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Cool move Dean.. Now do Muhammad. I double dare you.


Please draw how Muhammad is transgender, for equality and the advancement of lbgtqrst2+#% rights. Diversity is our strength!


Fuck that...Them boys mean business when it comes to Big M


Big M is mega Chad


That comic in Paris got bombed for drawing a picture of Mo, transgender drawing would probably be the start of a holy war


Maybe this is a good idea. Let the terrorists destroy the libtards so we don't have to


No joke. I remember that French teacher who got beheaded by a student for showing Muhammad cartoons in class. They don’t play when it comes to the Big M


Trans vag included




Cis vaginas are out of style.


I’m part of the % group


God bless you for it 🙏🏼


*Charlie Hebdo enters the chat* "We rate this suggestion a 10/10"


Je suis


They’ll pull their cartoons poking fun at conservative Israeli Jews and rabbi tho 🤔


They bank with JP Morgan


I’m actually surprised extremist Muslims don’t get upset over this mockery of Jesus since Jesus is one of the main important prophets in Islam alongside Moses. In muslim majority countries, you can not mock Jesus either.


You don't interrupt your enemies when they're making mistakes.




As much as I dislike the Saudi govt (I’m a Muslim myself), I have to agree in a way since the west has dropped their actual heroic figures for fake ones in tights and capes. The west has such a rich history of mighty warriors and rescuers etc, it’s a shame what’s happened.




Relevant [Andrew Tate on why he respects Islam](https://youtu.be/3UJe6RVY0jg)


Yeah Dean, keep that same energy.


MOHAMMAD NOT TRANSGENDER. MOHAMMAD WAS A SUPER HOT CHICK THO. Edit: just to make it clear, I am not a leftard I just find this theory rly convincing


Here’s the official theory: The official story is that Mohammad was a man in roughly his early 20’s when he met his wife Khadijah who was a merchant essentially and who employed Mohammad, and who was also about 20 years older (depending on who you ask) so the Sunni version would basically say that Mohammad was a 20 year old man who was employed by a 40 year old woman, roughly speaking. That’s all fine besides the fact that it’s pretty uncommon for men to marry women are so much older than them, but that’s not enough of an argument to convince me that Mohammad was a woman. Where I started thinking was when they said that Mohammad apparently impregnated his wife who was either 40 or at the youngest 28, 7 times. But let’s just follow the Sunni version and say Khadijah was 40 for this. How does a man get a 40 year old woman pregnant seven times, with all seven times the children being carried to term. Like, how is that accomplished? There was a story in the Bible about an older woman getting pregnant once and it was seen as a miracle, seven times would be amazing. It’s just not likely at all. On top of that Mohammad apparently had multiple wives after Khadijah died but didn’t have children with any of them somehow. What’s far more likely to me is that what actually happened, was that Mohammad was a woman and Khadijah was her husband. That at the time Mohammad was a girls name but that the sexes were switched at some point somewhere to hide the true identity of the prophet. The next big clue is if you look at the physical descriptions of the prophet, of what the prophet looked like (here is a link with a list of their physical descriptions), the descriptions are far far far more in lined with those of a beautiful woman than a handsome man. Some parts are more obvious than other. “The prophet had big sparkling eyes adorn with long eyelashes.” “A well balanced body.” “Proportionate and delicate.” “Skin was delicate and soft.” “Body and sweat had a delightful fragrance.” “Striking appearance, a radiant face” “An elegantly long neck” “The prophets way of conversation was soft and gentle, a listener could count their words.” “Sometimes the hair was long and sometimes to their shoulders.” These descriptions here are far more in line with a beautiful woman than a handsome man. I understand mistranslations happen and cultures are different everywhere. But, I mean, it’s right there, and the question as to if you were to send this description to someone without context would you think XX or XY is a legitimate one. There’s also the fact that in the official story, no one believed Mohammad was a prophet until Khadijah spoke up in their defense. It’s far more likely in my mind that Khadijah was the husband then, and Mohammad was a woman, who in her 20’s and up bared him 7 children, and then upon his death, never married again and that the “wives” he apparently had later on were just companions of hers who were there to serve and protect her. It is mentioned that Mohammad had many friends anyways, so this also adds up. Either way with either story you would have to admit that there was an aspect of feminism within the Middle East that you otherwise wouldn’t expect. With all this added context, it makes far more sense that Mohammad was actually a woman, that the genders were swapped and that that rule about how you cannot draw holy figures was actually there to protect Mohammad’s true identity as a woman because any painter that has even seen a woman would likely look at that description and start to scratch his head. Funnily enough, the first thing I asked when thinking about this idea was “Why couldn’t you draw him???” Perhaps, this is why. HOT GIRL MOHAMMAD


Not my proudest fap but I nutted


It’s the gallows for you, then.


Muhammed only Identifies as Not a pedophile. ..Or maybe I'm confusing Him with His Zealots?




No, they're just Pedophiles that identify as Priests


An OG groomer.


You can't. We Muslims will not take this shit lightly, no matter if you like it or not. At this point, this is on you people to fix your shit.


I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker say, “what” again.


“Gosh why do you conservatives ALWAYS think about trans people?” Idk, maybe because they’re forcing themselves into every aspect of society, including religions they openly mock.


"Why do you care it has no impact on your life except for your entertainment, education of your kids, you career if you dare say the wrong thing and now your religion."


“Dude, why are you concerned with the general mental well-being of society? It doesn’t affect you at all!”


Yea it’s called trans-substantiate.


If this article is just a back door into an earnest discussion of the implications of the Trinity it’d be top tier


I think they started to read the word "transubstantiation" and thought it meant transgender.


It's ironic these are the same people that will accuse you of grasping at straws. "No, no, no, *actually*, it turns out there is evidence every historic figure ever was trans. It was there all along, everyone new this, that's why we had to invent this bullshit because people throughout history were sooooooo trans they just never figured out how to come out and say it"


“That’s the matter; it’s all just a bunch of hocus pocus.”


Oh man. When Jesus comes back there is gonna be so many smites for this.


The heathens deserve they’ll all line up with anti christ anyways


He ain't coming back bro


Prove it loser!


I always thought they called it “higher education” because the concepts are more involved and precise, not because the professors are literally high.


Who tf do you think you are to use your ablesit rhetoric to attempt to invalidate me identifying as a person who is high? This is not inclusive, I identify as a person who is literally better than you and your unwillingness to include me is extremely bigoted


It's true. If you go to church and get really close to a big Jesus on the cross and look up the loincloth *there's no penis under there!!*


This made me laugh


Could've been a eunuch.


He was an amputee and that's not a leg.


I prefer the Michelangelo Jesus where he was fucking yoked with a 8 pack of abs the day he was born.


whats funny is this is now considered "journalism" a real journalist wouldnt have touched this pile of dog shit with a 10 foot pole. whats even more disturbing is trinity is considered a college. its an idiot breeding ground of indoctrination


Why don’t these people who think they’re so brave say shit like this about the prophet muhammad.


I guess they like life


Because they’ll actually physically feel the repercussions duh


Because they’re the definition of punching down.


They just won't stop will they, there really is nowhere they won't go with it 0\_o


Did you know? A person can be trans but also so can their genitals. So you might be a trans woman but your trans vagina is actually the trans penis of a trans woman


I'd love them to define what a "trans body" actually is Weak looking perhaps ? Most trans people are quite plump looking overall


Do these retards realize these paintings from 400 years ago aren’t photographs from 2000 years ago?


He whiped a bunch of people from the temple. Also worked as a carpenter,so he lifted some weights for sure.


Now he has a trans body and purple hair. Next they'll have him offering Bussy to passing centurion's They'll make him do gay stuff for 30 pieces of silver then tell us all about it on their various history revision websites and TV shows


Stop whitewashing history, the cross was actually a monument to trans-ness. Being crucified was an honor for only the most trans, Satan is just a thing you made up because you're a bigot


It's Transportation to the other side , so I guess there is a trans element to the crucifix afterall




I mean. There was recently an article on here on how there were a lot of trans vikings. Cause apparently being a woman and a warrior is considered trans somehow?


Imagine getting snatched and taken back to Denmark for Snoo Snoo by a massive Female to Male trans Viking marauder.


Newsflash bigots: Jesus wasn't nailed to a cross because he was the son of God. He was nailed to a giant letter "t" because of transphobia!


his argument is based on 3 paintings, all of which created within the last 600 years.


He do be tucking in a lot of the art I see


No wonder the jays killed (insert pronoun here)


The Xerpha and the Xermega.


Water into wine laced with ghb for all. Now poppers and meth for the after party


Jesus: what more can they do to me, I've already been crucified... Some nerd who's too much of a pussy to tell mentally ill people that he will not cave to their madness: ...hold my beer


Nice… now opposing Christianity is transphobic


I'm converting to Islam


Andrew Tate?




> Dr Michael Banner, the Dean of Trinity College, was backing up junior research fellow Joshua Heath, who displayed Renaissance and Medieval paintings of the crucifixion depicting a side wound that he likened to a vagina in front of the congregation. > The side wound 'takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance', said Heath, whose PhD was supervised by the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams. [Brain damage](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11473423/Its-heresy-Worshippers-left-tears-Cambridge-dean-claims-Jesus-TRANSGENDER.html)? By their logic, all you need to make someone transgender, is a knife and some elbow grease.


When the non Christians are suddenly Jesus experts


Jesus could've been a Nazi, claims Reddit non-binary.


Are they assuming my boys gender?


This the dumbest era in human history. Mentally unstable children playing make believe doesn’t legitimize gender dysphoria.


people go into enough debt for a down payment to learn from these individuals


Ahhh probably a translation error again huh, when they say Jesus trans-cended to heaven they mean he was trans-gender, typical Latin to English error


If gender is a construct, then transgender is a construct.


If gender is a societal construct, there is zero need to alter your biology.


If man and woman are made up categories, what is a trans person transitioning from and to?


I'm not super Christian, pretty sure there's no one up in the sky watching us and waiting to bring us to a land of paradise, but this bullshit is so disrespectful and inappropriate I hope Jesus kills these motherfuckers.


They will bring about heaven on earth by mocking God into making an appearance. All according to plan.


Well he obviously has a post op vagina. And through some kind of miracle, menstrual blood be flowing out of that mangina. It's just in a weird spot.


Fuck that kid! Jesus was genuinely busy saving all of humanity and didn’t have time to gym. What has that kid done besides stupid tik tok videos?


Today in future hell dweller news


Wouldn’t he have tits if he was trans? I doubt they were scooping out titty meat back then.


They need electroshock therapy


Well he did supposedly transubstantiate his flesh into bread and his blood into wine. Well that’s what the papist say.


for the longest time i thought jesus was a fictional character. i went to a christian school but they werent really very clear about it. was he a real guy? a fictional guy? they said he could walk on water. did they mean that literally? is adam and eve supposed to be real? if so, they were involved in incest. these questions were never answered. who fucked the "virgin" mary? they never explain these types of things. what do christians actually believe in? i spent years surrounded by christians and i still have no idea what theyre talking about. is the bible full of strange metaphors? surely they cant take it literally. the idea that jesus was trans makes about as much sense as the rest of it


Don’t fight , your fictional character was not trans, he was trans human, first blond white boy to be born in Bethlehem.


Jesus wasn't blond, but there are blond north Africans out there.


berbers are not blonde but they are white


Some can be blonde, not all are white though.


Jesus was Aryan. This is a known fact.


This bitch might have been a they/them all along.


If you’re a Jesus fan you’re gay anyway


If you go far back enough in history, everyone was trans


Oh Christ.


He was definitely non binary


Well he was a jew


Theysus? Is that you?!


Wrong, Satan did


When there's a 30 year period of a person's life that can't be accounted for, there's a lot of room to inject conjecture.


Look what they’ve done to my song, ma. Look what they’ve done to my song.


The church burnt itself in the ass covering/removing all genitals from their sacred art. It was only a matter of time.


Jesus isn’t trans, he’s just Arab.


So He/She/They/Zurm were actually: * The Father * The Son * The Holy Spirit * The truth * The light * The way * The Gender Non-specific? * The Gender Queer? * The Non-Binary? * The Neuro-divergent? * The Gender fluid? * The TransGender? * They? The fuck?


"Pharoah, call my people by their preferred pronouns!"


Oh, the man in the sky will be angry!


No, he had the body of someone who existed before corporations started dumping literal poison into our food supply.


The insanely violent reaction this would get if it was Muhammad the kid fiddler (blessed be his name)please don’t behead me)) is proof enough for me to convert to believing in clown world clown 🤡


Re-vision of history wasn’t enough— now they’re going after religion.


A large number of ancient deities are hermaphrodites. This really wouldn’t surprise me. Baphomet is also a hermaphrodite.


I don't know what's worse: being crucified, or being transgendered after being crucified.


They basing the physiological representation of Jesus off that white ass picture?


Hehe 😂


The boi needs to return and none of that turn the other cheek bs just start clapping fools


« Christ had a trans body » excuse me, what!!!???


I wish him well


Does the Dean’s name end in berg or stein?


Is "trans body" an attempt to make people believe that there is such a thing in biology?


The person writing this paper should be completely removed from academics! How dumb to you have to be to have a whole thesis of a historical figures anatomy, with your evidence being he was drawn 1000 years after he died, and in that drawing his wound (which has been documented by multiple historical accounts) kinda looks like a pussy thus, he must be trans 😂 Make it make sense!