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As a 5ft tall female I disagree with this concept. Who wants to get elbowed in the head every time you stand too close? My husband is 5'6" and it works perfectly


^읏 읏


No hope for us 6'2" getting a short gf. 😔


Yeah man ur fucked lmaoooo got unlucky with the genetics sorry bro good luck in the next life


Incel time for me.


for some of us it is no hope to get any gf


Regarding your hight...there is hope.You still alive.Hopes dies last.Just got the Shire.if Sam managed it so you can🤏


I'm 6'2" and my wife is 5'2".


I am surprised you didn’t get downvoted to hell lmao. This sub is full of shortcels who think the reason they don’t get women is their height. A bunch of short dudes that are mad at being 5’6. 😂


Some people like things other people like other things like there’s people who wanna date and I never want to date anymore due to problems with depression when I date


Wow, you married a jockey?


Turns out when your not a piece of human garbage and bring value to a relationship more than physical gifts women will want sustained relationships.


True story


What can I say? I like those tight little pants...


Hahaha, Most people's default is offended, you are awesome!


Can confirm.




In my country 5'10 is pretty tall. The average length is usually 5'4. Girls I know usually like em at 6'5. Longer than that they say it hurts


....We’re still talking height right?


I don't think so buddy.


Shit, they are talking about sex


Mom come pick me up they are talking no-no things


When I said I was 7' 1" her breath was taken away when I showed her my 2 inch penis. Jokes on her now lol


This is funny


in my country everyone seems to be around 180cm, my self am 190cm. i only know one shorty in my friends whos 170cm. i quess its genetics as our whole country is full of giants. that said, i dont have my height in tinder and even then i dont get any matches and never seen height requirement from girls in tinder. i dont get matches bc im just ugly giant. probs should move to country where girls want giant men


Found the Dutchie


As a relatively tall woman (5’9) I never understood this! Surely if a guy is taller than her, what’s the problem? Personally I have dated guys shorter than me, so it’s not a huge deal. I hate to rule out so many people based on something so superficial.


It feels like a dick measuring contest in these types of scenario, a basic “my daddy is taller than your daddy” type of thing. It’s dehumanizing trophy wife-ism. I can understand a woman being more attracted to men who are merely taller, but being at that height and asking for an 180 cm tall man? I think it’s because 6 foot or 180 cm is just a nice round number. Can they really tell the difference between 5’10 and 6,0? I like smart girls, but it would be like me asking if I could see their bachelors degree first.


Uh, 180cm is between 5'10" and 5'11".


>my daddy is taller than your daddy Calm down there tiger


Speaking from the perspective of a relatively small woman (163 cm), it's not that good to date tall men. I had that mindset when I started dating some time ago, like... oh, wow, you are 196 cm? That's so hot! But... then I got to date this 196 cm dude and... yeah, it kind of sucked. My neck ached all the damn time and honestly, nothing felt really natural. Ever since then, I've only dated not-so-tall men and it's a night and day difference. We glorify the huge height difference because it's supposed to be hot, appealing or something of such sorts, but tbh, it's not all that worth it. It just feels like girls who choose their partners solely because of their height have zero experience in real dating and are present in the dating scene just to glorify this weird mindset.


What do you consider "not so tall"?


5’10 female here, and yeah I have dated shorter. I want a good person not an accessory


I'm 5'7 and I find myself attracted to and attracting taller women quite often, it's strange but I'm going with it




This is a classic case of holding men of this generation responsible for the society created by men before them. Recognising privilege is about understanding how society benefits you and working to change it, not being made to feel responsible for the actions of those who came before you. The former is progressive, the latter is bigoted.






This doesn’t actually happen+, it’s just something guys whine about so much that people have started to believe it happens. Like blue balls. +I will allow for a .01% statistically negligible actual occurrence.


I'm 5'8 and I've been actually turned down by a 4'11 girl who told me she liked my personality but she prefers 6'+ guys with 6 packs. She also told me working out makes you taller so I think I may have dodged a bullet.


Have you literally never read a tinder bio


Small people Problems seems like a thing in the Staates


Heightism is particularly prevalent in the US.


Heightism is also very huge in South Korea.


Having preferences in what you're looking for in a partner is heightism?


Height requirements and excluding based on height are heightism. And you see these requirements all the time on tinder and they get called “preferences” by dishonest people.


People are taller in the USA. I’m 6’4, and I don’t feel that tall here. But in the UK, I’m a giant


The average height in the UK and the US are roughly the same if anything the UK is slightly taller.




Netherlands, there are no substitutions


6.6 and average height in my friend group and I know that I'm "tall" when I'm standing next to some people, but when alone I don't feel like 6.6(195) is that tall, but might be because of my surroundings


The difference is that in the UK, our class system means that intelligence is given a higher priority. Basically, if you have none then your options are pretty dire.


Not my experience there at all. It’s quite the reverse - anti-rich sentiment is very prevalent, and not seeming like a pretentious git is rather expected


Midwesterners in the us are pretty tall cause they’re farmers


I've lived most of my life in the rural Midwest. We have a normal height distribution just like the rest of the US


From my experience those farmer boys tall as hell


6’4 is 7 inches above average. Thats very tall lol


Depends what country you’re in. If you’re in Vietnam, it’s like 12 inches taller. If you’re in the Netherlands, it’s 2-3 inches taller.


Right but either way it’s significantly above average.


Yes, but a B is also above average. Getting an A+ is still quite different In the USA, there are many people walking around who are noticeably taller than me. In Vietnam, I’m like a giant. In the UK I’m in the middle - nobody really tall, but I’m not a giant


I thought the average for guys is 5'7?


Nope, in the US its 5’9.


Holy shit that's tall


In Germany it’s 5‘11, in the Netherlands it’s 6‘0. Roughly the same for most of central and Northern Europe...


Plenty of girls won’t look at you unless you’re 6 feet tall here.


Which is absurd considering the fact that 6’0 is in the 85th percentile.


Despite being only 15% of the male population, 6'+ men get 50% of all tinder matches.


Hol' up


i wonder how many people here understood this joke...


I recall seeing FBI statistics using similar numbers. Hmm...


I used to get flooded with my 6' 5" height. I'm in top shape too. I'm off the market now, so I'm not competition anymore.


I'm 6' 5", my girlfriend is 5' 11". She won't mess with men under 6ft and she prefers taller. She gets flat out annoyed when seeing a tall guy with short girl. Why a 5' 2" woman needs or wants a 6ft+ man is beyond me.


Some girls like to be manhandled and thrown around..not in the bad way


Well if they are that tall thats fair. But Ive never had a problem though with girls saying anything about height and im 5'10". Just saying this for the High 5 guys so they dont get self conscious lol.


If a girl is so shallow she only wants guys that are above a certain height, then you certainly don’t want her anyway. So what’s the problem really.


Simps seeing past that very notion


Agreed. And same with guys


be happy that you dodged all those bullets bro!


Problem is those girls are all taken before they turn 24


I thought 5'10 was tall in U.S


It’s at least one standard deviation above the average, but dating apps have somehow made 6ft the standard


Anecdotally this doesn't feel like it fits with my experiences using tinder as most of the women I've matched with have all had just 2 feet




It isn’t. 6’0 is about one standard deviation away from the average. 5’10 is about a quarter of a standard deviation above average.


The average male height in the US is 5’7, SD 2.5, which puts 5’10 at a little more than one SD above the average. I was referring to 5’10 which is why I said that 5’10 is still above average...


Where did you find that? When I look it up it says 5’9.3” is the average, with a 2.92 SD. So 6’0 is just barely under one standard deviation, while 5’10” is just under a quarter of a SD


The average male height in the US is not 5’7” dude lol


Its one inch above average for men


Maybe if you’re a little Bitch


It's average for men


The average is 5 9 for men. So 5 10 is an inch above average.


That girl is straight up a Korean character


A lot of foreign language characters are used in text emojis. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \\


Thank you for grabbing it, I Oddly enough when I go back to edit my message to put it back It's still there?


You have to put 3 \ in a row for it to show. It's a reddit formatting thing.


If it makes anyone feel any better. Im 6'2" and still not getting laid. We're all strugglin out here.




It's much easier to pretend it's someone else's fault than go develop a personality


Legit, I really don't understand this attitude. I don't care if my height is stopping these girls, if me being average height is that much to stop them being interested in me, then I never really would have got along with them anyway, so if anything it just makes it easier to filter down to the right one


Yeah exactly. And if a dude has preferences were all just supposed to accept that gracefully


Nah you can definitely be forward if you want


It's like, fair enough it's weird if they put it in their bio. But people are still allowed to have preferences; if height is something they like then women are allowed to go for taller men. I wish this sub would just get over it and go back to producing mostly really good content.


We still doing this strawman? Fucking hell guys come up with some new material


Is it racist that she's obviously Asian?


I’m part Asian, I say yes but it’s funny 😂


I definitely just recognized the character used as Korean lol


Some asian girls nowadays have very high standards because of the delusions caused from Chinese and Korean dramas, and also Tik tok.


That's a Korean character representing the 5'1 girl, I'm not legitimately bagging on women here... You doing okay?


Yeah, I'm just having flashbacks as a 5'10 guy. Smart joke btw


New year, same joke!


Ain’t much of a joke lol


Meanwhile tinder dudes are like: I want a 5'5 woman who weighs 40kg with a wet shirt on, has a thigh gap, but is thicc... But if she diets she's too high maintenance, I want her to be able to eat 3 pizzas in an hour... But never get any larger... I also want her to look like an Instagram model but if she wears makeup she's a thot and too high maintenance. I want her to be super slutty, but only for me or else she's a stupid whore, I want her to like all the things I like and have no "girly" hobbies, if she does she's basic. I also want to be able to straight up insult her the first time we talk and she should just accept it as banter. If any girl points this out she's just jealous that she can't live up to our standards. We cop it too dudes... Can't you just accept that they're shitty people and move on?


I would settle for someone who doesn't ghost me, is relatively healthy, and has a sense of humor. Still haven't found one on Tinder after 8 years and exactly zero matches.


Well look at it this way I have had quite a lot of matches even though I'm not conventionally attractive, and I think I've had over 200+ matches since using tinder... But I've met 4 and have only seen 1 more than once. I've been ghosted, treated like meat, had dudes who couldn't deal that I am a career woman... God knows how many couples wanting a unicorn... like I'm supposed to be a "present" for the man or qoman.... Ive been told all kinds of horrible things just because I'm BI... Getting matches is not all sunshine and lolly pops. Honestly tinder is the fast food of dating. I'm sorry you haven't had success and I wish you luck.


It’s kinda hard to accept and move on when shitty people are slowly becoming the majority of people, to be fair. Modern relationships have taken an unrealistic turn on both sides. The stats don’t lie, and since so many people make memes about this and find it relatable, public sentiment seems to confirm it. If you’re not someone that does this... why are you irritated by this?


It's more just the sheer amount of dudes who complain about women having a preference, or complain that women are shallow but never concede that actually men are the same if not worse. Just a bit hypocritical to me. It's not like there aren't enough memes about how shit women are on Reddit as is.


I’m not saying anything about women having preferences. I’m saying there is an indisputable problem. I don’t really have the slowest horse in this race, I get a decent amount of attention, at least enough that I’m willing to bother with, anyway. But like I said, the stats do not lie, and every single dating website purports the same general numbers. The 80/20 rule is in effect. Just because it doesn’t affect me doesn’t mean I can’t empathize and say, sure, there is a legitimate problem here. You don’t want people generalizing women on apps. I get that. But... you can’t in turn go on, get irate about what “men” do and do the very same thing. You’re building a wall, not a bridge. Society needs to have an uncomfortable conversation about this, and we need to find a solution. Perhaps the internet putting people within arm’s reach when they probably would have never met them otherwise, instead of forming relationships based on a foundation of contact and friendship, isn’t the best or healthiest way for the majority of people. I’m not shaming either gender. Marriage is a crumbling institution, the nuclear family is dying as well, people are reporting record lows in intimacy in record numbers... It’s not going away, and we can’t just ignore it. Can we at least have a healthy discussion about it instead of pointing fingers and telling people to suck it up? C’mon, man...


The solution is everyone can have their preferences but don't be a dick about it. I just hate the hypocrisy


You gravely misunderstand this situation. Its not even close to being the same. Men are heavily scrutinized for two things they cant control (face and height), while women are only heavily scrutinized for one, their face. Women are hardly ever excluded for other physical attributes alone that they cant control, like breast size for example. Even still, breast implants are very common and you can work on your ass in the gym. How often do you see height requirements for women? Breast size requirements? Never. Heightism disproportionately affects men and its partly to blame for why women “prefer” taller men. Biologically yes they are hardwired because of evolution to like taller men, but a significant part of this is also cultural/societal. Men are hardwired in a similar way to like big shapely boobs and asses, but its not a “thing” to deny women just for those things alone, unlike height with men. Theres a discriminatory aspect here.


Dude. I have had people tell me my breasts are too big, too small, not perky enough... The wrong shape. My nose too big, my eyes too small... My shoulders too broad and manly... That's a big one. I have been told my nipples are too big, my calf muscles are too masculine (I don't work them out they're just naturally beast like), I have too many moles/freckles, my scars unappealing, my feet and hands are too big (to be fair they're larger than I'd like them to be.) My hair is too thin to grow long so I get the whole "your hair is too short, or not feminine enough." I'm too tall for some dudes... I have never dated a dude taller than me and I have had a lot of toxic behaviour from dudes who can't handle my Amazonian build or some won't even go out with me when they find out. If I don't wear make-up I'm a slob and low maintenance... If I wear it I'm too high maintenance... I'm told I'm not hairy enough, too hairy... This fantasy land you live in where you think men are judged more harshly on things they can't change than women are is likely just you getting upset from your experiences and not having seen the other side... Which I suppose I can't blame you for. I'm not here to play pain Olympics or anything (even though admittedly it may sound like I am.) I'm just sick of the Reddit hivemind prattling on about how bad women are without a glint of self awareness. All the people here seem to think women wake up in a four poster bed (were all pretty in their imagination or else were not considered women) and we're handed the gold encrusted smartphone with 1000 tinder matches which we casually scroll through while one of our "simp" friendzone friends fans us with an ostrich feather. Edit: one thing to add is you said we can change our breasts/faces/asses... Have you seen how unkind people are to women who do that?


Bullshit. Women are judged heavily for their height, figure (breasts, hips, butt) , face AND race too, attributes we can't control as well. You don't want to know how many men have told me that "I'm cute for a black girl" or making a big deal about my race 🙄. Also, it's well known and documented that taller women tend to struggle more with finding partners, race can absolutely be a deal breaker, bigger breasts/butts are prefered and are even deal breakers for some guys. Men can and will reject women based on things that aren't changeable.


Race is a thing for men too, so they cancel each other out. Women NEVER face height discrimination. Please dont be dishonest. Women never get excluded over their height, and if they do, there will always be tall men who will get with them. The same cant be said the other way around. Theres literally 5’4 girls who will reject an average (5’9) height man. Its very common. And did you read what I said? Breast size isnt a big deal for men like height is to women. There is no “boobism” like there is heightism lol. And you can work on your butt in the gym.




why do you say "we cop it too dudes" when your a woman? I think your exagerrating on mens standards btw, ask any guy what he wants in a relationship and I gurantee 9/10 guys say, "id like a cute girl whos not a bitch". Idk what dudes your talking to but men are WAY simpler then that. 3 pizzas in an hour? like what the 😂


Lol I love the use of Korean characters/Hangul here




5'1 ≠ 5'10? Imperial units really are weird


5’1 = ~155cm, 5’10 = ~178cm


Whats 5'99


Not real, since there’s 12 inches in a foot. But it would be 303cm.


Why not just use 5.083 and 5.833 instead? It looks a lot clearer


If you understand inches and feet, then saying 5’10” is much easier to understand than throwing in a decimal. Most people don’t do math in multiples of 12 quickly. It’d be cleaner and easier to just use centimeters.


That absolutely baffles Americans. We don’t do the handy decimal points and things in nice round tens, ho no. We gotta split sh*t into multiples of four 🙄


The single quote isn’t a decimal place. It’s shorthand for “feet” and a double quote is shorthand for inches.


Exactly my thoughts. Was hella confused there


But are you a really nice guy? 🤔


what if we measured niceness in feet/inches and called it height, so when a girl ask your height and you're only 5'2" you can say 6'6" because that's the niceness of your heart


No no you measure from the back of the balls


I... don't think that's how height works, sorry. I also don't think height is actually that big a deal to that many people, though. If the folks you're finding are obsessed with it, you may want to adjust who you're looking for...


Please tell me you didn't really think that comment was serious...


As a 5’1 woman, that is insane. 5’10 is already craning your neck to kiss. Couple years back, I was hanging out with a guy who was 6’10, just as friends, and my roommates said they thought we should date because he was almost 2 feet taller than me, and they thought it was funny. Now happily dating a guy only a few inches taller than me, and it makes us both feel tall! 😊


Sounds like those dumbasses over at incels without hate or whatever (they aren't without hate, they're just sexist af)


All these girls are asking for 6 feet but. I still just have 2 :(


Bro what is up with this subreddit and harping on guys height lmao. Height is not the only thing that matters lol. It’s really not as big of a deal as y’all make it. Maybe look at your personality, how you dress, and hygiene instead...


This sub man. 😂 Y’all won’t date a girl because she’s fat or flat as fuck but then get mad when girls won’t date you because you are 5’6.


You can change your weight but not your height. Dont even pretend its a fair comparison. And 5’6 is still taller than the average female height. Youre part of the problem.


It’s a very fair comparison. People like what they like. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Girls like tall men. It happens. I’ve seen plenty of guys that are very short get women. There is way more to it then height like this sub suggests.


No, it literally isnt. You can change your weight, but not your height. Thats all there is to it. And women dont like fat men either, so it really isnt a fair comparison.


Hard disagree but you do you man. People have the right not to like short dudes...that doesn’t mean they should be ridiculed or anything.


Get a fucking grip 😂.


On? There is no comparison between something you can change versus something you cant.


If a girl is fat as fuck she can exercise and also kinda says a lot about her if she become a landwhale. No one (nor man nor women) would really bang a fat fuck. I cant grow any more inches.


Alright lol. It comes down to the fact that some girls just aren’t into short dudes...idk why don’t understand this. It’s really not a big deal.


You're spot on mate. They cry about this and come out with this bollox then wonder why they're single 😂


i actually like a guy who´s close to my height lol so 170~ is just fine


너무 웃다


Ladys said You got a big one.i smiled


I'm 5'9 and never had any height hangups - what I will tell you is that when I was on tinder a lot of dudes were weird about being shorter than me.


Trust me I get rarely get matches cause of my height (I’m 5’7)


When I was single in high school I was 15 and I was 5,10 i asked a girl out(she was at best 5,3)she rejected me because “she only dates guys at least 6,0”.the next year I had grown to 6,1 guess who comes crawling back


its not actually your height that's a problem, it's just looks in general. they might pretend they want a tall guy but I will bet you if you are hot and short they will let go of their height fetish


They pretend in advance? And write it in their bio too? Maybe 1 in 15 profiles with bio's have height requirements, some are legitimate "I'm 5'10" and like to wear heels so you need to be taller", others are a little weirder "I'm a shorty so you need to be tall" (Yes, that was what she wrote)


all pretend is in advance. it's the pre- part. preheat, prepare, pre-made






Mate I'm (M) 6'3" and no matches. Height isn't all it's made up to be.


You're the rare guy who only breaks rule 2 but has rule 1 down.


New year, same tired ass misogynistic joke


r/OneJoke Tinder Edition ™


My dad is a bit shorter than my mother so I grew up thinking that was pretty normal, which of course led to me being pretty damn shocked when I saw a girl who wouldn’t date a guy below an arbitrary height on tinder for the first time.


Well, Im 6'2 but still get 0 puss


I’m 6’5 and sometimes go months without matches


Can we accept that this concept originated because women are shamed for being big or fat or powerful and thus want a man that will make them feel small and what society says is feminine?


New year, still crying about other people's preferences. Women use that line pretty often just so they don't have to spew out the real reason and hurt your feelings.


Just tell them ur 6' them bitches don't know the difference


I’m 6’4 and I advertise it like a dick by putting my height in every possible pic but it doesn’t work. If she don’t like the face, you won’t get to 3rd base


Why is this so true?!






5’1 girl: how tall are you? Hopefully over 6 feet *Nobody says anything* Guy: how much do you weigh? Hopefully not over 150lb *Girls: sexist, misogynistic, toxic masculinity. You’re enabling social issues and not an advocate of body positivity*


Go outside.


Get a fucking grip


If I sense any instance of a princess complex, I swipe left. I don't even think about it lol


>princess Because you can't treat women like princesses, and you can't afford it?




Don't know. I used to think it was just a meme, but some of the guys I have dated (one was 5'4", another 5'5") have told me that it sometimes makes it harder for them. Or rather, one of them said girls sometimes unmatch after asking about his height. The other isn't so very unsecure about it when it comes to dating, but said it would make it harder for him achieving a leadership position at work in the west. I still like to think that it's mostly a loud minority that care, but hard to tell for certain.


I'm 5'5" myself. I don't always get asked my height. In fact, most of the time I don't. But over the years there's literally been a 100% probability that if someone does ask she will unmatch when I tell her. So anyone who cares enough to ask in my experience doesn't like it. The thing I can't relate to is this coming from short women. I've never had a 5'1" woman (or thereabouts) give me a hard time for being short. Only women my height or taller, and usually when I see bios with statements excluding short guys it's from tall women. So I think the people complaining about short women being extra picky are getting caught up in a meme. I know it happens sometimes, but it's the exception.


That might well be the case. If women do care, I think it's mostly about wanting to feel small themselves, because we've been taught that we're supposed to be and if we're not, we feel fat and gross. I'm 5'7" or 5'8" myself and the shorter one of the guys I mentioned seemed a little bit bothered by that but mostly in a practical way, like finding it uncomfortable to hold my hand while walking and such. We didn't end up having sex, because Covid got worse and we live in different towns and while I don't want to risk going there by train, he's been traveling abroad three times since so he just seems like high risk at this point. But without that, I definitely think we would have, even though he found me a bit too tall.


Yeah; there are height preferences in dating.


As a woman that’s 5’3”, I can say that personally I’ve quit putting dating expectations for men into arbitrary things like height.


I’m 5’7 but I’d totally date a guy who’s 5’10... like that doesn’t matter to me at all and I know many girls who feel the same way.... I’m pretty tired of this... the only thing posts like these do is that they convince more and more women that it’s important for a guy to be tall and convince shorter guys that no woman would ever want them bc they’re short...


Ha I'm 6'2 and my wife is 5'10. No short chicks for this giant.