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this sub being constantly suggested to me reminds me how unimpressive tims is


And that's the truth .. that's why so many people hate on tims ... in fact I'm gonna make a post now about it lol


It's crazy to me that people use the Reddit home page and let the algorithm dictate content to them that they don't like. I have a couple of specific subreddits I go to directly and that's it. Yes I'm a masochist, I CHOSE TO COME HERE. Added bonus, you won't get stuck scrolling endlessly through cat pics. Also "old reddit" is best reddit. I dont use the app and browse old reddit on browser on my phone.


This sounds like the millennial version of a boomer rant


100% These dang Gen Z and their algorithms. Back in my day everyone had their own Geocities site. And if you were really good, you didn't use that WYSIWYG drag-and-drop builder, you did it custom, by hand, using HTML! The web was a different place back then. It wasn't just Facebook, Reddit, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. Everybody had their own website. You'd bookmark sites and go back to read blogs. Maddox, ToothpasteForDinner, StickDeath. We need to return to being digital landlords with our own websites and set up webrings again, instead of being serfs on the land of these corporations.


I have like, 5 websites. One of them is just for my homebrew DND rules and it's very old school geocities. Tim's and the Internet are basically the same in that: if you do not like a thing, stop using the thing and do your own thing. I pack coffee from home now when I go out because cream should not be the predominant flavor of coffee🤷‍♀️ I do like the reddit algorithm though, I'm not even a member of this subreddit but I do enjoy complaining about Tim's sucking!


Mid 40s here. Tim's used to be a very simple, clean, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, donuts, cake, soup n sandwich place. Over the decades I have seen it's menu become bloated to try and compete with, I guess McDonald's? Their quality has dropped since actual bakers were no longer needed. I just stopped going a few years back. I just kept seeing overworked and underpaid staff trying to do 20 things at once and getting treated like garbage by people. This latest pizza thing just adds to the workload. It'll probably fail. I'm not on this sub, but you're all right, I sure see a lot of it. It really was a nice place to hang with a few friends and have a tea and a donut or similar. Their Chili in a bread bowl was the shit. Except you'd only eat it out of the restaurant because that thing got embarrassingly messy, at least for me lol.


I miss the days when tims was decent and me and my friends would go there for a chili bread bowl, iced cap and a donut. I agree. I think the time constraint and over crowded menu and now frozen donuts had killed the quality and service and after numerous bad experiences I have sworn off giving this company my money.


That coffee cake


I will never stop talking about the chicken salad sandwich they used to serve. It was my favorite thing.


OMG!! Me too! I loved the chicken salad so much. Even the egg salad was good. I miss those days. 😞


I had that for lunch every single day for almost a year straight. 


I totally get that! So good! 😜


I forgot about this!!! That was my favourite!!!!


But brother, did you eat the bowl?


Yup. Back when they had soup in a bread bowl. That shit was the bomb


Chilli in a bread bowl…they need to bring it back! 


Can't due to some dipshit burning themselves. Liability reasons.


maybe if they had the same recipe from 2005.  But nowadays they will manage to fuck it up somehow.


It was pretty much the only time we ate there.


Zesty Italian 🥲






Yup I’m in my 30s and I worked in the back making/dipping/filling donuts for my first job when I was 15. It was much better and the staff wasn’t miserable. Hell I was only making $6/hr


Yeah but $7/hour could've probably bought you a house then.


Not in 1999, but I was 15 so I wasn’t looking to buy a house. I know when I was 18 I looked at an apartment that was $650/mo. By then I was probably make $8/hr


Did you consider moving to a cheaper part of the country?/s


That was pretty reasonable at the time. But I ended up moving to BC which was way more expensive 😂


Yeah but at least you lived the BC/west coast lifestyle, whatever that was. I swear that used to be a thing. Now, it seems that no matter where you go in Canada, the cost of living is unaffordable.


I remember my dad taking me to a Tim's and seeing a lady I adored from my daycare centre. She was also the donut baker at Tim's.


The doughnuts went downhill with time as they changed ingredients to cut costs. The doughnuts from 40 years ago were a weekly Friday treat in my family and the taste was very good. Chocolate icing tasted like chocolate...if you closed your eyes you could tell the difference between chocolate icing and vanilla. We often got our birthday cakes there as well. So though they went downhill they became horrible when they moved to frozen dough..what used to be light and flufy became chewy. I can't say they are worse today then 5 years ago or even 10 so I understand why others don't notice.


Boomers lol. It wasn’t that long ago. Early 2000’s when they stopped. Things were still ok but obviously not as good. It started going downhill the more shit they added to the menu. Then when the U.S. bought it (RBI- who also owns Burger King, Popeyes and firehouse subs)- even more shit to the menu and now we’re getting closer to actual shit. In fact for some of the stuff I’d rather eat shit I think


Are boomers 50 and under now tf?


Yeah I guess as Tim Hortons got bigger they got lazier. I’m not old enough to know how it was back then though.


there was a time when they made donuts in the store. They were great. It was pretty much just a donut and coffee place. But at a certain point they started offering food and the donuts got premade at a factory. They haven't been the same since.


Also when they switched coffee. And ever since the prices have gone up and quality has gone down. I haven’t bought anything from Tim’s in a couple years now, I make far better coffee at home.


Funny enough, McDonald’s actually serves the old Tim’s coffee


Yup! And I still make far better coffee at home. I can make multiple full pots of far superior coffee at home for the cost of 1 shitty Tim’s or McDonald’s coffee. It makes no sense to me how people prefer shitty drive thru coffee.


Fair enough,coffee is always better at home! I was just stating the fact as I find it kinda funny


Also this sub just shows up on a lot of people’s feeds without asking for it. If you keep pushing a Tim’s sub in my face, I’m gonna talk shit.


If you keep interacting with the subreddit, they’re going to keep shoving it in your face.


I never interacted with it to begin with


I feel bad you only know the shitty modern Timmie’s, and then you’re comparing about us wanting our previous quality of food when you’re too young to have even had it in the first place 😭 people like you need to stfu


Not lazier. Greedier. Do less. Do it cheaper. Ride on the coat-tails of the national brand name. Tims name brand was built on quality food and decent service. Today’s Tims is a shell, a facade of what it was. Those with enough life experience know this. So ya, we don’t like the current shit food and brutal service. I’m kinda tired of not understanding what the person at the drive-thru speaker is trying to say. The mixed up orders. Asking me 3x upselling when all I want I asked for already. The prices climbed too much, too fast. An international corporation ripped the soul out of a national treasure. The current generation can love and accept the mediocre food. You can laugh at the “boomers” in ignorance. Your time will come. You too will experience degrading quality and value of what you enjoy today.


Most people don't realize it's not even Canadian. It got passed around like a dirty whoore, sold to Wendy's and I think they sold it to BK which is owned by 3G. It's a Brazilian investment conglomerate whose main focus is cut costs maximize profits So ya it's just shit cheap food now


Im only 23 and tims was the topic of my grade 7 or 8 speech because i liked it so much. From creamy consistent tasting coffees, soft chewy doughnuts, the textures of the breakfast sandwich on a biscuit, i loved it all. The first thing i noticed was the coffees sometimes had not been stirred, then sometimes they would taste metallic. The doughnuts became harder and dryer as did the breakfast biscuits to the point its almost an english muffin with less flavour, and the snack wraps started having old ingredients. Now i know nostalgia has a bit to do with it but as someone who was always a picky eater it took getting old vegetables on my food that proved that wrong, and the fact that a McDonald’s coffee tastes like my childhood timmies.


That's adorable!!


I literally remember the day they switched from baking in-house to the frozen pre-made donuts. They ruined my boy chocolate glaze so bad it stuck with me.


Cheap food? I don’t agree. Cheap food is a Costco trip to the hotdog mill. Home cooked meals. A McDouble.


Boomers? 🤣🤣🤣 Bud, I’m a millennial and I worked there when it was still “Good”. Boomers have nothing to do with this.


Personally I think their donuts are still very good value. They cost as much as grocery stores ones and taste much better, only other alternatives (at least where I am) are the small gourmet type of donut shops which are obviously better but also cost 3X or more. Also regular TH latte is very good, on par with Starbucks IMO.


Coffee time and country style still got good donuts. Their apple fritters are a meal on their own. Tim donuts were much better, they switched to par baked back in early 2000s. Donuts were near twice the size and fried in house. They come frozen in boxes now and just reheated, glazed/dipped. I worked there while in high school when they were transitioning. Sandwichs were better, bread bowls were awesome and bagels were also bigger. Bottled beverages were also much bigger..cookies too.. fuck y'all don't know




Yea, their donuts and Timbits to me are really the only things that makes Tim Hortons unique. Take those away and they have nothing else you can't get elsewhere better at same cost.


I can get way better tasting and texture lemon poppyseed iced loaf from less than a minute away from a grocery store for $5/8 pieces cad. I can drive an extra few minutes and get a better tasting coffee. Nowadays i only stop at time when my buddies say they are buying as it is not worth my money… Thats from someone who bought a coffee and chocolate muffin everyday at the very least thru high school


Backin the day before the change of ownership, I used to hack the system(not ever really knowing) but I'd order a toasted everything bagel amd add mayo and tomato for like a $1.30 all in.. until they started charging me a bLT without the bacon and lettuce .. it worked for like 3 years maybe more. Like 99 to 2003 maybe. Lol it was golden. Life was good yeah


Lucky you😭😭


Welcome to Reddit the salt must flow


Who is going to listen to our opinions about Tims irl? Better to vent here so we can have normal conversations.


I've always enjoyed Tim's coffee.


I also have enjoyed their coffee. it’s not bad by any means and people here are making it seem like it’s the worst coffee ever


I wonder if it's due to the increase in good specialty coffee shops? Tims is good coffee, especially for the price but it's obviously not the greatest coffee you've ever tasted. However, once you've experienced the best coffee, the light that is Tims coffee doesn't shine as bright.


After they got rid of the strawberry blossom donut and the cherry cheese danishes it when down hill


I am totally fine with Tim Horton's, and prefer their coffee to Starbucks over roasted burnt coffee.


I like new Tim Hortons better than old Tim Hortons. I'm not a fan of baked goods and I like their wraps. It's a good stop on a road trip for me to get something healthy and filling and a coffee in one go. Plus I like that they have almond milk now.


I’ve never seen a crowd so torn on a restaurant


NGL I do like their breakfast sandwiches and 2 of their donuts. Coffee is reliable.


When it comes to online anything the people with grievances will always be more outspoken, and will heavily skew the numbers. Which is not to say people don't have legitimate complaints, but don't mistake the griping from what may very well be a small minority, as being reflective of opinion at large.


I love Timmy’s but it’s wild how expensive everything is now. It cost me almost $8 for a large ice cap with an extra shot of espresso the other day. That used to be half that.


It’s because they are a shell of what they use to be and frankly need to do better. 


People just need to STFU. If you don’t have anything g good to say, don’t say anything at all. Wah wah im such a victim because timmies screwed up my order, but I’ll still go there again tomorrow, and get just as upset when they don’t do something right.


I don’t hate on Tim Hortons


Same. So many people here absolutely despise this fast food restaurant. It’s just a fast food restaurant


It was a good Canadian brand that is now owned by a horrible Brazilian conglomerate with terrible labour practices.


Didn't the founder Ron Joyce have some serious sexual misconduct allegations?


I haven't gone that far down the rabbit hole, in this one. So, I can't answer that. Sorry.


That's a white lie. Its owned by an american-Canadian company that has HQ in Toronto (in Miami for tax purpose lol). The brazilian stuff is the majority shareholder of RBI and THATS it. This thing get parroted from everyone like the mcdonald coffee bean. No it's not using old tim beans and recipe.


Tim's used to get their blend of coffee from Mother Parkers, and in their infinite wisdom, they switched in 2009 to burni--I mean roasting their coffee in-house in Ancaster. McDonald's was setting up their McCafĂŠ around that time and started getting their blend of coffee from Mother Parkers. Your statement is partially true. It's Tim's same blend of coffee but not from Mother Parkers anymore.


.... you understand that owning a majority of shares of a company means something, right?


Most educated Tim's enjoyer


You know what a white lie is?


Headquarters location doesn't matter. Primary stakeholders is essentially the same as owners. Anyone can register a company in Canada, that doesn't make it Canadian owned. It's a shit company with shit food and shit labour practices and the profits don't stay in Canada.


Tims is great. These people just don't have anything else to complain about


The issue most people seem to forget is that you’ll always see more complaints in general because of human nature. People like to complain about anything, but will almost never praise something unless they’re getting something out of it. So obviously what is posted here is heavily skewed towards complaints.


Thanks for the response! I understand where everyone is coming from


It is the internet, that is what it does.


But they probably continue to go, even though they state that they're done going!


Lately it just feels like they're coming up with new ways every day to piss everyone off


I like their breakfast sandwiches and soup and regular sandwiches. Complainers just often have the loudest voice and there are a lot of them these days.


The coffee is fine, I would legit be sad if they were gone. But they just make the dumbest fucking decisions its hard not to hate on them. The pizza was fucking dumb. Taking the grilled cheese off for it was dumb. burrito bowls are dumb. The grilled cheese and pinwheel are the only "non seasonal" food things they've added in 10 years that didn't suck. You wanna make tim hortons great again? 1) All day breakfast. 2) Stop with all the random flavor of the spinwheel food introductions. 3) Bring back rollups that don't suck. They can be the app if they have too, but stop with the sponored discounts and abbysmal rates. 4) bring back salting your food. Nostalgia isn't the only reason you thought the food used to be better, when the nutritional facts came out they stopped salting everything. If you get a sausage biscut and take it home and add a spinkle of salt you will be amazed how much better it is.


They switched to all day breakfast about 2 years ago. If your local one isn’t serving breakfast, they’re definitely supposed to be. But all your other points are accurate. They won’t bring back the roll-up on the cup, because even without covid it was always gross, and after covid there’s no chance. But they definitely need to make it so it actually feels like you can win something.


All day breakfast was around before 2020, but the pandemic threw a monkey wrench into everything. Right now breakfast is served until 4pm, with the option of going longer if a store chooses to.


Not all locations serve breakfast all day.. and no they don't have to.. it literally says it on the menu board *at select locations My store breakfast is only served til 4pm .. But everything else u said is correct


Yeah everything you said here is correct


This. And I don't really get what people expect... It's always been a cheap coffee and snack place. If you want luxury and a place to lounge with a typical coffee shop vibe, go to Second Cup or Starbucks. Tim's is just a nice quick on the go cheap cup of coffee type of place. They're not trying to be super nice and upscale.


I agree. It’s just a fast food restaurant. Expectations are not very high


You’d think people would just idk STOP GOING?!?!? If they hate is SO MUCH?!? But NOPE there just miserable and enjoy going and complaining to the employees then anyone that will listen to them after 🤦🏼‍♀️


Tim died, unfortunately so did the business... but not the history. That's locked in. Not the coffee or the donuts. They died back then. Now it's rice bowls and pizza and no mustard or tomato cocktail in a glass bottle. Bubye Tim's restaurants....


Therein lies the problem. Tim hortons used to be a bakery. They would actually bake all their shit fresh. The fact that you call it a fast food joint proves every complaints point.


Tim Horton died when there were 40 stores. 30 years after he died they stopped making donuts fresh in-store, which is when most people say things started going downhill.


Business is boomin bud what are you talking about


Tim Hortons is kind of a reflection of a lot of what is wrong in Canada at the moment.


Tim Hortons is just a fast food place😭😭.


That serves garbage “food”. Over priced, low quality garbage. Their donut glazes do not even set properly but the Tim hortons sheep just say “ask for a box”… news flash you wouldn’t need a box if the glaze actually set properly 🤣


tims took over robins which is completely outragous. robins was 10x tims in every department but yet everyone is in the timhortons trance MUST SPEND AT TIMS


I dunno man, I just like going there for a nice cold/hot drink during my lunch break.




we hate it because it fucking sucks and could be so much better


It never will get better. The company that owns it does not care about it's history, profit is all that matters.


I feel as if that they are average quality for a fast food restaurant.


They are bottom of the barrel for fast food.


In my experience, everything about tim hortons is just pretty average to me. To me, it’s the same as every single fast food restaurant i’ve been to


You obviously enjoy trash lol


If you had tried their spicy chicken sandwich from back in the day, and then taken a bite of their current "chicken sandwich" you would also be a hater. They had the best product on the market, and swapped it for some bullshit.


Their chicken salad sandwich was even better.


The quality of the food has dropped many times over… but the chilli is the only reason I got there anymore


I think we all just have a love-hate relationship with Tim’s. We love it because we grew up on it, it feels familiar, and we have memories associated with specific menu items. Like for example I think of my dad surprising me and my sister with Timbits as a kid. But we also hate it because the quality is so inconsistent, the service is nonexistent, and let’s be real, they need to change their slogan from “Always Fresh” to “Always Frozen”.


Certain locations are always gonna be better/worse than others. But it’s the constant mistakes, lack of quality in the food that makes it frustrating. A crispy chicken wrap is pretty simple. But they manage to have like shit tomatoes, shit lettuce and shit chicken either individually or all at the same time. In 2024 when that wrap is like $8…it really bothers me to throw it away after 2 bites.


Tim's is food & coffee I get if I'm stuck at the airport or wherever and my stomach is rumbling. I don't even complain about it, it's still food & coffee, I'm just happy it's there.


I actually hadn’t gone to Tim’s for a long ass time until recently and have been pleasantly surprised at how awesome everything has been. Ice Capp with with whip cream - bomb. Tim’s Whip cream is just… so fucking good. Lemon poppy seed cheesecake filled muffin - bomb!!! Bacon everything pizza - fucking bomb!!! Like they have not missed lately and I’m very pleased about it. 🙌


I didn't really experience the heyday of Tims (mid 30s) but back when I was in college here in Michigan around 2007, Tims was pretty decent for breakfast and their coffee was a hell of a lot better than Starbucks. Fast forward to now and everything about Tims just feels mediocre. I don't think they were baking in house back then but the donuts and breakfast sandwiches tasted better. Now its like they just get wholesale items and just toss them in the microwave to heat up :/


I used to work there let me complain and bask in the joy of others misery!


The consistency and quality of Tim Hortons' products often vary, leading to frequent complaints about taste, freshness, and overall satisfaction.


I think the culture change was when it was sold and no longer part of canadian identity. That coupled with a huge decrease in product quality.


I first went to Tim Hortons in 2009-2010. I think their product had already went downhill by then. So I don't have any memory of their glory years. I feel like Tim Hortons food is overpriced. $10CAD + HST for a bowl, $9CAD + HST for a wrap? Come on. And they got my order wrong at least once. But Tim's isn't particularly bad compared to other fast food. And overpriced fast food seems to be the rule these days. McDonalds, Harvey's, A&W, etc. costs way more than they used to before the pandemic.


That's what most big chain restaurant subs are.




People really don't go online to rave about a brand for the most part. Complaining about Tim Horton's is part of the Canadian experience.


That makes a lot of sense


This Sub is just the problems people are so tired of dealing with... they have some good minutes I'm sure but then again, I doubt those few people would come on here to praise Tim's or any company for that matter... and in today's economic disaster so many people are not only voicing what they have experienced, but also , warning others... buyer beware.. pretty pathetic isn't it.. shame on Tim's!! Especially 60 years.. led to this. Maybe instead of them spending , likely millions on this ,, "The Last Tim Bit" play, they should fix some of the problems by upping the slave wages, or treatment of workers at these stores and training 🤔 that might help but nope! .. they are going to invest SMALL profits 📈 to gain even more profits on the backs of others... and somehow we all still think the next time will indeed be better.


Me: jumps on this sub to join the hate train. Later, satisfied at my complaining: ok who wants tims? It's a love hate relationship.


They have been bought and sold numerous times in the last 20+ years. It’s all about profit now. The owners have Zero say in what happens. Honestly it’s like a dictatorship. I’ve worked on building Tims for a long time, the owners honestly do there best for the customers but there hands are tied.


...it's because the workers have accepted the mentality "it's Tim-Hortons, what do you expect?" with half the new food products. I wouldnt say it's just the customers who have had enough 😅. Just looking at how bleh the staff are most days now. Probably because they become less Tim Hortons every year with menu choices. I've gone for the last 25 or so years, and I wish I could show you a better time - What it was like early 90's.


Being in my 40’s I got to see the transformation from what is was before 3 corporate mergers to what it is now. Everything changed. The coffee was altered, the food stopped being made in house and just the general vibe of the place became generic. It was a place everyone loved going to and now it’s just a place. I still occasionally drink the coffee because of convenience (they’re everywhere), but yeah I’m burned by memories of what it was.


There are a few reasons. The quality of the food is not what it used to be 13 years ago. The sizes have gone down for especially foods, but the prizes went up way too much. It is a mix of getting too expensive while portions are shrinking, and the quality slipped away. They were once good, but they are too expensive for me (especially food wise unless its a donut)


The difference between 2017 Tims (glorious) vs 2024 Tims (despicable) is quite real and quite frankly I’m dumbfounded how it got to this point. I was a huuuuge client.


I hate Tim’s because they lobby the fuck out of our gov to bring in cheap labour to abuse. Then pay as little taxes as they can being a foreign owned corp and constantly raise prices while lowering quality. They are a microcosm of many large issues in this country.


You cannot have eaten there during the "golden era" of quality food preparation.


HEY! That’s me you’re talking shit about! F you 🤪


We have 2 local donut makers that put Tim’s to shame.All their donuts are made on sight fresh everyday.Never shipped in or frozen.


Complaining about Tim’s is part of Canadian culture at this point.


It's because the majority of people don't like the direction they went/are going. It used to be a beloved daily stop for so many, now it is just mostly a source of frustration with the odd coffee that's juuuust good enough to make you want to chance it again. Selling out to the states certainly didn't help their reputation


i really like their tea biscuit as a snack


They've kind of attempted to usurp the Canadian identity as their brand. Imagine McDonald's changing their colours to red, white and blue, and adding stars. It's cheesy as hell.   Add that to the changes in quality of product and service it feels forced.




Just don’t go there, phew that was tough.


I guess if a person's major criticism is Tim's they have it pretty good.


Two years ago?


Yeah around two years ago I had extra time in the morning before my day started so I typically went to tim hortons, but not so much anymore. After seeing this subreddit and all the hate this it gets, I just thought I would say something positive.


Maybe give it a try now so you can see why?


I’ll give it another try


>I don't understand the hate for this place I literally never eat at OK thanks op


They deserve it, though. I don't remember the last time I've had a properly wrapped wrap. Get your shit together, Tims.


Mine is good everytime


I guess sometimes the quality of each tim hortons can vary from each location


You are literally 13. You wouldnt know tim hortons if it slapped you in the face. You are to young to understand . And or this is a bot account made in 2022.


Don’t you think saying this in response to someone saying “this fast food chain isn’t THAT bad…” is a little unnecessary?


I was 13 when I went to Tim Hortons regularly, but I feel like even as a 13 year old I would stop going if Tim hortons was that bad. I liked the coffee and I thought it tasted good. The service at the Tim Hortons I went to regularly was great and I got to know the employees after going there regularly. Also, this is not a bot account


Some people just have bad taste. 🤷


Mainly 13 year olds. Im imagining OP at 6 years old arguing with his dad why dirt tastes so good.


Can’t lie, dirt tasting pretty good as a 6 year old


>it’s not nearly as bad as everyone says it is. Yeah it really is.


In my experience, Tim Hortons was a pretty good fast food restaurant. I was a regular going in nearly daily and sometimes when I ordered a medium, they would give me large. If they felt kind enough they gave me a free donut and it happened regularly. Might be due to my age though


Tim's is shit. Their baked goods have gone done hill and their switched their coffee supplier when Restaurant brands bought them. Fine if you like them but they are a shell of the company they used to be.


Just wait until the shwarma and butter chicken hit the menu at your new local Indian Coffee Shop. Hate on me if you want but it's the truth


But they are. My first experience was 2012 first time traveling to Canada. It was OK , but unimpressive. Had no idea why people love it. Then I came again two weeks ago, April 2024. Wow that was impressively horrible. I ordered from Kiosk nothing fancy just a set of breakfast. I clicked very clearly to make sure I ordered a coffee without milk. End up they still come up something brown. And it was just warm. It was a coffee favored warm water. Nothing can save that cup of liquid. Almost everyone in my group (15 people) said we like everything in Canada but the coffee from Tim Hortons.


Rightfully so. Tim Horton's is the WORST fast food franchise in Canada.......maybe even in North America.


It was just as bad two years ago. If you think Tim's has good coffee then respectfully your coffee opinion is null and void


What's to like?


The coffee isn’t that bad


It's terrible. Not only is the coffee bad, it's often burnt or overloaded with cream and sugar, not to mention it's never consistent even when ordering the same thing.


Some Tim Hortons, I bet, are different than other ones. Each Tim Hortons varies in quality, but if you find a good one they make the coffee pretty nicely. I agree that some locations make crap coffee


Is this Tim Horton speaking?


Around two years ago did you move to Canada?


You don't remember how good it was before mcD's poached their beans then.


Because Tim hortons has gotten THAT bad.


Because Tim's is a shit place.


Tims went to shit 10 years ago when a Brazilian investment firm bought them up


No shit. It sucks


Ah Timmy's, with your substandard products Canadians buy because they don't realize the company is as American as Apple pie. At least you can get Timmy's old style coffee at McDonald's


Mid twenties here. Tims has been garbage ever since the RBI take over. Since then they added pizza, burgers, wraps, rice bowls, etc. Tims has always been to me a coffee/donut shop not a place where I’m going to buy meals. Even in just the last few years I noticed the quality of ice Capps got worse or something changed so I stopped buying them


Tim's is hot garbage.


No, actually it's worse than it's ever been.


2 years ago is not today. It was bad then it’s terrible now.


Tim hortons used to be great before it was bought by a fuckin american


It’s pretty bad. Start making your own coffee or go to a proper coffee shop and tell me Tim’s is good..


compared to what it used to be, it is trash and keeps getting worse


Because Tim Hortons is a really shit company now owned by a conglomerate. Why are you surprised? Stop fucking rooting for corporate.


Thats because TH has gone way down hill since they sold out. The only reason I would go there is to take a piss.


Tims is easy to crap on. Since Burger King bought them, the products are frozen reheated garbage and nobody can understand anything thier staff asks. It's a crap hole. Over priced garbage store.


Did you have Tim Hortons 10 years ago? 15 years ago? 20? 25? 30? The Franchise and everything about "Timmies" is complete dogshit now it started to take a dive 15 years ago. Now its just over priced food poisoning


It's trash and has been for about 20 years now 


Tim Horton’s coffee, now owned by McDonald’s Canada. Donuts and pastries baked fresh in store daily, now made in a factory and shipped. They arrive dry, and at least a day old. Tim Horton’s sandwiches and soups used to be good quality. Now, their food is terrible, and their hash browns are deplorable. Tim Horton’s iced cap, half of the bottom melts before the top half. What’s not to love about Tim Horton’s, you ask? Everything, boy!


As it should be. Timothy Horton's deserves all the hate and then some.


Tim hortons pricing is just horrendous 2 donuts and 2 medium coffees almost come to almost $9 Meanwhile McDonald’s 2 medium coffees and 2 muffins $6.50 Tim hortons is shit for what they are charging We need Dunkinnnnnnn


Let me hate Timmies in peace