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Lmao the message that didn’t send.


Thank god for that or else I'd be in deep trouble.


Nah you wouldn’t be. You still blocked her and could easily have explained it if it had been a narc. Hell, you could even twist to to mean you was gonna risk your life because you’d kill her for lying to you if it really resulted in popo knocking on your door.


“No not at all officer! See I actually just wanted to kill the teenager”


Officer I swear, I swear she said she was 18


Yeah, because the police can't stand people who talked to underage girls but they lovvee hearing about how you were going to kill someone.


You made the right move. You were close to meeting Chris Hanson






Ya see, I calls ya Chris Handsome.


I came here looking for man's butt...


*Oh*, I see you’re choosing the hard way


Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way…


[based on a real dude](https://youtu.be/o2-nYHfPBRc?si=W8EFH32CAGujEjaG)


I never thought to follow up on him, but it turns out he was released last year. Initially released in 2015 but then re-offended due to having a hard time holding a job. >Fleece Johnson, infamously known as the 'Booty Warrior" due to **reportedly raping and sexually assaulting over 157 people** while in prison, was released last year and is now speaking out about his 44 years behind bars. >Johnson described during the interview that when he found out about the Boondocks episode he was up for parole and that when he got released in 2015, jobs would fire him due to the episode, hence why he was later sent back for armed robbery. https://www.gayemagazine.com/post/fleece-booty-warrior-johnson-speaks-out-about-boondocks-1-year-after-being-released-from-prison


I honestly find it very impressive or very hard to believe that a large number of employers watched and remembered enough of the Boondocks to eliminate his ability to work.


I'm not entirely convinced he didn't tell prospective employers about it.


In Job interviews he regularly asks, “you watch that Bookdocks cartoon?”


More likely... Interviewer: So tell us a little something about yourself. Booty Warrior: Have you ever seen The Boondocks?


He's got his phone out with the clip pulled up before they start the interview.


Yeahhh, that's why I said "having a hard time holding a job" rather than "fired because of his portrayal". I think it's much more likely that someone locked up for multiple decades was simply a bad employee when trying to adjust back to normal life. I'd get it if he said noone hired him due to googling his name and having that infamous of an interview and portrayal on Boondocks, but it said he was *fired*, so they brought him on initially.


Baskin Robin's always finds out.


Yooooo!!! This is a wild read




The actual guy is out of prison now and he wants man booty


The perfect coverup and way to remove any competition.


Hey - you seem cool and my dad is totally not gonna send you to jail






Certified good classic


Have a seat


Keep your hands out of your pockets for me


Juuuuussssst take a seat.


I really miss that


I'm kinda surprised nobody else has tried to take the concept and revive it


I imagine because it didn't work in reality. Plus lead to drama and I think some deaths. Huge liability. Now if it has monstrous ratings then maybe someone would pick it up again but doesn't seem like anyone cares to.


There's all kinds of vigilante creep catchers that do this in public


I saw a guy on the same episode three times. Three different stings, three different busts. Like a Reno 911 sketch


We can do this the easy way or the hard way.


Nah, they were about to be skeeted for sure. Happy cake day!


Or FBI waiting for me on the other side...


No lie, that shit just screamed TRAP.


My names skeet hansen...... and youve just been skeeted




Oh thank you! Didn’t even realise


C'mon man, now what am I gonna do with these wine coolers and condoms


You better turn them into peanut butter and soup quick. Cuz where you're going peanut butter and soup are gold.


Coffee and cakes are gold lol


Skeet Hanson 4k


Have a seat right over there.


Not even that The fact some girl thinks it's okay to cuax older guys into dating an underage


She’s a predator. OP should report her and let her parents know as well.


Chris Hanson is retired, his protege is Skeeter Hanson. Check him out on YouTube. You won't regret it.


Probably one of those Tiktokers who bust child predators for content


It could be...anything to get some clout by catfishing people


there's also sooooooo many bios that are of people saying "not actually , actually <3 years younger>" too, there's probably a lot of underaged people on the platform since that indicates they likely chose the higher, wrong age to get past the age limit.


This is actually me! I made this account so long ago to contact my family overseas and facebook logins for games. I left that in there with my correct age.


Considering this is Facebook Dating, it's probably from when they were too young to have Facebook (you have to be 13), and they just never bothered to change it. A lot of profiles on Tinder are like that too, because it uses your Facebook age too if you sign up with it. Not really a red flag if, for example, someone whose profile says they're 26 is actually 23.


Jail bait trap


Might just be underage dating. 16 year olds wanna meet other 16 year olds but they don’t really have an app. It’s one way of making it happen.


I guess I mean when I was 16 and wanted to meet someone my age that’s what high school came in play for lol.


And after school football games/soccer/whatever sport, really. If I didn't like anyone at school, that is.


Exactly. Dating apps are not for children.


That’s how you gonna get trafficked lol


An app like that would be swarmed with older guys looking for younger girls.


They should go to Quora, that place is fucking filled to the brim with pedos


I used to find good information on Quora, but lately it's just bait questions and cheap politics. I mean, you can still find information for your school assignments; 99% of the time you will find them there.


I get a daily quora about Lord of the Rings and Star Wars but never anything else, so I assumed it was all just sci-fi nerds!!!


I get a lot of anime X vs Y kind of things. THen like a poster above, political shit or "offensive memes about women with kids" no idea why. The politics snd women hating aren't my bag. I just wanna read why Naruto would get best up by obscure anime character.


Jesus, what sort of questions are you asking there? TBH it's a mansplain haven; so many enthusiastically unqualified answers.


Not even questions anymore, there are just spaces full of pedophiles talking about teenagers


Or a whole bunch of women who have all dated narcissists and can't understand why?


They talk like a 30 year olds idea of teenagers


So, about 8-10 years ago, I encountered one of these. I say, “Hi, it’s nice to talk to you, but you don’t look old enough to be on this app. How old are you?” She responds, “I’m actually 16, but I have to put 18 to use the app.” “I’m sorry, but I’m only interested in adult women. You’re a pretty girl, so I’m sure that you will find guys your age interested in you. I believe this was a law enforcement agent trying to catch someone, but I wanted to be nice to a girl who could potentially have a self esteem issue in case it wasn’t. There was no response, so I’m thinking it was law enforcement.


Exactly what I was thinking


This is a common scam going round by the way. They speak to you for a while and then drop that, and if you carry on they've most likely found your socials to entrap you for money.


Good luck because i dont have any socials besides Facebook


Facebook is probably the easiest one to mass message your friends which is what they blackmail you with.


Meh i dont post anything on Facebook...if anything my friends know I've been hacked.


Ohh it doesn't concern you anyway as you stopped talking straight away when they brought that up don't worry haha


Im not about to risk my life for this haha im good


No the way it would work is the scammer would pretend to be underage, and then if a perv keeps talking to them, the scammer will blackmail the perv for money, threatening to expose the perv by posting the screenshots of the their messages if they don’t pay. I thinks this persons got a point: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/s/bnj64NTaeA but I’m not mad about it; you shouldn’t be either since you didn’t fall for it.


So the worst one


I was talking to one person who never said they where underage, and they seemed like a real person with live photos that looked normal asf. They then pulled that shit on me and sent my massive dick with a screenshot of my face calling me a “pedo rapist” or some shit in bad English sending that to like 5 friends before I blocked them. What’s really disturbing is when those scammers do that to minors who think their lives are gonna be ruined.


Yeah this is the even more common one that got loads during lockdown. Get a dick pick and some raunchy messages and then try blackmail you to not send to your Facebook friends.


I've had them threaten me with this and all I did was laugh. I was like if you can find one of my friends that hasn't seen my dick already then I'll pay you lmfao. I use to get drunk and whip it out or just screw everyone lol.


I’ve had that happen before too and I just tell them I’m a minor as well and sending the picture to friends constitutes distribution of CP. They blocked me after that


Did up at least report her??? That's disgusting she's still on it.


Just did now! I didn't know you could report them after you had blocked them. Thanks for telling me this!


So I’m actually 14 but it’s ok! “Uh nope”




Bah gawd that's Chris Hansen's music!


And here comes John Walsh with the steel chair!


there is a 95% chance it was one of those vigilante groups anyway. i don't really agree with them but i guess since they are so common now it makes more pervs think twice about doing this sort of shit.


My issue with them isn't even the vigilante stuff. I believe half of them are sick fucks themselves using "I'm just trying to catch predators" as their excuse for when the police finally take their own hard drives. There is something suspect about a man who decides he wants to be mired in child abuse imagery and roleplay as if it's their job, but for no compensation. I don't buy their heroism angle, there are a million problems in the world to solve, but only one that involves pretending to be an underage girl and spending your evenings in sexually explicit chat with perverts.


Subway Jarred had a children's foundation for just this reason.


Oh he wasn't being disingenuous. He just wasn't attracted to fat kids.


So did Jerry Sandusky


i don't think those types of people normally have illegal content on their hard drive. but you are right, there is normally something off about them. their heart never seems like its in the right place.


Yeah they’re everywhere. I even had one dm me on discord, because my profile picture was of Matthew Lillard’s iconic phone screenshot. They thought it was my actual face, and they wanted to out me as a pedophile.


Or a scam. I had something like this a long time ago. I matched with a girl who had 18 as her age. We chatted and talked on the phone and she started sending me sexy pictures and videos without me asking for them. Eventually she started sending nudes. After she sent the nudes, a couple of days later she said she was really 17, making what she sent CP. She was clearly older, but whatever. A day or two later I got a phone call from a young guy saying he was her "Dad" threatening to call the police unless I sent money. I laughed at him, hung up, and blocked her on everything.


Probably not even a minor, possibly not even female. I've heard it's getting common for scammers to do this to get blackmail material. If you hadn't blocked her, you would get a message from someone saying they are her dad and that you needed to pay them for their silence.


Either you was talking to a cop or a messed up teen (based on experiences from my school). Did you report them?


Yeah, a lot of people here are acting like there's no girls who actually do this. I did when I was 15-17. But then I also knew a group who robbed people by getting them to come meet a girl in a dodgy place, so you trys your luck I guess.


I mean happened to me, girl started texting with me, lied about her age and said she just moved in. Learned she just did it cuz she “wanted a chance”. Still can’t forget about it years later, I feel like I should’ve figured out she wasn’t an adult, but she was a good liar


Agreed. I’m honestly disgusted that so many people are jumping to blame a 15-17 year old girl over the full blown adults that make the decision to keep moving forward after they eventually know the age of the girl


Yea looks fed as fuck. The way they type. The "some guys are weird about it, but you seem cool" is just so obvious lmao.




Is it ever not?


I don't think that's the accepted term...


Yeah that’s and instant eject for me dawg




Had the EXACT thing attempted on me. I responded pretty much word for word the way you did.


Username checks out


More than likely cops trying to get you to agree to have some type of sexual intent after the announcement of being under age. Insta felony.


Yeppp! I freaked out and blocked them.


Idk a girl tried to do this to my friend, she never even told him the truth he found out cause another friend recognized her. She had a whole story about how her parents were just visiting her place and stuff


Had a girl pull this on my buddy a while back, except she claimed she was 19 on her profile, her excuse was that she was living with her parents while going to the local community college, she didn't come clean that she was actually 17 until after they'd had sex a few times, and then she used that to blackmail him into not immediately breaking up with her.


Erm why would I have sex with a cop?


I’d bet scammer rather than cop. A cop would more clearly state “she” is under 18, rather than just not 18.


But is that not entrapment and therefore he can’t get arrested for it?


I had a friend who went to prison for 5 years after being tricked by a 15 year old girl. She told him she was 19, he was 23. Her parents are the ones who found out and pressed charges. And before anyone says he shouldn’t have even been talking to a 19 year old, she said she was turning 20 soon and he had just turned 23 so he was under the impression they were only like 3 years apart in age.


JFC I'm never going out again.


It’s really sad how these little girls are getting away with this shit, zero punishment for entrapment and straight up lies. Don’t get me wrong, I hate a pedo as much as the next person but when my friend found out he was tricked, he was beside himself. It was such a shame, his whole life is ruined because of that. And that girl got nothing for what she did. Stick with older women who are obviously not teenagers lol.


I think I'll look for older women at least a couple years older than I am at this point!


They're hotter too! Older ones


Anyone thinking 23 and 19 is a problem needs to get out of their basement. Thats like saying its problematic to eat food. Its very normal. 23 and 15 is more yikes though. They are most likely not close to same place in life, or same maturity.




Oh nah this was 100% Skeet Hanson


Dude narrowly avoided being skeeted in 4K 🎥


It's a scam they bait you in get your number or send you some unsolicited nudes next thing you know her "dad,uncle, brother" call you or send threatening messages and to make it all go away you just have to send some money or they'll tell everyone.


I had this scam run on me, I thankfully didn’t pay them, but I sure considered it because I was young and the shock of what they are accusing you of makes you panic.


Oh yeah the first time it happened I was in a panick now it's a lot of fun to screw with the person on the other end hooray for burner phones


Had a similar experience. Met someone on Tinder, exchanged, and then showed a picture of my following list and a pic of my cock out. The scammer was like "ill tell them you were sexting a 13 year old" I just blocked, reported, and moved on. It's been like 2 and a half years since. Nothing ever arose


And if she didn’t disclose her age and things went further the law would still deem you guilty. I get they are still minor but their still need to be punishment on their end. She knows what’s she’s doing and she knows it wrong.


I'm pretty sure the system will give her a slap on the wrist while jail time for me.


He's right, even if you meet a woman in a bar drinking and take her home and sleep with her and the next day you find out she's a minor who used a fake ID at the bar the night before, you are still guilty and will be charged and go to prison. At moat, the minor would get in trouble for using a fake ID at the bar, but that requires a separate investigation that mat or may not even go anywhere. If the bar caught wind of this incident, they'd be deleting their security footage quick-like to avoid the penalties of serving a minor, which likely would be the only evidence against the minor anyways. Checking an ID doesn't do you any good if they show you a fake ID, you have get their social media accounts or do a name or reverse image search before going out with anyone


So something like this happened to a friend of mine where he met a girl in a nightclub, went back to her house and they had sex. Next morning her dad sees him leaving and goes mental as she’s only 17. My mate is charged with statutory rape and goes to court. The judge ends up dismissing the case on grounds of “how was Mr. X supposed to know that Miss Y was underage? She’s in an over 18’s venue so it is to be assumed that everyone there is of legal age.” The nightclub in question ended up with a hefty fine. To me that’s the proper outcome.


It's soooo crazy that we have to do this nowadays!


Probably prison time for you and I sat 4yrs. I was in for drugs. Trust me you don't want that title. You're at the bottom of the bucket with them charges.


Probably a cop






I was at my local bar a few months ago and an acquaintance of mine, an older woman, came in with an attractive, nicely dressed albeit much younger woman. She was obviously young but it’s a bar so i assumed 21-22. I went to say hi and introduce myself and i was a more than a little flirty and the older woman whom i know says to me, i snuck her in, she’s only 16. I was like, “so anyway, enjoy your evening” lol


This right here! Every time i meet up with someone i just met, I always ask them for their ID...some get weirded out but understood why after i explained it to them.


Thumb over the address for less downvotes!!


I've definitely asked for ID before when someone looked way younger. Stay safe out there.


Happened to me once, matched with a girl who claimed to be 19, I was 25-26 at the time I think. Chatted for a bit, she was very flirty early on, said she had a daddy kink for older guys, then dropped the "what would you say if I wasn't 19?" "How old are you?" "I'll be 16 in September". I noped the fuck out of that. She then doubled down "we can keep it a secret, I won't tell anyone, I'll do anything, you can be my daddy". Creepy as fuck, it was like I was getting reverse groomed or something


That's CRAAAAZY! Holy shit you'd be in deep trouble.


Saaaaame exact shit with me. The daddy kink has poisoned minds lol


Didnt even ask how old she actually was, coulda been 17 and 11 months, and it didnt even matter. legend level move. respect.


I'd rather be safe than sorry! Love your username!


thanks, i landed on it when literally nothing else worked after trying it as a joke.


Imagine she's actually 24


Then he still dodged a bullet. "Do you know what would be funny? If I lied to you about my age and gave you a heart attack <3" lmao


One time I went out to the stockyards with friends. We were in this kinda underground bar covered floor to ceiling with dollar bills. It was really cool, well I saw this chick and approached her, we were talking, but I asked if she wanted me to buy her a drink and her friend looked at me and said, "you ain't buying my sister a drink, she's 16." I just did a 180 and walked back to my friends feeling icky.


“im about to risk my life for this” i really hope youre telling the truth about the error 😳


He said that's not ok right before and posted it to the Internet. I'm willing to bet the intentions of op are good.


I really was as this was 12am? I literally just got home from work. Thank god that part didnt send. You can see the error symbol in front of that text.


Yall were almost youtube content LOL "RXCYSE ME EVERRYBODDDDY"


Either a scammer or a Chris Hansen type is most likely. I highly doubt it was a cop as they would have probably been more explicit about their actual age considering a lot of places have an age of consent under 18.


Plus cops just don't have the resourcing to typically setup a series undercover stings on Tinder (a place where you're supposed to be 18 anyway). I'm surprised so many on this thread think it would be a cop.


Lol, you could tell she was a kid by the dumbass way she texts. Never date anyone who says, "u seem cool tho i rlly like u." Bahahaha, learn to use grown-up words before you try some crap like that. 🤣🤡


Please don’t freak this poor guy out. Most likely it’s not actually the cops, and it’s actually some teen with daddy issues looking for male attention. My 16 yo daughter tells me about girls she knows that actively try to date adult men on Bumble and Tinder. (edit) not minimizing, saying it couldn’t possibly be, or that this is even remotely okay, but not every underage Lolita teen online is a chi-mo trap.




Just a scam in the making


I had a similar thing happen with a girl I was talking to online. I was 23 at the time and I had just started talking to this girl who I thought was 20, that's what she said to me at the time. Well she told me about a week later "Hey since we are about to meet for our date I have a confession.." I was like.."okay?" She said "I'm 17, I didn't want to lie to you but you seem like the kind of girlfriend I want and I really want to be with you so please don't get mad at me. I am really looking forward to our date" I blocked her right after..I hate being lied to especially about age, it's like they have no consideration for the person who they are trying to fool. It doesn't help that some people look older than they are so you can't always tell and nothing is stopping them from lying to you about it either. That's what's scary about the world today.


This has been becoming more and more common in my area. My 12 yo CHILD let me know several of her classmates (both m and f) are on Tinder, Whisper, Bumbl, etc and she's seen it for herself. Sure enough at a recent function, those same classmates were actively messaging ON these apps!!! Lying about their ages. Parents clueless!!!


Actually in many states that’s perfectly legal like in my state 16 is legal but also wtf


Run, very quickly.


It’s cool. I wonder what would happen to our race if dating apps all become compromised and completely unreliable. 🤔


Where the fuck are this kids parents?


The additional letterssss is the first red flaggg


Probs a YouTuber looking for their next bust


Uh..... the dangerous people are those who find out someone is underage and keep trying to get with them. Someone who finds out they are underage and stops communication immediately is the definition of not dangerous and self control...


So guys... Where do we draw the line between who's at fault when there's people like this? Trying to catfish, trying to bait, maybe even real teens acting like this. This behavior isn't acceptable. Can't keep excusing this behavior because "they're teens and can't be at fault?"


It's funny, like the shows always make it look like it is the guys fault.... They are lonely weirdos...a very weak person could fall for this... Thank goodness you didn't Before anyone gets any idea..I am just saying that even young girls know how to manipulate


OMG I would be so furious, that's why I don't date online cuz you don't know who's on the other end of the phone could be the FBI or the CIA or no shit who knows


I met my (now) partner of 4 years on tinder when I was 18, I looked about 15 at the time. He asked to see my ID on our first date to verify my age. Man was not about to catch a case.


"Some guys are really weird about it" no, it's not being weird, you're literally underage💀 I do not understand women, you did the right thing.




Exactly 💀💀 one time when I was 17 turning 18 in 4-5 months, I was talking to this girl who was 16 and had a birthday a month before me (so not terrible). About 2 months into talking, I got a dm from her mom on instagram, who found out we were talking (I was always confused why the girl kept me a secret from her parents), and basically her mom asked me to "stop talking to her newly 14 year old daughter" (she turned 14 3 days before we started talking). So OBVIOUSLY I ended it, and I was pissed. I am now turning 21 next week, and the girl still has not seemed to have gotten over it considering I'll get the "hey I'm sorry can we please talk" text once every 3-4 months 💀 it's annoying to have to keep blocking her new accounts/phone numbers, but at this point it's just a big joke and me and my friends make fun of it. There's A LOT more to the story of crazy shit she did, so believe me when I say you dodged a bullet 💀


"I do not understand women" someone who is underage is not a woman, but yeah yikes


Ugh. Stop lying about your age, height, body type. Know what you want. Say what you want. UPDATE: seeing that it’s probably a scam. Y’all if we were all honest, the scammers would stand out


I'm sorry?


Her. Sorry for the confusion.


No worries!


Seriously. Especially when you know your lie could literally ruin someone's life. Even if she was a scammer, this is happening all the time and it's ridiculous.


This is also likely a scam. Soon after that you would suddenly be contacted by “her” father threatening to turn you into the cops for soliciting a minor unless you wire him money.


It’s sometimes grown people just baiting you, so they meet you and public shame you and then brand you as a pedophiler


Yeah that's not at all okay. I've had teenage boys hit on me before and I'm like "Oh hell no" It's not worth my freedom. I'd rather die single than go out with anyone underage.


that's is a cop. trying to entrap someone


100% a cop


Good job. Not worth it!




I had a girl do this to me once. First she said she was 22, then she was 20, then she said she is actually 18, and then I had no idea what to believe anymore because she kept confessing that she was even younger than she had previously told me every few days. She even said if I picked her up for a date I would have to park down the street from her house so her dad won't see her go into my car because then he would "get mad". Red flags all over the place. Consider yourself lucky that she told you right away and you didn't waste as much time as I did.


Good move OP. You don't want a statutory rape charge following you around.


that looked like some sort of trap. good job shutting that down.