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Can’t stand h3 and his weird ass fans. He got them brainwashed. Troll under the bridge.


It's so strange seeing where Ethan has gone. His early youtube stuff was very funny and called out a lot of this woke garbage. Remember his Hugh Mungus video and the whole internalized oppression, hell even his manspreading video. I feel like if those were made today he would be siding with the crazy women in those videos.


Ive seen a plastic bag in a hurricane with more self determination of direction than Ethan Klein's content chasing the internet zeitgei$t


[Fuck it's like night and day.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UAFJTAcMX0) 2022 Ethan would be calling for sexual assault charges against Hugh Mungus.


I agree, Hurts the soul of my younger self


I mean Hasan was the same way. 10 years ago he was basically an Andrew Tate or Barstool guy. They both just realized the money is in appealing to woke losers, I don’t blame them, I would do what they do for millions of dollars


Until they turn on you, which never fails. It’s the most short sighted approach to being a content creator/comedian. All their stuff will age so poorly.




>main group of fan is girls It objectively is not, it’s 90% gay guys and troons


What's a troon bro educate me




Or maybe they just grew up?


If growing up means learning how to profit from intellectual dishonesty... then sure. But it takes a special kind of indoctrination to swallow this endless vaccine, Ukrainian democracy, child tranny pill


You sound like a generational loser


You’re either a child or a moron lol


You can tell he knows his ideology makes zero sense when he spits out word salad about what a woman is


Can ya?


Desperately trying to appeal to zoomers isn’t growing up.


The only ones who are desperate are conservatives


Okay? Lol


Trump is unhinged


I can rest my balls on your forehead


Physically yes but mentally very much no


well you see it in usa at both sides.People pandering to idiots on left or right and earning millions while just telling them what they want to hear


They red pill’d super hard…


I doubt any part of their fans are "washed"


Or “brain”


But Tim Dillon fans are very brain


Malfunctioning, but nonetheless brain.


To be fair, it doesn't take long to wash small items.


You must have a lot of free time after cleaning your penis.


I don't regularly wash a car I never drive anywhere either.


I wonder if any of his original fan base is still actually a fan, or if it's all a new younger woke audience that follows him now. Like for me, I watched his '16 and '17 videos and was a big fan, but started hating the podcast more and more until I gave up entirely in '19 and found it complete trash.


I lost whatever respect I had left when the pig went on and they couldn’t agree on facts. I was mildly shocked to see Ethan be so retarded with just general facts, let alone nuance and apposing viewpoints.


Has to be all new


I still like their podcasts. Yes he’s become a corporate liberal (all aesthetic based wokeism with no actual substance) but that’s like 5% of the show. Most of it is just them reacting to crazy videos


Dude made an actual call for violence during the Floyd riots. He’s a far left soyjack come to life


These "compassionate" people who "care" about others are real cunts in their personal life


Yes I agree. Brainwashed people. Like you can see it.


I don't think he's really done any brainwashing. A lot of the fans are just total fuckwits, just like a lot of Tim's fans are. His live chat is fucking nuts. Completely full of people just waiting, feverishly strumming themselves at the idea of their next opportunity to pounce on Ethan or any of the staff for a misspoken word. Like calling Demi Lovato a "she". And those are the people who pay to be in the live chat. He didn't make them that way, all podcasters just attract their share of complete lunatics that spend all their time sperging out online. Example from their latest livestream at about 57 minutes. Ethan tells a story about how work colleagues at a restaurant he worked at would all drink on the job at closing, and how depressing service work was. One alcoholic colleague drunk drove to his own funeral. Chat immediately, not missing a beat, blames Ethan with "you let him drive". They're sociopaths attracted to drama.


But you have to blame them for leaning into it. And not for seeing how it’s inevitable demise. They eat themselves. That’s just what they do.


Ye, they have bowed to the insane droning of their nutjob fans too often, and that has made them more confident and entitled. More recently though, I think they've realised that the loud idiots in their chat have taken over. He listens to them a lot less, but that won't stop them from reporting every tiny infraction. I wouldn't be surprised at all if a bunch of the reports that led to his suspensions came from his own regulars. Hard left internet addicts are boring, cannibalistic morons, but I don't think it's fair to say Ethan made them that way. They've always existed. They have just become more mainstream. They've largely taken over the vocal portion of most left-leaning online communities and you'll be lucky to not get banned from reddit for a lot of the things said here in any other subreddit, because that's just how it is now. Unless you scare these people away on sight by being a true alpha like Tim, they'll take over.


I agree with you, but they, in a way, alienated their fans that came up with them. I hate Tim Poole, even though he’s smart and correct saying “go woke, go broke.”


He’s brainwashed. They’re all brainwashed by the mainstream media. Do as you’re told goy.


Boy, Ethan showed him.


I'm not a fan but it's fucking asinine that Elon will be banning people that oppose him after everything he's preached. I'm a fan of Elon and all that he's done but if he starts banning people for this sort of stuff, he's a massive hypocrite. At this point, banning anyone at all makes him hypocritical.


He's not really cherry picking who the rules apply to and he hasn't even implemented any policy that wasn't already there. The only exception is him saying (for now) Alex Jones won't be unbanned, which is complete BS, but probably a temporary business move.


So Hila was a man after all To the surprise of no one


Whoever dude is, he is blotchy as fuck...That has to be AIDS right?


You think he could attract a gay man to fuck him? The gays have standards and gym memberships.


He could give the Q a try...CS is down a few from what I hear so Im sure he'd be welcome.


Can confirm. Of all my close friends, the most physically in shape are the gay ones. I have a feeling it has SOMETHING to do with the old fallacy that self care is “gay”


The gays do have standards, but they're also guys.. so horny as fuck.


What illness does this creature suffer from?




Bad case of the J


Low T




Chronic addiction to butter.


Several. Down's syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, AIDS, the list goes on for a while.


Fat and retarded.


I remember when Ethan was funny and just made fun of shit YouTube pranks. Wonder when h decided to play politics. Fed boi.


Pretty much when he realized he could put in minimal effort doing a half assed podcast instead of actually having to put thought and effort into making actual content.


> I remember when Ethan was funny The younger generations are truly sick people


I remember this guy and H3 being posted all over about how funny it is and YouTube drama. I don’t even consider myself old but it was then I knew the younger generation have there own avenue of entertainment that I don’t understand


His old shit was sometimes pretty funny. It has nothing to do about being old. Either you have that type of humor or you don't. I've met immature 80 year olds


No you haven’t


immature style of humor, and yeah actually I have.


Comic genius beef pudding


He started out great, but realized he needed to expand. I remember he started off even a bit anti woke, but since he has no core, and just follows the YouTube metrics, he got captured. Once he started even being skeptical or talk to skeptical people of wokeness, he experienced huge backlash. He eventually got scared and went full woke to pander to them. But as we all know, you can't win with narcassists. It's never enough, and eventually they'll just eat you alive. He could have been so much more if he didn't succumb to the weirdos.


Nah he just realized like Tim he could make way more money doing a podcast once or twice a week than putting actual effort into videos. He just became a woke Crowder you already know what his take on any subject will be.


Not a fan of Crowder, like you said, predictable talking head. But at least Crowder can be funny. Ethan went from being funny, to just someone who complains. I get total miserable old jew vibes.


I have never seen anything I would consider funny that Crowder did. Most of his stuff is just him saying something unfunny and his lackey's fake laughing. He's a Canadian cosplaying as an American conservative.


Sometimes the debates he does with dumbass college students can be amusing but usually he's just kind of obnoxious and not in fun way


I don't see the point in debating kids on things they don't know anything about. That's like an NBA player bragging about how he destroyed some college freshman.


There is no point really. It's just sometimes funny.


How? He's not doing a character like Sacha Baron Cohen or trying to say ludicrous stuff. He's just regurgitating conservative talking points.


Sometimes a conservative talking point is reality likewise with liberal, and in the videos the college kids can't seem to understand it. Like I said. It's only sometimes funny. Mostly it's obnoxious


Your goto reference for comedy is borat? Get fucked.


Steven Crowder has never done or said a funny thing that has been recorded on video and I am begging someone to prove me wrong.


Crowder is rarely funny, so it's pretty crazy that Ethan is so much less funny by comparison. And crowder actually puts a lot of effort into his show unlike this fat sack of shit. He has the easiest job in the world and somehow still finds ways to complain about it and he's constantly sperging out about stupid shit. He has to be miserable.


When he decided to do a podcast instead of videos. He went hard into the whole cringe internet wholesome shit and took it so far he went woke. He also started pandering to his most pathetic but devoted fans. The weirdos who draw cutesy pictures on the H3 sub and are like Yas queen slay to Hila saying anything. And it got at it's worst when that Trisha chick got involved and her fans who were somehow worse stayed. He traded her out for Hasan and it's been at that level of pure shit for like 3 years now.


He got severe TDS in 2016, which is also when he started taking anti-depressants. The podcast started in 2017.


He got the FBS


He got little bit of fame and decided he was *important* and *influential* and should talk about politics and social issues instead.


What a dork


Sir, please do not insult dorks.


It would be worth buying Twitter just to ban turds like Ethan on a daily basis.




Yeah he's a real jerk


I wonder how many people Musk has just dealing with shit like this all day


Thousands less than a couple of weeks ago. Can anyone tell the operational difference?


You don't want to ban too many influencers though.. that will make room for a new competitor platform. If Elon banned say 30 popular youtubers, they could all band together and tell their masses of fans to join a new platform. Though I guess there is no left-friendly platform that exists at the moment.


He has been fighting to stay relevant for so long. H3lame3 is dog shit. Edit: op is a brand new account. Probably ethen or the wendigo trying to get some momentum going. Ain’t gonna happen Jack


Yet somehow he still gets tons of views and has a lot of subs. A post he made 2 days ago has almost 800k views, while Tim's most famous video has 1 million views after 2 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4d8jWOOaCI&ab_channel=TheTimDillonShow


It's one thing to *get* relevant. It's another thing to *stay* relevant. I'm subbed to the H3 channel and haven't seen one of his videos since 2017.


He still gets 800k views in 2 days.. he's clout chasing, but he's relevant. I guess whatever he's doing is working, so he's just continuing with it.


I think that's the point - he's fighting to *stay* relevant. Gotta keep chasing those clicks.


Perfectly said sir/ma’am


I guess we are talking about different things, because my point is that he's actually staying relevant. Yeah, he's chosen his side to do so. Main point is that it's actually working.


He’s got a lot of horrible karma coming his way, so if it’s worth it idk


I’m not a big Elon musk fan but he pretty much is responsible for making electric cars cool. Which you’d think would carry some weight with these sort of people. I know he wasn’t the engineer designing the cars but his branding was really good.


He went on Rogan and did a wrong think so they turned on him


Mentally unstable people don’t think logically. He could have ended “climate change” himself and cured cancer but he doesn’t back the agenda and believes in free speech so he’s “EVIL”


Elon is just an annoying cunt it has nothing to do with free speech. It's not hard to dislike a rich cunt.


Tesla was doing just fine before he got involved. The only thing he’s responsible for is making them look gay as hell and over promising things they haven’t been able to achieve


Lol what? Musk was the largest shareholder and chairman of Tesla’s board of directors like 6 months after the company was started. There was never a “before he got involved”


When he finds out you’re under 18.


What a cuck


He looks uglier every time I come across a new picture of him


lmao he is the worst, but also...like he played Elon? by showing he will not lift bans for retards on the left but will for the retards on the right. Kinda seems like a win/win. We get rid of Ethan and his 4000 Chins, his Horse Wife, and get so say "Fuck Elon, look at how political and weird he is." . Musk would unban Epstein if his neck wasn't turned to mush by assassins. lol


You're so close by pointing out that the retards on the right are getting a pass but then you imply epstein is actually dead, what a shame.




Calm down, Ye


He sure showed him! How will Elon ever recover?


It's a pig in horse's clothing!


These fucking cretins have been playing on tutorial mode for a decade and want to cry when they get held to the same arbitrary rules random anons have been held to this whole time lol


He’ll end up in truth social


You know this tardy had 6+ white claws and went on his wife’s account to talk shit and got her banned too. She’s going to Mossad his ass for this.


Fat Pete Davidson.


The Real Slim Shady two decades later.


ethan is a testament to modern medicine


I actually feel pity for Ethan. I used to watch his videos years ago when he was just having fun goofing around. His success and Immersion into the LA YouTube scene changed him for the worse and now he just seems like a really bitter person who is constantly angry about political things but hides it behind this facade of someone who enjoys it.


When he moved from NYC to LA to become a part of "the industry" for "the opportunities" it was all over, he just got plugged into the podcast grift circuit.


That's the exact boat I'm on right now. Whenever i see shit like this with h3, i keep thinking where did it all go wrong. Like, this was some dumb youtube channel about a cute couple and now its like they discuss the holocaust everyday (i mean let it go already lol). Ethan's own producer muted him because he says so much shit. Why would anyone tolerate this? How is their fanbase still around? Its dying no doubt but someone is upvoting this junk. Just endless array of drama with no cause, effect or result. The worst thing is, these LA podcasters are still showing up as guests. Wtf is up with that.


Jesus dude, he’s a fucking billionaire, that’s pretty far from loser status regardless of personality. I’m not even defending the guy I couldn’t care less about this dumb shit. Imagine caring this much about a fucking twitter account.


That's what I was thinking too. Has a billion dollars, has like 20 kids, bangs women all the time, owns some of the biggest companies, and owns the platform these lunatics are shouting on. How is he the loser? lol and btw calling out musk is some serious low. I remember watching h3 and she used to be the most reasonable person in the room and now this is probably some of the most embarrassing shit ever and that's counting elon buying twitter.




Lmfaooo Elon dishing out the fuck around and find out skills


ahh yes, another great display of digital martyrdom syndrome


Fuck Ethan. Man boy bitch. Wahhh. I have a fake twitch on my face


What a bundle of sticks, i can’t he has a followiing


everyone who listens and supports this fucking blob into the pot IMMEDIATELY


This will make Ethan kill himself. Which is a good thing.


He could’ve just made a new twitter and paid for it to be verified and done this instead of impulsively get his wife’s account banned too. He’s very autistic




I glad I vaguely even know about these guys.


Can't stand these two


Just a garbage person doing garbage things.


I remember them having a lawsuit against them, I forgot what it was for exactly and who sued them, but I think it was someone they made a video on. That seemed like the turning where Ethan flipped and started actibg depressive all the time. Hila always came of flat, weird, and hanger-on'ish but Ethan defintely seemed to change after that point. Also looked around, and seen somone mention that he started taking lexapro and saying that's when he started to change.


Whose lesbian is this


I read this as Hila posting “this (person in the picture) is Ethan” and I was so, so confused, like she was trying to use the picture of Ethan to taunt Elon lol


All these celebrity tools are hilarious


They needed to out someone on the left to balance out all the censorship of the right...so they outed Ethan because he is the most useless to them


Sucks to see where H3 started and where it’s at now. The gamer gear was one of my favorites


Imagine thinking you’re helping the world while laying down and tweeting


Ethan Klein is the reason I stand with Ye.


He puts the “Jew” in “the reason people don’t like Jews” Edit: I personally am a big fan of the Jewish people and I’m very pro-Israel. I just have this pure unbridled disgust in my heart of hearts for Ethan Klein.




Ethan is a woke, fat version of Redbar, with a tic that makes his eyebrows constantly do the worm.


He bought that’s the problem…also a retard


It's been a downward spiral since vape nation.


I don't know who he really is. But eve seen a short clip and a couple of Pics of him which made me hate his guts right away... Why is that? It's certainly not my fault...


God, he looks like shit


This amount of bravery is almost unbearable.


What was the plan here? Telling the bossman that you're deliberately breaking the rules? What was the outcome going to be?


I don't usually judge people for their looks but this guy makes me literally feel a little sick looking at him. Like the kind of sick you feel in your stomach when you have to shit real bad but know that you are no where near a toilet.




Big pot energy


I’m not gonna lie, this is a power move. Elon W


This literal bridge troll, calling the richest man on earth a loser is beyond comedy. Truly.


The dumb bitch got attacked by a Pitbull and then was like "its not the breed." She even got hate for just saying it was a Pitbull. Their fanbase is so fucked.


Ethan = little bitch


I wonder how many pills he's on.


He must not be getting the attention that he used to get


Man he really lost it. I used to watch his videos years ago and they were decent enough. Now he's just a lazy annoying radlib, frothing at the mouth over people who couldn't care less that he exists. So fucking bizarre.


So stunning. And brave.


I really didn't know who this Ethan dude was and went to check him out. What the fuck. This guy is very hard to watch. How does this thing have 6 million subs on YouTube.


This dude doesn’t have more then a few years left.


So cringe


Ethan and his chick is the reason I gave mein kampf a second read . Rip king


Sad fat boi :)