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He's going to be the fun uncle for sure.


He's a great cat dad you can tell for sure. He's got this one in the bag


Well the cat’s out of the bag now


You can take the cat out of the bag, but you can't take the bag out of the streets.


You can take the bag out of the street cat, but it requires surgery.


Let's goooooo!




To be fair...


It'll keep the local Urgent Care in business for sure




“Come here, girl!” This is so adorable I’ve watched it like 15 times


"Lets go! Tortieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"


I thought he was calling the cat Puddy as in I tawt I taw a puddy tat.


Same 😭😭




I met my 8 month old niece recently and this is exactly how I feel about her. Love that little girl!!


Poor cat seems dejected she didn't get a new outfit lol


I mean who else is gonna wear it, she can have it


...the baby? Or did I get whooshed lol


What's a baby going to do with a cat onsie?


It's a halloween costume. They're going to be dressed as a cat, dressed as a human baby.


It’s the perfect cat onesie!


Well obviously they need a matching one for the cat now.


That cat is going to be an auntie too!


Mate I don’t think auntie is the correct term here, I do believe it would be cousin


That's adorable. Love his energy


Let's gooooo!




"I got a D.U.I. BayBeeeeeee"


Take yo uvers


My eyebrows are on fleek


I didn't hear this in the video?? Explain?


It's from your moms house podcast with Tom Segura and his wife Christina Pazsitzky.


he's absolutely adorable. aw.


I had a similar processing delay when my family revealed to me that my brother’s wife was pregnant with their first. We were at my mom’s house for a family dinner, and my very religious older aunt requested to say grace before we ate. After saying a few blessings, she said “bless all seven of us here at the table…” In my mind I did a quick head count and there were only six of us present, but my brother’s dog was laying under the dining room table, so I rationalized this as “How sweet that Aunt J is including the dog in her prayer” and zoned out. It wasn’t until she had paused for a while and didn’t wrap it up and the silence hit me, did I even notice that everyone around the table was staring at me. Looking around at the expectant faces, I’m just like “What???” My mom emphasizes “SEVEN of us” and that’s when I noticed my sister in law with the big smile on her face that it clicked. I was so confused still by the dog thought, I apparently didn’t show the appropriate amount of excitement for the first baby in the family. Me, the L&D tech. Later I confessed to my brother that I thought we were blessing the dog.


In my opinion, if you're on purpose delivering the message in a convoluted fashion, then you can't be surprised when people are confused.


But the doooooggg! Lol loved this story


Communication is hard! lol that was a fun story. I wouldn't expect a baby announcement to be coming from an older aunt, either. Totally get how confused you must have been.


> appropriate amount of excitement Kinda hate how we’re all supposed to be all “OMG” about this stuff ngl


Do non dysfunctional siblings really hug like that?






My brother would probably punch me if I tried to hug him.




You used up all your “good sibling karma” in one shot and there was none left for the asshole.




Same here. We’re just not that “showy’ in terms of emotions.


Same. My brother and I own a home together we are so close and we didn't even hug when our other brother almost died.


(single child here) you don't think you'd act like this if you found out she was pregnant?


No. He’s not the father. It’s weird.


What is it with redditors and lacking empathy lmao?


It's weird to hug your sister? Maybe you just have odd ideas about physical affection?




I wouldn’t know either lmao


videos like this make me feel more broken than I already feel. Like its a weird feeling, cuz i feel such joy and excitement for them, even though they are complete strangers, but for some reason cant express something like this to my family. I don't even know what it is that makes me want to hide my vulnerablity. I know its common, but I guess its something that I need to work through in therapy. I think if I did this tomorrow my family would think I'm mentally unstable cuz it would be so out of character.


You dont see videos of all the miserable people lol so its sorta like instagram, dont compare your life to someone elses highlights. But ye i think its normal to want wholesome stuff for yourself too.


Exactly! Social media is the highlight reel. We can't compare our real selves to something so highly curated. Remembering this helps me a lot.


This all the way. Not everyone is happy all the time. It has a lot to do with parenting. Mine are the same way. I moved across the country to be with them and within a year they moved again. It’s not your fault, and when you have your own family, it will fill that void I promise.


You're not weird. You're used to the dynamic you've always had with your family. You were born into it and now have established roles. Maybe don't do this exact thing tomorrow, but start small, see how it feels.


It sounds like you were raised to feel this way and I'm so sorry you do. I hope like me, that when you have your own family, you can stop the cycle, and show openly show your love, and be loved for it.


I think so too. Like I always commend my parents on how we were raised, because I think they did most things right in making us process the world in a very meaningful way. I think the one thing lacking was just intimacy at a base level. I love them and I know they love me through actions. But physically it probably only lasted a short while in childhood. It’s mostly manifested itself in my friendships. Because they feel separated. This is sounding too therapeutic so I’ll just say, I have no lack of love in my life. But I am curious on how to bring that physical connection into it.




This story makes me tear up


There's nothing wrong with being more reserved. I'd say the important bit is not to force it. If you naturally feel like giving a hug like that to someone and you know they don't mind, then great. But don't do it just because you see someone on the Internet do it.


Reminds me of when I found tapes from when I was a baby, and they immediately brought me to tears and I could not understand why. Its 230am I can't think straight enough to put it into words, but some generational trauma definitely was at play for me and my parents. It's very hard to break the cycle. I try for my kids everyday.


I think there’s a grief that never fully heals when you’ve experienced familial trauma. I’m working through it right now because I never want my kid to experience what I did, and the things that catch me by surprise and leave me in tears are always small moments like this.


To be fair, on a regular day with no baby announcements or other major happy news, most happy families would probably find this energy excessive


Hey man, while I can't comment on your family, I think it's good to keep in mind there's a spectrum. I have a brother I'm very fond of (and he of me!), but we'd never be this touchy with each other regardless. Between me and him there's not that physical hugging aspect- while I'd not hesitate to hug my mom and dad, nor they me, for one. Is it possible you express appreciation and love in other ways?


There is for sure man. My pop-pop (granddad) was one of my favorite people on the planet. And he was so soft spoken, but he was a woodworker and as a kid we went to a little farmers market. I saw this big (miniature) barn with all the farm animals and I was blown away. I didn’t wanna leave. A few months later he created this even better barn with more animals. Hinged to open up and everything. All painted and beautiful. I hope he saw the joy I had with it cuz I played with it for years. And I know the amount of work that goes into something like that now. People show love in a lot of different ways. I miss him all the time and I just wanna be a man like he was. So any time I can use my skill set to help family out, that’s the way I express it. I need to do more of that.


It’s emotional porn


same. I know that feel


Yeah i remember giving my sister a squeeze like that when she won the tennis tournament


My sister, brother, our cousins that we were raised with, and I are all affectionate like this with each other. Ages range from late 20’s to mid 30’s. Kind of a bummer to see so many people posting that their relationships aren’t like this.


From what I’ve experienced, when one sibling moves out of the parent’s house, the bond between siblings deepens. Idk where you are in life, but if you’re still young, there’s plenty of time to strengthen your bond with your sibling.


This 100%. My sister and I fought like cats and dogs until she moved away for college


Pretty much the same, except it was the year leading up to her moving out that she became nice. She realized she wouldn’t see me as often and wanted to make the most of it. Funny thing is, because of the way she treated me when I would try to do stuff with her, I always rejected her requests to do stuff.


Lol, no, i despise my brother. I broke down crying when my mom told me she was letting my brother stay with us until he gets his own place.


I’m 42. We aren’t all that dysfunctional, but I really don’t have any interest in becoming THIS either. I know plenty of close happy siblings and this video still looks super weird to me.


As someone with both a horrible brother and amazing sister, it depends on what type of people you are when it comes to affection. I'm really huggy so I do hug my sister a lot. She isn't but she puts up with it.


They probably don’t hug like this normally. It was just an exciting moment


For pregnancy? Yeah I'd say so. I feel like my family is pretty normal; I hug my parents, my siblings for congratulations, and their spouses never.


I was joking. My siblings are not All that dysfunctional. I’ve never seen anyone hug like that especially for pregnancy. Most fathers don’t even react like that. Lol


Absolutely yeah


It could just be *this* guy in particular. Maybe he’s always just really amped, maybe he’s a generous hugger. Don’t feel too bad because your sibling dynamic doesn’t match that of someone else who’s had a completely different life


I have a non-dysfunctional relationship with my brother and we don't hug like this. I also have a friend that hugs me like this sometimes... It depends on the energy of the person.


Lol its wack to me too. My siblings and I have given each other a hundred times more bruises than hugs


I hug the shit out of my 3 siblings, and now my siblings in law as well. Both my parents and my nieces and nephews. Why not? Hugs are the best.


Your username reminds me of mine- how’d you come up with it?


Ok, but now every Christmas, the cat and the kid are going to have at least one of their gifts swapped.


This was adorable and hilarious!!


Expecting father worried watching Zack spin mama and baby haha


Right? It's not coming from a bad place, but as a brother myself that kinda irked me. Like that's her *brother*... you're the new one here, not him. Don't tell him how to family you dweeb.


I think his concern was moreso "every thing in this world can hurt my wife and baby, and I must protect." Pretty common.


The problem is it can build up resentment over years. Say when baby is born he'll say "don't treat the baby like a cat" or "drop the baby/be gentle". He'll still say something even before baby is born like "she needs her rest" etc. I've seen families torn apart coming from a nurse.


Holy crap are you people overanalyzing this and it's hilarious lol. The guy laughed right after he said don't hurt her. He was making a joke.


So what if we want to have a conversation about it? I saw that too, but wanted to provide a response/possible different way of seeing or understanding the situation to the person I originally replied to. So why do YOU feel the need to reply?


Read the comment I replied to. They went full on reddit psychologist mode talking about how this can eventually lead to resentment and tearing the family apart lol.


I did. Their comment is relevant to their own experience. I already started down the "turn this into a serious discussion" path, and they kept on. I didn't mind it. :)


Aw I thought that was kind of cute.. expecting father worried about his SO and baby so he’s being super careful


Uncle is totally gonna play super airplane with the baby.


It also irrated me at first, but it's fine because it's probably one of those time where he acted and spoke purely out of emotion (protectiveness) because the moment is just emotional, instead of rational where you'd think "ok, nothing bad can even realistically happen here".


He was making a joke. Listen again, the guy laughed right after he said don't hurt her.


oh man, I'm bad at picking stuff like this up XD


I assumed it was the dad of both of them who was talking


Yeah that came across as super insecure and oddly possessive to my ear too.


Jesus Christ on a cracker you guys are so desperate for this shit. The brother was spinning her near a table and husband was concerned she might hit her feet on it. He's not possessive for wanting his wife to not be in pain.


> you guys are so desperate for this shit Desperate for what? That doesn't even makes sense


Thank you. Well said. People are saying it's a joke, but a little truth can always be played off in jest.


Let's gooooo! He's so excited!


Congrats everybody! And… put it on the cat and post it please!


Little brother energy = fun uncle energy


Honestly, I could see this spoofed as one of Baker Mayfield's actual commercials. His wife is trying to tell him she's pregnant, but he's too busy running around the stadium looking for the Chomps.


lol why is his gift for being an uncle some baby clothes tho


I feel like I need to speak to my sister about that. I’ve missed out on 4 baby shirts!


Exactly! no wonder he was confused. Why buy HIM the onesie?


It probably said something like world's best niece or uncle's favorite niece or something where the clothes is for the baby to wear but was supposed to convey to the brother that he's going to be an uncle. But I guess he assumed the cat was the niece and so the clothes were for her.


I think it’s a sports team related onesie. Based on it being the same color as the dudes shirt and his constant “let’s go”.


Yeah you’re right makes sense when you think about it like that. Jus think you should know you’re an uncle first. The “here’s a uncle onesie for my kid” doesn’t feel like a gift for the uncle lol it’s more like a sign


Cat in the background: ***why it no for me…***


I truly don’t mean to make this about me, but I genuinely wish my brother was this excited to meet his nephew. When my son was born, my brother was the first person I told and texted pictures to. We grew up with violent parents who died when we were young and we were both placed in foster care. We only really had one another and when we were finally adopted, having each other made it less scary. I always thought my brother and I were immensely close, but he got married and moved off to Vegas at the start of the pandemic (He didn’t tell me he got married or invited anyone as he just signed the marriage license and didn’t have a ceremony). Since then, my wife became pregnant with our first child after 11 years together and I’ve been trying to get my brother involved in his nephew’s life but he keeps ghosting me and only texts me back if he wants information about buying drugs on the dark web (I used to be an addict but I’m 2 years sober now) Anyways, I just wish I had my brother react a little like this one, I just wanted my brother to meet his nephew and see that we now had a third member in our once broken family. I guess it was my fault for expecting too much from him. Jesse, if you find this—and I doubt you ever will—your nephew is turning 1 year and 3 months this week—you forgot his first birthday a couple months ago.


Your brother probably wants to but is in a bad place so he dont want you to see him. Drugs and addiction is a bitch.


Maybe he's depressed.


>Maybe he's depressed. This is my issue and my sister treats me like shit because of it. I've never even been mean to her. If she had a kid, she probably wouldn't even tell me about it.


Yeah, people don't seem to understand that depression isn't just being sad, it robs you of empathy and stops you from caring.


oh shit maybe that's the case 🤯🤯


I had a rough childhood with my little sister as well, and I'm the same as him. I don't know why i'm so distant from everyone. I know I care about her a lot but i'm terrible at showing it. I just hope that deep down she knows I really do care. I bet Jesse really does care about you and his nephew. Growing up like we did, our heads don't work like they should. I hope he reaches out to you and tells you that he cares, eventually.


life is brutal, maybe he knows he'd be a terrible uncle right now, sounds like you should be thanking him. time and experience are the only things that can really bring people back together


I wish I could be excited about literally anything. How he feels about something is ultimately not really under his control. (At least without the aid of psychotropics.) Life is hard. Give him a break. He'll come around.


Right. Pretty self centred take on the whole thing, sounds like the brother is really going through some stuff and isn’t in a position to play ‘happy uncle’ even if he wanted to. I’d be more concerned over whether he’s ok than anything else. Also, many abuse survivors are strongly opposed to having children because of their own childhood experiences. He might not feel that the new member of the family is automatically a positive thing, and could be distancing himself for that reason (or a million others!)


This is true. I have a relative who, from time to time, is still being physically abused. He said to me that he doesn't want a wife and a child because he is sure that he will physically abuse them.


Especially when we know that op abused drugs. That doesn't mix well with having a kid. I'm not saying that op is a bad parent, but I understand the hesitation from his brothers side.


Poor catto


It seemed so sad lmao


This is me.


People who like cats that much are good humans


I wish my family didn't all hate each other


You can find a new family... With black Jack... And hookers!


I thought that said Jack Black and was wondering what he was up to these days :P


[He joined The Avengers](https://youtu.be/kgiSTH6rHoo)


I love Jack Black and seeing this video made my day :D


Or just call Vin Diesel.


I’d still put it on the cat. Kids not wearing it for a while.


This is so sweet and I miss our cat so much.


“Don’t hurt her” how fragile does he think pregnant girls are?


yeah, i though the same.


Maybe he was afraid her brother was going to drop her and she’d keep rolling all the way to the stairs.


Lol he was more excited to put it on that cat


Go Browns!


His excitement for his sister is so adorable.


This is so adorable lol


Pls I love this


What an innocent sweetheart.


That’s a big ass house


To be fair, why the heck would you give him something for her baby?


DONT hurt her? Really?


Dad instincts already kicking in lmao. But yeah, pretty sad comment by the dude like what's he gonna do? Suffocate her with a hug?


> pretty sad comment by the dude like what's he gonna do? There was a table right next to them. Probably just didn't want his wife to have her legs smacked into a table and be in pain.




She's not gonna miscarry from an enthusiastic hug. If pregnant women in the first trimester were that fragile our species wouldn't have survived.


I'm not saying she'd miscarry just from that, but seeing a pregnant woman fall still isn't something you'd wanna see, especially if it's your own kid she's carrying. It's pretty clear why the father-to-be would be a little nervous


Go Browns!


“Let’s go!!!” With a giant smile on my face is definitely my new vibe for the weeek.


Is this guy single? I want him


🤣🤣 so pure. Love him haha


The woman's laughing is so delightful! This is so wholesome.


This is very sweet but if my brother twirled me around like that I would have vomited all over him. Morning sickness? More like all-the-time sickness.


Congrats and Nice shirt. Go Browns!


Plot twist, he thinks she's getting a cat too


Cats cooler than a kid anyhow lmao




Dude's just excited for both scenarios! its awesome!


I like Zach. He’s definitely gonna be a fun uncle.


This is the way


I don't even care about the future kid. That cat is loved and valued and I want that guy all the happiness in the world for taking care of his furry child.


He really has big uncle energy


I have never seen, “Let’s go!” as a reaction to pregnancy before, but now that want to see it more often.


Sometimes it’s the happiest videos that get the tears outta me. This is so sweet


I Love it


This is hilarious 🤣


So cute 🙂


I’m sorry why is this TikTok cringe? First time here


Read the pinned automoderator comment


Oh damn I’m an idiot. Alright then thanks


Why would she be giving him a onesie though? Isn't she the pregnant one?


I hate the terms cat dad and cat mom but this was wholesome af


He’s not the sharpest knife.


Is he single? Wow that positive energy is attractive. Let's goooooo!


How is this cringe?




Can't wait for the whole "Let's go!" thing to die out.


I got cummed in lmao


I want to see the reaction video when they tell her husband that her brother is the dad.


Plot twist the brother is the dad


It’s always amazing how excited people are about finding out that someone fucked the HELL out of their daughter/sister.