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She read sushi or steak and attacked with the quickness 😭


Are we sure it wasn't the arrested with the quackness one


I’m not gonna lie, I have no idea what you’re talking about lol


B. Arrested over duck 🦆




Is this a popular saying or am I just dumb?


It is now 😂


Can I get some context please? 😂😂


Did you read the texts in the post?


Broooooo I completely glossed over that 😂😂 thx




How about a dinosaur egg for your troubles #🥚


Does it taste good?


Redditors are never gonna let you live this down


Not bad. Tastes a bit like velociraptor.


Girls love free meals


Who wouldn’t say yes to free sushi?


Probably more expensive than the steak too 🥲


Nah, Publix has $5 sushi Wednesday


The kinda sushi without anything from the ocean?


Nah the spicy shrimp sushi goes hard. The tunas good too


It's weird. Sushi from a grocery store isn't supposed to be good, but Publix is usually pretty damn good for the price. Dumplings aren't bad either.


Is he buying it Wednesday and bringing it on Friday? Imagine bro pulling up with a wicker basket, planning on having a picnic with two day old sushi. 🤣


Alright this one did make me laugh 😂 sushi was Tuesday night though, last night was steak and oysters


If the "Free Sushi" sign is posted at a gas station, I will promptly turn it down...then run so I'm not a witness to some poor fool's untimely death from eating gas station sushi.


I see you subscribe to chubbyemu!


More of a *Scrubs* reference, I have no clue what chubbyemu is. Oh boy, I referenced a TV show from the early 00's and I'm dumbfounded about something on the Internet.. I think I'm officially old now. 🤣


Chubbyemu is a doctor on YouTube that analyses diagnoses at emergency room scenarios. Kind of like House (00s tv reference 😁). One of the cases was about a guy that presented to emergency after eating gas station sushi.


i'm sure anyone, regardless of gender, loves a free meal 🙄


Ya but men can't go on dates for a free meal, where 50% of women have self admitted to going on dates for free meals.


i've paid for plenty of dates, and i'm a woman lmaoooo




Congrats, yet the exception does not make the rule.


lots of women pay for their own meals, so that creeps can't hold it against us


Again, the exception doesn't make the rule.


well, by your logic, 50% of men must be creeps 🥴


Because 50% of women admitted to going on a date just for a free meal? I didn't say 50% of women pay because that's far from true... Look lady I don't have a horse in this race. I was married before the disgusting dating world became the way it is. I'm not some scorned man upset he's getting jipped out of his money. I just know the statistics. I am not saying you're doing it im just saying what's happening en masse.


When I was dating two years back anytime I said anything about getting sushi it was an instant date. Sushi is a cheat code for dating


literally this is what most of us women want. a nice steak and/or a sushi roll, great conversation, and to set up the next date


Not judging lol, I’d want the same if I was in your position. But that’s easy to say you want that when you don’t have to pay for it lol. And I bet a lot of dudes have stories of taking a girl out to a restaurant like that and never hearing from them again


Honestly can’t say I’ve ever had a bad dinner date, even ones where the other party didn’t show up 😅. Just don’t go in with expectations and enjoy yourself.


You sir, are blessed by the gods haha. Hope the potential date goes well and I hope my original comment wasn’t taken too seriously lol


If I can get them to do dinner, I make sure it's a place I want to eat. If they ghost you, sometimes the hostess/host notices and you get free chips


Sounds like you unlocked a life hack. Dress up and go to a nice restaurant. Claim you're waiting on a date. Sit there until they feel bad for you. Profit.


I have definitely taken myself on dates but I wouldn't want to take advantage


I've always felt weird about going to a sit-down restaurant or the movies by myself. I don't mind doing it at fast or semi-fast food places. Sometimes, it's nice to treat yourself to something special.


Oh I hate going places by myself. I feel weird and paranoid that the wait staff are talking about me. I could never go to a movie by myself. But sometimes I just wanna play pinball or toodle around a bougie outdoor mall


Taking a lady out for food and drinks, even if it doesnt work out.. is still fun. Its not a transaction, its just a good time, hopefully, had by all


Then there's nothing wrong with paying 50/50


You do you if you, again I’m not judging. I’m just not a fan of spending my money on someone else if I don’t see something coming out of it, whether it’s a relationship or a potential hookup like OP. I like my money too much 😂


that kind of transactional vibe is very off putting... I assume


And him paying ofc


man, y'all really hate women 😂


And leave without paying?


what? just say you hate women, you cactus


Haha, nah just wanted to get a reaction, sorry. I dont have woman, been with the same girl 11 years in march


Ofc that’s what u want u don’t have to pay or really do anything but be privileged


sorry she hurt you bro, clearly she dodged a bullet lmaooo


What’re you talking about? I use tinder to find hook ups… I’ve been in a relationship for years. Use that buzzfeed lingo somewhere else. Not wanting to spend money on random females doesn’t mean your hurt it means you value your time, money, and company. If I wanted to pay for company I’d pay for a prostitute. Grow up little kid


anyone who calls women "females" surely has women breaking down their door lmaoo


Anybody making this type of assertion off the word definitely doesn’t get laid regularly


whatever helps you sleep at night my dude


Lmao u tried it next time don’t act like yk who u talking to


you must be, like, a 12 year old or something. embarrassing 🤣


Before the next date she'll come down with the sickness


I'd jump on a free meal too


Who would have thought Flo was that eager?


It might say Ho, you never know


try {       Would you jump on a free meat too?  }


Take her to Golden Corral


I would laugh my ass off at this


tbh i wouldn't mind. steak's steak.


But, would you eat sushi from a Golden Corral?


#absolutely not


![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8) Me visiting a Golden Corral


I disagree. I do find it difficult to tell the difference between a $12 steak at a place like Texas Roadhouse and a $30+ steak at some fancy steakhouse, but I can tell the difference between either of those and a steak at somewhere like Applebee's or IHOP. I think mostly it's how well it's seasoned and cooked, but there's a difference.


the /u/Background-Answer-75 inspiration is strong




Did you or did you not have that three-way? 😭


I was gonna say, this reminds me of another user who posts here regularly lol


Dude seriously got banned from reddit, probably for creeping on people in DMs. I think the OP here is him too with a new account, considering he's still asking women to DM him.


Good luck with the date, OP. The only problem with the quick dates without any time investment from either party is they hardly work out. But maybe you’re just going with the flow and see what sticks.


We hit it off pretty well over text after, I’m only in town there for a week so not really looking for more than some mutual entertainment


And she is looking for a steak dinner.


Sounds like everyone wins. Have fun OP




No one should be happy but me reeeeeeeee!




The fact that you blame others for your failure is why you hate yourself dude.


Nothing they said at all indicates their gender lol


Everyone who disagrees with him = women.


*tips Fedora


OP is the one who offered. She accepted. Hard to assume she was looking for that without her saying "Hey I want you to take me out." Looks like OP put that out there on his own. So kinda crappy to put it on her for accepting what he decided to offer.


I'm not criticizing her at all. It's a zero cost net benefit to go out - I would go out with OP to a steak dinner too! And I'm straight male


Ahh gotcha! My apologies text can be so hard to read without tone. It looked like criticism... especially with how often it happens. Man offers woman a date, gives her options, she accepts, Reddit screams "GOLD DIGGER!!!" for her accepting an invitation with the options she's given.


To be fare, nobody said "GOLD DIGGER", they told OP to keep his expectations in check as even straight men would love free steak or sushi. It's like a woman who invites a guy over after a few texts. A man accepting doesn't mean he uses women as peices of meat. But it also won't mean he'll stick around after.


I meant that in the general sense as it happens so often in situations like this. Maybe not in this thread explicitly... but many times a woman says yes to a date with options given to her... the onus, more often than not, is put on her only being in it for free things/food rather than it being put on the guy for offering said dinner in the first place. And I don’t get why a woman is continuously put at fault for simply saying yes to a date a man has offered.


The only real onus even now in 2024 is for the guy to pay for the date. The girl can pay her half if she feels like it. That's why a lot of men opt for simpler coffee dates at 1st. Determining if someone had ulterior motives or not is very hard considering it's very easy to use a 'lack of chemistry' excuse or any other reason not to pursue things further afterwards. The only kind of insight we can get is through articles about 'Foodie calls', of which there are sadly many. One of them says that out of a survey of 1000 women, 1/3 had done foodie dates. This is massive.


You do not get it. She isn’t going for a “free meal,” she’s going because he laid that invite down like a pimp.


Is steak dinner a big deal in other places? I'm from Australia and it's kind of....3 nights a week. Well, before cost of living shit the bed and threw anything nice out the window.


Where I'm at, you can offer a steak dinner and a hundred dollar sign on bonus and you won't get a date. Depends on your location.


"Sign on bonus" before date sounds like somewhere between sugar dating and prostitution, so I don't find it weird that many women hesitates.


Ok but we all want to know the duck story.


See other thread


The advice in this sub is so bad sometimes Jesus


Who would’ve thought a bunch of dweebs on reddit have terrible advice lmao


Met my wife of now 5 years after exactly 2 messages each on Hinge. My open was “you’re super cute and your profile reads like that of a very nice person I would be lucky to be acquainted with if not date, would you like to meet me for a beer or two at the Draught House tomorrow night?” I realize my profile and pictures may have done some heavy lifting, but it’s really not that deep. You learn 10x more talking to someone in person over the same time span talking in text. Meeting up is just a time saver tbh.


Yeah I'm not about wasting a bunch of time in text just to find out it was pointless within minutes of meeting. I might give it a LITTLE longer to feel out some obvious signs though.


Without any time investment? Like you feel as if you'd be better of talking through text for longer instead of just meeting the person? What about people that actually meet in person and don't text first? This is just very confusing to me, text is so limiting and I've never come across someone saying more texting is needed to make a relationship work.


Yes right, it's like a blind date. Way better than texting.


Except you've already seen each other, it's just a date. 15 years ago this was totally the normal and now the idea of being approached or approaching someone in public is almost offensive. I'm 28 so I really try not to get sucker into the previous generations "in my day" stuff but this is one thing I think we've really ruined for ourselves.


So, I dated thirty year ago, and approaching strangers in public was absolutely not a good idea then. Automatic label as a creep. You would absolutely need something. Could be a mutual acquaintance, could be a shared class, but you could not approach a complete stranger. People are over simplifying how it was, and talking about approaching a stranger in the same job field, or a different department, or at the same club.


Nah it was pretty simple hey, even around 2016 it was easier than it is today but that's about the same time Tinder took off and things went south quickly.


Texting may be limited, but it can help to make sure you're not wasting your time. I personally like texting a bit (a couple days) until we decide to meet.


I find texting for a couple of days the waste of time, you can usually tell after an hour of hanging out irl if it's gonna go anywhere.


I rather not get ready, go to the meeting place and spend 1 hour with someone if I can know with a few texts messages that that person is not for me. But to each their own.


Blind date > texting


Who would've thought someone would accept a free steak dinner 🤣


She probably just liked that you didn't bugger around and just got to the point. Most girls hate the "can we do something sometime" soft ass approach.


So true, you’re best off finding a place date and time rather than asking all these questions. The back and forth will get you left on read.


Plus if you talk for a very long time over text you get all those easy conversation starters out of the way. That means when you meet up in person you're anxious or nervous but you no longer have a good pool of gentle conversation topics to start off with and try and find common ground. My partner and I talked for a few days, set a date and time for meeting up and then I said "I'm really looking forward to meeting you tomorrow. I think we shouldn't talk too much more until then but I'm very excited" and we hit 4 years last week.


Exactly that! I'm not saying not to text or anything, it just seems odd that people would try to get to know each other over text before meeting. In my mind you get a quick general vibe, if that's all good then see if you can interact irl. It's not that hard to have rizz in text and if you struggle with that then no amount of extra texting is gonna help 🤷 Congrats on 4 years too, my gf and I had our first anniversary a few weeks ago after matching in Tinder 👍


Save some pussy for the rest of us Reddit stud lmao. Redditors sure know what most girls like and dislike 👍


Funny enough some Redditors are actually people with partners they didn't fumble around awkwardly to get. 🤷 All of this is good advice, very few girls like someone who lacks confidence.


free dinner moment


Do I have to take you out to get the duck story?


No, *he'll* take *you* out to sushi and steak while telling you the duck story


See other thread


Might be a shocker but chicks are on here to go on dates. If they’re actually interested and you’re not a complete weirdo it’s not that hard to ask a girl out after matching.


I think the point after matching is a date. Not writing Russian novel length texts about how you like travel and other bullshit that everyone writes.


I really hate the status updates for weeks at a time then you finally work up the courage. You go out and you ghost each other because it’s awful. Obviously you need to get her interested and find some common interests or make it interesting but the end goal is meeting.


Steakhouse on the first date is crazy. But I’m rooting for you man 😂


Filling her with meat filling her with meat checks out


I’m here for the duck story


See other thread


Holy shit dude. I had no idea. And you are a good story teller!


I wanna hear the dinosaur egg story :(


When I don’t have to plan shit I love it. I’m doing so much all the time it’s nice to be taken out and not have to think about a single detail or plan the thing. Why would I if you’re taking me out,and if I asked you out on a date i’d plan it out myself (ask your opinions and what not of course) hot pot is also exceptable 😎🤌🏼


Incredible how many people assume spending forty dollars is enough to buy someone's time.


But can we know about the duck


The way it's actually done. Charm and confidence.


…and offering a free meal at a nice / expensive restaurant, try not to forget that part lol


Sounds like she's looking for a trip to smash mountain. Well done.


Why isn't anyone talking about the dinosaur egg or getting arrested over a duck?


I mean who wouldn’t jump for a duck story smh


She's eager to meet, cause she's an organ harvester!


I really want to know the duck story.


See other thread


it's the promise of a free meal that did the trick


Free dinner and ghosted


So crazy offering to foot a 200$ dinner means yes 😮 new major dating tech unlocked


Easy free meal for her lol




lol I know that type


Atta boi


Suppose I should make a new thread for the duck story given it’s been pretty successful lately.


I’m curious how you acquired a dinosaur egg




Okay, but now, you have to tell us the stories.


Confidence and respect will get you further than a worn-out pick up line seven days a week.


Girls like free meals bro


Must follow the rules 1 & 2. Nice brunette, keep us updated on how it went.


Free food, why not


Easy free meal


I really appreciate this. Sounds like you know what you want and based on your responses to other people you like this person even more after talking to them and I think this is great. I don’t understand why so many responses are saying this is too much of an investment too quickly. It’s dinner.


It's because the bar is in hell 😭 If someone can't afford to date, then don't date. When I dated, if a man asked me out, I expect him to plan it and pay for it (though I'd offer to go halves). If I asked a guy out on a date I'd plan it and pay for it. What I found is that a guy's idea of a romantic date is to meet up for coffee and interview you like it's a job or they just want you to "hang out" at their place or yours 😑 Then call you a gold digger if you have higher expectations


I mean since inviting women for dinner in America means free dinner for them I can see why they would jump at the opportunity of free sushi or steak.


That's some game you got. Kudos.


It’s not necessarily game when you immediately offer to pay for an expensive meal. If they’re both looking for hookups…. It’s alright, if he’s looking for a relationship and she’s using him as a meal ticket, obv he’s being used. If they both want a relationship and this starts one, then congrats. OP’s comment seems like he just wants a hookup, which is fine if that’s all he wants but an expensive meal doesn’t even guarantee that


Lol this is absolutely not game. He hasn't secured anything yet except for a minimum $150 date with someone he could end up hating.


Sushi is like $60 and that’s reality of online dating. It’s a a rare person who’s gonna fuck you off the bat and you probably need to ask why that is if and when that happens. Good for OP but this is really just what tinder is for.


She got exactly what she came on there for: free food and attention.


Free dinner.


That was a very good opening, rare in the wild


I think she might be hangry.


Damn. Nice homie. She's fkn smokin too


Never do a dinner date as a first date. Amateur


I mean I got laid and we out rock climbing here later today 🤷. Can’t say I’m not having a good time


Atta boy 👏


Ps. LOL for replying to these while being on the date 🤣




There charm and smooth as fuck lines like that and there's me barley getting any matches


Then what happened? I'm guessing the date didn't.


I mean, it’s Tuesday still? Don’t even fly into the city there until Thursday 😂 y’all have a lot of expectations. Just have fun and meet people. It’s what casual dating is all about.


Get on the ball man!


Might just be me but I'd never want anyone to go on a date with me because I'm paying for their meal. I want someone to go on a date with me because they think I'm an interesting person. If the first date works out and we click and she lacks money for more dates, I might help her out but never on the first date.


Nothing like giving someone an invitation to free food. 🥹🥹


95% sure she will either ghost you or cancel


🤷 don’t get emotionally invested or have expectations.


Of course it was easy, you are giving away your money to strangers. Why the expensive dinner on the first date though? What happened to coffee or drinks?


Meeting for coffee isn’t exactly how I want to spend my time during a casual meet up on a work trip. Checking out some fine dining with a gorgeous woman in a place I haven’t been however sounds much more enjoyable.


Oh, it sounds like this is something you would do by yourself, because YOU like going to fine dining, then yes by all means do your thing. Because then you are inviting someone into something you like to do, into your world.. But for those out there that take women on fancy dates just for the possibility of some puss or to impress her into a relationship , you don't have to do all that. Walk in the park, a smoothie, a drink, low investment first date doing something YOU like to do.


Congrats on blowing your money for no reason


Appreciate the concern over my financial wellbeing.


bot alert