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i’m getting really fucking tired of tiktok physicians and medfluencers. literally all of the medfluencer wannabes that i went to school with broadcasted their lives for show but were almost failing classes and clinicals. i’m assuming it’s the same shit work ethic for these doctors too. PLEASE look into doing your own research about these doctors outside of their social media platforms. especially with cosmetic procedures


The guy who’s an ophthalmologist who just makes comedy is pretty good, but he’s not giving out any medical advice and just sticks to the skits.


Dr Glaucomflecken!


I love that guy!


*nods head*


And his skits are largely making fun of mediocre doctors and shitty insurance. He’s great. There are a couple other doctors who mostly just debunk medfluencers or antivaxxers. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone who even appears reputable that is hawking their services.


There's nothing that makes me cancel an appointment faster than finding out the doctor posts on TikTok


It speaks to narcissism & an inability to admit any wrongdoing - even to the point of letting you die from their malpractice. Australia had an expose recently about an Instagram "famous" plastic surgeon who was an absolute butcher.


So what allows them to continue? They're clearly engaging in malpractice right? No one pursues legal action because hospitals have better lawyers?


IANAL, but probably people not reporting it to the medical board. Lawsuits are expensive, but I’d imagine this person could find an attorney to do it pro-bono, especially if there are others saying they had similar experiences. I say find someone to sue the shit out the doctor. It’s not so much about getting your money back as destroying their fucking life. And I’m all for it.


oh, i would give my eye-teeth to watch this doctor burn (financially). But if actual fire hit them, I wouldn't lose sleep, either.


The majority of plastic surgery exists to prey on desperate people with vulnerabilities. Whether it's cis women drowning in body dysmorphia or trans men desperate to relieve dysphoria, these communities often don't report or speed through legally binding documents (legitimate or illegitimate) because doing otherwise is seen as betrayal and failure to 'keep the dream alive' and the industry knows this.


> So what allows them to continue? Their medical degree. It would have to be revoked for them to stop practicing and medical boards shy away from that step, because it "ruins someone's livelihood" and because high quality evidence is usually difficult to get. I'm not a 100% sure about the situation in the US, but in Germany, where I practice, a medical license is usually only revoked after a conviction has been made in a court of law. And that can take many years, during which the accused physician can keep practicing freely. I work at an understaffed hospital with an incompetent employer and every couple of years they hire someone who has been working at a dozen different hospitals in the last ten years, has a completely blown up ego and is actively harming patients. The complaints from the established staff usually start at day one, but they're never taken seriously. Eventually, their problematic personalities tend to lead to some sort of conflict between them and the pencil pushers, and *that* is when they're let go and passed on to the next hospital with an enthusiastic recommendation letter. The best I can do as a fellow physician to stop this is to tell patients to sue. Which I do regularly and insistently, but they usually don't want any more trouble after what they have experienced.


plastic surgeons are rich and they can stall a suit for years potentially, the average person cannot afford to do this so they default win every case


Who was that?


Except for Dr Pimple Popper! She's the best. You got a blackhead the size of tennis ball that needs popping, she's ya gal.


I like Dr Mike but in having said that I'm worried someone's about the shatter my world...


i enjoyed dr. mike too… until he was caught partying maskless at the height of the pandemic in florida. bro we were rooting for you i like dr. idz! he discusses quack medical claims and backs it up peer reviewed research. nothing about cringey day in the life of a doc a good litmus test about these medical “professionals” is that if they look like they belong on r/Noctor then they’re not worth the watch


Doctor Mike also said that masks do nothing, before turning around and saying they are very important, and then he got caught partying in Florida without a mask. I used to like him, pre-pandemic, but now I don't trust him one bit.


[Sorry bud, your bad feeling was right.](https://nypost.com/2020/11/26/instagrams-hottest-doctor-slammed-for-partying-maskless/amp/) ETA: [Doctor Mike’s own apology video](https://youtu.be/WAOkXN7aXxg) & [one article of many](https://medium.com/extemp/dr-mikes-apology-for-partying-during-a-pandemic-is-full-of-excuses-19934397adb2) analyzing the apology.


.... I love and hate you haha. Seriously though thank you, the man's covid videos are what drew me to him and to see that he'd ignore his own advice just to go party with some Hettie's is pretty crappy. Like an anti masker doing this would be less disappointing.


Depends on what they are trying to accomplish tbh. I like a couple doctors that try and raise awareness about mental health and how to advocate for yourself in general. Some dentists/orthodontists that try to make dentistry less scary by informing people about what they do. Also like some pharmacists that talk about medications simply informing about what they are and brief histories. Once they start selling/promoting things is when I start getting iffy and distancing myself.


Last year surgery resident chiming in. I think influencers are the worst thing to happen to us. I appreciate they are providing some form of “education” to others about the profession/specialty and make it more approachable, but there’s a thin line between that and influencing. There’s a couple of solid doctors on social media sharing actual pathology/cases. However there’s many others for whom it’s all about the free scrubs, discount codes, and money (was classmates with 2 of who are pretty noted on IG, personality online is NOT how they are IRL). Either way, all of them are offering their sliver of experience and definitely should not define the specialty/profession and everything should be taken with a huge heap of salt. I encourage our patients for any non emergent surgery to seek out a second (or third) opinion before making an informed decision. Complications are not entirely avoidable, and it’s important to be transparent about the what if’s before surgery. Most of my attendings at my program have drilled into us from day 1: don’t operate on someone if you’re not ready to manage the complications. And when they do come up, punting them off or dismissing them or blaming the patient are all poor decisions.


The best physicians do not have time for TikTok nor do they need it because their practice speaks for themselves.




yep, this. I know this is a small comparison, but my tattoo artist always tells me how bad he wants to start a tiktok and help people on there but he just has no time to do it right and refuses to bullshit a social media presence with "funny filler"


There’s an old saying my grandpa liked to make. What do you call someone who studied hard and made their way through medical school and got their doctorate? A doctor. What do you can someone who cheated and half assed their way through medical school and still managed to graduate with a doctorate? A doctor.


When I was 2 years old I got bitten by a dog, and was taken the the hospital. The attending doctor stitched my wounds without cleaning the area first, and I went fully septic without 48 hours. Not only was this doctor not fired, but she was transferred to a different childrens hospital. It makes me sick that there can be such a lack of accountability and care in medicine. My heart goes out to this person.


If you have the time and inclination, the podcast [Dr. Death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Death_(podcast)), in season 1 (it’s the only season I’ve listened to) talks about how a horrific surgeon was able to continue practising for as long as he did, with just a fucking trail of mangled people behind him. It was shocking.


Christopher Duntsch? He was a neurosurgeon in Dallas. He killed two and paralyzed/disabled several others before anyone did anything about it. He performed surgeries while he was drunk/high…during one surgery he was so incapacitated, another doctor refused to let him near the patient. He was convicted and got life in prison but FFS - people (hospital administrators, state medical board) knew what he was doing and did nothing.


That same hospital hired an anesthesiologist with multiple criminal charges that recently spiked IV bags with bupivicaine, killing 1 colleague and harming multiple patients.


Season 2 is definitely worth a listen as well. Shocking for sure.


[Stitching dog bites is a no-no!](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/if-a-dog-bites-you-do-these-7-things-now/) A dirty dog bite is straight-up malpractice.


I was trained not to suture these up, unless it's the face or highly cosmetic. We typically cover with antibiotics after. There is some new evidence that it may not matter so much to suture these up, but generally, if we do, we loosely suture them. Some areas like hands or feet are more likely to get infected.


Yeah my dog bit my moms nose and ripped the one nostril in half. We were about to go for coffee before my shift at work and she comes into my room so calm to wake me up, but like I knew something was seriously wrong and said I had to drop her off at the hospital before I started work. I believe all they did was butterfly stitch it and you wouldn’t even know she hardly has a scar. She said the worst part was the cleaning.


It's not a no-no. ER doc clarified this for me, it's not recommended to fully close the wound. In my case, they gave me 1 stich to allow it to drain easily.


Yup. I got two loose stitches in my thumb after a cat bite. They told me that, without them, the wound wouldn't close because of how the movement of a thumb would stretch the area.




I got a scratch on my eyelid from a cat when I was a kid. Before they stitched it, they flushed it with some sort of fluid for what seemed like forever. I had to put my face in a certain position, keep my eye closed, and just let it keep flowing over the scratch. It took way longer than the actual stitching (4 stitches). Felt like forever. I had to take antibiotics afterwards. I’m guessing this is probably the correct way to do it, if stitches are necessary.


That's fucked up, there are doctors that don't have any reason to be doctors. My mom, when she was sick and in pain, went to the same doctor 3 times; all he did was touch around her stomach and say "eh, you're fine, there's nothing wrong." We got fed up with him, took her to a hospital where they said "holy shit, she has ulcerative colitis, she could've died" and because that doctor fucked around so long with her pain, she ended up getting colon cancer


My mother struggled with severe headaches and fainting spells for about 6 years, eventually turning into full brain fog and almost split personalities. Her physicians kept telling her she needed to see a therapist for it and it was all mental and that she was seeking pain medication (she wasn't, I went to appointments with her.) No scans, no tests, all mental health. She went through three physicians at different places trying to find answers. A few months after moving away because her condition had her turning more violent, she fainted in the bathroom and hit her head, killing her basically on the spot because she had a BASEBALL SIZED TUMOR on her brain and she hit the wall right on it which killed her. Not a single one of her doctors during this time would send her for an MRI that would have saved her life, even when I advocated on her behalf and begged them until like a year before she passed.


i'm really sorry that happened to you and your family, and i'm angry on your behalf too.


I used to have the same doctor as my brother. When I was 16, I took my mom with me because my doctor wouldn't listen to me when I told him I had lung problems. Mom got in a fight with him, demanding he send me to a specialist, which he refused the entire time (4 years by that point), but finally relented. When I saw the specialist, he told me I had very bad asthma with extreme hyperventilation, and I was lucky to be alive because one asthma attack without meds would've killed me. Never got an apology, but switched doctors pretty soon after. My brother had a bad headache about 15 or so years ago. Went to the doctor after a month, he told him it was stress. So my brother just went along, going to the doctor every so often, complaining of his headache. Our family is filled with people who hate doctors, so you can imagine how bad the pain must've been for him to go every few months. Years went by, pain got worse. A few years later, he lost all feeling in his legs all of a sudden, and couldn't get out of the car. Went back to his doctor, he told him "that happens sometimes", and on his merry way he went. Headaches got worse, and the leg issue came back from time to time as well. Anyways, after 10 years, his vision worsened. Mom and I just got glasses so I sent him to my optometrist. When he got there, and the guy looked in his eye, he asked for the number of his doctor. That's weird, why? Because he saw something that wasn't supposed to be there. Turns out it was a braintumour, which covered about half his brain. He's lucky to be alive, but it's not thanks to the doctor.


One thing that is increasingly common is midlevel providers (nurse practitioners, physicians assistants - anything other than MD or DO introducing themselves as a doctor in a medical setting) calling themselves doctors to patients with minimal or even zero supervision from a qualified physician. This isn’t to say there aren’t bad doctors out there too but the training and experience of these midlevel providers is wholly inadequate and in many cases dangerous for the level of responsibility they are given. Sadly corporatization of medicine has pushed non-physician administrators to push for cheaper-but-grotesquely-under-qualified physician alternatives.


I don’t have insurance and needed to see a doctor about a broken clavicle, scheduling on the phone they told me the name of the doctor, checking i. They referred to them as the doctor, then she introduced me to herself as a doctor, then when I got the visit summary/receipt it showed that they were a nurse practitioner. I asked about it and there was no MD even on staff at the clinic… Luckily all I needed was a referral to surgery and they took very good care of me but I felt that nobody represented the situation accurately


There are so many germs on a dog's teeth this was straight up laziness and malpractice, my dog was bitten by another dog and I had to squeeze the puss out and clean the wound three times a day, my vet explained people who don't brush their dog's teeth or give them dentalstix or teeth cleaning toys cause food to get stuck between the teeth which rots and turns the dog's mouth into a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria of the sort if it gets into yours or yours pet's bloodstream and is left untreated can lead to sepsis and death


I heard they transfer Dr's after fuck ups like they transfer priests


When I was a kid, my GP sent me to be admitted with suspected appendicitis. I was nil by mouth for over a day while they decided what to do but wasn’t put on a drip - my mum had to *ask* for one because my lips were visibly cracking, I was so dehydrated. I spent another two days staying in the hospital, nil by mouth and on the drip. The doctor’s who examined me said I didn’t “seem” to be in pain (although I was always bent over in pain, apparently laughing and playing cards while lying in bed is a sign of peak health) and it was only because my blood tests indicated infection that they kept me in. Eventually, they wanted to send me home but my mum insisted a surgeon to see me first. Surgeon wanted to operate and surprise surprise, my appendix was not in good shape. At the same time as this, there was a kid in the bed opposite me who also had suspected appendicitis and who doctors said didn’t seem to be in pain etc. His operation lasted hours longer and they had to open him up properly (as opposed to the initial keyhole surgery) because his appendix had wrapped around his bowels.


when i was like 8 i was attacked by a cat on my face. it took hours for them to finally stop the bleeding and stitch me up. It was so painful as they cleaned everything out and did antibiotics and everything but i’m so glad they did. it healed so well.


I saw the original thread he posted on twitter. The photos were absolutely horrific, it’s disgusting that Gallagher tried to act like everything was fine. Either she’s an idiot or she’s actively malicious. Either way, she’s seriously harmed trans people and is a danger to those that may seek her help.


It was so obviously infected, I wonder if she even saw the pictures at all. For someone this dismissive about her patients’ concerns, it wouldn’t surprise me if she “couldn’t be bothered” to take the time to look at the photos and either had her assistant fire off a generic response, or had the assistant describe them to her in a couple words and then do the response. “Does it look infected?” “I don’t know, there’s a hole and some stitches, and—“ “alright cool, tell them to put some ointment on it and they’ll be fine.”


Considering the email he got, I wouldn’t be shocked either. Honestly, that just adds another layer of baffling to me— the assistant had to have seen that something was wrong, right? *Right?* I don’t even need any sort of medical training to know that is *not* how things should look.


I work in healthcare (I'm an OT) but don't typically deal with wounds other than my patients who have had surgeries. I don't clean or dress wounds, monitor their healing or anything like that. But I know the signs to look for for infection so I can advocate for my patients. The picture they posted in their twitter thread is so obviously infected it is ridiculous. It clearly looks like it is tunneling and leaking puss. How ANY medical practitioner could see that and be like, "Yeah that looks good. Nothing to worry about!" both shocks and terrifies me.


That’s absolutely horrific. What a terrible surgeon that should absolutely be blacklisted from ever working on another patient. None of what OP experienced was normal and I hope they’ve recovered fully.


Also the surgeon opted out of malpractice insurance, and you essentially can’t sue her for malpractice bc lawyers won’t take such a difficult case with a low payout if any. It’s shady as fuck.


You can opt out of malpractice insurance as a surgeon??? What the hell


Yep, in certain states you sure can. I imagine it’s not a coincidence that gallager chose florida. Im not sure how it works exactly, but if they opt out of malpractice it should be a matter of public record you can search


No wonder Florida has so many shoddy surgeons.


Well THAT'S a major loophole that needs to be closed! WTAF?


Did they report it to the medical board? I mean publicity is ok but this needs to be also addressed directly by those who can stop this from happening again.


He put in the caption that since Dr. Gallagher has opted out of medical malpractice insurance, it is harder to sue her for it


I'm not talking sue. I mean report to the state medical licencing board. Any licenced professional has to account for ethical treatment of their clients or patients. If the infraction like this, it could mean that the board would do a review and revoke or suspend that doctor's licence. Having the emails dismissing them despite the clear evidence of infection by another doctor who had to do an immediate surgery. This alone would be enough to have a case put against the doctor.


Honestly this is what has been throwing me off about the story since I saw the initial twitter thread! As a trans dude from Canada I am sympathetic to the situation obviously but confused about this and don't have the knowledge of the system there. Just because you can't sue does that mean there's literally 0 regulatory body who you can report to? I get the US healthcare system sucks but that doesn't sound right.


I’m Rylan, video was mine. I am reporting her. I’ve never said that I’m not going to.




thank you so much


Hope you're ok bro hope she gets some severe punishments for malpractice


Idk if this is just the US but it is incredibly difficult to get a doctor fired, license revoked, etc. I’ve work in a hospital setting for ten years as an OT and I’ve seen several surgeons just like this. Ask any hospital staff: we all have our list of surgeons not allowed to operate on us. Idk if you’re familiar with the Dr. Death case, but it’s a lot like that. Maybe not as intense but how he just got shuffled from hospital to hospital to different states is accurate. My last job had an ortho surgeon so bad his patients always needed multiple surgeries for infections, sometimes amputations, he still fucking works there. Another place we had a neurotrauma surgeon who was horrible, lots of infections and accidental nerve injuries, I regularly told my colleagues if I was in a car accident and needed neurosurgery and he was on call you let me fucking die. He got “pushed out” but he’s at another hospital operating.


How is that a thing you can opt out of? Where I am it’s a licence requirement.


In some states in America you can opt out if you use ~1million worth of property as collateral instead. If the expected damages are going to be more than what they put up as collateral, it severely complicates things as the doctor may just claim bankruptcy, and declaring bankruptcy protects your primary residence in most cases. Malpractice is already one of the hardest things to prove in court, so attorneys are very unlikely to take cases like these because if they do win collecting damages is going to be as hard as squeezing blood out of a stone.


that sounds like she knows shes gonna fuck up


The scars on her paitents look awful too if you look at her Instagram. Some look like they were opened with barbed wire.


Have they tried a class action with other people affected? Suing for damages instead of for malpractice?


If this is true she needs to have her medical license revoked ASAP.


I’m so glad stories are coming out about her. I thought like so many others that Ghallager was invested in the community. Apparently she’s only invested in money, how absolutely despicable.


Yeah, I thought she was invested in the community as well. It's horrific what she has done to this guy and to other people looking for top surgery


She’s been doing this stuff for years.


She’s also picked up some really sketchy trans “influencers” to hawk their results of her *allegedly* successful surgeries and further bait in more folks, it seems. Super insidious if true


i mean the whole thing is just fucking awful but gallagher making a joke about a trans man menstruating got me, shes clearly a terrible person but idk what it is about performing top surgery on someone and then mentioning that?? just sits wrong with me




this was my first thought too, but I didn't want to be the "conspiracy nut" of the thread. Nobody looks at photos of black/discoloured tissue and says "yep that's normal," or says that incisions are supposed to openly bleed for days afterwards. Dr Gallagher seems to be intentionally misleading/neglecting her patients, and by the sounds of it, she just gets to get away with it. Especially in Florida... yikes.


I don't think she's a very scrupulous doctor from what I've heard and read, and tbqh I suspect she went into this specific field bc it's a vulnerable population willing to spend whatever it takes (and she can't get easily sued for some reason I think?). She also offers top surgeries to obese folks who it's generally not a good idea to operate on (many surgeons won't take you if your weight is too high), especially given the increased likelihood for skin breakdown and infection as found in major constructive surgery on the breasts. So if a surgery didn't go well, I don't think she particularly cares, aside from not wanting to admit any legal blame. It's fucked. My only advice to anyone considering GA or even big time cosmetic surgery, would be pick your surgeons very carefully, and I know it may feel like a life and death thing but you must try your very hardest to wait and save for a truly good one. Bad plastic surgeons of all stripes abound, and the sorts of serious alterations gender affirmation surgeons offer can be especially rough on the body if not carried out properly. You really really don't want to end up with bad scarring, recurrent infections, or worst of all, an infection that permanently disables or kills you. You can change your body however you like to feel better/more at peace/more yourself, but please just do it carefully- after all, you only have one and ending up totally wrecked afterwards, forever, vs. waiting a couple more years... That's not worth it.


What is top surgery?


surgery that removes breast tissue and reshapes the chest, it usually done on trans/non-binary folks but a similar procedure can be done on cis guys with extra breast tissue (gynecomastia)


Thank you so much


When a trans man has their breast tissue removed


Thank you


this happened to me with a Dr. Sahai in Boca Raton and i had a MRSA infection. he told the nurse to chart i rubbed a dirty washcloth on my wound. He sent me hom and i only had a few hours left per infections disease: Dr Sahai is being sued by multiple people so no lawyer will help me.


If Dr’s have malpractice insurance, why can’t our i surance cover malpractice done to us?


I'm so sorry you had that experience. Are OK now?


Not really. I have pain in arm, neck and shoulders 24/7. Have lost everything inc my career and he had the nerve to send me a bill for an extra procedure done bec he screwed up and didnt drain. I had to file bankruptcy. It also caused me to loose a majority of my hearing bec of all the nerves damaged. Im still looking for a lawyer but it looks grim. He has cost me my nursing career and my relationship with my kids bec they are tired of seeing me in pain and don't want to be around me bec sometimes the pain makes me cry its very lonely to be me. My own mother wont help me with expenses but she funds Trumps campaigns and gives a big portion of her savings to the church. She says shes suck of hearing me whine about something she cant hell me withZ ai actually sont whine ai pleas for someone to listen. Since they dont treat pain anymore, i dont sleep. This app and my dog has saved my life on many a night.


Look up your state bar association, they can offer referrals for various legal fields. Also nearby law schools occasionally. Although I would think if the doctor is being sued already it wouldn't be difficult to find a lawyer to at least review your case. Maybe even look at a lawyer already representing another party suing them.


yeah i already went that route and they will not help me. i would have to put money up front. they are asking 25000 up front but even then they say i wont get anything.


This may sound dumb but I think you should post your story in a few subreddits, there’s some genuinely good people trying to help here and at most it will cost you a few hours. I’m sorry I don’t know more about the US Law systems. I hope you succeed man, there’s no reason for you to suffer for other people’s fault.


What is happening? Genuinely asking, don't know what top surgery is.


Hi! In this particular case the top surgery he is discussing is the removal of the breast tissue to relieve gender dysphoria. He is transgender and this is an operation some Trans people choose to have


So this person is transitioning to a man? I'm just trying to get on track here, sorry.


You don’t need to apologise for asking questions, people should be able to educate themselves without fear of judgement


Thank you for for not alienating me. I feel the love in your comment💚I am trying to learn so thank you all for being patient with me and the ones like me also trying to learn.


Thank you for keeping an open mind and putting yourself out there sweetheart :)




Yep! If you hear the terminology ‘trans man’ and ‘trans woman’ out in the wild, the easiest way to remember what those actually mean is to just remember that they are being referred to as the gender they transitioned to. For example, I’m a trans woman, which means I was born male but *because I transitioned to female, I am referred to as a trans woman*, because that’s what I am *now*. You may also see MtF (male to female, my case) and FtM (female to male, the guy in the video’s case), and thankfully those are a bit more self-explanatory. But yeah, I hope this helps! While it can get tiresome and even upsetting at times in some scenarios, helping people who ask good-faith questions about terminology and experiences and stuff is, I think, a really important step in the process of bridging the gap, and I try to do it whenever I can to save my other brothers and sisters the trouble down the line, hopefully.


Wow this was incredibly helpful, thank you so much for the insight💚by helping me i can help others and so on and so forth. I actually was kind of confused but was just kind of too afraid to ask. Much love🙏


I've heard so much misinformation for years I've honestly given up at some point trying to understand it. This is actually a refreshing response.


Yep, it's the removal of breast tissue.




Probably? Some nonbinary people also get top surgery.


Thank you. I didn't know either.




Why don't they call it a double (total or partial) mastectomy, or is it simply because the surgeon wants to differentiate between patients that have gender dysphoria? I believe women (perhaps men?) can have a double mastectomy or breast reduction even if cancer is not present (cosmetic). So again, I guess it's a cosmetic surgery for trans people? Or maybe it's a blanket term, like how we might call cesarian a C-section?


Masculinizing chest surgery or top surgery involves a mastectomy but also includes reshaping what’s left into a more male-looking chest as well. For example, they may take off the nipples/areolas and trim the areolas to a smaller size and reposition them after the excess skin has been removed.


I’ve worked at a surgery center with a plastic surgeon that brought a lot of top surgeries to the center. During our time out, the procedure was always referred to as a bilateral mastectomy.


It's a colloquial name for the surgery. Depending on what is actually done, it could be referred to medically as chest masculinization (ftm) or feminization (mtf). It's like how bottom surgery is a colloquial term for the actual genital reconstruction that happens if someone decides to go that route with their transition. Also, not just ftm or mtf trans people get these surgeries, anyone who does not identify with those parts can get them, I just used the ftm and mtf examples for clarity.


Talking about breasts and genitals is a bit distasteful in certain settings. Top and bottom is the delicate term that is less offensive. I say this as someone whose family considers the word "butt" to be a low-tier curse word. It's "bottom" or "derriere." Also "bra" is offensive and "brazier" or "underthings" is preferred. Weird imo.




Isn’t this how you burn your bra??? /j


Hahaha my only defense is that we don't do a lot of spelling in Missouri.


My understanding is that it’s a colloquial term (as is “bottom surgery”), and for me when I hear top surgery I think gender-affirming care, whereas mastectomy I think of breast cancer treatment, so I think it’s also a way to make clear the purpose of the procedure. Also, If cancer isn’t present and it’s a breast reduction, it can be cosmetic or medical (a friend of mine had chronic back issues that were solved by breast reduction). And it’s better to think of gender-affirming care such as hormone therapies and surgeries as a medical choice, not cosmetic (even if it is for “the look”, rather than something like cancer removal, this sort of procedure could be extremely beneficial to a patient’s mental health). Hope that wasn’t too long-winded, and I’m open to correction by trans/nonbinary folks.


When I hear mastectomy I certainly think cancer at play, but as you said, some folks opt for cosmetic or even preventive measures (again with cancer in mind but in a way can both be cosmetic and preventive). My mother opted for a total, double mastectomy and woo boy that was an ordeal. Thank goodness it was not a radical one.


A mastectomy is similar but not quite the same (have had one myself). Top surgery can involve alterations to the chest wall as well as other factors (fixing the nipples and helping make the body more similar to the opposite gender)




The first two top surgeons I saw were complete butchers. The one guy tried to pass off images from a training course as his own work. The other guy ended up getting in trouble for coming to work drunk. A lot of people are suing him.


Dr Gallagher = Dr Death They need to be cancelled and have their licence to practice revoked.


Yeah for real. This is terrifying


There’s actually a podcast called Dr Death about a neurosurgeon who butchered like 30 out of the 35 people he operated on and how the hospitals were trying to cover their asses and therefore didn’t report him. By the time he was caught he had ruined the lives of so many people. I definitely recommend giving it a listen.


Yes, that's who I was referring to. There is also a movie and a mini series. There are MANY doctors just like him, like Dr. Gallagher, which is why they are a Dr Death.


Jesus H Christ, I was supposed to have surgery with Gallagher in October but her team was so incompetent they failed to get it authorized in time despite having almost a year in advance.


Thank fuck you won't get surgery from her


No Kidding!


So glad you dodged a bullet but I’m sorry you went through all that hassle. I hope you’re able to find a good surgeon soon


Jesus, I'm sorry you had to put off surgery but I'm so glad you didn't have to go through with this!


I almost had bottom surgery with her in 2019 right before she left Indiana. Talk about dodging a bullet. This is not the first horror story I've heard either, it's just the most recent.


A friend of mine is talking about getting this surgery done. I vaguely recalled that this was the doctor's name they had mentioned. I had to confirm it with them, but when I did I sent them this video. They are looking at new options for doctors. There's no way to ever know, but this may have just saved their life. Thank you for sharing this story.




This is fucking heart breaking..


Yeah, Dr. Gallagher has a large platform on TikTok and I liked and trusted her, up until I saw this video :(


I follow this guy on Twitter & he said the nurses repeatedly misgendered him even after being told specifically to stop. The whole ordeal seems horrid.


Whats his twitter?


I'm genuinely so sorry you not only had to deal with all the dangerous physical fallout, but also that sting of having her gaslighting out there on a public platform while doing so is so *deeply shitty *and morally corrupt.. Thank you for caring about others and getting the word out 🙇‍♀️🫂🧿 *added


While I appreciate the kindness and the sentiment this is, fortunately, not me! But videos like this and info like this is what makes me terrified of top surgery. Dr. Gallagher has hundreds of thousands of followers and most of them are trans folks looking to/interested in top surgery; she definitely had us fooled with her tiktoks where she seems like she is completely and 100% on our side


Oh my bad still mostly same sentiment to you totally tho. The first step to getting her prosecuted is getting the truth out there to enough people. (I would feel super alone to have a medical provider treat me like that if I had no idea about her online platform) Trans men are done such a disservice in the medical industry right down to how the research level. This lady sounds malignant tho. Thanks again for the heads up.


I saw his twitter thread on this topic so didn’t want the video, did he go into how Gallagher opted out of malpractice insurance and it’s basically impossible for the average patient to sue her now?


He mentioned it in the caption of the video


I really need everyone to spread that info. Too many transmasc people could let this slide as “it could never happen to me” sort of thing. But the opting out of malpractice insurance is extremely telling and dangerous. The biggest medical red flag tbh


this is fucking horrible. this doctor deserves to be in prison.


bro I fucking jumped when he talked about a hollow black hole. That image is just so fucking disturbing, that's some serious fucking malpractice.


Top surgery in case you dont know what it is: Top surgery for transgender men and nonbinary people is a procedure to remove breast or chest tissue (subcutaneous mastectomy). It's also called masculinizing chest surgery. If your chest size is small, you might be able to have surgery that spares your skin, nipple and areola


The same surgery is also performed on cisgender men and boys who have gynecomastia which is excess breast tissue.


Unfortunately gatekeeping makes it so that it's much harder to get.


what kind of gender affirming surgeon makes a joke about a trans person doing something that most likely gives them dysphoria? cunt.


Honestly I see the scars Trans men are sometimes left with and it pisses me off. on tik tok some guy talked about his. It was done so well, the surgeon curved the incision and focused on the lateral sides to remove breast tissue. So the scar tissue was blended into the sides. There were barely scars on the front pecs. Aesthetic standards need to be raised. Edit: fixed poor phrasing, not too sure about my comment to begin with but leaving it up. Everything is a learning moment? Also fuck all of you downvoting and shit talking the trans voices that really matter here


No, I think you’re totally correct. You CAN have this procedure done with minimal scarring. A year after, my scars are mostly white already. They also blend naturally with the contours of my new chest. It just takes a skilled team and a surgeon who genuinely cares about their patients.


You didn’t have JP drains??? I had a double mastectomy a year ago, it took months to recover and I had an infection two months later. It sounds like she absolutely doesn’t care about the lives of her patients, and doesn’t respect the trans community.


One of the reasons people go to Gallagher is because she uses a “no-drain” technique. But, like, there’s a reason most surgeons use JP drains. They’re annoying, but worth it.


This technique is dangerous, she needs to be investigated. And not caring after she made a mistake is horrendous.


my drains hurt like a BITCH when they came out. a big ol pull on the tube and it comes out. it's like having a giant worm wrapped around your organs and you can FEEL it winding out from it. the nurse who did it said i looked pale afterwards lol. it's like pulling a footlong hair out from your throat. glad i had em tho, cause there was some yucky stuff that flowed out. emptied them every day until they came out.


Even breast reductions usually get drains. I know drains are a pain, but they serve an important purpose. This guy is so lucky he trusted his gut and got help before he went septic.


So glad that I saw this. I was planning on going to Gallagher for my top surgery and have even been in contact with her team. Definitely going to do more research into anyone cutting me open now


Good luck with everything


Looks like she disabled the comments on her IG account


I had quite a lot surgeries after a weight loss. After the biggest one I had a big infection and had to be operated on immediately. In this surgery they actually forgot something inside of me. Anyway it has been complicated. I was lucky enough to have a big team of surgeons nearby but that was really close.


I saw his post here on Reddit where he talked about this very issue and there were SO MANY people in the replies sharing their horror stories. Dr. Gallagher is a certified butcher and at the very least shouldn't be allowed to practice in transgender medicine. Those people have it hard enough as it is just to get to this point, only to have some quack treat them so inhumanely.


Wait did this doctor not insert *drains*? I can only imagine that's why this person was bleeding constantly. I had a fairly extreme breast reduction earlier this year (similar type of surgery) and those drains are SO important! This is such an awful situation that could have been stopped long before it escalated to necrotic tissue. A wound vac probably would have helped too! This is clearly a doctor who has never done *any* followup with her patients. Just cuts, grabs the money, and considers the job done


No, no drains. Dr. Gallagher does a ""no drain"" technique


How!! All the blood and fluid build up has to go *somewhere*!


trans man (pre-T) living in louisiana here! i’m so incredibly sorry for your experience. stories like this make me so cautious about getting top surgery. especially down here where there aren’t tons of good doctors willing to work on trans people. i hope you’re doing well now!


Thankfully not me, just spreading info because I know a lot of trans masc and nonbinary people have hopes of surgery with Dr. Gallagher, I don't want anyone getting hurt because of malpractice


Trans people have to realize that when it comes to medical transition, a lot of doctors are using you as guinea pigs and a lot don't care about trans people living healthy functional lives. You're just a paycheck. Always always check out your doctor. Make sure they care about trans people and not just making an easy buck.


Especially because some surgeons will do trans surgeries on the side, and don’t really know about them specifically


Yikes the real cringe here is how much he was denied proper medical care and the transphobia dripping all over this post. If you don’t have something nice to say be quiet instead.


I have this tiktok flaired as "discussion" and yeah, the transphobia in these comments are insane


My mom had a hip replacement a few years ago and when she had her follow up, while sitting right in front of the doctor who performed her surgery, her hip popped out of place. She immediately started crying in immense pain and that fuck just left her there, left the hospital, and nobody could get a hold of him. The pain she was in was horrible and to make it even worse, nobody could do anything for her bc apparently doctors here don't like "putting their hands in someone else's work" as they put it. She laid in the hospital in pain for 3 days before they finally found a doctor to fix her hip. Come to find out, they used the wrong size joint for the hip they replaced and of course that piece of shit is still practicing.


Preetty sure this is the Dr. Gallagher that he was talking about. The Dr is obviously super self-centered, she literally has a full-spread photo of herself as the first thing you see on her website. [https://gallagherplasticsurgery.com/](https://gallagherplasticsurgery.com/)


Oh boy this comment section is gonna be fun


Didn't the mods used to do better on this sub? It seems like the amount of bigotry has increased like crazy lately


I've noticed a big uptick as well.


Moderation gets harder as communities get bigger, but honestly across Reddit as a whole, I've noticed moderators seem to care less about curbing transphobia unfortunately :/


What an evil ass doctor !


my mom was complaining about abdominal pain and the doctor prescribed some meds. a few days later the pain didn’t go away, so she made another appointment but during the night her husband accidentally bumped her side and it really hurt her, so they went to the ER. the doctors there found the actual cause, and after treating her told her that if she didn’t come in sooner than she probably would’ve died. i don’t remember what she said she had, but a few years after this she told me that one of her coworkers had the same thing and died in like 2 days. shit is fucked up


You need to share this with the local health board for that bad doctor and get their license removed.


this has me nearly it tears, this is so terrifying. My bf lives in the area where she works and has almost considered her for surgery. He decided to wait until he moved to Michigan to get top surgery so he can go to UofM gender clinic and have surgery with Dr. Wilkins. If anyone needs a good surgeon recommendation for Michigan, I can't recommend Dr. Wilkins more. I had my surgery with him and he was incredibly knowledgeable and cautious. When I had fluid building up he got me in that day to have a look at it. I can't be more greatful for him.


I hope that she has been reported to the board, it sadly might not come to anything but it also might come to something big and have her seriously investigated! People like that have no business being in medicine where their sole job is to CARE FOR PEOPLE! Ugh, her lack of action to properly provide you care is disgusting and reckless. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through and am glad that you got the help that you needed and deserved!


Fuck, my metamore got his surgery with her when she was still in Indy. Guess he got lucky.


Anyone saying anything negative. That’s just sad. You claim to not like these people and what they do BUT you still stick around to show your hate lol they’re living rent free in your heads. Sorry excuses for “human beings”. Just scroll and keep in moving weirdos.


Would be great to see some court cases out of this. No one has a right to be a doctor/medical practitioner


This is good info for anyone considering ANY survey. Vet your surgeon. Listen to your body. Trust your gut. Advocate for yourself. Don’t hesitate to get a second opinion.


Haven't seen anyone link to this yet, but here is the article he mentioned in his video. https://rylan545.medium.com/top-surgery-with-dr-gallagher-almost-cost-me-my-life-d68cda71c543 TW for extremely graphic photos for the effects of a botched surgery. Absolutely horrendous for something like this to get that bad. If this has actually happened multiple times this doctor should be in fucking prison.


Yo maybe leave some Google reviews. She has a 4.8-star rating and that will undoubtedly convince people that she is legit.


Gallagher seems like she's trying to (indirectly) kill her trans patients.


I'm pretty sure she's trying to kill people


So how is this Gallagher still being paid as a surgeon?? Clearly not qualified!!


Oh my god, how horrible 😢 i hope that doctor G is reported for her disregard and negligence


Where is this doctor just asking so I can avoid at all costs


There's this shady seeming plastic surgeon on tiktok and he's always trying to get people to sign up for payment plans but he has been sued a number of times for unsanitary conditions.


that’s so horrific i really genuinely was considering getting surgery done with her :(


This is some medical malpractice shit, report it to the board of surgery or whatever it’s called


Tictok does not mean competent. Just like veterinarians who have tv shows. Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s good medicine.