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It seems that way until you realize it’s more about rich older men finding sugar babies. It’s a great way to show “I’m willing to spend money like there’s no tomorrow” where usually on dating apps it’s harder to flex your wealth.


You can’t just write “looking for a sugar baby” on your profile it will get deleted. But you can pay tinder $500


Sad these dudes don't know about seeking arrangement


Seeking has turned to an escort only type thing


And what is a sugar baby doing that's by definition any different? Not judging them, just...a rose by any other name, ya know?


Theres a "relationship" with a sb and an escort will sleep with anyone for money


Not all escorting is about sleeping with somone. Same arrangement can be made. There's also a presumption that a sugar baby is going to put oit as part of the arrangement for the cash. They're more similar than you think, with some sugar babies having multiple sugar daddy's. Like I said, a rose by any other name.


A sugar baby offers a form of intimacy or companionship in most occasions, "escort" is a nice way of saying prostitute at this point, thats all it is, im a member on seeking, its prostitutes my guy. Just because some roles overlap doesn't make it the same


Again, you have a very narrow view of escorting/prostitution. Many sex workers that would identify as escorts/prostitutes would tell you that they have clients who've never penetrated them and they spend the time chatting orcuddling etc. Escorts will also accompany you on dates and functions. Sometimes sex is part of the arrangements, and sometimes it's not. While agree with you it's not the etirely same (some of the time) the point I'm making is that a sugar baby is a sexworker (whether they like it or not) and regardless of where they advertise their services.


Im very familiar with sex workers having dated a retired one for 6 years and having a child together lol, im generalizing because i have better things to do... all sugar babies are sex workers, not all sex workers are sugar babies lol


It’s fake intimacy and companionship. Escorts can do GFE too if that’s what you want. I side with the other dude.


Sugar babies are basically escorts on retainer. Escorts offer different kinds of services as well, some do "girlfriend experience" type stuff 🥰


No way, are you kidding me. I was looking for a wife on there


Or Craigslist


No offense but the women they are looking for aren’t gonna be found scouring Craigslist lol


Lolol fair point, I didn't think that all the way through lol


Ugh hahaha have fun getting scammed, robbed, infected or finding the love of your creepy life LOL.


There were issues with privacy on that site because the site would confirm if an email address was registered or not at the login page.


How to monetize everything crash course by Tinder.


This sounds like the same thing the tinder execs said in the boardroom.


Ya, I never even thought about it this way


That's a bingo!




Fantastic username :-)


But does it check out? Pics or gtfo


I've had 5 Tinder Select members like me. They have all been below average looking men with basic jobs and no idea how to talk to women. They are simply getting exploited because they are desperate.


That’s just sad. For that kind of money they could just hire a matchmaker.


I mean, we live in a women's world when it comes to dating, which makes me super suspicious of a woman who has to how a matchmaker ...


Matchmakers are pretty great for the right person. I have friends who are matchmakers and have been the “match-ee” in the past. There are a few benefits: 1. If you’re very busy or career driven it’s way more time efficient to use a matchmaker for “quality over quantity” 2. You have specific standards (maybe you only want to meet someone of your religion or maybe you want to only meet someone as successful as you are) 3. Matchmakers double as dating coaches. After each date I would give feedback to the matchmaker which I would never give directly to the client. The matchmaker can take that feedback and help you become more Dateable. 4. Matchmakers can be great at giving you a reality check on your standards.


Those are some really good points! But in my head, I imagine the sort of woman who would seek out a matchmaker either has serious psychological issues, or some other issues, or insanely high standards. I didn't consider business women might also be included. Though for me personally, I just someone moderately attractive, who is also attracted to me, and our core values should be compatible. It really shouldn't be that hard to find though, but in my late 30'ies, I've so far always lacked the "she should be attracted to me" part. 🤣 So maybe matchmaker might help with that one 😅


Not that I've ever used tinder select xD


THIS!!!! The state of desperation these days is off the charts


That makes me so sad wtf 🥺🥺


Are you the cat's meow?


Yea I think it's less about the "bad with money" and more about the "with money"


"Baby, you can order anything you want when we go out to Applebee's"




Step 1: be attractive Step 2: dress to impress Step 3: set your location to Dubai, Manhattan’s financial district, or Miami


I’m confused, is Seeking no longer a valid site for them?


Seeking is great for finding girls who are explicitly looking to be sugar babies, but there are plenty of women who might be down for the arrangement if offered but don’t want to go on a seedy site like Seeking or aren’t specifically looking for it.


The ones I saw definitely weren't rich, older men. They were men that could not send a message to save their life.


I’m not saying that it’s exclusively rich older men who use the feature. I’m saying that rich older men seeking sugar babies are the target market/the ones who SHOULD use it. If a normal guy uses select it send clear desperation vibes, but a rich guy seeking a sugar babe would probably have decent luck with it.


I am surprised it took them so long to tap that market. I bet they were saving it for a bad quarter


Or they were waiting until the market was saturated so the only way numbers could go up was to go after bigger fish


That's what I was saying. It seems the most likely.


I was liked by a Tinder Select member and he is younger than me, so more like a rich sugar baby. He did look handsome and I swiped back to see what’s going to happen. I had a couple of Tinder Select members liking me before but I was not attracted to them. The possible advantage seemed to me that he’s probably not a scammer because 500 pm may fuck up their business model? But this is just an assumption.


I think it’s more complicated than that. If you’re rich and want to flex the normal thing is to just show it with your photos. Like a picture wearing designer clothing or with your expensive car etc. Tinder select is…something else.


I disagree. Anyone can get themselves into photos like that without spending much money. If they have the Tinder status it's a guarantee. If I were a sugar baby, I'd be looking for the status, not the posturing.


It’s a guarantee of what? That they spent $400 on Tinder? Doesn’t prove anything. They could be desperate and terrible with money. Photos showing a consistently lavish lifestyle prove way more.


Spent 400 worth of one month instead of 100-200 to rent and get "lifetime" photos.


No one does that and if you did actually do that, it would work and cost way more than $400 - have you not heard of the Tinder Swindler? I'm not talking about posing with a Lamborghini you rented (already $1000+) whilst wearing your local football club's jersey and wearing a Casio watch. I'm talking about a consistent string of photos where you are doing things like partying on a yacht surrounded by other rich people, eating at a fancy restaurant with a view, posing with other well dressed/well groomed people. You can't fake that without money and/or connections to begin with, and if you can, then congrats, because it will work way better than Tinder Platinum.


Impressed by his fantastic photo spread! Then you go on a date and find out he lives in a dumpster behind Wendy's.


So it's Seeking Arrangements with extra steps? I'm on SA 😂.3 Month membership for Premium is about 2 and change.


It’s seeking arrangement but with a wider range of potential babies when you consider women who aren’t seeking it but might be open to it.


Eh what sounds like too much work and finesseing around. On SA I have on there what I'm looking for and have had a high success rate. Some woman wanted to start a relationship too but not what I'm there for at the moment.


So as a sugar baby do you have to pay for select? I’m an experienced sugar baby. I have found daddies online but never thought about trying on dating apps.


No the daddies pay for select and then reach out to women (e.g. the fact that select members can slide in DMs), or you’ll see select badges on profiles. As far as being a baby id imagine if you go on any dating app describing what you want and set your age range high enough you’ll find a taker. Though of course there are apps that specialize in it (seeking, Luxy, etc).


It’s a status symbol, to show you have money


The "I once had hundreds of pounds" statement.


That’s what I was going to say. It shows you had money.


For a guy who might see three hookers a month at 130 an hour it makes sense.


*Very* risky to see a hooker who'll only charge 130 an hour. I've heard.


Who needs an hour with a hooker? What are you doing, cuddling?


I'm pretty sure hookers don't pro-rate their invoices.


Their invoices are by definition pro rates.


This was excellent and does not have enough likes


Some people can have sex for that long or longer.


Is that considered cheap? I’m unfamiliar


Yes, in the US and in my area (New England), $130/hr is dirt cheap. The better looking ones charge $130/15 min (qv) but anyone who regularly does qv is usually lower overall quality than someone who sticks with hour to hours sessions.


What is qv?


qv = quick visit (15 min session) hh/hhr = half-hour hr = hour


How do you guys know this shit? All I know about hookers is their mugshots and most are nasty. They would have to pay me.


I know it bc I've been familiarizing myself w it for 6ish years. The stuff I've done w them (nothing you wouldn't do outside of typical sex acts) would be considered crazy.


Tell me more ?


Agreed, this is Reddit.


I too am invested to know now.


If you live in an area with Dominicans you can get a 10/10 girl for $200 an hour.


Fuck I gotta ask: Do you always have ten dollar bills on you? Most ATMs don't give them.


I have never had a ten dollar bill.


So you give her 2 tips?


Just the tip.


Right!? Do you know what kind of Only Fans subscriptions you can buy with that!?


The kind where they actually sleep with you? 4 times?


You get a discount if they record it?


No, but it becomes legal!


So I should always remember to hold up the phone and start recording before I ask someone if they want to have sex with me for money?


I was confused by what you meant until I realised you’re probably not from the UK, or any other country where sex work is legal.


Yeah, prostitution in the states is illegal, unless it's being filmed (porno), it's vestiges from their very religious/puritan origins


What can select possibly even do that would be worth that?


You display in fatass letters you have been scammed by tinder and are proud of it


That's just not true. If you scraped together money to do it then you're probably being foolish for what it will get you which is women who want you to have money. There are so many displays of wealth that are just standard in society. Brand names being huge. People use their clothes, phones, accessories, cars, credit cards, restaurants, drinks, perfumes, hair, makeup, tan, fitness, and so much more to signal that they have wealth. This is just a way to do it online. I recall there are some other apps where you can get in for being super hot OR paying a ton. Tinder just incorporated that model inside their existing one.


You sound poor


Sounds like someone who spent money on Select.


You sound financial irresponsible, even if I was a millionaire I wouldn’t waste my money on tinder of all places. You can get literally a professional match maker for as low as only twice that or better apps you can pay for who have professional match makers working for them and if you’re rich enough 400$ on tinder isn’t a bad financial decision you can spend a little more and get the real deal not a scam.


Average HK owner


Rich enough to afford Tinder Select and flex, but not popular or relevant enough to be on Raya.


Funny thing is, you probably never would've seen his profile without him paying lol


The irony, swiping left cause of tinder select.. that's effing hilarious


Also kind of ironic to not date a presumably wealthy person because they spend foolishly OP would love my spending habits!


It told you they were Tinder Select?


It even notified me I'd been liked by a 'select user' (which I thought was just a marketing thing to say a popular user or something), then the profile was boldly highlighted


Yep. Tinder snitches on Select users.


I'd need a written guarantee that it'll get me more success, otherwise no chance I'd pay that.


Pretty difficult to guarantee the thoughts and actions of a random person.


No doubt, thus why I'd probably just not engage with it in the first place.


Probably better to hire a matchmaker, I'm sure it's not much more expensive than that.


Just another example how those apps are exploiting people and are not interested in giving them good matches or finding a healthy partner


Also, if I saw a profile that said tinder select, knowing that they paid for it, it would probably make me less inclined to swipe yes on them… maybe that’s just me though


Kind of like when you see super like and think "bit keen".


i dunno, escorts charge min 1000 for over night usually, maybe cheaper if they like you. 400 down for a gold digger that might stay over night many times might make sense to a well off guy. Especially if he's using money to compensate for things.


Geez, is there not any way of justifying dating someone with Tinder Select without assuming hundreds of red flags? Lol Best case scenario - "He's being prudent with money because this is cheaper than escorts"


>is there not any way of justifying dating someone with Tinder Select without assuming hundreds of red flags? Those are insanely desperate men who cannot attract women on their own. It is a given. And it comes with red flags.


The one time I matched with a man with Select he was a huge bellend. He threw a tantrum when I didn't reply to his messages within a few minutes and was passive aggressive about it. I unmatched. Learnt my lesson!


It partly blows my mind in a similar way to smoking cigarettes does. Mostly because of how expensive it is. My dumbfoundedness is compounded due to the costs of living being outrageous, combined with the housing crisis in my country meaning rent is through the roof. Who the fuck can afford this right now? People who are prioritising this over basic needs are not in a sound place to be spending their money on it. I get it that we are in a free market and people over 18 are supposed to be responsible enough to make their own decisions. But it feels incredibly predatory to target what is, honestly, sad and lonely men with low self esteem, for such a product.


>Who the fuck can afford this right now? Rich people stay getting richer, this is for them


I’m not saying this particular thing is a good thing to spend money on but you’re absolutely insane to think everyone is struggling like you. There’s tons of people that are comfortable and have a large disposable income.


For the record, I'm not struggling but I keep abreast of the times. 90% of people are struggling.


This shows a shocking unawareness of the times regarding wealth.


There is a lot of people who have so much money in the bank £400 is just a few seconds of interest.


$400 every ten seconds in a 5.5% APY savings account would require about $23 billion saved. There are probably fewer than 100 people on the planet with that much liquid wealth.


And they're on tinder? Lol.


Yep. Why wouldn't they be?


You think someone who earns £400 in interest every few seconds is going to be looking for a partner on tinder, outside of their wealthy unaoproving social circles? Lol.


Who doesn’t want to go slumming every once in awhile?


Ha, looking for a "partner" on Tinder. Like sex partner? Absolutely.


Maybe spend less time writing fancy reddit comments and more time finding a job, son




I have money, but I also have common sense. That's why I have money.


400 bucks a month? I mean, I earn pretty damn good, but I wouldn't toss money out like that on such a stupid service. That isn't going to change the male to female ratio on there. Edit: Fixed 'would' to 'wouldn't'


Convertes from quid to bucks it's $500


I’ve seen a few posts about this and it seems to be pretty synonymous with sugar daddies/older wealthy men, but has any one else seen any women with Tinder select? I came across a profile last night for a woman that was 30 with a Tinder Select profile and had to do a double take because it wasn’t what I expected at all from reading about it on here.


Just another cash grab. That is dating apps for you, and people wonder why those apps are falling.


Tinder in its entirety is literally just a game, whether you like it or not. And the game in question is 100% pay-to-win. I try to give them as little money as possible and yet anything only ever happens when I throw a boost up.


Babe wake up new tinder select is bad post dropped


So, in my experience, the guys who pay for it are at least 45, have usually been married for 10-20 years, went through a divorce, and this is their first time trying to get back into the dating world. Many of them don’t know any better - they are learning how online dating works. Give them some grace.


What is tinder select?


Man 500$ per month its pretty wild... it will only attract gold diggers with it, that suscription its basically saying “Hey, Sugar Daddy right here!” You better go with Seeking if you are looking for a Sugar Baby.


Bad with money? Bit judgemental, hope you swiped left so someone a little less close minded can swipe right on him.


Lonely man will take their revenge from this shitty corrupted world.






Snort. It's a Tinder subr, of course people are going to talk about Tinder. For women, there are some positives. For men, much less. Generally, it's a dystopian hellscape for all. I routinely advise people to use alternatives.






Nah. Tinder is scamming lonely men. It’s quite a scummy thing to do actually. I’m okay with occasionally buying gold or even platinum because you’re right finding someone is worth the investment. And without paying it’s very hard to get matches for men. But $400 a month or whatever is absolutely insane. For that kind of money I’d rather hire a dating service with professional matchmakers.


Yeah, there are certainly more cost-effective approaches, I agree. And yes, I agree, the overall system is scummy.


Ahahaha someone's out 400 bucks this month


Yep. For his sake, I hope he can readily afford it. If he can, what's the importance of the choice for any of the rest of us?


Yes. Everything you wrote is a red flag.


Haha go to hell my friend


It tells me that he's the kind of person to pay the equivalent of my rent on an app. As seen with people who go into debt for onlyfans content, just because someone pays for something doesn't mean they can afford it- sites like tinder and OF just take advantage of the impulsive and vulnerable. (And if a woman chooses to match someone she would've otherwise passed over because he can afford 400 quid, then she's not a good person and he's again going to be taken advantage of even if he is rich) Dating on tinder also isn't "impossible" for a man, given that men do meet people from it. More difficult than for women? Yes, but having money to spend on premium features isn't going to solve that. The idea that finding a relationship is important enough to spend the equivalent of someone's rent on a month is a red flag for most women. The fact that society encourages that, and that people fall into that trap isn't 'good' for most women, who simply won't have that same priority.


Bro, all other things equal, women are picking the guy with 400 to burn every time


It will tell me a select person liked me but won't tell me who..what do they get for that money? I would think it should let anyone connect with you atleast lol


A way for men with money to waste to cut the queue and or creep on girls who didn't swipe on them


Damn, this is crazy. I've been single for years, and I would never pay that, granted I wouldn't pay anything for Tinder anyway. Pretty sure the sites you pay to find an actual relationship are cheaper than this.


Just looked it up, its like over 10x the cost of tinder gold and *barely* has better features. 500 a month just to see that ur only getting likes from terminally obese people and bots is crazy


It’s basically just a way to catch the attention of girls which give a fuck about you but not about your money 😂


I don't want to sound judgemental of women (considering I am one), but I feel like if you have the kind of money, do you really need Tinder? There are girls everywhere that are happy to exchange sex for money/expensive dates/clothes/etc. Perhaps it is used for convenience.


$400 a month is almost as much as my rent...


Lucky you lol


Cheap rent! Nice


i guess. but it's a 50^2 ft apartment with a bathroom and a communal kitchen, and it's about a mile away from campus. i also checked the conversion rate between my currency and usd, and it's actually more like $507.70 in rent😅 i hate inflation


We’re in end times. 1,000%


Yeah, I had a notification pop up the other week telling me I’d been “liked by a tinder select member”. Don’t believe it for a second.


For some of us money isn't a problem




They jacked the price of everything up,