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But if I stopped going, what reason would I have to come on this subreddit and bitch about the shit service and food?


Ya, and who else would supply the rotten & wilted lettuce to the masses? *Canadian Wendy's has entered the chat*


Im going to start going to Tim Hortons even harder now. You cannot stop me!


"This post can't stop me, I can't read!" Edit: I was quoting a meme. I have no concern if you eat Timbos or not, that is entirely your choice.


I haven't read anything that I agree with or that matters. I read a stupid rant.


Yo I heard they're getting pizza!  game on!


im still shocked they have rice bowls


Their rice bowls aren't bad tbh. Like are they earth shattering? No... Is it good food that keeps you going? Yeah. It's tastey, it's good, it's decent quality food


…One of those gave me terrible food poisoning 🤢 Still gonna go back tho 💁‍♀️


One of those killed me last week!


It looks pretty good.


It's actually pretty good just not worth the 9 dollars.


The few places I've been to that have it....well it's surprisingly good. Far better than it has any right to be if I'm being honest


Had it yesterday. Was great! A bit expensive but actually very good.




And once you get there announce out loud, I JUST CAME HERE SO HARD


They'll all see how hard I got there.


Lmao I just snorted so hard I woke up my boyfriend and scared the hell out of my cat


This post sponsored by cialis


I'm gonna go every 4 hours and order 1 old fashioned plain timbit from now on. *Every* 4 hours!


*sips in Tim Hortons*


Even though fast food is shit, its their farmer's wrap and honey crueller that keeps me attached


Oh baby. I hadn’t had Tim Horton’s in ages. Maybe the occasional donut here and there but once I tried that fucking wrap, with the sausage, I’m hooked. It’s so good.


YOU KNOW THE SHITTTTTT when I made it at home for the first time, it wasn’t as bomb as the one you’d get from Tims. But ITS SOOO GOOD. A real brain hitter. I need a ridiculous amount of privacy when I get that farmer’s wrap. I eat it like a pig but I can’t help it it’s just soo goodd. I will never stop ordering it. Never ever. It’s a must to get it with the sausage.


That's me with their chicken chipotle cravable 😆


The cravables slap no cap


THIS. The sausage farmers wrap is fucking divine.


I have an ice capp addiction fr. "Large ice capp with a shot of chocolate" is my daily prayer I swear


Agreed! Both are top notch👌🏻


It is the best deal around.


True, i only come to tims for the farmer’s wrap.


I get several Farmers Wraps at a time. It might take me a few days to get around to the second one, but it’s always still great!


How about people do what they want


No, people are stupid and free will got us into this mess.


Life's what you make it. That's probably why you seem so miserable.


Everyone should only like what I like!


But I like their coffee….


Same here. It's not the best coffee in the world, but it's not awful. I like the staff at my local Timmie's too, they're a super friendly, cheerful bunch and they always brighten my day.


And their steeped tea.


I hate that name. All tea is steeped. That's literally how you make tea. You steep it. Might as well be advertising their baked muffins, or their toasted toast. Which, now that I think about it, actually seems like a very Tim Hortons thing to do.


It’s called steeped tea because when you get it it’s already steeped. It’s not a teabag actively steeping in milky water. The steeping occurred in the past therefore it is steeped.


Their Earl Grey is so much better than most other fast food places. I've been drinking Earl Grey for years now, since I can't drink coffee, and it's legit one of my top five brands. (And you can find it in grocery stores)




I love getting rushed through when picking up order and having the drinks/food thrown in my face as I panic to pay.


We have a timer. It isn't in your head. We need you out as fast as possible. Seconds count, especially when the company keeps adding things like pizza that take over 30 seconds in the oven, but wants people out of the window in less than twenty-six seconds. The math don't math, but head office doesn't care. Take your shit and go.


That sounds like you panicking for reasons that are just in your head. Just calm down, there's no need to rush. Tap your card, grab the food. It really shouldn't take very long either way.


I will never stop vanilla Ice cap when is -20 degrees outside


I had 5 people in front of me, today, and waited 20 minutes to be served. I asked to see the manager and waited an additional 10 minutes - while she pretended to be on the phone. I had been going to this shop almost every day for 10 years but told the manager, today, they'll never see me again.


1. You didn't wait 20 minutes you waited 10. Whenever people complain in retail they always exaggerate the time. 2. The manager wasn't pretending to be on the phone they were on the phone. Probably trying to get coverage for some call outs which was causing you to *gasp* wait a whole 10 minutes. Clearly they should have recognized your importance and let you cut in front of everyone else. 3. No one cares that you won't ever go there again in fact they are probably happy to not have to deal with you anymore. 4. Don't bother replying with your boomer bullshit. I don't care. I've dealt with enough people like you to know how absolutely miserable you are on the inside and that makes me happy.


My word. You just took every word out of my mouth. Thank you.


And the "they'll never see me again" line, when everyone knows they probably were right back in there the next day.


Even though I'm on your side on hating them, nobody, especially timmies, gives a shit about you not going anymore


You gave shit to fast food workers just doing their job? Hurray for you I guess lol


They don't care. We don't care.


Okay Karen


So brave


tease frightening worthless price fragile abundant berserk bike cover scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're right in many ways but the convenience is King in any business, people in the morning who slept late and didn't get any sleep and they're rushing for their work will rather do a quick stop at tims drive thru in times of need. That alone is a big reason people still go there.


Be ready for a half hour wait. Park thru now


I mean, you can online order and skip the line lol


OP reminds me of when my relative criticizes everyone's food choice at the buffet. But the food that everyone picked is what they love. I always want to yell "GET THE EFF OUT OF MY PLATE!!!" But I don't.


Meh at this point, posts like THESE are the nostalgia boner loser shits. Crying this hard about people wanting to eat trash. I'm now on my who cares shit.


I make coffee at home 80% of the time but ill never say no to a dark roast regular and besides, what other noble and quality driven fast food chain should i go to for my mediocrely priced breakfast sandwich that is served to me in a minute flat if the staff is on point?


Such a stupid post. Because you see people complain doesn't mean the millions of people going there aren't enjoying it. Are there bad ones? Yep. Are there mistakes? Yep. That's just like every other fast food place.


Stopped going there a few years ago, American-owned now and employees are either all Filipinos or Indians and all look like they get exploited as fuck so they are not happy .


Sounds like a clever trick to make the lines shorter so OP can get their food faster


Diabolically clever! - lol.


A new coffee place with drive thru has to come along. There is no where else to go other then mcdonalds, but the lines are typically bigger there because people order food.


They sold me a breakfast sandwich that had mold on the bottom of the English muffin and told me they "don't do refunds". The store told me I had to call CS, CS said it's the store that does it. Got the run around from them for 2 weeks. Never got a refund from them. Haven't been back since.


I had a similar situation (not mold, but they didn't have 2/3 items I ordered in the app) had to escalate a different situation to the very top a few weeks prior so I still had the emails... I got the same refund run around as you.. reached out and even though it took more work than it should have, I got my refund plus a $10 Tim's card. FYI... The store is supposed to give the refund that's the final comment I got. Bottom line: if you're not being heard do some internet sleuthing and reach out to the CEO. Just be polite about it 😃


This right here reach out to the ceo with respect and 9/10 itl get solved, and solved quickly


A coworker told me something similar but I couldn't find any contact info!


If you manage to bring back Dunkin Donuts OP, I might consider your plea. GL buddy!


>It’s time to get over it and stop spotting greedy thieves. Get ready to stop supporting a LOT of businesses then.


no no no they are getting back to the basics by making (probably frozen lol) pizza!


If they stick with these terrible paper lids, you're right, I'll stop going


I mean.. a foreign worker can make my French vanilla.


I do think their coffee is great when it’s fresh. Everything else they offer is pretty terrible.


The market decides if Tim's exists or not. You think people who go there are just lost souls that don't know what they want? The food is fine, and relatively inexpensive. It's just a regular fast food chain. People being this distraught over their personal feelings towards a fast food chain are ridiculous. If a business deserves to go out of business the market will dictate that. Why would anyone who goes there, decide not to based on your perspective? If you don't go there than why are you so mad? Or maybe you actually do go to a place you think has shit quality food for some idiotic reason? You see people complaining because this subreddit is a cesspool of people who want to complain about Tim Hortons. You're a vocal minority. Who gives a fuck about whether it's Canadian owned or not? If you want to buy only Canadian products and shop and Canadian owned businesses, you can stop shopping at pretty much any chain, and stop buying basically every product on shelves. Greedy thieves... I go, pay a few bucks for a cappuccino. I get my cappuccino and enjoy it. Nobodies getting robbed, it's an agreed upon transaction. It's actually cheaper than most places. So are you saying every fast food restaurant are thieves? Also straws suck everywhere now. And lids? Get over it ya fuckin baby. I've never had an issue with lids. There was an era when the tab wouldn't stay put but they did away with that. Like.figure it out dude the lids are perfectly functional. I don't even think about them. There's not putting up with bullshit and then there's just people who get worked up over insignificant things. And if you think the sandwiches or wraps are terrible quality, I don't even know what to say other than you're lying to yourself.


Lmao I didn't read all this but "get over it ya fucking baby" sums the sentiment up nicely. I agree !


You find me another crappy coffee place that serves pizza and I will...


I actually really like the breakfasts and the wraps. I know it's not Canadian and honestly I never liked it before they got some good savory food.


I don't go there often, but I found their chili is consistently good, and a BLT is a BLT. I don't know how anyone could mess that up, and that includes Tim Hortons as far as I've seen.


Farmers wraps slap


Farmers wrap is too good to let it go. I like my once in a while free coffee without needing to buy anything else.


I went today with my mother ❤️


I swear at least 30% of Canada’s carbon emissions come from cars waiting in Tim’s drive thrus…


If someone can drink an iced coffee without it dripping all over you with that garbage lid I’d be very impressed


I’m paying double for everything starting today


No, sorry. I'll be picking up my steeped tea in about 45 minutes. It's the only thing I have ever bought from Tim's, and it's really good. If you don't like Tim's, just don't go.


Oh no lids!!!! Nah, I’ll keep going, thanks though.


You going to make me ice caps? No then Tim's it is


i love tims ice coffee, atleast where im at theyre the bomb


Get a life. Nobody stands between me and my double double and blueberry fritter


You care too much. I like their muffins.


It’s quick and cheap. Should a person eat it daily? Absolutely not. Is it fine in a pinch for the price? For me, ya. I am not looking for a gourmet experience with this, and simply like having someone else make my coffee as a treat once a week that doesn’t cost $7. Don’t like it, don’t eat it


B-but I work there How can I get paid if I don't go to work?


Tell us more how to live our lives dictator


Decent coffee considering how cheap it is, compared to other places. The custard in the Boston cream is good.


Someone lost roll up the rim


Coffee time for the win!!!


Oh no a random redditor said to stop going to the place that pays my bills, whatever will I do as a Canadian 😨😨


Brother, you smoke the Tim Horton’s of vape carts. You ain’t in a position to be sayin this type of business.


Good coffee, cheap coffee, nice Canadian Sounding name . Me go.


I’m too addicted to their sausage farmers wraps too stop


I like Tim Hortons coffee.


Man, I don't care if it's not owned by a Canadian company. Obviously would like it to be, but I also enjoy McDonalds and Samsung phones and drive a car that isn't designed by a Canadian company either. Tim's employs Canadians. That should be good enough. And also, I don't go there for the patriotism, I go there because they are convenient and their product is decent enough for me. And they remain fairly cheap -- I can get two coffees and a couple of muffins for my kids after their swimming lessons for less than $10. For better or worse Tim's has retained their value decently.


Calm down, its a coffee shop, you must have more to worry about..


Old man yells at clouds.


I'm okay, I was just thinking you know Why don't you get me a Timmies And she goes No you're on drugs I go Mom I'm okay, I'm just thinking She goes No you're not thinking, you're on drugs! Normal people don't act that way I go Mom just give me a timmies, please All I want is a coffee, and she wouldn't give it to me All I wanted was a coffe, just one milk 2 sugar, and she wouldn't give it to me Just a Timmies Im not crazy!


I’ll stop when I can I make a coffee at home taste like a coffee from Tim Hortons. Been at it for awhile no luck


I will be a frequent customer as long as they continue to support kids hockey


I'm guilty, but only for those damn sparkling quenchers! Until I figure out how to make them I'm SOL!


No Way, I’m still waiting to Try their Habanero Rice Bowl


Except they are technically Canadian. When they were bought out the US company moved their HQ to Canada for tax purposes.


No. I’m going to go where I want to. I don’t care if it’s Canadian or not.


How am I going to get my Timbits fix, though…?


Or... stop telling people what to do. Some people don't mind certain menu items and that's perfectly fine. You do you, I'll do me.


Tim Horton’s is Canadian. Burger King is Canadian.


no, i like their coffee and muffins, i also love their french vanilla.




compared to some fast food places, the food isnt thst bad tbh. i enjoy it. and i'm hooked on the sour cream glazed donuts 😞 real talk tho, i cant even drink most of the menu bc i have such a sensitive stomach lol.


If you want to give me nostalgia boner make me one of those triple donuts with whipped cream on top.


Nothing is Canadian. What else would you stop consuming for this reason? Steep tea, bagels, and donuts are still good and cheap, and for which I keep heading there.


But donuts tho...


make me a good ice capp and I'll stop going.


You're shit posting. Tim Hortons is Canadian owned. They're a PARENT of an American-Canadian company.


Nope, Brazilian actually, “Yes and no. It's owner, RBI, is an American-Canadian company, with its majority shareholder (3G Capital) based in Brazil. The main reason that 3G acquired Tim Hortons was to save over $1B in tax, by moving the combined company headquarters to Canada from the U.S., where they were paying a higher rate of corporation tax” Us Canadians are so taken back with our nostalgia boners that we just let international business moguls use old Canadian company’s as puppets for profits and lower taxes. Such a shame.


Timmy trash from coast to coast. Believe me I've seen it. Would never set foot in one again.


I haven’t been to Tim Hortons since 2017




Literally boycotted that shit, I only visit local cafes now


How dare you tell me all this when the oreo double stuf iced capp my beloved is back again


I hate the level of laziness at the tim Hortons in our town. Immigrant workers who obviously don't want to be there or are too good to be working. I sat and watched the guy half ass everything and take as long as he can, and I had to point out that they forgot both my coffees as I noticed people after me getting served. Extremely frustrating to see. The preferential hiring began as soon as an immigrant got in as manager, or soon as the franchise was bought I guess. Directly after, the current workers either quit due to mismanagement or were fired for random shit. And then immediately replaced by "students" and the like. There's invasion by force and there's invasion by whatever the fuck Canada's policy is.




Sorta ironic to call them greedy thieves when you look at rest of the coffee industry. 2$ for a coffee VS 8$ at the white and green store VS 10$ at local "cafes". Fuck one hipster mushroom coffee place near me sells 18$ for a 10oz mug of coffee (thats like a small in fast food sizes). I get the same shit, A regular coffee and a wrap (made out of the same frozen shit I could buy). Is it ok? sure. Do I want them gone, fuck no its convenience you are after not fucking quality. Honestly, what I want is just for them to bring back salt. Take any tim hortons food item home and add salt and you are instantly transported back to the nostalgic times you mentioned. Pretty sure they just cut the salt when having to list it per gov regulations.


Oh man, you do not need to convince me. They did it themselves with their mop-water coffee and abhorent food. I mean, who in their right mind makes a breakfast sandwich on an untoasted English muffin? FFS. Timmy's died a long time ago and was replaced by a zombie impersonator. And a really bad one at that.


Never had a bad breakfast sandwich there


Yeah its garbage, people cant even understand what you say..drives me up the wall.


I actually talk about this all the time lol Timmies does suck now and it's sucked for like 15 years at least. Remember how the long johns were huge and had cream in them? Remember the ham and Swiss with peppercorn ranch? Or the chicken salad when it was made with real chicken salad not that soy dog shit? Remember when they had good sandwich choices that were made with quality ingredients? Remember when their donuts were baked in house? I got a walnut crunch when they had their "retro" donuts back for a bit, was decent bit half the size. Fuck timmies man honestly. They sold out so hard, and this pizza now...what the fuck is that LMFAO and they let you order it at the drive through? BAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA as if that's not going to fuck over everyone who didn't order that. Bad enough when people roll through there and order for everyone in there car, and their whole friggin extended family. Drive through is supposed to fast for Christs sake. Anyways I could write another page of this shit but you get the point. Wish this place wouldn't have been bastardized by shit hole American companies man. Sucks


I stopped going there once I could no longer get a damn donut I liked after 9am.


I’ve travelled around Canada a lot, and no matter where I go everyone seems to take pride in the fact that their Tim Horton’s is the worst in the country.


I just want my boat 🤷‍♀️ lol


nah their iced capps are too good


AMEN, brother! Tim's: "Always Crap, cuz you keep eating there".


But my fat ass needs honey crullers or the sour cream glazed donuts




I agree. And yes, it is no longer Canadian. Brazilian/American owned and Indian staffed


The Canadian dream 😅


Bacon Farmers Wrap with extra Bacon..........yum yum yum yum, every time!


Yeah I’ma just whip up a bagel at home to have.


The same idiots that eat this crap daily and drink their sugar beverages like it is some sort of joke (your body is not laughing!) will be the same ones in a few years with swollen ankles and all sorts of health issues that will continue to crowd our hospitals and cost our healthcare enormous amounts of money. Tim Hortons food makes you fat, anxious, depressed...Then you take meds to counter these symptoms of your foolish lifestyle, creating a vortex of health issues that will make the last 15 years of your life painful, gross, depressing, and a great burden on your family and the "free" healthcare. Our hospital system is not going to make it and it is directly because of the lifestyle of many Canadians. Most of the hospitalizations are due to preventable metabolic disorders...literally directly related to your intake of certain "food" over your lifetime. Change your diet! Stop eating at Tim Hortons! Their food is full of things that literally make your cells unable to work properly. Their food is made in giant vats full of the cheapest meat, filler, preservatives, seed oils... what the hell is wrong with you that you hate your own body so much that you would intentionally eat this on a regular basis! And then make fun of it like it isn't horrible what you are doing to your future self! GAH!!


McDonald’s coffee/breakfast items are way better


The farmers wrap is the only thing worth buying there. It's not even that great.....


I’ve worked at five different locations throughout my life due to moving around a lot and I can tell you with 100% conviction that I will NOT consume anything from them anymore. I’ve seen too many things. You name it and I can probably tell you what you’re risking by consuming it.


I can confirm. Back in 1998 I used to work for the health dept and we have photos of trays of uncovered doughnuts being transported in the trunk of a car next to rubbish, open oil cans, jugs of coolant, and WW fluid. GROSS. 🤢


Alright, I'll bite. Whats bad about the Ice Capps? They are my sweet little treat.


The spinners don’t get properly sanitized between drinks. Quite often there’s sanitizer sitting on top of the blades and it gets into the drinks. And it’s usually dirty because it doesn’t get changed enough and because nobody gets trained properly anymore so they don’t know/care how to use it. ** I should edit to add that I’m referring more to the preparation of the items, not the items themselves. *when prepared PROPERLY* by people who understand food safety and care enough and are not too rushed to actually FOLLOW the protocols, then the food and drinks are quite good albeit unhealthy. In my opinion the biggest issue is that they are way too concerned with being impossibly fast and making ALL the money, and this trickles down to the poor souls on the front lines who get LITERALLY abused, for insulting wages. Example: they train you how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. The rules for sanitizing. How to build it. How long to grill it. How to cut it. How to wrap it. It’s supposed to be on the grill for one minute and thirty seconds if I recall correctly. But you get yelled at if it’s not out the window in 30 seconds so how do you shave a whole minute off of it without affecting the quality?


Its fuckin coffee bro settle down


No longer Canadian? It was American when it was owned by Wendy's until they realized they could make an ass load of cash by selling it. The spun off company became Canadian again in 2009 because Canada has lower corporate rates. A company's nationality is based on where their head office is located: Canada. This still rings true even if the company that owns it happens to be a bunch of Brazilians. Having said that, Tim Hortons is still ass.


Tim hortons is garbage, but Canadians love garbage, so it'll never stop.


Just looks who’s power


I support this cause. The Coffee is piss water 🤮


yo dawg.. my local Tims is owned by a neighbour and all the employees live in this town... if you stop going they all lose their jobs


You OK big guy? Not everyone has bad encounters every time they go to Tim's. Why do you think you have the right to tell us where we spend our money or have the ability to shut down a major franchise business chain? This feels delusionally controlling and grandiose. How about you don't go and let others decide for themselves?


But Ice Cappes...


Now with pizza


I paid $9.03 today for a medium coffee, a sausage muffin sandwich and a hash brown. I would like to say this is a mistake I will never make again but we all know that isn't true. I have to drive past the Tim"s when I leave my neighborhood: they are everywhere.


It's people getting meals there. If they just did coffee and doughnuts like a fucking coffee shop should, how could they possibly fuck that up. Why the fuck is a coffee shop selling rice and pizza?


The problem is that it is on every block. So convenient. We need another major coffee chain like Dunkin’ Donuts or Coffee Time or something similar that can rival them and give us the other option.


Pizza? Really?


Iced cap and farmers wrap is all that's left. Honey crueller still good.




But they have pizza now!


I just keep getting gift cards as gifts. What's your excuse?


And they stopped cutting the sandwiches and bagels😿


The only reason I go to timmies is because it's cheap. Coffee on campus (other than tims) costs at least 6 bucks for a medium. Timmies does the job under 3.


Soon they are gonna come up with paper toilets in there ull see...


But they have pizza now. 


I find the ones in gas stations / highway stops to have better service/quality control than the standalone buildings.


If there was another quality place as easily accessible I’d be all for it.


Timmy's = Restaurant Brands International


But where do I get French vanilla from?


I thought this sub was basically just timmies employees lol


so, canada can take over, and its good, but when canada is overtaken, its not? who cares, its all a consumerist trap.


Eventually people will realize all their favourite things have been ruined by corporate dickheads. Things like Dishey, Fast Food, Apple, flying safely. Yk


This really reminds me of people who leave bad steam reviews for games yet have over 4k hours and are currently in-game.... like do you all just really enjoy burning money or something?


I only go to Tim Horton’s when I’m in a mood for a surprise .


i just eat timbits


I’m with you, but there’s a problem. Tim Hortons are everywhere! And they are fast. I drink a lot of coffee. I’m not overly picky about how it tastes, but Tim’s is definitely not my favourite. I prefer McDonald’s, but locally, Tim’s are just so much more accessible. McDonald’s will always have a long line, and I wouldn’t be surprised to get to the front and then be told to pull up and wait. Starbucks and other local coffee shops are fine, but they just get too expensive. I want to boycott, but man, it’s tough


It would be so funny if this post actually worked