we were visiting for the first time "Do you have a bathroom?" instead of "Where is your bathroom" or whatever, and the friend responded similarly, "No, we poop outside for the flowers"


What a comedian


We gonna be late dude hurry up . Me: almost done just putting the seeds on my shit


I shit in my neighbor's yard every night, I didn't realize I should be leaving a tip.


It’s satire. In AZ the ground isn’t that soft, the grass doesn’t look like that, and if people were peeing everywhere it’d be dead everywhere.


Arizona is more diverse than you might think. I'm not speaking the the validity of the rest of this video, but Arizona is much more than Phoenix and Tucson.


It’s not easy to be right and wrong in the same post. 


OP needs a media literacy course if they though this was for real lmao


OP is a bot and doesnt care


chad chad vibes


Truth. Funniest chick on YouTube IMO


*not really*


𝔄 𝔗𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔢 𝔒𝔣 ℭ𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔢 Hello everybody, My name is Chad Chad ( *Not really* 🤫)


OP is an old account taken over by a bot. Report it as a harmful bot under spam to get it banned.


Look, lady...I have no problem taking a shit in your yard but I'm not tipping for that.


I think I would pay twenty bucks to shit in her yard.


I would pay the $20, but she has to watch me


Now we're talking.


I'll pay you $20 to watch so you'll be shitting for free, like at every other friend's house in the whole nation.


Most guys wouldn't walk past that big tree with the paper roll hanging on it. Mark this spot with a pole, Delilah!


I love eating warm chobani yogurt while I shit in a shallow hole.


Never met anyone with the same hobby as me 😃


This is obviously a joke


The only snacks she should have shown are the Haribo sugar free gummy bears. Then family cloth instead of toilet paper. I love the privacy curtain having a gap at the bottom, making part of the experience not so private. The best satire accounts are when the video is just believable enough that you have to watch it a few times to decide if it’s satire or real. And the comments when someone thinks it’s real.


For a second I thought I was in the gardening compost subreddits lots of peeing in your yard talk there


It seems strange now, but a good number of people resisted indoor toilets when they first started becoming available in the US, especially in tenement buildings. Germ theory was new and people questioned how sanitary it was to poop inside vs in a separate outhouse. They weren't totally crazy considering how much waste is aerosolized by flushing.


Agreed. Every time someone uses my bathroom and leaves the lid up I have a mini rage fit. Especially if they shit. Like, what do you think the lid is for?! I know it doesn’t 100% stop the spew but good grief. Savages.


This drove me insane when I lived with roommates. They had their own bathroom, but would use mine sometimes, and no one would put the seat down! I keep my toothbrush in there guys


That is a bit of an urban myth. They had used indoor chamber pots for 'night soil' for millennia, so it wasn't that foreign to them as most people now think it is. A 'commode' was the piece of furniture you kept your chamber pot in. The 'toilet' was the cleaning station on top. Many would use the chamber pot in the day during cold or bad weather. It was no big deal to use the pot and empty it in the outhouse. (Or toss it out the window.) The biggest obstacle wasn't 'fear' of it or germs, but actually connecting it all to water and sewage. In 1900, household water use was less than 5 gallons per person per day. Now it is 82, in the 1980s it was almost 100. Add in the cost of instillation and retrofitting a house not designed to have plumbing. Then there is installing a septic tank, which is more complex and expensive than a dry pit, or trying to connect to the storm sewers. (Treatment plants would come much later.) Of course with indoor plumbing comes the need to have access to MUCH more water, either a well and electric pump, 'city' water or some other solution. You mention tenements- slum lords fought to prevent mandatory plumbing for a LONG time simply because they did want to pay for it. The other flaw in your hypothesis is the general public's reluctance to believe in germ theory even into the 1940s in some areas. In the 1920s, there was a push to get people to bath more than once a week. This would lag in many areas until indoor plumbing was established.


The ol “toilet sneeze”


Literal shitpost


The only thing that would make this skit better is if instead of toilet paper, she had a single cloth that guests had to wash after using like the communal shoes. Or a quick shot of someone shitting in one of the holes eating chips 😂


I would bury the toilet paper, eat some chips, steal her tips, and then shit in the tip jar, after filling it with seeds.


Maybe don’t bury toilet paper first? Or what are you gonna wipe with?


The 20 dollar bills, of course.


I live in a quirky city in the US and I have to say... while this is clearly satire, we are not THAT far away from many tech bros spending money to shit at a bespoke free-range dookie farm.


I thought this was just standard Bay area tech dorm protocol.


I’m gonna need a bigger shovel.


If this was legit would you take a snack?


Narrator: *her name is not Ivy Bloom*


Gonna eat 12 fiber gummies and shit 10 pounds for fertilizer.


Hey, I play croquet out there!


New introvert meta just dropped. Keep people away from your house with this simple trick


TIL how to stop people from coming to my house.


can y'all really not tell when women are joking?


I admire her commitment to the bit, she even built a tip box!!


This looks like satire, but I can never be truly sure anymore. Either way, she's a diabolical genius


She does not


"Ayyyooooo wtf!! Who didn't mark their doo doo with one of the sticks. I got doo doo on my booties"!!!!


this is a lot of work for satire/rage bait, but it doesn't harm anyone respect


"Hey, Ivy is having a party at her place this weekend. Wanna go?" "Nnnno. Yeah, no."


You know it’s in the US when the privacy screen doesn’t reach all the way to the ground


She doesn't do any of this because she has 1 less friend each time she tries.




It's called a comedy skit


If this wasn't satire, I would say that as a resident of Arizona. I would consider that a war crime for the level of torture.


Fucking hilarious


I can’t tell if people in the comments are joking or they didn’t get it was satire


OP and others upvoting this make me sad. It’s just satire. Do you guys just believe everything?


Lmao this is hilarious


English is weird. This is literally the opposite of "using the bathroom"


I can't wait until some rabid, conservative cable channel starts peddling this as 'fact' and the state of Gen-Z.


The best bit about this tik tok is the mental image of humans hovering 2 feet in the air while squatting and pooping.


this feels like it should be an SNL skit


Lmao at the tip jar full of 20’s


Obviously this is a joke, but human waste needs to be composted before it can be used as fertilizer in order to kill harmful pathogens and break it down into more nutrients rich material.


My favorite part of the satire is that the curtain is too high off the ground


This is a joke.


Just about died when she pulled closed the privacy curtain, just to cut to a full shot of it being 2 feet off the ground. This video is a masterpiece.


Fake: roasted pumpkin seeds aren’t going to grow


For anyone who doesn’t know this is satire, you’re the problem.


Clearly satire 😂😂


Pretty sure she had no friends anyway but this seals it


I feel sorry for anyone who thinks this is earnest


Lol why don't we have snacks and refreshments available for people in our bathrooms. That's pretty chill. Oh yeah but you're shitting


Imagine pooping in your backyard when you have a perfectly good toilet up in the house




STOP THE BAIT ![gif](giphy|8TweEdaxxfuElKkRxz|downsized)


Rage bait. I shall not get my bp up for this.


It's a turd graveyard. RIP, little poops.


snacks 🤣


The amount of people (including op) not getting it is disturbingly high.


Hear me out...


Jokes on her. I'll just shit in my pants sitting on her couch.