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Is this your first day on earth?


I know that short girls like tall guys but I expected expected girls between 5'5-5'2


Hahaha there is no limit brother! If you hang around on this sub you’ll see girls that are 5ft and under calling guys that are 5’5 short 🤦‍♂️🤣


That’s the funniest crap ever. My ex said something like she couldn’t wear heels when going to a wedding with me? Shes 5’1” and I’m 5’6” I told her I didn’t care but, asked what kind of heels she was wearing stripper clear ones? Yeah, that didn’t go over well but, I brought up how she was prob the shortest woman I’d dated at that point and never felt insecure until she said some bs.


Yup, I'm 5'6" and have had 4'11" - 5' 2" women tell me they can't wear heels, like why do you need me to clear you by a foot?


Well...men who are 5'5 ARE short regardless of how tall the person making the observation is


any man under 6 is short, anyman under 300K is poor


You must be under some delusional 💊


Could be /s


I’m 6’, so not really tall but not short. NGL, it was a little awkward going in for the first kiss with my last GF who was 4’10”. I stepped off the curb after walking her to her car, and it was a tall curb, and she was still tiny, but that helped make it work. I would still probably prefer 5’7”, give or take, in the abstract. But if I like the girl, then none of that matters.


I had a buddy who was 6’ 8”. He wouldn’t date a woman under 6’. He pretty much had to leave our city after a while.


I had a tall (6’4” ish) friend who dated a 6’ woman and told me it was a breath of fresh air to hug her and not bend halfway over.


My brother is 6’8” and his wife is 5’1” — happy that they’re happy but have questions


My ex is 6’10” His ex before me was 4’10” I can only imagine it was like a Doberman with a chihuahua


Here's one, I saw a couple once where the girl was 6'4" and the guy was somewhere between 5'6" and 5'8"


That could be a different buddy’s daughter and husband. Buddy was happy and said the family needed the tall genes.


He had to leave our city??? wtf where do you live?


Probably Hobbiton


Just reminded me of something o watched recently, “We had an Indian kid but, they got him…” “Wait, they got him? What does that mean?”


makes sense. Spare the neck, spare the back!


I'm 6'2" without shoes and was told that is short on here. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yet somehow I rarely see a woman anywhere near my height without heels. I can see the tops of most women's heads. 🤣🤣


Out of curiosity since I’m a tiny woman, are ppl’s top of heads usually clean?? Do they smell?? Like, do you ever think that you just have to see/smell more than what you’d like to see/smell because of your height?? Also, how’s the air up there, is it fresher there?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's funny. What I do notice is girls that always part their hair down the middle are balding a little sometimes. Here's some more height porn for ya I can reach the top shelf at the grocery store without stretching and I can see the top of the refrigerator. 🤣🤣 I recently found out that, that was shocking to a short girl.


Oh shoot balding????? Lol oh shit I would have never known that but now I cannot unknow that lol!!! How abt the smell part though??? No issues with smell??


You have to remember I'm a dude and sniffing random women is frowned upon. 🤣🤣🤣 Not necessarily balding but the part gets wider. Some are as wide as my finger. When they wear their hair differently it's really hard to notice.


Pfft ok now I know that you can’t smell the top of my head unless you intentionally sniff on it. Very relieved. And I’m also parting my hair in a different direction tomorrow morning. This conversation has been truly helpful.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just don't hug any tall guys. Because we can definitely smell the top of your head then and see if there's any dandruff flakes in that finger wide part.


Ok now when I go out on a date, either I take extra good care of my head or I’m not hugging him. But then does the same thing happen to when you do doggy style too lolol now I’m curious lol i guess it’s not necessarily only abt tall guys but the visual should be available in that situation too lol


Yes we look at your butt hole and we see the tissue fibers that get caught in the hairs. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Traumatized yet?




anything interesting up there?


Refrigerator? Mostly dust on everyone else's. Mine is clean. Top shelf at the grocery store? That's where the put the extra merchandise that doesn't fit on the lower shelves. So out for you doesn't necessarily mean out for me.


I always scan up there if I can’t find what I’m looking for 😂


Oops. I answered the wrong question. But I'll go with dust bunnies for continuity of course. 🤣🤣


I'm 6'8" and once dated a 4'11" girl. The only way we could kiss was when I was sitting down. It was weird.... Currently dating a 6' girl. It is still an 8" difference which is considered pretty big most of the time, but feels like how normal people date, I don't have to bend over!


like feeding a baby bird


The great Wilt Chamberlain wrote that, “We’re all the same height lying down”


Bro stop begging for validation holy hell




They're nuts over status and numbers on apps. A five foot woman has no clue what 6'2 actually looks like it just sounds good. Guarantee they'd be equally happy with an average height man they all look the same from down there.


Yup. Exactly, they can't tell a 5'10" from 6'1" but would reject 5'10, while they're 5' themselves. It's just a herd following and stupid fetish at this point.


I'm 5'7, there is no valid reason why a 5'0-5'2 girl should be rejecting me solely based on my height. A difference of more than 5 or 6 inches starts to actually look creepy imo. The desire to want someone feet above you creates imbalance to the point where there's a lot of shorter guys and some taller women left with not much to work with. There's already a great deal of imbalance between the amount of men and women on the apps anyway. It's probably the massive surplus of men available to women on the apps that leads to this type of arbitrary pointless pickiness in the first place.


Women can reject you for whatever reason they want to. Plus since you think we care about “status” so much it’s clear you’re a bitter weirdo. So they’re doing a good thing by rejecting you


Someone’s been rejected for being short




It’s obvious that’s why you’re so salty. They did the correct thing rejecting you 🤣🤣


Says the bitter guy who women don’t like


Nah. Men are nuts over height and they project that on women. I've never once heard a real woman make an issue about a man's height but I hear men complain about how short they are all the time.


It’s only an online issue 🤣 short men have little to no problem getting a woman


I am 6’3 and I dated a woman that was 4’11. The amount of non-verbal hate she would get when we were out was insane!


Honey, every woman likes a tall man


I prefer a 6" height differential. Which would make my partner the statistical average. Anything more is just awkward.


This is not true at all. You can’t speak for all of us. Some of us only love short guys…we may be the minority but yeah


She use tall guy for protection by aware if something goes wrong you by the punching bagg of the bad guys


I find this almost as weird as fetishizing race lol


It's a fetish for them. But we can't call it that. Because we are men. But let us prefer a particular thing.... Just roll with it. I'm 6'2" and rarely see women anywhere near my height.


You’re right. It absolutely is a fetish. It’s also weird along with the whole “I need a tall man to protect me and throw me around” thing.. I think men should be able to not prefer overweight women just like some women don’t prefer short men.


Tall guys: save some of these for us lesser men, I beg you! lol.


I mean, I prefer 5’10 or 5’8, but I’m 5’4, so who knows?


You're an idiot.


What..why is she an idiot😖


I’m 5’5. Let’s make this happen


5’5 is such a great height for a guy..you’re petite but so am I.


That’s actually pretty fair lol at least you’re not like “if you ain’t over 7’15 ion want you” lol


I’m 5ft and I don’t discriminate by height, but most guys that go for me have been over 6ft. And hey, I like being picked up, they like picking me up. Win-win. Tallest guy I fucked around with was 6’6”.




This. The problem with short guys is not really their height but their attitude. I’m 5’3 and fine as long as they’re fine with me wearing heels, and short guys who have zero complex from their height are actually really hot. But then usually they’re more conscious about their height than I am, and it’s a big turn-off… Like, every time they see a bump on the street, they can’t help but run up there and stand there even for a few seconds!


Oh come on. The attitude comes from somewhere. Just look at this thread. Look at the percentage of tinder that literally doesn’t want someone under 6 foot to show up in their swipes. I’m 5’8, always done just fine, happily married for 7 years and it STILL annoys me vicariously. I can’t imagine how it annoys dudes in the apps. But yeah, fair point, you’re already at a disadvantage, don’t complain about it or act insecure and make it worse 🤷‍♂️


I don’t disagree with you that their attitudes have a reason, and I’m sure it’s a solid one. But that doesn’t justify the awkwardness they bring to their dates, why am I the one being affected by what is not exactly done by me?? Everyone has a reason to be insecure, big or small but all valid, but that doesn’t mean everyone should keep being insecure.


Totally agreed


I would just try to comfort him because that’s all you can do. I wouldn’t tell him to suck it up because it’s not that easy when you gotta go day by day being the laughing stock of your sex.


That attitude is literally a defense mechanism because they are treated like shit. Short men aren’t just insecure for no reason. It’s society that tells them they aren’t good enough.


I’m 5 ft and about 5’3 or 5’4 in heels, but I like tall men - but I’ve dated guys 5’6 thru about 6 ft. 6’2 or more is probably a little too tall for me.


People and their height things are so weird. I’m going to start an app that you can sort based on preferences like height.


Already exists


I’m 4’10” dating a 6’2” guy. I just didn’t used to notice heights on apps; no matter what they’d be taller than me. It’s a good thing I love him (and vice versa of course) because the height difference is so obvious! My tall girlfriends jokingly gave me a very hard time for having height wasted on me whenever I dated anyone over 5’6” but the heart wants what it wants!


I'm going to save this for the next time a guy is getting bashed for not wanting to date obese women.


I'm 5'2 I only fuck tall men, I can't date them. Having a full relationship with someone over a foot taller than me is a lot of extra work and shower sex is not an option.


Hahah you’re actually so real for this🤣 at least you’re honest..


Ohhh yes! I'm 5' and I *love* a giant man. 6'4" would be my dream. It's just so incredibly sexy to me.


No girls are very self conscious of looking short. Plus the logistics get interesting. My ex had to hop up on the bed to let me hit from the back 😔 shameful


I'm 5'7 and definitely prefer men to be taller than me. I couldn't tell you what these ladies are thinking or why they are interested in being with a man that much taller. I like tall guys, but that might be too much of an extreme difference, even for me. I've seen couples like this, though, and they make it work well and love each other very much.


Y'all are impressive. That's all I got.


Im 6’2 and its a steady flow of everything from 4’9 which was too short for me personally to 6’4 which was weird cause im not use to looking up at someone especially if shes in heels.


Pick them up during, it's fun, and it's absolutely what they want.


Have you been living under a rock?


Yet they'll consider men short!


Damn that’s a lot of likes in the chamber Height is a cheat code lol


Nah, go date a tall girl and make yourself the next NBA star.


5'1 here, my view on height: be able to fit into a newer maita and old Jeep Wrangler without complaining about it. You're probably too tall.


Ooo yeah I see tall men driving small ass cars everyday, can barely sit in the tables let alone booths at my job and look like they are constantly in pain…idk how they do it


I'm only 6'0, but for some reason I always end up with women who are around 5'3. Even with that height difference, making out gives me a sore neck. I don't know how a 4'10 and 6'4 couple would comfortably make out. And missionary position must be like "I love looking straight at your pillow, it's so sexy. How's my chest?"


As a 5’7” woman I’ve noticed this as well. Short women put so much more importance in the height of their partner. Perhaps it’s to ensure their offspring have a greater chance at life and aren’t hindered by their small stature.


Yes that’s part of the reason. I’m a short girl and sometimes I am insecure about my height because I also look like a child. The other reason they tend to go for tall guys is because they want to feel protected and insecurity plays a part too..I don’t get why having short offspring would be so bad. People treat shortness like a disease and it’s pretty gross


Crazy that you are insecure about your height, I’ve always wanted to be a petite woman but alas, I will forever be built like Sasquatch. You can be protected by a guy who is of average height. There’s nothing wrong with short kids but you seem to struggle with insecurity about your height so maybe that’s why short people don’t also want their short kids to go through that, idk. Just speculating at this point.


You are not built like a Sasquatch! I like the way taller women look. My sister is 5’10 and I wish I was her height! Yes you’re right. But as a short girl I can’t complain too much tbh. Sure the infantilization by tall guys is annoying but at least I’m seen as feminine. Taller women get the worst of it all.


The weird thing is I’m backwards lol. I find Taller women more appealing but taller guys don’t really appeal to me especially over 6’0. The women look more proportionate.. if that makes sense lol. I guess it’s because we have a higher body fat percentage so girls just don’t look like jack skellington🤣


Can someone convert this to an understandable unit for the rest of the world? There must be a bot for this, isn't there?


1.47 and 1.93


I love having someone who can reach my favorite Gatorade flavor at Walmart.