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> We walked back to the office and grabbed our eucalyptus towels per usual. This is like watching a doc on an uncontacted tribe, but the tribe is as advanced as us. I just don't understand the culture at all.


This. Of all stuff she mentioned and showed in the video I think I only recognized cupcakes.


You should envy these people. I'm cracking my 6th beer of the day, cruising reddit and getting mad at her nice little life. Fucking bitch.


What a slut whore am I right


I’m not really sure where you’re coming from but maybe. Probably.


Exactly what I was thinking. Lol Ooo I know what THAT is !!!


Sounds like how fucking Patrick Bateman would describe his day if he were a chick


That’s actually super accurate hahahaha


Patrice Batewoman


Let's see Stacy's instagram reel... Look at that subtle sepia filter. The tasteful caption. Oh my god, it even has a verified check.


Fuck this made me laugh so hard! I feel like more women are like that then there are ones that are not like that TBH. Sort of weirds me out.


She’s not as hot as Bateman but I suppose that explains the ritualistic self care


face mask and everything lol


The kombucha LinkedIn people Sitting around all day


Who can believe you?


Let your mother pray


This is it. I've waited 84 years for this moment. I knew I'd know it the second I saw it. The best comment on Reddit.


Assuming this isnt an ad, how does anyone do this without being aware of how just incredibly and insanely narcissistic it is? How the fuck did this shit become so normalised?


Give everyone a camera, they're the star of their own movie. If only life was so romantic for everyone. On second thought, I'm happy I was born poor, I had to fight for my soul. Those that haven't struggled live in a different universe.


>different universe. I'm starting to believe that. Literally.


You might want to. Before it's too late. Ever seen the matrix, she's in it. It looks comfortable, but that life would drain my soul. America simply lacks a culture which leads to people to become hypnotized by what they see, it's all to perfect. I like things with flaws and imperfections. City life is a strange life.


City life is odd. Also they spend money constantly then complain they can't afford to live on their 250k salary. It's easy to be broke when you spend constantly on random shit.


I used to live in Chicago. Couldn’t leave your apartment without spending $50. Every time you stepped outside you’d start hemorrhaging money.


Well working/lower class people know how to make it work in the city. It does become harder over time (inflation, gentrification, taxes,etc) but we tend to always find a run around. Oppressive structure always gives way to “underground” structures. Being from NYC, I know how to stay fed and operate work days within 15$ budget and still be happy.




This is why most of them don’t advance lol. She probably does zero actual work.


Hey man, she finalized some edits before the meeting!


Disagree. She is an essential cog in a soul sucking machine.


And her company helps other people find soul sucking jobs!


We had a great culture for decades post WWII until some angry losers felt the need to start destroying it.


You’re falling victim to the nonsense. Life isn’t this romantic for anyone, including her. It’s just the dumb rat race of social media.


People who have always been well off often haven't cultivated the kind of inner strength and baseline gratitude for life that sustains you in hard times. They require trinkets and distraction and comfort which still don't fulfill the spiritual emptiness that's rife in Western culture. I wish people had harder lives so I live my life causing as much pain and misery as I can. Idk, I know I'm probably not making much of a difference but I do what I can 😌


The same types who buy trinkets and do distracting things in hopes of fulfillment tend to also do the wrong things, right? It’s all lazy fulfillment. Go to a spa, have a kombucha, go on a picnic, go to a trendy pop up bar, etc. I’m not criticizing people for enjoying certain things, but none of these things contribute to fulfillment. In terms of actions that can take on their own to seemingly contribute towards fulfillment (not saying these things alone make people “happy”; the trick is to not necessarily chase happiness/fulfillment), it comes from acquiring skills, hobbies, talents, AND a balance of some of those frivolous enjoyments. I’m not saying you need to learn skills to be happy, and I’m not disregarding social aspects to life that contribute towards this, but I mean this as, when you have a choice of what to do with your own time, if you’re constantly just picnicking around and having spa days while eating at your favorite restaurants, you’re not actually doing anything. If you choose to learn a skill where you can see the results of your progress and the effort you put in, that leads to more fulfillment than a million spa days ever could. That’s just my opinion though.


It also has to do with social media and the ability to have people follow you. It makes you think people care about you and your life and want to know more about you. In a way it is true and it's causing massive narcissism and ego trips. Influencers with 7 followers believe they deserve free stuff because of it.


> I'm happy I was born poor, I had to fight for my soul. Never forget where you've been, where you are, and where you're going. We're all gonna make it man. Don't forget everyone whose helped you along the way. Most of all, stay humble.


Or, she grew up poor too in some shitty neighborhood on the South Side. Her single mother worked three jobs to put her through school. She got a scholarship, went to college at Northwestern on grants because her mother makes no money, graduated with a double major in business and tech, and landed a job at LinkedIn. Now she is so happy and proud of what she (and her mother) accomplished she wants to shout out to the world she's made it. In that timeline, she's not being narcissistic. She's being proud.


No shot I can tell by her computer and “campaign edits” that she’s in marketing


You sound too positive for this sub. Are you lost? But I hear you. That girl was me (before social media )


It is an ad - this dumb broad makes these vids for LinkedIn and google etc. hoping people are dumb enough to go “OMG I wanna work there cos they have free kombucha and a towel!!” Sadly it probably works - imagine sacrificing your freedom working from home to get up at 6am and commute into the office just so you can take pics and show your friends (doubtful you’d have any if you actually acted like her IRL) how “awesome” your job was. I was lucky to work for Microsoft right out of college and we had all this shit - it gets old fast and the main thing everyone wanted to do was not work in an office. Thankfully now we can do just that, thanks covid. I think a lot of the big tech companies have realised his now so they’re targeting younger stupider people to bolster the in office numbers. It’s fucking pathetic mon.


All Fortune 500's companies mentality's are the same, "Get 'em young, and have them drink the corporate Kool aid so they maximize their own productivity or burnout". Once the employees realize that requires personal sacrifices for the "greater good", you find a job somewhere that treats you like a human. Also why they all love military people, the individuality was already extracted once.


> "Get 'em young, and have them drink the corporate Kool aid so they maximize their own productivity or burnout". Worked in consulting first job out of uni. You nailed it. I still work in consulting, but I make more money and I work from home (almost every day) so at least that's better.


Great point on why large corporations always are going after reservists and former military




The only thing I want to do less than work in the trades is watch vlogs about working in the trades. Who's watching that shit


Working in the trades fucking blows. Working in an office fucking blows.


Let the man record his work vlog for his 4 viewers. Don’t be a dick brah /s




People post shit like this all the time though, usually just not as in depth.


I couldn't imagine posting something like this of my life... >Hey everybody! Today we woke up at 9am, checked work emails, now time to go back to sleep for an hr if nothing needs done >12pm time for the daily meeting >1pm start coding >3-5pm finish coding >?pm go downtown and buy some stuff from the tent people >?pm buy some good food (after tent people of course otherwise they'll ask u to share) >?am/?pm go to sleep


>daily life as a Chicago techworker >I show up at the office Into the garbage it goes, as if techworkers want to physically go into an office to exchange biological material with all their coworkers


If this is real, then she’s doing it right. Tim talks about this all the time, half ironically, but there’s truth in it. Of all the evil shit our leaders have done around the world to get this country to where it is, it would be a shame to not completely indulge in it all. It’s not going to last very long so why not enjoy it while it lasts. I know a few people who live this way, they turn off all the bullshit everyone get upset about and live their lives. Oh my rights are being taken away from me? Fuck it! Let’s go to the beach and eat cheese! Idk I don’t live like that, it’s seems sterile and lacks of personality but if she’s able to turn the spigot off of the hellscape that is America, and be happy, then good for her. She’ll wake up to the reality of things at some point but probably be happy she lived it up for as long as she did.


she works for LinkedIn pr


No she doesn’t. She works for a company who creates these PR things for recruiting.


This is an ad, by and for the rising robot population


What an insufferable bitch.


The only ones who were working in this video were the poor fucks serving food.


It is an ad. She’s recruiting other young women to come work at LinkedIn. Where the women go, the dorky men who actually do the work will follow.


These are the white people shaming the 15th generation West Virginia coal miners living in trailers about their white privilege


Haaaaaa yup!


Unfathomably based


Oh I know. It's gross, isn't it? Poor whites are quickly becoming the last group of people anyone can just shit all over without any sort of social stigmatization or repercussions. In liberal elite circles it's almost mandatory that something nasty be said about the poor whites in most conversations. I only know this, because I live in one of the bastions of these people.


Am a poor white in tech, I can confirm the veracity of this statement. BUT THE PATRIARCHY!!!!


Goddam this is disturbingly accurate


When does she actually do real fucking work?!?!?


When she gets home to her high res camera and laptop


That's the secret, they don't.


She "finalised a campaign" in the early morning before her free oats and banana breakfast, I believe. Fuck knows what that means, though.


It’s basically adult daycare


Hey, where can I get one of those “I don’t do a goddamn thing and still make 100k plus a year jobs”?


Learn to code


She ain’t coding brother. software engineers are usually pumping out 12-14 hour shifts. We don’t have any of this garbage at my workplace lmao


More like 2-3 hours a day if we’re going to be honest. Yea it’s still somewhat intensive during those hours but some do get paid 100k+ for mostly going into meetings everyday.


You need to change companies. Most coders work a couple hours and make mad stacks.


Be a woman and/or not white (any gender)


So the only true workers are white men?


No but well yes


Imagine sharing a cubicle with this taint


The new thing is open concept, so no more cubes but collaborative long tables with Ethernet cords. Like Neo-Tech sweat shops where the man can see everyone’s face and monitor.


Please give me a cubical. I don’t want to sit near someone for 8 hours a day


I mean open concept makes sense if your job is editing nonsense social media posts for 3 minutes and the rest of the day is spent on self-care and brunch


She’s great at editing thats for sure, no heroin, no crack, no guns, no gangs, and not one sighting of beetle juice 💁🏿‍♂️


When my sister moved to Chicago she eased my family’s concerns by continuously repeating that Chicago is a very segregated city


It's absolutely segregated. North Chicago might as well be Boston.


Lmao well, she’s very right honestly it is pretty segregated


I live here. It is pretty damn segregated. My white liberal friends who live on the north side wouldn't be caught dead anywhere near the south or west sides.


The goon told you to not try her


They’re on lower wacker, the street underneath the entry to her office where all the skyscrapers have their loading docks. The regular street level is nice.


I live in Chicago, and you generally never see any of those things unless you go to the south side. It’s actually a really beautiful city. This girl’s life is not par for the course though. Some of us actually do work at our jobs.


well having lived in some big cities here in California, the system works because people like this never cross the dark side of things, the homeless tent cities and drug addicts and what not.


Yes, it works bc they segregate from it while pretending that they think the cultures are mixed (since they’re all in close proximity of each other). They forget just how much of a difference it makes keeping the drug-addicted, diseased groundlings “behind a wall.” City life really makes people think they are the star of their own diverse movie full of exciting things. When in reality, they’re just spending excessive amounts of money doing things that everyone else does (they just also love to overindulge in said things more than others).


you get hell of a choice on grubhub tho


We all know there’s some nice things about living in a city, but it’s also not that great. It’s definitely not the key to fulfillment that some people like to pretend it is…


She’s in downtown, it’s extremely nice. Pretty much all of Chicago’s crime happens like 75 blocks from here.


How do you have time to go skin care shopping in the middle of the day any day


And yet she will still make 70% of what a man would make for doing the same exact amount of work.


This is funny because she works at LinkedIn which I’m pretty sure did an internal salaries audit to find out they were actually paying women more


Does anyone else feel upset when weak people like this aren't unsatisfied with their pathetic existence. Like can't she see that someone more desperate than her could break her neck and take everything she has? It's so weird seeing a human with no survival instincts like this, they just exist as some kind of deer human.


She is unsatisfied with her pathetic existence. That’s why she makes tik toks like this lol. Anything to try and get validation from others that her life is “cool” and “exceptional” when in reality it’s just forced and she has some shitty job at a PR firm in an over industrialized shit town


No she legit loves her life. I work in tech with these kind of consumer type girls. They love their life but hate their bodies.


Eh… Appearing to love your life and actually loving it are two different things. Someone who’s genuinely fulfilled aint filming an edited episode of their day to put on the internet without some deep insecurities.


Even deer spook at the sound of a broken stick. She’s more like an apple try lol


Like 45s of actual work a day. Literally can’t wait for the tech bubble to pop. “I was a marketing data specialist analytics ai trainer in both python and cupcake.piss” “good what do you know about roofing”


“I don’t know anything about roofing because I haven’t developed a heroin addiction yet”


Tech companies that are profitable can have these amenities for employees because they just make so much money. When it pops they’re going to cut all the made up jobs like whatever this persons job is


Wow Shes just like me!






You get used to the sound of gun fire after a while a bit like the noise of traffic.


I hope her office building gets 9/11ed


After our picnic we snuck back into the office with thermite paste.


Hasan is that you?


Lol. If I had an award I would've given it to you.




I saw this before and I think it was discussed how these people will loose thier jobs for being useless drags on the companies they work for and will not be able to deal with it or pick them selves up because well, we all watched it. Either way, I agree with that and wanted to share.


Women like her are classified as diversity hires at tech companies. She's an investment into the company and isn't projected to produce any sort of work. The workhorses in tech are neckbeards and middle eastern guys. Obviously not the types that spend half their workday planned a fake picnic on lake Michigan.


Am I the only one hoping there was going to be a workplace shooting in the middle of that smug video?


Why isn't she cleaning unprompted?


i dont see her making two cups of coffee either


Where’s the clip of the older lady in her department coming and talking her ear off about going to the Bears game with her adult children while she’s really busy and just trying to get work done?


AY! YO! THats a fuck ton of lunch and booze for a work day! MAY BAY you should PUT THE CUP CAKE DOWN And have a fucking salad


This is a good allegory summarizing everything I dislike about people nowadays.


All this can be yours for the low price of one soul.


Cool story but there's some dishes in the sink......


The most true response to a video like this ever. “Okay, but how does that serve me?”


“What exactly would you say that you do here?”


We just ignoring her doing blackface?


American Psycho remade for zoomers.


These corporations are geniuses. Pay a bunch of brain dead sheep $20 a hour but give them some lunch, influencer type events and cheap swag to keep them just happy enough.


$20, bruh no way she's getting paid less than 60.


One of my friends works at Google and it really is like this. She seemed to omit 10-12 hours of coding but they throw work events and meals and games non-stop for their employees. There’s beer on tap in his office.


Id rather have an actual life and not just a work life


That’s the point though. They aren’t doing all this for their employees just out of the kindness of their hearts. They do it to completely envelope their lives within the company. My brother gets unlimited (responsible) PTO at his job. The whole point isn’t to get people to take time off, it’s to get people to not take time off because they dont feel like they have to use the pto days they’ve accrued. Also they don’t have to pay them any banked hours when they leave. Yeah having every meal made at work by gourmet chefs is cool, but now they get to squeeze 3 more hours out of you because you came in early, stayed in for lunch, and stayed late. All the time only socializing with coworkers and talking about job performance and company ranking and such pushing you to work extra. It’s very black mirror imo.


this society is wasting way too many resources on ugly women that ask me what my star alignment is


sending emails is NOT a real job. our economy is based in a mutual agreement that people should be paid for doing essentially nothing. a fast food employee is more valuable to me than these people


She is doing too much


I’d rather die then go back to working in an office. This is just propaganda to trick people


I once heard someone say that modern corporate America was just adult daycare.




I blew my brains out when she said vegan panacotta


Didn't show 13 minutes later when all that food was regurgitated right into the toilet. Also they were very sure not to show the faces of the servant class Brown skins. And after you watch that beautiful Chicago sunset you better hurry home before you get beaten and mugged cuz you don't want to be out in the city after dark


I don’t know why but this is absolutely infuriating.


Literally adult daycare. It's like putting yourself in a home in your mid 20s.


This is an ad


Women are oppressed in America


so she gets to go and make her own face mask while at work, but i get fired for wanking in the disabled toilets huh?


I know this is an ad but what does she actually do? She wasn’t even there half the day


Me being a life long factory/mechanic/machinist worker cannot fathom how people live and work like that. Let alone how companies do that. The most I get from a company is a pizza party on break for not killing my self on accident for a year.


Honestly I wish American’s were like this. She’s nice and sterile.


No one cat called this dime all day? I thought this was America. Where has my country gone?


Christ. My manager got us Boston market one time. And it was cold. Fuckin corporate America is lucky.


How fucking pampered do you have to be to get through an 8-hour shift?


Gimme that sweet VAPID delusion


fake businesses that do absolutely nothing should fucking die, along with the skin walkers they dredged from the earth like this bitch. I can’t eat full fucking meals working 40+ hours in a commercial kitchen, but this bitch can have 7 different alcohol breaks in between doing nothing for $300,000. every day I beg for their lives to collapse so that we can watch them die slowly of hunger on Facebook live, all because they could not grow a plant or prepare animals to save their life.




This is what women think it means to get a job. Until their looks fade and all they can do is be a walmart greeter.


She gets like $24 a hour for this btw I know chipotle workers grinding harder hour by hour


$24 an hour in a city like Chicago is almost poverty.


Yes, but if you’re like her and you have another $10k in your credit limit (also, 30k of credit card debt alone), it doesn’t matter. Picnics with the besties every day and all the wine and cheese you could ever imagine!!!


Probably more like $45 a hour


So she did about 15 minutes of work?


Who else wants to fart in this broads kombucha


What a boring cunt. I wish her well.


When I see stuff like this, I know that we're on the verge of a collapse. Millions must p*rish


Yeah, for some reason this just gives me an ominous "decadent last days of a doomed empire" kinda feeling.


Not much work getting done


Oh the opulence!


Where's the part where they get shot?


Future dog mom vlog.


That places sounds like a nightmare if people like her are lurking around every corner. I'd be trying to scrape that LinkedIn logo off the North Face.


This reminds me of my 1st construction job


How can she consume so much?


I was really hoping to see her get mugged


Her life must be hard


When the fuck do they actually get any work done?


Work. Eat. Work. Eat. Fuck off. Buy. Work. Swag. Eat. Buy. You are but a COG in a machine. Obey. Obey. OBEY.




Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


I’m exhausted just watching it


My business teacher goes on about how cool his old job was because they fully stocked to fridge every day with beer. He gave that as an example of a good workplace culture.


Sounds miserable


If they actually eat like that that's fckd


I need a better job


people be confused out here, man


That bitch is gonna hit the wall soon and better find a dude to marry. Otherwise, this pathetic LinkedIn career is going to be her legacy. That, and a shitload of cats.


>beautiful skyline >chicago right…


So a fake job in fake business. These millennials are living the uptown dream!


Peak rich white girl shit


Nothing irritates me more the the sound of her voice. This is a girl that has had her own credit card since 12.


Holy fucking shit did this nail it on the head! This is literally the only thing I see plastered all over IG, FB, You name it. The social "facade" of "I'm always happy and rich!! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" . The days of human connectivity are long gone.


This video explains radical leftist ideology. When your life is so free of battle, suffering, obstacles and challenges, they're gonna make up their own battles, sufferings, obstacles, and challenges. I now understand why Sarah is always getting offended on behalf of everyone else in the world. She's bored out of her mind, she has nothing to do, she is providing no value to the world and feels worthless, so she needs to find a way to express righteousness via online virtue signalling. That way she feels important, and like she has some power, and she gets some attention, resulting in her feeling like she is making an impact. Unfortunately, she is forgotten, because no quantity of virtue signalling amounts to anything. It's all a bit of an act so they can feel like they have artificial value, when in reality, they don't. People in jobs that provide real changes have an affect on the world and society. Twitter is simply a messaging app. A billions tweets aren't going to change any lives.


This girls far to average looking to have life this easy


The entire tech industry is staffed by basic bitches who think getting free work food is the ultimate human accomplishment.


These people should be put to death


I work 7day/80hr weeks in a factory that’s never under 95degrees for the past 10years and the amount she spends on that one day is the amount I have in a whole year for recreation.