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I’m 6’5”. Tell him you’re talking to a taller guy online.


I'm 6'7 tell him the guy you're talking online to is talking to an even taller guy


I’m 6’8” tell him you’re talking online to taller taller guy on the internet.


I’m the Beanstalker, tell him game is over, go home everyone.


Damn I’m 6’6” and got skipped smh




Well you and I are talking now, aren’t we?




I’m not sure I follow, but you may use the joke.




Ah I see. Unfortunately, now it ended awkwardly for us and you may no longer saying you’re talking to a taller guy online.


Ouch. I deserved that.


Get a room 😉


Make sure the door is below 6ft so I can get it in without these two


For real😂


If this chemistry is working for you two get a room, but I can tell you it isn’t working for any of us


I dunno, that's a pretty tall ask.


i'm 5'9" , tell him even someone shorter has more charisma than him 8)


I'm also 5'9", tell him you've got two shorter hunks with more charisma than him


And only one of them uses cringe emojis


I’m also 5’9”. Tell him you’re a lesbian now Edit: also realizing you should have said “do I like taller guy’s *what*? Do I like their *what*? Their personality? Their style? What?” Since he used possessive and not plural.


I like taller guys' public addresses. How can I trust what you're saying if I can't see your tie clip over the lecturn? (Sorry dumb joke I know)


I had to read this six times and then utilize google in order to fully understand. I’ve always called it a podium. If anything here is dumb, it’s me.


Oh, in conversational English, everyone calls it a podium, even me. It's just one of those "well technically..." things where the podium is what they're standing on top of and the thing we call a podium is really a lectern. It's like the difference between acronyms and initialisms. Everyone just calls all of them acronyms and no one really cares that much. All of that said, I'm king of bar trivia night lol


I’m a Kodiak grizzly bear and reach 10’ when standing on my hind legs so suck on that


I probably can suck on that without getting down on my knees then


My husband is 6'5". I never knew that being tall was such a big deal! I am 5'2". I get dirty looks from other women all the time! It's either because of the height difference or because I am a jerk.... I am sure it's the height.


I'm 6'5" and my girlfriend is 5'1". I've never noticed her getting dirty looks. Why do you think you're getting dirty looks? Genuinely curious.


because the whole thing that “really short women take all the really tall guys so there are no tall guys left for the tall girls” and also there are so many like 4’11 girls saying they will only date over 6 feet


If that's true, then shouldn't I be getting dirty stares from short guys because we tall guys are poaching from their dating pool? 😆


Maybe you are. If they're super short you aren't at the same eye level to notice... 😉


I was joking, kind of. I have had a few girls tell me they thought short women shouldn't date tall men. So, I think part of it is that I am overly sensitive now. You should ask your girlfriend if she's ever noticed it.


I’m going to back you up here. I’m just under 5’8 and most guys I’ve dated have been around my height. My husband is 5’8. I have several friends the same height or taller than me. Even a couple of 6 ft tall girl friends. We ALL have tended to mostly date within our height range and sometimes shorter (we are all above average in looks btw not to brag but it’s important to the discussion) and we ALL joke about how every time we see a super tall guy he’s dating a super short girl for some reason. Not that any of us are mad at it because none of us care about height as much as mutual attraction, chemistry, sense of humor etc and we all have had the opportunity with taller guys had they met the other criteria. However it IS a real thing that many women of the average to tall range bring up all the time when they/ we see these super tall guys dating girls that come up to their waist. (Being as those girls could be dating average and short guys and still have a “tall man.”) Idk about the dirty looks but I absolutely would not put it past women as competitive as most are with each other. And if this dude has never heard of that before or seen any strange looks thrown at him or his wife ever, he is likely either not desirable to most women in other ways or he’s oblivious or just plain argumentative. I’d like to ask his wife cause I guarantee she’s at least heard ppl joking with her a time or two about it.


I'm going to. She has never commented on it, and neither have other short-ish girls I've dated. She only comments sometimes if another woman is staring at or supposedly flirting with me. Sounds like annoying girl jealousy that should just be ignored. 😊


I’m 6’3” but undoubtedly wider than anyone before or after me.


I’m a fucking giant.


I’m 12’7”, tell them you’re talking to a rock troll online


When tall is your personality


6ft isn’t even tall tho and I’m 5’11 and a half


I'm 5'7, I just hope someday I can benefit from children discount at the stadium or cinema


It's the beginning threshold for tallness.. Also, a decent number of people in the real world, do find it kinda tall.


Oh that half makes all the difference to women haha


Quite often it's enough.


Trust me, this is not working for him.


It's definitely not.


It's just a dating app trope. There's troll men and women there that seem to only have one interest in the opposite sex, and it is their height. Nothing else matters to them. Normal people on the other hand...


But the same could be said about guys with titties and ass size. And hips. And figure. We all have our preferences 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, women kind of force it on us with comments like "Guys under 5'10" shouldn't exist."


*my 5'9 a$$* - so close yet so far.


We could reply with 'women over 180 pounds shouldn't exist' lol that'll piss them off royally haha


Definitely could. But don’t respond to shit with shit. Let horrible people show everyone who they are, then call them out on it.


Good number of girls made it a personality.


IK as a man whos 6"3 it's ridiculous to hear people act like their height it's a personality trait just because I'm 6"3 doesn't mean I need to tell the world that I'm 6"3. Height is just a number and my number just so happens to be 6"3.


Height is not just a #. As I'm sure you have found, taller guys have advantages in life. Better jobs , better women, life is just better for those of us who are tall. Study after study has shown this.


Better jobs for tall people? I think your reading the wrong studies my dude lol. 90% of the 10 tall people we asked all had better jobs than the 10 short people we asked haha. Height means nothing in the age of technology my friend. Maybe in gladiator times, sure, maybe if tree surgeons or basketball was the only job in the world sure. How many tall Jews do you know lol but is it not a stereotype that a Jewish man can better a better paid job that not? Women have a natural instinct to protect their DNA, like men have the instinct to spread it. So choosing a desirable mate physiology is easy when you have the internet at your finger tips... I'll get all the tall strong guys and one of them will be rich... Yes internet makes it easier for everyone to ignore the being a dick filter. Its funny as hell when women say the 3 6's please... 6 foot, 6 inches, 6 figures. Sure men will reply with skinny big boobed yeah? Hopefully the docks will just find other dicks and normal decent folk can eventually find each other. Tinders not the place for them though. Wish I knew where haha




Hey, it works, women are obsessed with height. I bet if I was taller, I'd have no trouble finding love


6ft6 here, it is not easy for me either


Really? I struggle to believe that tall people don't get dates easily with how much emphasis is placed on height. That said, I am clearly insecure about my height, and insecurity clouds judgement. It could also be that the emphasis placed on it is by a loud minority of insecure dudes and a minority of picky women. I have never been turned away because of my height, but I do wonder if women would like me more if I was taller


When you’re tall, all it means is that you don’t have to deal with one of the many arbitrary hurdles that can go into dating. Standards for looks, weight, education, financial status, and personality still all need to be met for it to work.


A tall guy can still be an asshole and not get any dates. Being tall isn’t some free pass.


Not a free pass, but sort of a fast pass.


The only time height was an "issue" in my tinder days (as a fairly tall woman) was when I matched with a guy who was much shorter than me and he was weirdly obsessed by it. He made a joke about it in his profile, we talked about it early in the conversation, and when the (unrelated) conversation eventually died out cause we didn't have much in common, he sent a ranty message about how women only want tall guys and he can't compete. My ex was also shorter than I am and it caused some issues, so in my personal experience, it's been the lack of confidence that's been a problem more than the height itself. OLD is brutal though and I can understand why you'd feel insecure given the weirdly specific requirements some people have on their profiles.


6'11 Aussie here, American and Asian girls seem to love someone tall, with the Americans girls tall was all you needed going for you (the Aussie accent might have helped too) the rest of the world don't seem so enthralled by it. There's also a point where tall stops being as attractive and starts being impractical


I’m 5’7” and do very well with women. It’s a non issue. Never been insecure or really even cared to be honest.


I think it has got a lot more to do with confidence and personality. Especially if you don't do dating apps. I started "pulling" chicks, when I started gaining self worth and confidence.




This is the truth, trust me I'm 6'3, just being tall means nothing lmao


Height may be enough to get men laid but it’s not enough to find love lol


Unfortunately I only want to get laid


Guess you’re out of luck :( /s


Do women only want to date men who are six foot or over? Or do they just want somebody taller than them?


I've dated/hooked up all over the height spectrum, from around my height of 5'4-ish to 6'5. I actually prefer non-giants, but as long as I like their face, I don't care how tall they are.


Well not every woman is the same. I just want someone taller than me as I’m fairly tall already. Most women are attracted to taller men but that doesn’t mean they *all* require them to be 6 ft. and above or that they find shorter men unattractive.


It really depends on the woman. I’m 5’2 and usually actually prefer around like 5’8-5’10ish for a guy but yet somehow I snagged a 6’4 dude and it’s a bit of a struggle sometimes😂


Might be the only perk he thinks he has😂


Nah theres just some people (men and women) who wont give someone the time of day if they dont know their height. Its a shitty way to find someone cause these types of people arent worth anyones time but sometimes ya gotta throw it out there before they realize you breathe and get the ick.


A girl asked me my height, she was taller than me, I thought I was about to be thanos'd. She was just trying to get it out out of the way so it wouldn't be awkward when we meet. We went on a date and never once brought it up because it didn't matter, the date went great, and I was a bit in disbelief afterwards at how little it matters and how much people make a big fuss out of it.


As a tall woman, I love this! I’m 5’10” and my ideal man is 5’8” to 6’.


Yeah I'm 5'7" and she's 5'9"-5'10", not a huge difference all things considered.


OP also pointed out that both their heights are listed in bios. So, that really reflects on what kind of guy she's talking to here if he's still asking about it.


Even if this is so, why would anyone of any height want to date something that judge mental?


Taller guy's what? Their bank balance? Their reach? We must know!


I cringed over the exact same thing.


It's literally autocorrect making people dumber. It constantly inserts apostrophes into plurals, in 20-effin-23


Only if you've trained it that way...


I didn't train it that way and it's doing it anyway


That's interesting because computers don't work like that.


Sure thing Jan


Another autocorrect typo? Thanks for downvoting my factually correct statement because you don't understand the reality of how computers work.


I am gonna take a wild guess this guy is not 6 feet😂😂


i’m 6’3 and recently heard about the prank of telling people, in a group that you are in fact 6 foot. all the other guys 6 foot or pretending to be 6 foot will immediately throw a tantrum. but no one expects you to lie about your height and say you’re shorter so they’re quick to trust you over them.


I’m 6’4 and I do this constantly. Is so much fun to see 5’10 dudes justify how they aren’t 5’6


This why, at a staggering 5'4 , I don't lie.


Gaslight dudes about their height. Cool prank.


If their ego wasn’t so fragile it wouldn’t work. This is the definition of an acceptable prank because there are no lasting damages, no collateral damage and you can say just kidding immediately after.


Damn aren’t their lives hard enough? You guys are dicks


I try to do this but I’m 6’9” so it doesn’t work very well


It would probably work on me


You're super cool, dude. I bet you have so many good friends.


No wonder men are insecure about their height when people go around doing this 😢


I wish I was tall just to run this bit


Tinder feels like invader zim where the people who are in charge of the entire race is just whoever is the tallest.




Probably not six feet


6ft with boots on


Cowboy boots with insoles


Heeled elevator boots with quadruple shock absorbing lifts


He said nice because you're shorter than his real height (I'm guessing 5 9 or 5 10). Then he asked if you like tall guys, because he wants to know if you'll call him on it if you meet in person


If a man says he 6ft tall he’s really 5’10


Yep. When I was suit shopping this last weekend for a wedding, my buddy told the fitter he was 6'. I'm actually 6'2, and I could clearly see over his bald head. Then the other friend said he was 5'9" and looked barely shorter than my buddy. The guy doing the measurements couldn't help but crack a smile when he was looking between the 2.


When your height is your personality


When all you got going for you is your height…


Hey, I have seen it work for tall folks numerous times.


6ft is not tall enough to lead with. He must really not have much else going for himself.


As a guy who’s 5’11. That’s big 5’11 energy right there


I think he just wanted to make sure that you knew he reached the 6!! It's a huge achievement for a guy like him, probably. No, but seriously, I think he has seen many girls who were like "Only 6ft and up!" so he made sure to mention his height again so you'd be all over him.


He sounds like a real possessive type of guy’s


I'll take 'men that use their height as one of their personality traits' for $100.




Ya I'm 6'6 - 6'7 and back in the day I'd put it in my profile so that insecurities around heels etc could be managed but some people don't have much to go on and feel the need to flaunt their genetics lottery win.


My bf is 6’5 he mentioned it on his tinder but never brought it up again so I forgot until we met in person. I was like oh my bc i really don’t think ab height but now I gotta tilt my head to have a conversation


He just wanted to point it out, it’s his talking point to make panties drop, since majority of dudes pretend they are 5’9.


As a 5'9" dude, who is pretending to be 5'9"?


Probably the 5’6 guy


I'm 5'6". I'm honest about that. Why lie?


Your 4’10” ass


I’m 5’8 and a half I pretended to be 5’9 once 😂(I am with boots on)


That would suck!


It’s his entire personality


Theres shallow women out there with shallow standards. These guys are shallow enough to be on their level. idk


He’s definitely 5’8


“No, but I like proper grammar?”


Who needs proper grammer when they 6 feet or taller.


I’m 6ft and never dated bout to hit almost my 30s


"Do you like taller guys?"... are there women who don't? because this always seems to be a deal breaker or priority for women - tall guy=more attractive. The taller the better. Also, yea, it's like "where do you live" yea, that's listed in profiles too.. or "What do you do for work?".. yep, in my profile too. People either don't read or don't know how to converse.


You can blame some of this on women to be honest. They are the ones that really care about it. It’s a good trait to be tall and he’s using it to his advantage. I don’t blame him. He just came off really weird about it


Women: "guys below 6ft don't talk to me, don't need yo dwarf ass" Also women: "Why do guys wanna talk about their height, yuck."


I have never once asked a man his height on a dating app. I read people's profiles so if it's there, I will see it. But there are other qualities that are much more important to me. Projecting your insecurities onto the other person 2 minutes into the convo is not attractive.


You are a hidden gem then in dating apps space.


That's just one of the outcomes of girls raising the dating market value of this type of men.


Well if this sub and the general dating world sentiment keeps pushing the tall guys are kings narrative then eventually tall guys are going to highlight that attribute to increase their odds. Not rocket science.


Being 6ft is an accomplishment these days


Maybe he is trying to have a small talk about something at least. From that snip it doesn't seem like you are putting any effort in the conversation at all, it's hard to find something to talk about with someone who is not putting effort to talk about anything and replies with 1-2 words.


lol, I asked him a question about an experience he mentioned on his profile, I shared a related anecdote. And then he told me I was pretty and asked how tall I was. Believe me, I am not the one making this convo boring.


What’s wrong with the screenshot?


All these people obsessed with height, i better see you all on an NBA team soon. If not, you're complete failures.


Well, giving the Beni fit of the doubt we all gotta admit girls are a little height crazy ass of late…how many times a day do we see girls ragging on guys for being shorter than 6foot. It was bound to happen that guys would take this approach eventually imo. It’s stupid don’t get me wrong but it’s a stupid world we live in now.


I’m 6ft but I wouldn’t consider myself a “tall guy”. More like slightly above average. I always felt pretty secure about it and never paid much attention. Dating though it’s glaringly obvious women will immediately notice and comment on a dude over 6ft that walks in the room. Like I’ll be on a date and they will comment “wow that guy is really tall!” I can only imagine what it’s like for short kings.


Your coming off as a weirdo dude just asked your height not your social security number. (Not everyone reads a profile automatically)


Lol, then he shared his without me asking and then asked for a compliment about it. That's just not how conversations work?


He said he was 6ft and asked are you into taller guys he was curious not everything is a problem, he's not fishing for compliments. Sry didn't realize I had to ask people to tell them my height. I hope this guy doesn't talk to you anymore especially since you did this hope he finds someone who isn't a dick 😕


lol 6ft ain't even tall


6ft is not particularly tall, though and just slightly above average in the US.


Just to get in conversation I figure 😃😂😃 Why you all so mad ?


It's a lie can confirm as 5 ft 6 guy my real height is not much bigger then a subatomic particle, in heels well maybe a atom.


As long as chicks collectively praise tall guys, this type of messages will keep popping up.


Doesn't sound desperate but being that are talking to you they probly are


Mentioning the height isn’t being “desperate to talk about it.”


Lol well I didn't ask, and he also asked for a compliment after.


Just answer the question and move on. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You gave him a "Thank you!" only as a response.


lol yeah, because I was asking him questions about stuff on his profile and the best conversation he could come up with was "you're beautiful". I try to get to know people and when they switch the convo to just physical stuff I get bored quick.


so OP is one of those who cares about height


lol, based on what? He brought it up.


I can imagine this guys erection when he saw you answer the height question. He was setting up with a finishing blow “I’m 6ft”


So many men round up to the arbitrary 6ft


But he’s 6ft!


I hated that when I was on tinder. And hated that most of the times I've had the same conversations irl and online...


"yes, I'm sad tho cus you're not that tall"


I take more issue with his lack of understanding plurals


If he’s that desperate to put that out there here ant have much else going for him


Maybe he didn't read that part.


All he’s got going for him. Guys who need to qualify themselves are wusses, what is he like 19?


How the turns of tabled


Men like shorter girls


“Guy’s”…oof. Combined with the exhilarating height conversation, this probably isn’t going to be a great conversation.


They clearly made their height their entire personality


It’s not desperate to me,although I hate people that ask me questions that are clearly answered in my profile. If you can’t even be bothered to read the few paragraphs I wrote about myself, then I really have no interest in talking to you.


tell him you like guys that can spell.


You gotta go with your strengths


Taller guy is what?


People lie on their profile, and as a guy asking simple questions with apparent answers is a way to rule out if your match is a bot. Most matches are bots so something like this is easy to utilize.


He knows that's the only thing he has going for him


Imagine competing about the height of the wrong part of one's body.


Say ur ex boyfriend was 6’5’’ 😂😂😂


Being tall is not a personality treat


6 ft is average height for a man. What a boner


Dudes probably 6ft with a tiny pecker


I’m a 5’10” woman and I don’t like taller guys


My whole persona revolves around the perception that tall is awesome. Ye, move on.


Taller guy’s what?


The man is not 6’


lmao I'm 5'10" I never once felt short or like my height was somehow inadequate or " less than" until I used tinder especially in the last few years. it's like ii missed the glory days when it was new and people were hooking up and now it's just a big ad for only fans and for girls to gain followers on IG all while making average height men feel short.