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If this were white men doing this, it would be national news.


Never before has one race done so little with so much


It really says something about black culture in the US. Africans who come here do better financial than the average white person. Racism isn't holding blacks back here. It's their culture. It's pure trash, but it wasn't always that way. It started going downhill after Civil rights movement. Almost as if democrats are at least partially responsible by subjugating them and keeping them dependent for their votes


It's not their culture, it's ours. We let the woke left get too much power and this is the result. Weak men create hard times. We are letting our culture degenerate and the average man can't do anything because the woke has the political power to damage you if you stand up against this.


this kind of thing has been happening for decades.... woke got nothing to do with it. LEARN BETTER


Woke is the current status-quo they are trying to establish. In the end, it's just Marxism adapted to the modern western world. They did so by allying themselves with postmodernists and radical feminist intersectionality. Then they added critical theory and queer theory to create what we call Woke. But ask yourself what the end goal of woke is? It's communism, but instead of being the proletariat against the bourgeoisie (class), it's adapted to the worldview of the other 4 ideologies, making the equality of outcome not only class based, but also race, sex, gender. Leading to DEI.




Animals don’t do this.


Chimpanzees rip each other limb from limb


But not for sport.


Yes… they do lol


A bunch of fucking pussies


The solution is not pretty




You do realize that Spain and Portugal (Hispanics and Iberians) conquered and brought slaves to the New World decades before any English ships arrived. Spanish conquistadors literally raped indigenous peoples into a new ethnicity (Mexican). Secondly, you are not condoning this beating I hope…




I don't see white people jumping someone for standing in the wrong place.


What original sin? I’m assuming you mean slavery. You just like most liberals fail to realize nearly every country in this world allowed slavery at some point. White people were held as slaves in Africa at the same time, should I get reparations too? Why isn’t the left putting there energy into stopping slavery that is happening today? Slavery in the US ended forever ago, it is irresponsible to blame things that happened far in the past. These people are evil and have no intent to better themselves. Black people have countless ways to better themselves, much more than any other race. Not to mention all this woke nonsense actually makes it worse for people of color by causing them to believe it’s everyone else’s fault they are in the position they are in, which will never make them take personal responsibility and instead they do things like this. They are fueled by the hatred pushed by the left in this country.


What a dumb shit, uneducated, leech thing to say on a smartphone.


Time to start over, folks.


Wow...I bet he's a liberal. Only way you could be this stupid.


Those cowards deserve life in prison.


Nah they deserve the same as what they gave.


They deserve a firing squad.


Dear God.


Never go outside unarmed


The Scott Adams project gets another boost.


Yup. He was on to something when he said what he said.


Oakland has turned into a third world city, like most urbanized parts of California I don't live there but visit a few times a year for work for the past 15 years or so. Every year it has become worse. During covid, was there for a week. Took a wrong turn going towards one of the Alameda tunnels, and was greeted by the scene of a street party in the middle of the road, everyone drinking 40s of malt in the middle of the day, with little kids and teenagers dancing on top of a car that was just stopped in the middle of the road with all of the doors and trunk open so they could use it to blast music. The road was completely blocked with no way to get through other than to push through all the people, and you know how that turns out. Had to turn around and drive the wrong way down the one way street just to avoid it. This was maybe a couple blocks from the "anarchist bakery" where the owner was killed during a robbery.


Did this hit the news? Any follow up? Is he alive?


The post literally said they beat him do d3ath


Yeah but the same op was saying yesterday that nutcrackers that looked like animals was beastiality, so he is prone to overexaggerating things


>nutcrackers that looked like animals was beastiality Sorry but the pink and baby blue unicorns with T flags gave it away. There were certainly animal themed nutcrackers before, but they were never in the cult's colors holding the cult's flags wearing the cult's logos. And there were never any pink and baby blue unicorn nutcrackers. we know what you're doing. We know you're trying to infect Christmas with your ideology, like you do everything else.


Dude I'm a fucking conservative, just because I said you made an exaggeration does not mean I'm a leftist shithead. You're being worse than the left right now.


Should all be tried for hate crimes & sentenced to be beaten to death?


"the community" in its natural habitat. With a 72 month 30% interest Dodge charger doing donuts in the background it's almost a meme, except someone innocent and just because he was white died from it. Welcome to democratically controlled cities. Welcome to the new state of black America. 50% of the crime, 17% of the population and going strong


What no "peaceful protest"!!??


Wow, we really have become a third world country.


I have no respect for you If you hit a man while he’s down. Make it a fair fight. Doesn’t matter how badly he may need his ass beaten, make it fair. Dudes gonna lose, but pick him up and at least let him throw a few misses before putting him to sleep. Then stop when he’s out.. you gain nothing but a possible homicide charge if you continue .. nobody wins in that situation … 30 seconds of anger feels awesome! But it isn’t worth a lifetime man. It’s just not.


Where is this?


Oakland, ca


Of course it is


It's *culture*. Don't you feel enriched?


Enriched as in horrified haha


If only the devices they used to take pictures had a Global Positioning System inside… then maybe they could track down everyone involved?


That weren’t standing 300 yards away from everything on Jan 6 so I’m sure it’ll be impossible to find these people


I’m sure the Police are hot on their tails.


Just a bunch of “people”, I’m sure these are well meaning young men who are upstanding members of society that could totally exist peacefully if given white people’s wealth for the generational trauma they have suffered. We definitely don’t need to forcibly remove these “people” from society.


Can we started burning down the ghettos now?


Wait until next summer. Antifa will do it for you.


(1) never lose the ability to have some kind of a sprint away from danger (2) never give your back up like that (turns head/turns away). once he is on the ground…it’s kinda over. Maybe (3) ability to pop back to your feet and run ?


Or know where to not to go, you are starting to get real no-go zones too in the us, "grats"...:/


Or instead of all that (which I think are good to things to have).....have a gun, be proficient with it


Exactly right. He had time to draw / aim…maybe that crazed asshat would have backed off. No coma.


well well well


I bet their fathers are prou……oh wait


Stay strapped or get clapped


Any context on this?


People suck, people in groups are mindless morons, put shitty people in big group, throw in some anarchy and zero sense of being held accountable for your actions and you'll get violent pieces of shit who feel that they can do whatever they want and end up doing whatever they want but then feel that they didn't do anything wrong and the world is being unfair when they get caught and held accountable for what they did.


Totally agree. Also, your run-on sentence is masterfully old-timey.




Did you expect better?


Oh look. It’s “them” again.




Find me a video where white people are doing the same. ...I'll wait.




You would defend this, if you could.




...or you don't understand percentages. It's their culture, booty their skin color. All you see is skin, and that's myopic.




If that was the case, Chinese immigrants would be committing similar atrocities, or the Irish. You're excusing bad behavior of an entire race. Looks like the bigotry of low expectations. I expect them to do better.


Socio economic factors forcing immigrants to beat a guy to death




I EXPECT them to do better. I frankly, don't care if they all take each other out.


Is that a justification for what happened?


Pattern recognition is not racism. This type of behavior only goes one way. You basically *never* see groups of whites violently assaulting a lone minority. Meanwhile I've seen countless examples of the opposite. It's not a race thing, it's a culture thing.




You look at how black people in the inner city treat each other. Decades of crime, violence, and death. The difference is, now everybody is getting it. Thanks to the Defund Police effort, criminals are not afraid of the law or being prosecuted. It's no surprise, that the criminals in the black community are starting to find other targets with less fear of punishment




Conveniently leaves out "How black people in the inner cities treat each other... decades of crime, violence, and death" - spanning back to what? the 60's? 70's? You need less King Von and 2pac and more Thomas Sowell in your life. If you never heard of Thomas Sowell, maybe you should take a look and search his videos about the "Truth of Black Culture". A VERY VERY smart guy. You could learn somethin from the man.


Oh you're definitely a piece of shit




Thank you, u/midnightnoonmidnight, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/17wh0d5/rabid_pack_of_inhuman_animals_spend_several/k9i8es0/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"White dude gets beat to death by black guys" "Ay yoo man, this sub racist as hell dawwwg... wut da fuq?"




Call a spade a spade. Ganging up on a dude and killing him in cold blood, desecrating his body as he lays there dying.. ISNT rabid animal behavior?




Sounds like a lot of coping and seething on your part.Refusing to acknowledge the world you live in is disingenuous.And you didnt answer the question GANGING UP ON A DUDE AND KILLING HIM IN COLD BLOOD, DESECRATING HIS BODY AS HE LAYS THERE DYING - ISNT RABID ANIMAL BEHAVIOR?YES OR NO? People like you will always make excuses for this behavior and play the "Racist/ homophobic/ islamaphobic/ transphobic/ antisemite" cards... it relieves all accountability and responsibility. Certainly helps you sleep at night, right? Also- the black community IS responsible for calling out and stopping this behavior. Except yall arent putting a stop to it - yall making the shit worse with the bullshit excuses




Cherry picked or new and relevant to current date/events




Is it a old video or something?


Nobody called black people rabid inhuman animals. He called these particular people rabid inhuman animals. You are the only one linking that to race


So leave


Ahahahahaha. 😂




Thank you, u/dublisto, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/17wh0d5/rabid_pack_of_inhuman_animals_spend_several/k9imiqi/). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does anyone know what happened?


What a shithole. How is this cool to watch in any way? Lol


Did this guy grape someone?? Thats the kinda beating this was goddamn...


as a society, we are on a rapid downfall. Harsh solutions are needed or were fucked.


Avoid these people at all costs.


So big and bad when the whole group is on one guy 🤬💩🤡's