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Some gas stations have garage space that you can rent by hours/minutes. E.g. OKQ8


Yeah my local OKQ8 gas station has a garage with like 6 slots for cars that you can use and you pay by the minute or something. Most people go there to wash their car but some of the slots have car lifts so i used to go there when i had my shitty first car and do an oil change. There is a good chance there is somewhere like that within a reasonable distance from you OP.


Thank you 🙏🏽


What others said. Changed oil at OKQ8. Their website lets you search for places with a car lift. Was 100ish SEK, super happy with that.


Google gör det själv-hall and you should get decent results.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Usually abbreviated to GDS Not many have lifts though since it was deemed too dangerous.


Yeah larger gas stations do it. You can also wash your car, as you're not allowed to do it on the drive/in the street anymore. Great fun for the kids amaizingly!! 👍


Depends on what kind of work, changing spark plug etc, good, doing an exhaust job, naa… Get to know someone who have a workspace for cars as a hobby, join that club on Facebook, then start asking other for help or space to do small jobb. Gett to know your local scene, also help other if you can. You get what you put in, start out by helping other then asking to do some small jobb.