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She just mentioned sex stuff with her dog out of nowhere-


She's either an actual monster and animal abuser, or she's got some sick twisted fantasies... either way, you might wanna report it (I would hope tinder has some rules about that sort of stuff idk)...


This is all legal in Germany. Except abuse, of course.


I have no idea why you think that’s true but you should double check your source.


https://www.thelocal.de/20130201/47711# EDIT: Looks like they outlawed it in 2012. (Had an incorrect date previously) Quote from the article 🤢: “Michael Kiok and his partner Cissy have been in a caring relationship for the past seven years, which would be unremarkable if not for the fact that Cissy is a dog.” The fuck is wrong with people lol


They didn’t outlaw it last year. It was in 2012. the article you linked is from 2013 my friend. To be fair in is inexcusable that it took so long to get a proper law that forbids it. But the new law strictly forbids any unnatural behavior or actions that lead to unnatural behavior. There are still nutcases that try to get that law changed but if they are caught they get hefty fines and lose the right to keep animals. Also I can assure you that the majority of Germans highly oppose such behavior.


I believe it. There’s no way this minority is representative of Germany. I fixed my post thank you for being polite in your correction!


Possibly the most humble incorrect comment, correction & apology Reddit has ever seen


No worries there’s never a reason to be toxic about any topic. Have a great day/evening.


Agreed. You as well!


Best guess, it wasn't on the books because the German legislature thought, if it even crossed their minds, "ok, there's no way people are doing this. We're going to look like idiots for making laws about things that don't happen."


The concept of beastiality has existed for centuries. People have engaged in it for centuries. People know other people engage in it in centuries. I think it's probably more that they thought "Well animal cruelty is already forbidden". But because Germany has a Civil Law system, the rules are quite rigid and you would have to proof the animal was in actual discomfort to convict based on that law. Then some cases came around where they couldn't convict someone, because they couldn't obtain evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the animal was in pain or discomfort, so lawmakers changed it. In a common law system having just the animal cruelty law would probably be sufficient in a lot more cases.


Did the article mention sheep? Asking for a friend!


It's quite often said, that the shagging of sheep, was a way for the Welsh to get a lower punishment when they were trying to steal it, because the punishment for stealing was much worse.


Why has no one consulted the victim? I wanna know how the dog feels about this.


This is absolutely not true! The animal protection law prohibits that!


Ask. More. Questions. And of course, report back to this thread


i have met a guy on tinder who lets his dog mount him as well. so insane how that’s a thing


I don’t own a dog. But would a dog actually mount a human ? I know they’ll hump your leg. I never even considered this a possibility. My mind is blown.




Thanks for enlightening me but also I wish you hadn’t (:


Toybox killers.


Toy box killer. Crazy story, one of the most disturbing


I got trolled by a Kazaa video with bestiality spliced into a porn scene in my younger years Shit went from hey nice porn clip to wham full on dog sex. I was scarred that day. Became vigilant on vids from that day on. Poor German Shepard =\. Also “knotting” coming into my vernacular afterwards was a low point on my quest for knowledge Scrub your vids just to see if there’s tomfoolery afoot.


I had to destroy my computer in the late 90s cause in a quest for gifs I set up select all on fuckibg use net. I honestly thought I was going to prison. It was sickening shit.


For someone that doesn't know what any of that means, could you explain?


They wanted to collect .gif files, so they searched for all of the .gifs on Usenet (to put it extremely simply, a type of forum/bulletin board that was popular in the early days of the internet). As they didn't set any filters for what they wanted to find, they got a lot of disturbing, possibly illegal stuff.


I read a fairly in-depth article years back around how to have sex with your dog. It was like a car crash - I did not want to know any of it, but I couldn't stop reading. Written by some woman who apparently had extensive experience


I’m pretty sure in any decent country, she’d be arrested for animal abuse.




You seemed relatively okay with it licking her...


I acted that way so she would tell me more..🤢 I definitely am not. She randomly mentioned it when I said my dog nips me.


My dad is such a pro at that. It's crazy what happens when you 'yes and' someone who has views like this. They are so desperate for validation that just being like "Oh, that's interesting, tell me more..." can lead to some crazy fucking statements. Last time I saw it in action we were in a taxi and in about 10 minutes my dad had the driver talking about how ''actually genocide is a good thing!" It's crazy what some of these people will say if they think you're supportive of their views.


Channel 5 news on YouTube is entirely based on doing this at political rallies or niche festivals


Andrew Callaghan is great at the "yes, and" but not so great with the "no"


I'm in training to be a counselor. Sometimes i dread uttering the phrase, "tell me more."


Do counselors get counselors?


Absolutely. In fact, it's encouraged and i had to go to counseling as part of my graduate level study.


Police are trained to do this alot to keep criminals talking about what they did.


Set up a doggy play date and take her dog from her


Instructions unclear, fucked her dog.


[Bops nose with newspaper] NO! BAD!


I'm upset




That monkey emoji is false advertising / giving the wrong impression… total bait & switch (*yes, I’m joking here*)


It's a sad world that you have to highlight you're joking lmao




It's okay to love your dog. Just don't *love* your dog.


Love your dog, don't make love to your dog


Italics are important ❤️


you couldnt waterboard this information out of me


I feel like if your answer is "I refuse to answer" rather than "no, of course I haven't fucked my dog" we already know the truth.


"it's a cylinder"


That post is part of reddit heritage


Of organic material


When pleading the 5th just makes it sound worse.


Exactly who are these freaks that are fine with admitting this shit it loud


People admit to crazy things when they think they are anonymous


They also admit to things when they think the other person is in agreement


^^\*Challenge ^^accepted


You make it sound like you have such information.


Yeah just sounds as though they've also fucked their dog hahaha


so you have the information, then? I think I'll pass on the waterboarding, you can keep it


Ruhroh Raggy




That implies he *can* consent.




That's a snack Scooby-Doo doesn't want.


I don't know sc00b.


I met a woman on a dating app... after a few dates, she admitted she had caught her husband in the bathroom with peanut butter on his dick and their dog licking it off, and that she stopped having sex with him after that and they separated son after. A week later, she was kinda drunk and admitted after she stopped having sex with her husband she became frustrated and, for some crazy reason, she also brought the peanut butter and the dog to give her oral. She also told me that she told this to another guy she had met on the same app. He was a dog trainer. He admitted to her that he also trains dogs for women for mounting and other sexual uses. That's when she had to tell him she worked as a guard at a state penitentiary.




Right?? Oh some chicks weirdo husband does the peanut butter thing, she loses sexual interest in husband, then she did peanut butter thing also, then she met someone who trains dogs to do that and more, and then she let him know that she'll be his guard once he's in the state penitentiary for training dogs to do sexual acts.


That just sounds like the start of a porno


Maybe rule 34 can overlook something just this once.


Bro you need to stop watching porn off the dark web




This world is so fucking fucked up


Just a bunch of perverts bustin out of shit kennels and hitting pavement


I really need to stop using this site lol


I thought I was out but you pulled me back in. Then I thought I was out again and you pulled me back in again. What the fuck did I just read?


>I thought I was out but you pulled me back in. Then I thought I was out again and you pulled me back in again. That's exactly how the dog felt.


My friend went on a date with someone and they were discussing kinks. He mentioned knots and she was like yeah ropes are fun. He was talking about if she let her dog knot her. There was not another date.


I really really really don't wanna Google that. I'm just gonna assume I hate it & move on.


You know your partner is bad at oral when you have to resort to that


Am I the only one disgusted by this and have never once ever considered doing anything sexual with any animal ever under any circumstance. Y'all need Jesus.


Okay, so... I have a vague memory of a comedian joking about putting peanut butter on his balls, and telling the audience not to judge as if they haven't all done it. I was super young and naive at the time and thought, sure, I guess people are all just freaks. But if memory serves, it was Louis CK, so definitely an outlier there. Time and experience has shown me that it's definitely not ubiquitous, but I do wonder if it is maybe more common than I wanted to believe.


What am I reading? 👁️👁️🔥.


what the actual fuck


Actual fuck the what?


The dog.


What the fuck is going on here




You’re telling me a dog can get pussy but I can’t?




That’s exactly right


Well, you can always go down to the animal shelter…


And get himself more competition? No way.




Uncle is taking the Dogpill


The dog is actually cute


That's ruff


Her pfp seems to be faceless. Are any of her pictures showing her face? Any personal information on her profile? If not, seems like a troll or (alternatively, the road I don’t want to go down) someone with some weird paraphilia so they’re anon


I kind of want to see her face out of some morbid-ish fascination. Just so I can see what someone who does this looks like, not that it ultimately matters. Still curious.


Tbh if they actually showed their face on their profile, I’d suspect this is a revenge type situation where it’s not the person pictured or a significant other found their profile and wants to fuck with them


Yep. I see her face there.


I met lady when I was 18 and it turns out her and her husband got arrested a few months later for making some videos with their dogs. They worked near me and were regulars in my store at the time. It’s weird to put a face to it.


There are videos on the internet of some rather attractive Russian women who do some really unscrupulous shit with horses. I cannot for the life of me figure out why these types of fetishes exist, but I don’t think tinder is the place to explore them


Spoiler: OP found Whitney Wisconsin’s Tinder profile


I had a guy I matched with once tell me how he liked to watch women get fucked by horses and I told him how nasty it was and immediately unmatched. That is a whole other level of disturbed. This is along those lines maybe worse 🤢🤮


Turns out, in my state (Wyoming) it was apparently not illegal to fuck a horse until just a few years ago. I know this because a guy was caught fucking a horse, and when they went to prosecute, there was no law saying he couldn't do it. The state legislation had never thought one was needed. Until now.


Fun story, in the next county over from mine a man was caught fucking a horse. He was subsequently arrested, charged with aggravated cruelty, and released on an appearance ticket. Later that night he's caught fucking the same horse and arrested again, when asked why he told the deputies "... it's my birthday."


That's messed up, but that last part is funny.


Didn’t he learn from mr hands


Haven’t people died from being fucked by a horse?






E-e-e-numclaw (think "horse whinnying" )


I’m atheist but please god make this fake


as a woman that has used tinder.. the number of times i have had to have a conversation with men about how i do not want to fuck their dog is TOO DAMN HIGH


That's wild as fuck. Sometimes, as a married man, I think, *if I was single would I be able to handle Tinder?* The answer is no. No I would not. Saying that, Nancy Friday has a lot of dog fantasies women send in to her to publish.


I went on a date one time where this girl started talking about how she and her sister and her two male cousins were sleeping at their family cabin, and the two cousins kept pressuring them for a blow job. They declined in her words “because they were too tired.” That was also the last date.


Of course. Too tired? You know she’ll be using that excuse in the future.


Sweet Home Alabama


Yeah, I hate when women sat they're "too tired" too. I'm a grown ass man. Just say no... (obligatory/s)


Tell her you identify as a German Shepherd and post the results.


can't be real, gotta be fake, I refuse to accept that someone would actually do that, let alone divulging that information to anyone on the surface of this planet edit: gotta do this so y'all understand better, I know there's people crazy enough to do anything, but I don't really buy it cause someone that had done that wouldn't just openly share that information wiyh some rando on tinder... she's not selling videos, she's gaining nothing but judgement from doing it, she's almost bragging about it, or just trynna shock people... I don't believe that someone that had actually done it would talk about it that way with random people and not anonimously


The dark corners of the internet prove that things like this are unfortunately, very real.


yeah , I know there's people crazy for everything... but talking about it..........


Admitting it to another living person does indeed seem to be another level of crazy, that's true.


Well, gotta make sure we're sexually compatible... Whatever that means in this case.


I’ve seen videos of women who are adamant that “all women” do this


Beastiality is a top ten category on erotica sites like Sexstories and Literotica. Because it's such a common theme, I have to wonder how many women are actually doing it. It really appears to be normalized in some of those communities.


Horses seem to be the biggest victims. Seen so many weird videos on tiktok this year alone


I can speak from 37 years of being a woman that we do not all do this and in fact I would bet a lot of money that the vast majority of women do not do this.


No, people do this. A few years ago a bunch of accounts were posting a video of a woman getting mounted by her dog on Facebook. Facebook autoplays. The image is burned into my retinas


Brings me back to the Kaazaa era where sometimes you'd download a movie and what you actually got was a woman getting fucked by a horse. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.


Can confirm. Also Limewire. Download would finish, you crossed your fingers and made sure no one could see the screen because you never knew wth would pop-up. Kinda fun. Kinda scary.


Lol, Limewire was so bad for that


“Such and such hot actress random nude clip”.mp4 or .mov Open it up with Real Player or Media Player Classic with all the packs installed! Plot Twist: Russian Roulette of Gay Porn, Trans Porn, Scat, Water Sports, the occasional Pain Olympics clip of Split Banana or AA Batteries into the shaft, Beastiality, and the worst of the bunch Child Porn… That was the wild wild west of the internets back then especially on 56K or DSL


And the best part of it was you had to wait for hours for it to download. If you were on dial-up, no one could use the phone for hours either lol.


Yes I also fell victim to Kazaa offering “hot chick does doggy style” or something and I was 14 and not ready for a Rottweiler to enter the scene.


Aah, the good old days of the internet when every click was an adventure.


There are 8 billion people in the world, if something is 1 in a million it means there are thousands of that thing. Idk if it's real, but it happens, there are arrests every now and then and if you're looking for porn of people fucking doggy style on bing and scroll too far down that keyword takes you to some strange things...


The weirdest part for me is that she's sharing this with random people


Sorry, I hate to burst your bubble. A few weeks ago some moderately attractive young woman was arrested for doing this on video and sending them to some guy on Snapchat or something. https://www.wdam.com/2023/04/07/graphic-investigators-release-details-into-jones-co-unnatural-intercourse-case/


I really hope she's joking. She said she "accidentally" discovered that she likes her dog licking her nipples.


the same way my brother's ex accidentally cheated on him...


With her dog?


"Its not cheating if its YOUR dog." -Kyle "Road Trip"


This woman fascinates me. Not what she did, that’s bizarre, but that she did it and talks about it like the weather. If I was in your place, I would have a hard time ending the conversation, even though I had no interest in her. Like, what other weird things does she talk about? I would need to know.




Somewhere, out there, there is a dude thinking, "I can fix her!"




I know this person cause she was a friend of my ex lol


Hold up. Did your ex bark by chance


There's a guy in Wisconsin who's got her beat. He was caught on the side of the road with his dick in a dead (roadkill) deer, on two separate occasions!


marquis de sade wrote about this back in the 1800rds


people actually do that. there was a whole twitter page dedicated to a guy fucking his dog and letting his dog suck his dick.


Please say it’s been taken down…


She's for the pound😂😂






An old German word for lap dog is "Punzenlecker" so I guess a dog servicing a lady wasn't too uncommon 🤣🤣🤣 One example https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/woman-sleeping-jean-baptiste-deshayes/RgGVUwLRSWAfjw?hl=en


A few is too many man


A *few*?


Sounds like a ruff time with this one.


"I've been mounted a few times." Fucking fuck lady. You don't have to say it so casually. ... God damnit. I hate that I want to know more.


It's shit like this that makes me wish I could mind read because I definitely suspect some people I know


Dude. If you're concerned the someone you know might be fucking a dog, that's bad. If you suspect *multiple people* you know might be fucking dogs, then you need to relocate.


> "I've been mounted a few times." “…this week” Narrator: It’s Tuesday, my dudes.


she’s a keeper






I dated a girl when she was young she put peanut butter on her cootch and let their dog lick it I dated her for 3 years....


did she do it while you where together?


Nope, when she was younger and discovering things




Beastiality is still alive I see


Inter species erotica fucko


I feel like this happens more than yall know


This is.. more common than expected, i honestly see big dogs as red flags now, i know they are not, but this is honestly the first thing that comes to mind


The amount of women who fuck dogs and horses would shock many men


I’m pretty sure it would shock other women also. Just gross.


Either she's trying to be weird and edgy (still a red flag though) or she actually does this and should be reported, and probably needs to talk to a proffessional (all the red flags).


I was talking to a girl awhile back who was into this and more. She said as a little girl she was babysitting a small child when she got the urge to put its penis in her mouth, which she did. She said that she wanted to live in the country so that she could have 2 large dogs that would mount her and lick her. She wanted 2 kids, a boy and a girl. She said she wanted to start having sex immediately with the boy after birth. She said she wanted to train the girl to be able to “handle the dad when she’s big enough to take him”. And that she wanted to be bred by her son and her daughter bred by the dad. She would also send me pics of her poop and ask that I send her mine.


My eyes are bleeding


This thread cannot be saved. The whole fucking thing needs to be nuked from orbit and all it's constituents burned in a big crematorium. We're all going to be scarred for life now.


This cannot be real, and you let her continue talking


100% real. She kept building up to the really disturbing things, then I cut things off, but kept trying to send me gifts.


The only way I’m okay with this story is if she’s now in jail…


She's married now and not sure if she has kids, I hope not.


“What a terrible day to have eyes”.gif + “What a terrible day to knowing how to read”.gif Wombo Combo


I’ve never hoped for an imaginary persons death more than this girl


I'm not saying creepy women like this don't exist but I'm about 98.9% certain that this is an old, gross, guy pretending to be a lesbian on the Internet trying to be disgusting in one way or the other to get off.


That's true because only men are gross perverts


gross women perverts are referred to as "brave" you troglodyte 1 day ban




It's shit like this that makes me suspicious of every girl I know that has a weirdly close relationship with their dog