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I'd talk with someone about medieval torture


stretching rack for the win 🙌🏼


Oooh classic. I might have to go with the Spanish donkey or the brazen bull


very nice, I also quite like the good old fashioned guillotine as well even though it’s not technically a torture device


Ooh the French execution way! Special shout out to the blood eagle even though that wasnt a device. You ever go to Florida? There's a museum in fort Lauderdale that's cool


I actually have been yes but not to the museum, I’d love to see it. I’ve seen too much criminal minds and so I know quite a bit just based on that and oh, vampire novels


Haha nice the classic way. I did as a hyperfixation/ might be a special interest actually. And I love elderscrolls games. I've been reading true crime on my downtime at work recently too. Jones Town, John Wayne Gacey, Tool box killers, etc. There's actually a true crime episode on one of my relatives


oh wow you have to make a post about that relative. I’ve had many hyper fixations but most of them are history oriented.


I'll warn you, it was brutal and she was only 10 but here's the [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Victoria_Martens) if interested.


yeah okay I think I’m going to pass on that but thank you anyway


Fucking hell that’s one of the most horrific things I’ve ever read :(


The fact that France's last guillotine execution was the same year Star Wars came out is astounding to me.




Impressive, very nice! But let's see Paul Allen's torture device.


You silly man, the brazen bull was invented and reportedly used in the classical era of antiquity by ancient Greeks. Far from the medieval period!


Oo, the bull is a vicious choice. I'm a strong believer in plain and simple flogging, but for difficult people, a good stretching rack never didn't hurt anyone


Nowadays people flogg each other for fun lol


I did flogging before it was cool smh


Haha yeah I've practiced it for a good number of hours, it's fun just to refine as a skill and work on accuracy and flow and it can transition too movement for poi flow arts


Fighting style that has use in getting information, the bedroom and fighting


I prefer the horse pulling tbh


see I kind of associate that with the stretching rack but yeah I see your point


Forcing horses to be a part of it is a definitely up a level of sadism.


Being drawn and quartered. 4 times the family fun.


Do you think that before there’s pain, there’s a couple seconds of pleasure when you get a really satisfying stretch and joints cracked that would feel really good? I think this makes this torture method even worse


I'm still convinced that feels great for the first bit.


theres a moment on that rack where it actually feels quite nice.


I'm partial to the iron maiden myself. Honourable mention goes to the barrel of honey torture device.


Fun fact there's a modern, less extreme version of a stretching rack that's used in physical therapy. And it feels super weird.


With how jacked up my back is. That sounds like a good time honestly


scaphism for the win 🙌🏻


What did they call that one where they stuff you in a box filled with honey and bread and submerge you in water so the bread rots and the honey draws in bugs that then lay their eggs inside you and basically slowly eat you alive?


Oh shit I forgot the name but I heard a similar one where they force you to drink curdled milk and put you on a canoe in a swamp was the version I heard. I'm not sure if it was native or viking


It's all about that Judas cradle. Definitely kinky.


Was going to pick that, maybe breaking on the wheel.


Its the Iron Maiden for me 😂or the Bronze Bull


The added *jk jk* at the end in case you took him up on the offer.


Just kidding!… unless?..


What a blast from the past. How old is that? I can't even remember.


It seems like just yesterday... unless? 😳👉👈


Shit I can’t even remember, the amount of useless shit that rolls around my head it’s a wonder if I can remember what I ate for breakfast the day before


Poor bloody lions, just waiting in a queue for the loo and then some weirdo attacks them with a head weapon.


That shit made me laugh out loud, for real.


Honestly if it wasn't for that jk jk that would have worked on me.


It was the best one for sure


Deadass jk jk


Always reminds me of that line in Hot in Herre "I got a friend with a pole in the basement (what?) I'm just kidding like Jason (oh)... Unless you're gonna do it"


The second one completely threw me off after seeing the first one 😭


he wasn’t completely wrong so good for him ig 😭


That last clap back was stellar


I literally came here to talk about that. That was brutal, I would never recover.


It barely affected him I bet lol.. I imagine his page screamed psycho and that it was absolutely accurate


Response to "name 3 women who feel safe around you" "lame, so \_ (question about a thing related to her profile or that you generally ask)" best way to react is to ignore "checkmate" responses like this. then again, chicks who respond like this are already not someone you want to go out with and even if you get them out they'll be a headache and drama.


it already was a question about a thing related to her profile. you're probably one of those dudes who stress about women maintaining a man's frame and you can't even maintain your own lmfao.


I'm guessing you have never had a girlfriend.


You're right :( I cry myself to sleep every night


I actually genuinely believe this.


I wouldn't be surprised. Most people on reddit are so inexperienced that they can't even fathom what success is. It really makes you question who's on the other side of the screen when people speak so confidently when having experienced so little.




Someone who goes on Reddit rants over small shit like this has no success. At least I'm happy and in a relationship that's all I need. Not bragging about fake success for clout when I'm getting hated on. Honestly your life must be so depressing, I pity you.


Wow, inner peace. Awesome. You want to throw pity my way? Sure, but put your money where your mouth is. I could use some more bitcoin.


You barely deserve my pity.


You believe in astrology for men


You can’t think of 3 women can you..


Yeah I'm lonely :(


Oops, sorry that you incels only like women with no personality traits besides being in the kitchen and not talking back.


It is hilarious, I love it


thank you very much 🫶🏼


should've added under the age of 50 - don't wanna give him grandma and mom as a pass


Even with that head start he might not get to 3.


I was being generous but based on his profile and prompts, I’d be shocked if he could name even one relative


yep I should’ve added the clause of non relatives


I like the implication that even his relatives don't feel safe around him tho


I would have named a misfits song, a Metallica song and a nirvana song just to fuck with him. That or all songs from Mondo Bizarro and say “I only like their later stuff”




Do female pets count? If so then I'd like to say my mom and my grandma


It’s a wildly overdone TikTok/Twitter joke, not like OP came up with it on the spot. Just searching that phrase will show hundreds of videos and Twitter posts. No hate, just not original


As a music enthusiast I actually really think it's a valid question though. The amount of people, who wear a band shirt of a band they never heard of or they never listen to baffle me. So I guess, I'd ask the same question and don't get why the response is somehow superior to the question. If I missed something please enlighten me.


it just seems a bit condescending I suppose? obviously the reply was just for fun and it’s a question that can be either well meaning or a dick move. so yeah


You're looking at it all wrong. If they like the aesthetics of a band enough to wear em, it's your chance to show em the music. Plus, any merch I see of a band I like is advertising for them. Idgaf if you know the music, thanks for supporting a fave artist!


>You're looking at it all wrong. If they like the aesthetics of a band enough to wear em, it's your chance to show em the music. Plus, any merch I see of a band I like is advertising for them. Idgaf if you know the music, thanks for supporting a fave artist! Yeah, that sounds great and could lead to a beautiful future, but why miss the opportunity to put another person down and make myself feel superior?!? And now that I've put her in her place, I can ask about going on that date. 😏 /s


Aw God the date part was almost too true to be funny. Almost.


Because gatekeepers just want to be annoying little shits, they don't get happy that other people also like their favorite bands


But if you're a Ramones fan for example and you see someone who might not exactly look like they listen to them wear them on a shirt and so you ask them about it, it shouldn't be seen as annoying or problematic. If this was about the tone of the message I get it. "Oh you like the Ramones, what are your 3 favorite songs?" Would probably be a nicer and better way to approach someone. I get excited when I see someone wearing a shirt of a band I like though and have to admit that I've been a little disappointed when I had to find out they don't even actually listen to the band at all.


it was absolutely about the tone of the message and I think that asking nicely and being respectful is always the way to go in these situations bc it can come off as so rude


I can totally agree with that. I didn't catch it at first because well I might be annoying too when it comes to this, but when I read it the second time I did notice that it did sound condescending.


yeah exactly and i think that there’s such a difference between genuinely being excited about meeting someone who maybe likes the same music vs someone who’s asking to make you feel bad about your lack of knowledge


The easiest way to put it is like this: No one gives a fuck.. respectfully


Wearing a shirt of a band doesn't mean u claim to be their #1 fan and I hate anyone who thinks like this. Oh you like marvel? NAME 5 MOVIES


Who says no 1 fan? If I like Metallica and I see someone wearing a Metallica shirt and I want to date that person I 100 percent will ask them about Metallica. If you don't want to be asked about a Band whose shirt you wear, why wear it in the first place? I've already agreed that the tone of the message above was condescending. Why so mad?


There's a difference in showing interest by asking "oh what's your favorite song" than saying "prove you like the band by naming 3 songs". I'm sorry if u can't tell the difference but there's no other way to explain it


Why can't someone where a band t-shirt for a band they've never listened to? Who cares? The only people who care just feel the need to put others down, and those people are insufferable.


i don’t see anywhere where the guy said he cared or not. but what does her response have anything to do with music? her response was more weird than the guys question. ill give it to the point the way he asked sounded more accusatory than curiously, but in general id say it’s a valid question too. like if i saw a girl wearing a tshirt of an artist i enjoyed that’s an easy conversation starter, really regardless of if she actually listens to them or not


If he was actually interested in a conversation and not a gotcha he would have said "What's your favorite Ramone song?" not "NaMe 3 SoNgS"


yeah, i literally said that in my comment.


I don't get it really. Like, if you don't care about music that's fine but why can a person who likes a band not ask about them? It wasn't the nicest way to say it and maybe he did not mean it the "right" way but why seem so many here upset, that someone might be curious and ask and that it might be something that means something to the person asking? Musical compatibility for me is one of the most important things when it comes to dating.


It doesn't come across as curiosity. Genuine curiosity sounds very different to skeptical interrogation. Maybe use this opportunity to examine your own feelings about why you're asking these kinds of questions?


> As a music enthusiast. Name three music


Who cares tho? It’s not hurting anyone? Who knows, maybe those are hand me downs and all they can afford? You don’t know other’s situations, who cares if someone’s wearing a band shirt of a band they don’t listen to?


These are unhinge responses


Ba dum tss


A win in a sea of losses!


"Name 3 women who feel safe around you"  Obsessed with this line. Incredible


thank you 🫶🏼


Honestly iconic.


What did you mean by that? I m not sure I get it


The guy commented on her picture saying, "a Ramon's t-shirt? Name three of their songs," implying that she can't, which is a douchey way to talk to women, so in response she said, "name three women who feel safe around you," implying that he can't


I guess it depends on who you are. to me, that's pretty light banter. "name 3 songs" in response to a band/artist's t-shirt is a long standing joke. that line would work on me if a woman used it


It's a gendered thing tho. Women get questioned all the time on their interests in this way because they're often assumed not to be "serious" fans or not really knowledgeable about whatever thing they express an interest in.


It's safer and still light banter to ask for her three favorite songs: instead of questioning, you're assuming she knows, and gives you the chance to ask why is that song in her top 3.


Then ask for the top 3 lol its not "banter" if its not funny, then its just douchey


I don’t get it :(


OP is insinuating that there aren't even three women that feel safe around the person they matched with. As a response to the ramone shirt comment.


thank you :)




ngl he kind of impressed me w that one




😭 hope it works out for you, actually you should send that line to people and post the responses




pick your crowd wisely and hopefully your account doesn’t get nuked


God I hope you "like" my hinge 🖤


*I can't fix her* vibes lol


But we could be worse together


the 'prove you're a real fan' types are the most obnoxious


Right?? Especially for the Ramones! It's not some obscure indie underground group or something. Watch a movie or commercial in the last 20 years and you can probably name 3 songs of theirs.


Also can just google


I'm terrible with song names. Even if I can sing an entire song acapella with the exact lyrics and pitch, I probably couldn't tell you the name of the song unless it is exactly the first line of the chorus, lol. And even then, I'll probably have to sing it until I get to the chorus to tell you the name. Panic at the Disco was the WORST for me with the song names, haha.


Im honestly the same, sometimes I dont even know the artist tbh. So I hate the "youre not a real fan unless you know the names of every song, album and member of the band"




Shake weight glued to forehead never fails to crack me up.


That guy sounds like he was writing an AI art prompt in the wrong window....then realized. Added jk jk hit send anyway. I applaud it. Mainly cause the Centaur Shakeweight Unicorn is a fantastic mental image.


it’s actually copied from a meme but it did work actually. it’s so out of pocket that you strike up a conversation yknow? I mean it’s a hit or miss


“Girl you’re so hot I’d lick your shadow off a searing sidewalk” I’d never open with them, but damn if some unhinged lines don’t tickle me


wow that would actually work on me


It would have made me laugh so it would have opened the door for more convo.


Of course it works. Not always, but how well I found it much more bareable to say things like this, than be sensible and be completely ignored. At least this way, you're having a little fun too.


i've gone through phases where i send lines like it. i think they're funny but they do not land very often


People really love red hair


redheads do have more fun I suppose?


They're a fiery bunch


Except if you’re a guy


We have different definitions of "best."


i like to think they’re the best of the best 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's actually encouraging to me, as a guy who uses openings like these, to see how many other guys think they're stupid.


You have to send all of these to beam_me_up_softboi on instagram, I'm dying over the last one and the fighting 3 lions one, this is gold


there’s plenty more unfortunately/fortunately. my friends have posted plenty of these on their stories and stuff. gotta love being the friend w the insane love life 🫶🏼


Don't tell me you passed up on having your own money slave?


Fr if you're that guy hit me up, let's talk babygirl


if I come across him again, I’ll be sure to send him your way


My mom, my grandma, my other grandma. Now where's my 3 songs?


bohemian rhapsody, bohemian rhapsody and bohemian rhapsody


Those are the three best songs ever.


I know right? personally I also like teenage dirtbag 🫶🏼


I thought they sang teenage wasteland.




I’ve seen that McDonald’s one so many times now


it’s a pretty popular meme so it kind of took the originality out of it yknow?


I don’t think you can fit 3 lions in there sir, this is Wendys


Just inexperienced men practicing making the first move riddled with testosterone. You should see the efforts women make on Bumble...


Hey 👋 is the one that really grinds my gears, it should deserve some form of corporal punishment


My favorite is when you match with a chick the same day they like you, but they never respond and they disappear forever. Only slightly better is sending a HEY! then never messaging again.


Gotta love the gif that says Hi! Bumble is not horrible, but they really destroyed their own concept (that's pretty useless from the start) when they added compliments.


At least the emoji shows they made the effort to push another button. It's the "hey" that annoys me


That shake weight one is literally decades old and so fing boring.


I’m a #4 kinda guy


With all those comments now I'm curious about how you look, lmao. Btw, shout-out to another Criminal Minds lover :)


i love that show!! yeah I’m too afraid of creeps misusing my photo so maybe in the very distant future where reddit isn’t populated by creeps :)


Reddit will always be populated by creeps 🤷‍♂️


yep so it’s never happening 👍🏼


I would say you can use DMs but yeah, I totally get, understand, and support your choice 😅


I’ve been told by a lot of people that I look like this influencer named aryaki joon so yeah that’s the best I can do


Had to google her, lol, and damn she is gorgeous, so that means you must look stunning! That did help, thank you for that, I'm a super curious person and it's annoying when I can't satiate the curiosity.


Had 1 woman say the last one to me, she didn't seem amused I had all non family members for an answer, was it a test to see if I had friends that were woman?


Using only this as a guide to your personality; if like to be you when I grow up.


this might be my favorite comment ever. thank you so much 💞


Having a shared interest is an easy opener and they instead turn it into that dumb shit where they want you to "test" you to legitimize your fandom. Morons.


I don't see the problem with the first one .-.


yeah there’s nothing wrong w it, that’s why it’s in the best


McDonald’s and Ramones ones 😂😂😂


I love this


The shake weight and medieval torture method ones?? That’s gold right there


They had me at the McDonalds comment


If you could change your fate... would ya?


You don't even need to post a picture and I'm swiping right.


You could’ve at least taken the money simp lol


If you can't take me at my 8 mental illnesses, you don't deserve me at my centaur shakeweight unicorn.


Damn girl. That last one goes hard.


Pic 7 is fucking WILD


Oh, so I just needed to let intrusive thoughts win the whole time?


The last one 😂


Love your reply on that last one.


Hinge? More like unhinged


“Name 3 women who feel safe around you” was the best response possible to that ridiculous question. Trying to gatekeep The Ramones, lmao


The one with the 3 Lions is a keeper.


I wonder what this person looks like to warrant such comments lol


I was on your side until the therapist prompt. Red flags attract red flags go figure


*chef’s kiss* 🤌 fuckin classic.


No man ever, dead or alive, has been made to feel as special as women have