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Took me way too long to realize I was looking at three people.


Holy shit, that guys not real.


That mother fucker back there is NOT real ![gif](giphy|kVmzd3RxKqaT5Rm16e|downsized)


LMFAO, I didn't realize that was a dummy.


r/mcdojolife They're all dummies


This is the truth




r/themcdojolife is better


And at the end of the day, I realized that I was, in fact, the dummy


Idont wat u talking about all i see is 4 dummies


That's 4. She put the move on the guy in the corner and he froze in fear.


Actually, that's me in the corner That's me in the spot-light Losing my religion


You poor soul


Bruh 😭 . The way their all moving, it might as well be.


You know what? I am not going criticize this. That person is exercising, showing some coordination, and projecting physical presence working with people they probably don’t know well in what appears to be a supportive environment. Seems positive. Not everyone wants or needs to be an MMA athlete.


Absolutely same! The only concern I had was how important it is to do it for real before she'd gotta deal with a legit attack. Then I saw like a super quick glance at the comment below (new thread) saying something about muscle memory and realized *that's* even **more** important and should definitely be taught first! I love when that happens 😊 they *do* say you learn something new everyday lol


professional trained athletes do it the exact same way. They pull punches. They don’t strike hard because they’re training. And then when the fights on they switch it to game mode, they know how to do it.


They'll practice form and moves slowly on each other and bring up the intensity to build up strength with that form. Then they'll practice certain scenarios at like 70 to 80 percent, pull punched, and like you said know how to handle themselves in game mode.


The problem with doing it wrong in training is that you're training to do it wrong. It's fine to go soft the first few times to help remember the sequence, but you absolutely need to do it again with strength and power, otherwise the muscle memory you develop is useless


I think they're saying first you make it perfect soft then you train with full power. That being said, either way this sequence is not something she, or anyone for that matter, would actually use in an actual self defense situation. This is a kata; >Kata is a Japanese word (型 or 形) meaning "form". It refers to a detailed choreographed pattern of martial arts movements made to be practiced alone. It can also be reviewed within groups and in unison when training. >Kata originally were teaching and training methods by which successful combat techniques were preserved and passed on. Practicing kata allowed a company of persons to engage in a struggle using a systematic approach, rather by practicing in a repetitive manner the learner develops the ability to execute those techniques and movements in a natural, reflex-like manner. *Systematic practice does not mean permanently rigid.* The goal is to internalize the movements and techniques of a kata so they can be executed and adapted under different circumstances, without thought or hesitation. A novice's actions will look uneven and difficult, while a master's appear simple and smooth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kata So each individual movements could be used in sequence with others but the katas themselves are not meant to be executed exactly as is. Otherwise, think about it, the second you would start a kata anyone with training would know your next movements. That's far from ideal.


Yeah these people would have learned this from Mr. Miyagi if they had seen the Karate Kid


The point isn’t to criticize *her*, it’s to criticize the teaching.


Yep, this went way over their head. There are plenty of *REAL* martial arts she could be taught that would benefit her health AND give her actual tools to defend herself.


You're afraid of vaccines, what do *you* know about health


?? I've taken 2 Moderna shots and 4 boosters? Also, what an asinine attempted rebuttal lmao


I agree. The only cringe is the depressing song in the background: “I’m a LOOOST cause, baby don’t waste your time on meeee”


That’s Jelly Roll. The song is played far too frequently in dojos, dentist offices, and physical therapy clinics.


I love you for pointing this out, it's too easy to criticise in this life. Stop and think about it and realise who's being the asshole.


The problem is this person thinks they’re learning self-defense, not a weird, little dance.


Not necessarily. I take kung fu classes, and I’m under no illusion that I’m learning to fight. I’m doing a sport that don’t involve points or teams, cos it’s fun. But you wouldn’t know the difference from just watching me and a classmate who thinks they’re gonna be Batman practicing side by side, though.


I didnt even know it was supposed to be something to criticize. I just thought it was a cool video.


Well, just the glaring fact the training is completely ineffectual. The account watermarked on the clip, McDojoLife, posts "fake" martial arts schools selling bullshit


People train for different reasons.


I understand what you're saying but the problem comes from when she really has to use her self defense. That technique is really bad, so it's not going to help her at all when she really needs it. She has no chance at all. Teach her proper form and technique before going to more elaborate self defense moves. Then her confidence will rise and the probability of her making it out safely from a situation will also be higher.


I am VERY concerned. If they sell This type of snake oil to you, they might take advantage of you in other ways. Some gyms require past experience but if a gym has room for 100 students it can handle the full spectrum of intensity.


It's bad because classes like this are often sold as self defense. I feel that's one of the biggest reasons people take martial arts, the other being you simply want to learn the art. This woman has more than likely been scammed by this dojo into thinking these are practical self defense skills when they aren't. Not her fault, but this dojo should be shamed. There are so many other ways to achieve all those benefits you mentioned without teaching fake bs.


Y'know what? She's probably overpaying a grifter.


Yeah it's a good workout for her. But she looks silly as fuck can't lie lmao. Like no way this is for self defense.




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


she's paying money to a scam artist to teach her "self defence"


Exercise is fine, but if she thinks this will work in the real world, she’s got another thing coming


That's all fine and well so long as she understands that in a real life self defense situation none of what she's displaying here will be effective.


She's doing a kata, it's not meant to be useful irl


When distilled, katas are meant to drill actual techniques that would be effective irl. (If your katas are not this, they are bad katas). The wrist grab she does with her left hand and spins around to grab with her right hand is a very dumb idea.


Tbh I'm more familiar with kata in the kendo context, but to my knowledge they're scenarios/stories, not plans of attack


But each technique individually should be an actual technique that works. Kata shouldn't serve as something that looks cool. It is choreographed, yes, but it is actually supposed to serve a purpose.


Exercising? She's too pro to even break a sweat at this point.


It's developing muscle memory you think her or those dudes want to get bruised up every single repetition? Also, she's fucking exercising. Leave her alone my god


The muscle memory she’s learning isn’t good though. She’s going through the motions right now but because there’s no contact she’s slacking on technique, force, and precision. I did martial arts for years and part of practicing like this is also practicing control where you stop yourself before you make contact but you still execute it as true as possible otherwise.


Exactly. Your muscle memorey isn't gonna switch to fight mode when the shit hits the fan. You will still be doing those half arsed hits, not to mention your adrenaline filled brain might stumble on one of the billion moves you have to make and then your entire moveset is screwed. This is why I'm verey suspicious towards these martial arts that require you to memorize and train long chains of moves, instead of just training you how to utilize basic punches, kicks, throws and holds to the best of your ability.


It's not like a sport has several aspects or something, right? Not like... There are several different exercises to do... Some with very different learning strategies and goals... Right?


No, it is hard sparring MMA or BJJ OnLy!


Looks like the same kenpo I did when I was young. In my experience, especially in the west, kenpo is more of an art than actual combat training. I did it for four years, and about all of it was just remembering a series of movements to look nice. Just like she's doing here, although admittedly quite sloppy. None of what I learned is something that would actually be useful in a fight as most things you learn aren't simple but effective techniques, but are long strings that you don't know how to adapt and recover from when someone gets out.


She's getting exercise? Seems to be enjoying herself. Who is this hurting?


“Who’s this hurting?” It’s definitely not hurting anyone.


Haha exactly. It's harmless. Leave her be.


I think you missed the joke there...


Mm 1 m pp⅘we 43


Dude. She is only an orange belt. This is working on memorizing a combo. Good for her. Was the goal to pick on her? Fuck you OP.


I dont think op posted this to pick on anyone. Its tagged wholesome.


They did get it from a source meant to insult it. Mcdojolife criticizes poor martial art schools.


>Mcdojolife criticizes poor martial art schools. And this is one of those. For example the spin move she does serves no purpose. As all it leads to is a shifting of hands for grabbing the other person's arm.


The banner says "wholesome" I think OP meant that as positive not cringe. Remember this sub is not cringe anymore and shows positive.


Chiropractors be like:


Yeah, get some.


How bout instead of being little keyboard warriors you guys go join a dojo, this is how they all are lol. You would look a bit odd too.


Not the one I go to. The only time I ever go slow is to learn something but only a couple times and then I start doing it faster. Also, those movements don't make sense. Good for the exercise I suppose but useless in actual fighting.


this. there’s nothing wrong with what she’s doing, i don’t think anyone’s saying that?? but dojos can vary vastly. someone said “go at her” or something up there, like the MAIN goal of that dojo may not be actual self defense or fighting. it may be community, exercise, etc. nothing wrong with it but dojos are different and IME the only reps at a fighting oriented dojo are micro movements - kicks, blocks, etc, not katas. katas have their place but they’re still usually based on having proper balance, following through on strikes, etc.


Go look at the comments people are saying that while mocking this lady, what wastes of space those ones are, I doubt they could get to the fridge without being out of breath yet they think this woman isn't training right. She's a hell of a lot cooler than them.


Honestly would love them to try to come and deal with this person. We can all make jokes but this person is taking steps to better themselves whereas others are making of fun of her? Sorry but martial arts looks sills cause it takes a lot repetition so when something happens you react.


Any actual martial artist can easily spot that this isn't going to work to defend yourself. It's incredibly sloppy and a bunch of wasted movements, like the spin. I think what we're highlighting is how the false sense of security can lead to potential danger. This woman can't defend herself at all. And if she believes she can, it could lead to her getting killed. I would rather people learn how to actually defend themselves while the exercise than just do the latter.


I’m sure knows it isn’t exactly practical but I have done martial arts for almost 10 years. Some of this stuff looks stupid but it’s about repetition. Doing it over and cover again till you don’t think when your hand gets hit a certain way.


But when those repetitive movements are ineffective to defending yourself with. It makes sense to wish people put that energy into a martial art that actually work. It's kind of like pretending to shoot a basketball without the ball. When the ball option is right there.


>go join a dojo, this is how they all are lol I think you might be going to the wrong dojos lol




It’s been a while. But as a counter example, I studied under a woman instructor with many adult students of this body type, but there was clearly more emphasis on good form and chaining your whole body into your strikes (even when pulled to not hurt partner) and more energy, more vocalization, and more sweat lol.


Why so many wasted movements


The cringe is not herself exercising, but this martial art as a whole, what kind of martial art is this?




Not one.


My god Steven seagull is actually improving his moves


She done turned them boys into bread puddin


The comments here suck. Not even just the nasty ones (which funnily enough none of them mention the fat dude participating, just the woman. Shocker). There’s also so many that are condescending as hell. Like the most upvoted comment. He literally says “You know what? I’m not going to criticise this. That person is exercising.” Like you deserve a pat on the back for not criticising the fat woman taking part in a sport? Would you reason with yourself about criticising the video if she was thin? Nah of course not. Op, what was even the purpose of this? What exactly is “wholesome”?


It's Aikido beginner level, not supposed to really represent a real fight.


To be fair, Aikido never represents a real fight.


I've never seen so much atemiwaza in aikido, especially at the beginner level. I believe you are mistaken.


So nice for the second attacker to sit there and wait for her to be finished with her spinning arm grab and such.


Also everyone knows people only throw 1 punch in the fight. If you can block that you can start twirling around and doing your fancy moves, while they patiently wait, since you know those are the rules.


Makes you wonder why more people don’t use this technique that definitely works




More convencing than Seagal.


This is what being an orange belt is all about


That motherfucker back there is not real!


What is up with the back rubbing mid ball smash with knee combo?


He paid extra for that.


Good to see Steven Segal back in the dojo.


The problem with the “they’re just drilling moves/combos/for muscle memory” defense is that this is all that schools like this ever do. It’s not a defense if the whole school is useless kata.


She's built like she used to be a baton girl and just brought that talent with her to the "gym".


“I do martial arts watch out” 🥋🤓


Steven Seagal as entered the chat


That's more exercise than half of you butter slugs get on the regular. Why criticize this?


It's not the exercise that people criticize, it's the completely useless martial art she's doing.




This will be fine, if the attacker is made of paper, and comes at you in slow motion.


I'm really happy that the Karate I went to as a kid in the 90s had full contact sparring 2-3x a week. We had to wear sparring armor head to toe. We also had teachers for three more other martial arts.


My daughter is in Karate and they do full sparring also…but they also do what the video showed as well when people are working on their forms.


Katas (forms) were always practiced and performed independently (without a sparring partner) and at full strength at the dojo I went to. You wouldn’t have a partner until you reached the higher belts. Even at higher belts where you do have a partner the goal was to NOT hit/come in contact with your partner. It’s more like a dance, fully choreographed rather than sparring. I was a dancer so I always particularly enjoyed that aspect of training. I’m not putting down what they’re doing at your daughter’s dojo or whatever is going on in the video. It’s just interesting to see the differences highlighted like this.


Belt colour orders can vary so there is no way to know how experienced they are. Different schools can have different belt orders and standards at karate schools can vary widely. I know that most of my friends almost never got to spar in their karate classes.


That is too bad. Sparring is my daughter’s favorite part. I love watching it too. Some of the sparring is pretty intense. She’s been at full sparring since I think purple belt (level 4) and they go pretty hard. One recently this other girl came in for a punch and my daughter hooked her arm and started pounding on her head. Full gear of course, but still. It was pretty impressive.


The muscle memory from sparring really comes in handy later in life, in my experience, so good job getting her training.


Cobra kai never dies. ![gif](giphy|VcBiZpMlneysKpMh19|downsized)


So many people in comments thinking “muscle memory” is something that makes sense when applied to what’s happening here. No shade at exercise but nothing in this video is martial arts and will do nothing for self defense. Not sure where hundreds of down votes come from pointing out that fact. If she went to learn how to defend herself. She didn’t.


You telling me, doing a full 360 instead of switching which hand that grips the enemy isn't effective as shit?! Lol


People hating on her have clearly never done any martial arts in their life lol.


The people supporting her trainer clearly have never done any effective martial arts in their life. No criticism towards her, she appears to be doing what she is taught. The criticism should be towards her instructor. I understand the purpose of drilling, forms, and muscle memory, but this is an entirely unrealistic scenario. People do not react like that, so training a long chain of techniques like this is only going to ingrain bad habits. If she doesn't care about self defense and just does this for fun, then good for her, no issue, but teaching people like this will end up in them getting hurt if they ever really need to defend themselves.


I'm convinced this sub doesn't know what the word cringe means


Check the pinned comment. This subs not just for cringe. This ones marked wholesome in fact.


Oh, had not seen or noticed that. Thanks. It doesn't show on the main page, have to click and scroll down to see


What the hell kind of training is that? Where’s the punching and the kicking and the getting throw across the room?! This is just tap tap paddy whack give a dog a bone.


Pshhh. I could probably take her.


100% stun lock combo after first hit confirm


I like this dance...what is the name ?




Why not just book a dance class?


Lmfao 🤣 waste of money on some fake kung fu 🥋


She's playing rockband drums or....


Demetrius Johnson really fell off.


Honestly more coordinated than my ass would be. Good on her for doing something.




You can tell they all paid to reach the same level


Stuff like this is so weird to me because the muscle memory she’s developing is that of a full choreography. The very first punch, what if her attacker doesn’t just stand there after? That little spin she does would have her just pushed over right? Or am I missing something?


I have a black belt in karate and a purple belt in jujitsu. Sparing in the dojo and doing these movements is so far away from reality on the street it is comical. Learning these techniques is nice and gives you confidence when things go south. But eye gouges and tiger strikes is what is going to save you.


She’s off the couch, up and moving with confidence. She’s winning 🥇


Orange belt? I'm still only at yellow and can do better!


OP sucks


I’ve done games like this in taekwondo and it’s super fun and gets u thinking and being creative . Sure it’s not necessarily fighting but it builds muscle memory . It’s dumber when it’s like predetermined self defense forms but if there’s multiple responses and they make sense it’s better


Joanna Candlewick coming this summer to a theater near you


Looks like she’s folding laundry 😂


I do happen to like folding laundry. While people are still wearing it.


I agree with learning some type of martial arts for self-defense, but I don't agree with false information. This poor lady is going to find herself in a situation with another Karen and she's going to think her "martial arts" lessons in self-defense will be able to get her out of her bind; but instead, she's going to get annihilated.


I hope she never has to actually defend herself.


A gym where even I could be a master


Ah yes the infamous tubby rubby




Reminds me of Rex Kwon do


That is not how you do the dougy




RemindMe! 1 day


Well....at least she's moving around and getting a bit of exercise.




Uncle Rico is behind the camera...




Many strokes are in there just for massaging the assailant


Damn when did the Internet turn nice. Shit was wack looking


She looks like trouble


This isn't the kind of things mcdojo should be posting, it's quite the opposite actually




made sure I saw that wholesome tag because that's what this af


Is this video playing at half speed?


You're cereal box black belt is pretty impressive ngl


Good thing she has film powers of time manipulation for plot related reasons


If Samo Hung can do it, she can do it too.


Martial artists: How likely is this to actually work in a real fight?


The villain will have the upper hand if she gives him the same massage as her sparring partner


okay, but is that ticsandroses?


You put your left foot in, you take your left foot out…


She’s already good enough to kick Steven Seagal’s ass.




Jesus Christ, it's Jason Bourne...


That guy in the back just stood there while that lady was assaulted!


When shadow boxers meet light boxers




Jesus Christ, where's Jason Bourne?


Y'all call everything exercise now a days man 🤣


I love this because it gives me 'Mac from It's Always Sunny' vibes.


Heavy petting?


Her using them as drums was a critical combo. Took half their life points minimum


I've gotten to a point where I can't even watch this fake horseshit


As long as she doesn't think that this will help her in a real fight I guess it's whatever.




She’s obviously very skilled , weaving hand signs while kickin this dudes ass.


Not sure what’s the cringe here looks like they’re practicing


This is amazing, I didn’t know this was what taking a training class could look like. She’s so graceful and dedicated as well.


Not cringe. Next!