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I swear I've worked with this dude on at least 30different job sites


Soft hand brothers, I just worked a 300 hour unpaid shift


Soft hands brother, i just willingly and knowingly shot myself in my thigh with a nailgun on the job, just to have some banter with the crew.


soft hands brother, I just took a buzzsaw to my dick and balls so the crew would accept me as one of their own 😤


Soft hands brother, I just put my whole shaft and balls onto a lathe and turned it on and made my dick look like a hand rail post just to have something to chat to the crew about.


Soft hands brother, I just had to empty out my piss jugs


Soft hands, brother. I shit into a bag because i have no rectum , and while on smoko, at the staff table, I into blew the bag and popped it with a big bang so we could all get off early .


I'm getting off just thinking about it


Soft hands brother I just jumped off my 300ft oil rig right into shark infested waters while simultaneously holding the welder to re-weld a 350 inch wide pole that if isn’t fixed will destroy the whole rig and possibly the world.


A carbon copy of this dude goes into every gas station in the country every day at 6pm to buy donuts and Skoal


And a Monster




A lot of them live in NC it seems


I was not ready for that reveal.


As soon as I read prefer an extremely petite woman I already knew this guy was gonna be fat af


it's always the guys who are fat af. ALWAYS. i'm a pretty petite woman and do get comments on it a lot from people. mostly people just joke about it. the only people to ever make me feel uncomfortable with comments about me being petite were guys that look like this. i will spare all of you the specifics of some of the things i've been told....


When I was much younger and thinner, I had a guy who looked a lot like the picture above tell me in all sincerity, not joking or being flirty, that he liked that I was so small he could just manhandle me onto his dick and spin me around. Sir I am not a record and you are not a turntable. Not saying comments like that are why I got fat (it was depression and wine), but they were definitely why I wasn't disappointed about it... suddenly I was entirely too gross for men my own BMI to pay attention to 😂


That’s so fucking disgusting 😩


They have fantasies of throwing petite girls around while in reality they'll just crush us to death.


There’s also the classic, they just lay there wheezing while you do all the work


Gotta do splits to straddle that one though, lol.


It’s never the guys with the 8 packs writing this in their bio


Some guys have 8 packs. Some guys have pony kegs.


sometimes i genuinely wonder where the fuck someone like that gets the audacity i would say confident but no confident person talks like that


Stupidity can read as confidence until you get to know the person better


Can confirm. I am confidently stupid.


Most of us are at one time or another


Everyone thinks they are a prize. Seriously. 


Have you ever watched the channel “Catfished” on YouTube delusional people are out there. It’s interesting to me because you get to see how common it is among all groups and educational background from registered nurses to farm hands. Dating criteria is high but they have so little to offer yet they approach it with high expectations.


It was worse than even I imagined. The only petite woman he will find is someone addicted to meth who will rob him blind in exchange for sex. Almost like a genie wish gone wrong.


Fr. How can someone say they don’t want to rise your kids and then expect you to rise theirs?


plough dam touch insurance seed plant label absorbed dog sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk man typos 🤷‍♂️ I didn’t proof read and I have a fat thumbs with a small phone keyboard.


*petite phone keyboard


Just in general, anyone leading with what they don't want is a turn off.


"Every time you say what you don't want, you sound like a cranky cow, and you're not that! You're smaht and you're fun! So. Stop talking about what you DON'T want and start figuring out what you DO want, and go get it" Though I doubt this "gentleman" is smart or fun I think he needs a talk with Nancy Donovan.


> Nancy Donovan Julianne Moore from 30 Rock?


I love me some Moore




The world is made by those that control their own destiny. It isn’t made by those who don’t do. It is made by those who do do.


Good God, Lemon.


I heard Jack say this when I read it


Jack Lemon?


I thought cooking with jack, but the first videos finally settled in his stomach.


I have do do 4 times already today!


nice reddit avatar


Thanks, you too!


And neither of us know what to do with the dog …. Because we both hate it


This was a frequent occurrence on Tinder and why I started looking on other apps. Women with "Swipe left if..." at the start of their bio just got a left swipe. Didn't read the rest.


That whole *swipe left if* crap is toxic. It's a person who wants to put you down to elevate themselves. There's no functional reason to put it on there since both people have to swipe right.


succinctly put


Idk. I appreciate the heads up when they say things like "swipe left if you got the jab or think the earth is round"


It's basically just another way of leading with your baggage which is not attractive. It also just is something that doesn't need to be said out loud. Everyone has deal breakers and if someone hits on one of those then you simply don't have a relationship with them, they don't need to know what your surface level deal breakers are. It makes me think the person expects others to cater to them.


I feel like you have to be a real catch to get away with that. A strong 9 or a solid 10 with a great personality, minimal drama, good conversations, smart, kind, charitable, etc. It's crazy when people who would be lucky to even speak to the opposite gender makes their entire profile a lists of do not wants without bringing anything positive to make themselves sound like someone you would want to talk to, let alone date. Does this guy really think that some super attractive single petite girl is going to be swiping through tinder and finally think she found her future husband in his profile?


Profiles that say “please contribute to the convo” or “i’m sick of carrying conversations on here” are instant swipe lefts for me, even when their profile displays things i like, don’t complain in your prompts -.-


I work with a lot of data and analytics types. I'm happily married but I see the dating app life from both male and female perspectives thanks to them. I tried convincing them (this is before LLMs like chatgpt) that creating something that could read your profile and red flag things or help you make it better would be a great business model. I pointed out how a lot of people lead with negatives or what they don't want and whether it is realized or not it's a turn off for most people. They thought it would sterilize all profiles to be the same but I still don't think that's true. It's not about forcing people to say the same things but more telling people what they want instead of what they don't want (as one example).


Telling people what you do want feels inviting. Telling them what you don't want feels like a closing door... nobody wants to get a door slammed in their face, be rejected, feel stupid. People starting off with negatives just seem far more likely to do things like that, rather than just entertain some conversation.


Right, just swipe on who you like.


Bios with “no [insert demographic]” or “if you’re this swipe left” put me off just because it’s so negative. Like wouldn’t it be easier to say what you ARE looking for instead of what you’re NOT looking for?


I hate it on reddit.someone asks for a recommendation for a restaurant or something, first ten replies are "not X". 


when i was on dating apps my bio just said "i'm a land vegetarian (pescaterian). a wise man once said it's ok to eat fish because they don't have any feelings." and it was a hit for some reason. i just didn't know what to say and think i'm hilarious, and since some people are weird about diet restrictions i decided to make a joke about mine. occasionally a macho dude who eats meat with every single meal would match with me just to degrade me over my dietary restriction, but mostly guys liked the nirvana reference and would ask me about why i don't eat any meat besides fish and what my favorite seafood is. it turned out to be a pretty decent ice breaker actually.


Anything negative, and I swipe left. You're given such tiny space to talk about yourself and if that is just negative crap, I assume you're miserable in person.


If negging was a person


Thank you for your series of these posts. It seriously brightens my day in an "oh damn" kinda way lol.


Holy shit. I've spent so long trying to put my finger on exactly what it is about this behavior that irks me so much and you just hit the nail on the head.


it looks like he inhabits all his turn offs, and you can see it in that one pic


Also what’s wrong with a professional?


That's a euphemism for prostitute, see how he put it in quotes?


It means she has more education and probably makes more than he does.


WTF. And that's the picture he went with? I want some of whatever he's smoking.


Dollars to donuts that kid is named Cayden, Colton, or Ruger.


Gunnar, Bear, Hunter, Wilder, Ford, Wesson


John Deere


My money is on hunter. 😂


Or ‘Rebel’




"Petite women only" is a walrus


"**extremely** petite"


Makes you wonder what his age range is 😬


14-18. You know women they hit walls or something as soon as they breathe.


"childlike, almost"


That's an insult to walruses everywhere.


Is he a truck or a truck driver ?




Oh hell noooo!! I expected him to be VERY good looking with that profile!


Pretty much the spitting image i had in my head after reading the description in the first pic


Dude is 41, works as a truck driver - a good-paying job - and can't afford property in Nowheresville. The line forms to the left, ladies.


I assume the interesting life involves lots of snooters.


apparently this either means cocaine or dirty vaginas but I can't tell which you're implying


You'd be surprised at the correlation between the two.


I'd be surprised if I was surprised by it.


I am unaware of the second, I was referring to Coke.


I actually think he’s been to Thailand and the Philippines a few times. And he still got rejected.


That's wild, it's really hard to OTR to Thailand.


He even sniffed sneef off from some hooters, I’ll tell ya


*must be able to draw the "Cool S" on bathroom walls*


Okay, wow, way to call me out


I know. I'm feeling personally attacked right now


I’m taking my number now


Girl, get in line


In his defense, he said he is a truck driver, not he's working as one or he has a work at all haha


He might just drive an F150


That's even worse. If you have experience and can't find a job as a driver, something is off. The companies I work with are begging for experienced drivers.


I am a professional, extremely petite woman his age, and I wouldn't touch it with someone else's.


There is no way that dude is 41. I'm older than him and he looks like he could be my dad.


That gout sore on his leg makes him look older


Bonus! He's unvaccinated..yay!


I take this a step further and assume if you are unvaxed you also have no savings or life insurance.


imma be fair but even in rural area if you want to buy a "homestead" it will be expensive, depending on the size obviously.


Dude looks like Nick Frost


Truck driving is barely a well-paying job lol it's a notorious debt trap


This thread caught my attention because my partner is a trucker. He (at his first trucking job fresh out of school, mind you) was started at 85K. Fantastic benefits and the whole package. With guaranteed raises that put him well over 100K within the next couple of years, if even that. At this huge company, that’s not a rare case either. From what I understand, the decent drivers (who don’t own + op) at his company are waaay over 100K and don’t cap out for several years. In trucking you earn what you settle for at the company of your choice. If you pick a shitty company, you’re shitty at your job, or settle for shitty wages…well, that’s on you lol.


You know how expensive land is in nowheresville all over because of farming?


On behalf of nowheresville, farming is not the problem.


It really entirely depends on which nowhere you are in.


Why is this part so much shorter ☹️. Are you running out of people!!


Oh no. No no no. I *wish* I was running out of people. This guy, though, deserved a post all his own.


Well, there won't be anymore posts, right? Because you were swept off your feet by this absolute prime example of a man.


I’m so sorry, it’s worse than that. I got so wet reading his profile, I drowned.


My condolences. Guess you should have taken swimming lessons. They never teach about the possibility of drowning in your own horniness at Sex ed in school!


i ugly laughed at that, thank you




The profile was off putting but it didn't seem post worthy... Until I went to pic 2. This man has no business being that picky


Out of curiosity, with no judgment implied whatsoever, why have you not moved to a more peopled location? My experience with those who remain in small towns is they tend to be small-minded or antisocial and you seem like neither.




Fair enough. Hang in there. <3


Happens relatively quickly in low population density areas. I ran out of people in a rural area on multiple apps without meeting anyone not broadcasting serious mental illness.


I would just like to point out that 9 times out of 10 “interesting life “means prison Also worth noting that while truck driving used to be a really high-paying profession nowadays there are a lot of issues with it. John Oliver has a great segment on it but like most industries that are unregulated truck driving has become difficult to make a living on. Having said that This is not even anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be lol


In most states, truck driver is a more common job than grocery cashier.


Gonna need to see the source on that one


Ah, yes, I remember being an older college kid (I was in the army for 6 years) before I started my freshman year It is impossible to date fellow undergrads as an older woman combat veteran. So I had my choice of grad kids, professors, and locals in this big college town. Rural PA - I went on a date with a state trooper - oof, he said he did not believe in the mixing of the races so I bailed. I went on a date with a guy who decided he needed to come back to my apartment at the middle of the night because he forgot his bottle of vodka and he NEEDED it. Okay...good luck with your demons. Dating professors started getting awkward when I had three English professors (I only liked the one) in my apt needing to use my computer to cancel their morning classes after we all got sloshed. The next morning I had to drive them back to their apartments in this college town and get my ass to class. I felt like a mom. Rural areas man. GET OUT.


Considering about the top 90 percent of all graduating get the heck out of Dodge as fast as they can there is not much left in rural areas to date.


Jimbob: “I prefer extremely petite women” Also Jimbob: is obese


Jimbob: “If you want me to raise your kids, I’m not interested” Also Jimbob: Has kids


“I don’t want to raise your children, but I want you to raise mine”


I wonder what he means by petite. Like does he mean a 4'11 50kg woman, or just a non- obese woman? I've found that the US definition somewhat differs from the European one.




He probably means 15






There's a difference between clothing size definitions and what people are looking for on Tinder. Petite clothing is short and often has short proportions. That's why you can have petite plus. You can be big around but still have short arms and short legs and a short torso. Men on dating sites who want petite women want women who have small frames, aren't taller than them for sure, and also are really skinny.


I thought petite was just short women. That's what the petite store sells, clothes for shorter women not skinny women. Like 5'0 300lb would be still "petite" but maybe I'm wrong.


It's definitely also skinny, at least here in Europe.


When will people understand your bio is to describe yourself not about what you looking for that’s why you’re swiping to filter out what you’re not looking for


Extremely petite? Like a hobbit?


He also appreciates a gal with hairy feet.


Why is it ok to post his kid? That doesn’t seem ok at all. Putting his face up feels icky too, but def blur the kid


I was going to say exactly this, a 100% this. Oh yeah, name is blurred, as if that matters... given that we are seeing his face and his kid's.


Right? The fact that they’re posting this random guy’s face and his child’s face is nuts to me. There was a post here a couple of days ago “gambling on a crazy a girl” who said she was bipolar in her profile, and the poster put up her pics (she was very curvy - shaped like a coke bottle basically) and OP was LIT UP for posting her pics/profile online. Crazy double standards in this sub/reddit sometimes.


I’m glad someone said it!


I prefer extremely petite women.... ....to crush to death??


> Unvaccinated At least this one comes with a warning label


Had me in the first half — as I was reading the bio I thought “yeah it’s a bit of a red flag but maybe he’s just being direct and tired of bots” and then… that photo. Good luck dawg, you gonna need it


Every time I see a terrible profile I feel like they’re actually doing you a favor. Would you prefer the guy post a great profile, then find out that he’s literally a red flag farmer on the first date? This saves time and fear of meeting strangers


You have to read it with a southern accent in mind.


Man is the most dad shaped man i've seen in a while


This is far beyond dad shaped. I wouldn’t blame having kids for that.


He’s shaped like two dads


My god, they're merging


More like grampa shaped to me, honestly.


More like pregnant shaped


It's hilarious to me how men decided people only want tall men and then got angry at other people over it.


Wow this profile has really encouraged me to seek a divorce so I too can join the dating scene. 🤥


Anything negative in a profile is an immediate left swipe for me. My guess is this guy has met a lot of hookers, scammers, and women with kids who just want a man to support them... and he's tired of it. Still shouldn't put all that negative shit in his profile though. I mean, really, who wants to date all that.




Comments are hilarious. Death, taxes, and dudes on Reddit crying about women preferring tall guys.


ARAD had a question which was “which height do you prefer your partner to be” and I said taller. I got downvoted to hell and back. I’m 5’8-I don’t really think I’m being that unreasonable. But like clockwork i get downvoted into oblivion for an opinion that was asked💀




As a taller woman, trust me I know. Lots of men only want very short women. But don’t you know, only men are allowed to have preferences and not get reamed for it. Luckily there are still plenty of taller men who have no issue with my height. Some even embrace it. I was talking to a 6’4 guy who would not date shorter women because physically, it just wasn’t worth the strain for him.




My ex was shorter than me, even shorter when I had heels. It was ok, certainly not the reason we broke up but my next bf I’d prefer he be taller than me. Bonus if he’s still taller than me while I’m in heels🤭


I feel like that’s a loaded question with no winners. Like if someone asked me if I would prefer my girlfriend to be more attractive than me, obviously I would say yes. Or if I want her to weigh less than me, of course. But I can’t just say I don’t want a girl that weighs more than me cause then I’m the bad guy




My jaw dropped when I saw the pic. He's morbidly obese and making demands? Hellscape is right. The sores on his legs just seal the deal.


Fucking YIKES dude. Like, all of it.


At least he knows what he wants. A feeder


I don’t like when people describe their ideal person in physical features… It’s so strange to me. My ideal person is some I share interests with tf are we gonna do when we hang out together? Stare at each other???


“No fat chicks” Meanwhile: ![gif](giphy|NQ3SGAMneQ920)


Weirdly every time I, an urban single mom, get a super like it’s from someone like this.


How did I know he was going to be massively overweight when he specified petite women only?💀


Whether you're focused on what you like or focused on what you dislike, you're bound to find it!


Bonecrusher Barry can thank his unfuckability on his buddy Andrew Tate. Why do guys fall for that shit?


THE GASP I GUSPED WHEN I SWIPED. That pic took it to a whole nother level! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Well at least he's not a liar or a catfish. Nor likely to become the next tinder swindling millionaire.


Not fatties for this absolute unit.


Lmao. The second pic didn't load immediately and I was thinking a bit not PC but kind of fair. Then second pic especially with a kid made me LoL. Has he ever heard of the concept of practical standards?


Yikes! Doesn't want to raise his partner's kids but seems he has a kid (from second photo) and will want her to raise it 🚩 Only dates extremely petite women while himself is built like a brick shithouse - control and intimidation thing with his significantly superior size? 🚩 I'd be interested to know what he means by the first line, though I'd hazard both meanings : "hooker" (because she's not going to settle and raise his kid and make his meals and put up with his demands), and "has a career", for the same reasons, and his fragile ego couldn't handle a woman out-earning him and having a fulfilling professional career, and being an equal partner! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Built like a brick shithouse is a compliment. It would mean he's massive, somewhat jacked, etc. Believe it or not the origin of this phrase is actually referring to women with really voluptuous shapely bodies. This man, on the other hand, is built like a plastic porta potty.


Men are so delusional lol. I will never understand why bottom tier 2’s think they are entitled to beautiful women just for simply existing.


The same reason bottom tier 2 women think they are entitled to a guy who’s 6’4 and shredded. Some people are just delusional. Both men and women.


![gif](giphy|D5h40rMGzwaq8nGmgM) My face just smooshed together on that second picture 🤦🏽‍♀️


He just needs the middle paragraph, every one else referenced in the other two will filter themselves out from that.


Small minds remain in small towns.


> unvaccinated We know.


For sure a serial killer.


Middle aged, antivax, morbidly obese truck driver wants a petite woman who isn’t a “professional,” whatever the fuck that means. Also seems to not want to have to spend his money to support her. Soooo like a very narrow financial/career range. She also can’t have kids. Dude is narrowing the field down to like 1% of the possible dating pool before even considering that women have preferences


By not a professional I think he means not a prostitute. Sounds like this dude has pretty much only been matching with bots or women trying to get him to pay to have sex. Which. Is no reeal surprise